Anonymous ID: 14957b July 12, 2018, midnight No.2124835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Update on the (((Absolute State of Australia)))


In the 1970s ASP and another maritime company operated and provided logistics to around 100 seafaring ships. These ships encompassed industries from trade, scientific research, fishing and mining etc. ASP employed thousands of people back in the 70s.


Today, ASP is still the biggest seafaring Australian owned, but only operates 5 ships full time, 2 scientific research ships and 3 mining ships, and 2 others on occasion. And now only employs approx. 240 people full time. They have not offered seafaring cadetships in years. Why?


Because companies don’t want to pay Australia wages. Because of a bunch of whining faggots not being about to afford something out of their means, Australian seafaring companies have been going out of business.


Foreign seafaring has what’s replaced the Aussie owned companies. Foreign owned companies, paying foreign people foreign wages. Because of the minimum wage, billions of $ have been taken out of the Australian economy, even though they are operating in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone.


Australia has completely sold out.


Moral of the story. Don’t support minimum wages and support nationalism as much as possible. Because one day it will all be gone, and now Australia has fuck all industry left.


Yay globalism and quick cash for governments.