It’s burned into everyone’s psyche so easy
Yeah to the informed it does.
Most aren’t (at least here in CA)
So it should be a two-fer…their political corruption and whittling away at ingrained perceptions about vax.
>>21230579 lb
Potato in 92-9000 747 on descent for Dover AFB
If that shit posted about muh “medical emergency” was true it wouldn’t be going to Dover AFB
82-8000 747 already at JBA
SAM151 G5 departed Aspen ,CO back to JBA
>>21228976 pb
SAM313 C40BWH NSOdeparted Albuquerque after arriving earlier today
Exactly cuz what if those puts were sold as in went long…..
There is no way to know right nao
Potato on final at a very rainy Dover AFB
>There's always a buyer & seller by definition.
No shit Sherlock
You can open a position selling short puts to make it a long position
You left this part out
>puts were soldas in went long
>Someone else
Kek I noes
Many days were spent waiting for depth of book to unload but by doing that I also witnessed the Algos, in early days, being tried out in the options markets.
No it wasn’t you have no idea what you are talking about
Right on
The old way wuz much better…still had its moments of fuckery but you were burning relationships you needed if you did.
I left because the head trader wanted a bogus ticket delivered and wouldn’t do it.
Better you than me as I wouldn’t have werked for em.
By then was retail w clients and water tight agreements
Killed it by shorting e’thing starting in 06 but had some nervous days before Bear.