Anonymous ID: 02825b July 30, 2024, 11:41 p.m. No.21325853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0503 >>9598 >>1419





「 魚は頭から腐る 」という言葉は、 組織や団体のトップが腐敗・堕落していると、それが下にも及び全体が悪影響を受けること を意味しています。この言葉は、 リーダーシップの重要性や上層部の行動が組織全体に影響を与えること を示しています。



What does it mean that a fish rots from the head up? Meaning, Origin, and Etymology


The phrase "the fish rots from the head" means that if the top management of an organization or group is corrupt, the entire organization will be adversely affected. This phrase indicates the importance of leadership and how the actions of upper management affect the entire organization.

The origin and etymology of the word is based on the fact that when a fish rots, the head rots first. This is because the head of a fish has more fat than other parts of the fish and is more susceptible to decomposition. Based on this natural phenomenon, it expresses a warning or lesson that if the head of an organization or group has a problem, it will negatively affect the entire organization.