Thank you for posting this.
Many amazing connections on the R threads.
Too many connections to ignore. This is real.
Exact phrase Q used is title of JFK video in JFK JR interview. He looked behind to watch.
R proof = truly JFK JR
Many proofs and connections found by now. There will be more.
It is proof that Q is holding JFK and JFK JR in the limelight in his drops. The significance of all the many connections and proofs found in the 3 R threads so far cannot be ignored.
Major major mind blowing exact correlations.
NOT coincidence!
This is proof of the last perplexing line in a Q drop that Q has repeated. Q will not call it fake because it is exactly what he meant, and is now proven. Q will definitely not call me out as fake for proving him legit. I am supportive of Q and interested in finding the meaning in his words. This is an exact match, and mind blowing.
This is proof of the last perplexing line in a Q drop that Q has repeated. Q will not call it fake because it is exactly what he meant, and is now proven. Q will definitely not call me out as fake for proving him legit. I am supportive of Q and interested in finding the meaning in his words. This is an exact match, and mind blowing.
This is 100% exact proof of the last line in Q's July 4th repeat post from the beginning of his odyssey. This sentence has always perplexed me with its strange haunting nature. Now we have the exact proof of what Q is referring to! Amazing.