I want to know why this guy's nose doesn't match the shooter's.
Maybe the big nose kid was killed to make an identity for this guy.
There is no guarantee that crooks or yearick are even real identities, but yes the picture associated with "Yearick" matches the guy who was shot. The picture associated with "Crooks" does not.
Building was to his right.
Note, this guy has gauged ears. The perp has visible gauged ear scars. You must provide a counter source.
Yearick pic is indeed more real. Perhaps the coverup is about antifa involvement.
Exit wound on lower back of neck pretty much means it has to go through the face area.
Nice straw dog tactic faggot.
Anons they are scrubbing pictures of the body. We need to keep re-posting it so they have more work to do. Even better to meme it.
philtrums are also the same
days ago, yes.