Anonymous ID: 073b78 July 14, 2024, 3:35 p.m. No.21205331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll take the bait.


In her 1882 book A Sister’s Memoir, Asia Booth Clarke, sister to the assassin of America’s 16th president, wrote that her father Junius Booth attended synagogue and was considered Jewish: “In the synagogue, he was known as a Jew, because he conversed with rabbis…and joined their worship in the Hebraic tongue. He read the Talmud, also, and strictly adhered to…its laws.” Mrs. Clarke wasn’t the only member of the family to make this claim; her older brother Edwin Booth, also reportedly told Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise that their father was Jewish. (See: The Forward, Apr. 3, 2015)


How many Americans are aware that the Jewish Secretary of the Confederate States, Judah P. Benjamin, was a close confidant of both John Surratt — a man accused of plotting Lincoln’s murder in partnership with John Wilkes Booth — and the Rothschild family of Europe? Surratt was Benjamin’s most trusted courier; his mother was implicated in the plot to kill Lincoln and was hanged.


When Booth’s belongings were searched by Union troops on April 15, 1865, a cipher was found at the bottom of a trunk that was identical to the official Confederate ciphers found by U.S. Asst. Secretary of War Charles Dana in the offices of Judah P. Benjamin just one week earlier. At the trial of the conspirators, the cipher was entered into evidence as Exhibit 7. Benjamin fled to England before the trial and lived out his days as an affluent lawyer, suspected by some of having looted the Confederate treasury before he escaped.


Every time a deep investigative dive is done into history’s most world-altering events it seems a unique group of conspirators turn up in disproportionately large numbers. Could this be merely coincidence, or does it signify something much more sinister? In this article I will examine three of the most earth-shaking events of the modern era — namely the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, and the terror attacks of 9/11 — and expose the hidden hand that mainstream investigators dare not name.

Anonymous ID: 073b78 July 14, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.21205344   🗄️.is 🔗kun




In the weeks and months leading up to November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was under the sway of some very interesting people. One of them was George de Morhenschildt, a prominent CIA asset and longtime associate of former president George H.W. Bush, who was a roommate of de Mohrenschildt’s nephew while a student at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts from 1937 – 1942.


Mohrenschildt had a whole host of colorful friends and associates; among them CIA director Allen Dulles, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, D. Harold Byrd, Clint Murchison, Janet Lee Bouvier and her daughter, the future First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. The Bouviers and de Mohrenschildt were so close, in fact, that even after John Kennedy’s assassination, Oswald’s friend was still welcome in the Bouvier home.


George de Mohrenschildt was introduced to Oswald in the summer of 1962 by an oil accountant with ties to the CIA named George Bouhe. He assisted Oswald in his move from Fort Worth, Texas to Dallas in October of the same year and helped him find employment at a photography firm called Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval. In June 1963, de Mohrenschildt introduced Oswald to Ruth Paine, relocated to Haiti, and never saw him again.


In the spring of 1977 George de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a shotgun blast to the head after publicly complaining that “the Jewish mafia” was trying to kill him for writing a memoir about his former friend Lee Harvey Oswald titled I Am A Patsy! I Am a Patsy!


Shortly before his death he mailed a letter to his old pal, now director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush, in which he sought assistance for “the hopeless situation” he found himself mired in:


“You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.“


Bush responded with a letter of his own, claiming his staff had “been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years” and suggested that “The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become “newsworthy” again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.”


The lady to whom de Mohrenschildt relinquished control of Oswald, the aforementioned Ruth Paine, is herself an intriguing figure.


Known to history as a converted Quaker, she would tell the Warren Commission in 1964 that before moving to Dallas she had been a “leader of the Jewish community at Indianapolis” and had worked with a group which “consisted of people over the age of 60, all of them Jewish” who “spoke Yiddish in conducting their business meetings.”


It was Ruth Paine who arranged for Lee Harvey Oswald’s employment at the Texas School Book Depository shortly before November 22, 1963, putting him in an ideal position to take the fall for the assassination just a few short weeks later. Oswald even spent the night of November 21, 1963 at Ruth Paine’s house, John Kennedy’s last on earth.


It’s obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of intelligence operations that George de Mohrenschildt and Ruth Paine were shepherding Oswald into the role of patsy, perhaps at the behest of those de Mohrenschildt would later suspect of trying to kill him.

Anonymous ID: 073b78 July 14, 2024, 3:37 p.m. No.21205348   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Something similar can be said of Sirhan Sirhan, the man accused of murdering JFK’s brother, Robert Kennedy.


The most immediately striking feature of Sirhan Sirhan is his Palestinian background.


It’s well-documented that the Kennedys were engaged in fierce battles with the State of Israel over its illegal Dimona nuclear program, and with Jewish organized crime bosses in America. In one notable instance, the fearless Attorney General Bobby Kennedy had the Jewish gangster Mickey Cohen tried for tax evasion and sent to Alcatraz prison in 1961. Cohen was mob boss Meyer Lansky’s west coast lieutenant and the man who supposedly introduced JFK to Marilyn Monroe. (Monroe’s psychiatrist, a Jew named Ralph Greenschpoon, was the first to arrive on the scene after the actresses’ suspicious death.)


Along with their struggle against Ben-Gurion’s nuclear ambitions and organized crime, the Kennedys were busy curtailing Jewish power by attempting to pass legislation that would require the powerful American Zionist Committee, a forerunner to AIPAC, to register as a foreign agent. For these reasons it has long been suspected by some researchers that Israel played a leading role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If so, the choice of a Palestinian patsy to take the blame for the murder of Robert Kennedy while on the campaign trail in 1968 seems highly suspicious.


Almost everybody today who’s familiar with the facts of the case, including RFK’s son Robert Kennedy Jr, acknowledges that Sirhan Sirhan was under the influence of hypnosis when Bobby Kennedy was killed and couldn’t possibly have fired the fatal shot which came from directly behind Bobby at point-blank range. At no time was Sirhan behind Kennedy. This was confirmed by witnesses at the scene as well as by Los Angeles Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi who conducted the official autopsy.


The 1960s were a time when the CIA’s MK-Ultra program just so happened to be working on creating mind controlled assassins via hypnosis. Most people aren’t aware of how overtly Jewish the MK-Ultra program was. Directed by Hungarian Jew Sidney Gottlieb, almost all of the Agency’s prominent mind-control experts were Jews, including Louis Jolyon West, John Gittinger, Harold Abramson, Harris Isbell, Ray Treichler, James Keehner, Charles Geschickter, Eugene Saenger, Lauretta Bender, Chester Southam, Albert Kligman and Robert Lashbrook.


In his 2018 best-selling book Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations, Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman reveals that Israeli Military Intelligence had been working on a program the month before Robert Kennedy’s assassination to hypnotize and program Palestinian prisoners to kill PLO leader Yasser Arafat.


Citing Bergman’s book and the Israeli plan to mind control a Palestinian patsy, French author Laurent Guyenot (The Unspoken Kennedy Truth), writes:


The idea was proposed by a Navy psychologist named Binyamin Shalit, who claimed that, “if he was given a Palestinian prisoner — one of the thousands in Israeli jails — with the right characteristics, he could brainwash and hypnotize him into becoming a programmed killer. He would then be sent across the Jordan, join the Fatah there, and, when the opportunity arose, do away with Arafat.” The proposal was approved. Shalit selected a 28-year-old Palestinian from Bethlehem, whom he deemed easily suggestionnable (sic). The operation failed, but it proves that, in 1968 precisely, Israel was practicing a method of assassination identical to the one used against Robert Kennedy.


At midnight on June 6, 1968, a seriously bewildered Sirhan Sirhan was allowed to loiter in the kitchen service pantry of the Ambassador Hotel for a half hour with an eight-round revolver in his pocket while Robert Kennedy gave a speech in the adjacent room. (13 shots were later accounted for.) It was an odd place to wait as Bobby Kennedy usually walked through his crowd of supporters after concluding his speeches and there was no plan to lead him through the kitchen. However, on this night, according to a campaign volunteer who was present at the scene, Robert’s Press Secretary Frank Mankiewicz insisted he go through the kitchen where Sirhan lay in wait. Frank Mankiewicz just so happened to begin his career “as civil rights director for the western branch of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith,” as he mentions in his autobiography, according to the late Michael Collins Piper.

Anonymous ID: 073b78 July 14, 2024, 3:39 p.m. No.21205366   🗄️.is 🔗kun




John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while his presidential motorcade rolled down Elm Street in Dallas, Texas in a district known as Dealey Plaza. The murder was blamed on a 24-year-old CIA informant named Lee Harvey Oswald, who, two days later, would be shot and killed on live T.V. by a Jewish gangster named Jacob Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby.


Oswald was alleged to have shot Kennedy from behind while perched in a sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository where he was employed. You will recall that he got the job shortly before November 22, 1963 via a handler named Ruth Paine who befriended the young Oswald after being introduced to him by George de Mohrenschildt, a CIA agent and longtime associate of George H.W. Bush. Although his employment at the Texas School Book Depository put him in position to take the fall, it’s unlikely the shots which pierced Kennedy’s skin came from that building. Serious investigators suggest the Dal-Tex Building, located across from the Texas School Book Depository on the northeast corner of Elm and North Houston streets, is a more plausible location from which a majority of the shots were fired.


The Dal-Tex Building was owned by Morris Jaffe and David Weisblat. In the 1950s Jaffe was a leading member of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), the biggest Israel fundraising body in America, and Weisblat was a big-time financial supporter of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. The building was home to an inordinate number of Jewish businesses, including Morty Freedman’s Marilyn Belt Company and Abraham Zapruder’s Jennifer Juniors. Oddly enough, before establishing Jennifer Juniors, Zapruder worked alongside George de Mohrenschildt’s future wife Jeanne at a company called Nardis Sportswear, owned by a Russian Jew named Bernard “Benny” Gold.


Aside from being part-owner of the Dal-Tex building, Morris Jaffe also controlled two fashion companies, Miller-Cupaioli and Edward-Barry, which took up the entire third floor of the building. This is relevant because Jack Ruby is rumored to have called Morty Freedman in October 1963 and told him he had a “designer friend” who needed to rent a small office on the third floor looking out over Dealey Plaza. Many notable JFK assassination researchers, including Jim Garrison, Lawrence Brown, Josiah Thompson, Richard Sprague and L. Fletcher Prouty, have used audio, video and ballistics studies to prove the Dal-Tex Building had to have been one of the locations from which shots were fired, pointing specifically to the third and fourth floors. Abraham Zapruder, who would ‘document the event’ of John Kennedy’s murder with a remarkably steady hand, had his offices on the fourth floor. Zapruder sold his film to Time Magazine founder Henry Luce for $150,000, the equivalent of $1.5 million today.


Kennedy’s trip to Dallas was sponsored by a group called the Dallas Citizens Council, the head of which was Julius Schepps, “a wholesale liquor distributor, member of every synagogue in town, and de facto leader of the Jewish community,” according to Bryan Edward Stone’s book The Chosen Folks: Jews of the Frontiers of Texas. A notable member of the group was the ubiquitous Abraham Zapruder.


Chairman of the “host committee” inviting Kennedy to Dallas was Sam Bloom, another leading figure of the Dallas Jewish community. Writing in his 2014 book JFK-An American Coup d’état: The Truth Behind the Kennedy Assassination, British intelligence officer Colonel John Hughes-Wilson claims it was Bloom who, after Oswald’s arrest, suggested to police “that they move the alleged assassin from the Dallas police station to the Dallas County Jail in order to give the newsmen a good story and pictures.” This, of course, allowed Jewish gangster Jack Ruby to shoot and kill Oswald during the transfer, thus preventing a trial from ever taking place. According to Col. Hughes-Wilson, “when the police later searched Ruby’s home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom’s name, address and telephone number on it.” While incarcerated for the murder, Ruby informed both his lawyer William Kunstler and his rabbi Hillel Silverman that he had killed Oswald “for the Jews.” (See: The Forward, Nov. 17, 2013). Kunstler would later write in his memoir ‘My Life as a Radical Lawyer’ that the last time he visited Ruby in jail, Oswald’s assassin handed him a note which reiterated his motive for killing Oswald was to “protect American Jews from a pogrom that could occur because of anger over the assassination.”