SaltyAnon ID: 27f3b7 NESSUN DORMA July 19, 2024, 8:53 p.m. No.21249533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9880

So, the RNC ended with Nessun Dorma. Everybody knows about "The Sum of All Fears" Connection. Nessun Dorma is a key part of Puccini's Opera "Turandot". Turandot is the Opera in the movie "James Bond Rogue Nation". It is where we are introduced to "THE Q CONSORTIUM". The Rich Elite Globalist Shitbags that want world domination. Some of us talked about this privately years ago. Used to make me nervous that maybe Q WERE the bad guys running "The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World"! I settled on the idea that Q had been telling just who we were fighting, by calling themselves "Q" (several other reasons for that moniker as well. Later.