Anonymous ID: 1c76b5 July 17, 2024, 2:23 a.m. No.21225780   🗄️.is 🔗kun




p.s.Let's look at what they are afraid of from their perspective. Mogel has a huge fan base much larger then all of [them] combined. And growing. All while The Boss dwells around mogul. They absolutely hate that. Have the whole world cofefe! No matter what flava, they saw God's work on a Saturday in July. He called one home to report personally. He invigorated another. And the last is what happens to them. Pray for all involved on God's side. Let God pray for those who do not believe in Him. They're gonna need it. Nothing Can Stop Who Is Coming

Where We Go One We Go All

Remember your oath.

Say an Our Father.

Say a Hail Mary.

And pass the meme ammo.

Anonymous ID: 1c76b5 July 17, 2024, 3:12 a.m. No.21225864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872


>Change muh mind.

Someone already tried and failed.

Good luck because that's what you believe in. Plus it's not my job. That's what preachers are for. Mine is to @&×÷ £○&× motherfuckers when they don't believe in Him and actively worship something else besides him. It hurts enough everytime God is mentioned that you have to raise your voice to God. Show God on the doll where God hurt you. Perhap he will grant your thoughts and allow your being to become total dust again once you pass on. Don't fuck with me and mine and we're good. Work against what I believe in…"What'd you say God? Kek, I feel sorry fot those bastards too." ….and I'll work right back. So you don't believe in God. Whoopie! Next.