Yeah. That was a really weird thing for him to say.
Any Dem. who votes Blue No Matter Who, is an absolute idiot.
Enough to financially cripple them, hopefully.
Without their money, they will have to lick their wounds and regroup. Their money gives them the Power & Control that they crave.
But don't blame the Jews.
Because muh Holohoax.
See how they starved us. Oh wait, that was us starving Christians. oops.
Pritzker Jewish Crime Family.
It is illegal to lie to Law Enforcement,
but it is not illegal for Law Enforcement to lie to us.
How many assassinations, or attempted assassinations, are actually done by the SS or other "security" individuals and blamed on a patsy?
The good guys with guns who are hired to protect, are actually the bad guys.
Who is this guy?
I don't think they care.
Their arrogance tells them that they are allowed to lie. They justify it in their own minds.
Who gets picked to sit in the VIP section behind Trump at Rallies? Why are they picked?
Some people don't believe in sin.
But they still believe that lying, and stealing, and murdering are wrong.
Saying it's a sin limits the wrongness of it to a religious standpoint.
I wouldn't say it's a sin, I would just say that it is wrong. Just like lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering are wrong.
Why should anyone trust the Secret Service anymoar?
So vetted, hand picked people are the ones who are sitting behind Trump and getting interviewed.
Are they crisis actors as well?
They are really grasping at straws.
Masonic cop does something that he is instructed to do and moves up to the next level of Masonry?
Human Resources only hire DEI, get big bonuses for doing so.
Who is behind this? The Jews, of course.
The Jews want to eliminate Straight White non-Jewish Men. Especially Straight White Christian Men.