Can’t wait
Can’t wait
[C]los[i]ng [A]ct
It’s called trolling, we do a little trolling
Only to a walrus
Someone should get clown team 6 another bag of Cheetos and a can of coca cola
Yea. So many clowns in here it’s a shame. What happened to this place?
Durpy durp look at dominion durp a durp
“What he’s done, what he’s perpetrated … I don’t want anything to do with him.”
Your polls are fake and gay.
A higher loyalty
Scums of the earth
Fucking thieves.
Stop acting like Q you faggot. Stay in the Philippines where you belong.
HANDS UP. Don’t blow your brains out.
Why send him to prison when that rat flees the country
Let’s go Hillary we want that passport flagged
You’re a voyeur, Clown, faggot. You got called out. Cry more.
This looks like the girls shill team 6 fuck
Turn more stop signs upside down