Anonymous ID: 4b9ec9 July 11, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.2122926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Royal Dutch Shell

Some spicier sauce (take w/ grain of salt) than wiki from

>>2121930 LB




The House of Orange-Nassau are a high level authority over society and operate as a branch of the Vatican’s Roman empire. The House of Orange-Nassau are former Holy Roman and French nobility that currently rule the Netherlands as a constitutional monarchy. King Willem-Alexander is the blood appointed head of state and he authorizes laws and is by his laws defined as inviolable which means he is not subject to any laws. The Dutch ministers serve the king as his proxy and take all responsibility. The Dutch royal family are believed to be extremely wealthy with a large amount of shares in Royal Dutch Shell.


The term Shell is a symbol for Venus and Venice. In Sandro Botticelli’s painting “The Birth of Venus” the orange haired Roman deity is depicted being born out of the ocean from a pearl’s shell. Lucifer is associated with Venus. Venus is depicted in images as an orange planet and the Venetians worshiped Venus.


The Spencer merchant family of London uses the seashell on their coat of arms with Prince William who is a Spencer through his mother and Duke Edward Spencer Churchill as members. Many of the Venetian merchant-bankers reestablished themselves in London and Amsterdam. The House of Orange-Nassau created the Netherlands Trading Society and it became ABN AMRO Bank which has about 480 billion in assets.


The House of Orange-Nassua established the Netherlands Trading Society which later established ABN AMRO Bank and ABN AMRO partly owns Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma who is a member of the Dutch royal family through his mother Princess Irene of the Netherlands worked for the ABN AMRO Bank. The name Orange comes from the Celtic principality of Orange in France. The Dutch Royal family are Protestants. The Loyal Orange Institute is an Irish (Celtic) Masonic order in Ireland and was created in 1798 to honor the Dutch born Protestant King William of Orange. King Willem-Alexander is the real head of the Loyal Orange Order today and he is an Illuminati master mason.


Beatrix of the Netherlands is a Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome and her deceased husband Prince Claus Amsberg was a member of the Nazi Wehrmacht defense force. King Willem-Alexander's father was a Nazi. The Italian Prince Jamie of Bourbon-Parma is the nephew of Beatrix and he is Knight of Malta and also the Dutch ambassador to the Holy See. Prince Jamie is of the House of Bourbon-Parma which established the Jesuits and this bloodline still has a portion of authority over the Jesuit Order which has deeply infiltrated the United States Department of Defense and US intelligence agencies.