Anonymous ID: 91d506 July 17, 2024, 10:35 p.m. No.21233302   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3349


Faith feels good. Fear feels bad. The “HOW” will prayer be answered gets u stuck bc u don’t know how yet bcthatsGod’s work. Your work is to think the thoughts directly opposite of the fear ones that feel terrible. We’ve been programmed to be in fear and so at first, it will feel counter intuitive to relax n get happy, BUT those thoughts come from a sound mind that is not in fear. Then the HOW is either revealed to you and you take inspired action and succeed or the HOW happens without doing anything. If u don’t get out of fear, God can’t move in your life. It is His Law. Faith or bust.

Anonymous ID: 91d506 July 17, 2024, 10:45 p.m. No.21233349   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3363



Also, there is no such thing as death. Death is a luciferian lie. There is consciousness/awareness of being and there is now. There’s No future. There’s No past. All is thought of in the now. U live now. U are eternal. Period. Bro g born is what we do from Heaven when we feel like going to a “movie.”

>Let’s go to a movie.


Plop. You are born inside the “movie” and can watch it from inside the movie called “Physical Life on Earth” as the character in the movie or u can switch and watch it from your soul’s perspective (who is still in heaven with God.) There is no death. Only consciousness and a small trickle is projected into the movie. Your soul is massive n cannot fit in your body. The bigger part of who u are is not inside your body. Consciousness is the remote control and the body is the remote controlled “car”, etc .. Brain is transmitter n receiver. Either way, if u want to stay in the movie, u must match your thoughts with those of your soul with God in Heaven who does not doubt and has no o stacked or hurdles. Your prayer is answered before you even think it, now stop blocking it with doubt/fear and allow yourself to be the witness of God’s work.