Occam's razor. A mistake was made and he said it was alright and wore it anyway. Bunker gear ain't cheap BTW.
Carcinogens mean that firefighters have to keep them washed if they want to stay healthy.
Missing"A"in Comperatore?
Who'sTHATaimed at?
More chins than a Chinese phone book.
Slopey. I mean spoopy.
Really it's probably just an honest mistake. But anon knows (you) don't want to hear that. So anon wrote above.
We don't even know if that is his actual gear anon. For all we know someone at the convention threw that together. Another possibility is.
Yes, let's see it. And check the spelling on that one. I think the spelling thing is much ado about nothing though. Slidey.
It's no big deal. Either there was limit on the number of letters or an honest mistake was made. My guess it was probably an honest mistake. Complicated name to spell. He was probably a nice guy about it and said it was fine. Knowing it would cost money to fix it. And a lot of these fire departments are on a tight budget. Money better spent protecting firefighters lives and protecting victims lives and their property.
>thought of this
I've got some bad news for you, Sunshine.