Anonymous ID: 089762 July 15, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.21212874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is there anyway to analyze the image data to determine if it was manipulated/shopped?


I taught and did martial arts for about 12 years, ranging from kids, seniors, and some of the fastest people you have ever seen, so let me just say this from experience. The reaction that Trump had to me proved that this is was not planned, because he responded first, then felt something, then after another bullet sound he realized he was under attack.


It maybe hard for some to believe but I think this is what happened. This has dragged out so long that the enemy has learned to read our comms and used them against us so that we think this is all part of the movie. A red carpet is easy to deploy, and the timings are easy to understand. But Trump saying Fight, Fight, Fight, is something that he knew he would have to say one day and decided in his infinite wisdom to use it. They know it's closing time and they went for it, thinking the tweet could come after that rally.