Anonymous ID: e326fa July 15, 2024, 4:16 p.m. No.21214302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4374







Yet since SOMEONE told your dumbass that W.E.F was the font of all evil…

You sorta spent the last 4 years ignoring the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the VATICAN!

Yer Adorable!

Bless your little heart!


The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican

Why have you probably heard so much about W.E.F. yet may have never heard anything about the Council for Inclusive Capitalism? The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican? Founded by Lynn De Rothschild?


The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild

The Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism is their second platform.

Think W.E.F. but way worse. Members refer to themselves as "Guardians" and the Pope is their Spiritual Leader.

Q drop #1413 Q named the Image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope"


The council for inclusive capitalism maintains two websites:


OVER 600 COMPANIES: VISA, BANK OF AMERICA, BAYER, DUPONT, FORD FOUNDATION, H&R BLOCK, IBM, J&J, MASTERCARD, MERCK, MOTOROLA, NESTLE, ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, PAYPAL, VERIZON AND EVEN THE OFFICE OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE TREASURER. The Council for Inclusive Capitalism has a YT The Council for Inclusive Capitalism JULY 2023 updated About 2015 Council highlights - Mansion House and Guildhall - London The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican. Dec 11, 2020 by: Inclusive Capitalism Lynn Forester de Rothschild in conversation with Brian Moynihan and Roger Ferguson Jan 28, 2021 by: Inclusive Capitalism President Clinton’s Closing Keynote at 2015 Conference – What’s it all about: actions for the future Jul 22, 2015 by: Inclusive Capitalism His Holiness the Pope’s Statement at the 2015 Conference delivered by Cardinal Nichols Jul 22, 2015 by: Inclusive Capitalism Inclusive Capitalism Conference - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Jun 12, 2014 by: Inclusive Capitalism Pope Francis Joins Bank of America, Salesforce CEOs to Push for Economic Equality Dec 8, 2020

Anonymous ID: e326fa July 15, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.21214335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4338 >>4351 >>4374





Aug 28, 2018 1:16:41 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6da085 No. 2762796

Was 'NAZIsm' ever truly destroyed?

Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?

One finger attached to a hand?

Did ANTIFA organically form?

Flag design coincidence?

Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?

Global power struggle.

There is a price we will not pay.

There is a point beyond which they must not advance.

We, the PEOPLE.



Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?

One finger attached to a hand?


Hitler was a Roman Catholic

A Roman Catholic Jesuit "Journalist" named Bernhard Stempfle wrote parts of Mein Kampf and editted the book.

Berhard Stempfle checks all the boxes as Hitler's Handler.

Hitler praised Ignatious Loyola and the Jesuit Order.

The Vatican signed the Reichkonkordat(Treaty) with the Nazi Party in 1933.

The Reichkonkordat is still in force today.

The Vatican and the CeyeA helped many Nazi's escape. drop #851


If Hitler and Nazism is but a Finger, the Hand is the Roman Catholic Church

Anonymous ID: e326fa July 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m. No.21214338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4351 >>4374



A Marriage made in Heaven


The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany.

It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government.

It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany.

When bishops take office Article 16 states they are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Governor or President of the German Reich established according to the constitution.

The treaty also requires all clergy to abstain from working in and for political parties.

Nazi breaches of the agreement began almost as soon as it had been signed and intensified afterwards leading to protest from the Church including in the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge encyclical of Pope Pius XI.

The Nazis planned to eliminate the Church's influence by restricting its organizations to purely religious activities.[2]


The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI.

It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.

The concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, an Act itself facilitated through the support of the Catholic Centre Party.


The treaty places constraints on the political activity of German clergy of the Catholic Church. Following the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws for example, a policy of nonintervention was followed.

The majority of the German church hierarchy regarded the treaty as a symbol of peace between church and state.[3]

From a Catholic church perspective it has been argued that the Concordat prevented even greater evils being unleashed against the Church.[4]

Though some German bishops were unenthusiastic, and the Allies at the end of World War II felt it inappropriate, Pope Pius XII successfully argued to keep the concordat in force.

It is still in force today.


Concordat Between the Holy See and the German Reich

July 20, 1933

His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and enhance the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich,

wish to regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the State for the whole territory of the German Reich in a permanent manner and on a basis acceptable to both parties.

They have decided to conclude a solemn agreement, which will supplement the Concordats already concluded with certain individual German states, and will ensure for the remaining States fundamentally uniform treatment of their respective problems.


For this purpose:

His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his Plenipotentiary His Eminence the Most Reverend Lord Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, his Secretary of State.


The President of the German Reich has appointed as Plenipotentiary the Vice-Chancellor of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen.

Anonymous ID: e326fa July 15, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.21214417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4485

Are you afraid to follow a harmless little white rabbit or are you a coward?








>>21214381 GODFATHER III its not just a qewl Q signature












>>21214392 and that is how we play NIGHT SHIFT RADIO