Anonymous ID: 2c5536 July 18, 2024, 11:44 p.m. No.21242023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026

Because anon is in that mood…

If (pb) notable is correct and Vance will try to promote tracking and taxing my "carbon footprint", Vance, and those in that camp, are true faggots.

That said, (You) people are the cream of the crop,


A really outstanding group

That is the best of the best.

Keep exposing the frauds and filling the world and breads with your splendor—and frogs!


(pb) >>21238958 Team JD Vance Begin Announcing Policy Proposals, Starting with Elon Inspired Carbon Taxes

“I have call Elon’s CO2 numbers BS. According to his tweet CO2 above 1,000ppm people are noticeably impacted. Above 2,000ppm, it gets really painful…

If you don’t want to take my word for it. [Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide Levels and Submariner Decision Making] – PubMed (” [See below.]

[Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide Levels and Submariner Decision Making]

Methods: Using a subject-blinded balanced design, 36 submarine-qualified sailors were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 3 CO2 exposure conditions (600, 2500, or 15,000 ppm). After a 45-min atmospheric acclimation period, participants completed an 80-min computer-administered SMS test as a measure of decision making.

Results: There were no significant differences for any of the nine SMS measures of decision making between the CO2 exposure conditions.


The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said the Trump administration should consider a carbon tax at a White House meeting he attended Monday morning, a senior official at the White House told Bloomberg.

26 Jan 2017

Elon Musk's decision on Thursday to resign from President Donald Trump's advisory councils after Trump announced the US would pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change was entirely predictable.

Musk must have figured he could work within that framework, with the endgame being advocating a carbon tax, using his plans for Tesla (and SpaceX) as a bargaining chip.


The case for carbon taxes. Many economists have argued that carbon taxes are the most efficient and cost-effective way to curb climate change and address the problem of global warming.

A carbon tax reflecting the social cost of carbon is viewed as an essential policy tool to limit carbon emissions, writes a World Bank economist.


Trump accepts GOP nomination with pledges to kill 'Green New Scam,'

Trump, who didn’t mention either agriculture or climate change, also said he would increase production of oil and natural gas and drive down energy prices. “We will drill, baby, drill,” he said The crowd cheered and promptly started chanting “Drill, baby drill!”


The New York Times: “J.D. Vance Is an Oil Booster and Doubter of Human-Caused Climate Change”


A contender for Federal Reserve chair in a second Trump administration enthusiastically supports a carbon tax. Economist Art Laffer met with former President Donald Trump last week at Mar-a-Lago

His idea for a carbon tax springs from that concept: approve a tax on emissions in return for a flat tax rate on personal income.


World leaders heard a call for a global carbon tax as a solution to climate change during a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland this week


The carbon tax aimed to reduce carbon-dioxide pollution—which heats the air, acidifies the ocean, and causes climate change—by applying a commonsense idea: If you don’t want people to do something, charge them money for it. The tax would have levied a fee—ranging from $5 to, in some estimates, more than $150—on every ton of carbon released into the atmosphere. Such a cost would have percolated through the economy, raising gasoline and jet-fuel prices, closing coal-fired power plants, and encouraging consumers and companies to adopt cleaner forms of energy.