Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 4:36 a.m. No.21226093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6096

Morning anons…


Needing some help and let's spread this around. Some of you bigger accounts might also take this and run with it…


Q post 673 says:


Find 1 of 4.

“Trump should be shot!”

You are now working against those monitoring.

Raw only.

No edits.

Save offline.



I would say that we need to find these videos and statements…


"The instructor, Kevin Allred, confirmed that he tweeted on Friday: “This is all a sham. I wish someone would just shoot him outright.” He later deleted the message after his friends cautioned him about it."



1 of 4


Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 4:53 a.m. No.21226152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had to force myself to gag thru the fox lineup last night in order to hear the speeches and see the WEAPING and GNASHING of teeth from the neocons and rhinos.


Ted Cruz speech was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY obfuscated by Don Jr's interview by Hannity…you could hear Cruz droning in the background butZERO AIRTIME for Cruz. Was all Don Jr…


Master troll…


After what happened Sat, and we all know it was the industrial mil/tech/dems/rhinos/ds who set this up, then DJT and team should TAKE NO FUCKING PRISONERS…


Anyone who doesn't go along nowGLOWSand is part of the coup…

Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 5:06 a.m. No.21226216   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Is this MUSICAL? "Donald loves music…" from Melania's statement…


"What is a high BPM for music?

Allegro – fast, quickly and bright (109–132 BPM) Vivace – lively and fast (132–140 BPM) Presto – extremely fast (168–177 BPM) Prestissimo – even faster than Presto (178 BPM and over)"

Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 5:10 a.m. No.21226233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there was a vid of him (Crooks) screaming some insane shit in a courtyard that was circulating…did anyone save that vid?


+1 on he fits the MK profile to a tee…

Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 5:17 a.m. No.21226258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6267


>who is to blame and what very obviously happened?


-biden tanking in the polls

-biden about to be replaced

-new cycle chewing up biden and the DOJ

-Chevron ruling devastating to the deep state = IT IS OVER = THEY LOOSE ALL POWER

-ONLY way is to stop 45 at all costs

-groom some kid

-SS shops out security to local LE

-local LE is masonically controlled

-local LE told to stand down until after shooter fired on 45

-SS obviously and spectacularly failed when every my 84 year old mother gets it


Who is to blame?


-aspects of the USMil



-mil industrial complex




And sadly you and I for ALLOWING shit to get this bad…


ala JFK it was a coup attempt…


And since it failed DJT now has HUGE power and will weld it like a boss to reshape the RNC…


Anyone who does not fall in line nowGLOWS

Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.21226276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6283 >>6320 >>6434 >>6677


>no, anon, I am NOT to blame for this.


You support it with your tax dollars and your inaction. We all did anon. And now we are waking up to it. We all allowed this to happen. You elected people who hired people to build the deep state. We allowed our tax dollars to build the mil complex. No one to blame but ourselves, however, with that empowerment we can now FIX IT ALL.


We did it…

We can tear it down…

And rebuild it proper…


Got to face TRUTH anon…

Anonymous ID: 4c5603 July 17, 2024, 5:29 a.m. No.21226303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6324


>Bullshit. A parasite infected a healthy system and now bleeds it dry through blackmail.


Not to beat it to death but…in order for a parasite to infect anything that system must be somewhat undefended. WE = you and I left our system undefended. And by leaving it undefended it got infected with ROT. We didn't create the ROT or promote the ROT, but by our inactions we allowed the opportunity.




And did you BAIT me into the debate anon? Your the own who asked me and now you debate with me about my answer?