yeah silly fuckers. giving up his life basically to save us and them and no patriots to defend him over there. sad sacks. guess we'll see.
that's great. but what does this mean in context to life?
and can you use it in a coherent sentence?
this is just. just. why did I not become a photografag?
ben is fucking them all up. you think POTUS just magically brought jobs to the poor? mr. ben did that with backing from POTUS policy. he's kicking ass.
??? go shoot up a buch of people that have nothing whatsoever to do with the polocy you have a problem with. yeah, a fucking hero. fucking skank is the real word. idiots.
we have… autisms
well yeah. that's always been the end game. from the first time he even mentioned it in his campaighn. everybody knows that. NATO is obsolete. maybe needs restructure. his own words. amazing how people are watching this movie and think they are watching the sequel. it's all one movie…
gonna #'splain. the moment Trump let his foot hit the first plate one the escalator… scene 1… ACTION!