WTF 19%???
How long has it been stuck on 19%?
19 hours?
19 days?
Only 19 fucking % holy shit this place is gonna get unplugged so hard.
WTF 19%???
How long has it been stuck on 19%?
19 hours?
19 days?
Only 19 fucking % holy shit this place is gonna get unplugged so hard.
The good news is at 19% they could turn Proto On and there might be double digit posts in an hour.
An easy Proto record to break for sure.
This F&G is persistent kinda like kudzu.
Persistently so.
I'm just glad the all out effortpoast is still alive across the street.
Anon, that's the Ultimate Ironic part of Q-dom.
All the Trusters appear to be niggers.
It appears there was an obvious is obvious reason Q had to tell us to Trust them.
many such cases
Just to save face this country needs for it to be The Movie.
If not Kabuki then the nation sighs a collective wew lads smdh.
>when reached for comment about the latest big habbenings, Michael Baxter said
Fuck those, anons, funny how my shit don't look so outlandish now, huh?
I memberberry back when Twatter MAGA was trying to get his weight loss plan specifics.
Not saying that's the Real Pompeo, just saying he does have a great cover story if not.
kek not gonna datefag like that (2 moar weeks maybe) but will gladly toss your theory into the You're Not Wrong basket
>is a movie
Great casting with that one well played!
>is NOT a movie
WTF, just how fucked have we become???
>Ok, Maxwell Smart.
Should I read it, Great Trumpi?
>Poor it on me boozer
What is missed me by this much?
Yeah, that's even moar new voters that we can't properly defend.
Sorry, no attending any funerals.
There she is again.
Ok, so short version: I stolt it from the OG.
Long version:
Was prolly the OG when you first seen't it then maybe 1 month later I noticed he was hardly around much I'd say it was 50/50 me.
The last few years prolly mostly me except for other thieves or the OG dropping by.
Oh yeah, that's right.
Well, nobody is gonna believe he could dictate a book much less write one so makes sense to max out the pardon thingy instead.
Just like deals were made.