chat-gpt banned me from talking to it because I was pointing out too many logical fallacies with the so-called holocaust.
I wish that guy wasn't singing during Trump's entrance. His singing was shitty and made it somewhat awkward. His singing didn't ruin the entrance, but it made Trump's walk less cool for sure.
>literal actual nigger whore
You know how the democrats accuse Trump of what THEY'RE doing?
Remember when the democrats were alleging that there's a pee tape of Trump?
Makes me wonder if there's a pee tape of a Democrat out there. I mean, aside from the mountain of blackmail material Israel has on our politicians.
Just for the record, it IS the jews.
But the spam makes me block anything jew-related.
Makes me wonder if the spam is originating from israel itself since it shuts down constructive conversation about the jew.