Deep State has 3 options for this upcoming election:
Let Trump win
Postpone the election
Deep State has 3 options for this upcoming election:
Let Trump win
Postpone the election
Crooks would have been a straight 9 o'clock from the top picture. The angle is wrong here
so who is the real "shooter", Crooks or Yearick?
Real good 20min video where someone records all the sounds from the shots and is able to determine that its definitely 2 different guns at 2 different locations shooting at the same time
yep 9 shots total and the 9th was the SS sniper shooting
Too bad she didnt get to face justice
Assuming the first arrest is an arrest we will know is it. Epstein was arrested, Wexner was arrested, Maxwell etc…. I would assume the first arrest is going to be so distinguishable we will just know
I hate my overthinking brain.
I live in Houston, I wanted to see her arrested on live tv
The 6 shots were in a span of about 2-3 seconds. The sniper isnt going to return fire 1 second after the first shot. There are 2 different guns firing 6 shots in 2-3 seconds
You want her to go free? (if alive)
You really truly believe only 1 shooter? All by his little self?
Are we under collective belief that Musk was Deep State at one point? Seemingly working for us now, but he still has to atone for being bad under Obama
Ah gotcha lol. Every one of these players that die before they can be arrested are going to hurt me :D
If Obama got rid of NASA and used SpaceX as the new private contractor, Elon was either bad, or pulled in against his will. Regardless of which one, he knows all the bad shit Obama admin put up in space…. Im sure he's already helped us disable all that stuff
Yes I can make a case for 4 even. Now we dont know how many of these are SS, but easily safe to say 2+ assassins
Been my thoughts for awhile. I know Q says no deals etc, but I guarantee you a shitload of people are on deals. We do need the help of some of these people.
Yep flipped at some point and is helping us now
My thoughts too. Moreso the ones that got forced in against their will, blackmailed etc. The ones that didnt choose a life of pure evil and corruption are given a chance to atone
Christopher Wray can stop being a sleepr anytime now
I still havent given up hope. That he finally gets subpoenad and delivers some absolute bombs. He doesnt have the power to prosecute, only recommend a prosecution, but he can sure deliver some good evidence in court. But we dont know if a good sleeper or bad sleeper even