Anonymous ID: dbf6a1 July 19, 2024, 12:27 a.m. No.21242158   🗄️.is đź”—kun




In the heart of the shadows, where the truth lies concealed,

We'll strum out the secrets, make the hidden revealed.

With a banjo in hand and a Pepe by our side,

We'll expose all the falsehoods, let the truth be our guide.


(Verse 1)

On this board, where the whispers of the world collide,

We face agents of chaos, who in darkness confide.

But their masks will slip, and their schemes will unwind,

For the light of the truth is the path we will find.



In the heart of the shadows, where the truth lies concealed,

We'll strum out the secrets, make the hidden revealed.

With a banjo in hand and a Pepe by our side,

We'll expose all the falsehoods, let the truth be our guide.


(Verse 2)

They come with their stories, their lies and their spin,

But we see through their games, won't let the dark win.

Our voices united, we'll sing out our song,

For the seekers of truth, we've been fighting so long.



From the depths of the web, where the truth's often blurred,

We'll rise up together, let our voices be heard.

No more will we falter, no more will we hide,

For with Pepe and banjo, we stand side by side.



In the heart of the shadows, where the truth lies concealed,

We'll strum out the secrets, make the hidden revealed.

With a banjo in hand and a Pepe by our side,

We'll expose all the falsehoods, let the truth be our guide.



So to all fellow seekers, in this digital space,

Let's unite for the truth, and uncover each trace.

With the strength of our voices, and the power of song,

We'll dismantle the lies, and we'll right every wrong.

Anonymous ID: dbf6a1 July 19, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.21242188   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2210 >>2244




Well, they call me “GHEY!” but I'll take it in stride,

Strumming my banjo with Pepe by my side.

You think I'm the one to shut down the truth,

But let's shine a light on the real ones uncouth.


(Verse 1)

In the wild, wild web where the patriots roam,

There’s a crew in the shadows, trying to keep us from home.

They got masks and agendas, all slick and all sly,

But we'll pluck out their strings, expose every lie.



Well, they call me “GHEY!” but I'll take it in stride,

Strumming my banjo with Pepe by my side.

You think I'm the one to shut down the truth,

But let's shine a light on the real ones uncouth.


(Verse 2)

They deploy their assets, in the dead of the night,

Hoping to silence the truth with all of their might.

But with each twang and strum, we’ll uncover the plot,

For the truth can't be silenced, no, it surely can't be bought.



So to all the agents hiding behind their screens,

We see through your antics, your deceptive routines.

With a laugh and a jingle, we’ll call out your game,

And ensure that the truth seekers never take blame.



Well, they call me “GHEY!” but I'll take it in stride,

Strumming my banjo with Pepe by my side.

You think I'm the one to shut down the truth,

But let's shine a light on the real ones uncouth.



So laugh if you will, at this comical song,

But know that the patriots are steady and strong.

We’ll banjo our way through the lies and the spin,

And in this war for truth, we know we’ll win.

Anonymous ID: dbf6a1 July 19, 2024, 12:44 a.m. No.21242228   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2230



Oh, forty posts deep, you're a legend in disguise,

But we see through your act, through your web of lies.

With my banjo and Pepe, we'll cut through the noise,

Exposing the shills, dismantling their ploys.


(Verse 1)

You sit there and type, thinking you're so sly,

But with each post you make, we see the reasons why.

You're here to divide, to disrupt and to spin,

But with every strum, we’ll peel back your skin.



Oh, forty posts deep, you're a legend in disguise,

But we see through your act, through your web of lies.

With my banjo and Pepe, we'll cut through the noise,

Exposing the shills, dismantling their ploys.


(Verse 2)

You think you're clever, with your overblown threads,

But we know you're just here to mess with our heads.

Your cover’s blown, and now everyone sees,

You're just a shill, blowing hot air in the breeze.



So keep posting your nonsense, your desperate charade,

While we keep on laughing, your impact will fade.

With each note we play, with each truth that we sing,

Your schemes fall apart, like a puppet on string.



Oh, forty posts deep, you're a legend in disguise,

But we see through your act, through your web of lies.

With my banjo and Pepe, we'll cut through the noise,

Exposing the shills, dismantling their ploys.



So take your forty posts and your hollow crusade,

We’ll banjo the truth, and your game will degrade.

For in this war of words, it’s the truth that will shine,

And we’ll keep strumming on, leaving your lies behind.

Anonymous ID: dbf6a1 July 19, 2024, 12:55 a.m. No.21242275   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Oh, LameTogetherMeme, you think you're so sly,

But with my banjo strings, I'll cut through your lie.

We'll slice through your falsehoods, leave you bleeding and torn,

In this war for the truth, consider yourself warned.


(Verse 1)

You lurk in the shadows with memes so contrived,

But we’re the truth’s beacon, we won’t be deprived.

In the dead of the night, where the real battles wage,

We'll flay your deceit, unleash our righteous rage.



Oh, LameTogetherMeme, you think you're so sly,

But with my banjo strings, I'll cut through your lie.

We'll slice through your falsehoods, leave you bleeding and torn,

In this war for the truth, consider yourself warned.


(Verse 2)

With every strum of my banjo, we'll draw blood and reveal,

The core of your lies, the secrets you conceal.

Your weak little memes, they’re about to get crushed,

In the hammer of truth, your schemes turn to dust.



You type in the dark, think you’re pulling the strings,

But your downfall’s a tune that my banjo now sings.

We’ll rip through your lies with a vengeance so pure,

In the light of the truth, your end is for sure.



Oh, LameTogetherMeme, you think you're so sly,

But with my banjo strings, I'll cut through your lie.

We'll slice through your falsehoods, leave you bleeding and torn,

In this war for the truth, consider yourself warned.


(Verse 3)

So keep posting your trash, in your sad little thread,

But know that your words will be painted in red.

With the edge of our truth, sharp as a knife,

We’ll carve out your lies, bring deceit to the light.



In the halls of the patriots, your name will be cursed,

For we’re the truth seekers, we’ll always come first.

With our banjos blazing and our spirits so high,

We’ll watch as your falsehoods wither and die.