I fell for it to. I fell for when he spoke at the 2004 dnc convention. I knew then he would be president at some point. I sure didn't think it would be so soon as 2008 though.
Never again.
I fell for it to. I fell for when he spoke at the 2004 dnc convention. I knew then he would be president at some point. I sure didn't think it would be so soon as 2008 though.
Never again.
Too bad he didn't hit up no name or papa bush.
cheney, I do want to hear about that interview.
Women gain stability and true sense of purpose when paired with a decent mate AND after giving birth.
One never knows the power of that child until you have one. It changes everything in how you view the world. It is why the nwo pushes so hard for abortions.
A good strong man also makes life so much easier to deal with.
We can all get along on our own. It just completes the life experience when shared with a true and good mate.
They are hard to find.