Secret Service must be dismantled. Imagine what those "patriots" had to witness through the clinton, bush, obama admin.
I'm in retail. An asian that couldn't speak english gave a very fake $100 bill. Local sheriff or SS couldn't have cared less than they already didn't care. I truly hate these people I hire to do their job and don't do it.
What makes you think that? Is it because that's where Flynn lives or because 9-11 hijackers lived? Or is it because Bush was there on the day of the attack he was so shocked about?
That guy got the short end of the stick when they were handing out humiliation rituals.
Might want to check the looking glass for your answer.
Why would you ask a question like this when the authorities in charge of the most respected empire in the world is taking care of the situation?
That's a garage door opener.