erotesis: Rhetorical question asked in confident expectation of a negative answer
erotesis: Rhetorical question asked in confident expectation of a negative answer
epitrope: Initially pretending to agree with an opposing debater or invite one to do something
anacoenosis: Posing a question to an audience, often with the implication that it shares a common interest with the speaker
synathroesmus: Agglomeration of adjectives to describe something or someone
The term trope derives from the Greek τρόπος (tropos), "turn, direction, way", derived from the verb τρέπειν (trepein), "to turn, to direct, to alter, to change".[3] Tropes and their classification were an important field in classical rhetoric. The study of tropes has been taken up again in modern criticism, especially in deconstruction.[5] Tropological criticism (not to be confused with tropological reading, a type of biblical exegesis) is the historical study of tropes, which aims to "define the dominant tropes of an epoch" and to "find those tropes in literary and non-literary texts", an interdisciplinary investigation of which Michel Foucault was an "important exemplar".[5]
Non sequiturs: a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement
sine dicendo: An inherently superfluous statement, the truth value of which can easily be taken for granted. When held under scrutiny, it becomes readily apparent that the statement has not in fact added any new or useful information to the conversation (e.g. 'It's always in the last place you look.')
sibilance: Repetition of letter 's', it is a form of alliteration
parrhesia: Speaking openly or boldly, in a situation where it is unexpected (e.g. politics)
A specialized use is the medieval amplification of texts from the liturgy, such as in the Kyrie Eleison (Kyrie, / magnae Deus potentia, / liberator hominis, / transgressoris mandati, / eleison). The most important example of such a trope is the Quem quaeritis?, an amplification before the Introit of the Easter Sunday service and the source for liturgical drama.[2][6] This particular practice came to an end with the Tridentine Mass, the unification of the liturgy in 1570 promulgated by Pope Pius V.[5]
paraprosdokian: Unexpected ending or truncation of a clause
hysteron proteron: The inversion of the usual temporal or causal order between two elements
hypozeuxis: Every clause having its own independent subject and predicate
Rhetoricians have closely analyzed the great variety of "twists and turns" used in poetry and literature and have provided an extensive list of precise labels for these poetic devices. Examples include:
chiasmus: Two or more clauses are related to each other through a reversal of structures in order to make a larger point
cataphora: Co-reference of one expression with another expression which follows it, in which the latter defines the first. (example: If you need one, there's a towel in the top drawer.)
Language game: a system of manipulating spoken words to render them incomprehensible to the untrained ear
anacoenosis: Posing a question to an audience, often with the implication that it shares a common interest with the speaker
aporia: Faked or sincere puzzled questioning
aphorism: Briefly phrased, easily memorable statement of a truth or opinion, an adage
i still wonder about bieleks son and that flint
antonomasia: Substitution of a proper name for a phrase or vice versa
{ pedoraptor time traveling cocaine dealing fehgels} = nasim meme @ciascalps
hypophora: Answering one's own rhetorical question at length
encomium: A speech consisting of praise; a eulogy
the moral of the story is
" you are not your brothers keeper"
"don't be a douche"
"or a hoser"
who knew there was soooooo much feltching going on in a trannyshillin pedoraptor economy
prol walrus josh whom brought teh hivites
are those hockey uniforms or spaceballs refrences eh
dubitatio: Expressing doubt over one's ability to hold speeches, or doubt over other ability
is that a dante's inferno reference from willy wonka ?????
clockwork orange tribute eh
so this carnivorous pedoraptor cia fagOTUS scorched earth demon is from an occult that is old @st
someday you might recognize a trinity in the dharma on that post