BREAKING NEWS: Democrats have chosen two super MAGA republicans for the J13 committee to make it bi-partisan and fair.
This Is not Thomas Crooks, This is a coverup
>Lady pfffff
“That chart that I was going over saved my life,” he told his former White House doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, referring to an immigration statistics chart he pointed to just as shots rang out at his rally in Butler County,…
#NaMo Again 🚩
@MarioNawfal Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones predicted this
12:59 PM • Jul 14, 2024
>That chart that I was going over saved my life,”
Elon Musk about to build Iron Man suit after multiple assassination attempts (but there's already a bullet proof bear suit).
Elon Musk Reveals Multiple Assassination Attempts, Says Time"To Build Flying Metal Suit Of Armor"
Make sure you keep records of those who claims the Trump assassination attempt was #staged
the victims family should sue them like they did to #AlexJones
4:22 AM • Jul 14, 2024
>Anons, please make this clown famous and shine light on the evil.
>Make sure you keep records of those who claims the Trump assassination attempt was #staged
Robby Starbuck
Wow. @reidhoffman’s Democrat strategist sent an email to reporters asking them to push the idea that the Trump shooting was staged.
Reid should be booted off the @Microsoft board over this and Democrats should return his $$$. If not, they approve of this:
11:17 AM · Jul 14, 2024
Jenna Howell, an FBI employee who works in the NICS firearms background check unit, posted her disappointment that Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. Jenna has a Top Secret clearance. This is a typical FBI support employee. And she hates gun owners.
Anyone remember how the election turned out after they tried to assassinate Reagan?
thread with lots of new videos
New video from the Trump rally shows a law enforcement cruiser smashing a fence to allow SWAT to get to the assassin.
The video appears to be filmed from around 40.857485,-79.971456
New video #11
Interdasting that Google would scrub that supposed shooter address.
The New Killary?
SUPRIZED NOT: Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy
Serious Question: Was Trump’s secret service recruited from Uvalde?
Some bad ass white male Marine or Army Ranger was passed over for Melissa McCarthy.
In new “Oceans 14”, George Clooney pulls off $30 million dollar heist by tricking people into giving money to a politician before revealing he’s demented
Milwaukee is on absolute lockdown
Trump's assassin had help. Possible ties to the CIA explored.
Trump's Would-Be Assassin Had Help
What we saw was not the work of a deranged 20 year old, it was an expertly conducted assassination attempt that required significant foreknowledge and planning.
Everything about this stinks and it keeps getting smellier by the minute. So what do we know about the would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks?
He was a 20 year old with zero social media presence. No friends have come forward to talk about him. No statement from the parents has been forthcoming. We know virtually nothing about his background. How many 20 year olds do you know who have zero social media presence and no real life friends who would come forward after an event like this?
Apparently he’s also a technical encryption genius, because the FBI can’t get into his cellphone. So that must mean he had a phone with no face-ID enabled lock screen, no finger print reader, no simplistic passcode and it also must have high level data encryption. So this kid must have been running something like a Blackphone or something similar. How many 20 year olds do you know that are running hardened cellphones?
Crooks was reportedly rejected from his school’s rifle team because he was such a bad shot he was actually dangerous and made off-color jokes that caused the instructor to keep him off the team.
But apparently he was just fine at his job as dietary aide at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, where “he provided food and care for post-hospital elderly and sick people.” His employer said he had a clean background check and “performed his job without concern.”
When he wasn’t helping the elderly or hanging out by himself in his parent’s basement, he apparently also became an improvised explosives expert. Authorities report they found numerous bombs in and around his car, as well as in his home.
We also know that Crooks apparently became an expert tactician, competent marksman and grew out his hair over the course of a year. For example, Crooks knew where to place a ladder to hide it’s position from observers behind a set of trees.
He knew where counter-sniper teams were placed in order to give himself the best approach advantage without being seen by them, even though it exposed him to view of onlookers. Here we can see a large tree obscured his approach from the counter-sniper team on top of the hangar behind Trump, allowing him to get onto the roof and crawl into position without being seen by them until he was in a firing position.
He also knew exactly where the stage would be, and that being at the edge of the manufacturing center’s roof would give him a clear line of site to Trump, around the trees and the bleachers.
I wonder if he also knew that Secret Service resources were diverted from the Trump rally to a Jill Biden event that day, and that there would be no drone or helicopter overwatch that would alert the Secret Service to his presence?
Rally attendees were screaming and pointing at Crooks for several minutes, with some even capturing video of Crooks crawling into position prior to him taking the shots, yet somehow no one got Trump off the stage?
He proceeded into his firing position after being confronted by a police officer who climbed up the ladder behind him, after onlookers alerted local police to his presence, yet somehow no one got Trump off the stage?
We can see the counter-sniper team on the hangar constantly looking in the direction of Crooks for over five minutes prior to him taking the shots, so they must have known about his presence, yet they did not shoot and no one got Trump off the stage?
While in hindsight it might seem obvious that where Crooks took his shots from was the ideal location, try and imagine you are Crooks trying to come up with a plan to assassinate Trump at a completely novel outdoor event. Think about the level of planning and foreknowledge it would take to determine where the best place to shoot from would be. You’d have to know where the stage would be, where the bleachers would be, which building tops gave you an unobstructed line of site while keeping your approach hidden from counter-sniper teams, and how you would get onto the roof without being stopped or spotted before you could get your shots off.
You’d have to scout the location well in advance, know the height of the bleachers, know the height of the stage, where the sniper teams would be, etc.. How long before the event would the stage and bleachers be erected? How much time would you have to plan? Would you be counting on sheer luck that there were no drones or helicopters providing overwatch of the venue or would you have a plan to deal with hiding from those as well?
>Tump's assassin had help. Possible ties to the CIA explored.
It’s not sheer dumb luck that Crooks chose the absolute ideal location to shoot from, or that there were no drones providing over-watch, or that the police apparently lacked a away to communicate with the SS team that was stage-side. This was expert level planning, with foreknowledge on where counter-sniper teams would be, how communications were being handled, what position provided the best cover and obstacle avoidance, along with skilled marksmanship.
While Crooks was rejected from his high school rifle team for EXTREMELY poor marksmanship and making off-color comments, on the day of the assassination attempt we saw a competent shooter place a 150 yard shot that only missed Trump’s skull because of a last millisecond head movement by Trump and a very strong wind. This is not the shooting of someone who couldn’t hit a target 50 feet away, as members of the high school rifle team claim. Consider the adrenaline Crooks had to fight in order to maintain a steady shot after being confronted by a cop and knowing his life would almost certainly be ended the minute he opened fire, yet he still managed to hit his target.
Someone trained Crooks. Someone gave Crooks critical planning information. Someone was in communication with Crooks that he didn’t want anyone to know about.
Crooks is a patsy.
Interestingly, Crooks was featured in a Black Rock advertisement as a PA high school student in 2023. What are the odds of that? Consider that the CIA is deeply in-bed with media production companies. Did a CIA asset spot Crooks during this ad shoot and recognize Crooks might be a valuable patsy given his awkwardness and loner behavior? It would certainly be very interesting to see who was a part of that production team.
>This is screen shot from mp4 lb, clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants, last pic is after being shot, appears to be wearing shorts.
>>This is screen shot from mp4 lb, clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants, last pic is after being shot, appears to be wearing shorts.
BlackRockBehind Trump Assassination Attempt
News Lobster
LEAKED EMAIL: Reid Hoffman's chief political advisor Dmitri Mehlhorn called it a "classic Putin play," openly entertained conspiracy theory that the Trump assassination attempt was somehow staged
News Lobster
Charles Gasparino
BREAKING: @BlackRock has removed any future airing of a company commercial featuring a Bethel Park PA football coach and econ teacher that included scenes of gunman Thomas Crooks in his class. Crooks was a high school student at the time. $BLK statement coming momentarily
1:23 PM • Jul 14, 2024
1:55 PM • Jul 14, 2024
11 Minutes of New Footage from Butler, PA Trump Rally
Karen Pinder, a propagandist that teaches at the University of BC, wishes GEOTUS dead.
NEW: UNSEEN Video footage of Thomas THE PATSY Matthew Crooks
Breaking: President Biden escalates the rhetoric and challenges former President Trump to Trial by BattleBox
End Wokeness
Biden: "We resolve our differences at the battle box. That is how you do it. At the BATTLE box."
5:17 PM • Jul 14, 2024
Susan Crabtree RealClearPolitics White House & Natl. Political Correspondent: A source within the Secret Service community tells RealClearPolitics that the agency rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.
Susan Crabtree
Here’s my reporting on why the Secret Service did not shoot until AFTER the shooter engaged and some context about the House Republicans’ investigation already underway (months before Trump’s assassination attempt) into whether the agency’s DEI policies are affecting its…
5:23 AM • Jul 14, 2024
Donald J. Trump
When you’re “hot” the lowlifes really shoot at you… and they try hitting from every angle! Never let the bastards get you down.
10:51 AM • Nov 27, 2012
Donald Trumps Death - Indians Newspapers highlighting all the right questions.
Retired Army General: 'Somebody Failed to Appreciate the Militarily Significant Aspects of Terrain'
The retired Army general officer who led Kurdish Peshmerga guerilla troops in Iraq and who now serves as a senior staffer for a Florida congressman told RedState, as a military man, the Secret Service must look at what went wrong before the July 13 assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump.
“They've got to do an absolutely serious after-action review, not just for their sake, not just for the sake of any future presidents, but the sake of this country,” said Brig. Gen. Ernest C. Audino, who was commissioned as a second lieutenant upon his graduation from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
“They got to figure out where the failures occurred, and it's got to be an honest after-action or review—no thin skins—and if you fouled up, own up to it because there were failures along the way,” said the general, who is a senior military fellow at the Washington-based Gold Institute for International Strategies.
“My hypothesis is somebody failed to appreciate the militarily significant aspects of terrain,” he said.
Audino said it is his contingent assessment that mistakes made before the rally led to a potential catastrophe affecting the American political system and the world’s geopolitical stability.
Audino: The terrain tells you where threats can make you vulnerable
The general said that the Army has a process for making threat assessments that would have produced for the Secret Service personnel a limited set of locations where a hostile actor could attack the president.
He said the Army calls the battlespace analysis process OAKOC for obstacles, avenues of approach, key terrain, observation and fields of fire, and cover and concealment.
“Without any other information right now, my guess is there were likely failures during the planning and reconnaissance phase,” said the former director of nuclear support for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
“When they received the mission, they should have initiated the reconnaissance out to the area, and someone should have been going through this checklist,” he said.
He said the first item on the checklist is determining the no-go areas on the terrain. These are the places where no one would or could go.
Security personnel next need to figure out the avenues of approach or the go-terrain, he said.
Then, they must determine which pieces of terrain along the avenues of approach that offer advantage to the hostile actor—that’s your key terrain, he said.
Among the sites of key terrain on the Butler Farm Show fairgrounds were the rooftops, Audino added.
“We can say all of those high points in the area like those rooftops, and there weren't many of them, so it's not like they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of rooftops. There were only a few that were relevant to the area of operation,” he noted.
Once you have identified key terrain, such as the rooftops in Butler, the military mindset is to determine how the hostile actor could attack, he said.
Audino: Why weren’t the rooftops secured?
“Where could an enemy achieve observation and fields of fire that's relevant to the mission of this event that's coming up?” he asked.
Throughout the interview, Audino kept returning to the rooftops, and where a hostile actor could be concealed.
"Once you’ve identified the key terrains, avenues to the terrain, and places in the terrain where the hostile actor could observe his targets and conceal himself, the Soldier is left with a finite set of locations to be secured," he said.
He said that then you have to find areas where a hostile actor or threat could find cover and concealment.
“Once you've identified those areas, then you've got to secure them some way,” he continued.
“Why was there no presence on that rooftop or near that rooftop? Why was there no effective fire over watching that rooftop?” he asked.
The general said he understood that security personnel were in position, but they did not stop the attack.
“Was it that they weren't alert, or they had other sectors they were watching?” he asked.
"There are times when the hostile actor has the advantage because he has initiative, but terrain analysis helps you identify his most likely courses of action," he said. “But you never have perfect knowledge.”
One factor in the Butler shooting is that law enforcement has a different culture and different processes, he explained.
“From my perspective, the law enforcement mindset is investigatory,” he said.
“It's a different analysis at some level, first before anything else, the military is looking to destroy the enemy,” he said. “The military is looking across the military aspects of terrain, and they're accounting for what they know, what they don't know and what they think.”
"The military approach is to figure out the possible source of threats and how to neutralize the threats,” he said.
Audino: Risk assessment must consider the cost of failure
"In a military operation, the Soldier conducts his risk assessment along with calculating what risks are acceptable and what risks are not acceptable," the general said.
“We could very well find out that this Secret Service detail wasn't resourced by the Secret Service commensurate with the threat.”
"Certainly," he continued, "the assassination of Trump was an unacceptable risk, which meant all the planning had to consider the cost of failure."
"The threat is significantly higher on this presidential candidate as a former president than virtually any other presidential candidate in history."
“It’s hard to say much risk here is acceptable because the risk of failure is so high,” the general warned.
“I saw somebody just made a comment publicly that we were one inch away from a civil war–I mean, maybe that's a stretch, but maybe it's not.”
Attempted an assassination then they all walked out together as if to brag about it. Fuck Biden.
>Kenya receives first batch of military choppers from US
We Dodged a Bullet: Hillary Clinton Arrives at Kenya State Dinner Wrapped in a Tent
We sure dodged a bullet!
Bill and Hillary Clinton on Thursday evening attended the Kenya State Dinner at the White House.
Hillary looked frumpy in her signature moo-moo style dress.
Bill Clinton pointed to a portrait of Hillary as he arrived and said, “I like the girl behind you there.”
“It’s wonderful to be back,” Hillary Clinton said to a reporter.
Clintons arrives White House state dinner for Kenya
Pres. Clinton points to portrait of First Lady Hillary Clinton: "I like the girl behind you there."
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) May 24, 2024
Barack Obama made a surprise appearance Thursday evening.
@BarackObama is in the house tonight for the State Dinner for Kenya! Three presidents tonight under one roof!
Not bad!
— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) May 24, 2024
Joe Biden’s embattled son Hunter Biden was spotted at the Kenya State Dinner.
Great to see Hunter Biden at tonight's State Dinner at the White House. Despite everything Republicans have put him through, nothing can come between Hunter and his dad. The Biden family stands strong.
— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) May 24, 2024
Get "INSIDE JOB" trending on all socials.
🚨 Watch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles. With countdown from footage of people warning authorities about the shooter to Trump being whisked away.
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11:11 PM • Jul 14, 2024
atch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles.