Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.2124255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269

>>2124224 (lb)

Reminder that despite the kike shills insisting that Obongo was against Israel (he wasn't), he made sure he started the civil war in Syria and financed ISIS to advance the jewish supremacist Israeli agenda.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2124269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4279


Reminder that jews were responsible for the involvement of the US in the first world war.


Vid related is:

“Zionist Jew converts to Catholicism and exposes Jewish Conspiracy”


Description: In this speech given in Washington D.C. at the Willard Hotel in 1961, Benjamin Freedman who was born a Jew but converted to the Catholic Faith, exposes the Zionist Jew Conspiracy and his involvement in it.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.2124279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4291 >>4389 >>4906


Reminder that jewish subversion and kikery comes from way before the Rothschild and zionism.

Also, remember that this is not about hate, it is about TRUTH.

If some naive person or kike shill tries to accuse you of being hateful for stating the facts and the truth, kindly remind them that truth only sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.


Read this book: "When Victims Rule":



The only thing that matters is fully sourced factual information. No matter what the subversive kike shills say, when newfags go verify the claims about jewish supremacism and subversion and find the truth about it, all the kike's shilling end up working against them, so it's all good.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.2124291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4306


Reminder that Israel has millions of treasonous non-Israeli jewish Mossad collaborators spread world-wide. They are called the Sayanim (plural of the word Sayan, which is also the hebrew word for “collaborator”).


Videos related:

“Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”

“How the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)”

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.2124329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4335


>Trumps talks to AJ on the reg



Why are you posting relevant info about jewish and Israeli subversion in your pic and mixing that with your unsubstantiated claim?

Are you trying to discredit legitimate criticism of Israeli and jewish subversion?


Try harder kike :)



More on this issue.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.2124362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4454 >>4460


Reminder that Jordan Peterson (aka: Juden Peterstein) is a long-con Anti-White, pro-jewish id politics subversive agent connected to Podesta and the UN and that this is all verifiable.


Voxday video on this subject:

“Voxday Darkstream 05.13.2018 Jordan Peterson is a Globalist Shill”

“Voxday Darkstream 05.21.2018 An Apology to Jordan Peterson”


Proof of Jordan Peterson connection to the UN and the push for globalism

“Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, beekeeper, and railway line worker. He’s taught mythology to lawyers, doctors and businessmen, consulted for the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, helped his clinical clients manage depression, OCD, anxiety, and schizophrenia, and lectured extensively internationally..”


4chan bread


More links: (kinda messy) (might not work)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.2124415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4430 >>4444 >>4626


>I like how you put this, anon… Sometimes we, and even I, forget that not ALL Jews are horrible people (just most of them and particularly, Talmudists). You made an important distinction, that we should all be aware of. It's important we don't throw out the baby with the bath-water.

Thanks for reading and for the kind words.

>Not sure if other anons agree, but I believe God provides a good example for us… If someone transgresses against us and repents (METANOIA), then they should be forgiven. However, just as God does not forgive those who do not repent, we would be foolish to forgive those who continue to transgress against us with no intentions to repent. We should show them wrath, just as God would. This is his example, is it not?

I am inclined to agree, yes.


>As Israel CURRENTLY is selling weapons to the "Nazi" (((AZOV Battalion)))

You just tipped your hand to your ignorance, neo-nazis are despised by National Socialists because they are degenerates. So before you talk about National Socialism, try to learn more about it.


>Yeah, I'll bet your Jew hands would be rubbing together in joy if white Americans embraced Nazism and Hitler, giving the world justification to turn on us and discredit our movement.

I am not a National Socialist, and neither I think it is the optimal political ideology to save the West. What I do think is that you are trying to frame National Socialism in a way that does not correspond to its historical truth, perhaps as an attempt to dissuade anons from looking into what it really is about (in my opinion it has a lot of good ideas, others, not so much).


>So… I will try harder. And there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it, kike.

Nice projection kike, the people will learn that Hitler fought the same exact enemies we are fighting right now (doesn't make him perfect or National Socialism a perfect or even adequate political system to save the West in our modern context), and subversives kikes like you are going to get the boot, or get shoot resisting.


Good luck yid :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.2124430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4590 >>4712



Have a video of a man that agrees with me on Hitler being the target of jewish smear and who is also not a National Socialist, but unlike you, actually did his research on the subject because he cares more about truth than smearing Hitler and National Socialism.

Cry more kike :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.2124536   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, he could be a collector (lots of non-National Socialists collect nazi stuff), but in his case, we know him by his fruits. He is a subversive agent working to protect jewish supremacism.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.2124590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For those interested, that man is pastor Ray Hagins, and that 5 min video takes cuts from this 1 hour speech he did called "Ray Hagins: The illegitimacy of a people called JEWS".

Vid related.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.2124700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You tagged my post. I made that post about the US fighting the wrong enemy in WW2 because like George Patton, I agree with it, Americans were lead to die for jewish interests because the jewish supremacists already had a huge amount of influence on their political system at that time, just like today.

I am not shilling for nothing but the truth as best I can, I don't idolize Hitler nor National Socialism, and I think you are mistaken about both, and no, I don't consider him a coward, quite the opposite, I find him a very brave and patriotic man who tried as best he could to oppose the same enemies we are fighting now.

Read his suicide note, it's quite interesting when you dig into the historical facts.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:44 p.m. No.2124723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4778 >>4790 >>4825


Read all of those, AND watch that documentary.

You sound very triggered by the subject, like you are afraid of people looking into it.

You are clearly on the defensive.

And you have a narcissistic tone to your posts.

You do sound like a smart kike, but a kike none the less.

Just saying :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:46 p.m. No.2124735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4801


I don't know enough about Iran or its current admin to have an informed opinion on it.

That being said, I trust Trump and team and I trust they are doing what needs be done there, like I trust they will put Israel in its place, like it needs to be put.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.2124803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4975


> And the fruits of his labor speak for themselves.

You tried to imply in your first post in the last bread that he protected the jewish colonization of Palestine with the Haavara Agreement just because he was a Rothshild himself.

You quoted from the wikipedia article on it and you left out the part where it says that Hitler did it despite the Nazi party not liking it because of the jewish boycott, which was very threatening to German economy.

When I corrected you, you called me a kike trying to get people to embrace nazism to discredit our movement, when I only corrected you on your kikery about you not giving context to the Haavara Agreement and talking about the boycott.

Try harder kike, you're failing at this :)

And if you're not a kike, don't be so much on the defensive and so afraid of people looking into Hitler and Nat Soc, makes you sound like one.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 11, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2124819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825 >>4832 >>4873



Nice projection kike. Don't fear, if it comes down to me, we won't be killing jews just because they are racial jews, you are safe.

But we will be giving the boot to subversives, and you fall on that field, so, you might want to start thinking about packing :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 12, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2124906   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lol, what about you let people make up their own mind?

You don't like it, perhaps tell us why, and perhaps show us what it got wrong?

>when people like (((you))) try to highlight Jewish-crimes in WW2 and avoid the other hundreds of years of their transgressions

Lol, I have been posting about jewish religion and and ancient kikery for days in a row, and do so every day.

Also, mr. "I HAVE READ AND SEEN ALL AND ONLY WHAT I SAY IS APPROVED SHOULD BE SEEN ALTHOUGH I OFFER NO REAL REASON BUT MY OPINION FOR THAT", you might have noticed I posted a link to this book "When Victims Rule" here: >>2124279

Go read it nervous kike, it goes much deeper than WW2 faggot :)

>You are like Charlottesville 4.0…

Care to explain the moronish ad-hominem? Lol, you're an amusing kike :)

>Yeah… That's why I listed several credible books as suggested reading and you suggested a fucking YouTube propaganda-piece… Top-notch scholarship there, buddy!

Why not watch it? What are you afraid of? And don't tell me that "GOY, YOU ARE ANTI-GOY FOR SUGGESTING PEOPLE WATCH THAT". Those books are excellent recommendations (although I have not read ALL of them). Take it easy kike, or don't :)

>ad hominems, ad hominems with the great finally "your people" are going to get the boot

Lol, cry more kike :)



Lol, now just because I tell people to watch a documentary about Hitler you call me a jew posing as a nazi when I tell people to find their own perspective on the subject by reading the books you also recommend along with the documentary and I claim National Socialism is not adequate to save the West in the modern days?

Kek, you kikes are too much, thanks for the keks :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 12, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.2124951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know who that kike is. He likes to have little battles on 4c with people who talk about jewish supremacism and always uses the same attack vector "YOUR A NABBI TRYING TO DISCREDIT WHITE PEOPLE!!! YOU'RE A KIKE!!! I AM SMARTER THAT EVERYONE!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!"

He is very very dumb, and amusing :)

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 12, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.2124968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That post sounds more reasonable.

Try not to sound like a triggered kike when talking about Hitler, WW2, etc.

You are not as articulate as you think you are, work on it.

Anonymous ID: 147085 July 12, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.2124980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't hate jews, just jewish supremacism and subversion.


Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.


Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.


That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."


Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.


Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.