Baker, please be more discerning with your pick of notables.
Not every 'Baker Notable' is a viable candidate ffs.
If you're a shill baker, well than, carry on.
Baker, please be more discerning with your pick of notables.
Not every 'Baker Notable' is a viable candidate ffs.
If you're a shill baker, well than, carry on.
No, imo.
Eh, NO.
The consensus is that you are a fucking shill.
Karma's a fucking bitch m8.
The original source of artwork (a fine baker, I might add) graciously gave me the recipe.
If you have an image you'd like me to spin, post it anon!
Is that all you've got lol?
>Where's your proof? You have no consensus. There aren't even any BOOM BOOM. Trust the larp.
Wow. They haven't sent in their best tonight lads.
>Big week
>End is near
Damn right it is. Sorry to say you're on the losing end. Actually, I'm not the least bit sorry.
Tell me, is the 12$/hour worth selling your soul? You know what's going on, and what you are doing, right? Don't you want to be on the right side of history? Or have you been too MK programmed to not know the difference?
Asking for a friend.
Tell me, is the 12$/hour worth selling your soul? You know what's going on, and what you are doing, right? Don't you want to be on the right side of history? Or have you been too MK programmed to not know the difference?