M1 carbine with two mags.
No, it is the way of the Italian. Fuck off Adolph. Criminals are criminals because of what they DO, not because of any ethnicity.
You know, just like you're a turd sucking bottom feeder because of YOUR actions.
I figured some brain dead leftist would try this tactic. You stupid fucks take EVERYTHING without even bothering to think about it. It was an EXAMPLE of how fucking stupid you clowns are. Thanks for proving my point.
Nope, it's the narcissistic criminals who think they are above the law. They cover the spectrum in regards to any other personal traits. The one thing they all have in common, they are criminals of all colors, creeds and backgrounds.
I just call 'em as I see 'em. Your tears mean nothing to me.
Hmm, blood in the water.
God's promise not to destroy the Earth with a flood again.
Or maybe it's a reference to the corrupt pieces of shit eating each other in their panic. Couldn't happen to "nicer" people.
Yeah fire is probably next. Just won't be water.
Just change Chicago to "corrupt cabal."
Um, ok space cadet.
What's funny is, what God is pointing out to Job in your quote, actually applies to you as well. Where were you? On the other hand, your quote has no application to what I posted. You just stupid or a bot?
Makes no difference. Only one "species" of human, it's called human. There is no such thing as different "races." Different ethnic groups yes, but races? No. We are ALL related if you go back far enough.
There is a Jewish mob, just like the Italian mob. They often work together, or didn't you know that?
Data can be interpreted in many different ways even when everyone is viewing the same data.
Because many, as well as others have bought into the bullshit unfortunately.
Exactly, it's like anyone else, it depends on how they were raised.
I suggest changing it to, "every other ethnicity" Only one race, human.
And that's fine, up to a point. Everyone should be at least a little proud of their ancestors, you would think. But not the driving force for everything. It's like different houses on the block, everyone has their own, no big deal.
I sense a crippled brain fucked atheist. Eat shit and bark at the moon.
Copy that.