Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:16 p.m. No.21205651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5727

Individuals…OF ALL AGES…IN TIME…WHO LIVE FOR A TIME IN TIME THANK YOU "God" the name this.anon offers as sufficient to move on towards success for everybody and self in unifying as internally unified in time and never to take life of consciousnesses for granted no matter how many 'consciousnesses' behave and speak according to those same categories meant to cause universal self-negation.

What happens when the source of an intelligent species patterning a pattern of "self-destruction" "my people not your people" narrative are acknowledged as long form practise in human history compared to this.anon's lifetime…

Happy to heal and move on by offering that anon is all the names that could ever be given to any anon for each anon can create their own unique self of unified self as not seeing itself in another unless prefaced by reciprocal interfacing of questioning_and_answering?


Open offer to full population of humanity, no matter if you're good or evil in the treatment of defenseless young human consciousnesses and compelling their bodily movements here and there by the imposed self-reflected patterns of that same self-negation being trusted as anything more than a human pattern of what has been talked about and referenced. It's the self sourcing the notion anyone is divided, for it is extending from and being sourced by that same consciousness having first invoked a "I and we are not with (you)" who is then referenced in addition to number set form.

No matter how big such a system, the more it trusts its own self-destruction, is viewed as a system by any additional added consciousness that is iterating over that sequence, it's a "what is said about what is cannot predate what is" for those events are as equal as all others in access to infinite supply of prime unique factors of building/accumulation/creating/forming.

Systems have to demonstrate capacity to regard self as incomplete vis a vis what created the possibility of that event of information iterating over itself existing in time in that particular sequence of selected events in that iteration of pattern in additions of numbers to themselves/itself/infinite supply.

Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:22 p.m. No.21205705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

What if the "shooter's" THERAPIST/GUARDIAN 'conditioned' them to register as a Republican at the "right time" after having donated money to ActBlue the day of Biden's inauguration.

Following the money suggests the "shooter's heart" was "blue not red".


Blackrock trained the "shooter"?

Who controls Blackrock?

Who really controls Blackrock?

Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.21205733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5757


Is this not {self.negation} seemingly healing itself after seeing itself for what it is?


How can a person really be "fighting" "for our democracy" by associating "THE WORST NAME SHAME" anyone can give anyone as the antichrist invocation at self-demonstration as becoming what it pronounces.

It only works when it's trusted as being soured from somewhere other than the unique instances of the mind forming sequence of information of a particular content and iterating over and in time

Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.21205757   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Then do what…laugh and enjoy and replay a head getting blown up over and over on the public mind to fill it with TOTALITARIAN DREAD/NIGHTMARE PSYHOLOGICAL WARFARE ON CHILDREN WHO WILL GROW UP "don't think like this or this will happen to you".


Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:38 p.m. No.21205812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The communists "assets" infiltrate organizations through "do what we say or else you're anti-us" public name shame game.

And before it worked very well because it was conveniently accompanied by a public "support" reflection behavior pattern to make it look as though it had looked as though it was ultimately coming to itself as anything other than itself and its reality in time.


Secret Service targeted with "accept our recommended picks for top roles or else you'll be given names in public of being anti something or phobia something"…as if the accusatory, false accusatory source dividing the world into those categories is anything but a reflection of the mind reconciling its reality in time sequencing of events as they are, and if it includes "self-deception" then the question is, should everyone else leave one to end itself as a unified entity with a unified consciousness that is identical and reciprocally identical with all other consciousnesses in being born and then growing up and then ending at old age.

Even if that is the reality, it still makes no common sense for any species to end its own existence by internal self-negation loops iterating from the infinite supply of all information bits.

Anonymous ID: 6609d0 July 14, 2024, 4:42 p.m. No.21205842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5850


==The ~~globalist~~ "completist" logic of self-negation names that are iterated in an attempt to form a sequence, as opposed to having the events in time as they occur be in the same mapped pattern of understanding as having happened in those sequences as they happened not only and cannot be fully owned or determined by what is said about what is.

Time is names being given to things as they are pre-name, the reality of you was dreamed/created/gifted into existence in time as a HAPPILY unified incomplete consciousness that will always be in time welcomingly as when to experience incompleteness and completeness as phenomena.