Do anons like these? I think it counters the faggotry spam and boosts morale in terms of not being a faggot.
What is wrong with the beauty of God's creation? I don't see you standing down in the name of Jesus the faggots that post the gay shit.
The kind of pictures you post have 0 positive sexual energy.
Yeah I posted that.
The ones that have loli figurines in their rooms yeah probably.
The spammer that spams the old guy bentover butthole pic.
I am still trying to figure out exactly what lewd behavior is though. I think being out in public exposing genitals when it isn't a nude beach is what it is.
Wow. I am day 125 celibate. Digits confirm this is pure Beast Sexual Energy speaking to you all through me have a discussion.
I know everything I need to know to do what I need to do. What have you done so much with your knowledge, Mr. Sir?
Oh ok so you want to argue vernacular then.
Yeah words are important but you can just bring this up instead of acting condescending and calling me uneducated. I'll just go back to saying faggot then. I didn't read anything bad about bisexual women in the Bible btw; prove me wrong.
You called me uneducated, and I was still polite to you afterwards actually. Meh, everyone gets offended, that is the irony. Even psychos will get offended if you call them a psycho.