bullet speed analysis
Autists: accurately calculate bullet speed from Doug Mills photo & match it to known weapon muzzle velocities. Compare with the likely velocity of the shooter’s weapon and the likely velocity of a projectile from a professional / CIA sniper’s weapon.
gunshot sound analysis
witness reports
I watched two different videos where the interviewee mentioned a gunman on the water tower. One interviewee was a middle-aged woman in a videoclip several minutes long, who only mentioned the second shooter in passing. (Sorry, I don't have links handy). I think she was among the ‘partiers’ in the grassy area between the AGR buildings and the Butler Farm Show Grounds perimeter fence. I suspect that she heard a shot or shots from a separate location to the left of the shooter (who they could all see and had been screaming about for several minutes) and when she turned towards the source, saw the water tower and assumed that the second gunman she had heard was on the watertower.