Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.21229087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dramatic Footage Shows Oil Tanker Hit By Kamikaze Boat Drone In Red Sea


Dramatic footage has surfaced on X showing what appears to be an unmanned suicide surface drone smashing into the side of a crude tanker on Monday about 100 nautical miles northwest of Yemen's port city of Hodeidah.


Reuters reports the Liberia-flagged oil tanker Chios Lion was hit on its portside by an unmanned watercraft, adding there is a potential risk of an oil spill.


"While originally headed south, following the attack the vessel turned around and back north out of the threat area to further assess damage and investigate potential oil spillage," the Joint Maritime Information Center wrote in a statement.

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21229096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Japanese prime minister apologizes to forced sterilization victims


Tokyo was recently ordered to pay compensation to potentially thousands of people who underwent the procedures


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has issued an apology to more than 100 people who were sterilized under the country’s decades-long eugenics program. Kishida promised that he would pay compensation to all surviving victims of the policy.


Kishida met with around 130 people, including 19 plaintiffs involved in lawsuits against the government, at his office in Tokyo on Wednesday, according to Japanese media. The meeting took place two weeks after Japan’s Supreme Court ordered the state to compensate victims of the eugenics program, which it ruled unconstitutional.


“The government’s responsibility is extremely large,” Kishida said at the meeting. “I offer my apologies from the bottom of my heart. We will decide as soon as possible on a new framework for compensation.”


Japan passed the Eugenic Protection Law in 1948 as a means of taming the post-war baby boom and preventing “the birth of inferior offspring.” Until the law’s abolition in 1996, around 25,000 people with disabilities were sterilized, including more than 16,000 who were operated on without their consent, according to a parliamentary report.

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:26 p.m. No.21229113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian neo-Nazi mocks Auschwitz victims


A member of the Azov-linked 3rd Assault Brigade posted a meme and clips on social media apparently praising Adolf Hitler’s genocide


Social media users have called out a member of Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade, which includes fighters from the reformed neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, over several posts that appear to mock those who were killed at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.


In a series of posts on Instagram, Nikita Miroschenko, a member of the brigade, shared photos and reels of him paying a visit to the death camp in Poland several weeks ago. One of the reels showed the gates of Auschwitz with the infamous Nazi slogan “Arbeit macht frei” with German march music playing in the background. The post was accompanied by a caption reading: “We commemorated the memory, but there is one nuance.”


A second reel showed Miroschenko’s girlfriend Anastasia Korshykova, a member of the same brigade, standing in front of the death camp. This image was juxtaposed with a meme known as “Disaster Girl,” featuring a girl staring at the camera as a house burns behind her. The clip was accompanied by the song ‘Baby on Fire’ by the South African hip-hop group Die Antwoor.

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21229154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9160 >>9168 >>9216

Bombshell DHS Document Proves Pandemic Lockdowns Planned In 2007


The document amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the U.S., abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and constitutional law.


We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.


There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.


“Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institute over individuals potentially exposed to a disease, but who are not symptomatic. If enacted, Federal quarantine laws will be coordinated between CDC and State and local public health officials, and, if necessary, law enforcement personnel…The government may also enact travel restrictions to limit the movement of people and products between geographic areas in an effort to limit disease transmission and spread. Authorities are currently reviewing possible plans to curtail international travel upon a pandemic’s emergence overseas.


“Limiting public assembly opportunities also helps limit the spread of disease. Concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, shopping malls, and other large public gathering places might close indefinitely during a pandemic—whether because of voluntary closures or government-imposed closures. Similarly, officials may close schools and non-essential businesses during pandemic waves in an effort to significantly slow disease transmission rates. These strategies aim to prevent the close interaction of individuals, the primary conduit of spreading the influenza virus. Even taking steps such as limiting person-to-person interactions within a distance of three feet or avoiding instances of casual close contact, such as shaking hands, will help limit disease spread.”


There we have it: the pandemic plans. They once seemed abstract. In 2020, they became very real. Your rights were deleted. No more freedom even to have house guests. In those days, the rule was to enforce only three feet of distance rather than six feet of distance, neither of which had any basis in science. Indeed, the actual scientific literature even at that time recommended against any physical interventions designed to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. They were known not to work. The entire profession of public health accepted that.


Therefore, for many years before lockdowns wrecked economic functioning, there had been two parallel tracks in operation, one intellectual/academic and one imposed by state/corporate managers. They had nothing to do with each other. This situation persisted for the better part of 15 years. Suddenly in 2020, there was a reckoning, and the state/corporate managers won it. Seemingly out of nowhere, liberty as we have long known it was gone.


Back in 2005, I first came across a Bush administration scheme, an early draft of the above, that would have ended freedom as we know it. It was a scheme for combating the bird flu, which officials back then imagined would involve universal quarantines, business and event closures, travel restrictions, and more.


I wrote: “Even if the flu does come, and taxpayers have coughed up, the government will surely have a ball imposing travel restrictions, shutting down schools and businesses, quarantining cities, and banning public gatherings…It is a serious matter when the government purports to plan to abolish all liberty and nationalize all economic life and put every business under the control of the military, especially in the name of a bug that seems largely restricted to the bird population. Perhaps we should pay more attention. Perhaps such plans for the total state ought to even ruffle our feathers a bit.”



Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.21229160   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ms. Jenny Menna, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO)

Dr. Til Jolly

Mr. Jon MacLaren

Ms. Laverne Madison

Ms. Kathie McCracken

Mr. Bucky Owens

Mr. Dale Brown, Contractor

Mr. John Dragseth, IP attorney, Contractor

Mr. Jeff Green, Contractor

Mr. Tim McCabe, Contractor

Mr. William B. Anderson, ITS America

Mr. Michael Arceneaux, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)

Mr. Chad Callaghan, Marriott Corporation

Mr. Ted Cromwell, American Chemistry Council (ACC)

Ms. Jeanne Dumas, American Trucking Association (ATA)

Ms. Joan Harris, US Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary

Mr. Greg Hull, American Public Transportation Association

Mr. Joe LaRocca, National Retail Federation

Mr. Jack McKlveen, United Parcel Service (UPS)

Ms. Beth Montgomery, Wal-Mart

Dr. J. Patrick O’Neal, Georgia Office of EMS/Trauma/EP

Mr. Roger Platt, The Real Estate Roundtable

Mr. Martin Rojas, American Trucking Association (ATA)

Mr. Timothy Sargent, Senior Chief, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Division, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch, Finance Canada


In other words, big everything: food, energy, retail, computers, water, and you name it. It’s a corporatist dream team.


Consider ConAgra itself. What is that? It is Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Orville Redenbacher’s, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Hunt’s Peter Pan Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, Marie Callender’s, P.F. Chang’s, Ranch Style Beans, Ro*Tel, Wolf Brand Chili, Angie’s, Duke’s, Gardein, Frontera, Bertolli, among many other seemingly independent brands that are all actually one company.


Now, ask yourself: why might all these companies favor a plan for lockdowns? Why might WalMart, for example? It stands to reason. Lockdowns are a massive interference with competitive capitalism. They provide the best possible subsidy to big business while shutting down independent small businesses and putting them at a huge disadvantage once the opening up happens.


In other words, it is an industrial racket, very much akin to interwar-style fascism, a corporatist combination of big business and big government. Throw pharma into the mix and you see exactly what came to pass in 2020, which amounted to the largest transfer of wealth from small and medium-sized business plus the middle class to wealthy industrialists in the history of humanity.


The document is open even about managing information flows: “The public and private sectors should align their communications, exercises, investments, and support activities absolutely with both the plan and priorities during a pandemic influenza event. Continue data gathering, analysis, reporting, and open review.”


There is nothing in any of this that fits with any Western tradition of law and liberty. Nothing. It was never approved by any democratic means. It was never part of any political campaign. It has never been the subject of any serious media examination. No think tank has ever pushed back on such plans in any systematic way.


The last serious attempt to debunk this whole apparatus was from D.H. Henderson in 2006. His two co-authors on that paper eventually came around to going along with lockdowns of 2020. Henderson died in 2016. One of the co-authors of the original article told me that if Dr. Henderson had been around, instead of Dr. Fauci, the lockdowns would never have taken place.


Here we are four years following the deployment of this lockdown machinery, and we are witness to what it destroys. It would be nice to say that the entire apparatus and theory behind it have been fully discredited.



Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.21229190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9195 >>9211 >>9225

PM Starmer Tells Public to Reject ‘Snake Oil’ Populism, Lays Out Leftist Agenda for Britain


Britain’s new prime minister has called on the public to reject the “snake oil charm of populism” as King Charles III outlined the Labour government’s legislative agenda for the coming year, which will include a push to fully ban tobacco, a doubling down on the green agenda, an attempt to “reset” relations with the EU and to advocate for Palestinian statehood.


At the State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday, King Charles III delivered the “gracious speech from the throne” — more commonly known as the King’s Speech — which sets out the government’s legislative programme for the upcoming parliamentary session.


In his introduction to the speech — which is written by the government and merely read by the Monarch, Sir Keir Starmer said per The Telegraph: “The challenges we face require determined, patient work and serious solutions, rather than the temptation of the easy answer.


“The snake oil charm of populism may sound seductive, but it drives us into the dead end of further division and greater disappointment. This King’s Speech sets out a clear destination for our country.”


Unsurprisingly, a key feature of the agenda of Starmer will be to ramp up the globalist green agenda which the UK was already well in the throughs of under the previous “Conservative” government.


King Charles said that the Labour government “recognises the urgency of the global climate challenge and the new job opportunities that can come from leading the development of the technologies of the future”.


Labour claimed that the green energy transition — promising a Net-Zero carbon electricity system by 2030 — “will lower energy bills for consumers over time.” The government also announced it would set up a publicly owned green energy firm, Great British Energy, in Scotland to focus on investing tax money into offshore wind projects and other green initiatives.

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.21229193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Court Rules EU Commission Failed to Provide Public Enough Info on Coronavirus Vaccine Deals


The European Commission did not allow the public enough access to information about COVID-19 vaccine purchase agreements it secured with pharmaceutical companies during the pandemic, the EU general court said Wednesday.


The decision came a day ahead of a vote at the European Parliament at which European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is seeking reelection.


A group of EU lawmakers had taken legal action after the Commission refused to grant them complete access to COVID-19 vaccine contracts secured between the EU’s executive arm and manufacturers.


The pandemic shed light on the issue of transparency surrounding the negotiations for vaccines between the EU and big pharmaceutical groups. The EU Commission was mandated by member countries to organize the joint procurement of vaccines during the pandemic and led negotiations with manufacturers.


According to the court, the procurement of vaccines on behalf of all 27 member states allowed the bloc to quickly gather 2.7 billion euros ($2.95 billion) to place an order for more than a billion doses of vaccines.


In 2021, some members of the European Parliament asked for the full details of the agreements, but the Commission only agreed to provide partial access to certain contracts and documents, which were placed online in redacted versions. It also refused to say how much it paid for the billions of doses it secured, arguing that contracts were protected for confidentiality reasons.

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.21229202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9243

At the direction of Mayorkas, the Secret Service has now gone back on its promise to brief the House Oversight Committee on the attempted assassination of President Trump.


At a time when every single American wants to hear from them, they won’t show up.


What do they have to hide?

Anonymous ID: a8595e July 17, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.21229215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

International Bird Flu Summit discussing “mass fatality management plan” to be held in Washington, D.C. before election


An International Bird Flu Summit has been scheduled for October in Washington, D.C., prompting concerns that another “plandemic” could be in the works.


An official brochure for the event, which will take place from October 2 to 4, says that it will focus on “a highly virulent strain" of the virus that has the ability to infect humans.


The H5N1 strain of bird flu has been getting increasing air time in the media lately, with some sources claiming it could have a death rate of between 25 and 50 percent. The CDC recently confirmed a fourth human case of the virus in the U.S. linked to a multistate outbreak involving dairy cows. However, all of the cases so far have involved people who work on dairy farms with infected cows. The person in the latest case only experienced eye symptoms and made a full recovery.


However, while the CDC believes the current risk to the public is low, the summit seeks to capitalize on fears that this is the start of the next pandemic. The informational brochure notes: “With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation.”


One of the “breakout sessions” planned will focus on the topic of “Mass Fatality Management Planning,” while another session, “Global Influenza Surveillance Networks & Delivery of Vaccine & Antiviral Medication” will discuss “vaccine optimization” and “equitable access,” among other subjects.


Another worrying topic they intend to address is “Surveillance and Data Management.” The organizers note in the description that the session on this subject will “Discuss strategies for enhancing surveillance systems, early warning mechanisms, and rapid response protocols,” which sounds a lot like the digital health passports that were used to keep unvaccinated people out of all manner of stores and venues during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The conference’s website identifies several groups under the category of “who should attend,” including public health officials, epidemiologists, government representatives, policy makers, NGOs, and those in the pharmaceutical industry.


Independent journalist Leo Hohmann believes this convention could be meant to influence people ahead of the election, noting: “The scare mongering is ratcheting up quickly, just as we approach the November presidential election. Whether this next pandemic will be timed for November or sometime in 2025, it’s not a good sign that the elites have scheduled this tabletop exercise.”