Vance is gray to me, but seems black to the Uniparty. Choosing Vance looks like submission but it will give Trump the cover he needs. If devolution is a thing, the return to normalcy will shed Vance and either bring back Pence or require a new election…unless something else new happens between now and Nov 5. Trump has clearly moved on from trying to get into the details of his own assassination. Perhaps we should too. There is a future narrative battle we're not preparing for by dissecting the kind of event that we know can be spun around for decades and shoved off into the fringes of conspiracy theory. Fighting that battle, while worthy, shouldn't be taking all of our mind power. Plus, the fact that Trump survived should be enough to prove that "we have it all". Those who need to know the details, already knew the details beforehand. Let them deal with that, no? Remember our role.
>that last part shows all the other never Trumpers that it is possible to walk back
I said he was a grey hat to me, but I'm fine with VP. Whatever, but I actually think he'd potentially be better on the Supreme Court in the end.
Regardless, I feel like it's just spinning wheels to "solve" the assassination attempt. That's where the enemy trapped the people digging on Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Reagan and all the other FFs for all these decades. That's their MO. We should be countering their MO and putting them on the back foot.
Israel for last. God bless that young soul. May he find true love in God's embrace. FUUUUGGG!
>At what age do they ritualisticly invite the dybbuk into their bodies?
"Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle."
Maybe (one of) the shooter(s) WAS Chinese.
>That's what I am asking myself. What was their source? Did the info leak out before the lid went down? Of course there is the problem of reporters protecting their sources. And anon respects that. But seriously. Given the gravity. Some sort of explanation is due here. The lack of one screams volumes too. Because common sense dictates one. Mumbles to self in Smith-Mundt.
Well, if Xi did have a stroke or there was some kind of attempt or successful attempt to take him out, then who would have an interest in drumming up a narrative that the US attacked China in response to the attempt on Trump. Who wants the US and China to go to war? Maybe we'll find out in the morning…
At least paint your fingernails so we don't have to look at your face.
>And 𝕏 HQ will move to Austin
Austin is the nastiest city in Texas. Rudest people I've ever met. Wierd, yes, but not in a good way.
>The railing is hit before the audience member flinches from being shot.
No. Plus look at the dust off the railing. Don't be an idiot.
>research the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Putting the Israelis in between the Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, and Mongolians would be pretty epic.
Steal the religious jews from the athiests, satanists, and zionist jews by converting them? They'll have nothing left.
How? Forgive the naive religious Jews. Their worldview is cognitive. It's all about debate and rational legalistic thinking. Without the concept of forgiveness without pretense, they always come to the same conclusions.
Convert the jews and the muslims will follow. Jesus came in on a donkey. Give them a warrior king messiah that they all fall for. Then rug pull the shit out of them to show them their messianic ambitions and following of a false prophet led to unspeakable horror. Show them the irrationality of of their thinking. A guy on a donkey might have been right, but they were too prideful. Forgive the innocent and blind and their eyes will be open to the wisdom of the past.
As for the truly bad criminals? Justice. The innocent and blind who now see will not prevent it. They'll be thankful for being separated from the chaff that they couldn't see.