Anonymous ID: 31ff84 July 17, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.21229102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105 >>9108 >>9110

Who keeps track of the money for FTC do call violations and where does the money go???


The fines for DNC violations are as follows:

FTC Fines: Up to $40,000 per call. $40K per call!!!!


FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Fines: Up to $16,000 per violation.

State DNC Fines: $100 up to $25,000 per call. $25K per call!!


LOOPHOLE for political calls, they are ok


If one can be fine for unwanted telephone calls, why cannot this ame principle be in place for TV commercials.


UNWANTED commercials talking to us as we pay for our TV to be on. All the unwanted Pharmacuetical RX commercials over and over anbd over to the point sometimes you cannot sleep as the stupid jingle is stuck in your head I think there is some brainwashing tecniques involved to get you to remember the RX.

Just as much a nuisance as a telemarketer, right.


How about fines for the commercials, an opt in or out for commercials to be played in home, make a way to disable commercials, so when tv goes to commercials, yu just get a blank page saying program will resume shortly, or fines if programmer allows commercials to invade your home unsolicited.

The new SCOTUS regarding FTC should be challenged.


These commercials should not be allowed to come into your home unless you opt in for commercials, there should be a mandoatory setting availbale to turn off all commercials coming in.



Make unsolicited, unwanted commercials opt in or opt out on your tv.

That would be a real consumer protection, same as DNC do not call list violations.


Do Not Call: The History of Do Not Call and How Telemarketing Has Evolved

Home / Consumer Protection / Do Not Call: The History of Do Not Call and How Telemarketing Has Evolved

May 3, 2017 Consumer Protection


rules for thee but not for mee


Exceptions to the do-not-call rule


Placing one's number on the National Do Not Call Registry will stop some, but not all, unsolicited calls. The following are exceptions granted by existing laws and regulations—and these types of organizations can register with and can purchase telephone lists from the Do Not Call Registry[9]


The registry only applies to personal calls, not to business lines or business to business calls.[10]

A person may still receive calls from political organizations.

The organization Citizens for Civil Discourse has lobbied Congress to close this exception by developing a National Political Do Not Call Registry where voters can register their phone numbers and ask politicians to take the "Do Not Contact Pledge". Its database is not backed by the force of law

and as of November 2008, only 3 politicians running for office signed the pledge.

A person may still receive calls from not-for-profit organizations.[11]

A person may still receive calls from those conducting surveys.

A person may still receive calls from a company up to 31 days[12] after submitting an application or inquiry to that company, unless the company is specifically asked not to call.

A person may still receive calls from bill collectors (either primary creditors or collection agencies). These callers are, however, regulated by other laws, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which limits them to calling during "reasonable hours". Some creditors may not call debtors who file for bankruptcy protection.


Some attempts have been made by telemarketers to skirt the do-not-call list rules. An example is the Dove Foundation, which places "survey" calls and then requests permission for a follow-up call. The follow-up call is conducted by a for-profit company attempting to sell products. This operation resulted in a restraining order in Missouri in March 2006.[13]



Anonymous ID: 31ff84 July 17, 2024, 12:25 p.m. No.21229108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who keeps track of the money for FTC DO NOT CALL violations and where does the money go???


>The fines for DNC violations are as follows:


>FTC Fines: Up to $40,000 per call. $40K per call!!!!


>FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Fines: Up to $16,000 per violation.


>State DNC Fines: $100 up to $25,000 per call. $25K per call!!


>LOOPHOLE for political calls, they are ok

Anonymous ID: 31ff84 July 17, 2024, 12:26 p.m. No.21229110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If one can be fine for unwanted telephone calls, why cannot this ame principle be in place for TV commercials.


>UNWANTED commercials talking to us as we pay for our TV to be on. All the unwanted Pharmacuetical RX commercials over and over anbd over to the point sometimes you cannot sleep as the stupid jingle is stuck in your head I think there is some brainwashing tecniques involved to get you to remember the RX.


> Just as much a nuisance as a telemarketer, right.


>How about fines for the commercials, an opt in or out for commercials to be played in home, make a way to disable commercials, so when tv goes to commercials, yu just get a blank page saying program will resume shortly, or fines if programmer allows commercials to invade your home unsolicited.


>The new SCOTUS regarding FTC should be challenged.


>These commercials should not be allowed to come into your home unless you opt in for commercials, there should be a mandoatory setting availbale to turn off all commercials coming in.