>>21215251 (lb)
Other than sharing a love of painting perhaps. I'm not a clone of his personality, nor do I spend all day trying to be Bob Ross, displaying the mentality of a transgender, by trying to look and act like him to make others think I'm Bob Ross. Check'd 5 digit palindrome.
Failfag mimic thinking like a tranny again. Maybe if he looks and acts like SmokingPepe then people will think he's SmokingPepe. Poor l'il guy.
>Smoking pepe and Mr pig are gay together cuz fags
You've spent all day trying to imitate Smoking Pepe, clown. What does that say about you?
Why don't you tell everyone again how Mr. Pig was the shooter that tried to assassinate POTUS Trump on Saturday.
You see, I wouldn't engage the clown, but he bakes as well. Kind of have to.
They called him Willow before they called him Smoking Pepe. And they were wrong on the first.
Barely any MuhGuhGaytriot. Next to no MuhJoo or merchants. Parakeet was quiet this morning. AEI fontfagging/despairfagging/doubtfagging NPC was quiet except for a few posts. But a lot of expenditure of effort, even down to copying the filename, has been spent on one individual today by one of the paid posting outfits assigned here. Must be a coincidence, totally random occurrence. KEK.
Pretty sure it had something to do with the interaction I had with BO earlier in the day about getting Proto at the end of the month. Trying to ruin as much as possible in that time? Who knows? Doesn't really matter anyway because I will always just adapt and find a new meme or method of memeing.
Still smokingโฆ
Not one MuhJoo post all bread, but repetitive SmokingPepe filenames. They want that certain frog to be thought of in the same negative light as merchant memes. Smears and attempts to tarnish, that's all they have. That's really all they can do now. Poor bastards. Defeated their narrative so they've resorted to imitating their critics.
The moar the better. o7
>What is a narcissist?
>Define narcissist.
Hello, VaticanClown. It was you all along behind the imitation of SmokingPepe. Which Absolute Retard is at the keyboard handling your persona(s)?
This you, mimic? Or as Mr. Pig likes to call you, Angry Inch?