I vaguely remember a book I once read, it was a prophetic vision by one Indian/native.
Maybe the vision of a forebear, can't remember.
His name and the name of the book elude me I'm sorry to confess.
What strikes me (and causes me to write this to you anons) is the accuracy of his vision AND the timing/timeline he proposed.
He talked at length about social unrest /upheaval in the west. The proposed time was NOW, spot on.
I'd like to reread this book, so I'd need some help to remember the name of the author and the books title.
If any anon has a clue or a tip, you're welcome.
White something? White eagle? White feather? It's no use, can't remember. It was a rather thick book, a good and inspired read, but it's been way too long ago.
Read this in, 2008 ish.
Help anyone?