Anonymous ID: 0a1d66 July 14, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.21206581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6594 >>6614 >>6625 >>6626


Your job is to have Faith.. the HOW is God’s work. You can either doubt or have faith. God never doubts. Doubtful thoughts ALWAYS feel bad. Faith filled thoughts ALWAYS feel good. That’s all I have to do.. think the more hopeful n optimistic thoughts so you can feel better and then your distorted thinking (doubt distorts) will become clear and the HOW will be revealed to you then but can’t hear what God is saying on 77.7 FM if you are tuned to 66.6 FM. God’s love feels good. Let God’s love inside by not blocking it via doubt. Just get happy n God will handle the rest. You can’t serve two masters, you must pick one n stick to it. The thoughts u typed feel like shit for a reason. U don’t eat shit. Don’t hold shit in your mind either. It distorts thinking. At first u may be scared to trust the hopeful thoughts but that’s bc mind is still in fear until you shift. It’s a rare human who ackchyually does this. Until then, “Faith” is just lip service. ALL u have todo is think the good thoughts that feel good to you and slowly you will become lucid and wonder how the fuck u ever doubted. It feels terrible.

U can trust God. Fear blocks it. That vulnerability u want to block via fear is the open connection to God. It’s the pipeline to miracles. I’ve done it. It’s real. It’s the only way. The other way is fear. We get two choices. Trump is a juggernaut due to knowing God’s law. Faith or fear.


Trust the good feeling thoughts n let go of control (the how.) Tune your radio to 77.7 fm.


Sry I’m a faggot and I wrote so much text.