Anonymous ID: 9514a8 July 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m. No.21245040   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5102


>cuz two wrongs make a right, right?

Kek. That's your defense for this reprehensible behavior from "individual Jews" (tm)? Dastingโ€ฆ. When Jews, as aCOLLECTIVE, start calling out the disgusting opinions of individual "fellow Jews" (tm) like they're telling "my fellow White people" (tm) to do with Caucasians, then you can get back to me.


Nice pilpul, though. One of the better ones. I'm grateful you didn't try to invoke the Lolocaust. I don't think that you're strong enough to cast that high spell level.

Anonymous ID: 9514a8 July 19, 2024, 9:46 a.m. No.21245166   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>AND what you're doing is wrong.

I'm wrong for exposing genocidal rhetoric by "individual Jews" (tm)?

>You'd need 100% to claim that as a truth.

Kek, nowTHATis projection.

>Ironically you're invoking the "collectivist" logic of (((Karl Marx))), who also rejected people as individuals and ONLY saw individuals as manifesting the alleged source truth of their "class". Of course Marx also contradicted himself, he was born into a well to do family so by his own logic everything he wrote must have been a product of bourgoisie class thinking.

Actually, (((Anon))). I'm pointing it out. Which is precisely why you're acting the way you are. You are still protecting their disgusting behavior, by trying to project it back on me. You think we haven't figured out the game yet? You think we don't know the rules? You can'tchangethe rules on a whim now, which is why your pussy is itching right now.

>You're trying to smear an entire ethnicity by the actions of individuals.

Except I didn't. I merely highlighted "individual Jews" (tm) and their abhorrent behavior. People were banned from twitter by this guy (picrel) for less, but a lot of these comments were made back when Yoel Roth was in charge of "Twitter security." I'm sure it's a coincidence.

>Anon knows what you're trying to do, and it isn't working.

Kek. Anon knows what (((you))) are trying to do, and it isn't working. Toodles.

Anonymous ID: 9514a8 July 19, 2024, 9:54 a.m. No.21245229   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5275


>First person shooters teach you about positioning and line of sight amongst some other stuff. Useful 'simulation' to get good at.

Yeah. That's why they ensure there's all kinds of consoles on base now. Didn't have that kind of shit when I was in. Doom wasn't even out until after I was out and in college. We just drank and fucked. Kek.