Could different countries infiltrate and use the capitalism to take down america(i love my America) because they wanted to prove it doesn't work so they could install a government that they want full control over?
like hawaii is not americas.
america took the land by force in a coupe.
it was wrong.
they island needs to be given back to the people.
you cannot and it is ILLEGAL to take someones land.
So these people come up with a way to infiltrate companies and make their own under a patsy.
So these ppl really don't exist but they use cgi and masks to make it seem as tho they do.
you have the story of africans being slaves(when everyone's race has been slaves)
you have indians/pakies buying up alll the hotels and gas stations.
you have chyna in virus research and tech.
you have muslims threatening "come to jesus" throwing religious in there
you have cuba cults who kill hurt ppl and children to their god.
…there's just so much..
russia who i was always told was the motherland when i hear today UK is the motherland…which is it?
you have the isreal (not in america one) invaded by muslims/pakis with not so nice intentions. (not picking on them but they domminate the east of america.
If there was a good world and a bad world the same coin just reversed why would they do such a thing to confused?
devil* is the confuser..
why does gta have fallen angels mission is truth?
why does gta have blackrock owning the sheriffs?
i give up.