Anonymous ID: 3d94ca July 17, 2024, 5:15 p.m. No.21231025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1097 >>1278 >>1396 >>1474 >>1494

How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program



JUL 17


The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.


Dr. Milton V. Kline, former consultant to the CIA's super secret behavior-modification project Bluebird, is currently campaigning for strict legal constraints on hypnosis said exactly this in a now declassified document:


“He was outspoken in his belief that one of the central goals of these ex- periments-to create a hypnotized, remote-control assassin-was entire- ly possible, though he denies knowl- edge of any "terminal experiments" that would have tested his theories. The fictional Manchurian can- didate, presented in Richard Con- don's thriller and later in a movie starring Frank Sinatra, is, in Kline's mind, still a frighteningly real specter. "It cannot be done by everyone," he argues. "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." Kline claims that given the proper subject and circumstances, by using hypnosis he could produce such a killer in three to six weeks.”




Under hypnosis, Sirhan Sirhan remembers a woman who gave him coffee and lead him to a dark place. He was lying on a table and then the next thing he remembers is being restrained after shooting at RFK. He literally can't remember anything in between. A dark place and a coffee? Was he drugged?


Was he under hypnosis when the event happened? Did you know that Sirhan joined the mystical order of the Rosa Crucians and took to self-hypnotism.


This means he was a perfect person to act as the patsy, someone who was easily programmable.


Kennedy speaks on his father's death and how MK Ultra and the CIA may have played a role.


-Sirhan Sirhan was small in stature. He had super human strength at that moment. The bullet that killed Kennedy was shot from behind yet Sirhan was never behind him. The carbon tattoo showed that the bullet came from mere inches from his head. They can account for every bullet out of the gun fired by Sirhan.


-The police destroyed evidence at the scene. Destroyed photos and would not take the gun to trial.


-Sirhan had vivid memories of staying in a hospital for months yet the hospital only had records of him staying at an hour after he "hit his head."


-The man behind Robert Kennedy, Thane Eugene Cesar, was a self proclaimed CIA agent. He hid to the Philippines after and no one questioned him.


You can read a full breakdown here of a thread I did on this. This is an easy red pill for normies and Democrats when you show them this kind of information.


A week before RFK was killed, he declared that he would remove the clandestine services from the CIA. Not only that, but RFK's first assumption was that the CIA had killed his brother and he posed that very question publicly.


Due to his popularity, RFK was about to be put in a position to become President and therefore actually make reforms to the CIA or even dismantle it just as JFK before him had sought to do.


According to RFK Cesar was a CIA asset. If this was truly the case, and Sirhan was simply an MK Ultra patsy, then now you know why they would have the motive to implement this plan.


RFK and JFK were both existential threats to the military-industrial complex and the above-the-law operations of the CIA.


JFK himself told us that he wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind. Neither he nor his brother wanted to participate in the Vietnam War which turned out to be a CIA playground for psyop operations and countless crimes against humanity.


The CIA has never answered for these crimes and the Biden administration has actually been slow-rolling the release of information pertaining to the case.


Imagine what the world would have looked like had the Kennedy vision of dismantling the CIA taken place. Certainly, there would have been a lot fewer wars and regime changes disguised as "wars on terror."

