Anonymous ID: 1d0533 July 20, 2024, midnight No.21250355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0372 >>0388


>Should we tell them its for a limited time?

No. It’s a homecoming.


>They've really got the blues.

Seent. Feelt.


>The fair weather Anons

Kek. There was fair weather somewhere back? Missed that.


>there are good digs again

>notables aren't all fakenews articles

>feeling we're in the 4th quarter now frens

>pleasure to serve with y'all

Noticed you guys. Honored likewise.





>I'm one of them, ashamed to say. The anons that stuck through this dark period of 2021-2024 are freaking legends.

You are fam. We all need time away from this. I kinda left in my own way too. During that period stayed off the main bred and lurked. News was a bummer for me and I fig’d anons had it covered. Buried myself in a super deep dig on the London pics with a couple of other anons.


Honored to be on this board with you all. GM/GB

Anonymous ID: 1d0533 July 20, 2024, 12:56 a.m. No.21250495   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There has def a ‘trend’ of Indians in government seats in the UK with the US following the UK’s lead. Bearing in mind the competition with China that is going on with the US/EU it couid be something to do with wanting to reinforce the notion that the former ‘Raj’ is still a part of ‘the Family’. They are saying, “Look our family is well represented here”. “You belong with us against China”(more so in the UK).

Situation in US is not so straightforward though. Indians = very intelligent, well educated peeps. Coming here to fill spots in the tech industry. Diversification in the US seems more contrived, and legislated, than the longterm shared culture and closeness betw UK and India. But the motivation TO SHOW KINSHIP, is no less than the UK, when trying to bring the Indians into our pen and away from either RUS or CHINA by “putting” them in high positions. Again, the seemingly sudden political representation of Indians seem moar contrived in the US as there is nowhere near the longterm population representation of Indians in the US as has existed in the UK. But even in the UK isn’t the sudden surge in Indians in high govt something noticed but not talked about? Message: INDIA you belong with us. imho