"Dovieโandi se tovya sagain!"
Failfag mimic. Paid clown shill.
He wants to be smoking pepe so bad he imitates him and wears the memes smoking pepe used like a costume. It's not in the memes retard, maybe in your narrow view it is, but it's so much moar than that, clown.
>If they aren't going to use their board personality status for benevolence and positivity then I certainly will.
You mean the positivity you were spreading claiming that Mr. Pig was the shooter. Then you changed to claiming the shooter's phone was full of Mr. Pig memes. You're a disinformation clown copying who you blame for your failure. You'll never be SmokingPepe, you'll always be just wearing a costume. I wouldn't care if you used the meme, but when you copy mannerisms, filenames, design your whole persona around copying someone right in front of you out of spite for having your personas and narratives rejected. You're the true narcissist projecting through the costume you wear of your better. If you weren't such a disingenuous and lying clown. Remember when you claimed your goal was to get SmokingPepe to defend his identity? That's not what I'm doing, I'm shining a light on a paid clown, because I can always find a new meme that you'll covet.
And he's devolved to an NPC imitation of who the clowns hate. So much effort to tarnish and all he's doing is behaving like a tranny.
He'll always be chasing what he can never have or never be. Poor little clown bastard.
Time to relax for a wee bit.