Remember when Q would post every once in a while in UK breads? The lads across the pond loved it.
It's the perfect spot. Absolutely perfect. If your theory is correct, I guarantee they chose that spot first, then set the stage up based on its sight lines.
>Any video cameras of that parking lot or area with the building I wonder?
hmmm… you're blowing my mind…
>Any video cameras of that parking lot or area with the building I wonder?
OK, I'm woefully inept for this mission. But I did a google street view and think I found a camera. Right across the street from the dollar general is a place called "Tractor Brothers." It's address is:
520 Evans City Rd, Butler, PA 16001
Anyway, I think this might be a security camera. If it's a camera, that means the camera looks right out at the dollar general. ANd if the shooter fled the empty shed across the dollar general or parked in the dollar general, this camera should have picked it up. I'm not sure if it's a security camera though. Any anons who know these type of things better than I, can you confirm or deny if this is a security camera?
A party attended by
>Jay Z
>Nikki Hilton
>Gayle KIng
>and a shit ton of celebrities
But Huma Abedin is the person Dailymail choses for the Headline.
That makes sense... not.
Something fishy about this article...
Agreed. Something very strange. Also, Alex Soros didn't attend…
Hey anons, don't assume just because President Trump was shot at that it was an assassination attempt. The New York Times article explains how that assumption is not warranted:
>“When somebody attacks a president, our gut instinct is to say, ‘That must be politically motivated,’” said James Densley, a founder of the Violence Project, which has compiled a comprehensive database of mass shootings. “What we might be seeing here is: This was somebody intent on perpetrating mass violence, and they happened to pick a political rally.”
So yeah, cool it with the assassination talk guys