Gonna be great to see the stupid fuckin piece of shit pedo-comped Deepstate DumbCunts get exposed and have their very beings obliterated, decades of rape and random horrific violence.
The stupid, sick, cowardly and ineffective Deepstate ground op operators nationwide are moribund.
Idiotic squid.
Imagine seeing a way to survive this, despite being a stupid fuckin commie Deepstate piece of shit DumbCunt.
Cabal bucks gone, trillions seized, entire industries eliminated, financial obliteration of the Malevolent Fidfucking Commie Cult.
The only thing worse than yesterday is today which isn't even half as bad as Friday.
White hats catch wind of plot, film an alternate ending.
All the black hats got to prison for decades of rape or shot for treason.
6000 years of tradition, wealth and power gone.
Elite Satanists ate poop for the promise of immortality.
Who would want to live forever knowing you ate poop?
Wai, so some shiteating fuckface worships a known Liar to achieve some transhumanist mental masturbatory vision of ascension?
A liar like Satan wouldn't sell out the earthly/subterranean demons to eternal ruination to kiss Gods ass?