Anonymous ID: b7d13c July 19, 2024, 7:07 p.m. No.21248911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933 >>8949 >>8951 >>8973 >>8995 >>9004 >>9106 >>9174


Dig on Janeen DiGuiseppi, Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office


Just in case we need the information later. DiGuiseppi went to Florida International University which connects to Marco Rubio and David Kramer. David Kramer connects to Evelyn Farkas (think Burisma) through the McCain Institute. - Janeen DiGuiseppi Named Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office

Aug. 14, 2023

  • 1999 - Salt Lake City Field Office

  • 2008 - promoted to assistant legal attaché in Baghdad and supervised the FBI’s Major Crimes Task Force

  • 2009 - returned to Salt Lake City - Drug Enforcement Administration's Drug Diversion Task Force

  • 2010 - promoted to supervisory special agent - FBI’s biometric lead in Kabul, Afghanistan

  • 2012 - Memphis Field Office in Tennessee - supervised the civil rights/public corruption programs and the Violent Crimes Against Children/Child Exploitation Task Force

  • 2014 - asst. section chief of Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section - Criminal Investigative Division at FBI Headquarters in D.C.

  • 2016 - asst. section chief of Transnational Organized Crime - East. Hemisphere Section - managed organized crime and major theft programs

  • 2017 - asst. special agent in charge of the Denver Field Office - oversight of the intelligence and surveillance programs and Wyoming resident agencies

  • 2019 - section chief of the FBI Training Division’s Curriculum Management Section

  • 2020 - promoted to deputy assistant director

  • 2021 - promoted to special agent in charge of the Albany Field Office in New York

  • bachelor’s degree - University of Central Florida

  • master’s degree from Western New England College

  • master’s degree fromFlorida International University

  • Prior to joining the Bureau - officer in the United States Air Force


news 10 - Albany County - FBI: 1st woman named Special Agent in Charge of Albany Field Office

July 23, 2023

University at Central Florida

Western New England College

Florida International University


WAMC Northeast Public Radio - FBI Albany leader taking over Insider Threat Office

August 24, 2023


Florida International University -Marco Rubio

Anonymous ID: b7d13c July 19, 2024, 7:10 p.m. No.21248933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8949 >>8995 >>8998 >>9004 >>9106 >>9174




Dig on Janeen DiGuiseppi, Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office


Florida International University - David Kramer

-McCain Institute

  • Freedom House

  • German Marshall Fund

  • U.S.State Dept.

    • Russia

    • Ukraine

    • Moldova

    • Belarus

  • Carnegie Endowmwnt for International Peace

  • Center for Strategic and International Studies

  • Gerorge Washington University

  • Halifax International Security Forum

  • George W. Bush Presidential Center

  • Harvard University

  • Tufts University


McCain Institute - Evelyn Farkas


Farkas, Evelyn - Washington Free Beacon - Obama Alum Evelyn Farkas Is Running For Congress—And Away From Burisma

Anonymous ID: b7d13c July 19, 2024, 7:13 p.m. No.21248951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8995 >>9004 >>9106 >>9174


3/4 through 4/4 are reposts of old digs because David Kramer leads to the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), which leads to Eurasia Foundation, which leads to James Baker III. Anybody remember Kurt Volker? He's in here too, at the USUBC.

All PB >>19337596, >>19337617



Dig on Janeen DiGuiseppi, Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office




USUBC - Senior Advisors -

Anders Aslund - Senior Fellow, Stockholm Free World Forum, Washington, D.C.

Edward C. Chow - Senior Associate, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Washington, D.C.

Ariel Cohen, PhD - Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council,

-Director, Energy, Growth & Security Program, ITIC

-Founding Principal, International Market Analysis, Ltd, Washington D.C.

Orest Deychakiwsky - Former Policy Adviser for Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine

-U.S. Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe), Charles Town, West Virginia

James Gerlach - President and CEO Business-Industry Political Action Committee,

-Former Co-Chair Congressional Ukrainian Caucus - Former U.S. Congressman [PA], Washington, D.C.

John Herbst - Director, Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C.

-Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Washington, D.C.

Marcy Kaptur - U.S. Congresswoman (D-OH)

-Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Congressional Ukraine Caucus, Washington, D.C.

​Anatoliy Kinakh - President - League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Leonid Kozachenko - ​President - Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC), Kyiv, Ukraine

David Kramer- Senior Fellow - Florida International University, Miami, Florida

Robert "Bob" McConnell - Principal, R. A. McConnell & Associates, and

-Co-Founder, U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF), Washington, D.C.

Olexander Motsyk - Former Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA, Poland and Turkey, Kyiv, Ukraine

Steven Pifer - William J. Perry Fellow, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University

-Non-resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution. Washington D.C. - Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

Roman Popadiuk - First U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Edilberto Segura - Economist, former head of the World Bank office in Ukraine

-former Chairman of the Board, The Bleyzer Foundation, Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleh Shamshur - Former Ambassador of Ukraine to The United States and France, Kyiv, Ukraine

William Taylor- Vice President, Strategic Stability and Security, United States Institute of Peace

-Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Washington, D.C.

John Tefft - Former U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine and Russia; Adjunct Senior Fellow, Rand Corporation

​Oleg Ustenko - Advisor to the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kurt Volker- Distinguished Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) - Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO (2008-2009)

-Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations (2017-2019), Washington, D.C.


Breitbart - "Who is William Taylor? Impeachment Star Witness Has Long Relationship with Burisma-Backed Think Tank"


Mark Meadows - Twat - Video - Jim Jordan questioning William Taylor


Anon post - Transcript of Jordan questioning William Taylor

Anonymous ID: b7d13c July 19, 2024, 7:18 p.m. No.21248973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9004 >>9106 >>9174



Dig on Janeen DiGuiseppi, Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office


U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) Has Some Very Interesting Connections


In the USUBC news below, we learn that the Eurasia Foundation is a member of the council. The USUBC website shows thatPfizeris also a member. Eurasia Foundation connects to James A. Baker III and the Kyiv School of Economics.




"FOOTNOTE: Chevron, the International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC), and theEurasia Foundationaremembers oftheU.S.-Ukraine Business Council, Washington, D.C…"


USUBC - Members and Associate Members

List includes:

Eurasia Foundation


Northrop Grumman Corporation



and many more.


Eurasia Foundation - The HonorableJames A. Baker, III, Honorary Co-Chair


Eurasia Foundation -KyivSchool of Economics


Anon thinks there is a lot to dig here. There are many more connections to be made.