Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 4:49 p.m. No.21238196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8208 >>8214 >>8216

Michael Flynn praying to the Arch Angel Michael never sat right with me, however I can see why he would do it as an operative. The first being another Q proof, the second is to bring more awareness to the Catholic Church and to cast a spotlight on them. Anons are well aware that the Catholic Church isn't innocent but has yet to be fully dismantled in public.

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.21238236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8260


Well, obviously those in Q's circle would know more than any of us, but given what Q has shown us about the Vatican and the Pope, and what I have seen the current Pope do with my own two eyes would favor me when I say that the Catholic Church will be next in line for exposure.

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 5 p.m. No.21238325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8362 >>8503


I mainly view world-events and Q posts through the lens of a Christian, so I may see things differently than you. However, I believe both the Freemasons and the Catholic Church goal's align, in that their goal is to lead people away from Jesus Christ. I also do not believe that the Catholic Church is THE "Church" mentioned in the Bible. I understand full well the body of Christ is the Church, not a standing building or sect of Christianity.

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 5:09 p.m. No.21238397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478


I acknowledge the Freemasons and their hand in destroying Christianity, but do you honestly believe that they are the only hand the devil would use? If you're on this forum, I would in good faith believe that you understand the Q posts and their significance. So I ask you, why would Q post the photo of the Pope's audience hall, which clearly looks like a snake? Why would the Q posts talk about the Pope? Q made it a point to separate the Freemason posts from the Catholic Church posts. If you're just an upset Catholic, then that's fine, but like I said, my arguments come from Q posts. We are on Qresearch after all.

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 5:17 p.m. No.21238465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding Michael Flynn's prayer to the Arch Angel Michael, embedded video shows the similarities between Flynn's previous speech with that of Elizabeth ClarePROPHET


"Elizabeth Clare Prophet was a magnetic—and polarizing—New Age religious leader based in Montana’s Paradise Valley. At the height of her career, her teachings attracted an estimated fifty thousand adherents, her predictions of a coming nuclear apocalypse garnered national media attention, and her survivalist approach alienated many of her Paradise Valley neighbors. The story of Prophet and the Church Universal and Triumphant illustrates the growing popularity of New Age mysticism in the late twentieth century. It also serves as an interesting (if somewhat sensational) case study for how the Montana landscape can be imbued with spiritual meaning."


"After marrying Prophet, Elizabeth joined her husband as a leader of The Summit Lighthouse, then took control of the group after his death. In 1975 she founded the Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT), which was based on Lighthouse teachings, which combined elements of mysticism, Christianity, Eastern spirituality, self-sufficiency, patriotism, and anticommunism.


In the late 1970s and 1980s, Prophet attracted thousands of followers with her message of personal enlightenment. Church members lovingly referred to her as “Mother,” and they believed that she was a messenger of “the ascended masters” such as Buddha and Jesus. During her time as president of CUT, Prophet exercised almost total control over the church and its property. As the highly visible leader of the church, she also attracted a great deal of controversy, most notably in 1989 and 1990 when she prophesized and prepared for a nuclear apocalypse that did not transpire."



Nov 27, 2022 7:58:52 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830238

Be aware of false PROPHETs.

I am not a PROPHET.

You are not a PROPHET.

We are not PROPHETs.

Focus on the mission.



The plan is meant to bring awareness and cast a light on the corruption, to show the world. I think that's exactly what Flynn is accomplishing.

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 5:29 p.m. No.21238582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The almost 2000 years of Christian History have a lot of bad popes, anon.

My faith and belief system does not align with yours, as I have previously stated. I am only researching what Q has posted, you're letting your emotions cloud your judgement. The truth is hated in this world, yet the Catholic Church is not only popular but wealthy, they worship Mary and call it "veneration". I grew up as a Catholic, attended Catholic school and rarely heard the name of Jesus Christ - rather I was taught to pray Hail Marys and confess my sins to another man.

there were many.


There are a lot of sinners amoung the Christians, do you agree?

All are sinners, only those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are washed clean with his blood - according to the Gospels. Your religion casts a heavy yoke on people, thinking that there are sinners and non-sinners even amongst believers. The fact is that if you believe on Jesus Christ, you are now seen as righteous.


the propaganda war against Catholocism is tasteless and you participate in it as if all Catholics agree with what Jesuits do, or the free-mason marxist infiltrators at the Vatican.

And in good faith you cannot answer my questions regarding WHY Q decided to out the Catholic Church. You're on a Q board but you're also denying the very simple fact that he has exposed the Church, so do you pick and choose which Q posts are relevant?


I never denied that there isn't an infiltration, I merely stated that they share the same end goal.


have a nice day

Anonymous ID: f0ef88 July 18, 2024, 5:34 p.m. No.21238632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hit the nail on the head. I'm a former Catholic and have known other Catholics tell me that God and Jesus Christ are "too busy" handling other issues, therefore Mary and the saints pick up the slack. It's incredible how little they think of Jesus Christ's divinity and how weak and powerless they view God.