Anonymous ID: 922933 Q Research AUSTRALIA #37: EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE Edition July 20, 2024, 6:48 a.m. No.21251854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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>>20886248 Q Research AUSTRALIA #36


Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

Wednesday 11.20.2019

>>7358352 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.

>>7358338 ————————————–——– All assets [F + D] being deployed.

>>7358318 ————————————–——– What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?


Tuesday 11.19.2019

>>7357790 ————————————–——– FISA goes both ways.


Saturday 11.16.2019

>>7356270 ————————————–——– There is no escaping God.

>>7356265 ————————————–——– The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.


Friday 11.15.2019

>>7356017 ————————————–——– "Whistle Blower Traps" [Mar 4 2018] 'Trap' keyword select provided…..


Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5945210 ————————————–——– Sometimes our 'sniffer' picks and pulls w/o applying credit file

>>5945074 ————————————–——– We LOVE you!

>>5944970 ————————————–——– USA v. LifeLog?

>>5944908 ————————————–——– It is an embarrassment to our Nation!

>>5944859 ————————————–——– 'Knowingly'


Q's Posts referencing Australia


Q's Posts referencing Australian citizens

Malcolm Turnbull (X/AUS)

Former Prime Minister of Australia, 2015 to 2018


Alexander Downer

Former Australian Liberal Party politician and former Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom


Cardinal George Pell

Australian Cardinal of the Catholic Church and former Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy


Julian Assange

Australian activist, founder, editor and publisher of WikiLeaks


Virginia Roberts Giuffre

American-Australian survivor of the sex trafficking ring operated by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell


Q's Posts referencing The Five Eyes intelligence alliance (FVEY)

An anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States


"Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?"


Nov 25 2018

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:50 a.m. No.21251869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


are not endorsements


#36 - Part 1

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 1

>>20895013 Video: ICC chief prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israeli PM and Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes - The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) says he is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over alleged war crimes. ICC prosecutor Karim AA Khan KC has made applications for the warrants, claiming he has reasonable grounds to believe Mr Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant bear responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Israel-Gaza war. Arrest warrants have also been sought for Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Both Israel and Hamas have previously dismissed allegations of war crimes. The prosecutor must request the warrants from a pre-trial panel of three judges, who take on average two months to consider the evidence and determine if the proceedings can move forward.

>>20895037 Australia backs ICC’s role but says ‘no equivalence between Israel and Hamas’ - The federal government has insisted there is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas while backing the International Criminal Court’s role upholding international law after its top prosecutor sensationally requested arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence chief as well as three Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes. In a notable divergence from US President Joe Biden, who blasted the requested warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese sidestepped questions about the issue on Tuesday, prompting Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to accuse him of “selling out Australia” by failing to back Israel. A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesperson, responding on behalf of Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, said: “Australia respects the ICC and the important role it has in upholding international law. “The decision on whether to issue arrest warrants is a matter for the court in the independent exercise of its functions. “It is not appropriate to comment on matters before the court.” The department spokesperson continued: “There is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organisation. It is proscribed as such in Australia … Any country under attack by Hamas would defend itself. And in defending itself, every country is bound by the same fundamental rules. Israel must comply with international humanitarian law.”


>>20895062 Alexander Downer slams International Criminal Court over ‘outrageous’ arrest move - Former foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer has accused prosecutor Karim Khan of “destroying” the International Criminal Court in requesting arrest warrants of Israeli leaders alongside those of Hamas terrorists, and says he would, if still in government, withdraw from the court if judges proceed with prosecution. Mr Downer, who led Australia to joining the ICC under the Howard government, says Mr Khan has drawn a “moral equivalence” between Israel’s functioning democracy and a “terrorist organisation which is determined to destroy and kill the Jewish people and eliminate their country”. He said the decision to issue the warrants “makes me sick”, labelling the move as “so, so wrong” and saying he is “absolutely heartbroken” at what the ICC has become.

>>20899389 Labor senator Fatima Payman joins Melbourne uni protest - Under fire Labor senator Fatima Payman has shown up to support University of Melbourne students currently involved in the protest occupying one of the faculty buildings. Senator Payman last week broke rank with the Labor Party and accused Israel of “genocide” in Gaza and called on the government to sanction Israel. The WA senator ended a speech last week with the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which was the catalyst for the phrase being condemned in a motion in parliament. It is unknown how much planning went into Senator Payman’s university visit with the senator seen talking with student activist leaders and posing for photos. In one picture she posed with student protesters in front of a Gaza solidarity encampment sign with her fist raised in the air.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:50 a.m. No.21251873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 2

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 2

>>20899413 Jewish groups condemn Sydney bakery for Hamas-themed birthday party - A Sydney bakery is under fire for posting images of what appears to be a Hamas-themed birthday party, including cupcakes and cake decorated with images of a notorious terrorist. Oven Bakery by Fufu uploaded the photos to Instagram on Tuesday and then took them down when the posts were flooded with criticism. One of the images was of a boy dressed in the same red keffiyeh and camouflage jacket as the infamous terrorist depicted on the birthday cake - Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida. The boy was photographed mimicking the action as Obaida, with his finger pointed in front of his face just like the masked terrorist. Jewish groups were quick to condemn the bakery for promoting terrorism to young children. Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said the bakery and the parents of the child should be held accountable for “glorifying extremism”. “It takes a rare kind of psychosis to want to teach infant children that Hamas terrorists are to be admired and emulated,” Mr Ryvchin said.

>>20903622 ‘Terrorism pays’: Israeli fury as allies recognise Palestine - Israel has recalled its ambassadors from Ireland, Spain and Norway for “urgent consultations” after the three European nations ­announced they would formally recognise a Palestinian state. The co-orindated move prompted a furious response from Israel, with Foreign Minister Israel Katz saying: “Today’s decision sends a message to the Palestinians and the world: terrorism pays. “After the Hamas terror organisation carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, after committing heinous sexual crimes witnessed by the world, these countries chose to ­reward Hamas and Iran by recognising a Palestinian state. “This distorted step by these countries is an injustice to the memory of the victims of 7/10, a blow to efforts to return the 128 hostages, and a boost to Hamas and Iran’s jihadists, which undermines the chance for peace and questions Israel’s right to self-defence.” The three nations will formally recognise the state of Palestine on May 28.


>>20903643 Stand on the right side of history, rabbis implore Anthony Albanese - The nation’s leading rabbis - who were personally assured by Anthony Albanese he would “unequivocally fight anti-Semitism” - have implored him to show moral clarity and reject a bid to put Israel’s Prime Minister on trial, as Labor refused to say if it would ­arrest Benjamin Netanyahu if he set foot in Australia. The rabbis’ call came as Peter Dutton warned that a future Coalition government could cut ties with the International Criminal Court over its prosecutor’s bid to arrest Mr Netanyahu and his ­Defence chief Yoav Gallant alongside three Hamas terrorists. If the ICC issues the warrants, the Albanese government will be technically obligated to arrest the Israeli leaders if they travel to Australia. But a government source refused to speculate on such a possibility, saying “we don’t engage in hypotheticals”. Mr Dutton urged the Prime Minister to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with US President Joe Biden to condemn the warrants bid, as America flagged possible sanctions against the ICC. A day after Mr Albanese refused to comment on ICC prosecutor Karim Khan’s warrants bid, Treasurer Jim Chalmers said Australia respected the role of the court and the issuing of any warrants was “fundamentally an issue for the ICC”. But Dr Chalmers said there could be “no equivalence between Hamas, the terrorist organisation, and Israel”.

>>20908931 Vote with your feet, Peter Dutton urges students amid soaring anti-Semitism - Peter Dutton has urged students to vote with their feet and parents to speak out against indoctrination amid soaring anti-Semitism on campuses, as he warned Jewish leaders the Albanese government has “lost its moral compass”. In a closed-door speech at the Central Synagogue in Bondi Junction on Friday night, the Opposition Leader ramped-up calls by the Coalition, minor parties and independents for Anthony Albanese to order a judicial inquiry into anti-Semitism on university campuses. Ahead of parliament returning on Tuesday and Jewish Liberal MP Julian Leeser putting forward a private members’ bill for a judicial inquiry, Mr Dutton said the key to fighting anti-Semitism and indoctrination is “addressing the crisis in education”. “Nothing short of a societal-wide effort is needed to reject indoctrination and bring about a renaissance of education. Parents must speak out - because the disruption and brainwashing on campuses is affecting your children’s future,” Mr Dutton said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:51 a.m. No.21251878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 3

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 3

>>20908964 More chaotic than coherent on Israel: Anthony Albanese under fire on ICC - Anthony Albanese has refused to say whether Australia would ­enforce International Criminal Court arrest warrants against top Israeli officials, while declaring in a chaotic press conference that his government had adopted a “coherent” and “principled” position on the war in Gaza. The government has for days defended the ICC’s independence after the court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, applied for warrants to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his ­Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas terrorists for war crimes and crimes against ­humanity. Amid condemnation of the move by international leaders ­including Joe Biden, the Prime Minister would not commit to ­enforcing the warrants if they were issued and the Israeli leaders set foot in Australia. After initially declaring Australia would “make its own decisions”, Mr Albanese said he was not prepared to get ahead of the court. “I’m not about to go into hypotheticals about things that have not happened,” he said, amid repeated questions on the matter. Mr Albanese, who days earlier refused to comment on the warrants bid at all, said his government supported Israel’s right to defend itself, but “how it defends itself matters”.

>>20912404 Video: Jewish women call on Penny Wong to speak louder about the horrors of Hamas - Australian Jewish women have called on Foreign Minister Penny Wong to view the harrowing Hamas footage of bloodied female Israeli hostages and speak out on their behalf, saying violence against women is not an Israeli or a Palestinian issue but a human rights issue. Families of the five 19-year-old hostages released the shocking vision to highlight the plight of their daughters, who have been held captive by Hamas for 230 days. In it, the five women – Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa and Naama Levy, whose cousin Nikki Perzuck lives in Melbourne – lie terrified and bloodied as Hamas terrorists tie their hands, subject them to vicious abuse, and abduct them on October 7. One of the terrorists is heard telling the others: “Here are the girls who can get pregnant.” Another tells one of the women: “You are so beautiful.” Melbourne-based mother and Jewish community activist Lillian Kline led a group of five Jewish women to Parliament House in Canberra to call on the government to speak out on behalf of the women and the sexual violence used against women by Hamas. “What was done to these women can never be justified or swept up in political debates about the history of the conflict. These are ­horrific crimes against women inflicted by men” Ms Kline said. “Hamas have used rape and sexual torture to destroy these women in body and soul and to terrorise. We have a duty to save these five women plus the other 14 women still enslaved and being tortured by their male captors.” She called on Senator Wong and the Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher, to “lead the campaign to alert the world to their plight and to call for their immediate release”. “This is not an Israeli or Palestinian issue, it is a women’s issue and a basic human rights issue,” Ms Kline said.

>>20916892 Video: University of Sydney pro-Palestine ‘Trots’ ambush Jewish event, abuse former deputy prime minister - Pro-Palestine “Trots” behind encampments at Australia’s oldest university ambushed a Jewish organisation’s event dressed as terrorists and harassed former deputy prime minister John Anderson, peppering him with slurs and abuse. It has led to doxxing concerns and a police complaint in an escalation of the crisis engulfing some of Australia’s most prestigious universities. On Wednesday, activists from the “USYD Muslim Encampments” group - a spearhead behind the University of Sydney encampments - orchestrated a “Zoom bombing” of the Australian Jewish Association’s online event with former Nationals leader Mr Anderson, with one activist calling him a “cnt. That activist, who hid behind a turned-off camera and a fake “Tony Abbott” name, hurled abuse at the former deputy prime minister, telling him to “shut the fck up” and “shut your mouth you old c*nt”. “You’re a bunch of Zionists, grubs … stop yapping,” the activist continued. Another accused him of being a “professional racist”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:52 a.m. No.21251883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 4

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 4

>>20921838 ‘Anti-Semitic’: Education Minister Jason Clare slams ‘Israel should not exist’ UniMelb protesters - Education Minister Jason Clare has slammed as “repugnant” and “anti-Semitic” a statement from pro-Palestine student protesters at the University of Melbourne that “Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”. The ‘unimelbforpalestine’ Instagram account on Monday shared with its 20,000 followers a post that said “calls need to emphasise that Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”. The account was sharing a post from Palestinian-American blogger Mariam Barghouti, who claimed on social media that “Israel has lost all legitimacy … No more simple calls for the end of bombs, no more calls to ceasefire, the calls need to emphasise that Israel cannot, will not, and should not exist”. Mr Clare, when contacted by The Australian, said of the comment: “it’s repugnant and anti-Semitic”. “There is no place for anti-Semitism on our university campuses or anywhere else,” he said.

>>20921874 ABC: Hamas rockets a ‘show of resilience’ - Jewish leaders have slammed the ABC for an “activist-like” Instagram post, which called the terror group’s rocket launch towards Tel Aviv a “show of resilience”. It comes after Hamas on Sunday launched rockets towards Tel Aviv for the first time in months, with warning signs heard in the Israeli city as the Israel Defence Forces confirmed eight projectiles launched from Rafah had been identified and a number intercepted. The “resilience” turn of phrase was included in a Monday morning Instagram post from the ABC News account, promoting a story about Israeli air strikes killing 35 people in Rafah. “The Israeli air strike was reported hours after Hamas fired a barrage of rockets from Gaza that set off air raid sirens as far away as Tel Aviv,” the post read. “… In a show of resilience more than seven months into Israel’s massive air, sea and ground offensive.”


>>20926898 Threats, abuse, as Deborah Conway targeted by pro-Palestine protest at gig - A video has emerged of ugly scenes at a Hobart theatre as pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a performance by Jewish singer songwriter Deborah Conway, who accused those involved of “extreme intolerance”. Palestinian-flag bearing protesters demonstrated outside Hobart’s Playhouse Theatre on Saturday night and some then disrupted the performance inside. Conway, appearing alongside husband and musical collaborator Willy Zygier, had to repeatedly suspend the performance due to shouted questions, accusations and flag waving from protesters. A self-described “autonomous group of pro-Palestine protesters” said the theatre disruption was a response to “publicly hateful” statements Conway had made about Palestinian children. They said this included an ABC interview last year when, after being challenged to condemn the mass murder of Palestinian children, responded: “It depends on what you call kids.”

>>20937517 Fatima Payman resigns from parliamentary committees after ‘genocide’ comments - Fatima Payman has stepped down from two parliamentary foreign affairs committees after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese criticised the Labor senator for using the controversial phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Payman accused Israel of conducting a genocide in Gaza, in a dramatic intervention two weeks ago, also calling for Australia to end trade with Israel, implement sanctions and immediately recognise a Palestinian state. Government sources confirmed that Payman had resigned from the Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. “The government’s policy is clear - we support a two-state solution,” a government spokesperson said. Labor MPs said they did not believe Payman had been ordered to step down by government leadership, but had instead decided to do so herself to avoid being targeted by the Coalition and the Greens.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21251904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 5

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 5

>>20955138 No investigation into terror-praising preacher after bishop stabbing comments - A terror-praising Sydney preacher who applauded a teen for “standing up for prophet Mohammed” when he allegedly stabbed Assyrian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel will not be investigated by police, as political leaders said authorities have “to get serious” on hate speech. The Australian can reveal that a southwest Sydney cleric known only as “Brother Ismail” made the intervention on the alleged stabbing to a packed crowd at the Al Madina Dawah Centre in late May. But that praise does not fall foul of commonwealth legislation outlawing “praising” a terrorist act, with state police confirming it would not investigate the cleric. “These are our red lines and insults from a man (Bishop Emmanuel) followed by billions … it’s not a good idea, and this was the outcome and consequences,” the preacher said, referring to the Wakeley alleged terror incident on April 15. The sermon, posted to an online video platform, also appears to cut as Brother Ismail continues criticising the bishop and he lashed mainstream Islamic leaders for urging social cohesion in the wake of the attack. A NSW Police spokesman said: “the force has sought legal advice and it has been determined that the comments in question do not meet the (criminality) threshold”.

>>20959166 Video: ‘You are collaborating’: Wong attacks Greens over violent Gaza protests - Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has accused Greens politicians of collaborating with violent pro-Palestine protesters and inciting attacks on Labor MPs’ offices that have led to public servants being injured, a claim rejected by the Greens as a false smear. Questioned by Greens senator Jordon Steele-John earlier about whether the government had applied double standards by not imposing sanctions on Israel over its conduct in the war in Gaza, Wong said: “It is double standards to engage in violent and aggressive protests and incite them and think that you’re doing something about peace. “On social media, we have posts which target people personally, we have posts which are threatening and violent, and you are collaborating with them. That is not leadership. So if you think you are for the cause of peace, maybe you should start practising it in this country.” Wong said Greens MPs had spoken at rallies that led to Labor MPs’ offices being invaded and electorate staff being injured, as well as the storming of Labor’s Victorian state party conference in May.


>>20969698 Fury on the floor: Dutton and Albanese clash with Greens over Gaza protests - Labor and the Coalition have berated the Greens for lending support to pro-Palestinian activists who have targeted federal MPs and vandalised electoral offices, sparking a fierce debate in parliament over domestic protests and the war in the Middle East. Greens leader Adam Bandt accused the government of being complicit in the Israeli invasion of Gaza after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton blamed the Greens for encouraging the protests. Stung by the criticism from the two leaders, Bandt sought to condemn the government for shipping arms to Israel but was shut down after Labor MPs branded him a “fraud” and a “liar” who was spreading misinformation. The final vote left the Greens isolated in parliament when Labor, the Coalition and crossbenchers including Kate Chaney, Zoe Daniel, Rebekha Sharkie, Allegra Spender, Zali Steggall and Kylea Tink voted in favour of adjourning the debate.

>>20969717 Anthony Albanese locked out of Sydney electorate office by anti-war protests - Anthony Albanese has been locked out of his Sydney electorate office this year because of pro-Palestinian protests, amid official security warnings that Islamist extremists are attending anti-­Israel demonstrations on university campuses and outside parliamentarians’ offices. The Prime Minister’s Marrickville office has not been used since January because of fears for the safety of staff from continuous protests from pro-Palestinian demonstrators and warnings from federal police. Security around Mr Albanese, other MPs and in Parliament House has been tightened since late last year after the Hamas terror attacks on Israel in October and the conflict in Gaza sparked protests and vandalism at MPs’ offices and even in parliament. Parliamentarians requested a security briefing from the AFP and ASIO as concerns rose about protests and security. The Australian understands there was formal advice Islamist extremists and political activists were appearing together at university campus protests around the nation, outside ministerial offices and at public demonstrations.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21251907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 6

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 6

>>20969809 Judge grants bail to alleged teen terrorist, branding case 'thin' in bruising ruling for AFP - A Supreme Court judge has granted bail to a Sydney teenager accused of terrorism and branded the case against him as "thin", in a bruising ruling for the Australian Federal Police. The 15-year-old was among six boys arrested in sweeping police raids on an alleged Sydney terrorist network in April, after another teenager stabbed an Assyrian Orthodox bishop in a church in Wakeley, in the city's west. Four of those boys are accused of planning a terrorist attack in the wake of the stabbing, allegedly plotting to obtain guns and exchanging messages about their willingness to kill and die as so-called martyrs. The 15-year-old was part of a chat group called "Plans", on the encrypted messaging app Signal, where they allegedly conspired to plan a terrorist act between April 18 and 24. The boy, who cannot be identified because he is a juvenile, allegedly wrote: "I really want to target the yahood [Jewish people] … we will plan it".

>>20993059 Bandt challenges Labor to sanction Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘extreme war cabinet’ - Greens leader Adam Bandt has challenged Labor to punish Israel’s “extreme war cabinet” and has told the pro-Palestine camp that the Albanese government is attempting to slander them. After coming under fire this week from both Labor and the Opposition and threatening to sue Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Mr Bandt took to the stage at a Free Palestine rally in Melbourne to demand the Albanese government slap Benjamin Netanyahu’s government with sanctions, expel the Israeli ambassador, and cut a contract with weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems. He also called on the Prime Minister to join South Africa’s case against Israel in the International Criminal Court, and ensure F-35 fighter jet parts are not used “in acts of aggression”. “Our government could have recognised Palestine, our government could … in the last 35 weeks, have put sanctions on this extreme war cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu that is now subject to court orders to stop genocide,” Mr Bandt told the hundreds of activists on Sunday afternoon.


>>20993088 Labor to pick first Palestinian Australian to replace veteran MP - The first Palestinian-Australian federal politician is likely to be installed in place of a veteran Labor MP, providing a new voice for the government in its ferocious political dispute with the Greens over the conflict in Gaza. Maria Vamvakinou, one of the party’s most sympathetic Palestinian supporters, told this masthead she had informed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese she would end her 23-year-long political career at the next federal election. Basem Abdo, a communications specialist, has won the support of key Socialist Left figures, including Vamvakinou. Preselection for the seat will take place later this year, but Abdo’s backing from the Socialist Left means he is poised to replace the veteran MP. Born in Kuwait to parents from a village in the occupied West Bank, Abdo’s family sought refuge in Jordan during the Gulf War before migrating to Australia in 1991. Labor sources said Abdo had been a mature and conciliatory voice during a heated factional dispute over the wording of a motion on the Middle East conflict at last month’s Victorian Labor conference.

>>20998305 Video: Australia PM condemns graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney - Australian Prime Minster Anthony Albanese on Monday condemned vandalism of the U.S. consulate in Sydney after the building was defaced in what local media said appeared to be a pro-Palestinian protest. The building in the northern suburbs of Australia's largest city was attacked and sprayed with paint by a person carrying a small sledgehammer at around 3 a.m. local time on Monday. "I would just say that people should have respectful political debate and discourse," Albanese said in a televised media conference from Canberra when asked about the incident. "Measures such as painting the U.S. Consulate do nothing to advance the cause of those who have committed what is of course a crime to damage property," he added. Nine windows of the consulate were damaged and the building's door was graffitied, police said. A spokesperson for the U.S. consulate confirmed the building had been damaged but said staff and operations were unaffected. "Australian Federal Police and New South Wales Police are investigating the incident," the spokesperson said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21251911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 7

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 7

>>20998311 NSW Premier Chris Minns blasts ‘reprehensible’ US consulate damage, warns of rising anti-Semitism - NSW Premier Chris Minns has warned of “rising anti-Semitism” across the state as he slams “reprehensible” damage to the United States consulate, which was smashed and tagged with Hamas symbols on Monday morning. The North Sydney consulate, on Miller St, was left with nine hammer holes and two red inverted triangles, commonly used by Hamas in propaganda videos to identify the Israeli targets it seeks to destroy. Mr Minns said the incident alienated the “overwhelming majority of Australians”. “It (the damage) is a criminal act and you’ll be charged by police,” Mr Minns said. “It’s not the kind of public debate the overwhelming majority of Australians want to have … no one wants to see violence or malicious damage, and I think it’s reprehensible.” Mr Minns also made a clear warning against rising anti-Semitism in NSW, something he said was “regrettable”. “I particularly want to say vilification of the Jewish community … anti-Semitism in NSW is on the rise,” he told reporters on Monday. “That (anti-Semitism) is a shameful and regrettable event, and we need to make sure that we’ve got the laws in place to keep pace with contemporary events.”

>>20998335 ‘My heart burns, my blood boils’: Houli’s vow to speak up on Gaza suffering after King’s Birthday award - Three-time Richmond premiership player and Muslim community leader Bachar Houli says he feels conflicted about receiving a King’s Birthday Honour while the Israel-Hamas war continues and that his blood boils at the suffering of innocent people in Gaza. Houli has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the Islamic community, multiculturalism and Australian rules football. The 36-year-old former AFL champion used the occasion to urge the federal government to push harder for a ceasefire. “The conflict that is happening around the world, particularly in Gaza, is affecting us, mate, and this recognition for me is quite hard at this given time,” said Houli, who retired from football in 2021. “But the reality is this is not about me; it is about celebrating what the community has contributed to my life and doing our best to celebrate it while there is so much bad stuff happening around the world which nobody prays for. Everyone prays for peace, everyone prays for happiness, and that’s exactly what I hope for.”

>>20998353 Vandals behead King George V statue in Melbourne on King’s Birthday - A statue of King George V has been beheaded and covered in red paint in Melbourne’s CBD in the latest attack by activists on colonial monuments in Victoria. Police were called to the King George V statue in Kings Domain on Linlithgow Avenue, near the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, just after 9am on Monday. Victoria and most other states in Australia held a public holiday on Monday to observe King Charles III’s birthday. “It appears the head of the statue has been removed and red paint thrown at the monument,” a police spokesman said in a statement. In a 54-second video posted to X by the Whistleblowers, Activists and Communities Alliance account @akaWACA, a group of people deface the statue as the song God Save the Queen by UK punk rock band the Sex Pistols plays. One person, wearing a fluorescent green high-vis jacket, uses a power tool to cut off the head of the former British monarch’s statue in the early morning darkness. As the video continues, a man in a black hoodie spray paints “the colony will fall” on the statue’s plinth, that was already red with paint. In another shot, the video shows the statue’s head on the floor, with the words “Happy Birthday Motherf-cker” edited over the image.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.21251915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 8

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 8

>>21004539 Marles enforces his veto on all potential defence shipments to Israel - Australian defence exports are facing tighter scrutiny under federal rules that alert Defence Minister Richard Marles to every potential shipment to Israel, ensuring no military equipment has been supplied to the country since the invasion of Gaza. Approvals are being escalated to Marles regardless of the value of the defence contract, superseding an earlier protocol that allowed low-value deals to be approved by a delegate within the Defence Department. On Monday, the government revealed more about its exports after rejecting claims by the Greens last week that it was “complicit in genocide” and supported the “slaughter” by the Israel Defence Forces in Gaza. Labor accused the Greens of spreading lies about defence exports, because no weapons or ammunition had been sent from Australia to Israel over the past five years. The rules have ensured no other military components have been supplied to Israel since October 7, when Hamas terrorists killed 1200 people and Israel responded with an incursion into Gaza that is estimated by Palestinian health authorities to have killed more than 36,000 Palestinians.

>>21009097 Muslim leader Sheik Wesam Charkawi driving the bid to topple Labor in southwest Sydney - Community leader Wesam Charkawi is mobilising the Muslim vote across key southwest Sydney federal seats to topple Labor at the next election as prominent figures warned the ALP of electoral abandonment. Sheik Charkawi, a Western Sydney University PhD candidate, is the brains and organiser behind The Muslim Vote campaign, The Australian can reveal. It is one among many websites to emerge recently targeting Muslim Australians to support pro-Palestine candidates or oust sitting members who are not, including some Labor ministers, and rates them on their voting record and stance on Israel. The emergence of such campaigns, and popular and well-connected figures such as Sheik Charkawi driving them, will remain a headache for Labor HQ until and during the federal election, likely to be early next year. Last month Sheik Charkawi - a Sunni Muslim - led calls for the dismissal of ASIO chief Mike Burgess, who had said Sunni Islamic extremism posed the “greatest religi­ously motivated threat in Australia”.


>>21021999 Video: ‘Scumbag’ defaces Australian War Memorial in Canberra - The Australian War Memorial has been defaced with pro-­Palestinian graffiti in what has been described as an “abhorrent” act of disrespect that will serve as a “kick in the guts” to veterans across the country. ACT police confirmed on ­Friday they were hunting for an individual captured on CCTV graffitiing three areas of the War Memorial with “pro-Palestinian slogans”, which were quickly ­covered up with black tarpaulin in a bid to stop similar crimes being incited. Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie, who served in the Special Air Service Regiment between 2010 and 2015, branded the activists carrying out the vandalism “deranged”. “(They) will stop at nothing to make their point: even dishonouring our war dead and desecrating their sacred memorial. It’s no wonder they make easy allies with Hamas,” he said.

>>21030777 Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC - Australia has joined almost 100 other countries to sign a statement in support of the International Criminal Court. Foreign Minister Penny Wong confirmed the move on Saturday after Belgium, Jordan, Chile, Senegal and Slovenia initiated the statement. "Australia is among 93 countries reiterating our commitment to the independence of the International Criminal Court," she wrote on social media platform X. Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Japan, Germany and France also committed to the statement. "As States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, we uphold that the Court, its officials and staff shall carry out their professional duties as international civil servants without intimidation," the pledge read. "The ICC, as the world's first and only permanent international criminal court, is an essential component of the international peace and security architecture. "We therefore call on all States to ensure full co-operation with the Court for it to carry out its important mandate of ensuring equal justice for all victims of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression, grave crimes that threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world."

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.21251917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 9

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 9

>>21036247 Political, Jewish leaders urge crackdown on activists’ Hamas, Hezbollah symbols - Pro-Palestine activists in Melbourne have been displaying and wearing Hezbollah and Hamas emblems unimpeded, despite criminal legislation outlawing the usage of the two terror groups’ symbols. Photographs obtained by The Australian from recent Melbourne pro-Palestine rallies stretching back weeks show a cohort of activists wearing Hamas’ distinctive emblem on their clothing – one activist donning the insignia is pictured less than a metre from Victoria Police officers. In another from early June, two activists hold up a cardboard poster of the Hezbollah flags. One of those pictured, and a prominent leader of the rallies, is Mohammad Sharab, shown wearing a Hamas badge while leading one of the protests. Sharab was charged in February after an alleged abduction, alongside another prominent activist, Laura Allam, after an incident in Melbourne’s western suburbs. The entirety of both Hamas and Hezbollah are recognised by the federal government as terrorist organisations, and in certain circumstances the public display of the groups’ insignias is a breach of section 80.2 of the commonwealth criminal code. The outlawing of the groups’ emblems was introduced into the criminal code in January, alongside the display of Nazi symbols. For someone to be charged with the offence, one further element is that the display of the symbols would also have to incite others to offend, insult or intimidate people of a certain race or religion, or advocate “hatred” of that group. It is punishable with up to a year imprisonment.

>>21037715 Video: Jerry Seinfeld and pro-Palestinian protester in heated exchange at Australian show - Jerry Seinfeld savaged a pro-Palestinian heckler in front of a crowd of thousands of people at his stand-up comedy show in Sydney on Sunday night after the man accused the American comedian of being a Zionist who supported a “terrorist state”. Two videos of the confrontation have emerged, representing contrasting views of the exchange. One, shared via the Instagram feed of a pro-Palestinian activist campaign, captures the words of the protester, directed at the vocal support Seinfeld has shown for Israel throughout the current crisis. Another, posted online by the Australian Jewish Association and widely reported by mainstream media, captures Seinfeld’s response and shows the protester being escorted out of the QUDOS Bank Arena, which has a capacity in theatre mode of about 21,000 people. “We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen,” Seinfeld responded to the heckler. “He’s solved the Middle East! He’s solved it: It’s the Jewish comedians, that’s who we have to [get], they’re the ones doing everything.” Seinfeld’s put-down was in line with his oft-repeated position that he is merely a comedian, and not in any real sense political.

>>21042253 Labor Senator calls for Palestinian state, as party split deepens - Labor Senator Fatima Payman has urged her Albanese government colleagues to immediately recognise a Palestinian state, rejecting criticism that the Greens are seeking to score “cheap points” by backing the bid for statehood. In an opinion piece published in Al Jazeera, Senator Payman said Palestinian statehood was a “moral and ethical imperative” that would bring peace to the Middle East, and accused Israel of carrying out a “genocide” in the Gaza Strip under the “guise of self-defence”. The West Australian first-term senator broke ranks with her own government on Israel last month when she made a defiant address which she closed by repeating the controversial “from the river to the sea” chant. In her latest remarks on the Hamas-Israel war, Senator Payman distanced herself from the Prime Minister’s claims that the Greens were playing politics by moving a motion in parliament to recognise Palestinian statehood. The motion failed in the House of Representatives after 80 MPs voted against it. “My party, the Australian Labor Party, has consistently argued that such motions are political machinations on the part of the Greens in order to score ‘cheap points’ and sway the public,” she said. “Even if that were the case, this ‘politicking’ does not detract from the underlying fact that a genocide is ongoing, and the Australian public knows it. “Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered, among them 15,000 children.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.21251919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 10

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 10

>>21042279 Fatima Payman: Australia must recognise Palestine to promote peace - "Over the last eight months, we have witnessed the mass killing and displacement of Palestinians and the devastation and destruction of Gaza carried out by Israel under the guise of “self-defence”. As the Israeli government continues to disregard its obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians and cease genocidal acts, it is imperative for influential nations to take a definitive stance. Australia, with its global standing and democratic values, is in a strong position to facilitate peace. An important step in this direction is recognising a Palestinian state. It is also a moral and ethical imperative. UN experts have stated that Israel has committed at least three acts of genocide over the past eight months. UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese has stated that “Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure”. This is why a recognition of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders is imperative. Australia’s recognition would be a symbolic and bold rejection of Israel’s current bid to erase the Palestinian people. Recognition of a Palestinian state would not frustrate a peace process; rather, it would rescue that very peace process and keep it alive." - Fatima Payman, Labor Senator for Western Australia -

>>21049413 Albanese says MP office attack is a major escalation in local tensions over Gaza - Vandals smashing windows and using flammable liquid to set fires at the office of Jewish Labor MP Josh Burns represent a troubling escalation of radical pro-Palestinian activism in Australia, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says. Burns said he was worried about the safety of MPs and their staff after his Melbourne inner-city office was targeted at about 3.20am on Wednesday. Police said five people sprayed the St Kilda office with red paint, which has been used across Australia by activists targeting a group of Labor MPs they regard as too close to Israel. Burns held a press conference on Wednesday morning and said police inspectors found flammable chemicals on the office site. Two small fires were lit: one to the left of the office entrance and another outside the street-facing door to apartments on the floor above the office. The attackers smashed the front windows and entered the office, the inside of which was sprayed with red paint. Burns said the incident put the lives of the apartment residents at risk and said he was worried about the safety of his Labor colleagues, whose offices have also been targeted, and his staff. “I’m nervous about someone getting hurt, or worse,” he said, adding that the vandalism was politically motivated. “How is this a peaceful act?”

>>21049442 Video: Pro-Palestine activists disrupt second Jerry Seinfeld show - A second Jerry Seinfeld show has been disrupted by pro-Palestine hecklers, as the US Jewish comedian told them their activism was misplaced and they were “ruining the night”. Video appears to show a number of protesters standing up, waving a Palestinian flag and yelling that he was “a hack and a fraud” during the comedy routine at the ICC Sydney Theatre in Sydney, before Seinfeld fired back. “It’s working … Yes, yes, you’re doing so good. You have strong political feelings … but you don’t know where to say them,” he said, as the crowd laughed and booed. “You think ruining the night … It doesn’t affect me … all these people, you’re ruining their night,” he said to cheers and clapping. He added, to laughter: “This is all set up by me. This is a friend of mine, let me introduce him, his name is Hymie Goldstein. And this is all set up”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:56 a.m. No.21251922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 11

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 11

>>21049452 Video: Jerry Seinfeld tells activists they’re in the wrong place at his Australian shows. Here’s why they persist - Announcing his forthcoming stadium tour last November, Jerry Seinfeld said: “I have loved Australia since my first tour there in 1998, and I cannot wait to come back to visit some of the greatest comedy fans in the world.” Three shows into that tour, he might now be having second thoughts. For the second time this week, the 70-year-old US comedian became embroiled on Tuesday night in a heated exchange with pro-Palestinian protesters at a stand-up comedy show in Australia. In a statement issued to this masthead, activists associated with the two actions explained why they had targeted the comedian. They said they hoped to “raise awareness for both Seinfeld’s audience and the wider community of the current and ongoing illegal occupation and genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians” and to “generate conversation around the issue and encourage others to educate themselves and engage more deeply” with it. Comments posted in response to videos on the activist Instagram page littlepalestineatalbos suggested many people had been unaware of Seinfeld’s position on the conflict prior to the actions, they said. Accepting that their protests might make patrons uncomfortable, the activists said “but such discomfort surely pales in comparison to our community’s collective trauma at the devastating loss of life in Gaza and the West Bank for the last eight months (and indeed since 1948)”.

>>21054337 Carlton Trades Hall defaced with vile anti-cop graffiti as vandals lashed - The iconic Trades Hall union building in Melbourne was defaced early Thursday morning with vicious anti-police graffiti in the latest incident of pro-Palestine vandalism to strike the city. Messages in orange paint reading “cops defend genocide” and “ACAB”, which stands for “all cops are bastards”, were written on the pillars of the legendary 19th-century hall, the home of Victoria’s trade union movement. “Free Palestine” and “cops out of trades hall” were also painted onto the building. Victoria Police is investigating the defacement. “Police are investigating after a building near the intersection of Victoria and Lygon streets was graffitied around 3.30am this morning,” the police said. “The investigation into the incident is ongoing.” Trades Hall secretary Luke Hilakari slammed the act as “cowardly”. “These people are broadly some left wing anarchists who think you make change through the end of a spray can rather than actually doing real work,” he said. “It’s performative activism. The people who have something to say, they don’t hide behind masks. This is cowardly.” A video posted to the Whistleblowers, Activists and Communities Alliance Facebook page shows at least three people in black outfits and masks spray-painting the messages in the dark.

>>21060788 Israeli ‘extremist’ tells Australian audience Gaza should have been reduced to ashes - A former Israeli parliamentarian who once held a position in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government told an online gathering of Australian Jews this week that Israel should have abandoned adherence to international law and reduced Gaza to ashes. In a series of incendiary claims, Moshe Feiglin, the leader of Israel’s far-right Zehut party, said there was no such thing as Palestinians, Palestinian statehood was the biggest lie of the 20th century and that Gaza should be resettled by Jewish Israelis and Arab families encouraged to leave. “What Israel should have done to Gaza, on the 8th of October, was exactly what the British people did in Hamburg and Dresden, and exactly what the American people did in every Japanese city they could reach,” he told a Zoom meeting hosted by the Australian Jewish Association (AJA). “They burnt them to ashes. No ridiculous humanitarian aid. The burnt those cities. If we had done that, we would have won the war in a few days and many of the hostages would be free today.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:57 a.m. No.21251928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 12

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 12

>>21060825 Video: Dan Andrews joins pro-Israel group, denounces ‘antisemitism and terrorism’ - Daniel Andrews has thrown his weight behind Israel and urged Australians to rally against antisemitism and terrorism as debate rages about activists vandalising MPs’ offices. The former Victorian premier has been named as an inaugural patron of Labor Friends of Israel, which was created earlier this year to emphasise support for the state of Israel within the labour movement. Former Labor senator Nova Peris will join him in the role. Publicly expressing support for Israel has become politically tricky for Labor MPs as the Netanyahu government wages a military campaign in Gaza in response to the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks. Andrews said it was crucial Australians spoke out to support the local Jewish community but did not directly mention the war. “I have always supported Israel and the Jewish community. It’s important now more than ever to stand against antisemitism and terrorism, I am proud to work with Nova Peris, an outstanding Australian,” he said in a written statement. “I am appalled by the rise of antisemitism in Australia and want to ensure the Labor Party stays true to its values of respect and equality for all Australians.”

>>21070672 Video: Jerry Seinfeld opens up on time in Australia in exclusive 7NEWS interview amid heckler-plagued tour - Jerry Seinfeld says Australia is “the best place to be a comedian”, while urging hecklers at his shows to “go where things are political” if they want to protest Israel’s actions in Gaza. In his most in-depth on-camera interview while touring Australia, the legendary funnyman told 7NEWS of his “love” of the country despite his stand-up shows twice being interrupted by pro-Palestine hecklers. “I love Australia, of course,” he told 7NEWS in Brisbane on Thursday, the morning after his only show in the Queensland capital. After being heckled at both shows in Sydney, he said the “very polite” and “great” Brisbane crowd on Wednesday night did not follow suit. A supporter of Israel in its war on Hamas which has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians, he encouraged his audiences to keep their political views to themselves. “I don’t care what your politics are, but go where things are political,” he said. “This is where we go to, kind of, forget about politics. “We all want to forget about it for a couple of hours. That’s the whole idea of the show. Forget about everything for a couple of hours.”

>>21070696 Video: ‘Just gave money to a Jew’: Seinfeld faces more pro-Palestine hecklers in Melbourne - US comedian Jerry Seinfeld didn’t back down when hecklers interrupted his Melbourne show on Saturday night, sending the crowd at Rod Laver Arena into laughter. Ten minutes before the evening show was due to finish, at least two protesters chanted “free Palestine”, prompting Seinfeld to draw on his trademark black comedy. “You need to go back and tell whoever is running your organisation (that) ‘we just gave more money to a Jew’,” the 70-year-old US comedian told the protesters. The response drew raucous laughter from the crowd as he continued with a two-minute spiel in response to the interruption. “Listen, dude, listen, listen, let me explain something. You and I are in the same business,” he said. He went on to tell the protesters that they were in the wrong place. “Our business is to get people to see things the way we see it,” he said. Later, before taking questions from the audience, Seinfeld mused that the protesters might’ve taken so long to make their presence known because they were enjoying the show.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21251931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 13

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 13

>>21136534 Extraordinary diplomatic dressing down puts Australia-Jewish relations at all-time low - Australia has sparked a diplomatic flashpoint after the ­Albanese government hauled in Israel’s ambassador for a dressing down over his country’s war in the Middle East. Israeli Ambassador Amir Maimon was formally summoned to a meeting in Canberra 10 days ago and warned that the Jewish state could not expect Australia’s support if it goes to war against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. In a sign of the deteriorating relationship between Australia and Israel, the federal government’s position on a potential war in Southern Lebanon was not delivered by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, but was left to Ms Wong’s underling, Assistant Minister Tim Watts. Several people familiar with the situation said Mr Maimon’s relationship with Senator Wong has been “in the freezer” for several months. Formally summoning an ambassador is considered a serious step in the diplomatic world, akin to a formal rebuke. The warning to Israel that it should not expect Australian support in the event of a ground war against Hezbollah is just the latest sign of the cooling of relations between Canberra and Jerusalem. Israeli officials have made no secret of their anger at Australia’s recent vote in favour of upgrading Palestine’s status at the UN which came months after it appointed a Special Adviser to report on the Israeli government’s investigation of the killing by the IDF of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and six of her World Central Kitchen colleagues.

>>21136515 Video: Pro-Palestine protesters climb onto parliament roof - A pro-Palestine protest that saw four people breach Parliament House security and unfurl black banners from the building’s roof was “designed to inflict fear and instil chaos in Australia’s society,” Peter Dutton says. The Opposition Leader and opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham wrote to Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong and the presiding officers of Parliament House immediately after the stunt, asking them to take “immediate and decisive action” to hold the protesters to account. Four people were charged after they climbed on top of Parliament House and draped signs across the building declaring: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. The protesters, and a group of a few dozen on the ground, chanted: “If they don’t give us justice, they don’t get no peace”. It is understood some climate protesters glued themselves to the marble floors in the foyer of Parliament House, directly beneath where other protesters are positioned on the roof. The Australian witnessed the protest unfolding, with four people able to easily jump a 2.5m security fence and access the roof above the public entrance of parliament. The fence was part of a $126.7m security upgrade in 2017.

>>21153379 Video: Greens deputy Mehreen Faruqi refuses to say whether Hamas should be dismantled - Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi has refused to say whether terror group Hamas should be dismantled, saying that should be a decision made by Palestinians once they are granted statehood. The Greens have been vocal in parliament about the need to recognise Palestine as a state, and have accused the government of being "complicit in genocide" by refusing to sanction Israel over the war in Gaza. Speaking on ABC's Insiders, Senator Faruqi said Hamas was a listed terror organisation and the Greens were demanding no change to that. But asked repeatedly whether Hamas should be dismantled, or whether Palestinians should be allowed to choose to be ruled by Hamas under their own state, the senator avoided answering. "Listen, the situation with Hamas is, I can't keep repeating it again and again, it has nothing to do with Palestinian statehood and Palestinian self-determination," Senator Faruqi said. "The Palestinians need to decide where they want to go with their own region. It's not up to me to say who should be gone or not."

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21251934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 14

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 14

>>21171787 Embattled MP slams Muslim Vote claim that Labor’s ‘weak on Palestine’ - Labor’s Peter Khalil has become the first MP to push back against claims made by a pro-Palestinian political movement aiming to unseat Labor politicians, declaring the group known as The Muslim Vote is misleading the public about the government’s stance on the Gaza war. The Melbourne MP is fighting to hold onto his inner-northern seat of Wills after a redistribution proposal five weeks ago that favours the Greens, who are reaching out to Muslims who make up 10 per cent of the electorate’s voters. The Muslim Vote’s network plans to campaign against Labor MPs they regard as “weak on Palestine” in several seats - including Wills – and met Senator Fatima Payman last month before she crossed the floor to vote with the Greens on immediate recognition of Palestinian statehood. Khalil on Monday accused the group’s leaders of failing to mention “countless” public statements by Labor such as breaking with the United States to back a ceasefire vote at the United Nations, calling for unimpeded aid, demanding Israel respect humanitarian law, and affirming Australia’s role in a peace process that could lead to a Palestinian state. Khalil has expressed the private frustration of target MPs, including senior ministers, who believe the group is fuelling misinformation and distrust, but they are unwilling to criticise the group openly.

>>21171794 Video: Prime minister names Jillian Segal as first Australian anti-Semitism envoy - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has named Jewish lawyer and business leader Jillian Segal as the nation's first anti-Semitism envoy, in response to the rise of Jewish people being targeted amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. Ms Segal is an accomplished lawyer with extensive business experience, including as deputy chancellor of UNSW, serving on the board of the National Australia Bank and as a president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ). Announcing her appointment as special envoy for three years, Mr Albanese said Ms Segal's appointment would promote social cohesion. "What we need to do is to make sure that the conflict that is occurring in the Middle East - that has caused a great deal of grief for the Jewish community, for members of the Islamic and Palestinian communities — Australians overwhelmingly do not want conflict brought here," Mr Albanese said. "We hope there is not a need for ongoing work, but it has been a reminder over recent months that we cannot take respect and social cohesion for granted. We need to nourish it." Ms Segal will advise the prime minister and Multicultural Affairs Minister Andrew Giles on issues of anti-Semitism, and promote education and awareness of the issue. Mr Giles said Ms Segal was someone of "unflinching principle and unwavering strength". Mr Albanese also reconfirmed the government would also shortly appoint a special envoy on Islamophobia.

>>21172250 ‘Antisemitic stereotypes’: Meta to remove more posts attacking ‘Zionists’ - Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta will start removing more posts that attack “Zionists” when the term is used to represent Jewish people or Israelis more generally. Meta usually removes posts that attack a person based on a “protected characteristic,” such as their race, nationality or religion, though political affiliation doesn’t fall into that protected class. While Zionism is a political movement to establish - and now to maintain – a formal Jewish state in the Middle East, the company said that people are also using the term “Zionist” to refer to Jewish or Israeli people more broadly. “We will remove content attacking ‘Zionists’ when it is not explicitly about the political movement, but instead uses antisemitic stereotypes, or threatens other types of harm through intimidation, or violence directed against Jews or Israelis under the guise of attacking Zionists,” Meta wrote in a blog post. Meta previously considered the term “Zionist” as a proxy for Jewish people in very narrow or explicit cases, like if Zionists were compared to rats, according to the blog post. This change in policy expands what could be a violation to phrases where “Jew” or “Israeli” are not mentioned.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21251938   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 15

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 15

>>21177924 ‘I’ll be fighting tooth and nail’: Muslim leader vows to back Labor - Muslim leaders have warned against a new pro-Palestinian political group that vows to target Labor ministers at the next election, saying the faith-based movement could backfire by deepening community division. The government is trying to contain anger over the war in Gaza in key electorates with thousands of Muslim voters, while the Greens accuse Labor of siding with Israel, and the Coalition says Labor offers too much support for an independent Palestine. The new movement, called The Muslim Vote and backed by Sydney Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, has labelled several cabinet ministers as “weak on Palestine”, and has threatened to run candidates against Labor at the election. Muslim community leader Jamal Rifi said the new movement was wrong about senior Labor figures such as Employment Minister Tony Burke and Education Minister Jason Clare, given their public positions on the Middle East. “I totally disagree with The Muslim Vote on that. They are totally ignorant of everything those two people have done over the years and in the immediate past,” he said. “I’ll be fighting tooth and nail to protect our friends in the Labor Party.”

>>21177984 Video: Melbourne pro-Palestine activist who openly called for 'armed resistance', 'death' to America outside city's US consulate referred to the Australian Federal Police - A leading Palestinian activist has been referred to federal and state police after openly calling for “armed resistance” on the streets of Melbourne. Sky News has exclusively obtained disturbing new video of Mohammad Sharab, who is on bail for unrelated charges of kidnapping and assault, calling for death to America and its allies and warning he and supporters would dig “tunnels”, understood to be a reference to Hamas’ terror tunnels. The tirade took place outside the US Consulate in Melbourne’s CBD on US Independence Day on July 4, in full view of police. “We believe in the armed resistance, I say bring back the armed resistance,” Sharab can be heard telling a cheering crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters. “We’re going to start the armed resistance and we’re going to celebrate the fall of that colony. Inshallah, we will. Long live the resistance.” Wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh and a cap in the colours of the Palestinian flag, the 37-year-old repeatedly calls for death to America, Israel and other Western countries. “Death - that is what America deserves,” Sharab says.

>>21185528 Politicians harassed as pro-Palestine supporters target ALP dinner - A 21-year-old woman has been charged with seriously assaulting police, after she allegedly spat on an officer’s face at a pro-Palestine protest targeting an ALP dinner in Brisbane on Friday. Pro-Palestine protesters descended on the event where Anthony Albanese was due to speak, jostling and harassing guests as they entered the event. Queensland Premier Steven Miles, Queensland cabinet members and other senior ALP members are also at the True Believers dinner, which is taking place at The Greek Club in Brisbane. Protesters jostled and harassed guests as they entered the venue at about 6pm, identifying some ALP members to the crowd by name and accusing them “of supporting genocide and baby killing,” one witness said. “It was quite an unhinged, vicious crowd, unlike anything I’ve seen in Brisbane so far.” The protest was organised by Justice for Palestine Magan-djin, which had advertised the event on its social media pages. “Join us to protest the Australian Government’s support for Israel’s Genocide in Palestine,” its advertisement for the protest read. “We demand the Australian Government ends its support and complicity in the Gaza Genocide and immediately sanctions Apartheid Israel.” Protestors at the event could be seen waving flags and could be heard chanting “free, free Palestine”, with one protestor recorded saying: “Albo is a satanist. All zionists are satanists.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21251941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 16

Israel / Hamas Conflict - The Australian Perspective - Part 16

>>21217734 Greens tell Muslim Vote to ‘leave Wills, Senate alone’ - Panicked Greens senators and MPs fear the burgeoning The Muslim Vote movement could cost them the prized target seat of Wills and upper house votes, pleading with the campaign to leave it and the Senate race alone. A potential split in the pro-­Palestine vote came as Muslim leaders said the Greens’ policy slate would be a “deal-breaker” for the community, regardless of its pro-Palestine stance. Amid the five days that saw senator Fatima Payman resign and the emergence of The Muslim Vote, the Greens realised the wedge they drove into the ALP may have been two-edged. Multiple figures in the progressive party picked up the phone to “preference whisperer” and political strategist Glenn Druery, who had reportedly been advising Senator Payman and, separately and informally, The Muslim Vote campaign. Mr Druery didn’t respond to questions from The Australian, but insiders said Greens figures, including NSW senator David Shoebridge, quickly contacted the strategist concerned with how an organised Muslim campaign could affect them, particularly in Wills and the Senate. Sources said some pleaded to Mr Druery that he tell The Muslim Vote to focus solely on the lower house, leaving the Senate alone so as to not take potential votes and spots from the party. The party had been “caught out” by the The Muslim Vote’s sudden mobilisation and was concerned whether its desire to oust Labor extended to the Senate, and how or if Senator Payman would lead a form of upper house ticket. “They’ve tried to wedge Labor on Palestine but they’ve also wedged themselves,” one source said.

>>21234023 Mark Binskin report backs Israel’s findings on World Central Kitchen drone strike - Former defence chief Mark ­Binskin’s report on the Israeli drone strikes that killed Australian Zomi Frankcom and six of her colleagues is set to largely back the Jewish state’s official response to the tragedy, drawing a line under Anthony Albanese’s ­demands for “full accountability” over the deaths. The Australian understands the government’s special adviser on the incident accepted Israel’s findings that the attack on the World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza on April 1 was the result of a serious failure in its targeting ­procedures. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, Air Chief Marshal Binskin was satisfied that, although mistakes were made, the Israeli Defence Forces had safeguards to avoid civilian casualties that were in line with those of Western counterparts ­including Australia. He will brief Frankcom’s family on his findings, which follow the Prime Minister’s declaration after the tragedy that it was “not good enough” to dismiss it as a wartime accident.

>>21234043 Labor works to cool fear of Israel-Lebanon war as Wong lambasts Israel - Foreign Minister Penny Wong has demanded Israel stop killing innocent Palestinians as her government works to tamp down a boilover in local tensions if Israel and Lebanon go to war. As Israel’s parliament voted overwhelmingly against Palestinian statehood, Wong used some of her strongest language to date to condemn Israeli Defence Force strikes that Hamas-run health authorities said killed 50 Palestinians. The recently designated humanitarian zone of al-Mawasi was attacked on July 13 and another attack hit a UN-run school housing displaced people in Nuseirat refugee camp on July 15. “Australia condemns the unacceptable deaths of innocent civilians as a result of Israel’s operations in this last week, including many near schools,” Wong said on X on Thursday, as Labor urged Israel to accept a US-led ceasefire deal thwarted partly by Hamas’ refusal to release hostages. “Australia has been calling for a ceasefire for eight months. This must stop. Civilians, including women and children, are caught in the middle. They must be protected. Hostages must be released and humanitarian access must be increased.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21251942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 17

Australian Politics and Society - Part 1

>>20895255 Scott Morrison explains why evangelical Christians love Trump - Donald Trump’s status as a political outsider amid “deep disenfranchisement” with government institutions is what makes him so appealing to evangelical Christians, according to his ally Scott Morrison, Australia’s first Pentecostal prime minister. Criss-crossing America to promote his new book about faith, Morrison shared his insights of the former US president, who heads towards the November election against President Joe Biden, with more support from evangelical Christians than ever before. Campaign rallies often begin with prayer sessions for the 77-year-old Republican; merchandise worn and sold at his events feature slogans such as “Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president”; and Trump himself recently launched a new Bible for $US60 ($90) as part of his fundraising efforts, spruiking the need to “Make America Pray Again”. Asked to explain Trump’s appeal among evangelicals, Morrison told this masthead: “He is very much outside the political orthodoxy and mainstream, where I think there’s a deep disenfranchisement, and that’s where he connects with people. “There is a sense that he will stick up for people against the things that seek to hold them down, and I think that is something that resonates very strongly. The external commentary about President Trump often fails to get that.”

>>20903669 Video: Anthony Albanese abandons principles and fails own leadership test - "Anthony Albanese is leading the country down a dangerous path that risks polarising our closest allies by putting domestic politics ahead of Australia’s longstanding support for like-minded liberal democracies and a rules-based global order. In a National Press Club address before the 2022 election, Albanese delivered a scathing assessment of Scott Morrison’s leadership. “Never before has Australia had a prime minister with such a pathological determination to avoid responsibility,” the then Labor opposition leader said. “He declares: it’s not my job, it’s not a race, it’s a matter for the states. He doesn’t hold a hose - and he doesn’t give a rats.” The Albanese government has drifted from projecting Australia’s middle power status on the global stage, choosing not to follow the US in key UN votes, rebuffing US requests for naval support in the Red Sea and joining New Zealand and Canada to support positions that don’t align with Washington. On China, Albanese has provided soft responses to two incidents where the People’s Liberation Army put the lives of Australian Defence Force personnel at risk. One week, Albanese tells leading Australian rabbis that pro-Palestine protesters encamped at universities are “Trots” who are ignorant of Middle East history; the next he refuses to reprimand Labor senator Fatima Payman for accusing Israel of genocide and declaring “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. As opposition leader, Albanese talked a big game about leadership and responsibility. Less than 12 months out from the next election, voters will make their assessments on whether the Prime Minister has lived up to his own standards." - Geoff Chambers, The Australian’s Chief Political Correspondent -

>>20909003 Peter Dutton ‘is nothing more than Scott Morrison 2.0’, says Anthony Albanese - Anthony Albanese will launch a major political attack on Peter Dutton in an election-style speech warning voters it is “too important to go back to fear and division” and accusing his rival of being a carbon copy of Scott ­Morrison. The Prime Minister - who makes no reference to Indigenous Australians or the voice referendum in a speech marking two years since his election victory – will say the nation faces challenges that are “too urgent for a retreat to denial and delay”. While the bulk of Mr Albanese’s Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue address on Friday is dedicated to the government’s achievements, the Labor leader will frame the Opposition Leader as an anti-business wrecker ­focused only on “political self-interest”. Following last week’s budget, Mr Albanese will sharpen the government shift from identity politics to a broad-based election pitch around tax cuts, energy bill relief, higher wages and stronger Medicare for “all Australians”. Painting himself as a nation builder with the vision to accelerate Australia’s future economy and jobs, Mr Albanese on Friday will accuse Mr Dutton of wanting to drag the country “back to the era of conflict fatigue”. “We have seen what happens when the only test that politicians apply is their own political self-interest. We saw it with Scott Morrison, we’re seeing it again with Peter Dutton. Governing Australia requires more than sound bites - you need substantial propositions.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7 a.m. No.21251943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 18

Australian Politics and Society - Part 2

>>20909090 Elon Musk's X can be liable for hate speech published on platform in landmark QCAT ruling - Social media company X, formerly Twitter, has lost a key fight over whether it's legally responsible for its activities in Australia. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has made a landmark ruling that the company can be held liable for hate speech published on its platform. The decision is a win for the Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN), which lodged a complaint in July 2022 accusing X of being responsible for publishing denigrating and hateful comments from a far-right conspiracy group, about Muslims being "an existential threat" to the world. The posts in question were published in the aftermath of the 2019 Christchurch mosque attacks, in which 51 people were killed. Islamophobic incidents surged in Australia in the aftermath of that atrocity. But despite requests from AMAN, X refused to remove or geoblock posts that allegedly vilified Australian Muslims, under Queensland's Anti-Discrimination Act. Billionaire Elon Musk, who owns the company - which is based in Delaware in the US - argued that the company should be exempt. But this week's ruling rejects that. The company can appeal the tribunal's decision via the Queensland Supreme Court.

>>20912444 US bans imports of all poultry products from Victoria - The United States Department of Agriculture has banned imports of all Victorian poultry products following an avian influenza outbreak. The H7N3 strain of the virus commonly known as bird flu was found on an egg farm in Meredith, west of Melbourne, on Wednesday and has since been linked to another site 130 kilometres south-west in Terang. The two properties share joint management, staff and machinery. More than 500,000 birds have had to be euthanased this week. The H7N3 is a high pathogenic strain of avian influenza and resulted in 400,000 chicken deaths at the Meredith farm in a bid to control the spread of the virus. The US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said it was restricting the importation of "poultry, commercial birds, ratites, avian hatching eggs, unprocessed avian products and by-products, and certain fresh poultry products from the State of Victoria, Australia". The ban applies to products originating or transiting through Victoria as of May 22.


>>20912456 Former NASA boss arrives to boost Australian space race - Australia’s space effort is taking a leap forward after recruiting a retired US Air Force lieutenant general and NASA administrator. Lieutenant General Larry D. James’ 46-year career has led him from the US Air Force to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He retired from there in March as deputy director and chief operating officer after 11 years’ overseeing 6000 staff who explored solar systems and researched astronomy, physics and Earth sciences. James flew into Australia last Tuesday and starts work on June 1 at Monash University as a professor of space innovation. He will also work at the Adelaide research consortium, SmartSat, as a strategic adviser. “Australia is really doing a lot to boost its space capabilities. And this would be a good time to join in that effort,” James said from Sydney, where he will be based. He said his role would be to “continue to raise the bar for space in Australia, which is an incredible ally for the US”.

>>20916909 The Aussie pop star who became queen of the Trump party scene - For those of a certain political persuasion and bank balance, there will be only one party in London on June 7 at which to be seen: Donald Trump’s fundraiser. “It will be the best party,” one Republican operative told me. “It’s kind of a must-attend, if you can afford a ticket.” Tickets cost up to AUD$150,000 (USD100,000) per couple. If you’re feeling flush, you can pay an extra $25,000 for a picture with two of the hosts: Donald Trump Jr and his fiancee, a former Fox News anchor called Kimberly Guilfoyle. The former president will not be there. But there’s another name on the host list that stands out: the Neighbours star and Kiss Kiss singer, Holly Valance Candy, 41. For those on the right-wing social scene, her name on the invitation is a promising sign. “It’s a Holly party,” said Nigel Farage, who will, of course, be there. “So you can guarantee it’s going to be enormous fun.” To some of her fans the Australian celebrity’s political views might come as a surprise. “She kept quiet for many, many years,” Farage said. The pair have been discussing their shared views for nearly a decade, but the politician always warned Valance that “once you go public there’s no way back”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7 a.m. No.21251945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 19

Australian Politics and Society - Part 3

>>20921946 Ukraine pleaded for help from Australia six months ago. It hasn’t received a reply - Ukraine has appealed directly to Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong for an urgent shipment of Australian coal to help meet its energy needs as Russia bombards its power plants with missile and drone attacks. The Eastern European nation lodged an official request with the government in December for a supply of coal but has yet to receive a response, leading officials to become increasingly worried a shipment may not arrive in time for the European winter. In a letter to Wong sent on May 6, Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko said that “events over the last five months have increased Ukraine’s need for energy security and the assistance of its allies in that regard”. “The stark reality is that no power plant in Ukraine has been exempt from Russian targeting or not sustained [damage], and this is having direct impact on Ukraine’s people and the quality of their lives,” he wrote, adding that Russia had targeted Ukrainian power plants, oil refineries and heating facilities. “You would appreciate that the need for energy security, including ensuring Ukraine’s remaining hydro-thermal generation capacity, has increased as a result of the most recent wave of attacks, and I therefore again ask for Australia’s consideration.”

>>20921983 Operation Ironside: Aussies at heart of global criminal plot smashed by cops - Two Australians at the heart of a global plot to help crime gangs communicate on encrypted devices have pleaded guilty, three years after the scheme was smashed in the police sting of the century. Sydney pair Edwin Kumar and Osemah Elhassen - who distributed the AN0M devices without realising they were being secretly monitored by law enforcement - are the first of 17 foreign nationals charged by the FBI to admit to their role in the conspiracy. It marks a major breakthrough in the world-first investigation, spearheaded by the Australian Federal Police, in which 27 million intercepted messages helped police allegedly foil murder plots and block a multibillion-dollar drug trade involving the Mafia, bikies and South American cartels. It can also be revealed US authorities have arrested two other alleged device distributors - Dragan Nikitovic and Miwand Zakhimi - in the past six months as they continue to round up those allegedly behind the app that its creators bragged was “designed by criminals for criminals”.

>>20926912 Video: Trio of rapists on the Andrew Giles visa leniency list - A trio of child rapists are among the growing list of pedophiles and sex offenders allowed to remain in the country under Andrew Giles’s call for greater tolerance for foreign offenders with ties to Australia, as the Immigration Minister refuses to say if he will intervene in any of the visa approvals. Abdul Wahab Trad, a 45-year-old Lebanese citizen who permanently relocated to Australia in 2013 escaped deportation in March over his 2020 rape of a 13-year-old girl after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal found that the man’s ties to Australia weighed heavily in favour of revoking the cancellation of his visa. His case is one of dozens identified by The Australian in which the AAT’s decision has been shaped by Mr Giles’s Direction 99. The direction’s biggest change was to make the “strength, nature and duration of an individual’s ties to Australia” a primary consideration for the tribunal when considering appeals against the cancellation of visas. Since the direction was handed down in January 2023, dozens of convicted non-citizens - including rapists, drug traffickers, pedophiles and repeat domestic violence perpetrators - have avoided being kicked out of the country after successfully arguing to the AAT that they had ties to Australia. That cohort includes Sudan-born Emmanuel Saki, who was charged over a stabbing murder in Queensland weeks after the AAT agreed to revoke the cancellation of his visa.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7 a.m. No.21251947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 20

Australian Politics and Society - Part 4

>>20926971 Video: Former US president Donald Trump says he will give 'very serious consideration' to pardoning Julian Assange if he takes office - Former US president Donald Trump will give “very serious consideration” to pardoning Julian Assange if he is returned to office in the upcoming presidential election. The Australian Wikileaks founder is currently fighting extradition to the United States, where he faces espionage charges carrying a maximum 175-year sentence for publishing classified information obtained from whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. Trump was asked whether he would pardon the Australian citizen during a podcast interview with Youtuber Tim Pool. "Well I'm going to talk about that today, and we're going to give it very serious consideration,” the former President said. The interview was recorded on Saturday evening (local time), prior to Trump’s speech at the 2024 National Convention of the US Libertarian Party. “And we're going to have a couple of other things to say in the speech - that I think you’re going to love,” he added. The former US president is all but guaranteed to win the Republican nomination, which will set up a re-run of the 2020 contest with current US President Joe Biden. The Australian government has been lobbying the Biden administration to pardon Mr Assange since the election of Anthony Albanese in 2022, with the Prime Minister telling ABC Radio in February that it was “time Julian Assange was brought home”.

>>20932063 Video: Rapist attacks 25 women, teen … and allowed to retain his visa - A remorseless serial rapist who attacked 25 women and a child kept his visa as a result of Andrew Giles's catastrophic push to give more leniency to foreign-born criminals with ties to Australia, as it was revealed the embattled Immigration Minister was warned his policy would lead to a huge rise in offenders successfully beating deportation. The Australian can reveal a man who had “some of the worst child abuse material in the world”, a rapist who molested four children and a criminal who laundered more than $5m also kept their visas as a by-product of Mr Giles’s Direction 99. As Labor was consumed on Tuesday by revelations of offenders who kept their visas as a result of Mr Giles’s direction, the minister declared he would prioritise a possible appeal of cancelled criminal deportations months after they were first overturned and days after the cases were uncovered by The Australian.


>>20932075 Greens to push Palestinian statehood in hung parliament - Greens leader Adam Bandt has made clear he will elevate the recognition of a Palestinian State in any discussions for minority government should the election return a hung parliament, fuelling opposition concerns about the prospect of a Labor-Green coalition. NSW Liberal MP Julian Leeser expressed alarm early on Wednesday that a hung parliament at the next election could see the Greens making the “unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state and the weakening of the Western alliance a price of government.” Following the comments, Mr Bandt told The Australian that “in any future minority parliament, the Greens will use every lever at our disposal to push for an end to the invasion of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine, as well as for Australia to recognise the State of Palestine”.

>>20937481 Video: Andrew Giles under fire as PM rips up deportation rule book - Immigration Minister Andrew Giles is under pressure to fix the detainee crisis and save his job as he scrambles to rewrite the rule used to allow violent criminals to stay in Australia, including serial rapists and paedophiles the government was fighting to deport. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was forced to back his embattled minister in a fiery question time following growing opposition calls for Giles to be sacked. “The new directive will ensure that the protection of the community outweighs any other consideration,” Albanese told federal parliament on Wednesday amid growing government criticism of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal’s decisions. This followed revelations Giles’ departmental secretary kept him in the dark about a slew of cases reinstating the visas of serial rapists under “direction 99”, which was issued by the minister last year. Direction 99 states: “Australia will generally afford a higher level of tolerance” based on the length of time a non-citizen has spent in the Australian community, particularly in formative years.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:01 a.m. No.21251949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 21

Australian Politics and Society - Part 5

>>20937493 Giles says he’s using drones to track freed foreign criminals - Beleaguered Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has claimed the government is using drones to track former immigration detainees following revelations that murderers, sex offenders and domestic attackers released since last year’s High Court decision were not being electronically monitored. After a bruising week of question time attacks, several caucus colleagues are privately discussing Giles’ future in the portfolio after a ministerial direction he issued last year was used by a tribunal to allow visa holders who had committed serious crimes to stay in Australia. However, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told colleagues that he places a premium on stability, does not want a reshuffle and will not let Opposition Leader Peter Dutton dictate terms. Labor’s move to rewrite ministerial Direction 99 - which mandates the consideration of a foreign criminal’s Australian ties before cancelling their visa – prompted New Zealand to warn against deporting Kiwi citizens who had spent little time in the country.

>>20937501 NZ seeks talks with Canberra over Direction 99 reform - New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is seeking urgent talks with Australia over Direction 99 reform, saying he doesn’t want to see Australia deport New Zealanders who have little connection to their country of origin. The Albanese government has committed to reforming the controversial Ministerial Direction, which was introduced last year to appease New Zealand’s anger over a string of deportations of long-term Australian residents with few ties to their country of citizenship. Immigration Minister Andrew Giles announced he would repeal the directive on Wednesday, after The Australian revealed multiple cases of rapists and pedophiles being allowed to stay because of their ties to Australia. But Mr Peters, who is also NZ’s foreign minister, suggested he would appeal to Anthony Albanese’s “common sense” approach to the issue. “We accept that Australia has the right to determine what level of offending by non-citizens is unacceptable. “But we do not want to see deportation of people with little or no connection to New Zealand, whose formative experiences were nearly all in Australia. “We note Prime Minister Albanese’s previous commitment to take a ‘common sense’ approach to deportation of people to New Zealand who had effectively spent their entire lives in Australia.”


>>20945186 Donald Trump guilty in hush money trial - Former US President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money trial in New York. The verdict makes Trump the first former US president to be convicted of a felony. Judge Juan Merchan has set the sentencing date for July 11. Outside court, a furious Trump continued his claims that the trial had been "rigged" and accused Merchan of being "conflicted" and "corrupt". "This was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case," Trump said. He said "the real verdict" would come in on November 5 - the date of the upcoming US presidential election for which Trump is the presumed Republican nominee. "This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent," Trump said.

>>20945225 Australia reacts: Anthony Albanese ‘wishes the US well’ as Penny Wong says she’s open to meeting Trump - Australia’s political leaders have vowed to maintain the relationship with the United States regardless of who is elected president in the wake of Donald Trump’s criminal conviction just months out from a bitterly contested poll. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he had no doubt the news would be “the global story of the day” but it was inappropriate for him to comment on the case. “We’re not a party to this court proceedings. So we regard that as a matter for the United States and their system, as we regard the election of the US president to be a matter for the people of the United States as well,” he said. “We would probably object to a New Zealand prime minister or a US president, or a German chancellor, or a French president, telling us how we should conduct our political system and I have no intention of telling the United States.” He noted his close personal relationship with current president Joe Biden, but said the US-Australia alliance was a relationship between countries not individuals.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:01 a.m. No.21251951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 22

Australian Politics and Society - Part 6

>>20945256 Doubts over drone program after under-fire minister’s detainee claim - The existence of a drone program to monitor former detainees has been thrown into doubt after under-fire Immigration Minister Andrew Giles made the claim in defence of the government’s handling of multiple visa crises. Despite Giles’ assertion, government sources say drones are not being used to track detainees after the practicality of the program was questioned by a security expert and the Coalition demanded to know details of the secret measures. While facing a political storm fresh over his ministerial direction 99 being used by a tribunal to justify reinstating the visas of a series of serious criminals, Giles also responded to fresh Home Affairs figures showing three freed murderers and 26 sex offenders were not wearing monitors. AFP deputy commissioner Ian McCartney told a Senate estimates hearing on Friday evening the agency was not using drones on the cohort and he had no knowledge of drones being used as part of the taskforce’s operations. “We believe there hasn’t but as a matter of completeness we’ll take it on notice,” he said. Victoria Police confirmed it was not using drones to monitor released immigration detainees while NSW Police said it was a Commonwealth issue.

>>20945327 Ukraine gets $31m aid boost, but no coal - Australia will provide $20 million to an energy support fund for Ukraine amid pleas for an urgent shipment of coal. Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Friday a $31 million package for Ukraine's energy and humanitarian needs. Kyiv has requested the coal shipment as Russia bombards its power plants with missile and drone strikes. Instead of providing coal, funds will be used to provide heat and electricity for Ukrainians, amid concerns the conflict could continue into the European winter. The Albanese government has been criticised after a call for help by Ukraine went unanswered for six months. Senator Wong said the government remained unwavering in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty. "Australia's $20 million contribution to the Ukraine Energy Support Fund will be used meet the highest priority energy needs and support the Ukrainian people," she said.


>>20950711 US Space Forces Indo-Pacific commander highlights key alliance at Australian Space Summit - Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir, U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific commander, participated in the Australian Space Summit at the International Convention Center in Sydney, Australia, May 27-28. The Australian Space Summit aimed to provide presentation to critical funding issues and unveil fresh opportunities for international collaboration with the goal of growing Australia’s space sector. During the two-day event that explored space collaboration and competition in the Pacific, Mastalir delivered a keynote address and participated in panels which discussed space capabilities and the U.S.-Australian alliance in the Indo-Pacific. Joining Mastalir on the panel was Royal Australian Air Force Maj. Gen. Gregory Novak, Defence Space Command, Australian Defence Forces commander. The panel focused on emphasizing collaboration as a critical component in enhancing the U.S.-Australian partnership for securing the Indo-Pacific. “There are many similarities in what we’re doing here,” Novak said. “The space domain has always been a strong part of the U.S.-Australian military-to-military relationship and our alliance. One thing that struck me over the past six months is just how much it’s deepened and broadened over that time.”

>>20954706 Doctors blast opaqueness of gender clinics - Australia’s major gender clinics have refused to confirm whether they are tracking long-term health outcomes of thousands of young children they have treated, despite a landmark British review that criticised the opaqueness and secrecy of the medical care. Children’s hospitals in NSW, Queensland and Victoria have given no indication they will be changing treatment options for young people with gender dysphoria, despite serious issues raised by the Cass review and growing international evidence over the safety and clinical effectiveness of the drugs. As an increasing number of ­voices call for an independent inquiry into the prescription of ­puberty blockers to young teens, medical experts have urged Australian hospitals to release up-to-date information on treatment plans and long-term outcomes of hormone treatments, warning that the current lack of transparency is leading to harmful outcomes. Clinicians have also hit out at the nation’s peak body for transgender health, AusPATH, after it this week dismissed findings of the Cass review, saying that the medical body was “digging their heels in” despite increasing alarm over the rising prescription of ­puberty-blocking drugs in young teenagers.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:01 a.m. No.21251952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 23

Australian Politics and Society - Part 7

>>20954768 Trans ‘lab leak’ unleashed a scandalous medical experiment - "Equality Australia, a transgender activist lobby, issued a curious media statement this week deploring England’s Cass review into the medicalisation of distressed minors alienated from their birth sex. The statement ran to almost 900 words, but none could be spared to spell out puberty blockers or synthetic cross-sex hormones. Hiding behind the euphemism of gender-affirming care, the clinicians and activists quoted in the statement would have us believe the medical scandal documented by British pediatrician Hilary Cass is simply not relevant here in Australia. Yet it is, of course. Same hormonal drugs likely to sterilise minors and rob them of sexual pleasure as adults, same low-quality evidence base, same zealous affirmation of gender as the cause of distress. Teenagers turn up at gender clinics primed with the diagnostic checklist for gender dysphoria, but the true causes of their unhap­piness may lie elsewhere. Maybe undiagnosed autism, awkward same-sex attraction, mental health disorders, past sex abuse or just the unsurprising confusion of teenage brains exposed to a pseudoscientific celebrity culture of gender diversity." - Bernard Lane, former journalist with The Australian and writer of the newsletter

>>20954866 People are in denial following the Cass report - it’s like deprogramming cult members - "I suppose if I had been cheering on a vast medical experiment on children that was now shown to be extremely harmful, I might be keeping my head down. If I had been interning as a witch hunter, I might say, “I only helped with the pyres, I didn’t actually light the fire.” If I needed other people’s small children to prove my very “existence” as an adult, I may keep rather quiet. Indeed, the reaction to the Cass Review has been notable in that many who have previously intoned trans rights slogans have just changed the subject. Their silence is deafening. The other reaction is almost Trumpian in its delusion. When presented with the biggest survey of the evidence by a top paediatrician, some zealots simply come out with their own “alternative facts”. The disinformation they have spread has meant that Dr Hilary Cass, the report’s author, has been threatened and advised not to travel on public transport. These people, quite frankly, disgust me. One of them, Patrick Harvie, the co-leader of the Scottish Greens, was asked five times on the Today programme whether he accepted Cass’s findings and he would not answer. Thankfully, he is not in charge of NHS Scotland, which has now also paused the prescription of puberty blockers and will not give cross-sex hormones to new patients under 18." - Suzanne Moore -

>>20954935 Australian transgender healthcare guidelines ‘lack rigour and independence’, say Cass review researchers - Australia’s guidelines on gender-affirmative medicine lack rigour and independence, and fail to recommend formal assessment processes that screen for body image problems, autism spectrum disorder, sexual orientation, or physical health conditions, according to international researchers commissioned by the UK Cass review. University of York researchers conducted a study analysing international standards of care in gender-affirming medicine. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne guidelines, which are followed by all Australia’s children’s hospitals, were examined. The review found all guidelines around the world, including Australia’s, recommend a multidisciplinary approach to assessment, but few provide specific detail or clarity on the purposes of assessment. For instance, very few guidelines recommend formal measures or clinical tools to assess gender dysphoria. Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne guidelines in Australia were found to contain no recommendations for the discussion of body image, neurodiversity or autism spectrum disorder, sexuality, sexual functioning or sexual orientation, or physical health or conditions.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21251954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 24

Australian Politics and Society - Part 8

>>20954971 Video: Cass Down Under - "Centre-right politics in Australia is alert to the message of paediatrician Hilary Cass, who is about to make a virtual visit to the country. Members of the centre-right Liberal Party in Australia’s most populous state have endorsed a motion urging a ban on medicalised gender change for minors. The motion, passed at Saturday’s state council meeting of the party’s New South Wales (NSW) division, calls on “the federal and state governments to ban chemical (drug) and surgical gender dysphoria treatment for minors due to the inability of a child to provide informed consent to these types of procedures.” The motion is not binding on the parliamentary Liberal Party, which is in opposition, but the overwhelming support shown by members and delegates on Saturday sends a signal to the leadership ahead of a vote on legislation that would allow minors easier access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. England’s Cass report - which deplored the “remarkably weak evidence” for youth gender medicine and confirmed the experimental status of puberty blockers - was cited in support of Saturday’s motion at the state council meeting of the NSW Liberals. Dr Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health who led England’s 2020-24 review of youth dysphoria care, has agreed to take part in a webinar on the relevance of her report to Australia. The July 2 webinar will be moderated by Professor Philip Morris, president of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP), which in 2019 became the first Australian medical society to call for an inquiry into paediatric gender medicine." - Bernard Lane -

>>20954995 Q Post #1735 - There is nothing more precious than our children. Evil has no boundaries. - The choice to know will ultimately be yours. These people are SICK!To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you! You are not alone in this fight. God bless. Q


>>20955150 US Marine on rape charge placed on bail, denied trip home to await trial in America - A US Marine charged with rape while on rotation in the Top End has had his plans to return home to await trial put on ice after being placed on bail in the Darwin Local Court on Friday. The court heard the 24-year-old - who cannot be named before being committed to stand trial - had been issued with a notice to appear after the charge was laid on May 1. But prosecutor Rhiannon McGlinn said her office had requested the case be relisted a day before his Marine Corps contract was due to lapse to ask that he be placed on bail instead. “I understand he then had plans to return to the United States of America,” she said. “However the US Marine Corps has been in contact with my office and has notified us they will keep him here if there is a bail order requiring him to remain in Darwin.” In granting bail, Mr Neill ordered the man to live at the Defence Establishment Berrimah and not travel more than 100km from Darwin while surrendering his travel documents and steering clear of the airport. “I’m satisfied that circumstances exist which warrant the imposing of bail conditions on the defendant because of his situation with the US Marine force and his potential to depart the jurisdiction,” he said.

>>20959141 Labor cancels visas of 20 foreign criminals in Direction 99 fallout - The number of visas re-cancelled by Immigration Minister Andrew Giles more than doubled to 20 at the weekend, as he faces a new attack from the Coalition over his claims that drones are being used to monitor foreign criminals. As senior Labor figures deny the government made “a mistake” in implementing Direction 99 under pressure from New Zealand last year, opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan demanded the government reveal whether it was indeed flying drones near schools to track foreign-born criminals and prevent them coming into contact with children. “The Albanese Labor government needs to come clean: are they now saying that drones are flying over schools?” Mr Tehan said. “If this is the case, which schools? And have the parents of schoolchildren who attend these schools been notified? Once again this sounds like fantasy land to defend the indefensible, which is the sheer incompetence of Andrew Giles.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21251957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 25

Australian Politics and Society - Part 9

>>20959152 Minister admits there are no detainee drones - Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has admitted that drones are not being used to track released detainees in a fresh gaffe for the frontbencher. Giles made the sensational statement in a TV interview last week during a bruising week for the government over its handling of former detainees convicted of serious crimes and revelations a ministerial directive he issued last year led to a tribunal allowing a number of foreign criminals to stay in Australia. In a statement released on Monday, Giles corrected the record after doubts were raised over the use of drones to monitor detainees, when the Australian Border Force declined to confirm it was using them in its operations and the Australian Federal Police saying it had no knowledge of the operation. “Last week, in an interview on Sky News, I stated that Operation AEGIS was using drones. I relied on information provided by my department at the time, which has since been clarified,” Giles said. “As part of the work monitoring and supporting community safety, Operation AEGIS draws on information from a range of sources using different technologies including aerial open-source and other imagery through their work with state and territory law enforcement bodies.”

>>20964564 ‘Can’t get story straight’: Confusion over plan to allow foreigners to serve in ADF - The federal government has scrambled to clarify that only citizens from Five Eyes nations will initially be able to serve in the Australian Defence Force after the announcement of an overhaul of recruitment rules became mired in confusion. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton accused the government of creating a “dog’s breakfast” with its announcement that foreigners would be allowed to enlist in the military to help address a dire personnel shortage, with ministers providing conflicting explanations about how the policy would work. The government’s initial media release suggested that only permanent residents from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network - the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada – would be eligible to enlist. Defence Personnel Minister Matt Keogh later said that permanent residents from “any other countries” living in Australia would be able to apply to join the ADF, prompting questions about whether permanent residents from autocracies such as China could be recruited. Defence Minister Richard Marles subsequently told reporters that “the focus is on Five Eyes and the Pacific”, with Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy saying Pacific Islanders would be able to serve from next year.

>>20964579 Third Victorian poultry farm declares outbreak of avian influenza, source under investigation - A third poultry farm has declared an outbreak of avian influenza in Victoria. Farm Pride Foods announced this morning the viral strain detected at its Lethbridge aviary site was "the same strain found on the egg farm at Meredith" about 10 days ago. Those farms are about 10 minutes' apart by road in the Golden Plains Shire in central Victoria. A different strain of avian influenza - H7N9 - was discovered at a farm at Terang on May 24. Farm Pride Foods said it had been collaborating with Agriculture Victoria to conduct hen health assessments. Tests on June 1 showed hens kept in sheds were free of bird flu. But tests carried out on Sunday, June 2 showed free-range hens had the H7N3 strain.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.21251963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 26

Australian Politics and Society - Part 10

>>20964628 Malcolm Turnbull urges world leaders to follow his example: stand up to Donald Trump - Malcolm Turnbull has blasted Donald Trump as a ‘volatile, narcissistic gaslighter’, urging world leaders to follow his own example and stand up to Mr Trump should he return to the White House next year. Mr Turnbull, whose term as prime minister overlapped with Mr Trump’s presidency until 2018, wrote in the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs that “character, courage and candour may be the most important aid [foreign leaders] can render to the United States in a second age of Trump”. “There has never been such an effective and relentless gaslighter,” Mr Turnbull wrote, referring to the former Republican president, who remains the favourite to win against Joe Biden in November despite his conviction for election interference in New York last week. Mr Turnbull recounted his famous phone call with a newly elected Mr Trump in early 2017, where the prime minister sought to obtain assurances the new Trump administration would honour a deal to struck the former president Barack Obama to take some of Australia’s undocumented arrivals. “On the call, I told Trump that Australia expected the United States to stick to its word. Trump was furious, raging that the deal was a terrible one, that it would kill him politically, that Obama had been a fool to do it,” Mr Turnbull wrote. “It was daunting to be yelled at by the president of the United States, but I stood my ground. By the end of the call, Trump had, with great reluctance, agreed to go along with it”.

>>20964719 Malcolm Turnbull: How the World Can Deal With Trump - Advice for Leaders Facing the Potential Return of “America First” - "In this year of major elections around the world, none is more consequential than that in the United States on the first Tuesday in November. Polling suggests Donald Trump will enter the White House again in January 2025. If he does, he will return to office perhaps no wiser but certainly more experienced and more convinced than ever of his own exceptional genius. More ominously, he will be determined to rectify in his second term what he insists was the major failing of his first: that both his own advisers and Washington officialdom got in his way. Like most people, Trump is often wrong. Unlike most people, however, he is never in doubt. A powerful narcissistic self-belief has given him the strength to defy not just his many enemies but even reality itself. For four years, he has denied the outcome of the 2020 election and persuaded most of his party, and millions of Americans, to agree with him. There has never been such an effective and relentless gaslighter. A Trump returned to the White House, convinced of his own genius, and with the evidence of an election win to prove it, will be surrounded by more yes men and sycophants than ever. In that environment, who will be prepared to tell him what he doesn’t want to hear? The leaders of the countries that are the United States’ friends and allies will be among the very few who can speak truthfully to Trump. He can shout at them, embarrass them, even threaten them. But he cannot fire them. Their character, courage, and candor may be the most important aid they can render to the United States in a second age of Trump." - Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia from 2015 to 2018 -

>>20969901 Operation Ironside: How biggest sting in history brought down world’s toughest criminals - It was March 2020, the start of the Covid pandemic, and like half the planet, Australia’s most wanted gangster Hakan Ayik was coming to grips with meeting work colleagues online via Zoom. The prolific drug smuggler was sitting in the cafe of the Kings Cross Hotel that he owns and runs in the Turkish city of Istanbul, talking about how to turbocharge his illicit business, flogging encrypted phones. The phones and their encrypted platform, known as AN0M, were proving popular with international drug cartels and money-laundering syndicates, and Ayik wanted to maximise profits. Three other men were in the meeting, and one of them, identified only as Afgoo, was the global head of the AN0M business. Ayik, who had fled Sydney more than a decade earlier and had managed to stay a step ahead of law-enforcement ever since, had no idea that every detail of the meeting was being monitored by police and the FBI. And he didn’t know Afgoo was the man who secretly sold the AN0M platform to law enforcement and was now operating as a confidential informant to the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.21251964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 27

Australian Politics and Society - Part 11

>>20969930 Video: eSafety drops case against Elon Musk's X over church stabbing videos - A legal battle to have graphic footage of a church stabbing in Sydney removed from Elon Musk's social media platform X will be abandoned by the eSafety commissioner. Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant confirmed the Federal Court case would be abandoned, after several blows in court and an attempt to temporarily force the footage to be hidden expiring. "After weighing multiple considerations, including litigation across multiple cases, I have considered this option likely to achieve the most positive outcome for the online safety of all Australians, especially children," Ms Inman-Grant said. "Our sole goal and focus in issuing our removal notice was to prevent this extremely violent footage from going viral, potentially inciting further violence and inflicting more harm on the Australian community and I stand by my investigators and the decisions eSafety made." The case was seen as a test of Australia's ability to enforce online safety requirements on the social media platforms. Posting on social media, X's government affairs arm celebrated the announcement. "This case has raised important questions on how legal powers can be used to threaten global censorship of speech, and we are heartened to see that freedom of speech has prevailed," the company said. Mr Musk also posted, saying "freedom of speech is worth fighting for."

>>20976380 eSafety chief Julie Inman Grant pushes powers to ban tech giants from local advertising cash and data - eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant is pushing for “business disruption powers” restricting advertising revenue and siphoning of Australians’ personal data as punishment for tech companies that breach online safety rules. After abandoning her Federal Court case to remove videos of the Wakeley terrorist stabbing from Elon Musk’s social media platform X, Ms Inman Grant warned that the 2021 Online Safety Act had been “leapfrogged” by overseas ­jurisdictions. Ms Inman Grant, who has been the country’s online safety tsar for more than seven years, said Australia’s enforcement powers and penalties must be on par with domestic and global regulators. As the Albanese government reviews the Online Safety Act, Ms Inman Grant said “we should be looking at business disruption powers”. “Why should these companies that aren’t abiding by our laws be monetising our citizens’ personal data and taking our advertising funds? This is where we need to look, particularly with the more recalcitrant players,” she told The Australian.


>>20983445 Peter Dutton tells Anthony Albanese: put Adam Bandt’s Greens party last - Peter Dutton has called on Anthony Albanese to reject the anti-Semitism “flourishing within the Greens political party” and put its candidates last on Labor how-to-vote cards at the next election. After joining the Prime Minister this week in condemning the Greens for “pouring fuel on the fire” of social division and anti-Semitism, the Opposition Leader shifted greater responsibility on to the government for allowing fear to “fester” within the Jewish community. In an interview with The Australian on the second anniversary of his becoming Opposition Leader, Mr Dutton said protesters chanting hateful slogans - including “from the river to the sea” and promoting “intifada” – had been “allowed to coexist on the Prime Minister’s watch”. He doubled down on his criticism of the Greens, saying they were an anti-Semitic party - a claim strongly refuted by Adam Bandt – with Mr Dutton branding the minor party leader a “radical … unworthy of public office”. “I think the Prime Minister should join our commitment to put the Greens last at this election,” Mr Dutton said. “Should the Greens be condemned for encouraging these extremists? Yes. And it is absolutely appropriate to condemn them, and I join the Prime Minister in doing that.”

>>20983586 Anthony Albanese’s electorate office ‘targeted’ by Hamas symbol with a ‘history of violence’ - Anthony Albanese’s electorate office has been tagged with terror group Hamas’s symbol indicating its Israeli military targets as police across Australia said officers would clamp down on protest ­activity that spilt into criminality. The Australian on Wednesday revealed how the Prime Minister had been locked out of his Sydney Grayndler electorate office since January because of a pro-­Palestinian encampment on its doorstep amid safety concerns, with the office since plastered with red inverted triangles, used by Hamas and associated with a “history of violence”. The symbol is used in videos by Hamas’s military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, to illustrate the Israeli targets it intends to fire at. It has since been embraced by pro-Palestine activists, who use it for both graffiti and at protests.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.21251966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 28

Australian Politics and Society - Part 12

>>20983605 NZ upset by Giles decision to replace ‘direction 99’ rule on deporting criminals - New Zealand has expressed its disappointment at a new direction that will lower the threshold to deport foreign criminals from Australia as the Albanese government seeks to regain control over the troubled immigration portfolio. Immigration Minister Andrew Giles released a new rule - known as “direction 110” – on Friday morning to replace the previous “direction 99” which was blamed for dozens of convicted criminals being released into the community rather than returned to their country of citizenship. Asked by a New Zealand journalist whether the new policy was a “betrayal of New Zealand”, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said that “we regret the decision Australia has made”, while noting the country was allowed to set its own immigration rules. “It’s just not right that people with no connection to New Zealand are deported to New Zealand,” Luxon said on Friday. “We need to monitor the implementation of it. I note that prime minister Albanese has also assured me that a common-sense approach will continue to apply.”

>>20988386 Musk’s X in fresh legal stoush with Australia’s e-safety commission - Australia’s eSafety Commissioner will take on Elon Musk’s X Corp in court later this year after it issued the social media giant with a six-figure fine, a court has heard. eSafety in December last year announced that it had commenced civil proceedings in the Federal Court against X Corp relating to its response to a “transparency notice”. In a statement, eSafety said the notice required the company to explain how it was “meeting the Basic Online Safety Expectations in relation to child sexual exploitation and abuse material”. eSafety has alleged that X Corp “failed to respond or failed to respond truthfully and accurately to certain questions” and issued the company with a $615,500 infringement notice. X Corp is separately seeking judicial review of the infringement notice and has launched proceedings which will run alongside the case launched by the eSafety Commissioner.


>>20993031 Video: Labor blasts Peter Dutton’s threat to withdraw from 2030 climate targets - Energy Minister Chris Bowen says Peter Dutton’s vow to axe Australia’s 2030 climate emissions target would be a “wrecking ball” for the country’s relationships with its key foreign partners. The Opposition Leader has said if he wins the next federal election, he would scrap Labor’s legislated target for 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030 and focus on nuclear energy to reach net zero by 2050. The decision would place Australia at odds with its legally binding targets under the 2015 Paris Agreement, where nearly 200 countries committed to their own plans to reduce planet-warming emissions. Mr Bowen said a weakened climate emissions goal could leave the nation out of step with Pacific Island states and a significant portion of the international community.

>>20998381 Video: Andrews, McGowan catch pair of Covid honours - Australia’s most polarising Covid-era premiers have been awarded the nation’s highest honour, with both recognised for their health policies ­despite one presiding over one of the world’s longest lockdowns and a botched hotel quarantine program that led to the deaths of more than 800 people, and the other having closed the borders of his state for almost two years. Daniel Andrews has received a Companion of the Order of Australia for “eminent service to the people and parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development” while Mark McGowan receives the same award for “eminent service to the people and parliament of Western Australia, to public health and education, and to international trade relations”. Both premiers were most prominent on the national stage at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and their citations for “eminent service … to public health” largely refer to these roles. Mr McGowan’s citation for services to “international trade relations” comes after he pushed for a softer stance on China and labelled the Morrison government’s security-led position on the superpower “insane”; Mr Andrews’ citation for “policy and regulatory reform” and “infrastructure development” comes after he left his state budget on a trajectory to hit more than $187bn in net debt within the next four years.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21251969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 29

Australian Politics and Society - Part 13

>>20998391 Jeff Kennett: Awarding Daniel Andrews a Companion of the Order of Australia devalues it beyond recognition - "Victorians, every Australian should be outraged that the individual who has so destroyed the opportunities for generations in this state has been granted the highest civilian award in Australia. In doing so, the awards under the Order of Australia have been devalued beyond recognition. In awarding the highest honour to Mr Andrews, the Governor-General, and the Secretariat that manages the awarding of honours, have rewarded gross financial mismanagement of Victoria, the deaths of more than 800 Victorians, and manifest failure of Mr Andrews to discharge his responsibilities under the Westminster system. On two measures in the citation that accompanies Mr Andrews’ award - health and infrastructure - he has failed. Certainly, the third, reform, when he failed to accept responsibility for his actions that so disadvantaged his community. Victorian citizens are going to pay heavily, for decades, for the failures of Mr Andrews. Under no circumstances should he have been recognised for an Order of Australia Award. He should give it back, or we Victorians should write to the Governor-General asking that he revoke the award." - Jeff Kennett, premier of Victoria from 1992 to 1999 -

>>20998398 Stop using Trump-like tactics on climate change, independent MPs warn Dutton - Teal independents have accused Peter Dutton of putting the country’s economic and environmental future at risk by abandoning the Paris Agreement, while sharpening their pre-election attack lines on the Liberal Party as it seeks to win back wealthy seats in the capital cities. Independents Allegra Spender, Monique Ryan and Zoe Daniel said Dutton’s decision to ditch Australia’s 2030 targets to cut emissions by 43 per cent while promising to achieve net zero by 2050 would push investment out of the country to nations that recognised the environmental risks. Zoe Daniel, who won the neighbouring Melbourne seat of Goldstein from Liberal Tim Wilson, said Dutton was trying to reignite the political war over climate change on the back of policy backsliding and a “campaign of misinformation”. “I doubt the Goldstein community will take kindly to Mr Dutton spouting unedited lines out of the [Donald] Trump playbook, blaming migrants for every problem from congestion to pressure on the health system while following Trump’s example of pulling out of Paris,” she said.


>>21004642 Malcolm Turnbull issues warning over what a second Donald Trump presidency might bring to the world - Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned a second term as US president for Donald Trump could lead to him being surrounded by more "yes-men" and a shift in US foreign policy. Trump was recently the first US president to have a criminal conviction recorded, when he was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records. Speaking to 7.30, Mr Turnbull, who was Australian PM when Trump was first elected to office, said he feared Trump would only be more emboldened should he defeat President Joe Biden in the race for the White House. "In a second term, Trump will be surrounded by more yes-men and yes-women than ever, and he will feel unassailable, because he will have done the impossible and got himself re-elected," Mr Turnbull said He then warned that leaders of nations who were allies with the US would have to stand up to Trump. "Trump is a bully, with a domineering personality," Mr Turnbull told 7.30.

>>21004651 Video: Malcolm Turnbull on how to deal with Donald Trump | 7.30 - Elections in Europe have once again raised the spectre of a shift to the right across the globe. In response President Emmanuel Macron has just called a snap election to try to head off the rise of the far right in France. But no election result is more anticipated than the one in the United States later this year which could see Donald Trump return to the White House. Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull famously had a run in with President Trump and he's now published an essay in Foreign Affairs magazine, "How the world can deal with Trump". - ABC News In-depth

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21251972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 30

Australian Politics and Society - Part 14

>>21015094 Marine Corps Osprey lands on Australian warship 3 months after flight ban was lifted - An MV-22 Osprey touched down on an Australian warship last week, another indicator the tiltrotor is returning to routine service with the Marine Corps after a series of deadly crashes. The aircraft - part of Marine Rotational Force-Darwin - landed aboard the HMAS Adelaide on June 4 as it cruised off Australia’s northern coast, Capt. Edwin Myers, who commanded a detachment of Marines on the helicopter flight deck, told Stars and Stripes by phone Tuesday. The U.S. military grounded its fleet of about 400 Ospreys between Dec. 6 and March 8 as it investigated the Nov. 29 crash of an Air Force CV-22 Osprey that killed eight airmen off Japan’s southern coast. An Osprey assigned to last year’s Marine rotational force crashed in August north of Darwin, in Australia’s Northern Territory, killing three Marines and injuring 20 others, three seriously. Neither accident investigation report has been released, although the Air Force initially found “a materiel failure of a V-22 component” in the November crash, according to a March 8 news release from the Pentagon, which did not identify the component.

>>21015132 Gender diversity a ‘normal variation’, doctor tells court - A doctor advising a young girl on whether to take cross-sex hormones told the child some side ­effects of taking testosterone, including vaginal atrophy, were reversible or would not last forever, and said there was “scientific debate” about whether the treatment could have an impact on her fertility. The doctor, who works for one of Australia’s largest public gender clinics, also says gender diversity is a “normal variation of human development” and refuses to admit it could be influenced by “external pressure”. The case emerged as the latest development in a highly complex family law matter in which the parents are divided over whether their child can medically transition to become a boy. One parent opposes the prescription of the cross-sex hormones, previously telling the child they will “grow out of it”. The other supports the transition, and is trying to claim full parental responsibility. The matter is on the brink of becoming a “royal commission” into the Australian model of care for gender dysphoria, the Federal Circuit and Family Court heard on Tuesday, as lawyers debate the legitimacy of Britain’s Cass review which found Australia’s guidelines on gender-affirmative medicine lacked rigour and independence.


>>21015592 PNG offers skilled workers for Australia’s infrastructure sector, pledges no ‘riff raff’ - Papua New Guinea will urge the Albanese government to help it dramatically increase the number of temporary workers it supplies to Australia, saying it has thousands of skilled tradesmen from the oil and gas sector who could work on major infrastructure projects. Seven federal government ministers, led by Richard Marles and Penny Wong, will travel to Port Moresby next week for the 30th Australia-PNG ministerial forum, with labour mobility and policing support at the top of the agenda. PNG hopes to send 8000 of its workers to Australia by 2025, but by June 30 last year had supplied less than a quarter of that figure. PNG Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko said PNG had 20,000 qualified tradies who worked on the country’s ExxonMobil LNG project who could bolster Australia’s infrastructure workforce. He said the country could also supply more workers to Australia’s horticulture sector and other rural industries such as abattoirs.

>>21015613 Doctor’s defiance on child’s sex swap - A doctor from one of Australia’s largest public gender clinics says a gender dysphoric child who believed taking cross-sex hormones would help her grow male genitalia is still able to show mature thinking in the area of gender. The Federal Circuit and Family Court on Wednesday heard the child, whose parents are divided over whether she should be allowed treatment, exhibited a “lack of understanding” that could indicate she was not ready for medical intervention. The doctor, however, said while the comments might indicate the child’s juvenile grasp of how testosterone would impact her genitals, it does not necessarily show an overall lack of critical thinking in the area of gender. The matter - in which one parent opposes the prescription of cross-sex hormones and has previously told the child they would “grow out of it”, and the other who supports the transition - is in the midst of a multi-day hearing, in which various expert witnesses are giving evidence.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21251975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 31

Australian Politics and Society - Part 15

>>21015643 Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas fails in legal bid to qualify for Paris Olympic Games - Transgender United States swimmer Lia Thomas has lost any chance of competing in the Paris Olympic Games after losing a significant case against World Aquatics in the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Thomas, 25, had taken the case to the Lausanne-based court to try and force World Aquatics to overturn its rules which bars anyone who has undergone any part of male puberty from competing in the female category of the sport. But the court has ruled against Thomas and the swimmer will not be eligible to try for Olympic Games selection in the female category. British swimming champion Sharron Davies tweeted after hearing the court decision: “Good, no elite female athlete will have to lose out to this mediocre 6’4ft male swimmer.” Thomas was born male and went through puberty as a male ranked in the mid 500s in men’s competitions, and a career high of 65th in the 500 yards freestyle in 2019 before becoming a trans woman and winning the female 500m NCAA college title in March 2022, sparking a flurry of controversy. In a separate legal case that is still ongoing, 16 US women have since lodged a legal claim from that race claiming the National Collegiate Athletics Association had institutionalised discrimination and cheating against them.

>>21015700 Trump Jr and Farage attend London fundraiser hosted by Holly Valance - Donald Trump Jr and Nigel Farage are among the guests at a London fundraiser that has so far raised more than $2 million (£1.6 million) for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The reception, believed to be the biggest fundraising event outside the US for Trump’s re-election bid, is being hosted by Holly Valance, the Australian actor and singer, in the Chelsea mansion she shares with her husband, the billionaire property tycoon Nick Candy. Farage, the leader of Reform UK and prospective MP for Clacton, took a break from his election campaigning to attend the event alone. He arrived holding a copy of the Gospel According to St John. When asked if he had any reservations about donating to a convicted felon, he responded: “I can’t donate, I’m British.” Last month, before announcing his bid to become an MP, he said he had a “firm job offer” related to Trump’s re-election campaign.

>>21026625 Elon Musk chases ‘overpayments’ from Australia’s sacked Twitter staff - Elon Musk’s social media platform X is threatening to take some former Australian employees to court, demanding they return entitlements it claims were overpaid to them after it bungled the currency conversion from US to Australian dollars on the payments. Acknowledging its “conversion error”, the platform formerly known as Twitter is asking former employees, some sacked more than 18 months ago, to repay amounts of up to $70,000 in some cases. At least six former X employees have received legal notices, according to people speaking on the condition of anonymity. The company said the overpayment was related to “deferred cash compensation”, in the form of employee shares issued to the staff when they joined Twitter. These shares were valued at $US54.20 ($82) each, the price at which Musk bought Twitter in 2022, and the total number of shares acquired by an employee was based on the length of their tenure at the company. The currency conversion errors made by X when employees were paid their entitlements once they were made redundant had led to overpayments of between $1500 and $70,000. According to one account, X paid out the share entitlements at a conversion rate 2.5 times the value of the shares. Employment law specialist Hayden Stephens said it sounded like an odd mistake. He suggested the best thing for the former Twitter staff involved to do would be to ask X to clearly explain how the error occurred and ask for supporting documentary evidence. Stephens said that under Australian employment law, when there had been a genuine mistake, “there is usually an obligation to repay that money”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21251978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 32

Australian Politics and Society - Part 16

>>21026659 Pope Francis bans traditional Mass at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s - In a move that has shocked and upset hundreds of Catholics in Melbourne, the Vatican has banned the traditional Latin Mass from the city’s St Patrick’s Cathedral. The final traditional Mass will be offered on Wednesday, June 19, at 5.30pm. By essentially ordering traditional Catholics to get out of their own cathedral, the ban is stirring up tensions and divisions. On Wednesday evening Mass, which has been a regular feature of cathedral worship for 13 years, drew a crowd of more than 150, mainly young people, including city workers not aligned with traditional parishes. The ban was imposed by Archbishop Peter Comensoli, who had no choice, following a direction from the Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine Worship. It is the next step in a campaign by Pope Francis to crush the traditional rite, which evolved through the early centuries of the church and was largely unchanged for about 1500 years until the mid-1960s. It was phased out following the second Vatican Council, replaced by the more prosaic novus ordo (New Mass), usually said in the vernacular. The traditional Mass was given fresh impetus by Saint John Paul II in the 1980s and by Pope Benedict in 2007, who affirmed the right of all priests to say Mass using the traditional rite (now known as the “extraordinary form”), without the permission of bishops. Benedict’s letter also clarified the fact that the Traditional rite was never abrogated. While those changes were initially expected to accommodate older Catholics who remember the pre-1969 Latin Mass, the growth in attendance stunned church leaders as young families and 20-something and 30-somethings discovered the Old Mass and stayed. Francis overturned his predecessors’ initiatives three years ago, in a document ironically entitled Traditionis Custodes (Custodians of Tradition), which crushed centuries of tradition. Traditionis Custodes stipulates that the traditional Mass is “not to take place any longer’’ in normal parishes. But bishops around Australia, including Archbishop Comensoli, have used their authority and discretion in implementing it, with a view to the pastoral needs of growing numbers of worshippers, especially the young and converts, who were drawn to the transcendence and gravitas of the Old Rite.

>>21030796 Senior Cardinal backs Australians’ right to celebrate Latin mass despite Vatican ban - A senior Roman cardinal has backed the right of Melbourne ­Catholics to attend a weekly traditional Latin mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral after it was banned by Archbishop Peter Comensoli on the orders of the Vatican. Speaking from Rome, Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was the church’s top canon law authority under Benedict XVI, said: “The centuries-long proven beauty of the more ancient usage (Usus Antiquior) of the Roman rite, which continues in its vitality to the present day, will endure. While the use of Latin, the ancient language of the church, is integral to its beauty, the beauty is in the form or usage itself.” Cardinal Burke’s view is in stark contrast to that of Francis, who has waged a three-year campaign to eliminate the traditional rite, which evolved through the early centuries of the church and was largely unchanged for about 1500 years until the mid-1960s. It was replaced by the more prosaic novus ordo (New Mass), usually said in the vernacular. The traditional mass was given fresh impetus by Saint John Paul II in the 1980s and by Pope Benedict in 2007. It has become one of the strongest growth areas of Christianity around the world. The final traditional mass in St Patrick’s will be said on Wednesday, June 19, at 5.30pm. By essentially ordering traditional Catholics to get out of their own cathedral, the ban has stirred tensions and divisions.

>>21042300 Liberal MP Matt Kean resigns from NSW Parliament - Former NSW Treasurer Matt Kean has announced his resignation from state parliament, ending his 13 years as the member for Hornsby. Mr Kean dashed rumours he was making a tilt for federal politics, saying he would be pursuing opportunities in the private sector. The Liberal MP made the announcement with his wife Wendy and four-year-old son Tom in a snap press conference at 4.20pm, just hours after Labor Treasurer Daniel Mookhey handed down his second NSW state budget. While he said hadn’t confirmed a new role, he said he intended to pursue a role in the “energy and climate-related space”. “I’m passionate about energy, and I’m passionate about the transition (to renewable energy). This transition is inevitable,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21251980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 33

Australian Politics and Society - Part 17

>>21049303 Video: Dutton reveals locations for seven nuclear power plants under Coalition plan - Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has unveiled long-awaited details of his pledge to build nuclear reactors in Australia, confirming that two nuclear plants would produce electricity by the middle of next decade and be built with public funding under a government-owned business model. The Coalition revealed seven nuclear plants would be built at the sites of former coal power plants: Lithgow and the Hunter Valley in NSW, Loy Yang in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, Tarong and Callide in Queensland, Collie in Western Australia and Port Augusta in South Australia. “We know the government has renewables only policy which is not fit for purpose. No other country in the world can keep the lights on 24/7 with the renewables-only policy,” Dutton said at an announcement in Sydney on Wednesday morning. “Today we announce seven locations that we have looked at in great detail over a long period of time that can host new nuclear sites, and that’ll be part of an energy mix with renewables and significant amounts of gas into the system, particularly in the interim period.”

>>21049355 Peter Dutton has put the energy debate on its axis and radically reshapes the next election - "Peter Dutton has just radically reshaped the political contest. He has staked his leadership and the Coalition’s election prospects on a contest over nuclear power. Anthony Albanese might well be thinking: “I can’t believe my luck”. But having on Wednesday announced the first phase of the nuclear plan - the seven regional locations - the Liberal leader has strongly signalled that he too wants a fight with Labor over energy. The electoral interpretation of the nuclear option is also not as controversial as some may believe. Voters like visionary leaders, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the vision. And on nuclear, people are nowhere near as hung up about it as they once were. At another level, the nuclear plan is also a platform for the rebranding of Dutton as leader. It shifts the dynamic from a Coalition opposition always opposed to things as to one fighting for something. The politics of the voice proved that Dutton’s negative approach was right for that policy. On energy, however, if the Coalition is going to maintain parity with Labor on net-zero, it needed a point of significant differentiation on delivery. Nuclear has given Dutton that option and completely swung the axis on the energy debate." - Simon Benson -

>>21049530 What to expect from the Tucker Carlson, Clive Palmer roadshow - When asked how Clive Palmer had approached him to come to Australia, American uber-conservative commentator Tucker Carlson revealed his waggish side. “A text message. Which is an emerging technology in the United States where you use your phone to do some chat with people,” he said. Of course there is more to Carlson than sarcasm. He has been called “the most influential voice in right-wing media”. A former Fox News commentator who continues to argue that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged, Carlson now runs his own media outlet and broadcasts on X He recently became the first Western journalist to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin since the Ukraine war started, but was roundly criticised for his soft line of questioning. Now he’s the star attraction at Palmer’s Australian Freedom Conference tour, which begins in Cairns on Friday before travelling to Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. Carlson tops a bill of speakers that also includes Queensland GP and anti-COVID vaccination campaigner Dr Melissa McCann and American filmmaker and conspiracy theorist Dinesh D’Souza.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21251981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 34

Australian Politics and Society - Part 18

>>21054370 Senate crossbench leans to ending nuclear power ban - Much of the Senate crossbench is at least open to considering removal of the federal ban on nuclear power, in a boost for Peter Dutton’s energy policy. With Labor and the Greens opposed to removing the ban, introduced during Senate horse-trading in 1998, a Coalition government if elected would likely need crossbench support. Tasmanian crossbench senators Tammy Tyrrell and Jacqui Lambie on Thursday indicated they were willing to consider removing the legislated prohibition. Even ACT independent David Pocock, who is critical of the Coalition’s nuclear policy, did not rule out supporting the ban’s removal, saying he would consult at the time. Much of the crossbench, meanwhile, is openly enthusiastic about nuclear energy and removing the ban. This includes Pauline Hanson and her One Nation colleague Malcolm Roberts, the United Australia Party’s Ralph Babet and independent David Van. Senators Roberts, Lambie and Van are up for re-election at the next election. “I support nuclear - it’s one step cheaper than the Bowen, Albanese wind and solar pipe dream – and we should absolutely remove the ban,” Senator Roberts said, referring to Energy Minister Chris Bowen and Anthony Albanese.

>>21054380 Nuclear power strategy would plug holes in planning for subs - "Peter Dutton’s plan for Australia to build a nuclear energy industry provides the best chance of the AUKUS agreement actually delivering something for Australia. All leading nations are masters of nuclear technology. Almost all use nuclear energy. Dutton’s plan is a huge commitment to nation building. It would be the first substantial economic supply side and productivity-enhancing reform in Australia since the introduction of the GST. Its application to AUKUS is central. One of the many unresolved contradictions at the heart of AUKUS is that Australia is planning to become the only nation that builds, possesses and operates nuclear submarines without also having nuclear energy for electricity generation. The US, Russia, China, India, Britain and France operate ­nuclear-powered subs. They also operate substantial nuclear energy programs. They also, incidentally, possess nuclear weapons. This means they have hundreds, thousands, of nuclear engineers, technicians and workers who are masters of nuclear technology in all its stages and guises. No first-rate nation is without ­nuclear technology. Part of the air of unreality over the Albanese government’s AUKUS plan is that it is not preparing the nation, nor preparing the infrastructure, nor making any of the hard decisions, which even buying nuclear subs from the US would involve, much less building them ourselves in Adelaide. If we are developing nuclear power, we’re much more likely to be able to build, sustain, operate and expand a nuclear-powered submarine fleet. Against all the evidence so far, AUKUS might ­actually come to mean something for Australia in terms of military capability." - Greg Sheridan -

>>21054410 OPINION: Peter Dutton is crazy brave to the point of being reckless. He’s also outsmarting Anthony Albanese - "Peter Dutton has always been heading for this moment, when his politics would meet an issue that could give him a chance to break the world open. Dutton is his own man, fashioned by his own experiences and inclinations, but he is also something of a mash-up, recalling aspects of other leaders. Like John Howard, he is a naturally gifted communicator, one of the very best in the current parliament. Dutton’s greatest good fortune is to have Anthony Albanese, a weak communicator who is bad on detail and a mostly hopeless policy advocate, as his direct opponent. The key to understanding Dutton’s crusade for nuclear energy is the deep belief, shared widely in the Liberal and National parties at the parliamentary and membership levels, that the theory of anthropogenic climate change and the consequent need to shift to renewables to avoid an existential threat, are bulldust - part of a global left-wing plot. The calculus is simple: it must be wrong and should be thwarted with whatever argument comes to hand. More and more voters are giving up on Albanese and instead want to listen to Dutton, a trend that’s been clear for more than 12 months. Dutton is offering solutions that he frames as easy, and consequence and cost-free. In a cost-of-living crunch, those who are fearful of making ends meet will naturally find that opposition argument appealing if the government is not rebutting it with a persuasive counter-argument." - Shaun Carney, former associate editor -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21251983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 35

Australian Politics and Society - Part 19

>>21054473 ASIO boss Mike Burgess has been reappointed for five more years - ASIO boss Mike Burgess will continue to lead the spy agency for another term. Federal Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil confirmed Mr Burgess’ appointment will remain as Director-General of Security for an additional five-year term. “Mr Burgess has made an extraordinary contribution to Australia’s national security and his leadership of ASIO has been invaluable in an increasingly complex security environment,” Ms O’Neil said in a statement. “ASIO is a critical part of our national security community and plays a crucial role in protecting Australians from security threats. “For the past 75 years ASIO’s operational and analytic efforts have helped keep Australians safe from threats like terrorism, espionage, and foreign interference. “ASIO’s people are its greatest asset and every Australian is safer because of their diligent work.”

>>21054569 Hundreds take part in final Latin mass at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral - “We shall return,” a buoyant Father Glen Tattersall said after the final traditional Latin mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne on Wednesday evening. The cathedral was packed with a crowd of 850 people, every pew from the front the back and across the cathedral transepts were taken. They came in business suits, in strollers, on trams, and in fluoro tradie gear. Most were rugged up in heavy coats against the Melbourne winter, which did not dim the spirit of the cathedral lit with candlelight and optimism. The crowd of all ages left no doubt that demand for this mass will remain strong Archbishop Peter Comensoli sat in the Sanctuary, but did not address the crowd. Acting on an edict from the Vatican, Archbishop Comensoli has been forced to stop the popular mass which has been held weekly since 2011. Despite the people’s disappointment, there was a sense of optimism that Cardinal George Pell’s prediction that Pope Francis’s edict against the traditional mass, Traditionis Custodes, would not extend past the current pontificate. Many of the people said they sometimes went to the new mass in English, but preferred the traditional mass for the greater transcendence it offered.


>>21060743 Peter Dutton in nuclear strike at Anthony Albanese - Peter Dutton has the support of a majority of residents in regional communities where ­nuclear power generators will be built under the Coalition’s controversial plan, as he accuses the Prime Minister of international “appeasement” on renewable energy and climate change targets. The Opposition Leader on Saturday will rally the Liberal Party faithful around his nuclear ­ambitions at a meeting of the party’s federal council, claiming that Labor’s renewable-energy-only plan will cost the nation $1.3 trillion. Mr Dutton will address the meeting armed with tightly held polling conducted separately by the Liberal Party and the Nationals, and obtained by The Weekend Australian. It shows more than 50 per cent of residents in communities support a nuclear replacement option for coal across all seven sites, taking in two Liberal held seats, four Nationals seats and one Labor seat. While the research doesn’t ­signal electoral enthusiasm for nuclear, and could be regarded as soft support, those in favour ­significantly outnumbered those opposed in most seats polled. Liberal Party strategists believe the results expose a political risk for Anthony Albanese’s ­attempts to build a safety scare ­campaign around nuclear, with the number of people who support nuclear in some seats almost ­double the number opposed.

>>21066001 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton rallies supporters for next election and calls Anthony Albanese ‘a child in a man’s body’ - Liberal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has likened Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to “a child in a man’s body”, as well as a political appeaser who has compromised his own office. Labor responded that Mr Dutton had displayed “the same nasty negativity” and “personal attacks”. In an address to the Liberal Party Federal Council on Saturday, Mr Dutton outlined how the party could beat the first-term Albanese Labor government at the election due by May next year, and launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister. “He’s a man with a mind still captured in his university years, he’s a child in a man’s body,” the Opposition Leader told the Liberal faithful. He offered Mr Albanese some credit, calling him a “decent man who cares deeply about his country”, but said he was out of his depth as Prime Minister.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.21251986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 36

Australian Politics and Society - Part 20

>>21066175 Australia’s Fears Over Trump’s Return Are Baseless, Ex-Prime Minister Says - Australian concerns about Donald Trump’s potential return to power are “baseless hyperventilation,” ex-Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, adding the former president is a major supporter of the US-Australia alliance. Morrison, one of the primary architects of the Aukus security pact with the US and UK, said he had worked with both Trump and President Joe Biden during his time in office from 2018 to 2022. Asked about the implications of a second Trump administration for Australia, he said it would mean “a president who was deeply committed to the alliance.” “There’s been a lot of baseless hyperventilation about this,” Morrison said in an interview on Tuesday. “People are getting themselves tied up in knots over things looking from this side of the Pacific into a US polity which they, I don’t think, understand. They’re overreading any number of things here.” Morrison met with the former president during a visit to the US in May, after which he said Trump had expressed a positive opinion toward the Aukus pact.

>>21070659 Charlatan, opportunist, climate change denialist: Keating unloads on Dutton - Former prime minister Paul Keating has compared Peter Dutton to the “most wicked and cynical of individuals” in a searing statement that accuses the opposition leader of opportunism and climate change denialism in his advocacy for nuclear power. As the political debate over nuclear energy became increasingly personal over the weekend - with the Coalition mounting character attacks on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and teal MPs – Keating released a statement late on Sunday that began: “[Peter] Dutton is a charlatan – an inveterate climate change denialist.” “A denialist now seeking to camouflage his long-held denialism in an industrial fantasy [nuclear power] … Dutton, like [former prime minister Tony] Abbott, will do everything he can to de-legitimise renewables and stand in the way of their use,” Keating wrote. “Only the most wicked and cynical of individuals would foist such a blight on an earnest community like Australia. A community which fundamentally believes in truth and decency and which relies on its political system to advance those ideals.”


>>21076925 Video: Matt Kean named head of Climate Change Authority - Anthony Albanese has announced former NSW energy minister and Liberal MP, Matt Kean, as the new head of the Climate Change Authority. Mr Kean announced his retirement earlier this month after 13 years in NSW parliament, ruling out a run as a federal Liberal candidate. The Prime Minister said Mr Kean was an “outstanding appointment” to chair of the Climate Change Authority. “Matt Kean is uniquely qualified to lead the Climate Change Authority and I am so pleased that he has accepted the government’s invitation to take up the vacancy which is there due to the resignation of Grant King,” he said. “I worked very closely with Mr Kean when we introduced … our energy price relief plan in partnership with the New South Wales state government and other state governments as well. Mr Kean understands the opportunity that the transition to clean energy represents for our nation … and he also understands the folly that walking away from the renewables transition represents.”

>>21076936 Video: Matt Kean’s appointment as Climate Change Authority chair is frankly astounding - "Matt Kean’s appointment as Climate Change Authority chair without any due diligence or formal recruitment process is astounding and diminishes the independent, expert advice expected of the role. Kean - a vocal proponent of renewables who conveniently is now anti-nuclear – is a career politician whose 13-year tenure in the NSW parliament ended with a whimper. Kean, a NSW Liberal Party moderate-faction powerbroker and protege of lobbyist Michael Photios, made his name as one of Australia’s most senior Liberal figures backing renewables and batteries as the future. Elected to the NSW parliament in 2011 as a 29-year-old after previously working as a Liberal staffer, Kean enjoyed a meteoric rise into Cabinet by age 35. As Energy Minister from 2019 and Treasurer from 2021, Kean fast-tracked renewable energy zones across NSW and announced a 70 per cent emissions reduction target by 2035. As CCA chair, Kean will have major input into the Albanese government’s 2035 target. Standing alongside Kean and Anthony Albanese in the Prime Minister’s courtyard on Monday, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen confirmed the former Liberal politician was a captain’s pick. Asked about the process of selecting Kean, Bowen said he recommended the former NSW treasurer to Albanese and the Cabinet approved the appointment because “he was the best for the job”." - Geoff Chambers, The Australian’s Chief Political Correspondent -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.21251990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 37

Australian Politics and Society - Part 21

>>21076973 Anti-voice activists launch pre-election attack on the Greens - The conservative activist group that torpedoed Anthony Albanese’s voice referendum will pump millions of dollars into a sole election campaign vehicle designed to drag down the Greens’ vote and expose the party’s radical policies. The Australian can reveal that Advance, backed by 306,000 supporters and 32,000 donors, will spend $5m on phase one of a national election campaign titled “Greens Truth”, aiming to inflict “significant damage” to the left-wing party’s brand. Armed with a post-voice war chest and new research showing voters remain disillusioned by the major political parties, Advance is launching its pre-election campaign to disrupt and halt the expanding electoral success of the Greens. Amid rising speculation of an early election, and Peter Dutton’s Coalition making ground on the Albanese government, there is growing probability the Prime Minister could be forced into striking a deal with Adam Bandt to form minority government in a hung parliament. With Greens preferences helping Mr Albanese claim victory after Labor secured a paltry 32.6 per cent primary vote at the 2022 election, Advance is warning voters of “catastrophic” outcomes for families if the left-wing party’s agenda is implemented.

>>21110078 ‘I walked for humanity’: Labor senator Fatima Payman crosses floor to recognise Palestine - Labor senator Fatima Payman has become the party’s first member to cross the floor in decades after she voted with the Greens to recognise Palestinian statehood in a vote on Tuesday. The federal government moved quickly to quell expectations the WA senator would be expelled from Labor, despite the fact MPs have previously been thrown out for not toeing the party line. Payman, a first-term senator, said she was proud she had upheld her convictions, although she was bitterly disappointed her Labor colleagues had not joined her. “My decision to cross the floor was the most difficult decision I have had to make, and although each step I took across the Senate floor felt like a mile, I know I did not walk these steps by myself, and I know I did not walk them alone,” Payman said during a snap press conference held minutes after the vote. “I walked with the people of Palestine, for the 40,000 killed, for the hungry and scared boys and girls who now walk alone without their parents, and for the brave men and women who have to walk alone without their children. I walked for humanity. I am proud of what I did today, and I’m bitterly disappointed that my colleagues do not feel the same way.”

>>21110092 Labor senator Fatima Payman vows to keep voting by ‘conscience’ on Israel-Palestine - Labor senator Fatima Payman insists the backlash from within the party over her decision to cross the floor on a vote for Palestinian statehood “won’t derail me from continuing to vote with my conscience”, as Anthony Albanese refuses to say whether he sought her assurance she would vote with the party going forwards. The 28-year-old Muslim senator broke with 130 years of Labor tradition on Tuesday night in voting against her party while refusing to tender her resignation, prompting calls for her immediate expulsion or a long-term suspension from the party. But the Prime Minister instead barred Senator Payman from attending just one scheduled caucus meeting next week, drawing criticism from Labor stalwarts over his lack of stronger action. Mr Albanese was asked by this masthead several times on Friday whether he had explicitly sought assurances from Senator Payman in his meeting with her this week, but did not confirm or deny he had made such a demand. “We expect that people will participate in our caucus processes and comply with them. The important thing to note about this week is that Senate motions do not determine Australia’s foreign policy,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.21251997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 38

Australian Politics and Society - Part 22

>>21110210 Australian-US intelligence alliance ‘phenomenal’ countering adversaries, says top US spy - The US and Australia are leading an intense intelligence co-operation effort in the Indo-Pacific to combat the unprecedented, hostile intelligence activities of Western adversaries China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, says Avril Haines, US Director of National Intelligence. Ms Haines visited Australia to become only the second foreign national to be awarded the Australian Intelligence Medal, our highest honour for distinguished service to the national intelligence community. (The only other foreign recipient was Shig­eru Kitamura of Japan in 2022.) In an exclusive interview with The Australian, the first a serving DNI has done with an Australian journalist, Ms Haines hailed the Australia-US intelligence partnership - part of the Five Eyes arrangements that also involve Britain, Canada and New Zealand - as “phenomenal”. “I would describe the (intelligence) partnership (between the US and Australia) as phenomenal,” she said. “I really want to give a tremendous amount of credit to the Australian intelligence community. Andrew Shearer (the director-general of the Australian Office of National Intelligence and principal adviser to the Prime Minister on intelligence matters) is my principal interlocutor in this context and I cannot say enough about his leadership in driving collaboration, not just between Australia and the US, but across the Five Eyes and with our Indo-Pacific partners, which I think has been fundamental to our capacity to lay out the intelligence landscape to our policymakers and military leaders.”

>>21110321 Russia’s Kremlin sanctions former PMs John Howard and Tony Abbott - John Howard and Tony Abbott are among the latest Australians to be sanctioned by Russia for their role in what the Kremlin says is a “Russophobic campaign by the collective West”. Moscow has released a list of 27 Australians that have been added to its sanctions list, which also includes Sydney priest Bill Crews, Vice Chief of Defence Robert Chipman, and former NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the individuals would be denied entry to Russia for an “indefinite term”, and warned more names would be added to its catalogue of banned Australians. “Considering the fact that official Canberra does not intend to renounce its anti-Russia line and continues to impose new sanctions, we will update the Russian stop list still further,” it said in a statement. Mr Abbott, who once vowed to “shirtfront” Russian president Vladimir Putin, said he was pleased his advocacy for Ukraine had been so prominently recognised by Moscow. “I’m surprised it’s taken them so long and am proud to be in such company,” he told The Australian on Friday.

>>21114421 Video: Fatima Payman confirms she would cross the floor again as Deputy Prime Minister issues blunt warning - Fatima Payman’s future with Labor is in doubt after the rogue WA senator vowed to defy party leadership and again cross the floor to support Palestinian recognition. The Greens are set to immediately test Senator Payman’s resolve with more votes on Palestine and the Gaza conflict to be brought forward this week in the Senate. The internal drama is a political headache for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that threatens to derail efforts to keep focus on its long-awaited tax cuts, which start on Monday. Senator Payman stoked fresh anger inside Labor ranks after using an appearance on national television on Sunday morning to confirm she would again cross the floor if the Greens put a forward a motion to recognise Palestine for a second consecutive week. Senator Payman accepted such a move could imperil her future with the Labor caucus. “What I know is that this is about 40,000 Palestinians that have been massacred and slaughtered since the 7th of October,” she said in the interview. “I know that Australians are a fair people and knowing about the Labor Party, we are a party with a conscience and champions of human rights, whether that be justice, fighting for freedom or equality. So I believe … I’ve been abiding by those principles of the party.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:07 a.m. No.21251998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 39

Australian Politics and Society - Part 23

>>21114443 Fatima Payman indefinitely suspended from caucus in crisis talks with PM over Palestine - Labor senator Fatima Payman has been indefinitely suspended from the Labor caucus during crisis talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at The Lodge in Canberra. Payman was summoned to the prime minister’s residence on Sunday afternoon after an explosive interview on the ABC’s Insiders program in which she vowed to cross the floor again and vote for a motion supporting an independent Palestinian state, should the Greens put one before parliament again this week. The defiant West Australian senator was at The Lodge for about 40 minutes and was spotted leaving by this masthead about 3.10pm on Sunday. Asked if she had been expelled from the ALP, Payman said no but did not take any further questions. A source close to the senator not permitted to speak on the record said she was now considering her future with Labor and had received a “stern” talking to from the prime minister. A Labor spokesperson said after the meeting: “By her own actions and statements, Senator Payman has placed herself outside the privilege that comes with participating in the federal parliamentary Labor Party caucus. “If Senator Payman decides she will respect the caucus and her Labor colleagues, she can return, but until then Senator Payman is suspended from the right to participate in federal parliamentary Labor Party caucus meetings and processes.”

>>21119470 ‘Exiled’ Payman told to consider quitting the Senate by Albanese - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told renegade Senator Fatima Payman she should consider quitting the senate and handing back her seat to Labor, fuelling her growing anger at her exile from the party. A day after the prime minister summoned her to The Lodge to suspend her from Labor’s caucus, the 29-year-old claimed she had lost contact with her colleagues and been kicked out of group chats. “I have been exiled,” she said in a statement released on Monday afternoon. “These actions lead me to believe that some members are attempting to intimidate me into resigning from the Senate. I will use this time to reflect on my future and the best way to represent the people of Western Australia.” Payman was indefinitely suspended by the Labor caucus on Sunday after a bombshell interview on the ABC’s Insiders program in which she vowed to cross the floor again and vote in support of recognising a Palestinian state. She can serve out the remaining four years of her term whether she is representing Labor or joins the crossbench, just as Lidia Thorpe and David Van remain in parliament after quitting their parties. If she were to quit, the WA Labor Party would be able to parachute in a new Labor senator to replace the first-term backbencher whose refusal to vote with the party forces the government to seek an extra crossbench vote to pass bills in the upper house. Sources said Payman does not plan, at this stage, to move to the crossbench or to the Greens, and instead will withhold her vote entirely on motions and legislation.

>>21119474 Sheik Charkawi’s bid to dump Labor to field ‘teal-like’ campaign-backed federal candidates - A Muslim teal-style campaign to oust the ALP in Sydney and Melbourne is seeking candidates as Anthony Albanese’s suspension of Fatima Payman from the Labor caucus exacerbates a rift between the party and the ­Islamic community. The suspension of the senator for crossing the floor to vote with the Greens on Palestine statehood, and her warning that she’d do it again, has alienated Labor from its historically loyal Muslim voter base, which is mobilising to make that clear at the next election. The Muslim Vote - a formal campaign bidding to oust Labor incumbents in seats with high Muslim populations – has opened applications for prospective candidates, including in the electorates of Education Minister Jason Clare and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke. Any candidates running as part of the Muslim Vote platform are likely to be campaign-affiliated independents, backed with resources, volunteers and funding, similar to Climate 200’s support of independent teal candidates, albeit not to the same extent. The Australian revealed in April that Labor powerbrokers feared abandonment by Muslim voters across southwest Sydney and inner-city Melbourne over its Gaza war stance and, in June, how the campaign was spearheaded by Islamic leader Sheik Wesam Charkawi. On Sunday, Sheik Charkawi published a “candidate call out”, encouraging people to put themselves forward to run with the Muslim Vote’s backing. The sheik has also started expanding the campaign’s reach and pool of canvassers. The group is also now accepting ­donations, which will go toward “local and national campaigns, mobilisation, rallies, event ­material, and direct lobbying”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:07 a.m. No.21252000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 40

Australian Politics and Society - Part 24

>>21119494 Anthony Albanese to reap as he sowed, over Fatima Payman whirlwind - "Anthony Albanese is reaping the Fatima Payman whirlwind as he sowed: an initial weak reaction to the junior WA Senator’s defiant crossing of the floor and the snubbing of her ALP colleagues has only been made worse by a late, frustrated penalty that has gifted the two-year senator enhanced power. Payman can now dictate terms to the Prime Minister on every vote from a ban on live-sheep exports to Palestine and govern the extent of the damage and distraction Labor is suffering. Labor’s entire economic re-election plan and answer to the supreme political priority of easing the cost-of-living pressure on households is now being publicly sidetracked and downgraded. Albanese’s authority, already diminished, is captive to Payman and the Greens who can further undermine Labor unity with a cheap trick any hour in the Senate and is also being challenged by union leaders. Instead of confronting the Payman problem last week when the 28-year old Muslim Senator crossed the Senate floor to vote with the Greens on a motion contradicting Labor policy on Israel and Palestine Albanese let her off with a slap on the wrist only to face a defiant declaration she would do it all again. Thus, a political dust-up of lesser import would have been finished by the end of last week, instead it has redoubled its momentum and dramatically spread the fallout." - Dennis Shanahan -

>>21119498 Anthony Albanese doesn’t know how to use what little prime ministerial authority he has left - "Anthony Albanese’s weakness and lack of authority are on full display. Whatever precious little prime ministerial authority he had left, he has shown he simply doesn’t know how to use it. It’s either too much too soon, as in the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum, or too little too late, suspending Western Australian senator Fatima Payman from the Labor caucus indefinitely for defiantly declaring she would continue to defy the PM, government policy and her Labor colleagues. As a young, female Afghani migrant, Muslim and union-backed senator elected with less than 2000 primary votes in 2022, Payman first tested the waters by speaking in support of pro-Palestinian protesters; when nothing happened, she crossed the floor to support a Greens motion only identifying Palestine’s existence. What should have been a straightforward punishment last week for “ratting” on a Labor vote - a serious suspension at least, and possibly expulsion, given the gravity of the social division exemplified by the anti-Israel motion – was virtually a free pass and a smack in the face for so many Labor MPs and senators. Albanese’s history as a factional bully boy expelling ALP members over trivial votes at local councils stood in stark contrast to his inability to do more than recuse a junior senator from one partyroom meeting for further dividing Labor on one of the great social issues it faces. The result is now a full-blown crisis in the Senate, a potential union war in WA and yet another cultural and political distraction from what should be Labor’s core task - easing the cost of living." - Dennis Shanahan -

>>21125738 Video: Some of Labor's safest seats are facing a political backlash, as 'exiled' Fatima Payman weighs up her future in the party - Senator Fatima Payman's "exile" from Labor's caucus has sparked fresh speculation about a backlash towards the party from parts of Australia's Muslim community. The WA senator is considering her future in the Labor Party, as she faces indefinite suspension from the caucus over her plans to continue voting against party lines on issues around Palestinian statehood. On Sunday she accused colleagues of trying to intimidate her into quitting parliament altogether. There are suggestions Senator Payman may instead leave Labor to join new political organisation The Muslim Vote, which is planning to run candidates on a pro-Palestinian platform in some of Labor's safest seats. Labor is being warned of a looming political backlash in areas it considers the party's heartland, from voters that have been some of its most reliable. In particular, Muslim groups in Western Sydney have warned concerns about the federal government's approach to the Israel-Hamas war, and Palestinian statehood, are turning long-time Labor voters away from the party.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:08 a.m. No.21252005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 41

Australian Politics and Society - Part 25

>>21125827 Fatima Payman enlists minor party specialist as Labor braces for backlash - Suspended Labor MP Fatima Payman has enlisted the advice of a minor party political "whisperer" as her party colleagues brace themselves for the possibility she will move to the cross bench. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese handed Senator Payman an indefinite suspension on Sunday after she said she would continue to defy the party's position on Palestinian recognition in parliamentary votes. On Monday, the West Australian senator said she had been "exiled" by her colleagues and would reflect on "the best way to represent the people of Western Australia," opening the door to a party exit. Glenn Druery, a political operative nicknamed "the preference whisperer" for his history of helping minor parties achieve political success, told the ABC he had had "informal conversations in recent days with Senator Payman." Mr Druery also said he had had "informal conversations with the Muslim community" about election strategies. Asked if he was bothered by Senator Payman having conversations with people who want to thwart the government agenda, the prime minister said her moves were not his primary concern. "I'm not focused on it, I've got a big job," he told 7.30.

>>21125875 Dutton tells MPs to ‘be ready’ for early election after PM scraps Washington visit - Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has warned Coalition colleagues that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s decision not to attend a historic NATO summit in Washington next week is a sign to prepare for an early election as Labor strives to sell its domestic economic agenda. Albanese was expected to gather with his counterparts from Japan, South Korea and New Zealand as members of the so-called “Indo-Pacific Four” at the summit marking NATO’s 75th anniversary beginning next Tuesday, but Defence Minister Richard Marles will now travel to the US in his place. Dutton speculated about Albanese’s decision in the Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday, saying the decision “could be because he’s considering an early election”. A government source, not authorised to speak on the record, said the decision was made after Albanese was unable to confirm a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden. Albanese’s office advised him not to make the trip as it could invite further criticism as his government struggles with a cost-of-living crisis at home.

>>21125981 Porn crackdown amid fears Australia facing ‘harmful sexual socialisation of entire generation’ - Australia is facing a “harmful sexual socialisation of an entire generation” if unfettered access to online pornography by children is not urgently reversed, with the Albanese government giving tech companies a six-month deadline to act or face forced regulation. The eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, has warned of underage kids setting-up OnlyFans accounts monetising sexual acts, replicating extreme choking and asphyxiation themes glorified in porn content and viewing “unsolicited dick pics and nudes” via messaging and gaming apps. The call for action follows a spike in the exposure of young Australians to pornographic material on platforms including TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat, which “violates their terms of service”. With Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton warning of the need for stricter age-verification rules amid concerns about the social perils of porn, tech companies have been set an October deadline to present preliminary codes. The new enforceable codes, which primarily focus on pornography, also capture other high-impact material including themes of suicide and serious illness such as self-harm and eating disorders. Measures floated by the eSafety Commissioner include “opt-out” default settings on new devices that automatically include safety and parental controls, deployment of age assurance technologies, blurring or filtering unwanted sexual content and applying multi-layered protections.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:08 a.m. No.21252006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 42

Australian Politics and Society - Part 26

>>21131120 Cut-back deployment sends ‘dangerous message’ on ADF capability - The Albanese government has dramatically scaled back Australia’s participation in America’s biggest military exercise as the nation faces a decade-long capability crisis following years of under-investment in defence. Australia’s contribution to the biennial Rim of the Pacific war games off Hawaii is the smallest in at least a decade, and comes amid Anthony Albanese’s decision to skip next week’s NATO summit in Washington in a move the Coalition has warned could signal an early election. The Australian Defence Force has sent just 320 personnel, a single warship and one P-8A maritime reconnaissance aircraft to RIMPAC 2024, which the US has hailed as its biggest yet. The contingent falls 80 per cent short of the nation’s 2022 contribution, when the ADF provided 1600 personnel, three surface ships, a Collins-class submarine, two Poseidon aircraft, an army combat group, and a clearance diving team. It comes as the navy’s fleet - already one of the oldest and smallest in decades - is decimated by defects, maintenance problems and a personnel crisis that shows no signs of abating.

>>21131124 Going AWOL at RIMPAC bares our lack of fight - "The biennial RIMPAC exercise, which runs for the next month, is by some distance the most important military exercise Australia participates in. Involving 29 nations, 40 surface ships, 150 aircraft and some 25,000 personnel, it is an exercise that China truly hates because it does more than any other to prepare countries across the region to repel any military adventurism from Beijing. China’s state-run mouthpiece the Global Times fumes that this year’s RIMPAC will “sabotage, not safeguard, peace and stability in the region” because the exercise will practise drills aimed at sinking a Chinese aircraft carrier. Yet at a time when the Albanese government claims the rise of China has delivered the most frightening strategic outlook in a generation, Australia cannot muster more than symbolic military support for this year’s RIMPAC. At the last RIMPAC in 2022, we sent 1600 personnel, three warships, a Collins-class submarine, two P-8A Poseidon aircraft and an army amphibious combat group, together with mine warfare and clearance diving teams. This year we are sending 320 personnel, a single warship, and a single air force P-8A Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft. In other words, Australia is providing one of the 40 surface ships involved in RIMPAC, just one of the 150 aircraft involved and just 1.29 per cent of the personnel. It is a shamefully microscopic contribution for a supposed ­middle power that spends $55bn on defence a year and harbours ambitions to become an operator of nuclear-powered submarines." - Cameron Stewart -

>>21131140 Gender affirmative guidelines just an echo chamber, says UK expert - The British paediatrician who carried out a world-leading review of care models for children with gender distress has criticised trans healthcare guidelines as an “echo chamber” based on weak evidence that show no efficacy in alleviating the psychological distress of young people. Hilary Cass, who led the landmark review of gender-affirming care that prompted the UK’s Nat­ional Health Service to ban the prescription of puberty blocker hormone drugs for children under 16, said that gender affirmative care guidelines around the world had not followed an evidence-based approach, and “sort of copy and paste off each other” in order to justify their medical approaches. Dr Cass, a former president of the UK’s Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, participated in a panel live from the UK on Tuesday night, which was hosted by Australian psychiatrist Phillip Morris, the president of the ­National Association of Practising Psychiatrists, one of the first bodies to call for caution on experimental medical treatments and greater wholistic psychotherapy for young people with gender distress. Dr Cass criticised the activist World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare for essentially suppressing evidence that the standards of care it ­devised were not evidence-based and showed no proof of alleviating the distress of children. “The evidence base is weak … international guidelines have for the most part not followed standard evidence-based approaches,” Dr Cass told the Australian seminar. “And it has influenced most other international guidelines. There is a sort of echo chamber of sort of copying and pasting off each other. The only guidelines that have taken an independent and evidence based ­approach are the Swedish and the Finnish guidelines.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.21252011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 43

Australian Politics and Society - Part 27

>>21131154 Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians | Melbourne, Australia Full Speech - Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Melbourne, Australia, and delivers his message to Australians. Chapters: Intro - Australian's Love of Animals - Australian Leadership - Julian Assange - Energy - Christianity

>>21136400 Video: Accusations, intimidation and resignation: Senator Fatima Payman quits Labor - Senator Fatima Payman has become the Albanese government’s first defection as she resigned from the party on the last day of parliament before the winter break, accusing the prime minister of pressuring her onto the crossbench where she will act as a high-profile critic of the government’s stance on the war in Gaza. In an impassioned press conference in Canberra, Payman wept as she declined to pledge her support for Labor’s legislative agenda on issues such as climate change or industrial relations, accusing Labor of not caring about the suffering of Palestinians. “I am torn, deeply torn. On one hand, I have the immense support of the rank-and-file members, unionists, the lifelong party volunteers, who are calling on me to hang in there and to make change happen internally. On the other hand, I am pressured to conform to caucus solidarity and toe the party line,” she said. “I see no middle ground and my conscience leaves me no choice.” The 29-year-old’s resignation was expected for days after revelations the Afghan-born backbencher had begun taking advice from Glenn Druery, a consultant who specialises in getting independents elected to parliament.


>>21136416 Video: 'It made me feel like I don't belong': Fatima Payman speaks about resigning from Labor - In an interview with SBS News, Western Australian senator Fatima Payman has spoken about feeling intimidated by members of the Labor caucus and a focus on her religious identity in the lead-up to her resignation from the Labor Party. Payman resigned from the Labor Party on Thursday, saying her conscience had left her "no choice". "With a heavy heart but a clear conscience, I announce my resignation from the Australian Labor Party," she told reporters in Canberra. "I have informed the prime minister that, effective immediately, I will sit on the crossbench to represent Western Australia." Payman said she had been "deeply torn" when trying to make a decision about her future, but Palestinian recognition and "liberation" was an issue that she couldn't compromise on. The 29-year-old is the first Labor politician to defy party rules and cross the floor of federal parliament since 2005. Payman also said that, while some members of the Labor caucus had reached out to check on her wellbeing, she had been intimidated by other members. "I wouldn't constitute it as bullying but it definitely made me feel like I don't belong, made me feel like there was no return for me in the Labor Party … this was a red line that I had to draw," she told SBS News. During Question Time on Thursday afternoon, Albanese was asked by the Opposition if he had spoken to Payman in an "aggressive or intimidatory manner" during that meeting. "The answer is no," Albanese said.

>>21136438 Don’t underestimate the damage Fatima Payman’s resignation has done to Labor - "Anthony Albanese heads into the parliamentary winter break with the government’s cost of living narrative completely evaporated by Fatima Payman’s dramatic resignation and an image of party in disarray. The damage from this indulgent outbreak of identity politics can’t be underestimated. Nothing has gone to script for Albanese this week. Nor last week, nor the previous parliamentary sitting period. And once again, it has been a failure of political management that has overshadowed its policy agenda. Labor has fallen into the trap of publicly dissecting itself, at a time when the only thing it should be talking about is how hard everybody else has it. This has been sparked by the singular action of dissident senator Fatima Payman, her resignation from the Labor Party over recigntion of Palestine and ending on the last day of parliament with pro-Palestinian protesters breaching Parliament House security. This is not a winning formula for Labor if indeed Albanese is contemplating an earlier than expected election." - Simon Benson -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.21252015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 44

Australian Politics and Society - Part 28

>>21136457 Stay tuned, this could get a whole lot worse for Labor - "Fatima Payman’s resignation from the Labor Party opens a new chapter in Australian political history and contains a far more potent threat to Anthony Albanese than just the loss of one vote in the Senate. It could also be the dawn of a new era in Australia of candidates forming a party based on faith, with the sole purpose of appealing to those of that faith. With the chilling words of “stay tuned”, the renegade WA senator has put the Prime Minister and his government on notice of the likelihood of her providing the foundation stone for a new Muslim political movement based around a minor party or closely orchestrated independents. At an “emotional” press conference after sending Albanese her resignation, Payman repeated her claims she had been intimidated and isolated by Labor MPs and senators, denied she had been planning the resignation for a month - as Albanese indicated - and said she would not be joining the Greens. But, when asked if she would form a new party - which as a sitting senator she can fast-track - Payman said: “At this stage, I do not plan to form a party … but stay tuned.” Stay tuned. It’s not as if Albanese and his colleagues have been tuning out as Payman orchestrated a media campaign that distracted entirely from Labor’s July 1 cost-of-living measures, accused them of intimidation, handed the Greens propaganda victories and put Labor in outer suburban Sydney and Melbourne on a war footing. Much damage has been done to Labor over the whole issue of support for Palestine since the Hamas terror attacks of October 7, which killed 1200 Israelis and saw hundreds more taken hostage. The PM has suffered a loss of authority, social division has risen, and vandalism and damaging protests, such as the occupation of the Parliament House roof on Thursday, has occurred, but there is potential for much worse if Payman tunes in to Muslim political movement." - Dennis Shanahan -

>>21136548 New data cloud to protect nation’s secrets - Australia’s defence and national security agencies will partner with Amazon Web Services to create a $2bn top secret data cloud to securely store and analyse the nation’s most sensitive information. Three secure data centres and two control centres will be built at undisclosed locations for use by Australia’s intelligence community and the Australian Defence Force. They will be air-gapped from the internet, accessible only by those with appropriate security clearances, and be operational by mid-2027. The purpose-built cloud will enable security agencies to apply the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to vast, top secret data sets, and provide Defence with a resilient IT network for its military operations. National security leaders said the cloud system would also allow greater co-operation with Australia’s Five Eyes intelligence partners. Anthony Albanese said: “My government is bolstering our defence and national intelligence community to ensure they can deliver world leading protection for our nation.” Defence Minister Richard Marles said the cloud would strengthen the ADF’s warfighting capabilities and improve interoperability with the US, “in order to address the complex strategic circumstances we face”. ASD director-general Rachel Noble said the system would provide “a state-of-the-art collaborative space for our intelligence and defence community to store and access top secret data. This will transform how we work together as agencies and partners,” Ms Noble said.

>>21136614 Video: Amazon wins contract to store 'top-secret' Australian military intelligence - American technology giant Amazon will establish a "top-secret" data cloud to store classified Australian military and intelligence information under a $2 billion partnership with the federal government. Three highly secure data centres will be built in secret locations across the country to support the purpose-built Top Secret (TS) Cloud which will be run by a local subsidiary of Amazon Web Services (AWS). The massive new project is expected to harness cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology and scheduled to be in operation by 2027, with the government insisting Australia will have complete sovereignty over the cloud. Similar data clouds have already been established in the US and UK allowing the sharing of "vast amounts of information", with intelligence figures highlighting that potential adversaries were also investing heavily in similar technology. Initially, the government will invest at least $2 billion into the project being run by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and AWS, but it's expected to cost billions more in operating costs over the coming years.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.21252017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 45

Australian Politics and Society - Part 29

>>21143736 Citizenship revenge: Labor targets rebel senator Fatima Payman - Senior Labor figures are raising Fatima Payman’s Afghan citizenship as a risk to her remaining in the Senate because of a potential breach of section 44 of the Constitution, after she quit the ALP and left the door open to forming her own political party. Senator Payman on Thursday declared she would joint the crossbench as an independent senator due to her concerns about Labor’s policy on Palestine, but refused to rule out establishing a political party to contest ALP-held seats with large Muslim populations. Senator Payman’s statement on parliament’s register of qualifications - introduced following the 2017-18 citizenship crisis – confirms that she is a dual citizen of Afghanistan and Australia. Senator Payman, who was born in Afghanistan in 1995 before fleeing Taliban rule and resettling in Australia with her mother in 2003, was granted Australian citizenship in 2005. In her 2022 register of qualifications statement, Senator Payman said she had received legal advice confirming that she was eligible to sit in the Senate because she had taken reasonable steps to renounce her Afghan citizenship. “In light of the situation in ­Afghanistan and the impossibility of progressing my application to renounce Afghan citizenship following the recent takeover by the Taliban, I am not disqualified from sitting as a senator and so I can nominate as a candidate,” Senator Payman wrote. Senator Payman, whose resignation from the Labor government triggered a wave of anger inside party ranks, said she approached the Afghanistan embassy in October 2021 to renounce her Afghan citizenship. “The embassy advised me that there is no communication ­between it and the new Taliban government in Afghanistan. As such, the embassy told me that my application for renunciation could not (be) finalised in Kabul (as required under pre-Taliban Afghan law),” she wrote.

>>21143817 PM warns against faith-based political movements as Payman hints at next move - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has warned against faith-based political parties and argued one that advocated for Muslim Australians would only isolate the religious group, as rebel senator Fatima Payman hints at a new political movement. Payman, who on Thursday quit the Labor to sit on the crossbench, said “stay tuned” and “anything can happen” when asked if she wanted to collaborate with a coalition of Islamic community groups planning to run against Labor MPs in seats with large Muslim populations. The prime minister on Friday echoed the view of NDIS Minister Bill Shorten from earlier this week warning any faith-based party would risk social cohesion and Australia’s secularised political culture. “My party has in around the cabinet and ministerial tables people who are Catholic, people who are Uniting Church, people who are Muslim, people who are Jewish,” Albanese said. “That is the way that we’ve conducted politics in Australia. “And it seems to me as well, beyond obvious that it is not in the interest of smaller minority groups to isolate themselves.”

>>21143888 Fatima Payman citizenship case ‘unprecedented’: law experts - Rogue senator Fatima Payman’s inability to renounce her Afghan citizenship is “unprecedented” and leaves uncertainty about her eligibility to serve, constitutional experts warn, as Anthony Albanese went on the attack over his former colleague’s refusal to resign and give her Senate spot back to Labor. Questions over whether Senator Payman would remain an independent or establish her own party followed senior government figures raising her Afghan citizenship as a risk to her remaining in the Senate because of the potential breach to section 44. Constitutional expert Anne Twomey said while the chance of the matter ending up in court before Senator Payman next faced the polls was “very low”, there was “no precedent” for her case. “The problem is that we don’t actually really know what the answer is, because the High Court’s never had this case actually come before it in practical terms. So there’s no actual precedent on it,” she told The Weekend Australian. “She probably has a good claim to say that she’s not disqualified, but no one could say that with absolute certainty.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.21252021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 46

Australian Politics and Society - Part 30

>>21148743 Video: Crowd cheers Fatima Payman on arrival in WA - Cheering supporters have greeted West Australian Senator Fatima Payman at Perth Airport with the former Labor MP vowing to “serve them as an independent voice”. The new crossbench senator quit the Labor Party this week over her stance on Palestinian rights and freedoms. Members of the crowd hugged her and cheered as she made her way through the terminal late on Friday. “I’m ready to serve them as an independent voice, to be their voice in Canberra,” Senator Payman told reporters. “This is honestly the most humbling experience. I will be working hard for them making sure that I’ve represented them every step of the way, because west is the best.” Senator Payman has previously rubbished claims she would join the Muslim Vote movement, a grassroots organisation that is set to run candidates in some Western Sydney Labor strongholds. She has branded suggestions her departure was purely a result of her religion as insulting.

>>21148792 Plots to eliminate dissidents inside Australia disrupted as government boosts efforts to fight foreign interference - New measures to fight the growing threat of foreign interference are being introduced as details emerge of recent plots by overseas agents to eliminate ethnic dissidents on Australian soil. With authorities continuing to disrupt international attempts to track and harass members of multicultural communities, the Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce established in 2020 will be made permanent and expanded to include agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office. A new Technology Foreign Interference Taskforce (TechFIT), similar to the University Interference Taskforce (UFIT) will be established to protect the sector from espionage, sabotage and other international threats. The federal government is also establishing a new Foreign Interference Communities Support Hub to help local ethnic groups better understand and identify threats as well as how to mitigate and report them. "Foreign interference is a complex problem and we are constantly working with our agencies to make sure that we are covering all possible avenues of attack", Claire O'Neil said. "These changes are essential upgrades to our defences, which will result in vulnerable communities and sensitive technologies being better protected from a threat that the Director General of ASIO has identified as the most serious we face."

>>21159328 Video: Australian military to buy small US-made lethal drones being used by Ukrainian forces - A lightweight US-made drone which carries an explosive payload and fits in a backpack will soon enter service with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) following its successful use on the battlefield in Europe. On Monday the Albanese government will announce it's acquiring the "Switchblade 300", a precision loitering munition with a range of around 10 kilometres that's being operated by Ukrainian soldiers in their fight against invading Russian forces. According to US manufacturer AeroVironment, the portable device weighs only a few kilograms and uses a strike missile capable of hitting beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) enemy targets. On its website the company boasts the latest version of its product is a "lightweight, miniature, precision-guided lethal missile" and can be deployed in less than two minutes via tube-launch from land, sea, or mobile platforms providing greater mission flexibility. The growing importance of lethal drone warfare has been highlighted in the war in Ukraine where both sides have demonstrated effective use of unmanned aerial systems, prompting criticism of the ADF's limited current capability in the area. At present the ADF operates around 760 unmanned aerial systems mainly for surveillance missions, with some models capable of being armed. But the Defence department is also trialling low-cost, expendable systems which can be produced in vast numbers.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.21252023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 47

Australian Politics and Society - Part 31

>>21159347 Video: ADF enters drone age after years of indecision - "The Australian Defence Force will finally get killer drones - 30 years after they first made their mark on the battlefield. Perhaps it was the shock of being beaten to the punch by even Yemen’s Houthi rebels that finally got the capability across the line. The Albanese government is congratulating itself for providing “world-leading lethality and protection” for Australian troops, in an announcement on Monday that the ADF will get US-made Switchblade 300 drones. But in truth, Australian governments of both persuasions have been far too late to invest in armed drones, placing ADF personnel at risk. For a country with a $55bn defence budget, it’s a national embarrassment that it’s taken until now to equip the ADF with these 21st century weapons. Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy has refused to say how many of the drones the ADF will get, or how much the investment is worth. But it’s likely the answers to these questions are: Too few, and not enough. Conroy says the government has announced the purchase to “send a deterrent signal to potential aggressors”. That’d be amusing if it wasn’t so concerning. China will be completely untroubled by the announcement given its devastating arsenal of killer drones, not to mention long-range missiles." - Ben Packham -

>>21159397 Video: Former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ phone records to be handed into court over near-fatal collision with teenage cyclist - Lawyers for former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews have agreed to hand in phone records from the day his family car hit and injured a teenage cyclist in 2013. Ryan Meuleman was seriously injured in a crash involving the Andrews’ Ford Territory - driven by Catherine Andrews - on the Morning Peninsula on January 7, 2013 when he was 15-years-old. The cyclist is suing Slater and Gordon, who initially acted for him after the incident, with his new legal team accusing the law firm of failing to both conduct a proper investigation into the crash and act in Mr Meuleman’s best interests when negotiating his $80,000 compensation payout. The Andrews family have maintained their story that the car was T-boned by Mr Meuleman’s bike, while the cyclist argues the car was speeding and “seemed to come out of nowhere”. Mr Meuleman was struck 17m on from the Melbourne Road and Ridley Street intersection and suffered a punctured lung and broken ribs. The former Labor premier, who was state opposition leader at the time of the 2013 incident, recently hired top lawyer Leon Zwier to fight a court order directing him to submit his phone records. Mr Meuleman’s legal team is seeking to establish to whom Mr Andrews spoke in the four minutes between the crash, which is estimated to have occurred at about 1:06pm, and when emergency services were called to the scene at 1:10pm. The former Premier’s phone records must be handed in by July 24.

>>21159488 Video: NT police commissioner declares curfew in Alice Springs after multiple violent incidents - The Northern Territory police commissioner has declared another curfew in Alice Springs for the next three nights, following a string of violent incidents in the outback town. The curfew will run from 10pm to 6am each night and applies to both children and adults. Commissioner Michael Murphy had been considering implementing a curfew since Sunday, after what NT Police Minister Brent Potter described as a "horror 72 hours" in the Red Centre. This included the alleged assault of four off-duty police officers - three women and a man - in the early hours of Sunday morning by a group of about 20 people. A police officer was also run over outside a bottle shop on Friday afternoon and a 42-year-old woman was allegedly stabbed with a knife on Sunday at lunchtime. Under controversial new laws introduced in May, the Northern Territory's police commissioner has the power to declare 72-hour lockdowns to respond to "public disorder".

>>21159559 Video: Tucker Carlson in Australia | Best Moments Montage - Watch more here:

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.21252030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 48

Australian Politics and Society - Part 32

>>21172294 Marles to meet Trump Republicans on US trip as Biden fights for his future - Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles will meet Trump Republicans to shore up ongoing support for the AUKUS submarine deal as the world braces for another potential shake-up of American leadership at this year’s US election. But as Joe Biden fights for his political life following his devastating performance in the first presidential debate, Marles - who is in Washington for the NATO summit - threw his support behind the embattled president, praising the global alliances forged under his administration. “We could not be more pleased with that, and we’re certainly very pleased about the focus that the Biden administration has placed on the Indo-Pacific, and on the issues which are front and centre for Australia,” he said. “We are seeing strong leadership by America … and that is absolutely critical in terms of the challenges that the world faces today.”

>>21172356 U.S. Embassy Australia Tweet: Statement by U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy on the passing of Australian Coastwatchers Jim Burrowes and Ronald (Dixie) Lee - "I'd like to pay tribute to Jim Burrowes and Ronald (Dixie) Lee, the last two surviving Australian Coastwatchers who both passed away this week. Shortly after I arrived in Australia, I had the privilege to meet and honor Jim and Dixie at a ceremony at the Australian War Memorial. Through their stories and memories, I learned more about the heroism of the hundreds of Australian and Pacific Islander Coastwatchers and scouts who braved difficult conditions during World War II to monitor enemy movements and save lives, including my father's. An Australian Coastwatcher and two Solomon Islander scouts rescued my father and his crew when their PT109 sank in the Solomon Islands. My sympathies go out to Jim and Dixie's families and friends—I am truly grateful for their service."

>>21178010 Democrats ‘evenly divided’ on Biden as US announces new diplomatic initiative with Australia - A key Democratic congress member says that the party is split on whether to replace President Joe Biden and has no practical way to do it, even as the US announces a new diplomatic initiative including Australia. The most important Congressional advocate for the AUKUS partnership, Joe Courtney, said that US democracy and national security would be at risk if Donald Trump were to win the presidential election. “Right now they are both risk factors because of the poor debate [performance by Biden],” he said. The paralysis in the party was no hindrance to the Biden administration’s diplomacy, said US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell. Campbell said that despite the Democrat leadership dilemma, a four-nation grouping of Indo-Pacific democracies - Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea – would now be launched as a new, standalone diplomatic entity and partner for the US. The leaders of this group, the so-called Indo-Pacific Four or IP4, have been invited to join NATO summits in recent years, acknowledging that they share some of the same concerns as the NATO allies. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles plus the leaders of the other three IP4 countries are in Washington this week for NATO’s 75th anniversary summit. Campbell said that the group of four had developed into a new entity. “What you’ll see is a clear set of guidelines and initiatives designed to embed the IP4 into this nascent architecture that is emerging in the Indo-Pacific,” Campbell said. “We fully expect the IP4 to join AUKUS and the Quad as fundamental features of the diplomatic and military architecture and dialogue of the Pacific.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.21252032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 49

Australian Politics and Society - Part 33

>>21185546 Australia promises record military aid for Ukraine as NATO calls out China as an 'enabler' of Russia's invasion - The Australian government is set to give Ukraine another $250 million in military support - its largest contribution to the war effort since Russia invaded. Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles announced the package on the final day of the NATO summit in Washington DC. The Australian military package includes guided and air defence missiles, anti-tank weapons, ammunition, and a shipment of boots. The government says it brings the value of Australia's overall support to $1.3 billion, including $1.1 billion for Ukraine's military. "This will not be the last package that we announce," Mr Marles said. "We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes for Ukraine to resolve this conflict on its own terms." The Australian Defence Force has already been training Ukrainian army recruits under Operation Kudu in the UK. It will now also sign on as an "operational partner" to a new NATO command for Ukraine, and a group of Australian personnel who are already stationed in Europe will transfer across to the 700-person training and security initiative.

>>21185679 Video: Two Australians charged with spying offences for allegedly conspiring to share ADF secrets with Russia - Two Russian-born Australian citizens have been accused of obtaining Australian Defence Force material to share with Russian authorities. Australian Federal Police arrested 40-year-old Kira Korolev, who is an ADF army private, and 62-year-old Igor Korolev at their home in the Brisbane suburb of Everton Park yesterday morning. The married couple have been charged with one count each of preparing for an espionage offence, which carries a maximum penalty of 15 years' imprisonment. It is the first time an espionage offence has been laid since foreign interference laws were introduced in 2018. The pair are appearing before Brisbane Magistrates Court today, where police will allege the woman undertook undeclared travel to Russia while on long-term leave from the ADF, where she allegedly instructed her husband on how to log into her work account and access material to send to her. The couple had been in Australia for more than a decade before the alleged offending. Police will allege the pair sought the information with the intention to provide it to Russian authorities - whether it was actually shared is still a subject of Operation BURGAZADA's investigation. AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw said espionage offences were not victimless. "It has the potential to impact on Australia's sovereignty, safety and way of life." Mr Kershaw said. Spy chief Mike Burgess said espionage was not a "quaint" notion and could have "catastrophic real-world consequences". "Espionage is real. Multiple countries are seeking to steal Australia's secrets," Mr Burgess said. Mr Burgess said he would not make further comment because the offences had not been tested in court. The AFP and ASIO said there was no ongoing risk to the public.

>>21185727 Russian-born Australian couple charged with espionage: Security vetting in question amid spy allegations - "The stunning spy allegations against two Russian-born Australians read like a plot of a TV thriller and represent the dawn of a new era for the nation’s intelligence agencies. The prospect that Russia may have planted sleeper agents to live among us - an idea popularised by the hit TV show The Americans – will shock everyday Australians. The bringing of charges over the alleged espionage plot in suburban Brisbane is a credit to ASIO and the Australian Federal Police. It marks the first-ever use of new espionage laws introduced five years ago, and comes amid surging efforts by foreign spies to gain access to classified information. But many questions remain unanswered. Chief among them – did Kira and Igor Korolev move to Australia a decade ago as part of a long-term Russian plan to spy on Australia? Or will it be alleged they were turned by a Russian agent after they arrived? Police are yet to say. But ASIO director-general Mike Burgess hinted the plot may have been years in the making, saying foreign intelligence services “play the long game”. It remains to be seen whether any sensitive material was actually handed to the Russians, although Burgess suggested the authorities had been “able to control this”. Australians will also rightly ask, if Kira Korolev is a spy, how did she manage to get through the Australian Defence Force’s security vetting processes to take up a job as an information systems technician?" - Ben Packham -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.21252033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 50

Australian Politics and Society - Part 34

>>21188695 Woolworths to stock Aussie flags just months after Australia Day controversy - Woolworths will put Australian flags back on shelves, just months after the supermarket giant chose not to stock Australia Day merchandise. Woolworths revealed it will make Aussie flags available to customers ahead of the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. “With the 2024 Paris Olympic Games beginning later this month, and as a proud Australian retailer, we are pleased once again to be the official Fresh Food Partner of the Australian Olympic & Paralympic teams,” Woolworths said in a statement to staff. “Given the Australian flag is the official flag of the Australian Olympic Committee and of our team competing in Paris, a locally made handheld Australian flag, made from long lasting materials such as timber and polyester, will also be available for customers to purchase across our Supermarkets and selected Metro stores.” Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said the move was a clear cash grab. “They’ve finally found their patriotism,” she said on the Today show. “What this really is the reason they’re stocking these flags is because they see a financial benefit. They’re sponsoring the Olympics. So the more eyeballs they get, the more people through the door.” The move comes six months after Woolworths dumped all Australia Day merchandise from stores across the nation, sparking outrage from customers.

>>21188731 Alleged member of Sydney terror network granted bail as magistrate brands Crown case 'weak' - A magistrate has dealt a fresh blow to a "weak" Commonwealth case against a suspected Sydney terrorism network, describing an alleged terror plan as "all talk" as he granted bail to a fourth teenager. The teenager, who cannot be identified because he is a juvenile, is accused of conspiring with three boys to plan a terrorist attack in the wake of the stabbing of a Sydney bishop in April. They were among six juveniles charged in sweeping police raids on an alleged terrorism network on April 24, four of whom have now been granted strict bail. Magistrate Paul Mulroney on Wednesday expressed concern the teenager could have access to knives and guns, but granted bail on strict conditions including house arrest and 24-hour parental supervision. "Given that it's a relatively weak prosecution case, it would be unfair and unjust to refuse bail," he said. Mr Mulroney said the alleged terror plan was "particularly vague" to substantiate a charge of conspiring to do an act in preparation for or planning of a terrorist act. "There needs to be some action on behalf of the offender to ensure that they're not all talk," he said. "There's talk about having access to a 'stash house'… there's talk about the young person supplying 'nerf guns' … and the young person saying in unequivocal terms on the 20th April that he wants to kill. "But basically it's all talk."

>>21189008 Australia’s last two WWII coast watchers die, aged 100 and 101 - "The last two World War II coast watchers, Jim Burrowes (101) and Ron “Dixie” Lee (100) passed away in Melbourne on Sunday and Monday, respectively. The courageous deeds of the legendary and secretive WWII coast watchers represent one of the most illustrious chapters in Australia’s military history. Despite their losses, the coast watchers’ contribution to reporting on Japanese shipping and air movements had a real strategic impact. Their finest hour was in the Guadalcanal campaign, where they reported on incoming waves of enemy aircraft, rescued the future president John F Kennedy, and launched lethal guerilla raids on the Japanese with the assistance of fearless Solomon Islanders. Their actions led Admiral “Bull” Halsey to remark: “The coast watchers saved Guadalcanal, and Guadalcanal saved the South Pacific.” Prior to World War II, the Royal Australian Navy detailed a former New Guinea District Officer, Lieutenant Commander Eric Feldt, to establish a network of expatriates who could covertly report on enemy movements around the coastline of New Guinea and the Solomons in time of war. In short order, he recruited planters, patrol officers and even priests for this potentially dangerous assignment. When the Japanese invaded the islands in 1942, these coast watchers undertook their mission with courage and at great personal cost. Some were beheaded, others simply disappeared, while others continued their clandestine task for months on end with the help of local villagers." - Vice Admiral Peter Jones (Retd) -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:12 a.m. No.21252036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 51

Australian Politics and Society - Part 35

>>21190908 Video: Australia's domestic spy agency first to investigate concerns about Brisbane couple charged with Russian espionage - Australia's domestic spy agency ASIO was the first to investigate concerns that Russian-born Australian citizen Kira Korolev might be up to more than she was letting on. Ms Korolev and her husband Igor arrived in Australia more than a decade ago, and by 2015 she was making no secret of her desire to join the army. Today, the now suspended member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), is accused of spying for Russia and facing a lengthy jail sentence if found guilty. The ABC has confirmed investigations into the Korolevs began with ASIO. The investigation was then moved to a foreign interference task force, which comprised ASIO, Australian Federal Police (AFP) and other Commonwealth agencies, called Operation BURGAZADA. Sources have told the ABC that the couple were watched for an undisclosed period of time and it was ultimately referred to the AFP to build a case that would meet evidentiary standards for a prosecution. Authorities allege Ms Korolev, while on long-term leave from her role as an information systems technician, took undeclared trips to Russia, some alone, others with her husband. On the trips that she went alone, the AFP alleges Ms Korolev instructed Mr Korolev on how to access her official work account, guiding him to access specific information to send to her via a private email. The AFP alleges the information the couple sought to gain related to Australia's national security interests, with the intent of providing it to Russian authorities.

>>21190994 Video: Anthony Albanese tells Moscow to 'back off' after Russian embassy criticises spying allegations - The prime minister has rejected Russian criticism of the arrests of two of its former citizens on espionage charges, telling the Kremlin to "back off". Speaking in Brisbane on Saturday, Anthony Albanese said Russia had "no credibility" after engaging in "espionage around the world". "Russia can get the message: Back off," he said. Kira Korolev, 40, and her husband Igor Korolev, 62, were arrested on Friday at their home in the Brisbane suburb of Everton Park. The two Russian-born Australian citizens became the first people charged with espionage offences under foreign interference laws introduced in 2018. On Friday evening the Russian embassy in Australia released a statement on X saying the joint AFP and ASIO media conference announcing the arrests was "clearly intended to launch another wave of anti-Russian paranoia in Australia". The embassy said "theatrical tricks" were used and that "imaginary 'Russian spies'" were presumed to be everywhere within Australia. Mr Albanese said he had a clear message for Russian authorities in the wake of the espionage allegations. "How about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other sovereign nations," he said.

>>21196236 Trump rally shooting:Donald Trump rushed off stage, audience member dead after shots fired at rally in Pennsylvania- Donald Trump has thanked Secret Service agents who rushed him off stage during a shooting at a campaign rally that left an audience member dead and two others critically injured. Mr Trump said a bullet grazed his ear before he was taken away, with his fist in the air and blood on his face, during the incident in Butler, in western Pennsylvania. The shooter was killed, authorities said. Screams tore through the crowd and Mr Trump grabbed at the side of his face and ducked behind a riser during the shooting, which is now being investigated by the FBI and Secret Service as an assassination attempt, according to law enforcement sources. The local county district attorney, Richard Goldinger, told America's ABC News the shooter had been on the roof of an adjacent venue, so did not go through security screening. In a statement, the Secret Service said "multiple shots were fired from an elevated position outside of the rally venue". "US Secret Service personnel neutralised the shooter, who is now dead," it said. "US Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and the former president is safe and being evaluated." The Trump campaign released a statement shortly after the shooting that said he was "fine".

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:12 a.m. No.21252041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 52

Australian Politics and Society - Part 36

>>21196409 Anthony Albanese ‘relieved’ to hear Donald Trump is safe - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said he is “relieved” to hear former US president Donald Trump is safe amid speculation he was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. Mr Trump was rushed off a stage by secret service agents just after the campaign event commenced, with the former president’s right ear and the side of his face appearing bloodied. “The incident at former President Trump’s campaign event in Pennsylvania today is concerning and confronting,” the Prime Minister said in a statement released on Sunday morning. “There is no place for violence in the democratic process. I am relieved to hear reports that former President Trump is now safe.” Former prime minister Kevin Rudd, the Australian Ambassador to the United States, shared a statement saying “Violence has no place in our democracies.” Former prime minister Scott Morrison has expressed “saddened, shocked and appalled” at what he described as an “attempted assassination” of former president Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. “Prayers for him and his family today, as well as all those who put their own lives at risk to protect those in public life,” Mr Morrison wrote in a post to X. “Prayers also for America and its people, a great democracy and our great friend, at this difficult time.”

>>21196590 ‘They blew his head off’: eyewitness recalls Secret Service killing alleged shooter - The shooter who attempted to assassinate former US president Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally is dead, law enforcement officials have confirmed, with one eye witness claiming he saw Secret Service agents “blow his head off”. Eyewitnesses have said the shots came from a man, holding a rifle, who crawled on top of a one-storey building with a white roof to the right of where Trump was standing on stage. One man, wearing a ‘Trump 2024’ cap, said he was standing outside the event when he saw the gunman crawl up onto a roof 50ft away from him. “We could clearly see him with a rifle,” the witness, who introduced himself as Greg, told the BBC on Saturday night (local time). Greg said he and his friends attempted to alert police and the Secret Service of the shooter’s presence, to no avail. “Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle,” he said he told officers. “Next thing I know I’m thinking ‘Why is Trump still speaking? Why haven’t they pulled him off the stage?’,” he said. “Next thing I know, five shots rang out.” Greg said the shooter was on the roof “for at least three to four minutes”. “We were telling the police, we were pointing up there for the Secret Service,” he said. He said the Secret Service crawled onto the roof, pointed their guns at the shooter and “blew his head off”.


>>21196806 Video: Rep. Matt Gaetz Tweet - FIGHT! -

>>21197523 In pictures: How the Trump rally shooting unfolded - - July 14, 2024 - -

>>21198957 Video: Trump rally shooting: Anthony Albanese relieved Trump safe, warns ‘things can escalate’ in Australia - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called on Australians to lower the temperature of public debate over divisive issues such as the war in Gaza as he expressed his horror at the attempt on the life of former president Donald Trump. Albanese would not be drawn on whether the failed assassination attempt would force changes to security measures for Australian MPs, but drew a link between America’s fractious political culture and recent attacks on MPs’ offices and on parliamentarians being harassed by protesters. “We must lower [the] temperature of debate. There is nothing to be served by some of the escalation of rhetoric that we see in some of our political debate, political discourse, in the democratic world. It’s a phenomenon that’s not unique to the United States,” he said. He said he was still worried about recent pro-Palestinian protests outside MPs offices, including his own, which has been the subject of a months-long protest. “I’ve expressed my concern that people who just dismiss actions outside electorate offices, these things can escalate, which is why they need to be called out unequivocally, and opposed,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.21252059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 53

Australian Politics and Society - Part 37

>>21200234 Donald J. Trump Truth: - Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin. 🙏 DJT

>>21208901 Democrats may regret their demonisation of Donald Trump - "The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has thrown Joe Biden’s re-election strategy into turmoil, as extreme campaign rhetoric against the former president levelled by the White House and other top Democrats comes back to haunt the Democratic party. The failed murder attempt on the former president, which left him injured and one rally attendee dead, has triggered a frenzy of attacks on the Democratic party by prominent Republicans who have sought to turn Democrats’ warnings about supposed MAGA extremism against the ruling party. Republican senator JD Vance, rumoured to be among Mr Trump’s top candidates to be his vice-presidential running mate, blamed Democrats for “rhetoric that led directly to Trump’s assassination”, echoing a deluge of similar criticism that will reverberate until the November poll. “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that president Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” he said in a statement. American mainstream media also came under attack for obscuring what was for most observers a clear assassination attempt for up to more than an hour after the shooting. CNN’s online headline read “Secret Service rushes Trump off state after he falls at rally”. Washington Post headlines included “Trump was escorted away after loud noises at Pennsylvania rally”." - Adam Creighton -

>>21208929 Video: Scott Morrison says he feels 'incredibly disturbed and upset' after attempt on Donald Trump's life at Pennsylvania rally - Former prime minister Scott Morrison says he feels “incredibly disturbed and upset” following the attempt on Donald Trump’s life at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. The US presidential candidate was speaking to a cheering crowd from a stage in Butler when shots rang out, one grazing his ear and drawing a considerable amount of blood. Trump was rushed into waiting car by secret service agents. One rally-goer was fatally shot and another two were critically injured. Mr Morrison has met the US presidential candidate multiple times and the pair were leaders of their respective nations at the same time over a four-year period. Speaking to Sky News Australia on Monday, Mr Morrison appeared visibly discomfited, revealing he felt “incredibly disturbed” by the weekend’s events. “I was shocked yesterday, terribly saddened by all of this,” he told host Peter Stefanovic. “This is an awful, violent thing that has occurred in a country, which are great friends of ours. “My thoughts also went to the American people who are going through a very difficult time and will continue to in the months ahead.” He said he had reached out to Trump via an intermediary, though noting he was likely busy with an upcoming Republican convention in Milwaukee.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.21252069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 54

Australian Politics and Society - Part 38

>>21208994 Video: How AP photographer Evan Vucci captured this defining news image of our era - This morning, the world wakes up to the same front-page photograph: former President Donald Trump, his fist raised, eyes fixed on the horizon, mouth agape as he shouts, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”, a vivid stream of blood from a bullet wound tracing a line down his face. He is framed by dutiful federal agents in dark suits; in the background, the American flag flutters against a perfect blue sky. On Saturday night, at a rally in Pennsylvania, a lone gunman - identified by the FBI as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park - opened fire at the former president as he addressed the crowd onstage. Although Trump was safe, his ear was injured. One spectator was killed, and at least two others were critically injured. The Secret Service confirmed the would-be assassin was dead. The moment was captured with piercing clarity through the lens of Associated Press chief photographer Evan Vucci, who was one of the few photographers positioned in a buffer zone metres from Trump when gunfire erupted. As members of the Secret Service rushed the stage to cover Trump, Vucci, 47 “went into work mode,’’ and made a mad dash towards the danger. With his camera held above his head, he clicked away and, miraculously, captured the perfectly composed photograph which is destined to become one of the defining images of our time - serving not only as a stark document of the moment but also as a symbol of the fraught and turbulent era in which it occurred. Speaking with CNN, Vucci recounted, “I’ve done this hundreds of times; it was a normal rally. Everything was completely normal. Then, over my left shoulder, I heard pops, and I knew immediately what it was,” he said. “I went into work mode. The Secret Service rushed the stage, and I jumped up and got there as quickly as I could. I was photographing them covering President Trump, and I was thinking in my head, ‘What are they going to do next? How are they going to get him off the stage? Where is he going to go? How is this going to unfold?’ “You’re trying to make all these decisions in a moment. So, I ran to the other side of the stage, thinking that would be their evacuation route. As the President was standing up, he started pumping his fist. I saw the blood on the side of his face, and I knew that was the moment…”

>>21215420 Video: Heroic Donald Trump soars whilst Joe Biden is weaker than ever following assassination attempt - Sky News Australia


>>21217653 ‘New low’: Bandt claims PM politicised Trump shooting - Greens leader Adam Bandt has condemned Anthony Albanese’s criticisms of fringe pro-Palestine protesters outside MPs’ offices following the attempted assassination of former US president Donald Trump as “an outrageous and cynical move”. The prime minister on Sunday expressed concern over people dismissing the actions of protesters outside electorate offices when asked what Australia was doing to keep politicians safe, adding “these things can escalate”. Bandt told this masthead: “Connecting peaceful protesters here with a murderous gunman on the other side of the world isn’t just a long bow, it’s a new low. “Australia is not like the gun-toting United States, and if we respect peaceful protest instead of attacking it, we never will be. “Labor and [the] Liberals have repeatedly joined together to distract from their backing of the invasion of Gaza by attacking peaceful protesters, and they’re doing it again.”

>>21217684 Tenacious D cancel show after making Trump assassination joke at Sydney gig - Tuesday night’s Newcastle concert by Tenacious D, the musical-comedy duo featuring Jack Black and Kyle Gass, has been called off without explanation, leaving fans in the queue outside the Newcastle Entertainment Centre demanding answers and others fuming online about wasted airfare and accommodation expenses. The shock move comes the day after Gass was presented with a birthday cake onstage, and when asked what his wish was answered: “Don’t miss Trump next time.” Promoter Frontier Touring posted on social media that the Newcastle leg of the Spicy Meatball Tour had been postponed, but offered no explanation. Controversial right-wing senator Ralph Babet, of the United Australia Party, was quick to denounce Gass’ gag, claiming it was “not a joke” and insisting he was “deadly serious when he wished for the death of the president”. “Anything less than deportation is an endorsement of the shooting and attempted assassination of Donald J Trump,” Babet said in a statement posted to social media.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.21252073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 55

Australian Politics and Society - Part 39

>>21217752 Democracy is under attack and must adapt, warns Claire O’Neil - Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has warned that democracy in Australia is under attack from the spread of misinformation, rise of new media platforms, threat of foreign interference and declining social cohesion. Speaking in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Ms O’Neil said that declining trust was a major problem that needed to be addressed to restore confidence in democracy and warned some nations were doing better than others in addressing this challenge. She also took aim at pro-Palestine protesters who had vandalised Labor electorate offices including those of Anthony Albanese in Sydney and Josh Burns, the Labor MP for Macnamara whose St Kilda electorate office was firebombed last month. In a speech to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra, Ms O’Neil said “denying access to government services, terrorising politicians and their staff, painting symbols of terrorism in public spaces, smashing windows, setting buildings alight - these are the measures of autocrats, despots and tyrants. They have no place in our democracy.” Launching the Strengthening Democracy report which was commissioned by government in December 2022 to safeguard Australia’s democratic system, Ms O’Neil said it was inevitable that democracies would change over time. She said democracy would need to adapt to new challenges. “The democracy of 2025 cannot be expected to look identical to the democracies of 2005, or 1985,” she said. “Every generation needs to discover how to nurture and protect their democracy.”

>>21225909 Muslim Vote campaign politically soul-searching amid rifts, ALP infiltration - The fledgling Muslim Vote campaign risks “imploding”, with ­divisions widening within the group and among the community amid delays in locking in candidates and claims of infiltration by ALP operatives. Community leaders have said the group had “bitten off more than it could chew”, and Canberra sources have described its leaders as “passionate” but “politically naive”, destined to lose against Labor incumbents without a change of tack. Other top Muslim leaders have said while the campaign was “fumbling” and its political strength “overplayed”, “cooler heads” had emerged and discussions were changing on what strategy was best ahead of an election. They said the community was in a “lose-lose” situation and The Muslim Vote’s existence showed it was formally engaging in democracy. Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, who established and has led the movement since December, said in the week of senator Fatima Payman’s resignation to expect candidates in “days”. The campaign, however, has struggled to tie down those it would endorse in its prized ­targets of Blaxland and Watson, asking supporters on Monday to refill candidacy forms to help the process.

>>21225929 US relationship with Australia only stronger under Trump, says Kevin McCarthy - Former US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy says America’s relationship with Australia “will only be stronger” under a second Trump presidency, including the future of the AUKUS submarine pact. Speaking on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention, the senior Trump ally sought to assuage concerns about what it might mean for the defence pact between Australia, the US and the UK if Trump is re-elected in November. “That will be very safe,” McCarthy told this masthead, citing alliances between the two countries, such as the Five Eyes partnership between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and America. “I will tell you, the bipartisan support that this deal has in Congress is tremendous. I’ve seen it on both sides coming as a former Speaker. And I think the relationship that America has with Australia will only be stronger.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.21252077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 56

Australian Politics and Society - Part 40

>>21225996 Jack Black cancels Tenacious D national tour amid calls for deportation over sick Donald Trump joke - Tenacious D, the comedy-rock duo fronted by Hollywood A-list celebrity Jack Black with Kyle Gass, have cancelled their Australian tour after an Australian senator called for the band to be deported over “evil” comments made about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet said the duo should be “immediately removed from the country” after Black’s bandmate “wished for the death of the president” during a concert in Sydney on Sunday. Kyle Gass made the comment at the ICC Theatre in Sydney on Sunday night, which was also his 64th birthday. In footage shared on social media, Black presented Gass with a birthday cake on stage and asked him to “make a wish”. “Don’t miss Trump next time,” Gass joked before the crowd burst in laughter. “I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form,” Black said on social media. “After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold.” Gass also apologised for the “improvised” joke made on onstage in Sydney, saying it was “highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake”. “I don’t condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone,” Gass added. “What happened was a tragedy, and I’m incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgement. I profoundly apologise to those I’ve let down and truly regret any pain I’ve caused.”

>>21226022 Video: Ambassador Kevin Rudd talks up his relationship with Trump’s VP pick Vance, slams Tenacious D Trump comment - Kevin Rudd has urged governments around the world to “chill out” about the increasingly likely prospect of a second Trump administration, declaring Australia’s relationship with the US would remain strong and positive whatever the outcome in November. Speaking to Joe Hockey on Sky News from the floor of the Republican convention in Milwaukee, Ambassador Rudd said he was telling “many ambassadors in Washington [that] it’s really important to chill, just chill”, amid a surge in concern among US allies a Trump administration could see the US abrogate its role as world policeman. “If instead you think, my God, this is beyond the pale, and reach for your smelling salts, well, you know something that’s going to cruel you from day one … I say a lot, to the euros along these lines, which is chill bill,” he said on Tuesday (Wednesday AEST). Mr Rudd has been on a charm offensive seeking to broaden and deepen his Republican contacts in recent months as polls suggest Mr Trump was likely to defeat Joe Biden in November, especially in the wake of the president’s disastrous debate performance last month and his recent near brush with death from would-be assassin’s bullet last week in Pennsylvania.

>>21226061 Australia ready to work with Trump, Vance if they win election, Rudd says - One-time Donald Trump critic Kevin Rudd says Australia stands ready to work with the Republican candidate and his chosen running mate J.D. Vance if they win November’s election. Speaking at the Republican National Convention, Australia’s ambassador to the US also revealed he has “what I’ve described as a texting relationship” with Vance, and had contacted the Ohio Senator after Trump was almost killed last Saturday to convey his concern about the shocking event. The comments came a day after Trump and Vance were formally endorsed as the Republican candidates for the White House, and mark the first time the former prime minister has publicly addressed the moment when Trump learnt about past comments Rudd made as an independent think tanker, in which he referred to the Republican as “nuts”, a “traitor to the west” and “the most destructive president in history”. “He won’t be there long if that’s the case,” Trump had replied, when told about Rudd’s comments by former Brexit party leader Nigel Farage during an interview on Britain’s right-leaning GB News. “I don’t know much about him. I heard he was a little bit nasty. I hear he’s not the brightest bulb. But I don’t know much about him. But if, if he’s at all hostile, he will not be there long.” Asked if he was concerned about his future in Washington if Trump becomes president again, Rudd said he did not wish to add to the issue, other than to say: “I think you’ll note that a whole range of people over time have had a range of interesting things to say about President Trump, including John Howard, including Tony Abbott, including others.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21252082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 57

Australian Politics and Society - Part 41

>>21234139, >>21234164 Video: Australia’s war hero and Olympic gold medallist Cecil Healy honoured in France - Deep in the French countryside, where some of the Somme’s fiercest World War One battles took place, lies the grave of a remarkable Australian now sprinkled with sand from Sydney’s Manly Beach. Cecil Healy is so special, the local Assevillers villagers raised money for a separate statue outside of their town hall, and on Wednesday the Australian Olympic Committee and Australian government officials arrived to lay wreaths ahead of the Paris Olympic Games. Healy was not only an Olympic gold, silver and bronze swimming medallist, he was a revered surf lifesaver who rescued a child from the wild surf, helped to found the Manly surf club, and was one of the first proponents of the turn of the 20th century swimming stroke, the crawl, developing the side-breathing technique. Healy also has another, tragic distinction: he is the only Australian Olympic gold medallist to have died in combat. On September 12, 1918, Le Journal reported that Lieutenant Cecil Healy, a “widely known Australian swimmer”, had been killed by a bullet on the Somme battlefield nearly two weeks earlier. He had been a member of the 19th Sportsman’s Battalion and the newspaper recorded how Healy had led a party of 500 swimmers across the Somme, enveloped the enemy positions, and captured Mont St. Quentin, the key to the nearby town of Peronne. Of Healy’s death, the former Wallaby rugby union captain and Healy’s commander Major Syd Middleton said the world had lost one of its greatest champions and one of its best men.

>>21242744 Major global tech outage from US cyber security company CrowdStrike plunges world's largest companies into chaos - A major global tech outage, believed to have been sparked by a flawed anti-virus update from United States cyber security company CrowdStrike, plunged many of the world's largest companies into crisis on Friday afternoon. Operations at some of the biggest companies around the world, including banks, supermarkets and even airports, were thrown into chaos for hours as the outage brought down IT systems. Major news outlets including SBS, Network 10, the ABC and Sky News Australia were also temporarily prevented from broadcasting scheduled programming due to the outage. Sources within the Australian government had earlier confirmed to Sky News Australia the issue originated from the US cyber security company.

>>21245847 Video: ‘Largest IT outage in history’ caused by US-based cybersecurity firm - A worldwide cyber crash described as “the largest IT outage in history” brought down computer systems across Australia and parts of the world, crippling airport check-ins, supermarkets and emergency information services. The outage struck just after 3pm on Friday, triggering delays at airports around the country and world, hampering internet banking systems and forcing laptops across the globe to suddenly shut down. The federal government called a snap meeting of emergency authorities, and executives from Telstra, Optus, Coles, Woolworths, Qantas and Virgin on Friday night to respond to the unfolding chaos. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he understood Australians were “concerned about the outage that is unfolding globally and affecting a wide range of services”. “My government is working closely with the National Cyber Security Coordinator,” he said. “There is no impact to critical infrastructure, government services or triple-zero services at this stage. NSW Police confirmed triple zero was working, but that police information distribution services had been impacted. Victoria Police said they were able to receive and dispatch calls from triple zero, but some internal systems had been affected by the national outage. Jetstar was forced to cancel all its flights in Australia and New Zealand on Friday night, impacting thousands of customers about to fly out for the weekend. Overseas, the global crash forced American Airlines, United and Delta to ask the Federal Aviation Administration ground stop on all flights just after 5pm AEST.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21252084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 58

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic, Australia and Worldwide - Part 1

>>20950665 Secret Covid documents in Victoria to be released after almost 4 year fight - Secret government documents behind Victoria’s controversial Covid lockdowns are set to be released after the state’s Department of Health lost an almost four year long fight to keep them concealed. A judge at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal this week ordered the department to process freedom of information requests it had refused for the briefings provided to the Chief Health Officer, Deputy Chief Health Officer and Minister for Health relating to public health orders made in 2020. Liberal MP David Davis made four requests for the briefings to be handed over back in 2020 under the FOI Act - three requests within ten days in July and the fourth request made in December. The department refused them all, saying the work would substantially and unreasonably divert resources. Mr Davis sought a review by the Victorian Information Commissioner but the commissioner did not reach a decision within the statutory time frame. The MP then took the cases to VCAT in late 2020 and early 2021. Then Covid-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar claimed it would take an estimated 169.4 to 208.4 working weeks (about four years) to process Mr Davis’ combined FOI requests, in a statement dated October 2021. But Judge Caitlin English, who is Vice President of VCAT, didn’t accept this as grounds for refusal. In her decision, she said she was not convinced the department had reasonably estimated the resources required to process the requests, and noted the “strong public interest” in the information. She acknowledged the resources required to process the request were substantial, but said it was manageable for the department. “The Department, bearing the onus, has not satisfied me on the evidence that the work involved in processing the request would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the agency from its other operations,” her order stated. “I direct the agency to process Mr Davis’s requests in accordance with the FOI Act.” Mr Davis argued there was high public interest in release of the documents because of the nature of the way the pandemic was dealt with in Victoria compared to other states. Melbourne had some of the toughest Covid rules in the world and the longest lockdown on the planet.

>>20983654 Former CDC chief Dr Robert Redfield has blasted Covid-19 vaccine mandates, lockdowns as a ‘terrible mistake’ - Robert Redfield, the former head of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, said mandating Covid-19 vaccine was a “terrible decision” and lockdowns and school closures were a “big mistake”. Dr Redfield, an esteemed virologist who led the CDC from 2018 to 2021, said the pharmaceutical giants had a “huge influence” over convincing governments that everyone including children should be coerced into being vaccinated and boosted during the pandemic. “We absolutely never should have mandated vaccines, it was a terrible decision … the rationale for mandating vaccines for healthy firefighters and policemen, those in the military, hospital workers, teachers, was emotional, it shouldn’t have happened,” he said in an interview with Chris Cuomo published on Wednesday (Thursday AEST). Dr Redfield, 72, said the Covid-19 vaccines, which the Biden administration tried to mandate for all workers in late 2021, worked to prevent serious illness and death for vulnerable, older patients “over 65” but weren’t suitable for healthy young people, didn’t prevent transmission and wore off after six months at most. “If you came down and visited me and interviewed my patients, you’d interview patient after patient that did not have Covid, but are very sick, long covid patients, and it’s all from the vaccine,” he added, in comments that would have been censored on social media and censured publicly during the pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21252086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 59

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic, Australia and Worldwide - Part 2

>>20998450 Video: Anthony Fauci - ‘America’s doctor’ put under the microscope - “When you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated.” Dr Anthony Fauci didn’t appear to enjoy being reminded of his 2021 advocacy of de facto compulsory Covid-19 vaccination during his interrogation by congress this week, quibbling that he’d been misunderstood. It was a humiliating four hours of testimony on Monday for the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whose role in convincing governments to impose lockdowns, school closures, mask and vaccine mandates is looking more and more destructive as time goes by. If only there’d been more respect for “ideological bullshit” - also known as human rights, including free speech – throughout the pandemic the US and the developed world might have avoided one of the greatest public policy fiascos in history.

>>21234077 Coronial inquest likely for Natalie Boyce death after Covid-19 vaccine - The family of a young Melbourne woman who died five weeks after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine has fought a request from Moderna’s lawyers to access medical documents from four years prior to the death, as a coroner speculated a full inquest could eventuate. Natalie Boyce, 21, fell ill after getting a Moderna vaccine in February 2022 and was admitted to the Alfred Hospital where she died in March. The Therapeutic Goods Administration accepted that there was a link between the law student’s death and the third jab she received in February. The government agency also recognised the death as the 14th to be linked to Covid vaccines. About a week after receiving her booster shot, Ms Boyce experienced vomiting and aching pain. She later went to Mulgrave Private Hospital and was then transferred to the Alfred Hospital where she was diagnosed with fulminant myocarditis. Ms Boyce had surgery to remove a clot and suffered a heart attack while getting an MRI. The forensic pathologist who performed the post-mortem ruled she died from acute myocarditis infarction.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21252088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 60

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 1

>>20886492 WikiLeaks' Julian Assange faces U.S. extradition judgment day - A British court could give a final decision on Monday on whether WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange should be extradited to the United States over the mass leak of secret U.S. documents, the culmination of 13 years of legal battles and detentions. Two judges at the High Court in London are set to rule on whether the court is satisfied by U.S. assurances that Assange, 52, would not face the death penalty and could rely on the First Amendment right to free speech if he faced a U.S. trial for spying. Assange's legal team say he could be on a plane across the Atlantic within 24 hours of the decision, could be released from jail, or his case could yet again be bogged down in months of legal battles. "I have the sense that anything could happen at this stage," his wife Stella said last week. "Julian could be extradited, or he could be freed." She said her husband hoped to be in court for the crucial hearing.

>>20895103 Video: Julian Assange wins right to appeal US extradition - Julian Assange has won the right to appeal his extradition to the US to a full British appeals court. The significant legal win for the WikiLeaks founder came after the High Court judges ruled they were not satisfied that Assange, 53, would not face discrimination under the US Constitution’s first amendment because of his Australian citizenship. But Assange, who was too ill to attend the court hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in central London, will face many more months in Belmarsh jail as a remand prisoner until the courts can find time for the full appeal to be heard. The two judges hearing the case said they had carefully considered the submissions in writing and orally. “We have decided to give leave to appeal,’’ they said. Stella Assange said outside the court that the US administration “should drop these shameful charges immediately”. She called for her husband’s release saying that the ongoing legal battles was imposing a dreadful toll on his health. Mrs Assange said that as well as being immediately freed, her husband should receive compensation as well as the Nobel Peace Prize.


>>20903692 Video: Assange case shows world what US-style ‘press freedom’ means: Chinese FM - "The case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange shows the world what US-style "freedom of the press" really is, said Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a press briefing on Tuesday. Wang said the case shows the US believes exposure of other countries' secrets should be rewarded, but exposure of its own should be punished. The remarks came after Assange won a victory in his ongoing battle against extradition from the UK to the US, after the High Court in London granted him permission to appeal. Wang said freedom of the press, like so-called democratic human rights, is just a tool that the US uses to suppress dissidents and maintain its own hegemony. The spokesperson stated that Assange has won a round in his struggle against US hegemony, but whether he can ultimately emerge victorious in this contest remains to be seen. Assange, 52, is wanted by the US for allegedly disclosing national defense information following WikiLeaks's publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked military documents relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars a decade ago." - GT staff reporters -

>>21009247 Assange's UK appeal against US extradition to begin on July 9 - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's appeal against a UK court ruling that approved his extradition to the United States to face trial for breaking national security laws will begin on July 9, a judicial spokesman said Tuesday. Assange, 52, won his bid to challenge the ruling last month, and the two-day hearing will now take place at the High Court in London next month. The Australian publisher is wanted by Washington for publishing hundreds of thousands of secret US documents from 2010 as head of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks. Had he lost at last month's hearing, Assange - who has become a figurehead for free speech campaigners - could have been swiftly extradited after a five-year legal battle.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.21252089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 61

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 2

>>21080059 Breaking News - June 24, 2024 -Wikileaks founder Julian Assange strikes plea deal with the U.S.- Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has entered into a plea deal with the U.S. government, bringing an end to a years-long international saga over his handling of national security secrets. Assange is preparing to plead guilty to a single count of conspiring to obtain and disclose information related to the national defense in a U.S. federal court in Saipan, in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Pacific, this week, according to newly filed court papers. Under the terms of the agreement, Assange faces a sentence of 62 months, equivalent to the time he has already served at Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom while fighting extradition to the United States. He is expected to be released and to return to his home country of Australia following the court proceeding later this week.

>>21083236 Julian Assange released from jail, after accepting US plea deal - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been freed from a British prison and will return to Australia within days after agreeing to a US plea deal over his role in the publication of troves of classified military and diplomatic documents. Assange, who has spent more than a decade trying to avoid extradition to the US, boarded a flight from London on Tuesday AEST en route to the US territory of Saipan, where the plea deal is expected to be finalised. The dramatic turn of events follows high-level lobbying by Australia of US and British officials, including by Anthony Albanese who publicly called for his release. The Prime Minister’s office was cautious at the news of Assange’s release, saying his legal proceedings were yet to be finalised. “Given those proceedings are ongoing, it is not appropriate to provide further comment,” Mr Albanese’s spokesman said. “Prime Minister Albanese has been clear - Mr Assange’s case has dragged on for too long and there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration.” Assange is expected to plead guilty to a felony charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information, according to court papers and people familiar with the matter. The charge relates to Wikileaks’ publication of thousands of confidential US military records and diplomatic cables about America’s actions in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 2000s. Assange is expected to be sentenced to the 62 months he has already spent in a London prison, and be allowed to return to Australia.

>>21083246 Video: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to be freed after pleading guilty to US espionage charge - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty on Wednesday to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia, ending a 14-year legal odyssey. Assange, 52, has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defense documents, according to filings in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. He is due to be sentenced to 62 months of time already served at a hearing in Saipan at 9 a.m. local time on Wednesday (2300 GMT Tuesday). The island in the Pacific was chosen due to Assange's opposition to travelling to the mainland U.S. and for its proximity to Australia, prosecutors said. Assange left Belmarsh prison in the UK on Monday before being bailed by the UK High Court and boarding a flight that afternoon, Wikileaks said in a statement posted on social media platform X. "This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations," the statement said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.21252092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 62

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 3

>>21083263 WikiLeaks Tweet - JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE - Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible. After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian's freedom is our freedom. [More details to follow]

>>21083271 Video: Stella Assange Tweet - Julian is free!!!! Words cannot express our immense gratitude to YOU- yes YOU, who have all mobilised for years and years to make this come true. THANK YOU. tHANK YOU. THANK YOU. Follow @WikiLeaks for more info soon…

>>21083277 Mike Pence Tweet - Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Biden administration’s plea deal with Assange is a miscarriage of justice and dishonors the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families. There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States. Ever. -

>>21083286 Video: Anthony Albanese tells parliament he wants Julian Assange 'brought home to Australia' - Anthony Albanese has shared his thoughts on Julian Assange's release in parliament, saying, 'the case has dragged on too long'. 'There is nothing to be gained from his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia,' the prime minister said. Assange has been released from British prison and is expected to plead guilty to violating US espionage law, in a deal that would allow him to return home to Australia. - Guardian Australia


>>21083294 Video: Penny Wong nods to Julian Assange's supporters after plea deal sees WikiLeaks founder freed - Penny Wong, the foreign minister, acknowledges Julian Assange's supporters after a plea deal sees the Australian WikiLeaks founder released from prison. 'There are many here in parliament who have advocated for Mr Assange to come home, as have supporters in Australia and around the world,' says Wong. 'We have consistently stated that there is nothing to be said for the ongoing incarceration of Mr Julian Assange'. - Guardian Australia

>>21083298 Video: 'The end has not arrived': Barnaby Joyce on Assange plea deal with US justice department - The former deputy PM cautiously welcomed developments that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the US justice department that will allow him to walk free. Joyce was part of the delegation to lobby US law makers over Julian Assange. - Guardian News

>>21083318 Stella Assange Tweet - Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time). #AssangeJet #AssangeFree

>>21083318 WikiLeaks Tweet - Approaching Bangkok airport for layover. Moving closer to freedom. #AssangeJet

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21252095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 63

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 4

>>21089005 Pit stop for a guilty plea and Julian Assange is homeward bound - Julian Assange has landed on the US territory of Saipan Island and is on his way to court, where he will plead guilty to a single felony charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information, before heading home to Australia. The WikiLeaks founder flew in to the remote Northern Marianas Islands on a private jet from Bangkok, an almost six-hour journey, and will face court at 9am (AEST). The flight tracker website Flightradar24 said Assange’s jet was the most tracked flight on Wednesday. Assange’s wife says she is “elated” at her husband’s release from prison and the family’s top priority is to help him regain his health following a plea deal with US authorities to end his long-running legal saga. Assange landed in Bangkok on Tuesday afternoon, AEST, accompanied by Australia’s high commissioner to the UK, Stephen Smith, after a dramatic breakthrough that saw him released from a British prison after nearly 2000 days on remand fighting ­extradition to the US. Under the deal, the US Justice Department will end its pursuit of Assange over his release of hundreds of thousands of classified documents, allowing him to return home to Australia.

>>21089028 Video: Why the hearing to free Julian Assange happened on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific - Julian Assange's long-running legal odyssey has moved around the world, involving high-level negotiations across Australia, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Ecuador. And now, more than 14 years after WikiLeaks dropped a cache of classified US defence documents alleging war crimes in Afghanistan and Syria, his case has reached a courtroom on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The Northern Mariana Islands is a US territory and one of the closest to mainland Australia. It shares a time zone with Australia's east coast. US prosecutors said the location was important to Assange and that he wanted to go to a court close to Australia. In a letter filed to the US court on Saipan, a Department of Justice official thanks the court for accommodating the matter "at the joint request of both of the parties". The letter notes "the defendant's opposition to travelling to the continental United States to enter his guilty plea and the proximity of this federal US District Court to the defendant’s country of citizenship, Australia". Assange and his legal team have long believed it would not be safe for him to enter the United States, but under the terms of the plea deal, it appears a compromise was found.

>>21089064 ‘He did the right thing’: Assange’s father ready for reunion - No matter what a United States court says about Julian Assange, one man wants all Australians to know the Wikileaks founder should be declared not guilty when he returns home. Assange’s father, John Shipton, arrived in Canberra on Tuesday night in the hope he could embrace his son on Australian soil for the first time in 15 years. “He stood his ground, he did the right thing,” Shipton says of the controversial work by WikiLeaks to reveal alleged war crimes, diplomatic cables and other secrets others wanted to hide. Shipton believes Assange was and is a journalist who revealed news others wanted to keep secret, and says he is just as deeply Australian as other expatriate journalists such as John Pilger or Phillip Knightley. Shipton is seen by some as an apologist for Russia because they claim he has spoken at a pro-Russian rally after the invasion of Ukraine, but he denies this and says he was speaking about his son. “I was ambushed by Cossack people who surrounded me with Russian flags and took photographs,” he says. Of the invasion, he says he is against all war. The claim against him is another reflection of the concern that Assange used information from Russian hackers to release emails that undermined Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign. While Shipton was photographed in Canberra on Wednesday morning wearing a Russian hat, with an Assange badge on the front, he says he was given this during a New York winter.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21252097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 64

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 5

>>21089086 Video: Julian Assange freed after pleading guilty to one espionage charge at a hearing in Saipan - Julian Assange is a free man after pleading guilty to one charge of espionage in a federal United States court as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. But inside the room, he had one last act of defiance. The tension was palpable as the chief judge entered the US federal court of the remote Northern Mariana Islands, deep in the Pacific Ocean. Assange was facing one charge of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information, which carries a maximum 10-year jail penalty. Julian Assange spoke directly and calmly when it was discussed if he was willing to enter a plea. "Guilty," he said. He spoke calmly and confidently before the court, stating there were caveats to his guilt, and spoke of the US Constitution's First Amendment, which upholds free speech and freedom of the press. It was another act of defiance against the US legal system that has pursued him for more than a decade. "Working as a journalist, I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified in order to publish that information," Assange told the court when asked to explain his understanding of the charge. "I believed the First Amendment protected that activity. I believe the First Amendment and the Espionage Act are in contradiction."

>>21089113 WikiLeaks Tweet - Just a moment -

>>21089113 Stella Assange Tweet - Julian walks out of Saipan federal court a free man. I can’t stop crying. #AssangeFree #AssangeJet


>>21089129 Video: Julian Assange's lawyer says WikiLeaks founder 'cannot, and should not, be silenced' - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is on a flight home to Australia after pleading guilty to a felony espionage charge in a US court, under a deal negotiated with the Department of Justice. The resolution, which played out in the US District Court on the island of Saipan, brings to a close more than a decade of legal fighting sparked by WikiLeaks' release in 2010 of a cache of classified US defence documents alleging US war crimes in Afghanistan and Syria. Speaking outside court, Assange's US lawyer Barry J Pollack called the prosecution of his client "unprecedented" and said Assange should never have been charged with an espionage offence for publishing the documents. "He has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech, for freedom of the press, and to ensure that the American public and the world community gets truthful and important newsworthy information," Mr Pollack said. "We firmly believe that Mr Assange never should have been charged under the Espionage Act as he engaged in an exercise that journalists engage in every day, and we are thankful that they do. "It is appropriate, though … for the judge, as she did today, to determine that no additional incarceration of Mr Assange would be fair." Mr Pollack said WikiLeaks would continue its work, which often involves publishing leaked government documents, and Assange himself would remain "a continuing force for freedom of speech and transparency in government. He is a powerful voice and a voice that cannot, and should not, be silenced," he said.

>>21089153 Julian Assange: Fittingly pathetic end to tawdry tale of a traitor - "Finally, at long last, Julian Assange has confessed to being a traitor. For who else disseminates our military or diplomatic secrets in a time of excruciating and bloodcurdling wars he never had to fight, bleed for, or watch his friends die in, and does so with unabashed “look at me” abandon? Materials he disseminated without a conscious thought for the safety of the people or methods named in the documents he paraded, without a thought to anyone’s actual lives. Documents that, in the hands of a journalist, would have been equally revealed but with ethical and moral guardianship. In the end, perhaps fittingly, the self-aggrandising saga of Assange has ended ignominiously on an island, in a far-off tiny commonwealth of the US in the Pacific Ocean, where he is due to plead guilty to a single US felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material. It may be a Pyrrhic victory, but it’s a victory nonetheless. Not only for our national security services, but for journalists as well. For in the courtroom of public opinion and in the halls of justice, Tuesday was a condemnation not only of treason but a validation of high journalism. Julian Assange will no longer play the poster child of national security secret dumping masquerading as heroic selflessness in the name of freedom of the press." - Michael Ware, former CNN war correspondent and Justine A. Rosenthal, former executive editor of Newsweek Magazine -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21252101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 65

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 6

>>21089163 U.S. Embassy Australia Tweet - STATEMENT BY U.S. AMBASSADOR TO AUSTRALIA CAROLINE KENNEDY - “The return of Julian Assange to Australia brings this longstanding and difficult case to a close. The United States is grateful to the Government of Australia for their commitment and assistance throughout this process.”

>>21094264 Video: Julian Assange reunites with family after he arrives in Canberra - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has landed in Australia, ending the former fugitive's decade-long diplomatic saga. Assange's plane touched down just after 7:30pm in Canberra as his family, supporters and media watched on. Crowds erupted in cheers as Assange waved at supporters and hugged his wife on the tarmac. As he stepped off the plane, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, speaking from parliament, welcomed his return. "Earlier tonight I was pleased to speak to Mr Assange to welcome him home and had the opportunity to ask him about his health and have my first discussion with him," he said. "His safe return to Australia as we know means so much to his family." Assange's family and media then raced to East Hotel in Kingston, where his wife Stella Assange and legal team addressed media and celebrated his return. Ms Assange thanked the government and opposition, public servants and the Australian people for their tireless advocacy. "It took all of them, it took millions of people, it took people working behind the scenes, people protesting on the streets for day, and weeks, and months and years," Ms Assange said. "And we achieved it."


>>21094288 Video: Assange’s defiant gesture on return as wife asks for time to recover - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has returned to Australia with a clenched-fist gesture in emotional scenes in Canberra on Wednesday night, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese vowed to always stand up for citizens in trouble overseas. Assange made a symbolic show of victory, his arm outstretched and his fist clenched, after stepping onto Australian soil for the first time in 14 years, as he hugged his wife, Stella Assange, and his father, John Shipton, on the tarmac. A crowd gathered in Canberra to greet the controversial figure, hailed a hero by some and traitor by others, when he landed in Australia after a plea deal in a remote Pacific island courthouse to end years of legal pursuit by United States authorities. Assange told Albanese “you saved my life” in a phone conversation as soon as the charter flight landed, with the prime minister saying the WikiLeaks founder described the arrival as a “surreal and happy moment” after years in prison. Stella Assange made an emotional plea for her husband to be given privacy while he reunited with their children, while she also signalled a campaign to secure a presidential pardon for Assange in the years ahead.

>>21094308 Anthony Albanese first on the phone as convicted felon Julian Assange tastes freedom at last - Australia’s highest profile fugitive Julian Assange has returned home a convicted felon, reuniting with his wife and father after five years in prison and more than a decade on the run from US authorities over his publication of troves of top secret documents. He disembarked from a charter flight from Saipan in the western Pacific at about 7.55pm on Wednesday, raising a fist as he walked across the tarmac at Canberra’s RAAF Fairbairn terminal. He embraced wife Stella ­Assange on the tarmac, lifting her off the ground before hugging his father John Shipton amid cheers from supporters. Moments after his arrival, ­Anthony Albanese declared: “We have got this done.” The Prime Minister revealed he was the first person Assange spoke to after he touched down. According to one of the WikiLeaks founder’s lawyers, Assange told Mr Albanese he had “saved his life”. Mr Albanese claimed credit for Assange’s release, saying his government was focused on “making a difference”. “This is what standing up for Australians around the world looks like,” he said. “It means getting the job done; getting results and getting outcomes; having the determination to stay the course.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21252102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 66

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 7

>>21094328 It took ‘creative nous’: Rudd on behind-the-scenes efforts to secure Assange release - US ambassador Kevin Rudd has suggested he played an important role in convincing Julian Assange to accept a plea deal with the United States Justice Department as a partisan stoush erupted over the WikiLeaks founder’s return to Australia. The opposition accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of giving Assange, who pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge, an overly warm welcome by calling him just after he touched down in Canberra on Wednesday night. In his first public comments since Assange’s departure from London’s Belmarsh Prison, Rudd said it had taken “creative nous” from Australia to secure his release. Asked if he persuaded Assange to accept a plea deal to bring the matter to a close, Rudd told the ABC: “You could say that, I couldn’t possibly comment. Ultimately, it was a matter for the parties.” Assange’s lawyers have credited Albanese and Rudd with playing a pivotal role in securing their client’s release. Rudd said he acted as the principal point of contact between the US Justice Department and Assange’s legal team after becoming ambassador in early 2023, adding it was crucial that Albanese had granted him a “clear prime ministerial mandate” to pursue the matter with the Biden administration. Asked if he acted as a linchpin in the negotiations, he replied: “That’s your term, not mine.” Rudd said he feared the Assange case would have become a “long-term irritant” in the US-Australia relationship if it continued to drag out through the courts.

>>21094388 Video: Australian leaders celebrate Julian Assange's freedom but opposition says he is 'no martyr' - Julian Assange spent his first night in 14 years as a free man back at home in Australia as the conservative opposition on Thursday cautioned the government against hailing the WikiLeaks founder as a hero. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who supported Assange's release years before taking office in 2022, welcomed him home in a phone call. He said he "had a very warm discussion" with Assange. However, the conservative opposition raised concerns about portraying Assange as a hero after he spent more than a decade trying to avoid prosecution and then pleaded guilty to one criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified national defence documents. The opposition leader in the Senate, Simon Birmingham, welcomed Assange's release but said the WikiLeaks founder was "no martyr" for the mass data leak. "That wasn't an act of journalism. It wasn't like these were edited or curated documents. It was simply a data dump, a data dump from a leak and a data dump that came with consequences for the U.S. in terms of how they managed their operations and their officials because of the safety risks that were created," he told Reuters in an interview. He cautioned Albanese against meeting Assange and said the celebration of his release was likely to lead to disquiet among some members of the U.S. Congress.

>>21094413 ‘He needs time to heal after 14 years of hell’, says Julian Assange’s wife Stella - Julian Assange’s wife has made an emotional plea for the WikiLeaks founder to be given time to ­recuperate from a 14-year ordeal avoiding extradition to Sweden over rape allegations that were later dropped and the US over the release of classified documents ­relating to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Assange embraced his ­family as a free man for the first time in 14 years after he touched down in Canberra on Wednesday night. Holding back tears, Stella Assange said: “Julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone. He wanted to be here. But you have to understand what he’s been through. He needs time. He needs to recuperate. And this is a process. Julian needs time to recover. To get used to freedoms. Someone told me yesterday who had been through something similar that freedom comes slowly. And I want Julian to have that space to rediscover freedom. I ask you - please - to give us space, to give us privacy. To find our place. To let our family be a family before he can speak again at a time of his choosing.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21252108   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 67

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 8

>>21094430 Settling Assange's case helps US consolidate ties with Australia, strengthen small cliques in Asia-Pacific: expert - "The curtain has closed on Julian Assange's saga as the WikiLeaks founder pleaded guilty to violating US espionage laws and walked out of court as a free man on Wednesday. Yet his case has exposed the hypocrisy of the US' long-flaunted freedom of speech and the ugliness of the country's relentless efforts to crush those who have "got in the way". The US' gains from settling this high-profile case are multi-dimensional. Not only did the US intimidate people trying to expose US' dirty laundries, but it also removed one obstacle in its relationship with Australia, where Assange is from and where there has been advocacy for his release, observers noted. Consolidating coordination with Australia can help the US counter China's influence in the Western Pacific region through the creation of alliances, said experts. The release of Assange has helped to remove a major obstacle between Washington and Canberra, strengthening their coordination. Washington had the current Asia-Pacific situation in mind when deciding to settle the case, Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times. The US and Australia have strong cooperation in both political and security aspects. Strengthening cooperation with Australia can help US counter China's influence in the Western Pacific region through the creation of alliances, Li explained. Li said after 14 years, the US has come to the conclusion that continuing to pursue the Assange case is no longer worth the effort. Therefore, Assange's confession and return to Australia are seen as a means for the US to save face and for the relationship between the US and Australia to be repaired. What is even more tragic than Assange's guilty plea is that his fate is not the outcome of his own actions, but rather the result of a compromise and coordination among various governments for geopolitical reasons, said Li." - GT staff reporters -

>>21094541 Full Video: Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech - Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Canberra and assesses Julian Assange's release. We also answer questions from an adversarial press corps. Chapters: Intro - Tucker reacts to Julian Assange's release - Christianity - Q&A - Who's the most difficult person Tucker has interviewed? - Tucker clashes with journalist over Putin - Assange - Is China a threat? - Heated exchange between Tucker and liberal journalist on immigration

>>21094566 Tucker Carlson Tweet - Video: Meet the Australian media. -


>>21104531 ‘Welcome home, Julian Assange: don’t leak again’, warns Penny Wong - Penny Wong has said the government will not tolerate the leaking of top secret information like that published by Julian Assange, as the Coalition accused Anthony Albanese of welcoming the convicted felon back to Australia like a “homecoming hero”. The Foreign Minister defended Mr Albanese’s decision to speak personally with Assange, who told the Prime Minister he had saved his life, but she said Mr Albanese’s welcome for Assange should not be interpreted as a signal the government tolerated the leaking of secret documents. “We have laws in Australia in relation to national security information. We expect those laws to be observed by all citizens and by all entities. That is our position,” Senator Wong said. “In relation to Mr Assange, we have taken the view that this matter had gone on for too long, and as the Prime Minister has said, nothing would be served by further incarceration of Mr ­Assange.”

>>21110047 Why the confusion? Assange is neither a victim nor a hero - "The media is buzzing with human interest stories about the release by the US government of Julian Assange, after a 14-year stand-off and a plea of guilty to a single charge of espionage. His family are delighted and relieved. Those who have always seen him as a maligned hero and a victim of the national security state feel vindicated. But what’s getting lost in all the brouhaha about the return of an Australian citizen are the underlying issues to do with freedom of speech and the classification of official information. Assange is not a hero, intellectual or moral. He has for many years been an avowed anarchist and hacker who, while running WikiLeaks, openly declared that his ambition was to make it impossible for the machinery of state (in the US and among its allies) to function." - Paul Monk, former senior defence intelligence analyst -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21252112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 68

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 9

>>21114370 Diplomacy, distrust and the last-minute hiccup that almost sank the Assange deal - After more than a year of quiet diplomacy, the whole deal on the criminal espionage case against Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, almost collapsed at the last minute because of mutual mistrust between Assange and the American justice authorities. Simultaneously, there was a threat from London because Britain’s prosecution service feared it would be held responsible if the Australian charged with espionage against the US, held in an Eng­lish prison, did “a runner” after being released from the British justice system. There had been the key change in negotiations of ­Assange’s legal team and the US Department of Justice agreeing to talk directly about a settlement but the execution of the deal was under threat. It was here that the legal and symbolic involvement of Australia’s two top diplomats – UK high commissioner Stephen Smith and Australian ambassador in Washington Kevin Rudd – became essential to the finalisation of the deal in the last days.

>>21114398 Forget the media circus, Julian Assange put our brave soldiers’ lives in danger - "Julian Assange emerged from his charter jet in Canberra on Wednesday night in a dark suit, white shirt and thin tie, raising his right arm in a clenched-fist salute. Perhaps Assange wanted to echo the image of Nelson Mandela walking out of the Victor Verster prison on February 11, 1990. But Assange is no Mandela. He will not go on to lead this country or be a global figure of reconciliation. Assange is and will remain a disrupter. Now that he is out of His Majesty’s Belmarsh Prison, we will come to know the real Julian, not the figure managed so artfully over the past decade by the Assange fan club. Assange’s WikiLeaks shot to global prominence on July 25, 2010, when it released online what it called the Afghanistan War Diary - 91,000 reports “written by soldiers and intelligence officers, and mainly describing lethal military actions involving the United States military, (and including) intelligence information, reports of meetings with political figures, and related details”. This act flung Canberra into a panic. What if these reports gave targetable details of Australian military operations, or named Afghans working with Defence or intelligence? I was deputy secretary for strategy in Defence and was tasked to lead a process reviewing the leaked material. The context is important. We were fighting a bloody counter-terrorism war at the time. Assange’s WikiLeaks release of uncensored battlefield reports put our forces, indeed the whole of the international coalition in Afghanistan, and the many brave Afghans fighting with us, under serious risk. The only group that could benefit from this tactical information was the Taliban. It is by no means clear that the material put online by Assange did not cause deaths. The release of the State Department cables caused significant disruption to Western intelligence operations globally, including the urgent withdrawal of exposed agents." - Peter Jennings, former deputy secretary for strategy in the Defence Department (2009-12) -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.21252115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 69

Julian Assange: Indictment, Extradition and Plea Deal - Part 10

>>21119464 ‘Champagne, Mr Assange?’ This man is no hero - certainly not to our closest ally - "If an American anti-Western activist hacked into the classified communications systems of DFAT and the Defence Department and then gave all the cables, memos, records of conversation and submissions to selected left-leaning newspapers, how would Anthony Albanese and his ministers feel? Would they proclaim the hacker a national hero and argue he was a brilliant investigative journalist, or would they throw the book at him? And imagine if the same hacker had been facing sexual assault charges in Sweden and hid in the embassy of a rogue regime to avoid facing court? Would the government invoke the language of the #MeToo campaign or would it proclaim the aggrieved women were exaggerating and rejoice when the charges against the alleged assailant were dropped because of the statute of limitations? You see my point. Apparently concerns about the lack of convictions of men charged with rape exclude anti-Americans. The Americans, who are our closest and most important ally, took a dim view of Julian Assange for conspiring unlawfully to obtain and disclose classified documents. Surely we don’t want our principal ally’s secrets blasted all over the world to the advantage of adversaries." - Alexander Downer, foreign minister from 1996-97 and high commissioner to the UK from 2014-18 -

>>21119456 OPINION: Just don’t call him a hero. Assange’s recklessness may have cost lives - "Julian Assange has long been a hero to his natural supporters: the usual crowd of rich actors, preachy human rights lawyers and professional activists. Celebrities look after their own, and there is no doubt that Assange is in the club. Assange’s repatriation was an exercise in stage management that would have made his Hollywood cheer squad proud. Being escorted by both an ambassador and a high commissioner was completely unnecessary, but it added gravitas to the show. What other convicted Australian receives a welcome home call from the prime minister? Assange’s supporters have never made any secret of the fact that he did what he was accused of. Many actually boast about the fact that this was the greatest release of classified documents in American history. The fact that the documents published by Assange contained the unredacted names of numerous intelligence sources also shows how wickedly reckless his conduct was. These included people in Afghanistan and Iraq who put their lives on the line to help Western - including Australian – forces. I know the view of Australian intelligence agencies (which briefed me when I was Australia’s attorney-general) that it was likely Assange’s leak cost lives. This assessment was shared by our Five Eyes partners. Even if none of the sources exposed by Assange did come to harm, at the time he published the documents he could not have known that. At the very least, he hazarded innocent lives for his own gratification." - George Brandis, former high commissioner to the UK, former Liberal senator and federal attorney-general -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.21252120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 70

Brittany Higgins Rape Allegations and Bruce Lehrmann Defamation Trial - Part 1

>>20895231 ‘Heading for trial’: Linda Reynolds, Brittany Higgins mediation talks break down - Senator Linda Reynolds has told the Albanese government it must accept that it paid $2.45m to Brittany Higgins based on claims identified as untrue in the civil court judgment that also found Bruce Lehrmann raped Ms Higgins at Parliament House in 2019. Senator Reynolds made the comments outside court on Tuesday as she pressed on her with her defamation case against Ms Higgins, her former media adviser, and Ms Higgins’ partner David Sharaz. She is suing them over social media posts from 2022 and 2023. In court, Senator Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett has previously described those posts as attacks on Senator Reynolds and as a “concerted plan”. A long day of mediation to avoid a trial failed in March. A second attempt at mediation on Tuesday also failed after three hours. Senator Reynolds emerged from the David Malcolm Justice Centre in the centre of Perth shortly after 1pm local time on Tuesday and told waiting media: “Unfortunately, it appears at this stage that we still will be heading to trial in July.”

>>20945301 Bruce Lehrmann lodges appeal against Network Ten, Lisa Wilkinson verdict - Bruce Lehrmann will represent himself in an appeal against the judgment that found he raped Brittany Higgins in Parliament House, as his supporters abandon him and he is left alone to tackle judge Michael Lee’s landmark verdict. Mr Lehrmann, a law student, on Friday afternoon lodged the appeal against findings that Network Ten and presenter Lisa Wilkinson did not defame him when airing an interview with Ms Higgins on The Project in 2021. The Australian understands Mr Lehrmann will argue Justice Lee denied him procedural fairness, and will claim Ms Higgins’ evidence had serious credibility issues. He is calling on the Federal Court to set aside the judgment against him, a verdict be made in his favour, and for Ten and Wilkinson to pay his legal bills for both the appeal and the defamation proceedings. The long-awaited judgment of the matter brought by Mr Lehrmann was handed down last month, finding Ten successfully made out its truth defence and proved, on the balance of probabilities, that Mr Lehrmann raped Brittany Higgins in the office of Liberal senator Linda Reynolds. However, Justice Lee found the network failed to make out its qualified privilege defence and acted unreasonably in its treatment of Mr Lehrmann when airing The Project interview.

>>20959181 The four reasons Bruce Lehrmann thinks his appeal should succeed - Bruce Lehrmann has urged an appeal court to overturn a finding that he raped his then-colleague Brittany Higgins in Parliament House, arguing that the evidence before the court did not support that conclusion. In a notice of appeal, filed in the Federal Court on Friday, Lehrmann sets out four grounds of appeal against the landmark decision of Justice Michael Lee on April 15 to dismiss his defamation suit against Network Ten and high-profile presenter Lisa Wilkinson. Lehrmann has asked the Full Court of the Federal Court to set aside Lee’s decision and enter judgment in his favour. The former federal Liberal staffer claims he was denied procedural fairness during his defamation case. He alleges Lee made findings in relation to Ten and Wilkinson’s successful truth defence that were not put to him when he gave evidence in the Federal Court last year. The judge’s finding that the truth defence was established was “contrary to evidence” and did not meet the standard of proof, Lehrmann claims.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:28 a.m. No.21252129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 71

Brittany Higgins Rape Allegations and Linda Reynolds Defamation Trial - Part 2

>>21042324 Former PM Scott Morrison prepared to take witness stand in Reynolds, Higgins row - Former prime minister Scott Morrison has been named among the high-profile witnesses prepared to climb into the witness box in WA Senator Linda Reynolds’ high-stakes defamation trial against former staffer Brittany Higgins. Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett told the WA Supreme Court Morrison had filed and signed a witness outline on Tuesday, as the parties gathered to finalise the exchange of documents before the trial in late July. The court was told the bundle of evidence adduced by Reynolds’ legal team would also contain sworn testimony from WA Senator Michaelia Cash, Cash’s former chief of staff, and medical professionals who would attest to the toll the saga had taken on Reynolds’ health. The court has previously been told Channel 10, journalists Lisa Wilkinson and Samantha Maiden, and Senator Katy Gallagher had been hit with subpoenas to provide evidence for both cases. Outside court, Bennett told the waiting press pack Morrison was expected to be overseas at the time of the trial, but was prepared to give evidence remotely if required.

>>21171764 The Brittany Higgins and David Sharaz ‘strategy’ to burn down the House - Anthony Albanese’s closest confidantes, Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong, were drip-fed false information by David Sharaz and Brittany Higgins as part of a larger plan to destroy the career of Liberal senator Linda Reynolds and take down the Morrison government, explosive court documents allege. Mr Sharaz also organised meetings between Ms Higgins and Labor members of parliament to discuss her rape allegations, the documents say, including then opposition leader Mr Albanese and Tanya Plibersek, as well as former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd. The extraordinary claims form part of Senator Reynolds’ case against Ms Higgins in the Western Australian Supreme Court, where she is suing her former employee over a series of social media posts she says defamed her. Senator Reynolds claims the Instagram, Twitter and Threads posts falsely alleged she had “harassed” Ms Higgins, and mishandled the allegations of rape against former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann by failing to provide her with any support. The case is set down for trial on August 2, following multiple failed mediation talks.

>>21171776 ‘The Plan’ Brittany Higgins’ lawyers didn’t want us to see - "This is the statement of claim that lawyers for Brittany Higgins didn’t want us at The Australian to see. They didn’t want us to report it, to analyse what Linda Reynolds set out in her defamation claim against Higgins in the West Australian Supreme Court. Fear not. We’re fighting objections by the Higgins team to us ­accessing all the documents filed in this litigation. I filed further submissions with the WA Supreme Court on Monday. The wheels of justice move slowly - court orders are currently not due until the end of this month. In the meantime, my intrepid colleague Ellie Dudley got hold of a copy of the statement of claim current as at June 4. No wonder the Higgins team tried to block us from seeing it. It is an extraordinary read. For the first time in one document are allegations of what Reynolds calls “the Plan” - a carefully orchestrated, pre-meditated political hit job where Higgins and Sharaz used allegations of a rape and a political cover-up “as a weapon to inflict immediate political damage” on Reynolds and the then government of the day." - Janet Albrechtsen -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.21252142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 72

AUKUS Security Pact and Nuclear Submarine Program - Part 1

>>20890833 New report warns plan to extend life of the Collins Class submarine is a ‘high risk endeavour’ - The Albanese government has been warned that the $5bn plan to extend the life of the navy’s ageing fleet of Collins-class submarines for another decade is a perilously high-risk endeavour that is not guaranteed to succeed. Australia’s ability to defend itself using submarines over the next decade would be in jeopardy if the plan to extend the life of the Collins-class fleet cannot be achieved, given that the first of the nuclear-powered AUKUS submarines is not due to arrive in Australia until 2032. An interim report and verbal briefings delivered to the government have revealed significant technical challenges to the planned $5bn Life of Type Extension to the six Collins-class sub­marines due to begin in 2026. The classified assessment of the LOTE project, by former US navy deputy assistant secretary Gloria Valdez, was commissioned by the government last October to assess the viability of the plan to extend the life of the Collins boats to ensure that Australia “retains an enduring, potent and agile submarine capability”.

>>20903732 ‘No obligation’ to go to war under AUKUS, US general says - One of the US military’s top Indo-Pacific commanders says America will not “kidnap” Australian sailors serving on its nuclear submarines if it finds itself in a war with China, declaring there was “no expectation” that Australia would follow the US into such a conflict. As Beijing launched “punishment” exercises in the Taiwan Strait following the inauguration of the territory’s new president, Lieutenant General Stephen Sklenka said the US was on the alert for a Chinese invasion of the self-governing island within the next three years. General Sklenka, the deputy commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, said the Chinese were “bullies” harassing other nations’ ships and aircraft with “dangerous behaviour” that could escalate into conflict. Joe Biden’s No. 2 diplomat Kurt Campbell in April suggested that Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarines could one day be deployed against China in a conflict over Taiwan but General Sklenka told the National Press Club that the AUKUS pact did not obligate Australia to fight alongside the US in any future conflict. “When they’re on our submarines, we don’t kidnap them,” he said. “There’s no expectation of anybody participating in any conflict with us because those decisions are national sovereign decisions. The US can’t, and we don’t, dictate that.”

>>20921910 Australia had almost no submarines available for more than four years as China awakened - In one of the most tightly held national security secrets in the country’s history, Australia had almost no submarines available to defend itself for at least four years from 2009 to 2012 during the Rudd/Gillard governments. It was an embarrassing bungle that could have had tragic consequences in a conflict but was considered too sensitive to reveal publicly at a time when China was aggressively expanding its navy. The shocking history of the mismanagement of the six-boat Collins class submarine fleet at that time had the effect of delaying any discussion inside the government of building new submarines for years. The revelation of the parlous state of the nation’s submarine fleet a decade ago, caused by poor planning, no spare parts, shoddy maintenance and a lack of crews, is contained in the first comprehensive history of the Collins class fleet by defence analyst Andrew Davies, to be published by ASPI on Tuesday. It reveals that the then Labor defence minister Stephen Smith, now Australia’s High Commissioner in London, was told in 2010 that there was all but zero submarine capability available to defend the country at that time – a fact that could not be released publicly.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.21252145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 73

AUKUS Security Pact and Nuclear Submarine Program - Part 2

>>20926922 AUKUS submarines ‘bigger, better, faster, bolder’ than existing US versions - The nuclear-powered submarines to be built in Australia under the AUKUS agreement with the US and Britain will be substantially bigger than the US Navy’s Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines. Australian Submarine Agency director-general Jonathan Mead tells The Australian’s defence special report that at 10,000 tonnes, the conventionally armed SSN-AUKUS will be a “bigger, better, faster and bolder”, evolution of Britain’s Astute-class submarines. By comparison, Australia’s six Collins-class submarines are each about 3300 tonnes and the US existing Virginia-class boats are just over 7000 tonnes. The SSN-AUKUS will have strong US technological input. Its nuclear reactor will be built by Britain’s Rolls-Royce but with significant American enhancements. Vice-Admiral Mead says all five of Australia’s SSNs will be built at Osborne in South Australia, which will become one of the world’s most advanced technology hubs. They will be built from Australian steel if the metal passes rigorous testing now under way. The US has ordered the same Australian steel to assess its suitability for its submarine construction industry.

>>20937541 Defending Australia: AUKUS subs to be armed with hypersonic missiles - Australia’s AUKUS-class nuclear submarines will be capable of firing next-generation hypersonic missiles, giving the nation a potent strike capability near-impossible for adversaries to defeat. Australian Submarine Agency director-general Jonathan Mead said the AUKUS boats would have “more firepower” than the US’s current Virginia-class boats, as well as space for underwater drones and special forces. “It will be able to fire more long-range missiles or hypersonic missiles,” he told The Australian’s Defending Australia summit. “It’ll be able to fire more long-range torpedoes. It will be able to carry a larger reactor for more power. It will be able to carry uncrewed autonomous vehicles. “It will be able to accommodate special forces components.” The Australian revealed this week that the AUKUS boats, at more than 10,000 tonnes, would be larger than Virginia-class submarines that displace just over 7000 tonnes. Australia’s six conventionally powered Collins-class submarines are about 3300 tonnes. Asked how many missiles the AUKUS subs would carry, Vice-Admiral Mead said “many”.


>>20959188 Corroding subs raise capability fears - Half of the nation’s Collins-class submarines are out of service amid unexpected corrosion problems with two of the ageing boats, prompting capability concerns and fresh questions over plans to extend the fleet’s life by a decade. The commonwealth’s submarine maintenance corporation, ASC, revealed on Friday three of the navy’s six Collins boats were in maintenance - the first time that has occurred since 2012. The opposition said the lack of availability was “a disastrous setback for Australia’s submarine capability”, and undermined trust in the government’s ability to ­deliver the AUKUS submarine program. ASC managing director Stuart Whiley said HMAS Sheean – one of the youngest of the Collins boats – was out of the water at South Australia’s Osborne shipyard with corrosion in weapons and exhaust areas that had not previously been encountered. One of the oldest Collins boats, HMAS Farncomb, was ­undergoing maintenance at Western Australia’s Henderson shipyards with “very different” corrosion issues, Mr Whiley said. A third submarine, HMAS Rankin, was tied up at Osborne ahead of a two-year “full cycle docking” maintenance period, he said.

>>20969837 US torpedoes ‘unviable’ submarine missile plan - The Albanese government has abandoned plans to arm the navy’s ageing Collins-class submarines with Tomahawk missiles, scuttling hopes the 1990s boats could be transformed into potent long-range strike platforms. The move follows a feasibility study and advice from the US on launching the missiles through the Collins’ torpedo tubes that said integrating the weapons into the subs was “not viable and does not represent value for money”. The Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines promised to Australia under the AUKUS partnership will be equipped with Tomahawks, but the first of them isn’t due until the early 2030s. When Australia finally receives the weapons it will be one of just three countries, alongside the US and Britain, to operate them. It is understood Defence was warned arming the Collins with Tomahawks would complicate their $5bn upgrades and undermine the boats’ ability to defend themselves by cutting the number of torpedoes they could carry.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.21252147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 74

AUKUS Security Pact and Nuclear Submarine Program - Part 3

>>21014848 US Army deploys a completely new type of cyber missile unit as part of Aukus alliance - The United States Army’s newly established Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) in the Pacific is a completely new kind of military unit. Armed with an array of cutting-edge technologies, such as high-altitude balloons, Precision Strike Missiles, cyber warfare units and unmanned systems, the MDTF is also the first real world manifestation of the lesser-known second pillar of the Australia-UK-US defence pact - Aukus. Although Aukus Pillar 1, which concentrates on nuclear-powered submarines, has garnered much attention. Pillar 2 is less known. It involves advanced capabilities, including hypersonics, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, and is equally, if not more, significant. In the words of the agreement itself: “Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are pooling the talents of our defence sectors to catalyse, at an unprecedented pace, the delivery of advanced capabilities.” The 3rd MDTF, headquartered in Hawaii, really illustrates this kind of thinking and it also indicates how seriously the US Army takes its dedication to Multi-Domain Operations. Multi-Domain Operations refers to the strategic integration of capabilities across all domains of warfare—land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. The task force will welcome five Australian and three British officers this summer. General Charles Flynn, the US Army Pacific Commander, referred to this as the “initial seed corn of creating that combined capability,” showcasing the collaborative nature of Aukus Pillar 2.

>>21025516 AUKUS: First Royal Australian Navy Enlisted Sailors Begin Training at U.S. Submarine School - The U.S. Naval Submarine School in Groton welcomed its first cadre of nine enlisted sailors and the second cadre of three officers from the Royal Australian Navy on June 3rd and 10th respectively. These 12 Australians will train alongside their American counterparts to operate conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs). The enrollment of Royal Australian Navy sailors at the Submarine School marks a significant step in the AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) Pillar 1 Optimal Pathway, aimed at helping Australia acquire a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine fleet. “We’re excited to welcome these sailors and officers to Groton and build on the momentum of the first cohort of Australian officers to graduate from Submarine Officer Basic Course (SOBC) in April,” said Capt. Matthew Fanning, commanding officer, Naval Submarine School. “It is an honor to be part of the team that is delivering game-changing capabilities to one of our country’s closest and staunchest allies.” “Australians are exceptional submariners,” said Rear Adm. Lincoln Reifsteck, the U.S. Navy’s AUKUS Integration and Acquisition program manager. “The training they receive at Submarine School will set them up for a successful tour aboard an American SSN, moving the Royal Australian Navy that much closer to operating sovereign, conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines.” The number of Royal Australian Navy personnel training across the U.S. will increase to over 100 people in the next 12 months. Training Royal Australian Navy sailors alongside their American counterparts will enhance interoperability across the submarine forces, which is a cornerstone of establishing Australia's sovereign nuclear-powered attack submarine capability.

>>21066037 Australians deploy for nuclear sub training mission - The first workers tasked with maintaining and operating Australia's future nuclear-powered submarines have been sent to the US for training. The cohort of 30 skilled submarine workers from the government's ASC shipbuilding company departed for Pearl Harbor in Hawaii to get hands-on experience maintaining US Virginia-class undersea vessels. More than 100 ASC workers are expected to be sent overseas by mid-2025 for naval propulsion skilling. Once they complete their training, the workers will return to Western Australia where they will take up key roles to train other workers and lead the maintenance of rotating US and UK nuclear-powered submarines. A UK Astute-class submarine and up to four US Virginia-class submarines will be on rotation at WA's HMAS Stirling base.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.21252150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 75

AUKUS Security Pact and Nuclear Submarine Program - Part 4

>>21066075 AUKUS Shines Spotlight on Power of Partnerships, Pentagon Official Says - The security partnership among Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, known as AUKUS, is aimed at promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific and represents a tangible example of the Defense Department's longstanding commitment to deepening alliances, a senior Pentagon official said today. Madeline Mortelmans, acting assistant secretary of defense for strategies, plans and capabilities, underscored the core role allies and partnerships serve in carrying out the 2022 National Defense Strategy and the lasting impact AUKUS will have on DOD's approach to strategic competition. Mortelmans said today that the three countries have made long strides since the agreement was first announced. She noted that over the last year, the U.S. has increased submarine visits to Australia, and hosted Australian naval personnel at U.S. training schools. Australia has also begun to set the foundation with industry for the future production and maintenance of nuclear-powered submarines.

>>21172340 Australian submariners to serve on UK’s Astute-class nuclear vessels for first time - Australian sailors will serve on the Royal Navy’s latest attack submarines for the first time, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced. After nine months of intensive training at HMS Sultan – a military training facility – in Gosport, Hampshire, three newly-qualified Australian nuclear engineers will work alongside their Royal Navy counterparts in British submarines. The programme, part of the Aukus trilateral defence arrangement alongside the US, will see Britain and Australia develop new nuclear-powered attack submarines in the next decade. The three countries have agreed to share sensitive military intelligence and jointly develop next-generation technology to counter China’s increased assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region. A Lt-Cdr named James, Lieut Isabella and Lieut Steve (all surnames has been withheld for security reasons) will now go on to serve in Astute-class submarines alongside Royal Navy crews, adding practical experience to all they have learned on the nuclear operator course. The nine-month course included training on nuclear physics, metallurgy, advanced mathematics, thermodynamics and nuclear safety management. Vice-Adml Mark Hammond, the chief of the Royal Australian Navy, praised the “exceptional dedication” of the trailblazing trio of officers for their success - and the Royal Navy for the “world-class training” it has provided.

>>21172345 Australian Navy nuclear submarine engineers complete training with Royal Navy - The Royal Navy has helped lay the foundation for its Australian ally to acquire a nuclear-powered submarine capability, including through the country’s first UK-trained nuclear submarine engineers. Three Royal Australian Navy officers graduated alongside their British counterparts after nine intensive months of training at HMS Sultan in Gosport. Lieutenant Commander James, Lieutenant Isabella and Lieutenant Steve will now go on to serve in Astute-class submarines side-by-side with Royal Navy crews, adding practical experience to all they have learned on the Nuclear Operator Course. Their success marks a significant milestone in developing the skilled workforce to operate Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarine capability. The three officers are part of a pioneering cohort who will be among the first to operate Australia’s future conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines, having gained education, experience and training in both UK and US shipyards, facilities and warships. As the first nuclear engineers to go through the UK training program in their navy’s history, the Australian trio have been under the spotlight, with regular visits from senior officers to check on their progress. “It’s been great that they’ve continually shown interest in what we’re doing,” said 29-year-old Lieutenant Steve. “I was a weapons engineer, but nuclear engineering is a completely different ball park. I wanted a challenge, something interesting. It’s been very challenging, but also fascinating and much more interesting than conventional engineering.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.21252153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 76

AUKUS Security Pact and Nuclear Submarine Program - Part 5

>>21185644 South Korea pushes Australia on AUKUS and cyber cooperation as it eyes $10 billion warship prize - Almost a year after clinching a multi-billion-dollar contract to build Australian Army vehicles, South Korea is again promoting closer defence ties as it seeks to win another lucrative prize; to deliver Navy's new fleet of "general-purpose frigates". Visiting South Korean Vice-Defence Minister Kim Seon-ho will hold talks with officials in Canberra today to discuss possible future cooperation on AUKUS Pillar 2 projects, while also pushing for more joint military exercises and cyber cooperation. "I believe we could increase our participation within the land forces exercises, and the second part is I believe we need to increase our exercises within the cyber domain," Mr Kim told the ABC during his only interview in Australia. While attending a Republic of Korea-Australia Defence Conference in Canberra, the visiting minister said his nation was also "looking forward to participating in AUKUS Pillar 2 and cooperating with Australia" on advanced military technologies. "Since March of this year we have prepared our plans on how we should participate with Pillar 2 and our position regarding this issue, however at the current point we have not reached any practical actions or cooperative channels."

>>21185797 Female Royal Australian Navy engineer from Sydney is dux of nuclear training course in Britain in first AUKUS deployment - Sydney submariner Lieutenant Isabella is the first woman from the Royal Australian Navy to graduate under the billion dollar AUKUS program and has been seconded to the newest “hunter killer” British Astute class submarine. Lieut. Isabella - no last names allowed for security purposes - is an engineer previously attached to a Collins class sub but has spent the past 18 months completing Royal Navy training courses including seven months in nuclear reactors at Gosport. She emerged as dux of the Nuclear Reactor course, and was the only woman of 17, and one of three Australians to finish the challenging studies. Lt-Cdr James, 33, was second behind Lieut. Isabella and will now join the HMS Agamemnon, which is nearing completion in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria and will begin sea trials soon. The other Australian, weapons engineer Lieut. Steve finished in the top five, ensuring a lofty standard for other Australians beginning the annual intake to live up to. Eventually many hundreds of Australian submariners will be similarly trained in preparation for the delivery of the AUKUS submarines in the 2040s.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:32 a.m. No.21252154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 77

Australia / China Tensions - Part 1

>>20886418 Video: Former US fighter pilot accused of giving military secrets to China - A former US Marine fighter pilot and current Australian citizen is facing extradition to America, accused of sharing military secrets with China. Who is the real Daniel Duggan? It’s a simple question, but the answer is highly contested and has enormous consequences. For his family and a large group of supporters, he’s a hero. A former US Marine fighter pilot turned proud Australian citizen; a loving husband and devoted dad. For others though, namely the United States government, he’s a traitor, accused of supplying China with top-secret military information. For the past 19 months, Duggan has been sitting in Australian prisons fighting attempts to send him back to the United States. As Dimity Clancey reports, a decision about his extradition is expected within weeks, but if the Americans get a hold of him and can prove the allegations, he faces up to 65 more years locked up. It’s a thought his wife Saffrine and six children are struggling to comprehend. - 60 Minutes Australia

>>20890891 Video: Chinese ambassador to New Zealand critical of AUKUS Pillar Two - The Chinese ambassador to New Zealand has issued a stern warning over AUKUS as NZ explores the possibility of joining Pillar Two of the US-led security pact. Speaking at the China Business Summit in Auckland today, Ambassador Wang Xiaolong spoke about China’s economic outlook and its trade relationship with New Zealand. It comes as the Government considers joining AUKUS’s non-nuclear second pillar, which would move New Zealand further away from China - our biggest trade partner. AUKUS is a deal between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States under which Australia will acquire nuclear-powered submarines for its defence force. The stated aim of Pillar Two is about sharing advanced technology, like artificial intelligence and quantum computing. The tech could also include drones or support systems for hypersonic weapons. In his speech, Wang said China and New Zealand’s relationship was at a “critical juncture”. He was heavily critical of AUKUS and said it would only serve to heighten tensions in the region. "The sole purpose of the second pillar is to serve and support nuclear-related military cooperation under the first pillar rather than being an innocent platform for technology sharing," he said. "Many people in New Zealand and beyond believe that joining such an alliance in whatever form is indeed taking sides."

>>20895188 Australia keen to keep police in Solomon Islands - Australia stands ready to help Solomon Islands build a military force, as Defence Minister Richard Marles seized the opportunity to hold talks with the nation's new prime minister. Mr Marles has travelled to Honiara for high-level meetings as the Pacific nation transitions to a new government under the leadership of Jeremiah Manele. The defence minister, who pledged $50 million for border management and a health centre on Tuesday, said Australia would help establish a military as previously put forward by former prime minister Manasseh Sogavare. "If Solomon Islands wishes to walk down that path, we stand ready to assist Solomon Islands in the establishment of such course," he said. Mr Marles said the government was "very open" to ensuring an ongoing presence of Australian police remained in Solomon Islands. A security deal inked with Beijing in 2022 by Mr Sogavare, who encouraged Chinese investment in the Pacific Island nation, alarmed Australia and the US. Mr Manele said his nation was ready to discuss a "much, much larger bilateral co-operation" with Canberra. "Australia remains Solomon Islands' partner of choice and I want to see our relationship grow to new heights during my tenure as prime minister," he told Mr Marles in his first meeting as leader, a statement read.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:32 a.m. No.21252157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 78

Australia / China Tensions - Part 2

>>20903682 Daniel Duggan: Man accused of training Chinese pilots airs ASIO claims - A former fighter pilot accused of aiding China's military will claim Australia's intelligence agency knew about his actions and tried to bring him on board as a spy. Daniel Duggan, 55, has spent 17 months in a maximum-security prison as he fights a US extradition order. He was arrested in Australia at the behest of the US after being accused of breaching American arms trafficking laws by providing military training to Chinese pilots in South Africa between 2010 and 2012. The former US top gun stands accused of training the Chinese military to land on aircraft carriers. He renounced his US citizenship in 2012 and became an Australian citizen in the same year. Duggan and his family argue the charges are politically motivated given the deterioration of the Sino-American relationship and how long ago the alleged actions occurred. In a letter from prison, seen by AAP, Duggan said he believed his activities weren't illegal and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and the US Naval Central Intelligence Service (NCIS) knew of his work. "Neither ASIO or NCIS made any claim or gave any warning that the activity was considered illegal," he wrote.

>>20903719 PLA holds joint drills surrounding Taiwan island to punish secessionist forces - "The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Thursday morning launched a military exercise surrounding the island of Taiwan in a move to punish "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces and to send a warning to belligerent external forces following Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te's separatist inaugural speech on May 20. Designed to surround the island of Taiwan from both the east and the west, the exercises display the PLA's strike capability across all directions of the island without any blind spots, forming a situation where the island is pinned down from both sides, experts said. The PLA has a complete arsenal available to resolve the Taiwan question if a prospect for a peaceful reunification no longer exists, and the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces and external interference forces should fully realize that the PLA is fully determined and capable of safeguarding China's national sovereignty, territorial integrity and development interests, analysts said." - Liu Xuanzun and Guo Yuandan -


>>20909118 Daniel Duggan: Ex-pilot has 'no arguments' to make against extradition - An ex-US fighter pilot's lawyers have conceded they have no case to mount against his extradition as he faces prosecution in the US on allegations of unlawfully aiding the Chinese military. Former top gun Daniel Duggan has spent 19 months in a maximum-security prison before Friday's hearing in a Sydney court on the US extradition order. Magistrate Daniel Reiss will deliver a decision on his eligibility for extradition on Friday afternoon after barrister Bret Walker SC told a court Duggan could not legally mount a defence. Asked by the magistrate if Friday's hearing would be contested, Mr Walker told the court: "Not really, no." There was no argument to written material provided by lawyers for the US, he added. The magistrate can order Duggan to stay in custody to await extradition, an order he can appeal for review within 15 days, lawyer Trent Glover, acting for the US, told the court. Mr Reiss noted that the position from Duggan's lawyers had "streamlined the considerations significantly".

>>20909138 Daniel Duggan loses fight against extradition to US over allegedly training Chinese pilots, magistrate rules - Daniel Duggan, an Australian citizen and former US marine pilot wanted in the United States over allegations he trained Chinese fighter pilots, is eligible to be extradited, a Sydney magistrate has ruled. Duggan appeared in court for the first time since his arrest 19 months ago, dressed in a grey suit jacket, white shirt and blue tie. From behind the security glass of the dock he blew kisses to his family and supporters, and made a love-heart symbol towards his wife, Saffrine, mouthing the words “I love you”. The magistrate, Daniel Reiss, told the court Duggan was “eligible for surrender” to the US and ordered that he be committed to prison. Duggan has 15 days to seek a review in the federal court. The extradition process, which involves several levels of review and appeal before a final decision by the attorney general, could remain before Australian authorities for years. In his formal decision, Reiss wrote: “Mr Duggan has not pressed any extradition objections and has not tendered any documentation that might support any such objection. “Mr Duggan has not satisfied the court that there are substantial grounds for believing that there is an extradition objection in relation to the offences. “I therefore conclude that Mr Duggan is eligible for extradition to the USA.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.21252158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 79

Australia / China Tensions - Part 3

>>20909164 Daniel Duggan case: ‘Mr Duggan is eligible for surrender’ over Chinese fighter pilots training claims - A former US marine pilot who has been accused of unlawfully training Chinese fighter pilots has been deemed eligible for extradition to the US after his lawyers conceded they have no legal grounds to fight the request. Daniel Duggan has been in custody since October 2022 over charges of conspiracy, arms trafficking and money laundering after the US requested he be extradited. US authorities allege Duggan breached money laundering and arms export control laws while teaching foreign pilots at a flying academy in South Africa more than 12 years ago. They also claim Duggan taught pilots - including Chinese citizens - how to land atop an aircraft carrier, and therefore breached US arms control laws. Duggan was allegedly paid more than $110,000 for his expertise but he had not sought the government’s permission to undertake the role. Magistrate Daniel Reiss confirmed Duggan is eligible for extradition on Friday afternoon, with the final decision to be handed down by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

>>20909180 Ex-US Marines fighter pilot loses bid to block extradition to the United States over China training allegations - The fate of former US Marines pilot Daniel Duggan now rests with Australia’s attorney general after a magistrate ruled he was eligible to be extradited to the United States to face charges related to the alleged training of Chinese military pilots. After a short hearing on Friday, Magistrate Daniel Reiss found that Duggan met the conditions for extradition and ordered him to be moved to prison while lawyers for the US wait for Attorney General Mark Dreyfus to approve his removal. Duggan has 15 days to seek a review of the order, which comes 19 months after his arrest in rural New South Wales, just weeks after returning from China to join his family in Australia. Duggan’s wife Saffrine stood outside court with their six children, as she appealed to the Australian authorities to intervene. “My husband is a good man, a great father, a wonderful friend and husband. He faces no Australian charges and has no criminal background whatsoever. Yet he is locked up by the say-so of the United States government,” she said.


>>20909198 Video: NSW magistrate rules ex-marine pilot Daniel Duggan can be handed over to US over claims he trained Chinese pilots - A former US marine pilot accused of unlawfully aiding the Chinese military has been deemed eligible for surrender to America by a NSW court, leaving his hopes of avoiding extradition in the hands of the federal attorney-general. Daniel Edmund Duggan, an Australian citizen, denies allegations by the US he helped train Chinese military pilots more than a decade ago, which relate to his work at the Test Flying Academy of South Africa. US authorities allege Mr Duggan was paid about $100,000 for his services but had not sought permission from the US government to provide the training. The 55-year-old has been held in a maximum-security jail in NSW for the past 19 months after he was arrested in October 2022 at the behest of the US.

>>20909230 Video: Ex-US pilot accused of training Chinese military loses legal bid to block extradition - An ex-US fighter pilot and Australian citizen has been ruled eligible for extradition to his former home country for prosecution on allegations of unlawfully aiding the Chinese military. Former top gun Daniel Duggan has spent 19 months in a maximum-security prison before today's hearing in a Sydney court on the US extradition order. Magistrate Daniel Reiss ruled him eligible for extradition this afternoon after barrister Bret Walker SC told the court Duggan could not legally mount a defence. The magistrate ordered Duggan be held in custody to await extradition under a temporary surrender warrant, an order he can appeal for review within 15 days. Duggan's wife, children and supporters gathered outside Downing Centre Local Court before the extradition hearing to call for his freedom. "This deliberate torture has to stop today," Saffrine Duggan said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.21252161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 80

Australia / China Tensions - Part 4

>>20926953 Video: ‘Intimidatory’: Chinese government bullies NSW MPs over Taiwan - The Chinese government has been caught trying to blatantly bully Australian politicians over the “Taiwan Question,” urging them to adhere to Beijing’s belief that “Taiwan is a province of China”. The Daily Telegraph has obtained an extraordinary letter sent by an unnamed Chinese government official to 11 MPs, including federal Liberal frontbencher Paul Fletcher, after the politicians attended an event celebrating the inauguration of Lai Ching-te as Taiwan’s new president. The email, titled: “Concerns Regarding Attendance at the Taiwan-related Event,” was sent to every MP that attended the function in Rhodes last Monday. The galling email sent to 11 MPs said that the Consulate-General “firmly opposes” their attendance at the dinner. The email outlined China’s position on “the Taiwan Question,” insisting that “Taiwan is a province of China”. The email criticised MPs for attending the Taiwan inauguration event, suggesting the politicians could be putting Australia’s ties with Beijing at risk. “The Consulate-General hopes that you will adhere to the fact that “Taiwan is a province of China” and properly handle Taiwan-related issues with prudence and rein, so as to truly honor (sic) the one-China principle and avoid unnecessary interference or damage to the hard-earned momentum towards improving China-Australia relations,” the email said.

>>20937530 Anthony Albanese to protest guilty verdict for Aussie Gordon Ng in Hong Kong - Anthony Albanese will lobby ­Chinese Premier Li Qiang on behalf of an Australian citizen facing a life sentence after being convicted by a Hong Kong Court on ­national security charges. Dual Australian-Hong Kong national Gordon Ng was among 14 pro-democracy activists found guilty of subversion by the territory’s High Court on Thursday under laws introduced by Beijing to smash dissent in the former British colony. Foreign Minister Penny Wong said the government was “deeply concerned” at the verdicts and would raise Mr Ng’s plight with the Chinese government “at the highest levels”. His conviction comes just weeks ahead of the Chinese No. 2 leader’s visit to Australia for talks with the Prime Minister on a raft of difficult bilateral issues. Mr Ng, who went to high school in Sydney, was arrested in 2021 for his involvement in an unofficial pre-election ballot that authorities labelled a “vicious plot” to paralyse the territory. The convicted activists will be sentenced at a later date, and face prison terms ranging between three years and life. Senator Wong said: “The Australian government raises consular and human rights concerns directly with the Hong Kong and Chinese governments regularly and at the highest levels. We will continue to do so, including in the case of Mr Ng.


>>20950629 Marles raises ‘unsafe’ navy encounters in ‘frank’ talks with Chinese defence minister - Australia’s Defence Minister Richard Marles has used a face-to-face meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Admiral Dong Jun, to raise concerns directly about the dangerous tactics used by People’s Liberation Army in recent confrontations with the Australian Navy. Marles met Dong for a 45-minute discussion on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue defence summit on Saturday, marking the first face-to-face talks between the pair since the admiral was appointed China’s defence minister in December. Describing the talks as “frank”, Marles declined to go into detail of the substance of the discussions but confirmed that he raised the recent incidents between the PLA forces and the Australian Navy. “It was a good meeting. We certainly set out our different positions, but it is positive that there is dialogue,” Marles told this masthead at the summit.

>>20950649 Video: Richard Marles confronted by Chinese PLA officers at Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore - Officers from China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) have confronted Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles at an international security conference over Australia's criticisms of Beijing's military build-up. Mr Marles, who is also the defence minister, used a speech at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore to call out China for its recent confrontations with Australian naval forces, as well as to express concern over the country's aggression towards the Philippines and provocation of Taiwan. "Actions by Chinese vessels in the West Philippine Sea, such as the use of water cannons and the ramming of Philippine vessels, are a serious escalation of tensions," Mr Marles told the room of senior defence officials and ministers. In response to Mr Marles's speech, PLA officer Hanwen Ge, who was in the audience, said China cooperated with countries in the region. "Since the end of the Cold War, China has never been at war against its neighbouring countries," he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.21252164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 81

Australia / China Tensions - Part 5

>>20955115 China defence chief says Beijing ready to 'forcefully' stop Taiwan independence - Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun has told a security forum in Singapore that Beijing's military is ready to "forcefully" stop Taiwan independence. The remarks at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue come one week after China held military drills around self-ruled Taiwan and warned of war following the inauguration of new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te. "The Chinese People's Liberation Army has always been an indestructible and powerful force in defence of the unification of the motherland, and it will act resolutely and forcefully at all times to curb the independence of Taiwan and to ensure that it never succeeds in its attempts," Mr Dong told the forum on Sunday. "Whoever dares to split Taiwan from China will be crushed to pieces and suffer his own destruction." Mr Dong also warned of "limits" to Beijing's restraint in the South China Sea, where China has been involved in increasingly hostile confrontations with Philippine vessels. "China has maintained sufficient restraint in the face of rights infringements and provocation, but there are limits to this," Mr Dong said.

>>20955125 The $50 billion gas deal Australia hopes will keep China quiet - Australia is offering Timor-Leste a multi-billion-dollar lifeline to fast-track the Greater Sunrise offshore gas project, which promises generational wealth for the fledgling nation while keeping Beijing at bay. Australia has offered Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao’s government a sizable package of incentives that would effectively give Timor-Leste 90 per cent of revenue from the project. Senior diplomatic and government sources say ensuring the development of the long-stalled Greater Sunrise field, 450km northwest of Darwin and 150km south of Timor-Leste, is one of the Albanese government’s top strategic priorities. “We don’t want Timor to become another Solomons,” one high-level political source told this masthead. Timor-Leste has forged closer relations with China, with Gusmao signing a strategic partnership with President Xi Jinping in September The offer includes a dedicated infrastructure fund, financed by Australia’s share of the gas revenues, and an acceleration of the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) program that would see more Timorese come to Australia for work and training.

>>20959202 GT Voice: Australia’s ‘security anxiety’ toward China unwarranted - "Despite the challenges posed by so-called security issues in recent years, pragmatic cooperation has always been essential for the continued advance of China-Australia relations. In a Bloomberg Television interview on Saturday, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said that Australia still has "security anxieties" in its relationship with China despite the warming trade ties between the two countries. His remarks underscore the intricate considerations in Australia's relationship with China, which stem from the intertwined nature of trade collaboration and security concerns. It should be pointed out that the so-called "security anxieties" in Australia do not stem from the actual threat posed by China to Australia, but rather from the anxiety the US has created in its attempt to make Australia a strategic pawn in containing China. Australia needs to turn this anxiety into an impetus for pragmatic cooperation with China. There is vast potential for collaboration in various areas including the economy, science, technology and education. However, unlocking this potential requires not only political wisdom from both governments but also a more holistic and unbiased understanding of China-Australia relations from Australian politicians." - Global Times -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.21252168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 82

Australia / China Tensions - Part 6

>>20959239 AFP stopped allowing Chinese police to operate in Australia over foreign interference concerns, Senate hearing told - The Australian Federal Police has told a parliamentary hearing it halted a years-long policy of allowing Chinese police to come and operate in Australia, following a 2019 incident exposed by the ABC's Four Corners program. AFP Deputy Commissioner Ian McCartney told the hearing that the 2019 case was "a turning point", and that the policy was ended due to the agency's greater awareness of foreign interference threats. "2019-2020 was a pivotal moment in terms of our relationship," Deputy Commissioner McCartney later said, adding that the decision to stop the Chinese police visits was due to the growth of foreign interference. "We made a conscious decision in executive that we weren't going to apply that guidance again," he said. The AFP were questioned following revelations in a Four Corners episode last month that the federal police had allowed Chinese officers to come to Australia, and those officers then escorted a 59-year-old female Australian resident back to China. The visit occurred under protocols and guidelines established by the AFP after a 2014 incident when Chinese police officers slipped into Australia unannounced in an attempt to convince a Melbourne bus driver to return to China. The guidelines state that officers of China's national policing and security agency, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), could only come to Australia if the matter being investigated was serious, the suspect was not an Australian citizen, and they were willing to engage with MPS officers. Four Corners reported the MPS officers breached agreed protocol during the 2019 visit that led the AFP to reassess their agreement with the MPS about police visits.

>>20964535 Foreign Minister Penny Wong demands end to suppression of freedoms in China on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre - Foreign Minister Penny Wong has commemorated the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and urged China to “cease suppression of freedoms”. On June 4, 1989, after seven weeks of protests against corruption, inflation and authoritarianism, Tiananmen Square hosted one of the darkest days of China’s history. The Chinese Communist Party declared martial law and deployed troops to the square, where hundreds, maybe thousands, of people were killed. The number of students who died has not been confirmed but estimates have ranged from several hundred to more than 10,000. Ms Wong observed the 35th anniversary of the “tragic events” on Tuesday and recalled “the use of brutal force against student protesters in Beijing”. “We remember the tragic events and loss of life on 4 June 1989, along with the international community,” Ms Wong said. “As we have consistently said, Australia remains concerned about ongoing restrictions on freedom of association, expression and political participation in China. “We call on China to cease suppression of freedoms of expression, assembly, media and civil society and to release those detained for peacefully expressing their political views.”

>>20976344 US, 'Five Eyes' allies warn China recruiting Western military trainers - The U.S. and other "Five Eyes" countries on Wednesday warned that China has been circumventing measures aimed at halting its recruitment of current and former Western military pilots and other personnel to train the Chinese military. "Western recruits who train the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) may increase the risk of future conflict by reducing our deterrence capabilities," said a public bulletin issued by the U.S., British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand intelligence services. The notice is the latest warning by the English-speaking "Five Eyes" intelligence-sharing alliance about rising concerns with Chinese government-directed espionage, cyber hacking and intellectual property theft as Beijing's growing might has roiled relations with Washington and its allies. The PLA is using private companies in South Africa and China to hire former fighter pilots, flight engineers and air operations center personnel from Western countries to train its Air Force and Navy aviators, the services said in the notice. "The PLA wants the skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable while gaining insight into Western air tactics, techniques, and procedures," the notice said. It said the efforts represented a "persistent, adaptive threat," with the insight gleaned by the PLA a threat to "U.S. and allied security." In one high-profile case, former U.S. Marine pilot Daniel Duggan is fighting extradition from Australia on U.S. charges of training Chinese military pilots through a South African flight school in how to land on aircraft carriers.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:34 a.m. No.21252171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 83

Australia / China Tensions - Part 7

>>20983635 War over Taiwan would change world, says Australia ambassador to US Kevin Rudd - Australia's ambassador to the United States, Kevin Rudd, cautioned in a speech that the global consequences of a war over Taiwan would be as great as the impact of the Second World War, making the world "a radically different place". If Chinese President Xi Jinping, who turns 71 this month, wanted to achieve "final national unification" with Taiwan he would likely act in the next decade before he reaches his 80s, Rudd said in a speech in Honolulu on Thursday. "We would be foolish to ignore the increasing clarity of China's military signalling, including the pattern of its most recent military exercises," said Rudd, who was twice Australia's prime minister in the previous decade.

>>20998413 Top US general Stephen Sklenka says an Asia-Pacific NATO would help him sleep at night - A top Chinese general recently accused the United States of a hidden agenda to create a version of NATO in the Asia-Pacific, and now a senior American officer has welcomed the idea. As the number of Asia-Pacific security arrangements has been increasing year by year, China’s Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng told the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore this month: “The true motive of the US is to converge small circles into a big circle, that is an Asian-Pacific version of NATO, to maintain the US-led hegemony.” Jiang, deputy chief of China’s Joint Staff Department at the Central Military Commission of the People’s Liberation Army, said Washington was “tying the region’s countries to the US war chariot”. The Chinese Communist Party should “look in the mirror” and ask why countries in the region were forming new partnerships with each other but not with Beijing, said Sklenka. Asked whether a collective defence treaty between the US and its Indo-Pacific allies was conceivable or desirable, Sklenka told this masthead: “Those of us at Indopacom would sleep better at night if we had something like a NATO out here, but that’s not happening. “But my retort to that is no, instead of castigating those relationships, the Chinese should probably look in the mirror and ask themselves why have these arrangements come into fruition. “Why did the Quad [a security dialogue embracing the US, India, Japan and Australia] come into play? Because these countries are nervous, they’re nervous about the direction the CCPs going,” said Sklenka, a US Marines officer and the deputy commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, the largest of the US regional commands. He was in Australia as the 2024 Australian-American Leadership Dialogue scholar.

>>20998419 New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says China Premier Li Qiang will visit this week - New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced that China's premier, Li Qiang, will visit the country this week. It will be the first trip to the nation by a Chinese premier since Li Keqiang's visit in 2017. Mr Luxon, speaking at a post-cabinet press conference on Monday, local time, said the visit would be a valuable opportunity for exchanges on areas of cooperation between the two countries. "New Zealand and China engage where we have shared interests, and we speak frankly and constructively with each other where we have differences," he said. "Our relationship is significant, complex, and resilient. The challenging global outlook makes it vital that we are sharing perspectives and engaging China on key issues that matter to New Zealand," he added. New Zealand has long been seen as a moderate or absent voice on China in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance, but in recent years has spoken up about what it considers to be concerning actions by Beijing.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21252175   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 84

Australia / China Tensions - Part 8

>>21004567 Chinese premier visit to include both ‘panda diplomacy’ and difficult issues - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has vowed to use a four-day visit by Chinese Premier Li Qiang to raise difficult issues including provocative military actions by China’s People’s Liberation Army as hopes grow that Chinese pandas will remain in Australia as a symbol of improved relations between the two nations. Li - who is second-in-command in the Chinese system to President Xi Jinping - will visit Australia from June 15-18, the first visit by a Chinese premier in seven years and the latest sign of stabilisation in a bilateral relationship that soured dramatically during the Morrison government. Albanese said he would warn China not to put the lives of Australian military personnel at risk, raise the suspended death sentence handed to Chinese-Australian academic Yang Hengjun and push for the resumption of Australian shellfish exports. After arriving on Saturday evening, Li will first visit Adelaide Zoo, home to the only giant pandas in the southern hemisphere, before travelling to Canberra and Western Australia. Li could use his Sunday zoo visit to announce an extension of the prized panda loan agreement between Australia and China, which was due to expire at the end of this year.

>>21004607 Coalition wants annual intelligence analysis of China - The Coalition wants the nation’s peak intelligence assessment body to issue annual threat assessments calling out Chinese foreign interference, saying Beijing’s relentless propaganda operations could not go unanswered. Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson will propose the new role for the Office of National Intelligence in a major speech on Tuesday, arguing its “unparalleled situational awareness” is not being sufficiently utilised. Senator Paterson will tell the Global Information Conference in Adelaide that China has long placed “information warfare” at the centre of its strategic plans, and Australia needs to fight back with truth and transparency. Pointing to the Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community, he will flag similar yearly statements by ONI if the Coalition is elected. The proposed assessments would focus on Australia’s immediate region and “should provide specific examples of foreign interference, cyber-attacks, corruption and coercion”, Senator Paterson will say. The director-general of intelligence, Andrew Shearer, could be called upon to deliver an annual speech on his agency’s assessment, like those provided each year by ASIO boss Mike Burgess, Senator Paterson will suggest.


>>21004625 Plea to NSW premier for ex-pilot facing extradition - The wife of a former US pilot facing possible extradition to the United States for unlawfully training Chinese pilots has asked the NSW premier for help after her husband was transferred to another prison. Ex-fighter pilot Daniel Duggan spent 19 months in the maximum-security prison at Lithgow before a magistrate ruled him eligible for extradition in May. He has since been transferred to Macquarie Correctional Centre in Wellington weeks before federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus determines whether he should be surrendered to the US. On Friday, his wife Saffrine Duggan sent a letter to NSW Premier Chris Minns saying the ex-pilot's conditions had "significantly deteriorated" and he was further away from his family and legal team. "I can only assume this is a mistake … which you can remedy as a matter of urgency given the horrendous impact it has had on my family," she wrote. Because of the transfer, Duggan had lost access to a computer to prepare his case for the attorney-general and meetings with his legal team had been "cancelled, delayed and changed," she said.

>>21009124 Protest clashes to mar China’s panda diplomacy - Police are preparing for potential clashes between “patriotic” ­Chinese and anti-China protesters when Premier Li Qiang visits Canberra next week, after Beijing urged its Australian supporters to show up in force to welcome the country’s No. 2 leader. The call-out came as Anthony Albanese framed Mr Li’s trip as a boost for Australia’s economic prosperity, noting China’s hunger for the nation’s resources including critical minerals. Xi Jinping’s right-hand man will kick off his June 15-18 Australian trip in Adelaide, where he is expected to announce that two pandas on loan at the city’s zoo will have their stay extended. Mr Li will meet winemakers in the South Australian capital on Sunday and attend a state lunch hosted by Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Trade Minister Don Farrell, before heading to Canberra for talks with Mr Albanese on Monday. The Prime Minister will accompany the Chinese leader to Perth the following day for talks with business leaders and tours of a Chinese-backed lithium venture and a Fortescue Metals Group ­hydrogen plant.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21252179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 85

Australia / China Tensions - Part 9

>>21009148 Security barrier to China’s panda diplomacy - Police will erect a fence on the lawn in front of Parliament House to separate “patriotic” Chinese from human rights protesters when China’s No.2 leader visits Canberra on Monday amid fears of clashes between the two camps. As pro-Beijing Chinese community associations rally their members to welcome Premier Li Qiang, a coalition of human rights groups have called for peaceful protests against the “henchman of dictator Xi” – a reference to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Australia Tibet Council executive director Zoe Bedford said the anti-China protesters would target Beijing’s “appalling” human rights record, and the Albanese government’s failure to take a more forceful stand against Mr Xi’s regime. The Australian Federal Police declined to comment on security arrangements but AFP plans seen by The Australian show a physical barrier will be set up on the parliamentary lawn to keep the rival groups apart. Dr Bedford said: “We understand the Chinese embassy and pro-China groups are organising people to counter-protest and we are concerned about our safety as they have been aggressive and ­violent towards our peaceful human rights protests in the past. “This is a part of China’s transnational repression - where the Chinese embassy is attempting to intimidate our community, most of whom are former political prisoners from Tibet.”

>>21009172 Working productively with China will benefit everyone in the region - "China and Australia are two very different nations, with different systems of government and different ways of looking at the world. Points of contention are inevitable; what matters is how you manage them. I take the view that whatever our differences might be, it is always better when we can deal with each other directly, through dialogue. This is how we firmly and calmly call out unacceptable risks to Australian naval personnel on duty in international waters, as well as making clear Australia’s resolute position on the UN Conven­tion on the Law of the Sea and our unwavering support for the territorial integrity of our neighbours. This is not always a smooth process, or a swift one, but while issuing threats and delivering ultimatums may be the easy road, it never takes you very far. In a world of increasing complexity, the true measure of foreign policy strength is the ability to effectively manage differences, not manufacture confronta­tions. That’s why, as well as reminding ourselves of the benefits we have been able to secure through dialogue, we must always remember the potentially devastating cost of the alternative. Australia, China and every nation in our region has a role to play in upholding the rules based-order, respecting our neighbours’ sovereignty and maintaining the stability of the Indo-Pacific. What’s more, we all have much to gain from it. In this spirit, our government will continue to use dialogue to advance Australia’s interests, articulate our values and build a more prosperous and secure future for all who call the Indo-Pacific home." - Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia -

>>21015578 Australia, NZ more wary on China as Premier Li visits - Regional security concerns will overshadow lucrative trade ties when China's Premier Li Qiang visits New Zealand and Australia this week, with the mood markedly different from the last Chinese premier's visit seven years ago. Li arrives in New Zealand on Thursday, before travelling to Australia at the weekend, China's foreign ministry said. Australia is the top supplier of iron ore to China, its largest trading partner, but there is competition for Australia's rare earths needed for electric vehicles and defence from Western security allies. New Zealand was the first Western nation to strike a free trade agreement with China in 2008, and China remains its largest export market for milk and agriculture products, with two-way trade of nearly NZ$38 billion ($23 billion). New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said Li's visit was an opportunity for businesses to strike deals, and there was "massive areas of cooperation with China, particularly in the areas of trade, energy, climate change". Differences would also be discussed, he added. Once a moderate voice on China, New Zealand has toughened its stance, this year calling out Beijing for hacking the country's parliament and noting the growing threat China poses to security in the Pacific.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21252181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 86

Australia / China Tensions - Part 10

>>21025476 AUKUS and foreign interference raised in discussions with Chinese premier - Christopher Luxon - AUKUS and foreign interference have been discussed as part of official meetings between Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Chinese Premier Li Qiang. Li is the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit New Zealand in seven years. The trip coincides with the 10-year anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two countries. He received a full official welcome on Thursday for the official meeting at Government House in Wellington, where a range of topics were discussed, namely - our two-way trade. The meeting also came against a backdrop of rising geopolitical tensions. China has made no secret of its displeasure toward the AUKUS defence pact - which New Zealand supports and has considered joining in a second-tier capacity. China's Ambassador to New Zealand has said joining would be akin to "taking sides".

>>21025479 Premier Li visits New Zealand as two countries to expand trade, exchanges - "China-New Zealand cooperation has set a model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between countries with different social systems, historical cultures, and stages of development, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said during his visit to New Zealand on Thursday, adding that the respective development of China and New Zealand is an opportunity for each other rather than a challenge. Observers said China-New Zealand ties are a "model" of relations between China and Western countries. They said Li's visit highlights the fact that China is willing to retain friendly ties with Western countries if they seek pragmatic cooperation and hold on to strategic autonomy. Li arrived in New Zealand on Thursday for an official visit, the first leg of his three-nation tour from June 13 to 20. Li said his visit to New Zealand is intended to continue traditional friendship, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and drive common development." - Zhao Yusha -

>>21025492 Albanese’s three fudges on China yield nothing - and weaken us - "The price Australia pays for Anthony Albanese’s stabilised engagement with communist China is that all substance is drained from the relationship. That’s why the most concrete aim mentioned by the Prime Minister in his commentary piece in The Australian last Wednesday was to “see further progress for our shellfish exporters”. He has nothing to say about Beijing’s open challenge to regional security. Albanese’s article did not touch on China’s military threats against Taiwan. He raised no issues about Chinese cyber malware planted into Australian critical infrastructure. He said nothing about China’s relentless intellectual property theft, about unprecedented levels of espionage, about threats and bullying of Chinese Australians, or about attempts to bribe Australian politicians. The Prime Minister can fool himself that the less offensive Chinese diplomacy is the result “of the benefits we have been able to secure through dialogue”. A more accurate assessment is that China shelved the wolf warrior nonsense because Beijing realised it was doing harm. The resumption of dialogue under Labor happened precisely because it has no substance. China has not changed its strategic behaviour in any way and actually has become more militarily aggressive. Until such time as China can manage a respectful relationship with Australia, or until we can handle ties with a hint of backbone, it would be best for our national security and self-respect that Premier Li return home and take his pandas with him." - Peter Jennings, former executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (2012-22) -

>>21025506 Anthony Albanese told by Trump adviser to ‘have eyes open’ on Li Qiang - Donald Trump’s former Asia tsar Matt Pottinger has urged Anthony Albanese to have his “eyes wide open” when he meets visiting Chinese Premier Li Qiang, as ­former Home Affairs secretary Michael Pezzullo warned Labor’s preoccupation with stabilising ties with Beijing risked emboldening Chinese President Xi Jinping. Mr Pottinger told The Weekend Australian leader-level contact with Beijing was important, but Mr Albanese said should not expect any real improvement in Beijing’s behaviour. “I’m usually more sceptical about the sorts of activities that the Chinese Communist Party likes to lure governments into at the working level, where no real progress ever gets made,” the former deputy US national security adviser said ahead of Mr Li’s ­arrival in Australia on Saturday. “It’s usually a system to stall and buy time and advance Chinese Communist Party interests. “I think it’s reasonable that Australia’s Prime Minister and New Zealand’s leader would be meeting the Premier as well as the General Secretary (Xi Jinping), but to do so with eyes wide open.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21252183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 87

Australia / China Tensions - Part 11

>>21026539 Chinese premier Li Qiang arrives in Adelaide, Jim Chalmers hails ‘important’ visit - Chinese Premier Li Qiang has arrived in Australia for a four-day visit, declaring he wants to leave the nations’ differences in the past. China’s No. 2 leader arrived in Adelaide about 4.50pm on Saturday, where he was met by Penny Wong, South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas, Chinese Ambassador Xiao Qian and Australia’s ambassador to China, Scott Dewar. He is the most senior Chinese leader to visit Australia in seven years, and the Albanese government is hailing the trip as a fresh milestone in its stabilisation of the nation’s China relationship. In a statement released by the Chinese Embassy, Mr Li said “shelving differences” had helped get the bilateral relationship “back on track after a period of twists and turns”, and China was looking forward to renewing the nations’ cooperation and “friendship”. “China stands ready to work with Australia,” he said. “A more mature, stable and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership will be a treasure shared by both countries.”

>>21026584 ‘I’ve agonised over this’: Suspected foreign interference victims break silence - Federal police told prominent critics of the Chinese Communist Party they were suspected targets of a foreign interference operation, warning them to avoid adopting a predictable daily routine to prevent putting themselves in danger. Activist Drew Pavlou and journalist Vicky Xu told this masthead the Australian Federal Police (AFP) asked them not to speak to anyone about the investigation, but they had decided to go public out of frustration that no arrests had been made, or charges laid, since they were informed about the probe 10 months ago. Details of the secretive foreign interference probe have come to light as Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrives in Adelaide for a four-day Australian visit, highlighting the significant difficulties that remain in the Australia-China relationship despite markedly improved trade ties. Pavlou and Xu urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to raise concerns about foreign interference in his discussions with Li, a call backed by the federal opposition. An AFP spokesman said that “espionage and foreign interference represent a serious threat to Australian sovereignty and security and the integrity of our national institutions. The AFP is a member of the Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce, which is investigating a range of foreign interference matters,” the spokesman said. “It would be inappropriate to comment further on the status of those investigations.”

>>21030663 ‘Twists and turns’ in Australia-China ties are over, Li Qiang says - but Penny Wong highlights tensions - China’s second-most powerful leader has announced that the “twists and turns” in Australia-China relations are over - and invited Australian officials to pick a new pair of pandas for Adelaide’s zoo. But Penny Wong chose to highlight the tensions that remain in the relationship before a series of talks with Premier Li Qiang, who arrived in Australia on Saturday evening and was met by protesters outside the zoo on Sunday. Li Qiang’s arrival marks the first time a Chinese premier has visited Australia since Li Keqiang accepted Malcolm Turnbull’s invitation in 2017. Li is in Australia for the annual leaders meeting, which both sides see as central to stabilising relations between the nations. Australia’s foreign affairs minister welcomed Li’s visit, which Wong said was the result of “two years of very deliberate, very patient work” by the Albanese government to “bring about a stabilisation of the relationship” with Australia’s largest trade partner. She acknowledged that tensions remained. But Wong also noted that Australia was in a “permanent contest” with China over the Pacific, a state she blamed the former Coalition government for.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.21252186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 88

Australia / China Tensions - Part 12

>>21030682 Chinese premier kicks off Australia visit, as bilateral relations ‘get back on normal track after frosty years’ - "Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrived in Adelaide on Saturday to kick off his official visit to Australia, following his trip to New Zealand. The visit, which is the first in seven years by a Chinese premier, shows that the bilateral relations have returned to a normal track following frosty years, analysts said. Arriving in Adelaide, Li said on Saturday that the exchanges between China and Australia have a long history, and the friendship between the two peoples remains ever new over time. A more mature, stable and fruitful China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership will be a shared asset for both peoples, Li said, adding that China is willing to work with Australia to that end. Last year, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese paid a successful visit to China, getting bilateral relations back to the right track after twists and turns, the Chinese premier said. History has proven that mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences, and mutually beneficial cooperation are valuable experience in the development of China-Australia relations, and need to be upheld and carried forward, he noted." - Cui Fandi -

>>21030698 China wants to keep New Zealand as a passive friend in the Pacific - "Chinese Premier Li Qiang passed through New Zealand before landing in Adelaide. Many Australians see the New Zealand stop as a minor component of Li’s Australasia trip, the main purpose of which is to endorse Anthony Albanese’s approach of stabilising ties with China. To downplay the New Zealand component is to misunderstand Chinese strategy and intention in our region. If overt tensions with China increased significantly with almost all liberal democracies over the past few years, New Zealand was a notable exception under John Key and Jacinda Ardern. Although Australia’s ally and a member of the Five Eyes intelligence network, Wellington took a small-target approach with China. In practice, this meant turning a blind eye to extensive Chinese infiltration and interference in New Zealand’s institutions, retaining a studied silence vis-a-vis Chinese aggression and transgressions around the world, and being the only Five Eyes nation to formally sign on to Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative. New Zealand is hardly a regional, let alone, global power. But Wellington is a potential complication for Beijing’s designs in the Pacific and Antarctica as it expands its presence in both these subregions. As Australia has shown, small countries can achieve outsized impacts through effective advocacy and example. For this reason, Beijing has long been delighted New Zealand did not follow Australia’s approach." - Dr John Lee, senior adviser to the Australian foreign minister (2016-18)

>>21030729 Video: Chinese boat arrival intercepted by Australian authorities - Nine Chinese citizens attempting to reach Australia have been rescued by fishermen off southern Java and detained after they claimed they were pushed back into Indonesian waters by the Australian Border Force. The nine, along with three Indonesian crew members, were taken to the western port town of Pelabuhan Ratu, telling local authorities they had been turned back after being held at sea by an Australian naval vessel for five days. They told Indonesian police their wooden boat had become disabled and was drifting about 65km off Java, when they were rescued by fishermen and taken to Pelabuhan Ratu - which has long been a departure point for illegal smuggling vessels – on Saturday afternoon. The group’s detention is the fourth known attempt by groups of Chinese nationals to break through to Australia this year, having been told by smugglers that asylum awaits them should they make landfall.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.21252188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 89

Australia / China Tensions - Part 13

>>21036085 Penny Wong claims Liberals’ climate stance helps China in Pacific, as Li Qiang heads to Canberra - Penny Wong says Peter Dutton’s plan to ditch the nation’s 2030 climate target will strengthen Beijing’s hand in the “permanent contest” in the Pacific, as Anthony Albanese prepares to welcome Chinese Premier Li Qiang to ­Canberra by lauding the contribution of Chinese Australians “to the story of our modern nation”. Framing the coming election as a battle over climate change with national security implications, the Foreign Minister declared the ­Coalition had “abandoned the field in the Pacific, and others have filled that space”. “We’re in a state of permanent contest in the Pacific. That’s the ­reality,” she told the ABC, alluding to China’s sustained push for influence across the region. “I wish there were a rewind ­button (so) we could recover the last 10 years, but we don’t. We have to deal with what we have now, which is a permanent contest in the Pacific.” China’s No. 2 leader arrived in Adelaide at the weekend declaring the nations’ bilateral relationship was “back on track”, and deploying Beijing’s trademark “panda diplomacy”. He announced the city would get two new giant pandas to replace Adelaide Zoo’s current pair - Wang Wang and Funi - who are to return home in November. He said the “shelving of differences” between Australia and China had opened the door to “a more mature, stable” relationship, and declared: “China stands ready to work with Australia.”

>>21036111 China Daily praises Anthony Albanese for not being ‘under the sway of Washington’ - Beijing has praised Prime Minister Albanese for not being “under the sway of Washington”, as China’s propaganda machine has tried to explain away Australia’s high levels of distrust towards its rising power. As Chinese Premier Li Qiang was given a ceremonial welcome in Canberra on Monday, Mr Albanese was applauded in an editorial in Beijing’s most authoritative English language masthead, China Daily, for “taking steps in the right direction” and demonstrating that “Canberra can balance relations with Beijing and Washington”. China Daily contrasted Mr Albanese’s approach with his “confrontational” predecessor Scott Morrison, who it accused of being “under the sway of Washington”. “The fast recovering curve of Sino-Australian ties over the past two years should prompt both Beijing and Canberra to foster a more mature, stable and fruitful partnership that is resistant to outside interference,” the China Daily said. The masthead also claimed Canberra had “already demonstrated that it is not willing to unreservedly follow Washington’s lead having expressed critical views on the US’ tariff attack on Chinese goods and export restrictions targeting Chinese technology development”. It is not clear which comments the Chinese masthead was referring to.

>>21036156 Video: Chinese officials block Cheng Lei from view at Australia-China press event - Sky News Australia journalist Cheng Lei says while it’s unfortunate Chinese officials repeatedly attempted to block her from view during a historic joint press event with Anthony Albanese and Chinese Premier Li Qiang, she’s not surprised. The bizarre scene unfolded when Cheng - who was detained in a Chinese prison for three years - was seated among other Australian journalists to watch the Prime Minister and Premier Li speak on a series of agreements struck between Beijing and Canberra. Video of the incident shows a man in a blue suit and a woman in a brown coat repeatedly manoeuvring in an attempt to prevent Cheng from being captured by news cameras. Mr Albanese and Premier Li used the speech to assert that the relationship between Australia and China had been “renewed and revitalised” and the two countries were focused on stability in the Asia-Pacific. Mr Albanese declined to condemn the conduct of Chinese officials attempting to block Cheng from the view of news cameras. The Prime Minister said it was important that everyone is able to participate in the day’s events, but he did not see the incident in question which was captured on camera. “Well, I didn’t see it, but I saw Cheng Lei and we smiled at each other during the event,” he said. “I’m not aware of those issues and it is important that people be allowed to participate fully, and that is what should happen in this building, or anywhere else in Australia.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.21252192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 90

Australia / China Tensions - Part 14

>>21036163 Video: Cheng Lei wanted to do her job. A Chinese embassy official had other ideas - Even in Canberra’s Parliament House - Australia’s monument to democracy - Cheng Lei cannot avoid being hassled by the Chinese government. Just eight months ago, Cheng was locked up in a detention facility in Beijing, facing a long prison sentence after being accused of vague national security charges. She was released last October following strenuous lobbying by Australian officials. The Chinese-Australian journalist is now living freely in Australia and working as a journalist for Sky News. In this capacity, Cheng attended a signing ceremony on Monday morning following Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang. As Li and Albanese arrived at the event, a junior official from the Chinese embassy in Canberra planted himself in front of Cheng, who was sitting silently among a group of other Australian journalists. He then started filming the event on his iPhone. At first, it was unclear exactly what was going on. Then it became apparent. The Chinese official, named Thomas, and a female colleague in a brown coat were trying to ensure Cheng would not feature in any footage or photographs of the event. A quick-minded Australian official motioned to Cheng to move a few seats across, to an aisle seat where she would not be blocked. Even then, Thomas remained in place, obstructing the view of other Australian journalists. He refused to budge despite pleas from multiple Australian officials. Albanese and Li beamed for the cameras, but the Australian public servants were ropeable. “That was the height of rudeness,” one seethed, her face red with anger as she upbraided Thomas. In his remarks at the event, Li vowed that “China will work with Australia in a spirit of mutual respect”. A lovely sentiment. In practice, little respect was on display for Cheng, the other journalists in the room or Australian officials. Australia was hosting this event, but the Chinese side thought it was setting the rules.


>>21036172 Australian writer Yang Hengjun’s supporters criticise ‘weak’ Albanese government - Supporters of Australian Yang Hengjun have criticised a “weak” Albanese government for prioritising pandas and wine exports over their imprisoned friend. Hopes the visit by Chinese Premier Li Qiang could improve the plight of Dr Yang have faded among his supporters, who in recent months had urged the Albanese government to make his release to Australia on medical parole a precondition for the trip. “I’m quite disappointed,” Feng Chongyi, a close friend of the pro-democracy writer, told The Australian. “It’s a very weak position. They should have put Yang’s release as the top priority, but instead they put pandas [and] the sale of lobster and wine. They got it wrong,” Professor Feng said. The Australian government has always privately argued that Dr Yang’s former career as a junior agent working for China’s Ministry of State Security made his case much more complicated. Dr Yang was given a suspended death sentence in February on espionage charges, shocking Canberra and devastating his friends and family. Foreign Minister Penny Wong on Sunday indicated Dr Yang’s sentence and conditions would be raised in talks on Monday in Canberra with China’s second most senior leader. “We will continue to advocate for Dr Yang wherever we are able, and we will continue to advocate, including for appropriate medical treatment,” Senator Wong told the ABC.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:37 a.m. No.21252194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 91

Australia / China Tensions - Part 15

>>21036210 OPINION: We can’t pander to China. Hong Kong Australians need us to speak up for them - "As Australia hosts China’s Premier Li this week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said the visit is an “opportunity for Australia to advance our interests by demonstrating our national values” and that “Australia continues to pursue a stable and direct relationship with China, with dialogue at its core”. In the lead-up to this landmark visit, increasingly brazen steps have been taken to crack down on freedoms in Hong Kong. New, draconian national security laws have been introduced despite significant human rights concerns raised by the UN. Peaceful protesters, as well as booksellers, journalists and children’s book authors have been arrested and prosecuted. Fourteen pro-democracy activists have been convicted of “subversion” for peacefully participating in political activities. Even singing a protest song, Glory to Hong Kong, can now result in prosecution. Lai’s case is emblematic of the crackdown on free speech, democracy and the rule of law in Hong Kong, which is also affecting Australians. Just last month, 14 democracy activists were convicted under the national security law, including an Australian citizen. As part of the crackdown, Hong Kong has issued “bounties” for the arrest of high-profile activists living in exile, including for former legislator Ted Hui and lawyer Kevin Yam, who is also an Australian citizen. Both live in Australia. Australia has a large Hong Kong community: around 86,000 people born in Hong Kong now call Australia home. This growing transnational repression threat makes it all the more important that Australia raises it. Australia must raise free speech and democracy in Hong Kong and call for the release of Jimmy Lai and all journalists and pro-democracy campaigners." - Caoilfhionn Gallagher KC, international human rights lawyer and Jennifer Robinson, Australian barrister and member of Jimmy Lai’s legal team -

>>21042011 Video: ‘Rude, inappropriate’: Albanese toughens language on Cheng Lei incident as Chinese premier departs - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has insisted his government has improved relations with China without giving ground on core values, as he revealed he complained directly to Chinese Premier Li Qiang about embassy officials’ disrespectful treatment of journalist Cheng Lei. Albanese toughened his language late on Tuesday afternoon after coming under attack by the opposition for failing to condemn the embassy officials’ behaviour strongly enough. He described the conduct as “rude”, “entirely inappropriate” and “counterproductive”, while the government separately blasted China for “dangerous and illegal” behaviour in the South China Sea. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton lashed Albanese for failing to call out the Chinese officials’ behaviour swiftly on Monday, saying the prime minister needed to “grow a backbone” after Albanese initially called the conduct “clumsy” and “ham-fisted” on Tuesday morning. By Tuesday afternoon, Albanese had said the “idea of standing between a camera and a journalist is just clearly inappropriate”. “That was rude what occurred and, frankly, just counterproductive from the Chinese side and just drew attention to the fact that Cheng Lei was there,” he said in an interview with 6PR.

>>21042044 Chinese officials were rude and belligerent. Why did that take Albanese so long to say? - "Rude. Belligerent. Completely disrespectful. Utterly inappropriate. These were some of the words Anthony Albanese could have accurately used when asked on Tuesday morning to describe the behaviour of Chinese embassy officials at a signing ceremony at Parliament House the previous day. Instead, the prime minister opted for “ham-fisted” and “clumsy”. He used this language in multiple breakfast radio interviews, indicating it had been carefully chosen the night before. It took about eight more hours - and Coalition demands for him to “grow a backbone” - for Albanese to toughen his language. It’s true that a foreign official behaving like a pork chop by standing in front of a reporter is a trivial affair in and of itself. Beijing’s systematic repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, its assault on democracy in Hong Kong and cyberattacks on nations, including Australia, are far more significant violations, to name just a few. Yet what occurred at the signing ceremony was a symbolically powerful moment, one that affronted Australians’ famed sense of fairness. By refusing to budge despite the protestations of Australian officials, the Chinese embassy official confirmed Australians’ worst fears of China under Xi Jinping: a thuggish superpower so smitten with its sense of superiority that it can throw its weight around at will." - Matthew Knott -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:37 a.m. No.21252197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 92

Australia / China Tensions - Part 16

>>21042081 With friends like these … ties still ‘wary’ with China - "China’s No. 2 leader, Li Qiang, has committed to a new defence ­hotline with Canberra to avoid military mishaps and sealed a raft of agreements with Anthony ­Albanese on visas, trade and ­climate, in the first visit to Australia by a senior Chinese leader in seven years. But despite declaring bilateral relations were “on the right track”, Mr Li’s visit was marred by members of his entourage, who stood over Sky News journalist and former Chinese political prisoner, Cheng Lei, trying to prevent her being seen in television footage. As Chinese propaganda outlets praised the Prime Minister for demonstrating Canberra was not “under the sway of Washington”, Mr Albanese said he had had a “positive” meeting with Mr Li, but declined to say whether he trusted his Chinese counterpart. Outside parliament, Tibetan community spokesman Tsewang Thupten said he was disappointed at “the red-carpet welcome while human rights are being swept under the rug”. He called for Australia to ­implement sanctions against ­Chinese officials involved in the repression of the country’s minorities. Ramila Chanisheff, from the Australian Uighur Women’s Association, said the government was putting “panda policy before human rights”." - Ben Packham -

>>21042098 All warm on the surface, with little trust below in Australia-China ties - "When Chinese President Xi Jinping meets foreign leaders, his face is impassive. Perhaps, if the occasion requires it, he might offer the barest hint of a smile. It was a different story when Anthony Albanese greeted Chinese Premier Li Qiang outside Parliament House, looking like a kid on Christmas Day. He was positively beaming, shaking Li’s hand so enthusiastically it looked like he might do him an injury. In what might have been a parallel universe just a few hundred metres away, an estimated 500 ­Tibetan, Uighur and Falun Gong protesters screamed their lungs out, branding Xi Jinping a “killer” and a “liar”. Many said they had family members in Chinese concentration camps. They drowned out a roughly equal-sized group of flag-waving Chinese loyalists, who were lured to Canberra with offers of free food and accommodation by ­Beijing’s United Front network. After his closed-door talks with Li, Albanese professed - yet again – the value of dialogue with China. But does he trust China to do what it says? Not on your life. Despite all the smiles and gestures of friendship, the government has zero faith that China will ever be a reliable partner." - Ben Packham -

>>21042111 Cheng Lei incident diminishes PM, nation - "At one level it may seem a trivial enough incident, officious Chinese government personnel trying to block Australian journalist Cheng Lei from view of the Chinese Premier, Li Qiang, and Chinese TV cameras. Cheng Lei is an Australian citizen and a journalist at Sky News. She formerly worked as a broadcast journalist in China. She was held in a Chinese prison for more than three years on ridiculous, trumped-up charges. Key elements of consular agreements with Australia, such as access by our diplomats, were denied in her case. She was a victim of Beijing’s brutal hostage diplomacy, by which it takes foreign citizens into punitive custody, to punish, and establish leverage over, nations it’s annoyed with. Cheng Lei is now none of the Chinese government’s business. The extreme arrogance of the Chinese state was evident in the behaviour of Chinese officials in Canberra towards her. In one of his meaningless statements in Canberra, the Chinese Premier talked of “an increasingly open China”. Yet right here in Australia’s own Parliament House, which is decidedly not part of Chinese sovereign territory and where officials of the Chinese state have no authority, their diplomats not only tried to block an Australian journalist, but physically checked members of staff of the Prime Minister’s Office and refused even the most elementary directions from the PMO. Behaviour that would be unacceptable from any other nation - imagine the uproar if American diplomats tried to prevent some ABC journalist from attending a press conference with the US Secretary of State – is apparently okay from China. Of course, it’s not an analogous situation because Chinese government figures don’t do press conferences." - Greg Sheridan -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:38 a.m. No.21252198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 93

Australia / China Tensions - Part 17

>>21042140 OPINION: Beijing is not on our side. Let’s not fall for a pair of therapy pandas - "The mask is back on again. The Chinese Communist Party removed the mask of friendship four years ago and showed us its true face - the face of a malign bully. Now it wants us to forget what we saw. To “shelve our differences”, in the words yesterday of Premier Li Qiang. Why? Because the bullying wasn’t working. And because Beijing realised that it had overreached so much that it had alienated and alerted many countries at once in its “wolf warrior” phase. It wants us to relapse into our customary stupor so it can work towards dominance without disturbance. You’d imagine that the Albanese government won’t fall for it. To the prime minister’s credit, he did raise directly with Li Qiang several of Beijing’s more egregious harms to Australia. These include the People’s Liberation Army’s dangerous and deliberate harassments of the Australian Navy in international waters, the CCP’s illegal interference operations against Australian citizens on Australian soil, the imprisonment of Australian citizen Yang Hengjun under sentence of death, and the last remaining trade bans on Australian abattoirs and lobsters. There are more troubling signs that Australia is turning a blind eye to critical areas where Beijing is encroaching on Australian sovereignty and rights. Why would Albanese go easy? Because the government has adopted a policy of “stabilisation”, a self-imposed trap. If your stated aim is “stabilisation”, you don’t want to do anything that might roil relations. The moment there’s a sign of destabilisation, your policy has failed." - Peter Hartcher, international editor -

>>21042162 Premier Li meets Albanese; 'visit shows China’s sincerity in improving ties with Australia' - "Chinese Premier Li Qiang said Monday that China is ready to work with Australia to build a more mature, stable and fruitful China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership to better benefit the two peoples. Li also announced on Monday that China will include Australia on the list of unilateral visa-free countries. The premier's visit to Australia has showcased China's sincerity in improving ties with Australia, and it is hoped that Australia will meet China halfway to allow for the evolution of bilateral relations and increased cooperation, said observers. Looking back at the development of China-Australia relations over the past decade, the most important experience and inspiration is to uphold mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation, and seek common ground while shelving differences, Li said. Li made the remarks during the ninth China-Australia Annual Leaders' Meeting with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Since Prime Minister Albanese's visit to China last November, China and Australia have further restored and developed dialogues and cooperation in various fields, achieving a comprehensive turnaround in bilateral relations, Li said." - Zhao Yusha -

>>21042176 What do the 'back on track' China-Australia ties reveal?: Global Times editorial - "Will China-Australia relations officially break the ice? Are China-Australia relations still testing the waters? Can China-Australia relations stabilize and continue to improve? Before the annual meeting between Chinese Premier and Australian Prime Minister, public opinion on the current state of China-Australia relations was still divided. However, with China unilaterally granting visa-free entry to Australians, the initiation of cooperation on giant panda conservation, and a series of pragmatic achievements, including bilateral cooperation documents in strategic economic dialogue, further promotion of free trade agreement implementation, climate change response, education, and culture, dominating media headlines, the relationship between the two countries has not only achieved the goals of rebuilding dialogue and stabilizing, as Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese mentioned, but also, as Chinese Premier Li Qiang noted, has been "back on track after a period of twists and turns."" - Global Times -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:38 a.m. No.21252200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 94

Australia / China Tensions - Part 18

>>21042213 Chinese premier's Western Australia tour spotlights global race for critical minerals - Chinese Premier Li Qiang visited a lithium processing plant in resource-rich Western Australia state on Tuesday, highlighting China's push to secure critical minerals as Washington tries to break Beijing's supply dominance. Western Australia supplies more than half of the world's seaborne iron ore, with China its top customer, and half of its lithium used in electric vehicles, smartphones and other electronic devices. Li's visit to Australia, which began Sunday, is the first by a Chinese premier in seven years and marks a stabilisation in ties between the U.S. ally and the world's second-biggest economy. While China has largely lifted suspensions imposed on $20 billion worth of Australian exports in 2020, after Canberra sought an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, it continues to express concerns about obstacles to Chinese investment in Australia's vast resources industry. The issue of how Australia screens Chinese investment in its critical minerals sector was expected to be discussed at a business roundtable in Perth attended by Li and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

>>21049225 Video: Sky News journalist Cheng Lei blocked by Chinese from second media event - Sky News Australia journalist Cheng Lei was blocked from covering Peter Dutton’s meeting with China’s Premier Li Qiang, adding to a diplomatic controversy that has gone entirely unreported on the Chinese internet. The Opposition Leader criticised Anthony Albanese over his initial response to an earlier effort in Parliament House by Chinese diplomats to block Ms Cheng from television cameras, telling the Prime Minister to “grow a backbone”. But on Wednesday, Ms Cheng revealed she had also been blocked from attending the opening remarks of a meeting between Mr Dutton and the Chinese Premier at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra, despite a member of the opposition’s staff assuring her: “I’ll get you in.” Ms Cheng, who was imprisoned in Beijing for almost three years on dubious national security charges, said she was blocked after an intervention by the same two staff at the Chinese Embassy who had shadowed her at an earlier press event in Parliament House. “This is our turf, we can veto it,” Ms Cheng said she overheard one of the Chinese officials saying to their counterpart.

>>21049260 Anthony Albanese’s last word on press freedom to Chinese Premier Li Qiang - Anthony Albanese directly raised concerns about press freedoms with Chinese Premier Li Qiang, as the senior Chinese leader’s final day in Australia ended without any breakthrough on the last key industry still suffering from Chinese-imposed trade barriers. Australia’s lobster industry was the last major export still subject to trade impediments that sprung up when relations between China and Australia soured during the pandemic, and there had been growing hopes in the lead-up to Mr Li’s visit that this week could mark the point at which those impositions were lifted. The hundreds of guests at a banquet in Perth honouring Mr Li were all served lobster as an entree. But those trade barriers remained in place as Mr Li boarded his China-bound 747 on Tuesday afternoon, with China’s second-highest ranked official instead ­focusing on celebrating the deep commodity export ties with Australia and the potential for both countries to benefit from growth in renewable technologies. Mr Li’s final day in Australia started with a direct discussion with the Prime Minister about the treatment of Australian journalist and former Chinese political prisoner Cheng Lei at a media event in Canberra on Monday, after members of Mr Li’s entourage attempted to stand over her and block her from being seen in TV footage.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.21252203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 95

Australia / China Tensions - Part 19

>>21049388 Australia announces new initiatives to help improve PNG's internal security, law and justice as part of major bilateral security agreement - Australia has announced a package of initiatives aimed at strengthening Papua New Guinea's internal security and law and justice priorities under a major bilateral security agreement. A delegation of Australian officials - including Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong and Minster for International Development Pat Conroy — are in PNG to attend the 30th Ministerial Forum. Australia will give additional support for stability in the PNG Highlands as part of the agreement, including a new program to help PNG improve weapons management. It comes more than a year after one of PNG's worst massacres, which left at least 49 people dead and drew attention to the stacks of illegal firearms and ammunition making their way through the region. Australia's finalisation of the bilateral security agreement with PNG last year came after China signed a police cooperation deal with PNG's neighbour, Solomon Islands. Mininster Tkatchencko yesterday reiterated that his country was not considering similar policing and security offers made by China to PNG. "We have chosen not to entertain that at all, made that very, very clear," he said. "We need to now strengthen our partnership with Australia, who is our traditional partner."

>>21054503 China renames hundreds of villages in Xinjiang to scrub away Uyghur identity: Human Rights Watch - China has renamed at least 630 villages in Xinjiang, erasing references to Uyghur culture in what human rights advocates say is a systematic propaganda rebrand designed to stamp out the Muslim minority group’s identity. In a research brief released by Human Rights Watch on Wednesday, the organisation said it had identified a mass renaming process by Chinese authorities in the country’s north-western region, with “Happiness,” “Unity,” and “Harmony” among the most common replacement names for villages. The renaming involved deleting references to religion, Uyghur history and cultural practices. The report found, for example, that since 2009 all but six of the 47 villages in Xinjiang with the word mazar (shrine) in their names had been renamed by 2023, while 25 of the 28 villages that had a reference to Hoja (religious teacher) in 2016 had been renamed. “This is part of a broader effort to really scrub Uyghur identity. We’ve seen numerous measures by the Chinese government to do this, but changing the names of villages, particularly those with religious or Islamic significance, has a huge bearing on people,” said Elaine Pearson, director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division. The Chinese embassy in Australia did not immediately respond to a request for comment. During Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s four-day visit to Australia this week, protesters in Adelaide and Canberra drew attention to human rights violations in Xinjiang, where up to 1 million Uyghurs were reportedly detained in re-education camps.

>>21054526 US Navy admiral highlights WA's strategic role in AUKUS deal, alongside warning about power-hungry China - A US Navy chief has accused China of planning to dominate the Asia-Pacific during a speech in Perth, one day after the Chinese premier's visit to the city. Commander of the US Pacific fleet, Admiral Stephen Koehler, emphasised Western Australia's strategic importance to the AUKUS partnership in his address at the Perth USAsia Centre Wednesday evening. Western Australia is set to be the base for Australia's nuclear-powered submarines under the plan, with HMAS Stirling hosting rotations of US and UK submarines from 2027. "That starts here in Perth," Admiral Koehler said. "[The rotating submarine force] employs Perth's unique combination of positional advantage and strategic depth to maximize a key allied capability." In the same breath, he condemned what he described as confrontational and illegal actions by China towards other nations in the strategically important South China Sea. Admiral Koehler said China's Pacific strategy was "fixated on power" and sought to undermine a rules-based international order. "From my vantage point, the PRC's intentions are clear," he said. "In 2010, then-PRC Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi expressed Beijing's view on the primacy of power in its relationships with its neighbours when he said at an ASEAN meeting that 'China is a big country and you are small countries, and that is a fact'. "Fourteen years later this attitude persists."

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.21252207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 96

Australia / China Tensions - Part 20

>>21077001 Journos fall for spin as they tiptoe around China - "Had China’s diplomats not tried to shut out Sky News Australia reporter Cheng Lei from two Canberra events, our media would have let Prime Minister Anthony Albanese get away with a largely false narrative: he and Foreign Minister Penny Wong are repairing the China relationship broken by Albanese’s predecessor, Scott Morrison. The rift started during Malcolm Turnbull’s prime ministership when, in August 2018, Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei was banned from the 5G telecommunications rollout on security advice. The Australia-China relationship really hit the rocks at the end of January 2020, when prime minister Morrison banned flights from China in the early stages of the spread of Covid-19, and then called for an international investigation into the emergence of the pandemic in the city of Wuhan. Morrison was right on both counts. The truth is that just as China’s bullying of Cheng Lei backfired, its strategy of using trade to punish Australia for speaking up on Covid was a spectacular own goal. Some of the world’s leading economics and foreign policy journals, including The Economist, The Atlantic and Foreign Policy, have not only called out the failure of China’s bullying but praised Australia for resisting pressure from the world’s number two economy. Discussing our China trade relationship, reporters should have been led by the facts rather than by Labor’s spin. The Coalition did a lot wrong during the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison years, but it mostly got China right and it certainly got the AUKUS submarine partnership with the US and UK right. Journalists need to take care not to appear to be pushing the false narratives of their preferred side of politics." - Chris Mitchell -

>>21077018 Solomon Islands PM Jeremiah Manele seeks budget bailout - Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele will seek an ­urgent budget bailout for his country when he meets Anthony Albanese in Canberra on Wednesday amid improving relations between Canberra and Honiara. Mr Manele is in Australia on his first international trip as the country’s leader, before heading on to Beijing and Tokyo. The six-day trip comes amid ongoing Australian concerns over Solomon Islands’ security ties with China, which have been exacerbated in recent weeks by an alleged covert visit to Honiara by a delegation of Chinese police. Sources in both countries said the Australia-Solomon Islands relationship had stabilised since Mr Manele replaced former prime minister Manasseh Sogavare on May 2. Mr Manele flagged three weeks into his term that he would be seeking substantial budget support from Solomon Islands’ partners, noting such funding “will further cement our relations”. After a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, Mr Manele said he wanted to discuss “the possibility of much, much larger bilateral co-operation partnerships” to fast-track his country’s development. Mr Manele is expected to make a similar pitch to China, but Beijing typically doesn’t provide cash, preferring loan-funded infrastructure projects.

>>21110238 Police pledge for Solomon Islands to ‘strengthen regional stability’ - Anthony Albanese has pledged Australian support to help Solomon Islands double the size of its police force as the country’s new Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele vowed a Pacific-first security policy cementing Australia’s role as its primary partner ahead of China. In bilateral talks in Canberra on Wednesday, Prime Minister Albanese said Australia would come up with a plan to help Solomon Islands increase the size of its police force from 1500 to 3000 officers to strengthen its sovereignty and improve regional stability. Mr Manele laid out a three-tier security framework for his country prioritising domestic policing, co-operation with Melanesian partners, and strengthened ties with Pacific Island Forum nations including Australia. The policy which pointedly excludes China follows Solomon Islands’ controversial security partnership with Beijing signed by the country’s mercurial former prime minister Manasseh Sogavare. Mr Manele, who received a ceremonial welcome to Parliament House, said he wanted to “lift the current Solomon Islands-Australia relationship to another transformational partnership”. “I’ve committed to ensure our relationship with Australia goes from strength to strength. I have also committed to finding win-win solutions to any areas of our partnership that may require attention,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.21252208   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 97

Australia / China Tensions - Part 21

>>21110395 China expels former defence minister Li Shangfu accused of violating Communist Party principles and 'discipline' - Former Chinese defence minister Li Shangfu has been expelled from the ruling Communist Party (CCP), months after being removed from office in an abrupt leadership shake-up. State-run Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday Mr Li was removed over allegations of corruption and bribery, which he was undergoing investigation for. The general was ousted from his positions as defence minister and state councillor last October, with no explanation being provided for the dismissal. Prior to that, he had gone missing from public view for about two months amidst a clampdown on corruption by the Xi Jinping government. Xinhua said CCP leadership decided on Mr Li's expulsion due to his "serious violation of Party discipline and the law", determined by China's Central Military Commission (CMC) through a probe running since August. "According to the investigation results, Mr Li seriously violated political and organisational discipline," the news agency reported. "He sought improper benefits in personnel arrangements for himself and others, took advantage of his posts to seek benefits for others, and accepted a huge amount of money and valuables in return. He is suspected of the crime of taking bribes. He was also found to have offered money to others to seek undue benefits, constituting the suspected crime of offering bribes."

>>21110410 Defence ministers charged in Xi Jinping’s latest anti-corruption purge - China’s previous two defence ministers are to be tried for dereliction of duty and bribery, as President Xi Jinping’s campaign to modernise and clean up his military takes its most prominent scalps yet. General Li Shangfu, who disappeared from view last summer and was formally replaced as defence minister in October, is to be stripped of his rank and handed to the judiciary, the ruling politburo said. An investigation found that he had given and taken bribes, “betrayed his original mission” and failed to act in accordance with Communist Party principles. A similar finding was made in the case of his predecessor, General Wei Fenghe, whose offences may be even greater: he retired in March last year after five years as minister, something that often puts officials beyond the reach of anti-corruption drives. The men rose to prominence in related fields, China’s missile, nuclear and space programs, with Wei at one point heading China’s nuclear forces. These linked programs are the focus of a significant upgrade by the People’s Liberation Army and are subject to a corruption inquiry in which 70 officers have been purged. As often with the Communist Party, an opaque dual judicial system for officials, where the courts are involved only after internal party investigations have been conducted, makes it hard to be sure the purge is truly to do with corruption rather than an attempt to root out dissent against party leaders. In practice, once senior officials come before the courts after a party investigation they are inevitably convicted, normally after a brief hearing involving a confession and guilty plea.

>>21168049 Labor names and shames Chinese state-sponsored hackers - A Chinese cyber espionage group called out by the Albanese government for infiltrating public and private sector networks in Australia had also targeted government systems across the South Pacific. In an unprecedented Australian-led attribution of Beijing’s cyber espionage, the Australian Signals Directorate said the group, dubbed APT40, had waged a years-long hacking campaign on behalf of China’s Ministry of State Security. The move came just weeks after Anthony Albanese welcomed China’s No 2 leader to Australia and hailed the stabilisation of the countries’ ties. It’s unclear whether the Prime Minister specifically raised ATP40’s activities with Premier Li Qiang, but it’s understood he conveyed Australia’s concerns over cybersecurity breaches and foreign interference. APT40, also known as Gingham Typhoon, Kryptonite Panda, Leviathan and Bronze Mohawk, was recently identified by Microsoft as the region’s “most active” cyber espionage group, targeting networks in “nearly every South Pacific Island country”. The group infiltrated island state government systems and internet service providers as Beijing sought to broker security agreements and seek favourable economic agreements with Pacific nations. “Heightened geopolitical and diplomatic competition in the region may be motivations for these offensive cyber activities,” Microsoft said. Australia’s decision to publicly call out the state-sponsored group was backed by the US, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Germany.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.21252211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 98

Australia / China Tensions - Part 22

>>21172337 China disputes ‘smear and frame’ cyber attack report - China has criticised the US global surveillance network as it faces questions about a multinational report saying a Chinese government-backed hacking group is repeatedly targeting governments across the Pacific. The Australian government took the forthright step of naming the Sino-backed group APT40 in a report released on Tuesday. Five Eyes allies Canada, New Zealand, the US and the UK co-authored the report, as did Germany, South Korea and Japan. “We are firmly opposed to such repeated hypes about so-called ‘Chinese cyber attacks’ aimed to smear and frame China on cybersecurity,” People’s Republic Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian told reporters in China on Tuesday. Chinese institutions had analysis showing US APT (advanced persistent threat) groups spread “disinformation”, hyping up the Chinese cyber attack threat, Mr Lin said. “(The US is) using its tech predominance to carry out massive cyberspace surveillance all over the world,” he said. The Australian government report says APT40 is actively conducting regular reconnaissance against networks of interest in Australia, looking for opportunities to compromise its targets. “The tradecraft described in this advisory is regularly observed against Australian networks,” it says in the Australian Signals Directorate report. The APT40 group conducts malicious cyber operations for the People’s Republic of China Ministry of State Security, it says in the report.

>>21185603 Australia and allies must spend more on defence to stop ‘peril’ of our times, Kurt Campbell warns - Australia, the US and other allied nations must increase their defence budgets and military preparedness because of the “enormous peril” of the times we live in and China’s increased strategic co-operation with Russia, Iran and North Korea, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has warned. Dr Campbell is Washington’s single most influential policy figure on Asia. He became Deputy Secretary of State after three years in the White House as the national security council co-­ordinator on the Indo-Pacific. In the Obama administration, he was assistant secretary of state for East Asia and before that held important positions in the Pentagon. In a first for any US administration, Dr Campbell told The Australian that China was actively seeking to establish a military base in the South Pacific. The Australian government believes such a development would be catastrophic for Australian and New Zealand security, but Washington and Canberra have previously been shy of explicitly and publicly calling out Beijing’s military intentions. This Chinese ambition poses a permanent challenge for Australian and American diplomacy. “They’re looking across the Pacific,” Dr Campbell said. “This is something where we’re never going to be able to rest.” He said Chinese interests in the South Pacific extended far beyond a military base: “They’re looking for a variety of things. There are vast fishing resources in the Pacific which are being over-fished by Chinese fishing fleets. “When China looks at its space operations, they need nodes on the ground. They’ve built some of those nodes in the South Pacific. “They’re looking for steaming sites, places for resupply and power projection.”

>>21217753 Xi meets PMs of Solomon Islands, Vanuatu; visits deepen bilateral ties - "Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands Jeremiah Manele and Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu Charlot Salwai in Beijing on Friday. During the meeting with Manele, Xi said that China is ready to enhance strategic communication with the Solomon Islands to firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests and addressing major concerns, enhance the synergy between the Belt and Road cooperation and the development strategy of the Solomon Islands. China's friendly cooperation with the Solomon Islands and other Pacific Island countries is a sincere effort to assist these island nations in achieving development, falls within the framework of South-South cooperation, and is part of the common development of the Global South, without targeting any third party or seeking any selfish gain, he said. When meeting with Salwai, Xi said China will continue to provide economic and technical assistance to Vanuatu without attaching any political conditions, to help it achieve development and prosperity. Xi emphasized that China is committed to equality among all countries, big or small, and adheres to the principle of combining justice with interests while prioritizing justice. China does not seek major-power competition or geopolitical spheres of influence. It does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries or force them to take sides." - GT staff reporters -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.21252213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 99

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 1

>>20890947 Abuse victim sues parole board for letting paedophile priest Michael Glennon access children - A man who says he was raped as a boy by paedophile priest Michael Glennon is suing Victoria’s parole board for failing to restrict Glennon’s access to children after his release from jail. Lawyers involved in the Supreme Court case believe it is the first attempt in Victoria to extend culpability for historical clerical abuse beyond the Catholic Church to the government statutory body responsible for releasing convicted paedophiles into the community. John Rule, a principal lawyer for Maurice Blackburn who specialises in abuse cases, said the church, the Adult Parole Board and the parole officer responsible for supervising Glennon had all failed to protect his client, who is suspected to have been one of dozens of children sexually abused by Glennon in the 1970s and ’80s at a youth camp near Lancefield. “They knowingly and almost expressly allowed Glennon to work with the Peaceful Hand Youth Foundation while fully aware that he had been convicted of serious sexual offences against a child,” Rule said. Glennon is currently the subject of a separate damages claim before the Supreme Court in which two Aboriginal men are attempting to sue the Pope over Rome’s failure to defrock the paedophile priest despite successive Melbourne archbishops petitioning the Vatican to do so. Pope Francis, in documents filed with the court, has flagged his intention to claim legal immunity from Australian laws as a foreign head of state. That case returns to court in August.

>>20909278 Police charge disgraced AFL player Barry Cable with sexual abuse of young girl in 1960s - WA police have charged disgraced AFL footballer Barry Cable with child sexual abuse after he allegedly assaulted a young girl in the 1960s. Child Abuse Squad detectives say they charged the 80-year-old as a result of their investigation into historical child sexual abuse allegations. It will be alleged during 1967 and 1968, Cable sexually assaulted a girl who was between nine and 10 years old at the time. He has been charged with five counts of indecently dealing with a girl under 13 and two counts of unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 13 years. The charges come less than a year after Cable was found to have abused a young girl in the 1960s during a civil matter. A Perth judge ruled he had sexually abused the woman - now aged in her 60s - starting from when she was just 12 years old. She launched a lawsuit against the disgraced former footballer in 2019 and was awarded $818,700 for the "catastrophic" damage she suffered. Four other women gave evidence against Cable during the proceedings, with Judge Mark Herron accepting their testimony that they, too, had been sexually abused by Cable. Cable has always categorically denied all the allegations. He had not faced criminal charges until Friday.

>>20916896 ‘Groomed in minutes’: Warning issued over notorious app Kik - Kik, a dark corner of the internet where child abuse material and users with sinister intentions lurk have authorities warning parents that their children can be groomed “in a matter of minutes”. The instant messaging app was founded in 2010 by Canadian company Kik interactive, and shot to popularity upon its release, attracting one million users in the first 15 days. But its reputation is one plagued with stories of child abuse material, pedophiles and minors exchanging explicit content with sometimes adult users. The Australian Federal Police’s Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) is more than familiar with the notorious app, and have arrested offenders who have accessed illegal content on Kik. AFP acting commander ACCCE and Human Exploitation Stephen Jay said that the centre has received referrals from the United States’ National Center for Missing & Exploited Children relating to Kik and other platforms. “The functionality of messaging and file sharing applications means that offenders can exploit them for a wide range of illegal activity, including accessing and distributing child abuse material,” he told The Weekend Australian. “The experience at the ACCCE is that offenders will gravitate to any platform known to be used by children.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.21252215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 100

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 2

>>20922020 Former student alleges historical sexual abuse at St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School in Port Hedland, WA - A former Catholic school student has taken legal action against the church, alleging harrowing sexual abuse at one of its primary schools in northern Western Australia. In a writ lodged with the District Court by former student Michael Cornes, he alleged he was one of several children abused by a teacher and a school chaplain at St Cecilia's Primary School in Port Hedland during the 1990s. Mr Cornes, who has given permission to be identified by the ABC, said he started Year 4 at the school in 1994 and the alleged abuse began days later. The writ, filed in January this year, alleged he was subject to repeated abuse by school chaplain Father Walter McNamara, known as Father Wally, and teacher Brother David Austin Christian, known as Brother David. Mr Cornes alleged in the court document that the abuse occurred nearly every day and involved different boys. The court document alleges Father Wally and Brother David "rewarded" the boys with chocolates, which were put in a stocking to be collected by the boys at the end of the year.

>>20937555 Ex-AFL Hall of Famer Barry Cable pleads not guilty to child sexual abuse charges after arrest - Former Australian Rules footballer Barry Cable has pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting a young girl decades ago. Cable, 80, appeared in a Perth court this morning to face five counts of indecently dealing with a girl under 13, and two counts of unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 13. Police allege Cable sexually assaulted the complainant between January 1, 1967 and April 27, 1968, when she was between nine and 10 years old. Represented by high profile lawyer Tom Percy K.C., Cable appeared in court on Thursday supported by his sons. He pleaded not guilty to all seven charges. It is the first time Cable has appeared in public since a District Court judge's finding, in a civil case, that he repeatedly sexually abused a young girl in the 1960s and 70s when he was at the height of his playing career. The judge found that the abuse started when the girl was 12. The woman was awarded more than $800,000 for what Judge Mark Herron found was the "catastrophic" damage she suffered. Despite the ruling, the woman's lawyers said it was unlikely she would receive any money because the court was told before trial Cable had been declared bankrupt. The standard of proof in civil cases is the "balance of probabilities", which is a lesser standard than in criminal cases, which requires a finding of "beyond a reasonable doubt". Cable has always denied the allegations and he has never been charged with any offences relating to the woman.

>>20955131 Federal government to introduce ban on sharing of non-consensual deepfake pornography - People who share deepfake pornography will face serious criminal penalties as part of legislation being introduced into federal parliament. A deepfake is an image or video in which a person's face or body has been altered to make it appear they are doing or saying something that never actually happened. There has been an increase in pornographic deepfake images generated by artificial intelligence, prompting the move from the federal government to ban the sharing of non-consensual digitally created and altered sexually explicit material. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the non-consensual sharing of such images was a "damaging and deeply distressing form of abuse". "We know it overwhelmingly affects women and girls who are the target of this kind of deeply offensive and harmful behaviour. It can inflict deep, long-lasting harm on victims," Mr Dreyfus said. "The Albanese government has no tolerance for this sort of insidious criminal behaviour. "The government's reforms will make clear that those who share sexually explicit material without consent, using technology like artificial intelligence, will be subject to serious criminal penalties." The sharing of non-consensual deepfake sexually explicit material will carry a penalty of six years in jail.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.21252218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 101

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 3

>>20976422 An abuse victim got $50,000 through the National Redress Scheme. He fought on, and settled for $500,000 - A victim of historical sexual abuse at the former Bayswater Boys’ Home has reached a $500,000 settlement with the Salvation Army, after receiving just $50,000 under the National Redress Scheme. The case raises significant concerns about the capacity of the redress scheme to adequately compensate victims of historical abuse. Under the scheme, payments are capped at $150,000 and require recipients to waive their legal rights to sue the organisation involved. Geoff, who asked for his surname not to be used because he is a victim of sexual assault, was initially sent to the former Baltara Reception Centre in Parkside, in Melbourne’s north-east, which provided accommodation for boys involved in minor offending or who were wards of the state. He was transferred to the Bayswater Boys’ Home in about 1971, where he was abused by three staff members over almost four years. Two of the men accused in court documents of the sexual assaults were later jailed after being convicted of assaulting other vulnerable children in their care. Geoff received a $50,000 payment in 2019 from the National Redress Scheme, which identified the state government and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services as being culpable for the abuse. “As Baltara Reception Centre no longer exists, the state of Victoria is their representative. I found the Department of Health and Human Services equally responsible,” says NRS correspondence from August 2019. The decision by the NRS to ignore the abuse that occurred at Bayswater Boys’ Home allowed Geoff to launch a separate civil court action against the Salvation Army in 2022, which was recently settled before trial with a payment of $500,000. The disparity in payments casts doubt over the ability of the redress scheme to provide fair compensation.

>>21030435 FBI investigating Two by Twos for historical child sexual abuse claims, including in Australia - The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched an international investigation into child sexual abuse within a secretive Christian sect that has followers throughout Australia. The global fundamentalist sect does not have an official name. It is referred to by believers as The Truth or The Way, or by non-believers as the Two by Twos, or the Church with No Name. Believers of the church meet in people's homes for prayer sessions, with the group's ministers moving between the different cities and countries where followers are based. In February in the United States, the FBI launched a probe into the group after widescale reports of abuse were publicised by the BBC earlier this year. A hotline for former members who have experienced sexual abuse within the sect in Australia and New Zealand has received allegations involving about 130 separate people. The sect's Australian leaders said they had a "zero-tolerance" to "any child being harmed" and would "cooperate fully" with the FBI or other law enforcement if contacted.

>>21049488 ‘We failed’: Victoria flags truth-telling process for child abuse victims - For Glen Fearnett, the past few years have been about hope. Hope that he would be heard. Hope that those who heard would listen. And hope that by speaking out about the sexual abuse he suffered as a child at a Melbourne bayside school, things would change. On Wednesday, the Allan government announced it would adopt all recommendations in a board of inquiry report that found a cluster of abuse at Beaumaris Primary School in the 1960s and ’70s was insidious but not isolated. Fearnett had pinned his hopes on recommendation three in the board of inquiry’s findings, delivered in February. Of the nine recommendations, this was the one he most wanted to see adopted: a truth-telling process that would give victim-survivors a voice. A chance to be heard in a supportive setting. “I’m now hopeful that things have changed,” Fearnett said, following Premier Jacinta Allan’s commitment that survivors of child sexual abuse would be given a platform to tell their stories. As Fearnett expressed hope, Allan acknowledged failure. Victoria had not kept children safe from a cluster of historical abuse cases at schools, including Beaumaris Primary School. “We make a clear and simple acknowledgement - we failed,” Allan said as she stood beside Deputy Premier Ben Carroll, who is also education minister. “We failed to keep these children safe. We failed to listen when they spoke out. We failed to act to ensure that it did not happen again,” she said. The statewide independent truth-telling process will hear from victim-survivors about abuse at government schools before 2000.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.21252220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 102

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 4

>>21054559 Anglican Church defends decision not to inform WACA about paedophile Roy Wenlock - Victims of abuse at the hands of a serial paedophile and WA cricket identity Roy Wenlock are attempting to sue the Anglican Church, alleging it failed to protect them by disclosing what they knew about his behaviour. Wenlock, who's now deceased, offended against children when he worked for Anglican Church hostels between 1963 and 1977, and continued abusing boys during a 29-year career at the Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA). The extent of his abuse was laid bare in a sweeping 2012 parliamentary inquiry investigating systematic sexual abuse at state-run hostels in WA. On Thursday, in the District Court in Perth, lawyers for two men who claim they were abused by Wenlock while he was employed by the WACA in the early 1990s argued to include the Anglican Church in their legal action. But the church's lawyers say it did not have a duty of care to inform the WACA that a known paedophile had gone to work for the organisation and is seeking to have the claims struck out. Geoffrey Bourhill SC told the court a legal duty of care "could not be found to exist". Mr Bourhill said courts had emphasised that a person did not have a duty to protect someone from the conduct of a third person. He said there was "no basis on which it can be said" the church "had any control over what happened to the plaintiffs".

>>21077046 Judge lashes Xavier College’s ‘troubling’ conduct in school abuse claim - The religious order that runs Catholic boys’ school Xavier College is facing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit after a Supreme Court judge overturned a settlement struck to compensate the victim of a “serial recidivist paedophile” who abused a student at the elite school. The victim, a 69-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, successfully appealed the agreement struck in August 2011 between him and the Society of Jesus in Australia, which included a term that Xavier College in Kew cover tuition for his two sons and pay him $150,000. In a decision released last week, the victim claims priest Noel Bradford abused him in 1968 and 1970 while he was a boarder. The former student is now claiming loss of past earnings and superannuation of between $1,248,791.62 and $4,952,307.62 in damages. The Society of Jesus in Australia, more commonly known as the Jesuits, runs Xavier College and would be financially liable for any settlement. The college declined to comment. The Jesuits have accepted the 1968 abuse allegation but have not admitted the alleged instance of abuse in 1970. Supreme Court associate justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou overturned and criticised the settlement deed because the victim did not have a lawyer when it was struck, and no Jesuit or school staff told him to report the matter to police.

>>21077070 Victorian Supreme Court judge: ‘reasonable’ to set aside alleged sex abuse settlement deed for former Xavier College student - A former Xavier College student could seek almost $5m in dam­ages after a judge ruled it was just and reasonable to set aside a settlement deed over historic sex abuse claims against a priest alleged to be a “well known toucher of boys” at the Melbourne elite private school. The plaintiff, a 69-year-old who will be referred to as “P”, alleges he was abused twice by priest Noel Bradford in 1968 and 1970 while he was a student and is now seeking to claim between $1,248,791.62 and $4,952,307.62 in damages for past pecuniary loss and loss of future earning ­capacity. A settlement deed inked in Aug­ust 2011 between P and The Society of Jesus in Australia stated that the victim would receive a $150,000 payout and free tuition for his two sons to attend Xavier College, in exchange for the defendant to be released from any future lawsuits. Victorian Supreme Court judge Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou last week ruled it was just and reasonable to set aside the settlement deed. Justice Ierodiaconou found that legal barriers, namely the plaintiff’s claim was subject to a statute of limitations and legal identity barriers, materially impacted his decision to enter into a settlement deed. In his deposition, P said: “I had no idea what my claim was really worth. In the end, the Jesuits offered me $150,000 and I took it. “It seemed like a modest sum, given what I had been through, but I was very aware that this was my only avenue for getting some compensation from them.” He also submitted that children at Xavier College were abused by staff and priests before his alleged abuse, and that the school ought to have known this.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.21252223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 103

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 5

>>21131206 Former Vatican auditor Libero Milone vows to get to the truth: -George Pell’s death ‘shrouded in mystery’- The Vatican’s first auditor-general, Libero Milone, has described the death of cardinal George Pell as “shrouded in mystery” and revealed he made a heartfelt vow to “get to the truth” for his colleague while paying final respects at his coffin in Rome. Milone, a former partner with multinational accounting giant Deloitte is the only man left alive of the high-powered trio – led by Pell – who launched Pope Francis’s reforms of the Holy See’s ­corrupt, sclerotic financial systems. But on June 18, 2017 - 11 days before Pell had to return to Australia to face historic child sexual abuse charges – Milone and his deputy, the late Ferruccio Panicco, a specialist forensic accountant, were sacked in mysterious, violent circumstances. As Milone prepares for the start of an appeal hearing on Wednesday over his and Panicco’s sackings, the former auditor-general said Pell’s success in overturning his convictions on child-sex offences proved that “some ­judicial systems are efficient and effective”. And amid rumours swirling around the Vatican about Pell’s death and the state of his body post-autopsy, Milone said: “At his funeral, at his casket, I promised him that we would seek out the truth.”


>>21132756 Andrew Bolt:Final indignity for George Pell should cause shame- "For a year I’ve kept a secret that infuriated me about the death last year of Cardinal George Pell - the final insult to a great and innocent man. I’d promised not to reveal it to spare Pell’s grieving family. But one line in an article in The Australian on Wednesday, and a call to Pell’s brother, leaves me now free to say what I learned - or most of it. It’s this line, in a story on the financial scandals that Pell as the reforming Vatican treasurer was exposing until he was falsely, bizarrely and conveniently accused of abusing two boys at once in an open room in his busy cathedral: “Rumours have swirled around the Holy See for months that Pell’s body was left in post-autopsy disarray and not been properly dressed sparking further concerns about his last hours.” I don’t buy conspiracy theories about Pell’s death, but I do know about the state of his body after the Vatican sent it to Australia for burial. In Rome, some mourners had been surprised that Pell’s body was not shown there in an open coffin. When his body later arrived in Sydney, a Pell confidant at the opening of the coffin could see why not. The body had been treated with gross disrespect. Perhaps it was incompetence, but some of Pell’s closest associates told me they suspect it could be a sign that some in the Vatican had not forgiven Pell for hunting down corruption. After reading the Australian I rang Pell’s brother, David, to check what he knew of what had been done to the Cardinal’s body. It turns out he had learned many of the details, despite our attempts to shield him. “The embalming had been mucked up,” he said. The undertaker in Sydney had to clean the body. Pell’s nose was also broken. I’ll leave out some other details. Pell was also shoeless, said David Pell. In fact, I’d been told he wasn’t just shoeless - Pell’s clothes had been just thrown in the coffin. It is true that, outwardly, the Vatican did Pell full honours at his death, with a packed service at St Peter’s, attended by the Pope. For all his media haters in Australia, Pell remains admired by many around the world as a true man of God, a reformer, a leader and a man persecuted for his faith, falsely jailed for 404 days. But the Vatican should be ashamed to have treated his body so shabbily." - Andrew Bolt -


>>21132756 Q Post #2590 - [Cardinal Pell] - Dark to LIGHT. Q -

>>21132756 Q Post #2594 - >He was the vatican treasurer I'm sure that carries some weight - #3 in the pecking order. Define 'pecking' [animals]. Q -

>>21132756 Q Post #2894 - Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT. Q -

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:42 a.m. No.21252228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 104

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 6

>>21136721 Video:Andrew Bolt says the Vatican should be 'deeply ashamed' about how they treated George Pell's body before it was sent back to Australia- Sky News host Andrew Bolt has claimed Cardinal George Pell's body had been "mucked up" - with the nose broken and his clothes simply thrown into the coffin - before it returned to Australia after his death. Pell died at the age of 81 in a Rome hospital in Italy on January 10, 2023 as a result of complications from a routine hip surgery. His body was embalmed by the Vatican before a requiem mass was held for him at St Peter's Basilica. Pell's body was then flown home to Australia where his funeral took place at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney on February 1. Sky News host Andrew Bolt revealed graphic details of the process on Wednesday night as he described how a confidante of Pell who was at the opening of the Cardinal's coffin found his body had been treated with "gross disrespect" in what the host described as a "final insult" to a "great and innocent man." Bolt called Pell's brother David to confirm if he knew about what had happened to the Cardinal's body. “As he confirmed, the embalming, in his words, had been mucked up, or buggered up," Bolt said. "A Sydney undertaker had to clean the body - Pell's nose had also been broken. Pell was also shoeless. "In fact, I'd been told he wasn't only shoeless - all his clothes had simply been just thrown in the coffin." The host said the Cardinal was still given an appropriate farewell by the Vatican but that it should be "ashamed" over how his body was treated.

>>21136668 Video: Senior Tasmanian police officer Paul Reynolds groomed more than 50 boys and young men, final report finds - A senior Tasmanian police officer was a paedophile who groomed more than 50 boys and young men over three decades before his death by suicide in 2018, an independent report has found. A review by former war crimes prosecutor Regina Weiss into Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds' conduct found the extent of his grooming and sexual abuse between 1988 and 2018 was "truly shocking and horrific". Reynolds took his own life while under investigation over multiple child sexual abuse offences in 2018, but was given a full police funeral with honour guard in Launceston, a decision Police Commissioner Donna Adams has since apologised for. The review heard from 15 victim-survivors of Reynolds, and identified up to 52 males who were at minimum groomed by him over a 30-year period, with some resulting in sexual abuse. It found Reynolds was sending explicit messages to "no less than nine teenage boys up to the day of his death". Ms Weiss recommended Tasmania Police establish restorative processes and a redress scheme for people who were groomed and sexually abused by Reynolds, plus a similar framework for people groomed or abused by other police officers.

>>21148935 George Pell ‘a ticking time bomb’, says family - George Pell’s family has no ­complaints about his medical treatment in Rome’s Salvator Mundi Hospital and the autopsy report of his death, which they have had translated and scrutinised by Australian doctors. The Cardinal, who had several serious heart conditions, the first dating back to the 1990s, was “a ticking time bomb’’, his brother, David Pell, told The Weekend Australian. David Pell said his brother’s body was dressed but the vestments “weren’t on in the correct sequence”. His brother’s nose “was askew’’ and “could have been ­broken by the lid of his tight fitting coffin’’ which was zinc lined. Or, as a medico suggested, the Cardinal’s nose could have been damaged by hospital tubes while nursing staff were trying to revive him. The late Cardinal’s size 14 shoes were not on, Mr Pell said, because there was no room. They were in the coffin and the family asked the undertaker to give them away. They went to a St Vincent de Paul shop in Sydney. Mr Pell did not see his brother’s body in Rome. It was transferred to Australia immediately after the funeral Mass in St Peter’s Basilica. Mr Pell decided the coffin should not be open at St Mary’s Cathedral because the embalming “was not up to scratch’’ and by the time of the funeral on February 2 the Cardinal had been dead for three weeks.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:42 a.m. No.21252232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 105

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 7

>>21149132 Pope Francis excommunicates archenemy Archbishop Vigano - The Vatican on Friday excommunicated its former ambassador to the US after finding him guilty of schism, an inevitable outcome for Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The conservative had become one of Pope Francis’ most ardent critics and a symbol of the polarised Catholic Church in the United States and beyond. While once enjoying support in the Vatican and US church hierarchies, the Italian archbishop alienated many as he developed a fringe following while delving deeper into conspiracy theories on everything, from the coronavirus pandemic to what he called the “great reset” and Russia’s war in Ukraine. The Vatican’s doctrine office announced the penalty after a meeting of its members on Thursday and informed Vigano of its decision on Friday. It cited Vigano’s public “refusal to recognise and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council”. The excommunication, which Vigano incurred automatically with his positions, means he is formally outside communion with the church, and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments. The crime of schism occurs when someone withdraws submission to the pope or from the communion of Catholics who are subject to him.

>>21159645 Video: 'Beast Boy' now facing dozens more bestiality, child abuse material charges - Sex crimes detectives have levelled dozens of extra charges against a man, allegedly known online as 'Beast Boy', who police believe was one of the state's worst bestiality offenders. Colin Baker, 38, was arrested on April 30 by specialist officers under Strike Force Trawler, the team investigating the abuse and exploitation of children on the internet and telecommunication devices. The Mid North Coast man, who police claim was known online under the pseudonym Beast Boy, stands accused of using encrypted messaging apps to share material that involved the sexual abuse of animals like dogs, sheep, goats, chickens and a dead kangaroo. Police initially laid 20 charges against Baker and he was ordered to remain in custody. Police on Monday confirmed further analysis of seized electronics and hard drives allegedly led investigators to identify thousands of videos and images of bestiality and child abuse material. Police confirmed on Monday that 29 more charges were to be laid against Baker when he fronted Taree Local Court on July 8. The additional charges included seven counts of bestiality, five counts of possessing and disseminating bestiality material, committing an act of cruelty upon an animal, possessing child abuse material, and 15 counts of using a carriage service to access, transmit and solicit child abuse material.

>>21188830 Player sues Cricket Australia claiming sexual assault by coach - Cricket Australia is facing accusations it failed to protect junior cricketers from sexual abuse after a claim it allowed a player to be molested by a coach during a tour of India in 1985. Dean Raymond Reynolds, now 57, is suing the sport’s governing body for more than $4m in the Queensland Supreme Court alleging assistant coach Robert ‘Bob’ Bitmead sexually assaulted him on the U19 Australian tour of India and Sri Lanka in 1985. According to the claim lodged with the court, the assault occurred when Mr Reynolds, then aged 17, fell sick with gastroenteritis and was lying on his bed in a Mumbai hotel room. After being given an injection by team doctor Malcolm McKenzie reportedly to treat the stomach illness, Mr Reynolds alleged he was approached by Mr Bitmead who proceeded to massage his penis without his permission. “The plaintiff was groggy and in a semiconscious state but nonetheless protested to Bitmead,” according to court documents. “Bitmead stated he was there to make the plaintiff feel better. Bitmead continued to stroke and masturbate the penis of the plaintiff for approximately a minute. The plaintiff then lost consciousness.” He claims the assault effectively destroyed his cricketing career as well as a later role with Qantas after he developed an alcoholic abuse disorder linked to the alleged abuse.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:43 a.m. No.21252236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#36 - Part 106

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 8

>>21188964 Video: Christian Brothers criticised over absence at parliamentary inquiry into child sexual abuse in WA institutions - The Christian Brothers have been accused of hiding from public scrutiny and giving "bogus" reasons for a last-minute decision to not appear before a parliamentary committee inquiry into child sex abuse. The religious order baulked at proposed questions about one of their now-deceased brothers allegedly abusing schoolboys in Western Australia, claiming it could compromise current civil child sex abuse proceedings. The Christian Brothers Oceania provincial leader Brother Gerard Brady was slated to face questions in Perth on Thursday morning, but late yesterday afternoon confirmed he would not attend. It's a move that has attracted criticism from sexual abuse survivors. "Clearly, they're not prepared to be open and transparent with the Australian community, and particularly survivors," Terry Martino, from the group Survivors of Child Abuse said. "It's devastating. [Survivors] want the truth to be revealed." Mr Martino called on Catholic Archbishop of Perth Timothy Costelloe to act. "I ask him to insist to the Christian Brothers they appear before this inquiry, because if he doesn't do that, then clearly he's condoning their conduct," he said.

>>21217774 ‘The system needs to catch up’: Push to abolish suspended sentences for child sex offenders - A push to abolish suspended sentences for convicted child sex offenders will go to state parliament as part of a bill to overhaul punishments for paedophile rapists and abusers. Abuse survivor and campaigner Stewart Carter - who watched the teacher who sexually abused him as a child walk free from court without ever spending a day in jail – is calling on the state government to back the state opposition’s bill. “If this bill passes it’ll show that justice is attainable irrespective of when the offending happened,” he said. Carter said existing sentencing practices allowed those responsible for child sex crimes committed before 2011 to receive wholly suspended jail terms, which he said is out of touch with community expectations. He said the catalyst for his call for change was his personal experience of watching the man who abused him as a child in the ’80s avoid a custodial sentence. “If an offence happened in 1985, you are tried, convicted and sentenced against the law of the day,” he said. “Societal views and expectations around these crimes have since seen the law change, but the system needs to catch up.” In October, this masthead revealed that Carter’s abuser - 68-year-old Gary Bloom - was handed a three-year wholly suspended sentence in the County Court over three charges of indecently assaulting Carter in 1985, who was then aged 10. Bloom pleaded guilty but avoided spending any time in jail.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.21252245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.21252406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2423

>>21242744 (pb)

>>21245847 (pb)

Australians warned to expect lingering issues after worldwide IT outage recovery


Ashleigh McMillan - July 20, 2024




Australians have been warned to expect “teething issues” following a worldwide cyber crash which brought down computer systems and grounded planes across the country.


The outage struck just after 3pm (AEST) on Friday and hampered banking services, airport check-ins and supermarkets across the world, and forced laptops to shut down.


Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil said while the country was now in the “recovery phase” of responding to the issue, the outage was a “serious incident” for the Australian economy.


At a press conference in Melbourne on Saturday, O’Neil said the government’s priority was ensuring people could access the services they need, and it was too early to ascribe blame for the chaos.


“I’ve seen it reported that this is the biggest IT outage in world history, and that is absolutely possible. It’s certainly the largest [outage] in the time that I’ve been alive,” she said.


“This is a really significant incident that’s occurred here, and there will be a long run of discussion about what we’ve learned and who is ultimately responsible, but those are not questions for today.”


O’Neil said she could not provide an estimate on the number of businesses affected or the cost to the Australian economy.


The outage was caused by a fault in the “Falcon sensor” used by US-based cybersecurity provider CrowdStrike after a defective software update was launched. The company confirmed that the issue was not caused by a cyber hack.


The sensor is installed on many business computers to gather security data. The fault had a major impact on Microsoft systems worldwide.


CrowdStrike founder and CEO George Kurtz apologised in a statement on Saturday morning, and said the company would be transparent about steps they were taking to ensure this never happened again.


Emergency services were online on Saturday, with no interruption to triple-zero calls.


O’Neil said while most technical issues were resolved on Friday night, Australians would still notice some “teething issues” at places like supermarkets and airports on Saturday.


“Shelves are fully stocked. We don’t have any food shortages … but some of the tellers and some of the checkouts may not be open in all the supermarkets around the country,” she said.


“We’ve seen our major airlines are back online, but there might be internal technical difficulties, for example, with baggage handler systems communicating with the front of the terminal.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.21252423   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Jetstar was working through a backlog of cancelled flights, with check-in and baggage counters operating as normal, and Qantas and Virgin flights were unaffected, a Melbourne Airport spokesman said.


Supermarkets were mostly trading as normal by Saturday morning, including for online orders, although Coles and Woolworths both said that some checkouts were not yet fully functional.


A spokesman for Coles said some bottle shops were still unable to open, but the majority of BWS stores and all Dan Murphy’s were trading as normal.


“Some checkouts continue to be affected by the global outage so we thank customers in advance for their patience and treating our team with respect,” a Woolworths spokesperson said.


“Following some disruption to a small number of orders last night, our online system is operating as normal with our team expected to pick up and deliver thousands of orders over the weekend.”


Coles said all supermarkets were open.


“Some registers may be temporarily unavailable while we fully recover. We are putting on additional team members to assist customers with their shopping, and we thank everyone for their patience,” the company said.


The federal government called a snap meeting on Friday night for emergency authorities and executives from Telstra, Optus, Coles, Woolworths, Qantas, and Virgin to respond to the chaos. The group met again on Saturday morning to discuss recovery efforts.


The Australian Signals Directorate’s cybersecurity centre said a number of malicious websites and unofficial code were being released “claiming to help entities recover” from the incident.


The directorate warned users to only take their information from official CrowdStrike sources.


“If someone has called you and he’s suggesting that they’re going to help you talk you through a reboot of your system, I would hang up the phone,” O’Neil said. “Don’t give any personal information and certainly don’t put in any bank details or money.”


Public transport services in Melbourne were running to the normal Saturday timetable, and Melbourne Airport was also recovering from Friday’s meltdown.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.21252770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3998 >>4337 >>0307 >>6125

>>21080059 (pb)

>>21094328 (pb)

High cost of Kevin Rudd’s company for return of Julian Assange


GREG BROWN - July 18, 2024


Taxpayers forked out more than $100,000 to return Julian Assange home, with the bill blowing out by nearly 30 per cent because Australia’s ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd accompanied the convicted criminal on his flight into Canberra.


Documents provided to the Senate reveal the charter flight from Britain to Australia, via a court hearing in a US territory in an island in the Western Pacific, cost a total of $781,480.


This was paid for by the Wau Holland Foundation, but taxpayers were left to fund additional travel costs from Assange being accompanied by Mr Rudd and Australia’s high commissioner to Britain, Stephen Smith.


Mr Rudd’s “additional commercial travel costs” were $29,268 while Mr Smith’s were $17,807. Travel costs amounted to $55,403 for other officials at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Liberal senator Dave Sharma said Assange’s flight home “must be one of the most expensive staged photo ops ever undertaken”.


“There is serious work for our heads of mission in Washington and London to perform,” Senator Sharma said.


“Escorting someone convicted of espionage against one of our closest allies, at vast expense to the taxpayer, should never have happened. It’s a complete failure of foreign policy priorities by the Albanese government.”


In a letter released to the Senate, Foreign Minister Penny Wong said Assange's release was only made possible due to a plea agreement between the fugitive and the US Department of Justice.


She said it was a requirement of the plea deal for Mr Smith to accompany Assange, but she did not make the same claim about Mr Rudd’s attendance.


“A condition of Mr Assange’s bail was that he would be accompanied by High Commissioner Smith to a US jurisdiction, while Ambassador Rudd has played a central role in bringing the two sides together and travelled to Saipan to ensure arrangements with the Department of Justice proceeded as agreed,” Senator Wong wrote.


“While in Australia, High Commissioner Smith and Ambassador Rudd undertook meetings about AUKUS and other arrangements as well. Ambassador Rudd also undertook meetings with Governor Palacios of the US Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands during his time in Saipan.”


While the return of Assange to Australia had bipartisan support, Anthony Albanese was accused by the Coalition of treating him as a “hero”. Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham last month accused the Prime Minister of a “grave error of judgment” for phoning ­Assange after he landed.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 9:31 a.m. No.21252828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834

>>21066037 (pb)

AUKUS: Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility Welcomes ASC Personnel


Claudia LaMantia - 19 July 2024




PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii – Twenty-eight ASC Pty Ltd [formerly known as the Australian Submarine Corporation] personnel began training at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY & IMF) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as part of the Australia, United Kingdom and United States (AUKUS) enhanced trilateral security partnership this week.


The ASC employees will be trained and certified on various aspects of submarine maintenance to support the AUKUS Pillar 1 program that is supporting Australia’s acquisition of sovereign conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines.


“After months of preparation, we are excited to welcome the Australian maintainers into our shipyard family. The intensive training process they will undergo over the next few years will lay the groundwork for them to ultimately lead and execute their own maintenance operations,” said Capt. Ryan McCrillis, commanding officer of PHNSY & IMF.


In July 2023, PHNSY & IMF was chosen as the Naval Supervising Authority and Lead Maintenance Activity for Submarine Rotational Force – West (SRF-W) at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia. SRF-W will host up to four U.S. Virginia-class submarines and one UK Astute-class submarine, starting as early as 2027. Routine intermediate maintenance work, which does not require dry-docking the submarines and takes weeks - rather than months or years - to complete, will be planned and executed by ASC’s trained workforce and certified by PHNSY & IMF personnel.


“Conducting joint training and working side-by-side with our Australian colleagues is critical to building the essential knowledge needed to fully support SRF-W,” McCrillis added. “This training evolution, which focuses on technical maintenance skills, strengthens our own readiness, ensuring warfighters are equipped to carry out their complex mission.”


The first cohort of ASC personnel will receive a mix of classroom instruction and hands-on experience covering radiological controls, nuclear engineering, non-nuclear engineering and quality assurance. The training durations will vary based on the specific trades and disciplines being taught. Once they complete their training, the ASC personnel will return to Australia appropriately qualified and skilled to conduct Virginia-class maintenance, under U.S. supervision, during routine U.S. submarine port visits to HMAS Stirling. Australia and the United States expect more than 100 ASC personnel to start training at PHNSY & IMF over the next twelve months.


“We are ushering in a new era for our submarine maintenance workforce,” said Rear Adm. Matt Buckley, Head of Nuclear Submarine Capability within the Australian Submarine Agency. “By leveraging the U.S. and UK’s decades-long expertise, we are learning from the best to develop our own world-class sovereign nuclear-powered, conventionally armed submarine force. The 28 ASC personnel, combined with more than thirty Royal Australian Navy personnel who joined the crew of U.S. submarine tender USS Emory S. Land (AS 39) this year, represent the cornerstone of our future submarine force maintenance workforce.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 9:32 a.m. No.21252834   🗄️.is 🔗kun





“The AUKUS partners share a commitment stretching back over a century to preserving democracy and maintaining an international rules-based order,” said Rear Adm. Lincoln Reifsteck, program manager, AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Office. “Thanks to bipartisan Congressional support last year to pass legislation allowing us to train Australian maintenance personnel in our public shipyards, we continue to make progress toward establishing Australia’s sovereign, conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine force in support of our shared vision of a free, open, and stable Indo-Pacific.”


PHNSY & IMF is also hiring additional personnel to support training hundreds of Australian maintainers.


“The shipyard is growing, so we will continue to hire to meet the needs of our fleet while adding additional personnel to support the increased training demand,” said McCrillis. “Our efforts will not only support Australia’s goal to build a sovereign SSN capability, but also provide real benefits to the U.S. Navy mission in the Indo-Pacific.”


PHNSY & IMF is a field activity of NAVSEA and a one-stop regional maintenance center for the Navy’s surface ships and submarines. It is the largest industrial employer in the state of Hawai’i, with a combined civilian and military workforce of approximately 6,400. It is the most comprehensive fleet repair and maintenance facility between the U.S. West Coast and the Far East, strategically located in the heart of the Pacific, being about a week’s steaming time closer to potential regional contingencies in the Indo-Pacific.


The AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Program Office is responsible for executing the trilateral partnership to support Australia’s acquisition of sovereign, conventionally armed, nuclear-powered fast-attack submarines at the earliest possible date while setting the highest nuclear stewardship standards and continuing to maintain the highest nonproliferation standard. The AUKUS partnership is a strategic endeavor that will uplift the industrial bases of the three partners and promote a safe, free and open Indo-Pacific, ensuring an international, rules-based order is upheld in the region.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 20, 2024, 9:38 a.m. No.21252868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8313

>>21196236 (pb)

>>21226061 (pb)

Australia urged to prepare for second Trump presidency


William Ton - July 20 2024


Australia should prepare for a second Donald Trump administration as it will put the nation in good stead regardless of who wins the US election, an expert says.


Donald Trump on Friday accepted the Republican Party's presidential nomination for the third time, while senior Democrats urge Joe Biden to step down from his re-election bid for the presidential race in November.


The best thing Australia could do in anticipation of the election result is to prepare for a Trump administration, the United States Studies Centre's research director Jared Mondschein said.


"I don't say that because I think Trump is a sure-fire win," he told AAP.


"The very steps you would take to address an incoming Trump administration would put you in a great position with a Democratic administration as well."


The Republicans enter the latter part of the election campaign full of confidence, with Mr Trump's speech taking on familiar themes around domestic and foreign policies, Australia's former ambassador to the US Arthur Sinodinos said.


"What we can take from this week is that he's going to be very much America-first, which means he will want to avoid foreign entanglements," he told AAP.


A shift in foreign policy priorities could be on the cards for a Trump administration, with Mr Mondschein pointing to a sharper focus in Asia at the expense of Europe.


"There's been no indication whatsoever that Trump or JD Vance are interested in isolating themselves from the challenge that China proposes," he said.


Both sides of politics in the US have been frustrated by the Europeans not sharing the burden when it comes to defence spending in NATO amid Russia invading Ukraine.


"If you look at Japan and Australia, those two US allies are doing the lion's share of burden-sharing," Mr Mondschein said.


"I see the US really not wanting to spend more resources on Ukraine in a Trump-Vance administration."


Mr Trump's vice presidential pick JD Vance has signalled his opposition to providing sustained support for Ukraine, amid fears the deputy could influence the presidential candidate's views.


Ukraine's ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko said it's in America's interests to ensure Ukraine is not defeated by Russia.


"We can get back to normal rather than opening a Pandora's box and emboldening other authoritarian leaders to use their might to change borders," he told AAP.


The vice-president's role is limited when it comes to foreign policy and views could change once the full scope of the challenge is explained, the ambassador said.


If the US does withdraw from its international position, Mr Myroshnychenko said the impact will spread to other parts of the world including the Pacific.


Australia, under the first Trump presidency, fared better compared to other countries, which Mr Mondschein attributed to the nation stepping up in the region.


"If you're talking about AUKUS and the military and security dynamics of engaging with Asia, we can expect to see similar if not greater engagement," he said.


"AUKUS will be safe regardless of who is elected in November because it is Australia spending more money to do more of the burden-sharing in Asia, standing up to regional powers like China, and giving the US billions of dollars to expand the US defence industrial capacity."


But Mr Sinodinos said Australia must reinforce the common interest in the Pacific between both nations in terms of defence, security and trade.


Australia would work closely alongside the US, regardless of who won the presidential race, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said.


"The relationship between our two great nations is a relationship based upon our common values, our support for democratic values and human rights, our support for our relationship through our alliance as well," he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3 a.m. No.21258031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alarm over espionage, organised crime risk posed by Chinese cameras




Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of cameras manufactured by companies linked to grave human rights abuses by the Chinese government are monitoring public spaces all over Australia, and potentially providing backdoor access to footage to other bad actors.


The cameras, manufactured by Chinese Communist Party-linked companies Hikvision and Dahua, were removed last year from government departments amid spyware concerns, but they remain prolific in countless other public settings.


Leading global security expert Conor Healy, who visited Australia last week, said concerns regarding the capacity for the cameras to enable covert access to an array of bad actors, including pedophiles and organised criminal networks, were at least as worrying as the companies’ links to Chinese human rights abuses.


“Claims of thousands or tens of thousands of Dahua and Hikvision surveillance devices in Australia are serious underestimations,” said Mr Healy, director of government research at US-based independent security and surveillance industry research group IPVM.


“The true number is at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions, given their significant market share in Australia.


“Australians can easily see this for themselves by walking a block of any city street, and that is without considering the numerous other brands these devices masquerade as.”


During a walk around Melbourne last week, Mr Healy spotted Hikvision and Dahua cameras in locations including the Shrine of Remembrance, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Town Hall, and Melbourne Airport.


He said while espionage concerns were valid, they “tend to politicise this issue and drown out the broader public impacts of insecure security products”.


“Whether created by the managed security services or carelessness, cyber vulnerabilities exist for anyone to exploit once discovered,” Mr Healy said.


“Cameras in people’s homes used to monitor children have fed illicit markets on Telegram for child pornography. Abuse for myriad forms of criminal activity can happen, and is happening.


“Government officials … inexplicably appear to be ignorant of this grave problem, perhaps taking cues from security industry professionals who regularly push the specious and perverse logic that it’s really the public who are to blame for not updating their software, or not connecting devices in the most secure way, rather than the manufacturers.


“If we cannot agree on China, we should at least agree that it is unacceptable for security manufacturers to sell insecure products, then do little to address their failures. Western governments are enablers, and should be cracking down on cybersecurity failures with the same zeal as on oil spills or E. coli outbreaks.”


An audit of federal government departments last year resulted in the detection and removal of at least 1550 Hikvision and Dahua cameras from at least 245 sites, with 435 cameras found at Defence sites alone.


Opposition home affairs and cyber security spokesman James Paterson said “high-risk vendors” such as Hikvision and Dahua had “no place in federal, state or local government because of the cyber security risk they pose and the immorality of supporting companies involved in serious human rights abuses”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21258061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8069 >>8072 >>8080

>>20162649 (pb)

Satanic Temple set to return to Memphis-area school with 'Before School Satan Club'


John Klyce - March 5, 2024


The Satanic Temple has plans to come back to the Memphis area.


After hosting its “After School Satan Club” at Cordova-based Chimneyrock Elementary on Jan. 10, the Salem, Massachusetts-based nonprofit is poised to host a “Before School Satan Club” in the coming weeks. The pending dates are March 20, April 17, and May 15, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., the group said in a social media post.


The plan is to offer science projects, community service projects, puzzles and games, nature activities, arts and crafts, and snacks. A flyer posted on Twitter says “Hey Kids! Let’s have fun at the Before School Satan Club!” When the group started promoting the “After School Satan Club,” it used the line, “Hey Kids, Let’s have fun at the After School Satan Club.”


The club is not sponsored or approved by MSCS or the Memphis-Shelby County Board of Education. Legally, the district is required to allow the Before School Satan Club to use its spaces. In December, when The Satanic Temple first announced it would be offering the “After School Satan Club” at Chimneyrock, a spokesperson for MSCS provided the following statement:


“As a public school district, we're committed to upholding the principles of the First Amendment, which guarantees equal access to all non-profit organizations seeking to use our facilities after school hours,” the statement said. “This means we cannot approve or deny an organization’s request based solely on its viewpoints or beliefs. Board Policy 7002 outlines this commitment, allowing community groups and government entities to rent school property outside of school hours.”


That doesn’t mean, however, that district officials are happy about the organization’s activity. Not long after The Satanic Temple started promoting the original After School Satan Club, interim superintendent Toni Williams, board chair and reverend Althea Greene, and board member Mauricio Calvo passionately denounced the group, while flanked by pastors of local churches.


“As a superintendent, I am duty bound to uphold our board policy, state laws, and the constitution,” Williams said at the time. “But let’s not be fooled. Let’s not be fooled by what we’ve seen in the past 24 hours, which is an agenda, initiated to make sure that we cancel all faith-based organizations that partner with our district.”


Added board chair Althea Greene:


“You see the faith-based community standing here,” she said. “We're going to stand up and we're going to be vocal. Satan has no room in this district.”


The Satanic Temple, however, maintains that its members do not worship or believe in Satan, instead viewing him as a literary figure who rejects tyranny. Its website says that The Satanic Temple is the “primary religious satanic organization in the world,” and that its mission is to “encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and Undertake noble pursuits.”


It also asserts that its after-school clubs offer a “scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious worldview," and that it only places the clubs in schools where other religious organizations already have a presence. Per its website:


“Proselytization is not our goal, and we’re not interested in converting children to Satanism. After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:18 a.m. No.21258069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Satanic group leads invocation at Ottawa County board meeting amid lobby uproar


Samantha May - April 25th 2024


OTTAWA COUNTY, Mich. - Protest and support chants erupted in the lobby steps away from the Ottawa County board podium, where a leader of a West Michigan satanic group led the commissioners in prayer before a meeting Tuesday night.


Standing tall with a smile in the middle of a small room with every seat filled, a man identifying himself as Luis Cypher with the Satanic Temple of West Michigan greeted residents and commissioners before delivering the opening invocation.


"That must be destroyed by truth, should never be spared. It's demise. It is done. Hail Satan. Thank you very much, we wish everyone a wonderful evening tonight," Cypher said while raising his hand with his index finger and pinky extended in the air.


What appeared to be over 100 individuals flocked to the lobby ahead of the meeting, signs were waved reading "One Nation Under God" as well as chants of "Hail Satan!" and "We Love Satan!"


The Ottawa County Board of Commissioners adjusted its policy of allowing invocations by any religion following a federal lawsuit filed in 2023 by an LGBTQ+ advocate and pastor at St. John's Episcopal Church, Reverend Jared Cramer.


The suit claimed the board, under Chairperson Joe Moss, ignored his request to deliver an invocation and had only pastors of Christian churches as invocation speakers at the podium.


Following the complaint, Ottawa County created a policy for invocation based on a principle protected by the First Amendment.


It can be summarized as follows:


The First Amendment is not a majority rule, and government may not seek to define permissible categories of religious speech. Once it invites prayer into the public sphere, government must permit a prayer giver to address his or her own God or gods as conscience dictates.


The allowance of a Satanic Temple, described on their website among other things as a "leading beacon of light in the battle of abortion access," sparked an uproar at the Tuesday night meeting.


Ottawa County residents took advantage of the public comment period to advocate toward beliefs of God, shaming the Satanic temple.


"Tonight you all had failed miserably in your primary responsibility. You have out of the respect for a flawed custom of men allowed worship not only to a false ideal of man's creation but to the greatest enemy of the all good God who allowed you to fill these positions," one resident said at the podium while holding a cross.


The West Michigan county government has been under the spotlight in recent events, even leading to an investigation by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel in recent years.


During a 2023 board meeting, the new wave of elected commissioners heard hours of public comment on a string of controversial decisions including the firings of two county leaders and eliminating the county's diversity, equity and inclusion department.


In December 2023, The Board also changed the county's motto from "Where We Belong" to "Where Freedom Rings."


According to the county's policy, "Just as anyone is allowed to speak during the public comment segment, anyone is allowed to request to give an invocation."

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:20 a.m. No.21258072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Commissioner disagrees with policy allowing Satanist to give opening prayer


Autumn Pitchure - April 25th 2024


OTTAWA COUNTY, Mich. - Ottawa County Commissioner Doug Zylstra disagrees with a policy change allowing an ordained minister of Satan to give opening prayer during a board meeting Tuesday.


"In my opinion we had a better policy before the lawsuit, where the commissioners chose who got the chance to speak. The 2023 lawsuit changed our approach," Zylstra said.


The policy change stemmed from a federal lawsuit filed in 2023 by a pastor at St John’s Episcopal Church.


Jared Cramer, the pastor at St John's Episcopal Church, is also an LGBTQ+ advocate who said he was denied his request to deliver the invocation.


Following the complaint, the board updated their policy, allowing anyone to speak regardless of their religious beliefs.


Luis Cypher, head of the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, delivered the opening invocation Tuesday while over a hundred attended, many pushing back against his troubling remarks.


On Tuesday, people choosing to worship Satan, and those worshiping Jesus came face to face. A protest erupting ahead of Tuesday's meeting.


“That which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise. It is done, hail Satan," Cypher said.


Many attending Tuesday's meeting held signs, sang and prayed while disagreeing with the choice to let Cypher speak.


“I am deeply concerned for the grave error that you my leaders, those whom I voted for allowed to happen here," an attendee said.


Followers of Christ held flags with "One Nation under God" while others like Joseph Amorasos prayed for change.


“For the lord has truly risen, hallelujah, let us pray," Amorasos said.


Every chair in the meeting room was filled, while overflow in the hallway sang Amazing Grace.


One woman even held a sign with "My Jesus mercy" while Cypher gave his remarks.


“Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions," Cypher said.


While some may blame the board of commissioners for allowing the speech to happen, Jeffrey Swartz, a professor of law with Cooley Law School said, "they followed protocol."


"It may offend people but the bottom line is you let everybody do it, or you let no one do it," Swartz said.


“They should reverse the changes and go back to having a prayer before the meeting which were godly prayers," a woman protesting said.


Zylstra said the only requirement for a person to request to give the invocation is to be a resident of Ottawa County.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:24 a.m. No.21258080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8084


Satanic Temple invocation forces Ottawa County to reckon with the meaning of religious freedom


Mitchell Boatman - April 24, 2024




OTTAWA COUNTY - "Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair. Joe Moss."


Commissioner Jacob Bonnema was trying to get the attention of the Ottawa County Board Chair. He wanted to know the real name of the self-described Satanist about to give the traditional invocation.


It was an odd night in Ottawa County, though certainly not the oddest since Moss' PAC, Ottawa Impact, won the board's majority in August 2022.


The planned invocation from the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, scheduled several months after a lawsuit led the board to develop new policies for accepting invocation requests, drew hundreds to the Fillmore Complex on Tuesday.


Around two hours in, Bonnema walked out.


The Satanic Temple of West Michigan announced in March they'd been scheduled to give the meeting’s prayer April 23. The meeting drew one of the largest crowds the board has seen since Ottawa Impact commissioners took office in January 2023. Hundreds gathered in the lobby and in front of the Fillmore Complex.


Many stood in small groups to pray, sing hymns and hold signs opposed to the TST. Attendees in the lobby continued to sing through the start of the meeting, including during the invocation.


Bonnema claimed the invocation speaker - Rev. Luis Cypher - was using a pseudonym.


“So we're now allowing people to address us that we don’t know their name?” Bonnema asked.


Moss told Bonnema not to interrupt, or the meeting would go to recess. Bonnema left during public comment.


“I had enough of the endless unproductive dramatics," he told The Sentinel. "When they decide to do actual business of the county again, I will be there with bells on.”


It was a scene set in part by OI commissioners' own staunch Christian beliefs. The invocation has also been given by Bart Spencer, senior pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church, who made headlines early in the pandemic when he encouraged his congregation to contract the virus to “get it over with."


"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places," Spencer said Jan. 10, 2023, during his invocation before the board.


"Ottawa County has been the signal county - we may be a bit biased, Father - but the signal county of this state. Lord, she has been a great county for decades and decades and decades.


"And Lord, there’s been threats. And Father we will stand for thee," Spencer continued. "Father, you even told us when you stand, the world’s not going to like that. They’ll hate you, they’ll persecute you, they'll ostracize you. … I pray for the chair and that you would bless him and the other council members, commission members. Again, knowing the only reason we’re here is to bring glory to you."


Rev. Jared Cramer, of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Grand Haven, filed a federal lawsuit in October 2023, claiming Moss used his position as chair to “endorse a particular set of religious beliefs and exclude a particular set of religious beliefs.”


In response to the lawsuit, the board created an invocation policy, which states any religious leader or individual who wishes to be added to the speakers list must make a formal request, in writing, to the commissioner who represents the district in which they reside.


The requests are then forwarded to a county-employed coordinator who curates a schedule; all requests are treated on a first-come, first-served basis.


Cramer, a vocal opponent of OI, was allowed to give his invocation in February. But what could've been a step toward reconciliation was placed in jeopardy after Commissioner Roger Belknap displayed a political sign to protest Cramer's known support of the LGBTQ+ community.


Then, in March, the announcement came from The Satanic Temple, putting those new invocation policies to the test.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:27 a.m. No.21258084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8091





Cypher, minister of Satan and lifelong resident of Ottawa County, gave an invocation which, including an introductory statement, lasted about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. He started by offering a “loving embrace” to residents.


“Let us stand now, unbound and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds in darkened times. Let us embrace the Luciferian impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge and dissipate our blissful and comforting delusions of old,” Cypher said.


“Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions, not their fealty to arbitrary social norms and illusory categorizations. Let us reason our solutions with agnosticism in all days, holding fast only to that which is demonstrably true.


"Let us stand firm against any and all arbitrary authority that threatens the personal sovereignty of one or of all. That which will not bend must break, and that which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared. It’s demise. It is done. Hail Satan.”


Commissioners Gretchen Cosby and Kendra Wenzel prayed to themselves during the invocation. Prior to the meeting, Commissioner Rebekah Curran handed out heart-shaped cookies with “John 3:16” stickers on the packaging.


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


During the roll call following the invocation, Belknap answered: “Lord willing, I am here.”


When the meeting moved to public comment, Curran was the first speaker. She offered a prayer from the lectern.


“I feel like it's a really important moment in time to not only show the love of Christ, but show the power of Christ,” Curran said. “I just pray that everyone will feel the manifest presence of God in this room and in this building today.”


She wasn't alone in religious messaging. Of the 45 people who spoke during the first public comment period, around two dozen gave Christian messages, denounced the invocation, or read passages from the Bible.


“In the name of Jesus, I cast down any words or curses spoken not of you, Lord. We rebuke it in Jesus’ name,” said a speaker named Paula from Spring Lake.


A speaker from Georgetown Township, who held a wooden cross as he spoke, said the county made “a grievous error” in allowing Tuesday’s invocation. He said the board “allowed worship to a false idol” and “reparation must be made.”


One speaker from Hamilton said, “I do not believe in the separation of church and state,” while another from Chester Township claimed (falsely) that only Christianity is protect by the First Amendment.


Ohers thanked the board for allowing the invocation and supporting First Amendment rights. Commenters came from not only Ottawa County, but Allegan, Muskegon and Kent, as well.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 21, 2024, 3:29 a.m. No.21258091   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Bendr Bones, an ordained minister of the TST, first approached the board in May 2023 after commissioners voted to make Ottawa a “Constitutional County.”


The Satanic Temple is not about literal devil worshiping, representatives say. Instead, it uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state, supporting its mission “to encourage benevolence and empathy [among all people],” according to the national group's website.


“We are advocates for critical thinking, pluralism, compassion, empathy, conforming our beliefs to scientific understanding, the struggle for justice - a lot of altruistic kind of ideals are wrapped into all of that,” Bones previously told The Sentinel.


The TST has utilized satire, theatrical ploys, humor and legal action in its public campaigns to generate attention and "prompt people to re-evaluate fears and perceptions" and to "highlight religious hypocrisy and encroachment on religious freedom."


In his own prayer Feb. 13, Cramer directly referenced previous actions of the board he, too, found problematic, including changing the motto and closing the county's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Department.


Cramer has since amended his complaint against the board, arguing Belknap's display undercut the county's own stated defense that commissioners didn't take issue with Cramer or his beliefs.


>Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy.

>Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future.

>Will we be a free nation under God?

>Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy?


>If America falls so does the world.

>If America falls darkness will soon follow.

>Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.


>This is not about politics.

>This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.

>We are living in Biblical times.

>Children of light vs children of darkness.

>United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.

Anonymous ID: c6ec11 July 21, 2024, 6:02 p.m. No.21263298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 22, 2024, 3:41 a.m. No.21265537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541 >>5571

Australia preparing for a post-Biden world


Kat Wong - 22 July 2024


Australia is getting ready to work with either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris after US President Joe Biden revealed he was withdrawing from the race.


The 81-year-old has nominated his vice president to replace him in the November contest against second-time presidential hopeful Mr Trump, and will remain in his role until his term officially ends in January.


Australian politicians are familiar with Ms Harris and Mr Trump, University of Sydney associate professor David Smith said, which means they already understand how the bilateral relationship might work.


"Australia is already preparing for a world after President Biden," he told AAP.


A second Trump term could pose issues for Australian exports after the 78-year-old's campaign began promoting protectionist policies, including large tariffs on Chinese goods, Prof Smith said.


The Republican runner's approach to democracy both internationally and domestically has also worried some Australians.


Mr Trump has previously said he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours, but it's unclear if that means pushing for Ukrainian territory to be ceded to Russia or other methods.


His rhetoric also affects politics in other countries, with many far-right movements across the world adopting Mr Trump as their global icon.


And within the US, his attempts to undermine the 2020 outcome that evicted him from office by falsely claiming the election had been "stolen" - as well as indications he could do similar if he doesn't win in November - also remain a concern.


"If he loses, I think he does remain a threat to democracy," Prof Smith said.


Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has urged Labor's Anthony Albanese not to "suck up" to "bullies" like Mr Trump.


"America under Trump is a less reliable ally than it has been under Biden or other presidents," he told ABC on Monday.


Ms Harris' approach to foreign affairs has been relatively discrete, but her leadership is unlikely to raise similar concerns.


"She's been one of the lowest-profile vice presidents in my lifetime … which means we don't have any great insight into how she views the world," Prof Smith said.


"For people in the Australian government, I don't think they'll be very worried by the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency because they would see it as a lot of continuity from the Biden administration."



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 22, 2024, 3:43 a.m. No.21265541   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ms Harris has yet to officially win the Democratic nomination but she is the favourite and has been endorsed by other possible contenders, like Governor Gavin Newsom of California.


To ensure Australia's interests are well served in the US, former Washington-based US ambassador Arthur Sinodinos has urged the government to respond carefully.


"It's not about whether we like a particular candidate or a particular president - these relationships transcend countries, transcend personalities, they transcend parties," he told ABC radio.


The prime minister described Ms Harris as a "good friend of Australia" while noting that the outcome of the Democratic convention in August is a matter for the US.


Mr Albanese sent Mr Biden his well wishes and paid tribute to his "extraordinary record".


"President Biden deserves to be recognised for, once again, not putting himself forward first, but giving his first consideration to being what he believes is in the interests of the United States of America, as he has done his whole public life," he told reporters in Cairns.


Australia's ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd, whose prime ministership fell victim to a leadership spill in 2010, noted the difficulty of Mr Biden's choice.


"Leadership can be a lonely place," he posted on X.


"We can all take pause to recognise and respect the difficult decision President Joe Biden has made today."


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton also thanked the US president and pointed to the security alliance between the US, UK and Australia as one of Mr Biden's achievements.


"I thank the President for the support and abiding friendship he has shown to Australia," he posted on X.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 22, 2024, 3:56 a.m. No.21265571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5576


‘Great friend of Australia’: PM praises outgoing US President Joe Biden


Samuel Davis - July 22, 2024




Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has paid tribute to the service of outgoing US President Joe Biden, declaring him a “great friend of Australia” who championed the historic AUKUS partnership, fought against Russian aggression and campaigned for climate change action.


The 81-year-old announced that he would withdraw from the US presidential race in a letter he posted to social media before later endorsing vice president Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s candidate.


Mr Albanese, who has been on leave in Far North Queensland, took time to recognise the global leader’s legacy, reflecting on the outcomes of several meetings at global summits in recent years.


The trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, first announced in 2021, had served to strengthen the nation’s already strong bond as allies, Mr Albanese said.


“President Biden has a record of engagement in the Indo-Pacific and increasing the relationship through AUKUS which was of course finalised at the meeting that we held in San Diego at the beginning of last year,” the Prime Minister said.


“The AUKUS relationship is just one aspect of the closeness between Australia and the United States.


“It’s also been a period where President Biden has presided over an increase in the economic relationship between our two great nations but also the important co-operation that has taken place in climate change action.


“The (US’s) Inflation Reduction Act is no doubt the most significant piece of legislation to reduce emissions introduced anywhere in the world.”


Mr Albanese recalled a private dinner at the West Wing with the President in 2023 as a key moment in the pair’s relationship.


He first met Mr Biden while he was serving under former president Barack Obama.


“It was one of my first events as Prime Minister to travel to the Quad meeting that was held in Tokyo within days of my election in May of 2022,” he said.


“Since then we have had a number of meetings on the sidelines of international summits but also during my official visit to the United States last year where President Biden and (First Lady) Jill Biden were gracious hosts at an official state dinner as well as the four of us having dinner with my partner Jodie Haydon … in the West Wing.


“We also met with his entire cabinet just outside of the Oval Office and it was a very gracious reception that the President hosted myself in recognition of the important relationship between our two great nations.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 22, 2024, 3:57 a.m. No.21265576   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The US president should be praised for his role in stabilising the American economy following the global pandemic and international conflicts, Mr Albanese said.


“In President Biden (there is a) legacy of support for the international rule of law, support for international human rights, support for the people of Ukraine in their struggle against aggression from Russia with its illegal and immoral invasion,” he said.


“But also President Biden has presided over the recovery of the United States’ economy after the long legacy that Covid has left.


“He’s presided over an economy that’s seen jobs grow, wages increase and the transition proceed as the world moves toward net-zero.


“President Biden has been a great friend of Australia and I look forward to meeting him at the G20 and APEC summits that will be held later this year.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 22, 2024, 4:14 a.m. No.21265625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20969717 (pb)

Albanese’s electorate office ‘unblocked’ as protester numbers dwindle




Pro-Palestine encampment protesters have “unblocked” Anthony Albanese’s electorate office, their dwindling numbers moving away from its entrance after discussions with the Australian Federal Police.


Activists had blocked access for about five months, triggering safety concerns that forced closure of the Marrickville office, which had also been vandalised, including with red inverted triangles, the symbol used by terror group Hamas to signify targets it intended to attack.


On Sunday, almost all the graffiti and placards had been removed and only a much smaller group of activists remained, slightly further from the office and not restricting access. The Australian understands NSW police have not issued any move-on directions to the protesters.


Federal police, who were outside the office on Sunday, have been asked about how the protesters’ move came about and the topics of those conversations. Mr Albanese has previously criticised damage and protests at MPs’ electorate offices, and how they blocked constituents.


His own office was tagged with Hamas’ red inverted triangles and shut for months, while Bill Shorten’s Moonee Ponds office has been vandalised and Macnamara MP Josh Burns’s was graffitied with the message “Zionism is fascism”.


NSW Premier Chris Minns’s office was doused with red paint and state Transport Minister Jo Haylen’s office, opposite Mr Albanese’s, was also vandalised


In Queensland on Friday, Mr Albanese said people needed to show respect to MPs attempting to help constituents.


“(Electorate officers) are not the political frontline,” he said.


“They’re public servants who are doing a job to assist locals with Medicare, with social security, migration and other issues.”


Last week, media outlets reported how protesters were handed a notice signed by Mr Albanese’s office manager advising the pro-Palestine encampment was “significantly impeding the moving of staff and constituents”.


“As a result, I ask that anyone who is participating in these activities depart the public entrance immediately and that protests be conducted elsewhere,” the notice reportedly said.


NSW police on Thursday charged one woman with trespassing after she allegedly refused to leave the electorate office. The woman, who live-streamed the arrest, was charged with trespassing on prohibited commonwealth land.


It is understood she was a Palestinian-Australian who said she was in the office to ask about her family’s visa situation. She is also understood to be the founder of the electorate office encampment and has helped organise other pro-Palestine protests around the Sydney inner west.


Mr Albanese declined to comment on that specific case.


The woman was charged and granted conditional bail to appear in court on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 2:40 a.m. No.21273950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3969 >>1355 >>1383 >>9243 >>6219 >>8313 >>2114 >>9709 >>9731 >>9780 >>5621 >>6367 >>2049 >>6649 >>7255 >>0904 >>0908 >>5998

AUKUS to withstand winds of political change: navy chiefs


Jacob Shteyman - July 23 2024


The US Navy's highest-ranking officer has reaffirmed her nation's commitment to AUKUS, regardless of who wins the White House.


As she visited the HMAS Stirling naval base alongside her Australian and UK counterparts for the first time, Admiral Lisa Franchetti said the US would be there for its partners when it matters, where it matters.


As part of the AUKUS plan, US and UK nuclear submarines will rotate through HMAS Stirling, located on Garden Island south of Perth, before the site houses Australia's own nuclear submarine fleet.


But growing expectations of a second Donald Trump presidency and delays in the US submarine supply chain have fuelled concerns that Australia's military partners may not follow through on their commitment.


Betting markets have Trump odds-on to beat Democratic Vice-President Kamala Harris at the November poll, which could usher a return to isolationist policies after the 78-year-old withdrew the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership in his first term in office.


But Admiral Franchetti hosed down those concerns.


"Regardless of who is in our political parties and whatever is happening in that space, it's allies and partners that are always our priority," she told reporters on Tuesday.


"I am committed to delivering our part of AUKUS and really working with my teammates every day to make sure that … we meet those key milestones to deliver AUKUS for our nations today, tomorrow and far into the future.


"I know that all of our partners know that we are going to be there for them when it matters, where it matters, and that's what we deliver every single day."


AUKUS is not under threat despite Trump once again indicating an America-first focus, says research director Jared Mondschein from the United States Studies Centre.


"It is Australia spending more money to do more of the burden-sharing in Asia, standing up to regional powers like China, and giving the US billions of dollars to expand the US defence industrial capacity," he told AAP.


Australia's navy chief, Vice Admiral Mark Hammond, was confident works to ready the base were progressing as planned.


"From what I've seen today and what we've been discussing this morning, HMAS Stirling is almost ready to go now," he said.


"If we had to mobilise this base to support nuclear powered submarines from Stirling tomorrow, all of the key building blocks are already in place.


"So I'm really confident that we will meet the timeline of the optimal pathway."


Meanwhile, the recently-elected Labour government has reaffirmed the UK's commitment to the alliance, with Defence Secretary John Healey saying it is "fundamental" to the nation's future security.


"The change of government through the election has meant no change at all in the United Kingdom's commitment to AUKUS," said UK Royal Navy Admiral Ben Key.


Earlier on Tuesday, Australia's Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy said the government would accelerate construction of the Army's new littoral fleet.


As part of the $2 billion project, 18 medium landing craft will now be delivered in 2026, two years earlier than previously scheduled, while the delivery of eight heavy landing craft will be brought forward from 2035 to 2028.


The additional amphibious capability formed part of Australia's strategy of deterrence by denial, Mr Conroy said, along with the acquisition of long-range missile systems.


"Of keeping Australia safe by letting any potential aggressor know that we can strike them from longer distances, from multiple places," he said.


The vessels, which will enable troops and armoured vehicles to be deployed on beaches across the region, will be built by Austal at WA's Henderson Shipyard.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 2:47 a.m. No.21273969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy downplays Rockingham residents' concerns of AUKUS nuclear waste storage


Nicolas Perpitch - 23 July 2024


The Albanese government has sought to dispel community concerns surrounding a planned radioactive waste management site off Perth's coast for AUKUS nuclear submarines.


It comes as the chiefs of navy of the three AUKUS countries — the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia — met for the first time at the HMAS Stirling naval base on Garden Island, 50 kilometres south of the Perth CBD and about five kilometres off the coast of Rockingham, where the submarines will dock and be serviced.


The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), the nuclear safety watchdog, has issued a licence to the Australian Submarine Agency to prepare a site on HMAS Stirling for a low-level radiation waste management and maintenance site, to be known as the "Controlled Industrial Facility".


It will be a workshop for servicing and repairing the nuclear submarines and will temporarily store the waste.


Some Rockingham residents have expressed alarm at the prospect of a radiation site just off the coast.


Among the submissions to ARPANSA on the facility, concerns were expressed about residents' safety and the potential for radiation leaks.


But federal Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy has sought to ease those fears, saying there was no risk to the community.


"This is akin to what occurs in 100 other sites around the country, anywhere that has a hospital that deals with medical imagery that involves radioactive isotopes has exactly the same level of waste," Mr Conroy said.


"This is completely safe, and has been approved by the regulatory authorities."


Specifically, the radioactive waste would be material that Australian sailors and civilians use to maintain the nuclear submarines.


"Think things like gloves, and other things that naturally become slightly radioactive as they handle componentry. So this is not other people's waste. This is Australian waste," Mr Conroy said.


However, advocacy group the Medical Association for Prevention of War [MAPW] said Mr Conroy was wrong to equate nuclear submarine waste with medical waste.


"The vast majority of nuclear waste from hospitals is very short-lived waste or very low level waste, both of which go to normal rubbish streams after a month or two," MAPW vice-president Margaret Beavis said in a statement.


"The proposed submarine waste is low level waste (LLW), which needs isolation from the environment for 300 years."


Final storage site unknown


The radioactive waste will be temporarily stored at the HMAS Stirling site, before it is taken to a permanent repository elsewhere for AUKUS-nuclear submarine reactors and related radioactive waste.


But Mr Conroy did not say where that would be, only that it would be on defence land to be acquired by the defence forces.


Under the AUKUS security agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom announced in 2021, Australia will acquire nuclear technology to build and sustain its own nuclear submarines.


Australia's chief of Navy Vice Admiral Mark Hammond expressed confidence the naval base would be ready to receive US and UK nuclear submarines by 2027.


"If we had to mobilise this base to support nuclear powered submarines from HMAS Stirling tomorrow, all of the big key building blocks are already in place," he said.


He reiterated Mr Conroy's words that the radioactive waste would be insignificant.


"It is consistent with by-products from over 100 locations around Australia, such as hospitals, and universities and research centres," he said.


"So in that context, this is business as usual for Australia, but everything with nuclear powered submarines attached to it seems to take on a different context."


ARPANSA received 165 submissions about the waste and workshop facility proposal during a 30-day consultation period, but has not made them publicly available.


The facility will also need separate approvals for construction and operation.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.21273998   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Julian Assange's wife Stella posts first family photo since husband's release


Caitlin Rawling - 23 July 2024


Julian Assange's wife Stella has shared the first photo of the WikiLeaks founder and their children all together since his release from a British prison in June.


Ms Assange posted the photo on Instagram with her, her husband and their two children Gabriel, 7, and Max, 5, posing on the beach together.


It is unclear when and where the photograph was taken.


Last month, she told media how her husband planned to spend his early days once he was back with his family.


"Julian plans to swim in the ocean every day, he plans to sleep in a real bed, he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom," she said.


Earlier this month, Ms Assange shared a photo of her and her husband on Instagram with the caption, "Free! #AssangeFree".


On June 26, Assange pleaded guilty to the United States charge of Conspiracy to Obtain and Disclose National Defense Information.


The charge was dealt with in Saipan in the US territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, where he was sentenced to 62 months in prison, but was allowed to return to Australia a free man due to time previously served.


Assange had spent five years in the UK's Belmarsh prison fighting moves to extradite him to the US in relation to the WikiLeaks publications.


He had previously spent seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London fighting moves to extradite him to Sweden for questioning over rape allegations, saying he was concerned he would be extradited to the US if he went to Sweden in person.


The investigation was eventually dropped in 2019, with prosecutors citing insufficient evidence to proceed.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 3:12 a.m. No.21274018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Federal Police charge man for allegedly trafficking Indonesian girl to Sydney to work in brothels


Lia Harris - 23 July 2024


A man has been charged with recruiting a teenager from Indonesia to work in Sydney brothels as part of what authorities say is an international sex trafficking ring.


Australian Federal Police (AFP) claim to have removed at least seven potential victims from sexual exploitation following a 20-month investigation into the alleged syndicate operating between Australia and Indonesia.


A 43-year-old Arncliffe man has been charged with one count of trafficking children and is accused of facilitating the transportation of a 17-year-old girl from Indonesia to Sydney to engage in sex work.


Authorities also allege he was the "principal" in the criminal operation.


AFP officers have been working with Indonesian authorities since December 2022 after receiving intelligence about a trafficking ring forcing young women into sexual servitude in Sydney brothels.


Officers searched several properties in Sydney's south-west in March this year, where they allegedly found several foreign nationals who were identified as potential victims of human trafficking.


AFP Commander Kate Ferry said she was "confident we have disrupted the criminal syndicate".


"This result is a testament to our resolve and the resolve of the Australian Federal Police to stop the exploitation of vulnerable women being trafficked into Australia for sexual exploitation," Commander Ferry said.


"We understand it can be incredibly difficult for vulnerable victims to come forward, and we want to assure them that there is help and protection available."


Police search homes in Indonesia


Indonesian authorities also executed a search warrant at the Jakarta home of a woman suspected of being a recruiter for the criminal group, where they allegedly found the passports of other women due to travel to Australia.


She was also charged with human trafficking and will face court in Jakarta.


"If these women had been trafficked and had arrived in Australia, they would've been placed under similar conditions," Commander Ferry said.


In May 2024, authorities raided another three brothels across Sydney, where they found another nine women alleged to be engaged in sex work in violation of their visa conditions.


Officers also found evidence during the search warrants which led them to another Sydney woman, who was allegedly fraudulently enrolling students at an educational facility to prolong the victims' stay in Australia.


She is being held at the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre.


The Arncliffe man is due to face Downing Centre local Court on Tuesday.


Authorities have not ruled out making further arrests.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21274077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4085

The children for sale – and the Australians who exploit them


Clare Sibthorpe, Daniel Ceng and Aram Lascano - JULY 23, 2024




Warning: This story contains distressing content.


Olongapo: Anna* dreams of becoming an astronaut when she grows up. “I want to go to the moon,” the 12-year-old murmured as she stared down at her interlaced hands inside a children’s rescue shelter three hours north-west of the Philippines’ capital, Manila.


The moon is worlds away from the province of Bulacan, where Anna and her two younger cousins – aged 11 and 8 – were sexually abused by their parents and two uncles. Their offenders arranged for Western foreigners to purchase live-stream viewings of the crimes and watch from thousands of kilometres away for their sick sexual gratification.


Shamefully, Australian predators are major contributors to the dark and disturbing trade.


The children were told the acts were needed to pay for food, clothes and school.


International law enforcement alerted local authorities to the abuse and the three cousins were sent to the People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation (Preda), where they have spent more than two years trying to heal from a type of pain no child should ever understand, let alone feel.


The phones used to record the abuse were traced to their parents, who are detained awaiting trial and their uncles, who fled and are at large.


The Philippines is the global epicentre of the live-stream child sexual abuse trade, according to the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund.


According to the 2022 Disrupting Harm Study conducted by UNICEF, ECPAT International and Interpol, 20 per cent of internet-using Filipino children aged 12 to 17 were subjected to online abuse and exploitation, representing an estimated 2 million children.


Statistics show Australia is among the leading countries feeding the demand. Rescue organisations say the issue has worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic began, when high internet usage combined with lockdowns created a thriving environment for online exploitation.


Behind each statistic is an innocent child who, in the majority of cases, has been abused by those they trusted the most, selling their bodies to Australians and other foreigners for as little as $20 per act of abuse.


How parents sell their kids to Australian paedophiles


Through a Filipino interpreter, Anna’s 11-year-old cousin Nicholas* told this masthead why he and his cousins were at Preda, which was established by Irish priest and four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Father Shay Cullen in 1974.


“Because our parents abused us,” Nicholas said. “I wish they would change”.


Despite having endured unimaginable suffering, the three cousins found many moments in their jungle-fringed sanctuary to smile, giggle and play.


Their favourite subjects ranged from science to English and they had earned several academic awards between them. They loved to swim, sing and play basketball. They each agreed, albeit shyly, that they were glad to have each other at their new home.


Amid a backdrop of mountains, the children filled the many rows of chairs for their Sunday gathering. Fittingly, Anna’s shirt read “wear whatever you want”.


Cullen introduced Preda’s three new children, who stood up, smiled and waved to the crowd.


“Our family is growing bigger and bigger every week,” he said.


There was a round of applause for a birthday boy. Then, Cullen began his homily in their native language. He spoke of every child’s right to dignity and safety.


“Who is the greatest?” Cullen asked.


“Children,” they chanted.


One teenager clutched her 12-month-old baby in her arms, cooling her face with a handheld fan. Another young girl played with her friend’s hair. Echoes of national Filipino melodies bounced off the walls before the service ended with a dance.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 3:41 a.m. No.21274085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095





Cullen founded Preda near the Philippines port city of Olongapo, once home to a major American navy base.


Raised in Dublin, Cullen had been assigned to a parish in the city and soon discovered it was an illegal prostitution hub between foreigners and Filipino women and girls. “I knew I had to do something to help,” he said.


Today, 58 child abuse victims live at the high-ceiling home, complete with colourful dorms, a playground and a library.


It is funded by Cullen’s mango pulp business and private donors. The children go to school, enjoy activities such as dancing and karate and undergo “emotional release therapy” where they let out their negative emotions in a room with padded walls and floors.


Cullen said victims scream about those who were meant to protect them so they can prepare to give evidence in court if required.


“All their lives, they were told, ‘silence is golden’, you know, don’t tell anyone, keep it to yourself, suffer in silence,” Cullen said. “And now they’re in a position where they can express it, let out all their pain and challenge their abuser.”


Over decades, many of the victims at Preda previously suffered abuse at the hands of locals and foreigners, including many Australians. Other perpetrators, as in the case of Anna and her cousins, watched the acts over the internet.


“Paedophiles have been coming to this country from Australia for many years,” Cullen said.


“Now, they usually work online; they prepare relationships with a parent or a pimp over the internet, send money in advance, and then many actually come here on a so-called holiday and meet up with the children and abuse them”.


One child, who had been at Preda for two years, was rescued from her home and sent to the shelter after authorities uncovered a sex den in which a dozen children – the youngest aged one – were sexually abused on camera in front of Australian men.


A Sydney-based airline ground crew worker in his 60s was among those arrested over the syndicate. His phone was searched by Border Force officials upon arriving back to Australia and found to contain child sex abuse material, which was traced back to the Philippines. Hundreds of transactions exceeding $100,000 were made to ­the country in exchange for the horrific content.


The child spent a year at the centre before being moved into the care of another relative by authorities.


‘Appalling and very disturbing’


Statistics reinforce what rescue shelters are seeing in the Philippines.


An International Justice Mission study, in partnership with the US Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and the Philippine InterAgency Council Against Trafficking, found Australia is the third most commonly reported nationality of ‘customers’ of online sexual exploitation of young adults and children in the Philippines.


Marie Michelle Quezon, child protection officer with UNICEF Philippines, pointed to a national Anti-Money Laundering Council report that found Australia has consistently ranked as the third-highest source of transactions, by both volume and value, related to online sexual abuse and exploitation of children, following the United States and the United Kingdom.


A study by the Australian Institute of Criminology found that 256 Australians spent $1.3 million to view live-streamed child sexual abuse of Filipino children over 13 years.


Quezon said many Filipino children have grown up in an environment where selling their bodies to foreigners online is “normalised”.


“It happens in a place where they should be safe in the comfort of their home,” she said. “It’s normalised for them to remove their clothes in front of the camera. It puts food on the table, and there is also the grooming aspect.”


One foreigner paid private school fees for a child in return for live-streamed abuse. Due to continuous grooming, another child wanted to write their offender a letter apologising for them being caught.


Poverty, poor education and “social norms” in their communities created challenges in breaking the cycle of abuse in the Philippines, Quezon said. She stressed concern over Australians exploiting this cycle for their own sexual desires.


“It’s actually appalling and very disturbing,” she said. “They’re not just perpetrators who are uneducated or have just this (small) amount of money.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 23, 2024, 3:45 a.m. No.21274095   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Quezon said reports of foreigners – including Australian men – grooming Filipino children since the pandemic had increased significantly, due to children and their families spending long periods online.


While the child protection system was overstretched, Quezon said UNICEF was working with Save the Children Philippines and The Asia Foundation to implement a six-year, $8 million Australian-government-funded program called SaferKidsPH.


Last year, the Philippine government also agreed to strengthen law enforcement tools and promote the use of videotaped evidence to prevent re-traumatising victims. Enforcing aspects of the law, however, had proved challenging.


Of the 20 convictions linked to Preda children each year on average, Cullen said many were due to his social workers helping children prepare statements to authorities and give evidence in court. “Every case we’ve won, we’ve done it ourselves,” he said.


While working in the background to bring more perpetrators to justice, Preda staff say most of their time is spent helping the children live normal lives.


On the ceiling of the shelter hall, Cullen hung pictures of the Milky Way because “children are the centre of the universe”.


They reminded Anna of her wish to make it to the moon.


Until then, she can focus on enjoying a childhood free from exploitation by those who brought her into this world and the men who demanded the abuse at the click of a button.


She does not need to worry about being a grown-up.


* Anna and Nicholas are not their real names


If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 2:42 a.m. No.21281231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1232 >>9210

‘False gods’: preaching against our democracy






Radical preachers and extremist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir have attacked Australia’s democracy and The Muslim Vote campaign, calling it a “shirk” and an insult to Allah, at sermons in southwest Sydney, the geographical heart of a community-led Muslim political movement.


Abu Ousayd, also known as Wissam Haddad, and Hizb ut-Tahrir’s Australian branch took to pulpits in Sydney’s Canterbury-Bankstown area on Friday to call Muslims in parliament “apostates” and order their followers to boycott elections.


They also criticised the Muslim Vote’s leadership for its historical deradicalisation efforts and current political participation, with Mr Ousayd signalling he wanted an ­alternative route to power where Muslims could make sharia the dominant form of law in Australia.


“The system is always going to fail if it is not Allah’s,” Mr Ousayd said.


“We want to get to a position where Muslims have power (so that) we can implement more of the (way) in sharia.”


Prominent Hizb ut-Tahrir member Wassim Doureihi told his own audience on Friday that it was “not conspiratorial” to suggest that mainstream leaders who led counter-extremist efforts during the height of ISIS – an effort he criticised – were democracy’s biggest supporters.


At Hizb ut-Tahrir’s headquarters in the electorate of Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke, Mr Doureihi slammed politicians as “criminals in suits” and called Muslim senator Fatima Payman the “white man’s Orientalist fantasy”.


“(The senator’s) experience has shown us that engaging in the political process is not an option for (the community),” he said, claiming Muslims would be at an “inevitable loss” if they took part.


Hizb ut-Tahrir is recognised as a terrorist organisation in Britain and Germany, although the Albanese government has resisted calls to do the same in Australia.


It comes amid – and stands in contrast to – The Muslim Vote, a community campaign spearheaded by respected Sheik Wesam Charkawi to oust Labor ministers across southwest Sydney and elect pro-Palestine independent candidates.


Senator Payman is not associated with any group or political ­alliance, including The Muslim Vote, and has previously said she would be an independent voice for Western Australia as a crossbencher after abandoning Labor over Palestine.


The Australian revealed how the Muslim Vote campaign had struggled to cement candidates it would endorse in target seats, but last week it ran two volunteer workshops, telling supporters that after a year of preparation it was “ready to launch”.


The Muslim Vote has electorally targeted Blaxland and Watson, held by Education Minister Jason Clare and Mr Burke respectively.


It is within those two electorates where Mr Ousayd and Mr Doureihi urged their separate congregations to shun the Muslim Vote and ballot box, but whose anti-democratic calls have since been condemned.


Mr Burke said Mr Ousayd’s al-Madina Dawah and Hizb ut-Tahrir were “fringe” and most of the electorate wouldn’t know of, hear or respond to their words.


“Australia is a strong democracy and that’s a good thing … Attempts to undermine our democracy stand condemned,” he said.


Mr Clare has previously criticised the “hateful” rhetoric of Mr Ousayd, who told his Blaxland electorate audience sharia was “perfect in every way” while tricksters peddled democracy.


“Every four years they come to us with a new magic trick to convince you to take part in the shirk of democracy,” Mr Ousayd said.


(Shirk is sin in the Islamic faith, broadly meaning polytheism.)


“Sharia (law) is the greatest … there is no need for it to be changed or compromised.”


Although the al-Madina Dawah Centre and Hizb ut-Tahrir are not linked, one of the organisations’ regular speakers, preacher Mohammed Trad, joined the anti-democratic chorus, calling democracy “an illusion” and voting “delusional”.


He is not the same person as a leader of the same name who works for the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.


On Friday, Mr Ousayd – who has boasted of his friendship with men who fought for ISIS – said democracy “opposed Allah”.


“If (a Muslim) enters parliament and is sworn in … they ­become apostates,” he said.


“Prime ministers are false gods … (we should) not join and not vote.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 2:43 a.m. No.21281232   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Mr Ousayd, who is the subject of a racial vilification complaint at the Australian Human Rights Commission, criticised The Muslim Vote’s leadership, claiming that “wicked scholars” were trying to “whisper doubts” to young Muslim voters.


At Hizb ut-Tahrir’s event, Mr Doureihi warned democracy could “not be an option” for the Muslim community.


“They (politicians) look down on sharia, they want to secularise us,” he said, claiming that democracy could do “serious harm” and was “violently concocted” in ­Europe.


“If any Muslim engages in the political process, do you think by that point they are still carrying Islam? Or that there’s anything meaningful left in their Islam?”


Mr Doureihi said Muslim representation in parliament was ­“tokenistic” and “hollow”, pointing to Senator Payman’s suspension and resignation.


“Your job as a Muslim MP is to smile at the cameras, but don’t think that you have any contribution,” he said.


“That’s not your job … (it is so the government) can lie that they accept people of all backgrounds.”


He criticised mainstream ­Islamic leaders who had been prominent in countering violent extremism; Sheik Charkawi, for example, played a key community deradicalisation role at the height of ISIS.


Mr Doureihi said it was “no conspiracy” that those same ­people were supportive of democracy. “Those people leading efforts then are now at the forefront of trying to get Muslims engaged in democracy,” he said.


He alleged a “pillar” of counter-extremism efforts was “inclusion in the democratic process”, a method he claimed sought to usurp Islam with elected politicians.


Mr Ousayd and his centre, and Hizb ut-Tahrir’s Australia-based group, remain on the fringes, ­although both have large social-media followings and speak regularly to substantial crowds.


In 2022, Labor’s Ed Husic and Anne Aly became the first Muslim federal ministers in Australian history while NSW Emergency Services Minister Jihad Dib was sworn in on the Koran upon ­appointment last year, also a historic first.


Hizb ut-Tahrir have re-emerged into the public sphere after the October 7 attacks in Israel, notably as part of pro-Palestine university camps.


Mr Doureihi’s rejection of democracy aligns with Hizb ut-Tahrir’s, which released a statement claiming Muslim participation in recent British and upcoming American elections would give those systems false legitimacy.


But it stands in contrast to other Hizb ut-Tahrir supporters, including its regular speaker Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun, who called October 7 a day of “victory” and has expressed his support for The Muslim Vote.


Group activist Mohammad ­Alwahwah told a Lakemba crowd last month that great mass movements never came at the ballot box. “(Large) movements were never gained by voting … (but) through mass movement of ­people on the ground,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.21281263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1268 >>8833 >>8864 >>8877 >>8278 >>4276

Olympics 2024: Nine’s Olympic staff attacked in Paris during attempted robbery; police investigate alleged gang rape


Marta Pascual Juanola, Jordan Baker and Chip Le Grand - July 23, 2024




Paris: Two members of Nine’s Olympics broadcast team have escaped serious injury after they were attacked during an attempted robbery on the outskirts of Paris on Monday.


The pair were walking to their accommodation in the municipality of Le Bourget, north-east of Paris, when a group of people attempted to snatch one of their backpacks late on Monday afternoon, Paris time.


The tech workers were allegedly assaulted in the scuffle that ensued but managed to pull themselves to safety. The alleged attack has been reported to the police.


Nine, owner of this masthead, has about 200 staff in Paris working on its Olympic Games coverage across television, radio and publishing.


The incident, which was confirmed by two sources familiar with the assault who asked not to be named, is the second violent attack against Australians in 48 hours after a woman was allegedly gang-raped in a popular Parisian nightlife district in the early hours of Sunday morning, Paris time.


News of the alleged sexual assault prompted security advisers for the Australian Olympic Committee to reiterate their advice to athletes against travelling alone and wearing their Olympic uniforms while out in Paris.


Australia’s chef de mission Anna Meares said she had been informed about the case.


“It sounds horrific,” she said. “Obviously, our hearts go out to the woman involved, and we hope she’s been cared for and supported in the trauma that she’s experienced.”


The 25-year-old woman said she was raped by five men before finding refuge at a kebab restaurant on Saturday night, police sources told local publication Le Figaro.


The attack was said to have taken place at the Boulevard de Clichy, a famous street in the 18th arrondissement near the Moulin Rouge nightclub.


Meares said she hadn’t received any feedback from athletes that they had felt unsafe. The advice to wear plain clothes outside the village came from team security.


“[The] information we’re passing on to our athletes is that security presence is really high, and that’s in order for them to be able to act as quickly as possible to keep them safe,” Meares told reporters in Paris.


“We are encouraging them if they go out of the village not to go out on their own, not to wear team uniform, just to wear plain clothes. We are waiting on further information on the actual case itself.”


A witness who did not want to be identified said he provided assistance to the woman outside the kebab restaurant before first responders arrived at the scene about 5am (Paris time).


“I will never forget it,” he said.


Police are currently reviewing CCTV footage of the area and will meet with the owners of the restaurant this afternoon.


The tree-lined boulevard in the district of Montmartre is a popular nightlife destination and home of the famous cabaret the Moulin Rouge. The street is dotted with bars, restaurants, fast-food outlets, adult shops, and cabarets.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:01 a.m. No.21281268   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In a statement, the Paris prosecutor’s office said it had started an investigation into the alleged “gang rape likely to have been committed on the night of July 19 to 20”. No arrests have been made.


“A woman born in … 1998 in Australia reported the facts in taking refuge in a restaurant in the 18th arrondissement, where she was taken care of by the firefighters,” the statement read.


The woman did not speak French and was found wandering outside the kebab shop, local publication Le Figaro reported. Police were told her dress was inside out.


Local police officers and a fire crew took the woman to the nearby Bichat-Claude Bernard hospital.


A police source with knowledge of the case said the woman wasn’t able to provide details about the place and circumstances of the alleged assault and was reluctant to formally report it to the police because she had been planning to return to Australia over the weekend.


“Despite all the obstacles, investigators will do everything possible to quickly identify these people and send them to justice,” police said.


“Several investigation techniques will be used along with technical and scientific police.”


‘Terrible and shocking news’


Games organisers expressed shock at the alleged rape, which allegedly occurred in a popular tourist area, less than a week before the opening ceremony, at a time when additional police and private security have flooded into Paris to keep the Olympic city safe.


Paris 2024 spokeswoman Anne Descamps extended sympathy to the 25-year-old woman.


“We heard this terrible news and shocking news,” Descamps said. “We have been working over the last years in order to ensure the wellbeing, the security of all those people who will come to Paris in the coming weeks and we will continue to work with the authorities in order to provide to all the spectators, the stakeholders, the best security we can provide in France.


“Regarding this terrible situation we can just say that we heard about it and felt very sorry about this situation.”


Since 2019, Paris 2024 has sought advice from an expert committee on sexual discrimination and violence to prepare all Games workers, including an army of 45,000 volunteers, to respond to any attacks against women.


Marie Barsacq, the Paris 2024 director of impact and legacy, said police and other security working at or near Games venues were briefed every morning how to support victims of sexual violence.


She said Paris 2024 had partnered with France Victim, a national support organisation for victims of sexual discrimination and violence, to advise workers how to respond to any alleged incidents or attacks at Olympic venues.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:21 a.m. No.21281320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1323 >>8861

>>20895231 (pb)

‘Harassment’: Brittany Higgins’ defence revealed


STEPHEN RICE - 23 July 2024


Brittany Higgins has doubled down on her attack on former ­defence minister Linda Reynolds, alleging her former boss “engaged in a campaign of harassment” against her, including providing confidential information to the media, newly ­released court documents reveal.


Ms Higgins’ amended defence to Senator Reynolds’ defamation claim, filed in the West Australian Supreme Court, amplifies her allegations that she was the victim of an attempted cover-up, stating she felt under pressure not to make a complaint “in the interests of the Liberal Party” in the lead up to an election.


In his judgment in the Lehrmann defamation case this year, judge Michael Lee found, on the balance of probabilities, that Bruce Lehrmann raped Ms Higgins, but expressly rejected her claims that Senator Reynolds was involved in a cover-up of the assault. Mr Lehrmann has lodged an appeal.


Senator Reynolds is now suing Ms Higgins over a series of social media posts she says defamed her.


In her statement of claim Senator Reynolds said the posts were published to further a plan by Ms Higgins and her now-husband David Sharaz to use the allegations that Senator Reynolds had been involved in a political cover-up as a weapon to inflict immediate political damage on her.


Senator Reynolds has added a new pleading of tortious conspiracy to her defamation claim. Anthony Albanese’s closest confidantes, Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong, were drip-fed false information by Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz as part of a larger plan to destroy Senator Reynolds’ career and take down the Morrison government, the senator alleged.


Mr Sharaz also organised meetings between Ms Higgins and Labor MPs to discuss her rape allegations, the documents say, including then opposition leader Mr Albanese and Tanya Plibersek, as well as former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd.


However, Ms Higgins does not address dozens of pages of particulars provided by Senator Reynolds, simply stating that she “denies the allegations”. Ms Higgins claims in her amended defence that Senator Reynolds “mishandled the aftermath of the incident” and failed to support her.


She claims Senator Reynolds sought to dissuade her from speaking further with her about the ­alleged assault “by telling her she was not the right person to be talking to about it”; had minimised the incident by telling her “that this is something women go through”; and had then referred to the upcoming election.


Senator Reynolds had “placed pressure” on her, Ms Higgins said, by asking her whether she was going to report the matter to police, and saying if she was, she should let the minister know.


In a seemingly contradictory claim, Ms Higgins points out that Senator Reynolds had also asked her chief of staff Fiona Brown to report the incident to the Australian Federal Police without asking Ms Higgins if she wanted to.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:22 a.m. No.21281323   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ms Higgins’ defence contains a series of allegations that Senator Reynolds “engaged in a campaign of harassment” against her by leaking confidential material relating to the mediation of her compensation claim against the federal government and by questioning the claim.


Ms Higgins claims Senator Reynolds provided correspondence related to the mediation to The Australian, citing a story in the newspaper revealing that the Albanese government muzzled Senator Reynolds in her defence against Ms Higgins’ multimillion-dollar lawsuit, threatening to tear up an agreement to pay the MP’s legal fees and any costs awarded unless she agreed not to attend a mediation.


Ms Higgins complains that Senator Reynolds gave an interview to The Australian detailing how she had, in fact, supported the young woman, “notwithstanding the defendant had given sworn testimony to the effect that she was not and did not feel appropriately supported”.


Ms Higgins alleges Senator Reynolds provided an internal ­departmental document to The Australian that resulted in a story entitled “Brittany Higgins’ compensation payout clouded by ­‘secret’ email, which “raised further questions about the settlement reached between the Commonwealth and the defendant”.


In her response to Ms Higgins' filed pleadings, Ms Reynolds ­denies any harassment, and says that she was entitled to deal with her own private documents as she saw fit, and that she is entitled to question “the circumstances of the defendant’s personal injury claim against the Commonwealth in circumstances where such a claim was founded on matters that were disputed by the plaintiff”.


In her amended statement of claim, Senator Reynolds said she “suffered physical and mental harm” including a pre-existing but undiagnosed cardiac condition and had previously been diagnosed with mild anxiety and depression, which were exacerbated as a result of the social media posts. She continued to take medication for anxiety and periodically visited a psychiatrist.


The case is set down for trial on August 2.


Ms Higgins claimed this week that she had been forced to sell her house in France in order to defend herself in the defamation case, as “the unspeakably high price” of speaking out on sexual assault.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:30 a.m. No.21281339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21054473 (pb)

Major Labor backflip as ASIO chief Mike Burgess is reinstated as a permanent member of the National Security Committee less than two years after his removal


Olivia Caisley - July 24, 2024


Australian spy chief Mike Burgess has been reinstated as a permanent member of the National Security Committee after initially being removed just six months into the Albanese government’s first term.


Sky News can reveal Labor has backflipped on its decision for the ASIO Director-General to only consult on national security matters on a case-by case-basis, restoring his permanent position.


It’s understood this change was made only recently and comes amid an explosion in espionage and foreign interference in Australia.


The Albanese government was roundly criticized for initially diluting Mr Burgess’ contribution to the grouping, which makes decisions on the most urgent and highest risk national security matters, although it never publicly confirmed the change after it was revealed by Sky News host Sharri Markson.


A heavily redacted freedom of information request, obtained by Sky News, shows the change happened as early as January of last year.


The FOI shows the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus wrote to Mr Burgess on January 9, 2023, thanking him for his contribution.


“On behalf of the Prime Minister, I want to thank you for your contributions to this committee throughout 2022,” he wrote.


“I look forward to your contribution through co-option to relevant matters at this committee as they arise in the future.”


Under the decision, both Mr Burgess and Australian Secret Intelligence Service Director-General Kerri Hartlan were officially removed as permanent members.


Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson told Sky News the backflip was an admission of guilt by the government.


“The Albanese Government should never have removed any of our intelligence agency heads from the national security committee,” he said.


“It’s welcome they have finally come to their senses although only after their recklessness was publicly exposed. Our national security has been damaged by this episode and the Prime Minister should take responsibility, publicly explain his change of heart, and apologise.”


Just last month Mr Burgess was reappointed Director-General of Security and will serve an additional five-year term.


Under the Coalition, the head of ASIO and ASIS were permanent members of the National Security Committee of Cabinet - giving classified advice on issues affecting our security and sovereignty.


Labor will now follow suit.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21281355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Australia confident Trump will back AUKUS sub deal after talks with his camp


Lewis Jackson - July 24, 2024


SYDNEY, July 24 (Reuters) - Australia Defence Minister Richard Marles said on Wednesday Canberra is confident a re-elected Donald Trump will back the AUKUS security alliance and associated nuclear submarine sales after talks with his camp


The possibility of a Trump victory in the November presidential election has U.S. allies around the world scrambling to divine and prepare for his diplomatic agenda, including his take on the A$368 billion ($243 billion) AUKUS deal to help Australia acquire nuclear powered submarines and deter China in the Pacific.


The deal includes the sale of three to five U.S. nuclear-powered Virginia Class submarines in the 2030s, a time when the U.S. fleet will shrink to a historic low. Some fear Trump's America First stance could hew to voices in Congress who want the submarines reserved for the U.S. navy instead.


But conversations with the Trump camp had given Australia confidence he would honour the deal should he win the presidency again, Marles said in an interview on Sky News.


"Every engagement we've had with the Trump camp in the normal process of speaking with people on both sides of politics in America, there is support for what is playing out in relation to AUKUS," he said.


"We do have a sense of confidence, irrespective of what occurs in November of this year, we can firstly look forward to the alliance being as strong as ever and secondly that the equities that we have in that alliance, AUKUS front and center, will be maintained"


Marles also pointed to the passage of AUKUS legislation last December, which he said was supported by Republicans, including those associated with Trump. ($1 = 1.5168 Australian dollars)

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 24, 2024, 3:52 a.m. No.21281383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9243


Navy chief Vice Admiral Mark Hammond say AUKUS doesn’t mean war with China over Taiwan is inevitable


Jake Dietsch - 24 July 2024


The AUKUS agreement will not automatically drag Australia into a war to defend Taiwan, the ADF’s navy boss has declared.


Chief of navy Vice Admiral Mark Hammond spoke on stage with his counterparts — US Admiral Lisa Franchetti and UK Admiral Sir Ben Key — at day one of the Indian Ocean Conference on Wednesday.


The three admirals represent each nation in the trilateral AUKUS agreement that will see rotations of nuclear-powered submarines visit Australia from 2027.


Australia will acquire the vessels in the 2030s.


The agreement is largely seen as an effort to deter and contain an increasingly belligerent China, whose leadership has a long-held goal of annexing Taiwan.


When asked if AUKUS meant Australia would inevitably be “dragged” into a conflict over the island-nation, Admiral Hammond replied sharply: “No.”


“Any participation by Australian Defence Force in any conflict, anywhere on the planet is a sovereign decision of the Australian Government, so no,” he continued.


“We operate ships that have been designed and built overseas. It doesn’t leave our sovereign decision making to those foreign governments.”


Admiral Franchetti agreed that “every nation is a sovereign nation” but said it was the military’s job to “provide options” for elected politicians and to be “ready to respond and deliver on those options”.


Asked about the stability of the AUKUS agreement if Donald Trump returned to the White House in January 2025, the admiral said she was “confident” it would continue regardless of the election outcome.


“We’ve got deep roots. The seeds were planted a long time ago and we’re continuing to water that AUKUS plant and it is continuing to grow strongly,” Admiral Franchetti said.


“I’m confident that we are going to move forward with AUKUS.”


The conference began a day after the UK’s new head of army General Sir Roland Walker made explosive remarks, claiming an “axis of upheaval” — comprised of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea — meant the nation had to be ready for war in three years.


Gen. Walker said this involved doubling the army’s fighting power by 2027 and tripling it by 2030.


Admiral Key jokingly avoided answering if he agreed with the assessment, saying the different time zone meant he had not seen the script of the general’s speech.


But he agreed that the world was becoming “less certain, with greater potential for instability” and that defence forces were obligated to ensure capabilities were “robust”.


“I quite like the challenge he set the British Army,” Admiral Key said.


“That doesn’t mean changing the size (of the army), it’s a mindset. It’s making sure that you’re optimising what you’ve got available.”


A group of anti-war protesters outside the conference claimed the event was celebrating weapons used in Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.


WA Defence Industry Minister Paul Papalia responded to the claims, saying enhancing Australia’s defence was a “noble effort”.


“This is the biggest uplift in defence capability in the nation’s history,” he said.


“It is a good thing. And it is a necessary thing in this dangerous world as Australia improves its defence capability.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 2:44 a.m. No.21289111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>6615 >>6698 >>3501 >>2183 >>2328 >>2364 >>8755 >>8817 >>4337 >>0177 >>0182 >>5788 >>4209 >>5045 >>5057 >>9406 >>6901 >>9197 >>9264 >>3290 >>9994 >>1961

>>21136534 (pb)

Labor targets Israeli settlers for travel bans, financial sanctions


BEN PACKHAM - 25 July 2024




The Albanese government has slapped financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israeli settlers and a Jewish youth group linked to beatings and sexual assault of Palestinians in the West Bank.


Penny Wong announced the sanctions on Thursday morning, declaring settler violence was inflaming tensions within the country and undermining the prospect of a two-state solution.


“The individuals sanctioned today have been involved in violent attacks on Palestinians,” the Foreign Minister said.


“This includes beatings, sexual assault and torture of Palestinians resulting in serious injury and in some cases, death.”


Anthony Albanese said the sanctions were “the right thing to do”, warning West Bank settlements were illegal and an impediment to peace.


The move, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed “total victory” against Hamas in Gaza, follows a ruling by the UN’s International Court of Justice last week demanding Israel end its occupation of the Palestinian territories and make reparations for its “internationally wrongful acts”.


The US, the EU, Japan, France, the UK, New Zealand and Canada have all sanctioned Israeli settlers in recent months, although the individuals targeted have varied.


Labor has taken a much harder line on Israel than the Coalition amid the ongoing war in Gaza, backing Palestinian statehood in a UN vote and condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “illegal”.


The following individuals will be banned from travelling to Australia and have any Australian assets frozen: Yinon Levi, Zvi Bar Yousef, Neria Ben Pazi, Elisha Yered, David Chai Chasdai, Einan Tanjil, and Meir Ettinger.


The government also sanctioned Hilltop Youth, a religious youth group dedicated to establishing settler outposts throughout the West Bank.


Senator Wong said: “We call on Israel to hold perpetrators of settler violence to account and to cease its ongoing settlement activity, which only inflames tensions and further undermines stability and prospects for a two-state solution.”


The sanctions were imposed under Australia’s Magnitsky sanctions framework, which are modelled on US laws that were named after slain Russian accountant Sergei Magnitsky.


Australia has previously used Magnitsky sanctions to target human rights abusers from Russia, Iran and Myanmar. But it is yet to use the framework to target any Chinese nationals involved in human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Tibet or Hong Kong, or use cyber provisions in the laws to punish Chinese hackers.


Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson condemned settler violence as a “criminal act”, and reaffirmed the opposition’s support for a two-state solution to violence in Israel.


But he said the government’s decision to sanction the Israelis stood in contrast to its refusal to use the Magnitsky sanctions framework to take a stand against Chinese wrongdoers.


“The Albanese government should explain why in two years they have not joined any of our like-minded partners including the US, UK, Canada and the European Union in any sanction on a Chinese government official for serious human rights abuses in Xinjiang nor any of the repeated cyber attacks on our democratic institutions, government departments or critical infrastructure,” Senator Paterson said.


“When in Opposition, Senator Wong called on the Morrison government to use the Magnitsky sanctions for Xinjiang. Now that she has the power to do so, the Foreign Minister has failed to.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 2:45 a.m. No.21289112   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council executive director Colin Rubenstein said the government’s focus on Israeli settlements as an obstacle to peace was “misplaced, and part of a wider pattern of false moral equivalence”.


“The settlements did not prevent Israel three times offering the Palestinians a state on generous terms, offers the Palestinians rejected absolutely,” Dr Rubenstein said.


“While Israel arrests and prosecutes those responsible for settler violence, the Palestinian Authority celebrates and financially rewards terrorism. The government should focus on countering the Palestinian rejectionism that has always been the major obstacle to a two-state peace.”


Amnesty International said the sanctions should be matched by greater Australian pressure against Israel “to end its occupation of Palestinian Territories”.


“Following the International Court of Justice’s opinion delivered Friday 19th July 2024, the Australian government is now obliged under international law to take unequivocal action to ensure Israel ends its unlawful occupation in full, including dismantling its brutal system of apartheid against Palestinians,” Amnesty International spokesman Ry Atkinson said.


“The moral case against Israel’s violent occupation of Palestinian Territories has long been established, with Amnesty International and other groups documenting decades of human rights abuses perpetrated by the Israeli government and military.”


In a combative speech to the US Congress on Thursday AEST, Mr Netanyahu said Israel and the US must stand together to defeat Hamas and other Iranian-backed groups.


He slammed opponents of the war in Gaza as “Iran’s useful idiots”, saying Tehran was responsible for almost all the sectarian killings in the Middle East.


“Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory,” Mr Netanyahu told the US House of Representatives.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 3:01 a.m. No.21289176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9182

>>20789187 (pb)

>>20899413 (pb)

AFP crackdown on activists wearing terrorist symbols at pro-Palestine rallies






Disturbing images of activists and children wearing clothing items emblazoned with terrorist insignia at pro-Palestine rallies across the country have been referred by Victoria Police to the Australian Federal Police.


The Australian has obtained evidence of children wearing Hamas-style logos at a Melbourne protest led by prominent activist and restaurateur Hash Tayeh, who is being investigated for inciting hatred after declaring all Zionists were terrorists.


Victoria Police said it had referred the images of terrorist symbols being worn in public rallies to the AFP. “Appropriate referrals have been made to AFP. We are unable to provide specific comments on every clothing item,” a police spokesperson said.


The Australian has approached the AFP for comment.


During a rally in Melbourne on Sunday, one child could be seen wearing a Hamas-style headband with “I love chocolate” written across it.


Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe previously sparked outrage after donning the insignia in a now deleted social media post.


Pro-Palestine activists in Melbourne were previously spotted displaying and wearing Hezbollah and Hamas emblems, despite criminal legislation outlawing the usage of the two terror groups' symbols.


The Australian understands printing business Free Palestine Printing was responsible for selling merchandise with Hamas emblems. One design appeared to feature a Hamas member wearing the terror group’s associated headband, while boycott-Israel stickers, signs reading “Zionism is Terrorism” and a colouring book for children with maps of Israel replaced with Palestine were also on display.


They appear to be sold exclusively at rallies.


It is illegal to purchase, display or distribute terrorist symbols under Australian law, with offenders facing up to one year in prison.


During the July 21 protest, Mr Tayeh was pictured addressing the crowd while a child, wearing a Hamas-style headband and had an upside down red triangle painted on his face to resemble a Hamas target, stood next to him.


The Australian understands the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions will decide whether to press charges against Mr Tayeh for inciting hatred against Australian Jewish people.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 3:02 a.m. No.21289182   🗄️.is 🔗kun





It comes after Mr Tayeh was questioned by Victoria Police over the possibility of infringing hate speech.


The founder of the Burgertory Burgers restaurant chain told The Australian he was prepared to fight the prosecution if charges were made.


“The police asked me, what if someone was saying all Muslims were terrorists, would you be offended? I said Of course, but it’s not the same thing. If someone said all ISIS were terrorists then that’s comparable,” Mr Tayeh said.


“I’m not saying all Jews are terrorists, I’m saying all Zionists are.


“I think by saying all Zionists are Jews people are being anti-Semitic themselves, because you’re saying all Jews support your ideology when they don’t. There’s a lot of people that practice Judaism.”


The Islamic Council of Victoria said Mr Tayeh was subjected to a vicious “smear campaign”.


“Hash is not anti-Semitic and so the Zionist cheer squad are manufacturing a libelous narrative that his strident criticism of Israel and Zionism are attempts to stir up hatred against jews,” ICV said in a statement.


Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin called the protest a show of thuggery.


“Virtually all Jews are Zionists given that Zionism simply refers to support for a Jewish homeland in our ancestral lands. Anti-Israel activists know attacking Zionists is an effective way to marginalise and intimidate our community while absurdly claiming they have no ill will towards Jews,” Mr Ryvchin said.


“It also shows the spectacular inversion that is taking place where those who support anti-Semitic terrorist organisations have the chutzpah to call their victims terrorists.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 3:08 a.m. No.21289210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No terror listing for Hizb ut-Tahrir




The Albanese government is not considering listing Hizb ut-Tahrir as a terrorist organisation despite the extremist group having praised Hamas for the October 7 attack and revelations its leaders are calling for sharia law to be introduced across Australia.


Radical preachers and Hizb ut-Tahrir attacked Australia’s democracy and The Muslim Vote campaign at sermons in southwest Sydney last week, where they told attendees “we want to get to a position where Muslims have power” so that sharia law could be implemented.


The Australian revealed Abu Ousayd told a congregation “prime ministers are false gods … (and we should) not join and not vote”, while prominent Hizb ut-Tahrir member Wassim Doureihi said democracy could “not be an option” for the Muslim community. The comments follow the group expressing support for Hamas and openly backing the killing of ex-Muslims.


A spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said the government would await advice from security agencies and did not commit to listing Hizb ut-Tahrir as a terror organisation.


“Our intelligence and security agencies are constantly monitoring all threats to safety in our country and if they make a recommendation about listing a group or taking any other kind of action our government will take advice on those recommendations,” the spokesman said.


Despite not moving to list the group as a terror organisation, the government spokesman said Hizb ut-Tahrir represented “fringe views” that did not reflect those of the wider Muslim community.


Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said Hizb ut-Tahrir should be listed as a terror group.


He said the views expressed by Hizb ut-Tahrir were dangerous and could lead to further extremism. “Democracies are fragile and can fracture, even in countries like Australia with a proud democratic history. It’s critical that we channel people’s legitimate aspirations for policy change through the political system,” he said.


“It is dangerous to tell any part of our community that they can’t be heard through the democratic process because that fosters disenfranchisement and that can lead to extremism. Political leaders should call out this toxic behaviour whenever it arises.”


Hizb ut-Tahrir’s criticism of democracy represented an attack not only on the government, but the teal-style movement, The Muslim Vote, which seeks to galvanise Muslim constituents behind independents who are pro-Palestinian and reflect the communities’ view. “If (a Muslim) enters parliament and is sworn in … they ­become apostates,” Mr Ousayd said.


The Muslim Vote takes its name from the UK political movement that cost the Labour Party several seats at the election.


Mr Doureihi said politicians were “criminals in suits” and called Muslim senator Fatima Payman the “white man’s Orientalist fantasy”.


“(The senator’s) experience has shown us that engaging in the political process is not an option for (the community),” he said.


Senator Payman resigned from the Labor Party last month after crossing the floor to vote with the Greens on a motion to recognise Palestinian statehood. It came after Senator Payman echoed the controversial chant of activists: “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.


Just one day after the sermons by Hizb ut-Tahrir members criticising democracy, the group hosted an event at Bankstown public library where its leaders said former Muslims should be executed.


Vision from the event, first broadcast by Seven News, shows leaders questioned whether they wanted to kill ex-Muslims, to which one replied “In Islam (it is) clear that apostates do attract capital punishment, we don’t shy away from that”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21289243   🗄️.is 🔗kun



UK First Sea Lord on AUKUS, Royal Navy in Asia Pacific and CSG deployments


Naval News


Jul 25, 2024


Interview with the UK Royal Navy's most senior sailor, First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Ben Key, on AUKUS, OPVs in Asia Pacific and Carrier Strike Group (CSG) deployments to the Indo Pacific.


This interview was recorded in July 2024 at the Indian-Ocean Defence and Security (IODS) conference held in Perth, Australia.


00:33 - Importance of AUKUS for the Royal Navy

01:30 - Progress made to date on AUKUS Pillar 1

03:11 - Astute SSN at HMAS Stirling as part of SRF West

03:50 - Royal Navy supporting the nuclear training of RAN personnel

04:51 - Contribution made by HMS Tamar and HMS Spey to security and surveillance in Asia Pacific

06:25 - The Royal Navy and French Navy coordinating the Indo Pacific deployment of their respective CSG.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 25, 2024, 3:22 a.m. No.21289280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump or Harris, the US-Australian relationship will be strong, says visiting governor


NOAH YIM - 24 July 2024


The US state of Indiana’s Republican governor, Eric Holcomb, says the Australia-US business relationship will “stand the test of time” regardless of which party wins power in the November election.


Mr Holcomb is visiting Australia to pitch Indiana to governments and businesses.


“I think that we all should have a high level of confidence that, regardless of any election outcome, the American-Australian relationship is going to be strong,” he told The Australian at the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre.


“And Indiana has a role in helping that along the way – by businesses investing here, and Australian businesses investing in America and in Indiana.


“And so part of my role is government to government, business to business, and people to people – those cultural exchanges, those strengthen that relationship along the way.”


Mr Holcomb said that investment was happening at an “all-time record level” in his state.


He said that he thought the US had proven “there’s still a place for statesmen … and definitely a place for civility”, and that these conditions had provided stability to create a “flywheel effect” in investment.


Mr Holcomb drew attention to Australian energy, defence, and advanced manufacturing industries as of particular interest for his state in light of new federal grants it had received.


“Australia has some talent that we think can be tapped that can turn into relationships that in turn into friendships,” he said.


These grants would see the creation of a hydrogen hub, a microelectronics hub, and a biotech manufacturing hub.


“We talked to Rux (Energy) yesterday, who’s really into hydrogen obviously and has a lead on that in some respects,” Mr Holcomb said.


“We seek to work with those who are pioneering in their respective fields – like Rux – and there are others that we’ve met with on this trip that are maybe out front in an area where we want to be partners with. And that requires you to look in Asia, it requires you to look in Europe, Australia.


“Indiana is an international hub. A lot of folks around the world think of America as the shores, we also think of ourselves as the core – we’re the number one manufacturing state per capita in America.


“So it’s in our DNA to make things and ship things, and we’re going after the economy that we want.


“Future-focused economies that are going to be strong 10 years, 20 years, 30 years down the road.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 26, 2024, 7:40 a.m. No.21296615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6641


Australia, Canada and NZ call for an immediate ceasefire to end catastrophic human suffering in Gaza


Stephanie Peatling - July 26, 2024




Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has joined with his counterparts from Canada and New Zealand to urge Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, saying they remain committed to a two-state solution as the “only realistic solution” to a lasting peace in the region.


As international frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to grow, the three leaders implored him to allow extra aid into the area, where about 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering.


“The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue,” Albanese said in a joint statement with New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxton and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released on Friday night.


“We remain unequivocal in our condemnation of Hamas for the atrocities of October 7 and ongoing acts of terror. Hamas must lay down its arms and release all hostages. We see no role for Hamas in the future governance of Gaza.


“An immediate ceasefire is needed desperately. Civilians must be protected, and a sustained increase in the flow of assistance throughout Gaza is needed to address the humanitarian situation.


“We fully stand behind the comprehensive ceasefire deal, outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the UN Security Council. We call on parties to the conflict to agree to the deal. Any delay will only see more lives lost.


“We are committed to working towards an irreversible path to achieving a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live securely within internationally recognised borders. This is the only realistic option to achieve a just and enduring peace.”


It is the third time the three leaders have come together to urge Israel to halt its operations in Gaza.


In a statement released in February, the group of leaders warned Israel against launching a ground operation in Gaza.


This followed the group’s first contribution in December in which they said they supported “urgent international efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire” and backed Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law.


Netanyahu this week addressed a joint-sitting of the United States Congress where he portrayed the war as a “clash between barbarism and civilisation”, labelled anti-Israel protesters as “Iran’s useful idiots” and called on the US to fast-track military weapons so his defence force could “finish the job faster”.


Netanyahu was invited to address the congress by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. The speech led to thousands of protesters marching towards the US Capitol, with some pepper-sprayed by police for breaching police lines, and others later burning the American flag at nearby Union Station.


On Thursday (US time), Netanyahu met with US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, with the vice president imploring the Israeli leader to accept a ceasefire deal that would pause the fighting in Gaza and release hostages.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 26, 2024, 7:45 a.m. No.21296641   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Netanyahu’s speech followed the Israeli army’s strike on several Houthi targets in western Yemen after a fatal drone attack by the rebel group in Tel Aviv which killed one person and wounded at least ten more.


The Israeli strikes last Sunday (AEST) appeared to be the first on Yemeni soil since the Israel-Hamas war began in October, and they threatened to open a new front in the region as Israel battles proxies of Iran.


A number of “military targets” were hit in the western port city of Hodeidah, a Houthi stronghold, the Israeli army said, adding that its attack was “in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the state of Israel in recent months.”


The Ministry of Health in Sanaa said that 80 people were wounded in a preliminary toll of the strikes in Hodeidah, most of them with severe burns.


Israel’s months-long bombing campaign and ground offensive in Gaza has killed almost 40,000 Palestinians since October, according to the local health ministry.


Almost 90 per cent of Gazans, about 1.9 million people, have been displaced while 495,000 are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.


The campaign was a response to Hamas’s October 7 attack, when the group killed 1200 people and took more than 200 hostages, according to the Israeli government.


In the statement released on Friday, Albanese, Luxon and Trudeau called on Israel to “respond substantively to the ICJ’s advisory opinion, and ensure accountability for ongoing acts of violence against Palestinians by extremist settlers, reverse the record expansion of settlements in the West Bank which are illegal under international law, and work towards a two-state solution”.


“We are gravely concerned about the prospect of further escalation across the region. We condemn Iran’s attack against Israel of April 13-14, call on Iran to refrain from further destabilising actions in the Middle East, and demand that Iran and its affiliated groups, including Hizballah, cease their attacks. We also condemn the Houthis’ ongoing reckless acts, including their indiscriminate drone attack in Tel Aviv and ongoing attacks on international shipping.”


Further hostilities risked putting tens of thousands of civilian lives in both Lebanon and Israel at risk, the leaders said.


The president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, Jeremy Liebler, said: “The government cannot have it both ways. It cannot simultaneously call for the dismantling of Hamas and demand that Israel unilaterally end the war in Gaza – thereby leaving Hamas in power and able to deliver on its promise to commit another ‘7 October’ attack on Israel.


“They are fundamentally incompatible demands. Hamas started this war, and is the reason it has not ended. The war would end tomorrow with the release of the hostages and the surrender of Hamas. Applying pressure on Israel to end the war unilaterally only serves to embolden Hamas and prolong the war.”


https://www.theage federal/australia-canada-and-new -zealand-call-for-an-immediate- ceasefire-to-end-catastrophic-human- suffering-in- gaza- 20240726- p5jwwv .html

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 26, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.21296698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3501 >>2328


Daniel Andrews doesn’t support Palestinian statehood at the moment, calls out ‘evil’ anti-Semitism




A lead organiser of Labor Friends of Palestine claims former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews is “out of step” over a declaration he made at a Melbourne synagogue that he currently does not support Palestinian statehood.


ALP member Peter Moss pointed to six motions relating to the war in Gaza that passed at the Victorian State Labor Conference in May to demonstrate how Mr Andrews was not representing the overwhelming view of the party.


“He’s out on an extreme limb with these comments,” Mr Moss told The Australian.


“It’s inconsistent with Labor values. Broadly we’re a party that stands up for certain values, ­respect for international law.


“(Recognition) is the minimum that Australia could do. It’s party policy, it’s overwhelmingly supported by members and I don’t think Daniel Andrews in any way represents the views of any significant part of the Labor Party.”


The former premier used the Melbourne launch of the Labor Friends of Israel at the Beth Israel synagogue in St Kilda on Thursday night to stress the importance of pushing back against “twisted logic” that brought legitimacy to terrorism.


“I do not at this time support a recognition of a Palestinian state. That is not to say that recognition of a Palestinian state is something that should never occur,” Mr ­Andrews told the congregation.


“But at this time, I do not ­believe that is a productive step forward. You can only have peace if you have a partner in this … there is an actively hostile opponent.”


Before outlining his views to the crowd, Mr Andrews drew on wisdom passed down to him: “My mother told me a long time ago, that when you speak, be sure and say something.


“I think that the atrocities of October 7 have been forgotten by too many and condemned by too few.


“We have not called out those who would seek to dismiss, that would seek to wash over that, and that is wrong.”


He said the conflict in the Middle East was “unspeakable” and condemned the rise in anti-­Semitism in Australia.


“If the light forward to peace and the way forward to a better future is to somehow let the rampant anti-Semitism slide, to stop pushing back and standing up against that, well, I won’t be part of that,” Mr Andrews said.


“We need to make it very clear that the anti-Semitism that we are seeing, that the Jewish community are experiencing today is evil, it’s pure evil.”


Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan backed her predecessor’s current stand on a two-state solution on Friday.


“The former premier’s comments were obviously in the form of everyone’s shared concern about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East,” Ms Allan said.


“As a consequence of that conflict in the Middle East, we’ve been working incredibly hard to support communities here in Victoria, particularly those communities who are experiencing horrific instances of anti-Semitic behaviour.


“In terms of Victoria’s position, it does match the federal position, which we do know that the ongoing work towards a two-state solution is the way that it can drive a stronger, more secure region.


“It is absolutely clear that is someway off, it is also clear that in any pathway to a two-state solution there should absolutely be no role for Hamas in that two-state solution.”


Former federal ALP minister and co-convener of Labor Friends of Israel Michael Kelly said Mr Andrews demonstrated “piercing intellect”.


“He’s always been prepared to speak out on these issues … It’s ­really another inspiration to the community that came in understanding they have such a powerful advocate in their corner,” Dr Kelly said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 26, 2024, 8:17 a.m. No.21296756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6770 >>2391 >>2444 >>2173 >>2994

US military, seeking strategic advantages, builds up Australia's northern bases amid China tensions


Kirsty Needham - July 26, 2024




DARWIN, July 26 (Reuters) - The U.S. military is building infrastructure in northern Australia to help it project power into the South China Sea if a crisis with China erupts, a Reuters review of documents and interviews with U.S. and Australian defence officials show.


Closer to the Philippines than Australia's east coast capital, Canberra, Darwin has long been a garrison town for the Australian Defence Force and a U.S. Marine Rotational Force that spends six months of each year there.


A few hundred kilometres to the south, RAAF Base Tindal is home to key elements of Australia's airpower, and was a temporary base for U.S. jets in recent exercises.


As northern Australia re-emerges as a strategically vital Indo-Pacific location amid rising tensions with China, the United States has quietly begun constructing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of facilities there to support B-52 bombers, F-22 stealth fighters, and refuelling and transport aircraft - all part of a larger effort to distribute U.S. forces around the region and make them less vulnerable.


"When you look at the positioning of northern Australia, particularly Darwin, in relation to the region … it's always good to have multiple options in where you would want to put your forces in any type of crisis," said Colonel Brian Mulvihill, commanding officer of the U.S. Marine Rotational Force.


Tender documents show that intelligence briefing rooms, upgraded runways for bombers, warehouses, data centres and maintenance hangars are in the works. Massive fuel storage facilities are already built, officials told Reuters on a rare visit to the two northern bases.


The projects, scheduled for construction in 2024 and 2025, make northern Australia the top overseas location for U.S. Air Force and Navy construction spending, with more than $300 million set aside under the U.S. congressional defence authorisations for those years.


There is more on the horizon: The U.S. Navy in June sought contractors for projects worth up to $2 billion to build wharves, runways, fuel storage and hangars in places including Australia's Cocos Islands, and neighbouring Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste, under a program to counter China.


China's defence ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Air Commodore Ron Tilley, the Royal Australian Air Force director-general of capital facilities and infrastructure, confirmed Washington was paying for the facilities at Darwin and Tindal, which would support U.S. operations.


"I don't believe the U.S. would be spending all this money on our northern bases if there wasn't an arrangement in place where they could use those facilities they are funding in times of conflict," he added.


Canberra has drawn closer to its top security ally, Washington, under the AUKUS pact to transfer U.S. nuclear submarine technology to Australia next decade. Yet it has been largely silent on U.S. military construction in the north.


The Australian government recently highlighted its own plans to spend A$14 billion "hardening" the northern bases under the country's biggest defence shakeup since World War Two.


The Australian and U.S. defence officials interviewed for this story said the new facilities should not be characterised as U.S. bases. Foreign basing is a sensitive domestic political issue for Australia; successive governments, including that of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, have said there are no U.S. bases on Australian soil.


"All the bases will remain Australian bases, but will be able to be utilised by our international partners," Tilley said.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 26, 2024, 8:20 a.m. No.21296770   🗄️.is 🔗kun







A 2011 agreement with Australia for the U.S. Marine Corps to temporarily train in Darwin has evolved into a regional deterrence role for about 2,000 Marines each year, Mulvihill said. War games this month included troops from the Philippines and Timor Leste.


The Marines are adding facilities at Darwin for their MV-22 Osprey aircraft, which can shuttle troops and equipment.


"Darwin is absolutely key terrain for us to help bring stability to the region," he said in an interview at Darwin's Larrakeyah Barracks. "We are more focused on that interoperability with the Australian Defence Force – how can we project power from northern Australia into the region."


The United States wants to be able to disperse its forces from its largest bases in the Pacific, such as Guam and Okinawa, to reduce vulnerability.


For Australia, the northern bases offer greater access to the South China Sea, and with Tindal, a secure inland location for Australia's F-35A stealth aircraft and its MQ-4C Triton long-range surveillance drone. A U.S. F-22 Raptor squadron shared the facilities this month during Exercise Pitch Black.


Tindal's location is "vitally important", said RAAF Base Tindal Wing Commander Fiona Pearce, with "greater reach into our near region".


U.S. tender documents and engineering plans for Tindal show parking and hangars for six B-52 bombers and refuelling aircraft.


Australia is spending A$1.5 billion ($981.45 million) on Tindal's redevelopment, and by July a new terminal, control tower, hangars and accommodation for extra personnel were near completion. Separate U.S. and Australian jet fuel stores sit side by side, and the tarmac is being dug up for the bomber expansion.




A third of residents in the sparsely populated Northern Territory are Indigenous Australians, although they make up just 10% of Darwin's population.


Traditional Owners, as Indigenous Australians who have cultural access rights to an area of land or sea are referred to in Australia, can visit sacred sites on the bases, U.S. and Australian officials said.


Tibby Quall, 75, is among several Traditional Owners who say growing demand for defence-related housing in Darwin has led to land-clearing of forests they want protected, while rising prices have pushed Indigenous families out of the city.


Despite visitation rights, he says, his family has no real voice on how the land is used.


"Defence are the prominent citizens," said Quall, a military veteran.


Darwin Mayor Kon Vatskalis says his city, where a Chinese company runs the port, welcomes the economic boost as the defence presence grows, although some residents have raised concerns that hosting the U.S. military could make the city a target.


"The reality is that we are already a target: We are the most northern port in Australia, we are the city that serves the gas and oil industry," said Vatskalis, who supports the military expansion.


($1 = 1.5284 Australian dollars)

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 27, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.21303420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Federal government signs $2.2 billion deal to extend life of Collins submarines into the 2030s


Esther Linder - 27 July 2024


The federal government has signed a $2.2 billion, four-year deal with the national submarine builder ASC to ensure the navy's existing Collins submarines are still functioning into the 2030s.


The contract is part of a broader $4 to $5 billion spend on ensuring the serviceability of the Collins submarines, after half of the fleet was found to have significant corrosion damage earlier this year.


HMAS Sheehan, HMAS Farncomb and HMAS Rankin have all been ruled out of action for the rest of 2024, meaning the navy has only three submarines at its disposal.


Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy said on Saturday the "sustainment contract" with ASC, formerly Australian Submarine Corporation, represented an investment to "maintain our sovereign capability".


"This is a vote in confidence in the more than 1,600 highly skilled workers across South Australia and Western Australia who have been instrumental in maintaining this critical capability," he said.


Mr Conroy said the contract would enable 700 new jobs in Osborne, South Australia, 400 in Henderson in Western Australia, and would help to grow the workforce needed for the planned AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines.


The funding enables a program announced in June to extend the life of the Collins-class submarines, which will employ 500 people in SA.


Australia is hoping to continue operating the Collins Class submarines well into the 2030s, when they're gradually replaced by second-hand nuclear-powered Virginia class boats purchased from the US under the AUKUS partnership.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 27, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.21303501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3515



NSW Labor call for Palestinian statehood as party gears for an early election






The NSW Labor conference has formally called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to recognise Palestine as a sovereign and independent state “as a priority” amid the party appearing to gear itself toward a possible early election.


It comes at the conclusion of the first day of its state conference at Sydney’s Town Hall, which had been on alert for activist disruption but ended amid party unity on Palestinian statehood.


In a passionate almost five-minute long speech, NSW Minister Jihad Dib made the case to formally call on the Prime Minister to recognise Palestine “as a priority” after Mr Albanese himself earlier on Saturday told delegates Labor could “bring people together”.


Moved by Bankstown NSW MP Mr Dib, from the party’s right, the motion received the backing from the left faction after negotiations overnight and was supported by the Labor Israel Action Committee.


It called on the government to “recognise Palestine as a sovereign and independent state, and as a priority”, and Mr Dib said that the war must end and the recognition of Palestine aligned totally with Labor’s values of dignity and solidarity.


“It goes further than we’ve ever been and brings everyone on the journey,” Mr Dib said, calling the motion a “sensible point,” for which he was met with standing ovation.


Adopted as part of the branch’s “Australia and the World” report, the motion puts more internal pressure on Mr Albanese over his government’s statehood stance.


Mr Dib said: “Nothing justified the horrors of October 7 and nothing justified what’s happened since”, adding that images from the war would be “seared” into memory.


He said society can condemn anti-Semitism, “but also the destruction being caused by the Netanyahu government”.


“(A) homeland gives Palestinians the right of self-determination,” Mr Dib said, adding that he and the party supported a two-state solution.


He said while recognition alone may not stop the war, it would show that Labor recognised Palestinian sovereignty.


“This is not an issue about faith, about pitting one group against another,” he said.


“It isn’t a competition about who’s suffering the most, (because) everyone is hurting, and that’s why it’s on us all to make this stop.”


Mr Dib pointed to Labor ministers Jason Clare and Tony Burke as two who had always advocated for recognition of a Palestinian state, pertinent given that The Muslim Vote campaign has targeted the pair’s seats.


The motion was brought to the right faction’s caucus on Friday night, with the party’s left agreeing to its wording and affirming they’d support it.


Left faction sources said the term “priority” was an acceptable “watering down” of what had been sought, which had been a call for “immediate” recognition.


LIAC secretary Byron Danby, who supported the motion, said it was in line with the federal government’s position that recognition could only be as part of a peace process. While the motion’s wording makes clear such recognition is as a priority, it doesn’t specify a time frame of that priority.


Concerns had been raised by the optics of a heated debate on the issue, forcing each major faction to come together on a motion both could support.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 27, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.21303515   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The Australia and the World report, produced by the branch’s foreign affairs body, also criticised “manipulation of the truth” by the Greens and conceded that government’s ability to influence the conflict in the Middle East was “limited”, and that “nothing was gained” by “reproducing” international conflicts domestically.


The conference has been dominated – outside and in – by Palestine, although amid heightened security and concerted efforts at party unity, it had not kicked off as previously feared.


A pro-Palestine rally assembled outside while Mr Albanese gave his address – where a single delegate unfurled a Palestine flag from the upstairs gallery – before marching through the city.


Mr Albanese’s address appeared to be a warm up of the messaging and attack lines his party would roll out at the next federal election, and after emerging to The Killers’ Mr Brightside he promised delegates that his government would “bring people together”.


It came after outgoing NSW Labor president Michelle Rowland told delegates to prepare itself and general secretary Dominic Ofner saying that the party was “campaign ready” for a federal election that could be “as early as December”.


Mr Ofner said the next election would be “tough” and “won or lost in NSW”, warning of difficult state contests against the Coalition and Greens, but also independents, most likely in southwest Sydney.


Mr Albanese attacked the Liberals’ nuclear policy as void of detail – “why chase something that costs more and delivers less,” he claimed – while he criticised the Greens on housing, and a divide between what that party said in parliament and did in their electorates.


The Greens also appeared to be indirectly criticised for helping stoke disharmony, particularly at MPs’ electorate offices.


“We (the Labor Party) help people inside our electorate offices as opposed to intimidating (people) outside of them,” Mr Albanese said.


The unity seen during and after NSW’s Bondi stabbing and Wakeley terrorist attack was praised by the prime minister, in a speech littered with possible campaign mottos.


“Disagreements don’t divide us and our differences don’t define us,” Mr Albanese said, who also spruiked his government’s achievements on education and health.


He criticised what he called Peter Dutton’s “obsession” with nuclear, claiming it would actually hurt Australian jobs, like those earmarked as part of a clean energy plan for the old Liddell Power Station.


Calling the next decade one of the most “decisive” in the country’s future, Mr Albanese – in another likely precursor to the party’s campaign messaging – urged delegates to “seize the moment”.


But there wasn’t total unity within the hall, with delegates from the Electrical Trades Union leaving their seats upon the prime minister’s speech after the suspension of the embattled CFMEU from the party.


ETU NSW secretary Allen Hicks criticised the actions by Labor governments against the CFMEU, saying it had bowed to media reporting of corruption allegations.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 2:23 a.m. No.21308666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8678

Anthony Albanese moves Clare O'Neil, Andrew Giles and promotes Malarndirri McCarthy in cabinet reshuffle


Courtney Gould - 28 July 2024




Clare O'Neil and Andrew Giles have been dumped from the home affairs and immigration portfolios but escaped exile as the prime minister seeks to refresh his frontbench.


After months of speculation the pair would be shifted following the release of more than 150 immigration detainees after a High Court ruling in November, Anthony Albanese used a trio of cabinet resignations as cover to shuffle the deck.


But he stressed it shouldn't be construed as a failure on their part and rejected suggestions the reshuffle was linked to criticism over the government's handling of the saga.


"What Clare O'Neill and Andrew Giles have had to do is to repair the damage which has been done," the prime minister said.


"What you do when there's a reshuffle is that there is a change that then has a knock-on effect."


Ms O'Neil will move into the role of housing minister, where the government continues to face pressure from the Greens, while Mr Giles will remain in the outer ministry and take on the skills and training portfolio.


"Claire of course is a great communicator. She will lead the delivery of our ambitious Homes for Australia plan that has been established by minister (Julie) Collins," Mr Albanese said.


Tony Burke will step into the home affairs role and also take on the role of immigration minister, elevating the portfolio to cabinet.


Mr Burke previously served as immigration minister in 2013 under the Rudd government.


"He is someone who will bring that experience to what remains a challenging portfolio," Mr Albanese said.


Senator Murray Watt will take over as employment and workplace relations minister, while Julie Collins moves to the agriculture portfolio, which she held in opposition.


NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy will replace outgoing Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney.


"Malarndirri McCarthy was the obvious person to move into that portfolio, building on the legacy of Linda Burney," Mr Albanese said.


Pat Conroy has been elevated to cabinet in his role as the minister for defence industry and capability delivery, and international development and the Pacific.


"Obviously, AUKUS, both pillar one and pillar two are critical … I've made the decision that this area is such an important area of delivery that it is worthy of two cabinet ministers," Mr Albanese said.


NSW Senator Jenny McAllister was also promoted to the outer ministry as the minister for cities and emergency management.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 2:27 a.m. No.21308678   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Refresh a 'significant move forward'


The cabinet shake-up is the first for Mr Albanese since he came to power in 2022. With an election due by May next year at the latest, the prime minister will be hoping this is the line up he presents to voters on polling day.


Along with a number of other appointments to the assistant ministry, the prime minister also revealed Peter Khalil will take on the role as Special Envoy for Social Cohesion, with a promise an announcement on a special envoy to combat Islamophobia will come in due course.


The "united" and "ambitious" team will have its first full meeting on Monday morning after they have been officially sworn into their new jobs, Mr Albanese said.


"This combination of changes represent a significant move forward," Mr Albanese said.


It follows the resignation from longtime Labor frontbenchers Brendan O'Connor and Ms Burney, who announced last week they will not to re-contest the next election.


Tasmanian Carol Brown also stepped down as assistant minister while she deals with a health issue.


Speaking to ABC's Insiders prior to the announcement, Mr O'Connor said Mr Giles's performance in the immigration portfolio did not mean he should be dumped from the ministry entirely.


"Some portfolios are very, very challenging, and therefore it's not always fair just to blame the person that sits in that portfolio, because anyone sitting in certain portfolios would find it challenging," he said.


The opposition has fiercely criticised both Mr Giles and Ms O'Neil in recent months, demanding their scalps over the handling of the NZYQ ruling, arguing they should have done more to keep 150 detainees in detention despite the High Court ordering their release.


On Sunday, Peter Dutton described the reshuffle as a sign the government is "in all sorts of trouble".


"It is nothing more than shuffling of deck chairs on the sinking HMAS Albanese," he said.


Meanwhile, Greens housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather said he hoped Ms O'Neil's switch to the portfolio would be more than just the prime minister "playing musical chairs with … ministers".


"If all we see from the new Housing Minister is more of the same small target strategy, the reality is that Labor will be punished at the ballot box by the millions of people across the country right now who are getting smashed by the housing crisis,” he said.


ASIO to be removed from Home Affairs


Bringing together home affairs and immigration under the control of one minister prompted questions about the workload required of Mr Burke, who will also continue on as the arts minister and leader of the house.


But the prime minister said Mr Burke was up for the challenge and has allocated two junior ministers to support him.


Matt Thistlethwaite will become the assistant immigration minister, while his responsibilities for overseeing Australia becoming a republic have been dropped. Julian Hill will become assistant minister for citizenship and multicultural affairs.


The prime minister also revealed Australia's spy agency, ASIO, will move from home affairs into the attorney-general's department.


ASIO and the Australian Federal Police were moved from the watch of the attorney-general to home affairs back in 2017 when department was created under the Turnbull government.


The AFP was returned to the attorney-general's department just weeks after Labor came to power.


Mr Albanese said it "made sense" to have ASIO and the AFP in one place, and that he discussed it with ASIO director general Mike Burgess.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 2:32 a.m. No.21308692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police arrest man after a Nazi demonstration in Melbourne




A 24-year-old man has been arrested after a “grossly offensive” Nazi demonstration in Melbourne on Saturday, where it’s alleged he performed an outlawed Hitler salute in front of the public.


Around 30 people from the National Socialist Network (NSN) paraded from Melbourne’s Federal Square to Flinders Street Station, dressed in all black with a large “mass deportation now” banner.


Victoria Police will investigate the actions of the man after he allegedly performed the Nazi salute at the steps of Flinders Street Station during an unplanned protest on Saturday.


A Victoria Police spokesperson said the group quickly dispersed as officers responded.


“A 24-year-old North Melbourne man was arrested at the scene and was interviewed for grossly offensive public conduct,” the spokesperson said.


He was released with intent to summons and will appear in court at a later stage.


Eight other males were also spoken to by police at the scene for offensive behaviour in a public place.


They were released with intent to summons.


Officers seized the banner, as well as a flag.


Police will assess the circumstances surrounding the demonstration and review vision of the incident and people involved.


Anthony Albanese has previously condemned the far-right nationalist group after a similar event took place on a Sydney train in January, where dozens of balaclava-wearing neo-Nazis swarmed the Artarmon Station in the city’s north.


In April, Victorian prosecutors lost a bid to send two of the group’s leaders to jail over a violent targeted attack on a group of hikers in a state park.


A large group of the far-right nationalists set upon six hikers at Cathedral Ranges State Park, forcing the victims to flee.


Australia’s peak body representing the Jewish community said the demonstration was an appalling act.


The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said there was a need to better equip young Australians to identify and debunk conspiracy theories.


“We have been warning of the rise of neo-Nazism in our country for some time and this is another disturbing example of their increasingly public and brazen methods of attracting attention, intimidating the public and appealing to lost youth looking for identity and purpose,” Mr Ryvchin said.


“Soaring levels of anti-Semitism since October 7, driven by radical anti-Israel groups and their enablers, has shown the far-right that this is the right time to escalate their own public displays of hatred.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21308833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8841 >>8864 >>8877 >>4238 >>4271 >>4281


Opening ceremony organisers face backlash over ‘Last Supper’ drag show


Rob Harris - July 28, 2024


The organisers of the Paris Olympics are facing a backlash from Christian groups after a drag queen parody of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper featured in Saturday morning’s opening ceremony.


They recreated the famous biblical scene of Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles sharing a last meal before crucifixion, but with a group of drag queens, a transgender model and a near-naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine Dionysus. It was set to music by lesbian activist DJ Barbara Butch.


The controversy went viral online within minutes, with Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, the owner of social media site X, saying the performance was “extremely disrespectful to Christians”.


Organisers had worked with the International Olympic Committee on the topics they wanted to reflect in the show – including promoting LGBT and women’s rights.


Wendy Francis, national director of politics for the Australian Christian Lobby, said the Games had “disgracefully besmirched” the last supper with “sexualised men pretending to be women parodying it”.


“Christians participating in the Games must feel absolutely betrayed by this crude display, ridiculing the greatest event in history – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper,” she said.


“France has betrayed its predominantly Catholic nation. Western culture is doomed, having lost its foundation and its moral compass.”


Paris’s drag queens made a succession of appearances throughout the ceremony in a nod to the history of a country that has produced such plays as La Cage Aux Folles – which went on to become the first Broadway hit featuring male homosexuality in 1983.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 3:41 a.m. No.21308841   🗄️.is 🔗kun





France, while proud of its rich Catholic heritage, also has a long tradition of secularism and anti-clericalism. Blasphemy is not only legal, but also considered by many as an essential pillar of freedom of speech in a democratic society. But the French Bishops’ Conference said it deplored “scenes of mockery and derision of Christianity”.


Former Wallaby Israel Folau also took aim at organisers, saying the fact they were “openly mocking Jesus shows you the power that’s in his name”.


Folau, who took Rugby Australia to court in 2019 over his controversial sacking for writing anti-gay posts on social media, used Instagram on Saturday night to pan the performance.


“The devil knows it very well and doesn’t want you to know the truth. Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life. There isn’t any other way.”


Paris 2024 artistic director Thomas Jolly said the ceremony was based on a theme of “inclusion” and he “wanted to talk about diversity”.


“In France, we have artistic freedom. We have the right to love who we want. We have the right not to be worshippers. We have a lot of rights and this is what I wanted to convey.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 3:50 a.m. No.21308864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8877 >>4238 >>4271 >>4281



‘Mockery of Christianity’: Outrage over France’s Olympics opening ceremony Last Supper




The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics has been labelled a “mockery” and condemned by the Christian community after drag queens and dancers appeared in a section that resembled The Last Supper.


The scene included French actor Philippe Katerine, who was painted blue and wearing little more than a bunch of flowers.


The scene quickly went viral, with social media users around the world unleashing over the decision to insult Christians around the world.


Australia’s former deputy prime minister Michael McCormack accused the ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, of undermining Australian Christians who sacrificed their life to defend France.


“The Olympics opening ceremony ‘artistic’ director who felt the need to mock The Last Supper & thereby Christianity should be reminded of the great sacrifice of Christian soldiers, including tens upon tens of 1000s of Australians buried in (French) soil who died to save that country,” Mr McCormack said on social media.


Jolly defended the show in the face of backlash and accusations of “wokeism”.


He said his intention was about “inclusion” and “diversity”.


“Our idea was inclusion,” he said in an official Olympics press conference. “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together, we wanted to include everybody.


“In France, we have artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country.”


AFL legend and devout Christian Corey McKernan questioned the thought process behind the planning. “What is amazing is if the shoe was on the other foot … if there’s even a hint of being offensive, the carry-on would be next level,” McKernan said in a tweet. “Imagine thinking of the concept at planning level – surely you’d think we may upset a few people?”


Melbourne’s St Peter and Paul’s Catholic Cathedral bishop Andrew Mukukuoi told The Australian the act was a distasteful joke. “I think it was offensive to all Christians around the world,” he said. “It was a mockery because they made a joke of something that was really important for Christians – the Last Supper was when Christ gave us his body.


“They didn’t mock any other religion but chose to make a joke of Christianity.


“It was a distasteful thing to watch; whoever commissioned this should be held to account.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 28, 2024, 3:56 a.m. No.21308877   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Q Post #4467


Jun 13 2020 15:45:56 (EST)


Symbolism will be their downfall.

They are fighting to regain control.

You stand in their way.

You awake is their greatest fear.




Q Post #3931


Apr 10 2020 14:53:58 (EST)

The credibility of our institutions [Constitutional Law that governs our Great Land [Our Republic]], and our ability to regain the trust and faith of the American people, all depends on our ability to restore [EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW] by prosecuting those responsible [Blind-Justice].

Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the 'People'] of the United States [START - LEAD-IN].

Infiltration [rogue] at the highest levels of our gov, media, corps, etc.

Planned & coordinated [D/ F].

This is not about politics.

Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.

It has been protected and safeguarded.

It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.

It has been projected [normalized] by stars.

[CLAS 1-99]

One must only look to see.

[Symbolism will be their downfall]

This is not another [4] year election.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

You are not alone.

We stand together.


Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 3:24 a.m. No.21314074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4084

Quad meets in Japan as Beijing pressures politicians not to attend Taiwan summit - 29 July 2024




Foreign Minister Penny Wong has announced at the Quad Foreign Ministers meeting that Australia will contribute $18 million for a Canberra-based "Cable Connectivity and Resilience Centre" for countries in the Indo-Pacific region which are rolling out new cable networks.


It comes as politicians from at least six countries say Chinese diplomats are pressuring them not to attend a China-focused summit in Taiwan, in what they describe as efforts to isolate the self-governed island.


Representatives from Bolivia, Colombia, Slovakia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and one other Asian country that declined to be named say they are getting texts, calls and urgent requests for meetings that would conflict with their plans to travel to Taipei, the island's capital.


The IPAC summit in Taiwan begins on Monday and is being held by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, or IPAC, a group of hundreds of politicians from 35 countries concerned about how democracies approach Beijing.


The summit was held as Foreign Minister Penny Wong meets her US, Japanese and Indian counterparts in Tokyo for the Quad Foreign Ministers meeting.


All four nations say the grouping is focused on building a "positive" agenda for the region, but the Quad has also devoted considerable time and effort to pushing back against China's growing financial and strategic clout in Asia.


Quad meeting ends with new joint operations


The four countries issued a joint statement criticising China's increasingly aggressive behaviour in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea.


It includes some fairly strong language criticising China's belligerence in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, criticising the "militarisation of disputed features" and "coercive and intimidating manoeuvres in the South China Sea"'


Speaking in Tokyo, Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said: "We have co-founded our response against information manipulation and interference by foreign countries."


Quad nations have been working to help countries across the Asia-Pacific to bolster infrastructure and maritime surveillance, as well as trying to lock out Chinese companies from critical undersea submarine telecommunication cables which carry internet traffic.


Foreign Minister Penny Wong, speaking at the meeting, said conflict within the region is risking lives and costing lives.


"Countries face coercive trade measures, unsustainable lending, political interference and disinformation," she says.


She also said Australia has launched a Cable Connectivity and Resilience Centre.


"[It is] our contribution to the Quad leaders partnership for cable and connectivity," she said, saying it would support the resilience of undersea cable networks in the region.


The centre, she said, will provide technical assistance and training, bringing together governments and industries.


"[These cables] connect all of us, upward of 95 per cent of digital traffic, is carried by these cables, every millisecond of the day," said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.


What's IPAC?


This year, 49 parliamentarians from 23 nations are in Taiwan for high-level meetings with Taiwanese officials, according to a press release from the group.


IPAC was founded in 2020 by former UK politician Iain Duncan Smith as a means to endorse an internationally united tougher stance towards Chinese aggression.


In its infancy, the group represented 19 MPs across eight countries and the European Parliament, but over four years, it's rapidly grown.


IPAC now includes 21 Australian politicians from the Labor, Liberal and National parties. Of note, Liberal senator David Fawcett and Labor senator Deborah O'Neill are both in Taiwan for the 2024 summit.


Chinese government intimidation towards IPAC members is not new.


Since 2000, Beijing has sanctioned IPAC members, and in 2021 the group was targeted by Chinese state-sponsored hackers, according to a US indictment unsealed earlier this year.


But Luke de Pulford, the alliance's director, says the pressure from Chinese officials in the past few days has been unprecedented.


During past IPAC meetings in other locations, politicians were approached by Chinese diplomats only after they concluded.


This year, the first in which IPAC's annual summit is taking place in Taiwan, there appears to be a coordinated attempt to stop participants from attending.


Beijing vehemently defends its claim to Taiwan and views it as its own territory to be annexed by force if necessary.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 3:27 a.m. No.21314084   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Politicians report pressure


The texts and emails sent by Chinese diplomats included vague inquires related to attendance and direct requests to make alternative travel plans.


"I'm Wu, from Chinese Embassy," read a message sent to Antonio Miloshoski, a member of parliament in North Macedonia. "We heard that you got an invitation from IPAC, will you attend the Conference which will be held next week in Taiwan?"


Another MP said that Chinese diplomats messaged the head of her party with a demand to stop her from going.


"They contacted president of my political party, they ask him to stop me to travel to Taiwan," said Sanela Klaric, a member of parliament in Bosnia. "They're trying, in my country, to stop me from travelling … This is really not OK."


China routinely threatens retaliation against politicians and countries that show support for Taiwan, which has only 12 diplomatic allies remaining.


Klaric said the pressure was unpleasant but only steeled her determination to go on the trip.


"I really am fighting against countries or societies where the tool to manipulate and control peoples is fear," said Klaric, adding that it reminded her of threats and intimidation she faced while suffering through wars in Bosnia in the 1990s. "I really hate the feeling when somebody is frightening you."


The ABC understands that no Australian IPAC members or delegates were contacted by Chinese officials.


Australian Liberal senator James Paterson, who is one of IPAC's 64 co-chairs but not attending the 2024 summit, called Beijing's interventions "completely inappropriate" and criticised Chinese officials for attempting to "dictate" how democratically elected representatives from foreign nations chose to engage with Taiwan.


Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie told the ABC the reports were "not surprising".


"We've become accustomed to coercive behaviour from the PRC that is both provocative and intimidatory. But IPAC should continue as planned," he said.


IPAC's De Pulford labelled the pressure "gross foreign interference".


"How would PRC officials feel if we tried to tell them about their travel plans, where they could and could not go?" he said, using the acronym for China's official name, the People's Republic of China. "It's absolutely outrageous that they think that they can interfere in the travel plans of foreign legislators."


Both the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Taiwanese Foreign Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.


Chinese pressure triggers backlash


Bolivian senator Centa Rek said that she submitted a letter of protest after a Chinese diplomat called her and told her not to go to Taiwan, saying the island was run by an "impostor president" and that the summit was hosted by an organisation "not accepted within the terms of the policy of mainland China."


When Rek refused, the diplomat said he would report her decision to his embassy, which Rek interpreted as a "veiled threat".


"I told him that it was an unacceptable intrusion, that I would not accept an order or intrusion from any government," Senator Rek said. "These were personal decisions and that it seemed to me that he had gone beyond all international political norms."


Most of the politicians targeted appear to be from smaller countries, which De Pulford, the alliance's director, said was likely because Beijing "feels that they can get away with it."


But he added that the coercive tactics have only made participants more determined to take part in the summit.


Miriam Lexmann, a Slovakian member of the European Parliament whose party head was approached by Chinese diplomats, said the pressure underscored her reason for coming to Taiwan.


We want to "exchange information, ways how to deal with those challenges and threats which China represents to the democratic part of the world, and of course, to support Taiwan," she said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m. No.21314105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21198957 (pb)

PM calls for Barnaby Joyce to be sacked over 'bullet' comment at wind farm protest rally


Courtney Gould and Tim Fernandez - 29 July 2024


Anthony Albanese has called for Barnaby Joyce to be sacked from the shadow frontbench after insinuating voters should use their ballot papers as bullets to "say goodbye" to the prime minister and other senior Labor figures.


The Nationals' frontbencher told protesters attending an anti-wind farm rally to "get ready to load that magazine" and vote out the prime minister, federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen and local MP Stephen Jones.


"The bullet you have is this little piece of paper, it goes in the magazine called the voting box and it's coming up," he said.


"Get ready to load that magazine. Go, goodbye Chris. Goodbye, Stephen. Goodbye, Albo," he said.


Mr Albanese said the gun analogy, which was made just two weeks after an assassination attempt on former US president Donald Trump and amid concerns about increasing harassment and violent acts targeting MPs, was "completely unacceptable".


The prime minister said he was concerned the language could incite violent behaviour.


"I am not sure what Barnaby Joyce has to do to lose his job," Mr Albanese told ABC's Afternoon Briefing.


"Peter Dutton has had four reshuffles already. There should have been a fifth today.


"This bloke goes along to a rally, he uses entirely inappropriate and violent language, including that myself and two others, ministers, should be gone.


"It is one thing to have extreme language on climate change that he has done in the past, such as Whyalla being wiped out and all the absurdities he has put forward, but this is a new low and it is unacceptable."


The former deputy prime minister has been criticised for the comments he made at the rally against offshore wind farms in Lake Illawarra, south of Wollongong.


He told the crowd their vote was a weapon in opposing the "turds" and urged attendees to turn up and cast their ballot against it.


Mr Joyce apologised for the remark during an earlier appearance on morning television.


"I said your ballot paper is … the weapon you have. It shouldn't be a bullet. It should be the ballot paper and the ballot box," he told Channel 7.


"I apologise for using that metaphor."


Mr Dutton's office said the apology was appropriate.


Mr Jones, the local MP and federal Labor frontbencher, described his remarks as "dog whistling to political violence".


The newly minted special envoy for social cohesion, Labor MP Peter Khalil, described the remarks as "highly irresponsible".


"We've seen what's happened with other jurisdictions in the US and the polarisation and what's gone on with the attempted assassination in the US, so it's highly irresponsible," he told ABC's RN.


"We don't have to use that kind of violent rhetoric. It's really unnecessary and it's unacceptable and it should be called out."


Speaking later with ABC's Illawarra Mornings program, Mr Joyce again acknowledged the metaphor "probably wasn't appropriate" but said he stood by referring to the vote as "the most powerful thing you have".


"They are going offence hunting because they have come down here, they've stirred things up," he said.


"We won't talk about the wind towers, we'll just distract because that will get the people of the Illawarra thinking about something else and really they should be thinking about what is going to happen to your environment down here."


Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley said she wouldn't have used the same metaphor but noted "Barnaby does use colourful language".


"When it comes to promoting social cohesion everyone in their language and words should be lifting the debate to what brings people together not what pushes people apart and I think all of us do that," she told ABC's RN.


"By focusing and trying to interrogate individual comments at different times I don't think that's particularly helpful."

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m. No.21314238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4245 >>4271 >>4281



Paris Olympics organisers apologise for opening ceremony’s ‘Last Supper’ scene






The organisers of the Paris Olympics issued a brief apology on Sunday after coming under heavy criticism from religious groups and conservative politicians for including a bawdy scene in Friday night’s Opening Ceremony that resembled Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper.”


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of France had decried it as a “mockery.” “There was never an intention to show disrespect to a religious group,” a Paris 2024 spokeswoman said. “If people have taken any offence, we are, of course, really sorry.”


The tableau in question, on the Debilly Footbridge across the Seine, involved a group of dancers and drag queens arrayed along one side of a banquets table, including DJ Barbara Butch — described by organisers as an “LGBT icon.”


The scene continued with a mostly naked figure, painted blue and portrayed by performer Philippe Katerine, singing a raunchy song in character as Dionysus, the Greek god of wine.


“The banquet table is transformed into a dance floor to showcase a variety of dance styles, ” according to Paris 2024’s own description of the scene. “While on the barge, the choreographic ensemble performs to the sound of Eurodance.”


While many saw the whole production as a stylised celebration of diversity, Paris’s vibrant night-life, and high French farce, it didn’t take long for critics to seize on it, including the Catholic Church, French far-right politician Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and Elon Musk.


“This was extremely disrespectful to Christians,” Musk wrote on X.


Without referring specifically to the banquet, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of France said on Saturday that certain elements “made Christianity the subject of derision and mockery, which we deeply deplore. This morning, our thoughts are with all Christians of all continents, who were offended by the outrageousness and provocation of a few scenes.”


Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta wrote in a social-media post that he had sent messages to the French ambassador to Malta “expressing my distress and the disappointment of many Christians at the gratuitous insult to the Eucharist during the Opening Ceremony.”


The incident wasn’t the only headache the Games were dealing with over the weekend. On Sunday, the plan to have the swimming leg of the triathlon in the Seine this coming week came under threat as high bacteria levels caused by heavy rain forced organisers to cancel a practice session in the river.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 4:37 a.m. No.21314245   🗄️.is 🔗kun





But the fate of a few triathletes hardly made as much noise as the controversy over the Opening Ceremony.


For many left-leaning French, the ceremony represented a cri de cœur for multiculturalism that had been pushed to the margins of public discourse for months as France’s snap elections revolved around the anti-immigrant sentiment championed by far-right leader Marine Le Pen.


Thomas Jolly, the creative director behind the extravaganza, stood by his vision for Friday’s lavish festivities, which drew NBC’s highest television ratings since London 2012. He had been given a free hand by Paris 2024 to create an unprecedented public spectacle as athletes paraded down the Seine on boats. His other vignettes for the ceremony included a cabaret performance by Lady Gaga, a tableau of decapitated Marie-Antoinettes set to heavy metal music, and the closing solo by Celine Dion on the Eiffel Tower.


“The idea was not to be subversive — I wanted to send a message of love, of inclusion,” Jolly said. “We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.”


Jolly added that “in France there’s freedom of artistic expression.” Paris 2024 CEO Tony Estanguet also defended the ceremony as a proudly over-the-top display of Frenchness.


“The idea was to really trigger a reflection,” he said. “Naturally we had to take into account the international community. Having said that, it is a French ceremony for the French games, so we trusted our artistic director … We have freedom of expression in France and we wanted to protect it.”


The dinner scene wasn’t the only tableau that generated controversy. Tensions were already high heading into the show after Le Pen lashed out at organisers for selecting Franco-Malian musician Aya Nakamura to sing at the ceremony, describing her as vulgar and not singing in proper French.


Crowds were stunned when Nakamura took the stage with the facade of the venerable Institute of France, the seat of the official guardians of the French language, rising in the background. Nakamura shimmied with a group of dancers — all dressed in golden outfits that echoed the Institute’s iconic gold-leaf dome.


Nakamura afrobeats melody was accompanied by the marching band of the country’s republican guard, a symbol of law and order, which then joined her in a dance move or two.


President Emmanuel Macron seized on the moment of cultural fusion as the embodiment of his own attempts to find a middle ground between France’s highly polarised political parties. The president swiftly tweeted a terse expression in French that has become his go-to phrase in debates: En même temps. It means “at the same time.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 4:45 a.m. No.21314271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281




Paris Olympics organisers apologise for opening ceremony's Last Supper parody


Guardian Sport


Jul 29, 2024


Paris 2024 organisers have apologised to Catholics and Christian groups angered by a kitsch tableau in the Olympic Games opening ceremony that parodied Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting.


The segment, which resembled the biblical scene of Jesus Christ and his apostles sharing a last meal before his crucifixion, featured drag queens and a singer made up as the Greek god of wine, Dionysus. This drew dismay from the Catholic church and the religious right in US.


The creative director of the opening ceremony, Thomas Jolly, said: 'I did not intend to be subversive or to mock or shock … In France we can believe or not believe, in France we have a lot of rights and I wanted to convey those values throughout the ceremony.'

Anonymous ID: 922933 July 29, 2024, 4:49 a.m. No.21314281   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Q Post #4461


Jun 13 2020 14:03:17 (EST)


Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.

Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.

Seeing is Believing.

Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.



It had to be this way.

This is not another 4-year election.



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 30, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.21322183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2194 >>2364 >>8755 >>0221


Australians told to leave Lebanon immediately as Dutton flies to Israel


Maya Gebeily, Laila Bassam and Timour Azhari - July 30, 2024




The federal government has advised Australians not to travel to Lebanon and warned those in the country should “leave immediately” while commercial flights are still available as Opposition Leader Peter Dutton left on an official visit to Israel.


Australia, along with the United States, UK, France and Germany have issued warnings to their citizens travelling in the region as tensions escalate between terrorist group Hezbollah and Israel over a rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights that struck a soccer field killing 12 children and teens.


Flights in and out of Beirut-Rafic Hariri International Airport, Lebanon’s only airport, were cancelled and delayed on Monday. The airport has been targeted in the country’s civil war, and previous fighting with Israel, including in the last war between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006.


“We continue to advise that Australians do not travel to Lebanon due to the volatile security situation and the risk of the security situation deteriorating further,” advice on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website Smartraveller said.


“Australians in Lebanon should leave immediately while commercial flights remain available. The security situation could deteriorate rapidly throughout Lebanon with little or no notice. Some airlines have postponed or cancelled some flights. Further flight cancellations and disruptions could occur with little or no notice.


“Beirut airport could close, and you may be unable to leave for an extended period. Airlines may cancel more flights or set high ticket prices for any remaining flights. There may also be other travel disruptions. The Australian Government may not be able to assist you to leave in such circumstances.”


Dutton left Australia on Monday for a four-day trip to Israel where he will meet with members of the Israeli government and people affected by the October 7 attack.


“The connections between Australia and Israel are deep and abiding,” Dutton said in a statement.


“Today, Australia and Israel have a strong bilateral relationship traversing trade, agriculture, technology, security and more. It’s a relationship which will only grow stronger built around our devotion to democracy in a world where our values and way of life faces old and new threats.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 July 30, 2024, 11:37 a.m. No.21322194   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The United States is leading the diplomatic dash to deter Israel from striking Lebanon’s capital Beirut or major civil infrastructure in response to a deadly rocket attack on the Golan Heights, five people with knowledge of the drive said.


Washington is racing to avert a full-blown war between Israel and the Iranian-backed Lebanese movement Hezbollah after the attack on Golan Heights, according to the five people who include Lebanese and Iranian officials plus Middle Eastern and European diplomats.


Israel and the US have blamed Hezbollah for the rocket strike, though the group has denied responsibility.


The focus of the high-speed diplomacy has been to constrain Israel’s response by urging it against targeting densely populated Beirut, the southern suburbs of the city that form Hezbollah’s heartland, or key infrastructure like airports and bridges, said the sources who requested anonymity to discuss confidential details that haven’t been previously reported.


Lebanon’s deputy parliament speaker Elias Bou Saab, who said he had been in contact with US mediator Amos Hochstein since Saturday’s Golan attack, said Israel could avert the threat of major escalation by sparing the capital and its environs.


“If they avoid civilians and they avoid Beirut and its suburbs, then their attack could be well calculated,” he said.


Israeli officials have said that their country wants to hurt Hezbollah but not drag the region into all-out war. The two Middle Eastern and European diplomats said Israel hadn’t made any commitment to avoiding strikes on Beirut, its suburbs or civil infrastructure.


The US State Department said it wouldn’t comment on the specifics of diplomatic conversations. “Our support for Israel’s security is ironclad and unwavering against all Iran-backed threats, including Hezbollah,” a spokesperson said.


White House spokesperson John Kirby said that Israel had every right to respond to the Golan strike. “But nobody wants a broader war,” he added. “As for conversations over the weekend, you bet we’ve had them and we had them at multiple levels. But I’m not going to detail the guts of those conversations.”


The Israeli Prime Minister’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment, while Hezbollah declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 July 31, 2024, 4:01 a.m. No.21326161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162

Federal government responds to disability royal commission, disability advocates 'devastated'


Evan Young, Nas Campanella and Claudia Long - 31 July 2024




The federal government has revealed its response to the landmark disability royal commission, but not committed to a number of the most contentious recommendations, including phasing out special schools, group homes and segregated employment.


In responding to 172 of the recommendations it has primary or shared responsibility for, the Commonwealth has not committed to introducing a disability rights act or creating a federal disability department.


Wednesday's initial response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, which cost almost $600 million, came 10 months after the final report was released, and four months after the commissioners' recommended response deadline.


The Commonwealth said it would continue to work closely with state and territory governments, as well as people with disability, to implement the reforms.


"Our government is absolutely committed to the vision set out in the disability royal commission and to enabling policy and delivering services that realises the vision of an Australian community where people with disability are free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation," Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth told reporters in Sydney.


Ms Rishworth said the government had accepted in principle the vast majority of recommendations and "no-one could accuse our government of not taking this seriously".


All governments will remain accountable through six monthly reports on implementation progress, as well as an annual update to national cabinet, she added.


"We agree with many of the recommendations and we've got to think about a few more of the issues that are raised there," NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said.


Most of the 13 recommendations accepted without a caveat were small legislative suggestions or work already underway, such as updating Australia's Disability Strategy.


Recommendations accepted in principle include those to strengthen the Disability Discrimination Act, and improve access to information and interpreters, including Auslan.


The government has pledged $369 million towards this initial response, $227.6 million of which is for an employment program already announced in the May federal budget and also includes $12 million to amend the Migration Health Requirement and $20 million for "grassroots efforts to improve community attitudes around disability".


The controversial recommendation to phase out special schools was listed as "noted" by the Commonwealth, and said the states would continue to be responsible for such decisions.


It also said recommendations on guardianship laws, ending non-therapeutic sterilisation, supported decision-making and the justice system were the responsibility of, or better looked after by, the states and territories.


Recommendations to phase out segregated employment by 2034 and group homes within 15 years were listed as needing further consideration, as was the co-design of a new complaints mechanism and a new scheme allowing employees with disability to be paid at least half the minimum wage.



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 July 31, 2024, 4:02 a.m. No.21326162   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Response an 'insult', advocates 'devastated'


Greens senator Jordon Steele-John — who fought to establish the commission after entering parliament as the first openly-disabled federal politician — said the initial response was "an insult to the disability community".


"We had hoped that through sharing our stories … that our government would listen and take action. They've failed to do so," he told the ABC.


Marayke Jonkers, president of People with Disability Australia, said the response did not fully address the majority of the recommendations.


"Today us and our members are devastated, disappointed and completely caught off guard," she told reporters in Brisbane.


El Gibbs, Disability Advocacy Network Australia's Director, Policy and Advocacy, said while there were "some good things" in the initial response, overall she was "just not seeing the scale of response that we needed".


"Governments have had [more than] nine months to respond and we needed to see far more detail and commitment to stopping this terrible scourge of harm against disabled people," she told the ABC.


Children and Young People with Disability Australia CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore said the lack of a firm commitment on inclusive education was "a failure of leadership" and a "betrayal" of young people with disability.


"We owe it to the next generation of students with disability to act swiftly and decisively in phasing out segregated education," she said in a statement.


"States and territories must step up, but they need support from the federal level to make inclusive education a reality."


Ross Joyce, CEO of the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, said it appeared as though many recommendations had been "kicked further down the road".


"The whole sector is disappointed … we thought there would be a whole lot more coming through," he told the ABC.


'Harrowing evidence'


The nearly four-and-a-half-year royal commission made 222 recommendations in total calling for sweeping changes across all parts of society.


Some 10,000 people shared what the commission's final report said was "harrowing evidence" about violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation that occurred in the community, in homes and in places where people with disability access services.


That included instances of sexual assaults of people with disability by carers, children being removed from their mothers immediately after birth, forced sterilisation and workers being paid $2.50 an hour for manual labour.


When the final report was made public last year, commissioners recommended governments respond by the end of March 2024.


Federal, state and territory governments missed that deadline and pushed their responses back to "mid-year" due to the "scale and complexity of reform recommended, and the importance of consulting widely".

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 July 31, 2024, 4:11 a.m. No.21326176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Afghanistan medal decision before election, says Deputy Prime Minister


Robert Dougherty - 30 JULY 2024


Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has confirmed a decision will be made about stripping medals from Australian Defence Force personnel, before the next election.


The Ministry for Defence confirmed that a decision regarding those accused of conducting war crimes in Afghanistan would be made ‘before the election’ and ‘soon’, earlier this week. The date of the next Federal Election has not been confirmed, but is expected before May next year.


The discussion follows the release findings from the 2020 Brereton inquiry, which investigated alleged war crimes committed by Australian Defence Force during the War in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016.


Former Chief of the Australian Defence Force Angus Campbell had also reportedly written to current and former ADF members notifying that honours for distinguished and conspicuous service on warlike operations could be withdrawn.


“I will be making the decision before the election, I can tell you that. I'll be making that decision soon,” Deputy PM Marles said during an interview with Sky News on July 28.


“Just to be clear, this is a decision not in relation to the person (Ben Roberts-Smith) that you mentioned, but in relation to those who had command authority.


“That is a process that I've wanted to go through thoroughly to make sure that we get the answers to this right.


“It is one that has been on my desk and we've been going through in an enormous amount of detail, but it won't be long before we are able to make those decisions and certainly, they'll be made before the election.”


Earlier this month, the Australian Government reportedly unveiled compensation plans for families of victims unlawfully killed or abused by Australian special forces in Afghanistan. A newly established Afghanistan Inquiry Compensation Advocate will assess claims referred by the Chief of Defence Force, but final decisions rest with the CDF.


The Deputy PM also encouraged patience as another inquiry continues into the 2023 Lindeman Island MRH-90 Taipan crash, in which four Australian Army aircrew were lost, on 28 July 2023.


The crash, in which an Australian Army MRH-90 Taipan helicopter impacted waters near Lindeman Island during a night-time training activity as part of Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023, recently passed its first anniversary this month.


“This is a significant day. It's a very difficult day for the families of Captain Lyon, Lieutenant Nugent, Warrant Officer Laycock and Corporal Naggs,” according to the Deputy PM.


“These four Australians, who had given great service to our country wearing our nation's uniform, lost their lives a year ago. I know that this is a really difficult day for their families, for the 6th Aviation Regiment, of which they were a part.


“And it's a reminder that the work that our men and women who wear our uniform do is dangerous, even when they're engaging in exercises and their service, and indeed, their sacrifice is as meaningful as that of anyone who has worn our nation's uniform.


“The inquiry in relation to this proceeds, it needs to take the time that it takes because we need to find out what happened here and we need to learn the lessons.


“It's really important that those lessons are learnt for future safety. And we don't do that off the back of speculation, we do it off the back of facts and this is just going to take the time that it takes. But obviously we work with the families to let them know how the investigations are proceeding and they will continue to go on until we get the answers behind this terrible tragedy.”

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 July 31, 2024, 4:33 a.m. No.21326219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6222

>>21025516 (pb)

>>21172345 (pb)




Lauren Laughlin - 30 July 2024




GROTON, Conn. - In a first for the AUKUS trilateral enhanced security partnership, a group of Royal Australian Navy (RAN) enlisted sailors has graduated from the United States Navy's Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS).


The sailors all graduated with distinction with one of them being named the Honor Graduate for scoring a 100% in the class.


The graduation marks a significant milestone in the development of a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) fleet for Australia under the AUKUS Pillar 1 Optimal Pathway.


“It’s another exciting step to see our Royal Australian Navy sailors graduate from this unique and challenging training. I am incredibly proud of their exceptional dedication and effort to reach this significant milestone,” said Chief of the Royal Australian Navy Vice Adm. Mark Hammond. “I’d like to thank our long-standing partners and friends in the U.S. Navy for providing the training to assist the Royal Australian Navy to operate, maintain and support Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarine capability.”


Incorporating Royal Australian Navy enlisted personnel into the U.S. Navy’s submarine training pipeline is essential to developing Australian crews ahead of Australia’s acquisition of sovereign Virginia-class submarines that will be sold to Australia by 2030. Enlisted personnel make up the bulk of a Virginia-class submarine crew, which is typically comprised of 15 officers and 117 enlisted sailors. Royal Australian Navy sailors are also enrolled in the UK Royal Navy’s nuclear training pipeline, with the first officers graduating from the UK Royal Navy’s Officers Nuclear Operators Course earlier this month. All work by Australian personnel in the U.S. and UK will remain consistent with Australia’s domestic and international legal obligations, including its non-proliferation obligations and commitments.


“For the last two months, these sailors have trained diligently alongside their American counterparts to acquire the capability to safely operate SSNs,” said Naval Submarine School Commanding Officer Capt. Matthew Fanning. “They will continue to hone their skills in rate-specific training prior to reporting to a Virginia-class submarine as part of the crew to put their training into execution alongside U.S. submariners.”



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 July 31, 2024, 4:36 a.m. No.21326222   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The BESS graduation comes just months after the first three Royal Australian Navy officers completed their training at the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Officer Basic Course in April 2024 and reported to Virginia-class submarines based in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Nearly 100 Royal Australian Navy officers and enlisted personnel will enter the submarine and U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion training pipelines this year.


“Our sailors are the backbone of our Navy. Their training success demonstrates the exceptional skillset and knowledge of our people,” said Warrant Officer of the Royal Australian Navy Andrew Bertoncin, the service’s senior non-commissioned representative. “I’m proud of what our sailors have achieved and look forward to seeing them continue to master their craft onboard a Virginia-class submarine.”


At BESS, the Royal Australian Navy sailors joined their American counterparts for a rigorous eight-week course where they developed the skills and competence needed to operate nuclear-powered attack submarines. Sailors studied the construction and operation of nuclear-powered submarines and gained hands-on experience through intensive simulations.


“We are extremely proud of what these sailors have accomplished as the first Royal Australian Navy enlisted sailors to graduate from one of the U.S. Navy’s most demanding training courses,” said Vice Adm. Jonathan Mead, Director General of the Australian Submarine Agency. “Their success in this training is another positive step forward as we work with our U.S. and UK partners to progress along the AUKUS Pillar 1 Optimal Pathway and toward our shared goal of a stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific.”


“These sailors are the foundation of Australia’s future SSN crews,” said the U.S. Navy’s AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Program Manager Rear Adm. Lincoln Reifsteck. “They are trailblazers leading the broader effort to strengthen the interoperability and capabilities of the AUKUS nations. Their graduation is a major step toward realizing the strategic goals of AUKUS as well as deepening the ties among our nations.”


AUKUS is a strategic partnership that will promote a safe, free, and open Indo-Pacific, enhance national security, and uplift the three industrial bases. AUKUS Pillar 1 will deliver a conventionally armed SSN capability to the Royal Australian Navy by the early 2030s. The Department of the Navy’s AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Program Office is the U.S. lead responsible for executing the trilateral partnership to deliver conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines to the Royal Australian Navy at the earliest possible date while setting the highest nuclear stewardship standards and continuing to maintain the highest standards of non-proliferation.

Anonymous ID: c6ec11 Aug. 1, 2024, 3:48 a.m. No.21332280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

National Gallery of Australia acquires painting by controversial artist Paul Gauguin for almost $10 million


Paul Gauguin was a violent paedophile.


The blue roof, or Farm at Le Pouldu, by Paul Gauguin has been purchased by the National Gallery of Australia for $9.8 million, becoming the first painting by the artist in an Australian public collection.


Gauguin is one of the world's most famous artists, but has a controversial legacy due to accusations of sexual predation of girls while in French Polynesia.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4 a.m. No.21332328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337



‘Pro-Palestinian’ Officeworks staffer refuses to laminate Jewish newspaper for kippah-wearing man


LIAM MENDES - 1 August 2024




Extraordinary footage of a ‘pro-Palestinian’ Officeworks staff member refusing to laminate a Jewish newspaper has emerged, with the Jewish customer taking Officeworks to an anti-discrimination tribunal over the confrontation.


The footage has landed the Wesfarmers-owned nationwide office supply store in a Victorian tribunal, with the Jewish man - who has asked to remain anonymous due to fears of retribution - telling The Australian he is now seriously considering moving his family to Israel because of the ordeal.


The video, filmed in a store on March 4, shows the man at a counter at the Elsternwick store presenting a copy of the Australian Jewish News, requesting for it to be laminated before an Officeworks staff member, who identified herself as a department manager, refuses him service because of her “pro-Palestinian” stance.


“I’m pro-Palestine, and we have the right to deny jobs … it is an Officeworks position, she said.


“[Being pro-Palestine] is my position, but we have the right to deny jobs.


“I am not comfortable proceeding with it,” she said.


The staff member, who was wearing a rainbow Officeworks lanyard, then said she was not comfortable with the article that was being laminated.


“I’ve looked at the photo, I’ve looked at the headline,” she said.


The Jewish man then pointed out the store was “in a Jewish community’’. The staff member then said the customer could wait for another staff member who would feel comfortable.


“For political reasons I’m not comfortable,” she said. When the staff member realised the customer was recording she asked him to leave and said she was calling the police.


The customer, who has since launched legal action in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, told The Australian on Thursday morning he felt he was being discriminated against “in the most crazy way’’.


“I’m just just simply asking to have a photo of us going to Israel in the Jewish News, a mainstream newspaper in our local community, to be laminated, and I’m being told that my business is being refused because I’m Jewish or Zionist or wearing a kippah in public,” he said.


“It’s beyond me, inside I’m trying to keep my calm but inside, I’m shaking because someone’s coming for me,” he said.


He said he was still in shock in the months since the incident.


“It makes you wonder, are Jews safe, are we in an environment where we’ll be protected?” he asked.


“To not even be able to go about your normal business, it makes me feel like all the stories we’ve heard about in the 1940s this is happening to me,” he said.


He said Officeworks had thanked him for the feedback for the experience in their store, and offered a $100 gift card. It was that reaction from the retailer that prompted him to commence legal action.



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4:02 a.m. No.21332337   🗄️.is 🔗kun





According to a statement of claim obtained by The Australian, the man is seeking compensation, that staff undergo anti-Semitism training and a declaration that Officeworks have contravened the Equal Opportunity Act.


The man said the experience has “definitely” left him considering moving to Israel.


“It is a matter of not if, but when, but how long will we be able to continue to go about our lives here before we just can’t do live in this beautiful country that we all love,” he said.


Dr Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, said the incident should be condemned by politicians.


“Treating Jewish people differently because of who they are is discrimination plain and simple,” Mr Abramovich said.


“Officeworks Elsternwick might as well have posted a sign in the store saying, ‘No service for Jews, Zionists or supporters of Israel’.


“ Just because someone is pro-Palestine does not give them a license to ignore equal opportunity laws,” he said.


“Imagine the public outrage if a member of the LGBTQI community, or an indigenous Australian or a disabled person were turned away,” he said.


Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin told The Australian the matter was “disturbing” and that the behaviour could not become normalised in society.


“It is profoundly disturbing that a young Australian was conditioned to view a visibly Jewish man as her enemy and felt entitled to engage in plainly discriminatory conduct on the basis of being ‘pro-Palestine’,” Mr Ryvchin said after receiving a phone call from Officeworks management.


A spokesperson for Officeworks told The Australian: “We want everyone to have an enjoyable shopping experience with us – whether it be shopping in store or online. We are disappointed that this did not occur with one of our customers at our Elsternwick store in March 2024.


“We can confirm that we have taken this matter extremely seriously, and since the matter occurred, have investigated internally and taken the appropriate action to ensure this doesn’t take place again.


“In this particular incident, our policies were incorrectly applied and in accordance with our Officeworks’ policies, the laminating should have taken place.


“Additionally, we have provided ongoing training and education to our team members so that they are aware of the legal requirements in respect of discrimination and of Officeworks’ policies and procedures.”


Officeworks also confirmed the staff member involved was still employed and had undergone discrimination training and had undergone “education through the Melbourne Holocaust Museum”.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4:09 a.m. No.21332364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368 >>8755



Australians in Lebanon warned to leave immediately as tensions escalate between Israel and Hezbollah


Stephen Dziedzic, Stephanie Dalzell and Nabil Al-Nashar - 1 August 2024




The federal government is ramping up warnings to Australians in Lebanon, pleading with them to leave the country right now as the risk of a regional conflagration grows.


On Wednesday night Foreign Minister Penny Wong issued a video message urging people in Lebanon to get out following the killing of a top Hezbollah commander in the country and the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran.


"My message to Australian citizens and residents in Lebanon is: now is the time to leave. If you are in Australia and thinking of travelling to Lebanon – do not," the foreign minister said.


"Some commercial flights are still operating. If you can leave, you should."


The government expects Beirut airport will be shut down if a broader conflict breaks out, cutting the main route out of the country.


If that happens the government may be able to use ferries to get people out of Lebanon by taking them to Cyprus, as it did when it evacuated more than 5,000 Australians during the 2006 Lebanon War.


But officials are emphasising that there is no guarantee that they'll be able to pull off such a major rescue operation, particularly if a large-scale war breaks out.


Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister Tim Watts told the ABC's Afternoon Briefing that it could now be harder to get Australians out than it was in 2006, when the Howard government used flights, buses and ferries to evacuate people.


"Since the 2006 evacuation we've seen that terrible, terrible explosion at the Beirut port which has affected port capacity there," he said.


"We've also seen a deterioration in the security situation of adjoining countries to Lebanon. So the context we're operating in … [and] the plans we've made … are far more complex today than they were in the past.


"Don't push your luck. Don't wait and see how this turns out. The time to leave is now."


Concern Australians are ignoring advice to leave


The government estimates at least 15,000 Australians remain in the country, but the real figure could be as high as 20,000 or even 30,000.


It's difficult to pinpoint the figure because many Australians in the country live there permanently or visit very regularly, and often don't notify the Australian government.


The foreign minister has also written to key Lebanese Australian community organisations asking them to help the government get the message out.


The complex make-up of the Lebanese community in Australia – which includes Shia and Sunni Muslims, as well as Maronite Christians – also means the government has to work harder to get the message out to everyone.


An Australian official told the ABC on Wednesday night that many Australians in Lebanon appeared to be disregarding the travel advice, and the government was deliberately ramping up travel warnings and messaging to convince them to leave.


The government has been advising people not to travel to Lebanon ever since the October 7 attacks in Israel last year, but at least some Australians have not followed that advice and have continued to fly into Beirut.



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4:10 a.m. No.21332368   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Sydney community leader Samier Dandan said the reasons why Australians were staying in Lebanon are varied.


"My dad is currently over there, he went for a small visit and had a medical episode and he's permanently there at the moment because of his health conditions," he told the ABC.


"The only way possible to bring him back is for one of the family members to travel there because he needs to be looked after while in flight."


Jameel Karaki, a Lebanese-Australian from southern Lebanon, said he was very concerned about his family.


"I'm unable to sleep at night sometimes. When I call my family sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to call them again, if they are gonna pick up the phone or answer me."


He said some people had elderly parents in Lebanon, and were either travelling to be with them, or did not want to return to Australia without them.


"No-one would like to live in a warzone," he said.


"You would weigh your risks and even if it means sometimes risking your life, you take this decision and book your ticket."


'Listen to the warnings'


Australian Lebanese Association president Raymond Najar urged Australians in the region to return home as soon as possible.


"Of course, the big issue is going to be the fact that are they going to be able to get a flight to go home? Are their booked flights still in order?


"I would be concerned for a lot of my friends that are over there that they wouldn't be able to leave when they have planned to leave. The alternatives they have are limited."


Mr Najar also called on the Australian government to urge Israel not to target Beirut airport if the conflict escalates.


"I have already appealed to one of the ministers about the fact that the Australian government needs to take a message across through its ally in America that the Beirut airport is a no-go zone, and make sure that the airport can stay functional."


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has also been urging Australians to leave Lebanon, and warning people not to travel to the country.


"There is a risk that the Beirut airport might not be open for commercial flights and given the numbers of people that are there, there is no guarantee that we can just guarantee that people will be able to come home through other means if that airport is shut," he said in Sydney on Thursday.


"We say to people, listen to the warnings which are there and please, over recent months we have seen people continue to go and travel to the region and we have made very clear our warnings about that."

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4:17 a.m. No.21332391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2444


Norther Territory base upgrades will ‘help protect’ US B-52s in a conflict


BEN PACKHAM - July 30, 2024


The US’s top air force commander in the Pacific says upgrades to Australia’s Tindal air base to accommodate B-52 bombers will give American forces the flexibility they need in a future conflict.


General Kevin Schneider, the Commander of the US’s Pacific Air Forces, said he was pleased with the pace of jointly funded base upgrades at Tindal and Darwin to support joint air operations, including a new runway and ­hangar for US strategic bombers.


He said the remoteness of the Australian bases, which are beyond the range of most Chinese missiles, offered the US the ability to protect its forces should war break out.


“Defence of the force is always something that is top of mind,” General Schneider said at the RAAF-hosted Exercise Pitch Black in the Northern Territory.


“So in all of our planning, all of our considerations for how we would respond, defence of our ­forces and the risk to our forces is something that we continue to consider.”


He said the distance of the bases from potential conflict areas would give US forces the time they needed to move into and out of harm’s way.


While Australia’s Top End bases are unprotected by air and missile defence systems, General Schneider hinted the US would step in to protect the facilities with its own defensive batteries in the event of a conflict.


“I think the fact this is a long-standing alliance … and the fact we have been shoulder-to-shoulder in conflict, in combat, numerous times throughout the years, speaks volumes to the commitment we have (shown) and will continue to show,” he said.


The US has invested heavily in infrastructure works at the RAAF’s Darwin and Tindal bases, including new fuel storage facilities, and a new runway and hanger at Tindal.


General Schneider said the US had spent about $625m on the upgrades, in addition to investments by Australia.


He said the US was looking for more opportunities to involve the RAAF in its B-52 training exercises, but noted that the use of Top End bases to operate strategic bombers was not the same as basing the aircraft here.


“The US is not going to operate unilaterally out of Australia,” he said. “We do everything hand in hand.”


General Schneider’s comments came as Foreign Minister Penny Wong visited the demilitarised zone on the South Korean border with North Korea, condemning Pyongyang’s “provocative and reckless conduct” towards its neighbour.


A day earlier, Senator Wong and her US, Japanese and Indian counterparts condemned Beijing’s aggression in the South China Sea, including its “dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels”.


“Longstanding rules are being bent and twisted or broken,” she said after a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue meeting.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 1, 2024, 4:27 a.m. No.21332444   🗄️.is 🔗kun



United States Air Force commander General Kevin Schneider on regional tension


Senior US commander General Kevin Schneider says aggressive activities from the north are behind the strong military presence in Northern Australia and the wider region.


Harry Brill - August 1, 2024


A senior US military commander says the “heavy handed” activities of Beijing, Moscow and Pyongyang has forced like-minded nations across the globe to unite, maintaining large scale military activities across Northern Australia is sending a strong, collective message to the region’s troublemakers.


The comments come amid heightened military activity across the Northern Territory, where multinational exercises across air, land and maritime domains are being conducted.


In the skies, Exercise Pitch Black 2024 is the largest in its 43-year history, with more than 140 aircraft across 20 nations testing their air combat skills, air-to-air refuelling methods, and air reconnaissance practices.


On the ground, Exercise Predators Run – an annually held land warfighting activity – has also delivered the largest instalment in its history, with thousands of troops from Australia, United Kingdom, United States and The Philippines using the width and breadth of the Top End to improve its ‘near-peer’ fighting ability.


Speaking to media at RAAF Base Darwin on Tuesday, United States Air Force commander General Kevin Schneider said the mammoth training exercises underway in Darwin and beyond were part of a broader effort to “build relationships” across the Indo-Pacific in the face of aggressive posturing from the north.


“(There are) like-minded partners who continue to see the security situation in the same light that we do, as governments in Beijing, Moscow and Pyongyang are heavy handed in their activities and conduct,” he said.


“Things that we would describe as illegal, aggressive and deceptive.”


As well as Indo-Pacific members “feeling the pinch” of northern powers, General Schneider said the region’s situation had commanded the attention of European stakeholders, whose forces were also now training in the Top End.


“I’ve had the opportunity to interact with some of the European partners, whether it was Germany, Italy, France and Spain, who recognise that what goes on in places like Beijing, Moscow and Pyongyang – and the efforts that undermine peace and stability – affects Europe as well.”


Making their Pitch Black debuts this month was the Spanish Air and Space Force, the Italian Navy and the Italian Air Force, adding to the strong European presence of Germans, British and French.


Despite significant differences in language, technology, tactics and procedure, General Schneider said he was impressed with how the 20 nations had integrated.


“We do not have to show up with fifth generation fighters to be a part of this,” he said.


“I applaud first time participant nations like the Philippines, who brought their FA-50s, and they are immediately integrating with their capability into the package and showing what they can do.”


While General Schneider hailed the West’s aeronautic advancements, he maintained threats from ground – such as surface-to-air missile defence – would pose a major challenge in a contested environment.


“For every move there’s a counter move, as we build capability among our Western forces, potential adversaries will look to exploit that and find a weakness and build something that’s faster, longer and more multispectral.”


Since arriving in Australia, General Schneider has also turned his attention to military infrastructure, having visited facilities at both RAAF Base Tindal and RAAF Base Darwin.


General Schneider said he expected the US would work “hand-in-hand” with the Australian government in delivering improved military infrastructure, with the US Department of Defense having committed at least $760m to RAAF Base Darwin alone.


“I recognise this is Australia not the United States,” he said.


“Anything that gets executed must be done with co-ordination at the highest levels of both our governments, whether we’re responding to any crisis or contingency in the region.”

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.21338755   🗄️.is 🔗kun




'No guarantee': Albanese's fresh warning to Australians in Lebanon as conflict fears grow


David Aidone - 1 August 2024


The federal government has renewed calls for Australians to leave Lebanon as soon as possible after an Israeli strike killed Hezbollah's top commander Fuad Shukr.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese warned on Thursday that conflict in the Middle East could escalate after the death of Shakur and the reported assassination of Ismail Haniyeh — the political leader of Palestinian militant group Hamas — in Iran.


About 15,000 Australians live in Lebanon, according to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade estimates, and Albanese warned it may become impossible for them to leave if commercial flights out of Lebanon's capital, Beirut, are halted.


"Given the numbers of people who are there, there's no guarantee … people will be able to come home through other means if that airport is shut," Albanese told reporters in Sydney.


His warning echoed an earlier statement from Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who on Wednesday night said "now is the time" for Australians in Lebanon to leave.


"You may not be able to leave Lebanon for an extended period," she said in a video message posted on social media.


The remarks come as Defence Minister Richard Marles said the federal government was "thinking through contingencies" for Australians in Lebanon, without providing further details.


Some 5,100 Australians were evacuated from Lebanon in 2006 amid a war between Israel and Hezbollah.


The Australia Defence Force most recently helped evacuate citizens from deadly riots in New Caledonia in May.


It has also helped evacuate Australians and their families following Hamas' October 7 attack.


The attack — which was a significant escalation of the long-running conflict between Israel and Gaza's militant rulers Hamas, and one that sparked a war — also left Australians stranded in Gaza.


Some were flown home via commercial flights out of Egypt but faced a struggle crossing into there from the besieged Palestinian enclave.


Fears regional conflict could escalate


Hezbollah — a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group — on Wednesday confirmed that Shukr had been killed after an Israeli strike hit a building he was in the south of Beirut.


It came after an attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights late last week that killed 12 children and left others injured. Israel blamed Hezbollah for the attack, but it has denied any involvement.


Shukr was an adviser to Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, according to Hezbollah sources and Israeli officials.


Confirmation of his death on Wednesday came hours after Hamas and Iran said Hamas' political leader Ismail Haniyeh had been killed in a strike on a residence he used in the Iranian capital, Tehran.


Both Hezbollah and Hamas are backed by Iran, whose supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Israel had killed "a dear guest in our home" and warned of revenge amid already high tensions.


Israel has not commented on Haniyeh's reported killing, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would "exact a very heavy price from any aggression against us on any front".


Hamas' military wing said Haniyeh's assassination "takes the battle to new dimensions and will have major repercussions on the entire region".


Australian Council for International Development advisor Naomi Brooks said further tensions would stretch already limited resources and civilians would pay the price.


"The ability for humanitarian assistance to be provided remains extremely difficult, and long-standing norms of international humanitarian law continue to be eroded," she said.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.21338817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8826 >>4209 >>4242


New visa to give Palestinians permanent home in Australia


Paul Sakkal - August 1, 2024




Palestinian refugees will be able to call Australia home rather than being forced to return in a major Albanese government move to deal with the Gaza crisis as the opposition hardens its support for Israel and warns of risks posed by refugees.


Senior federal government sources, who asked to remain anonymous as the policy was being finalised, revealed a new special visa pathway would be created for Palestinians in a move set to re-energise the political feud over Labor’s handling of the conflict.


It follows months of lobbying by advocates who say those fleeing Gaza have struggled to put food on the table because the temporary visitor visas they were granted prevent them from working or accessing Medicare.


Labor is working on the details of the humanitarian push as Opposition Leader Peter Dutton affirmed the Coalition’s support for Israel in a meeting with its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is under pressure from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand to end the war.


Dutton’s trip widened the gulf in attitudes over the war between the Coalition and Labor, which recently called in the Israeli ambassador to warn of the consequences of a war with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.


The special visa class is due to be one of the first announcements by new Immigration and Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke.


Burke, one of the government’s most senior ministers, put his hand up for the politically fraught portfolios after months of opposition attacks on Labor’s response to the High Court decision freeing immigration detainees and the government’s refusal to deport dual-citizen criminals to New Zealand.


Taken together with its warnings on refugees who may sympathise with terrorist groups Hamas in Palestine or Hezbollah in Lebanon, the opposition has sought to paint the Albanese government as more focused on social justice than national security.


Coalition home affairs spokesman James Paterson claimed this week that Burke might take a softer approach to Palestinian visa claims due to pressure from Muslim groups frustrated with Labor’s level of support for Palestine.


Burke on Tuesday responded: “It’s an idiotic statement and I’ll treat lies with the contempt they deserve.”


The previous Coalition government granted more than 500 visas a week to Syrians fleeing the war-torn country, with more than 12,500 permanent visas granted in total. It also approved 5000 temporary visas for Afghans when the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan and Western troops departed the country in August 2021.


Weeks of talks about the permanent visas took place before Burke was handed the new portfolios in a cabinet shake-up announced on Sunday.


The sources said the new rules would apply to the approximately 1300 Palestinians already in Australia. The Greens are pushing to bring in many more, however, the lobbying of some rights groups has shifted to improving the circumstances of those already in Australia due to the difficulty of getting people out of Gaza.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.21338826   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The Human Rights Law Centre, Refugee Council of Australia and other groups have complained the visitor visa is a bad fit because it requires Palestinians to prove they want to return to Gaza, which is still under attack from Israel. Hundreds of Palestinians in Australia have been applying for protection visas when their three-month visitor visas expire. Ukrainians were also granted visitor visas.


Palestine Australia Relief and Action Foundation founder Rasha Abbas said Australia had an honourable track record in responding to humanitarian crises.


“Members of this group don’t leave Palestine lightly and would love to go back. But while there is an ongoing war, a genocide really, then we need to do what is right,” she said.


The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and other agencies are helping dozens of Palestinian families afford food and heating.


The Human Rights Law Centre’s legal director, Sanmati Verma, said forcing Palestinians to seek family-sponsored visitor visas meant they risked becoming undocumented migrants once their visa expired.


“These [more permanent] pathways were created for people fleeing conflict in Ukraine and Afghanistan; they should have been made available to people from Palestine,” she said. “This is a dereliction of duty.”


The Palestine Australia Relief and Action Foundation announced late last week it had received part of a $2.6 million funding boost to help new arrivals. Palestinian support groups have been frustrated in recent months by what they perceive to be Labor’s intent to balance any funding with comparable investment in non-Arab or Jewish groups.


“Anyone who has arrived in Australia from Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories is not limited to one visa pathway,” a Home Affairs Department spokesman said.


Hamas led a series of attacks on October 7, killing 1200 people in Israel and abducting 250. In its campaign since, Israel has killed more than 39,363 Palestinians and wounded more than 90,900, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 8:03 a.m. No.21338861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>9036 >>9073 >>4159 >>0269 >>6136 >>2143 >>5847 >>6390 >>4272 >>5080 >>2113 >>9437 >>3311 >>9208 >>9213 >>0912 >>5883 >>0690


Reynolds v Higgins: Trial begins in Linda Reynolds’ pursuit of vindication


Jesinta Burton - August 2, 2024




Huddled around a table in a luxury hotel in Sydney’s inner suburbs, former political staffer Brittany Higgins, now-husband David Sharaz and Network Ten journalist Lisa Wilkinson met to strategise the delivery of a bombshell interview that would spark a cultural reckoning.


It was January 27, 2021, and Higgins was preparing to detail her alleged raped by former colleague Bruce Lehrmann in the parliamentary office of Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds and the political cover-up that followed.


“I asked Britt ‘ultimately, what do you want out of this?’,” Sharaz says.


“And she goes ‘well, I want Bruce to forever have it difficult getting a job, like it’s going to be difficult for me’.


“And then you [Higgins] said, best-case scenario, Linda Reynolds.”


The tell-all interview on The Project would be broadcast to more than half-a-million people, triggering a political storm that culminated in multiple inquiries, a cultural overhaul, lucrative book deals and a $2.4 million compensation pay out.


The criminal trial against Lehrmann — who has long maintained his innocence — would be aborted in 2022 due to juror misconduct and a string of high-profile defamation actions would ensue, one of which would find the rape allegation to be true on the balance of probabilities (a judgment Lehrmann is appealing).


As the pair’s former boss, Reynolds would find herself in the firing line over the then-government’s handling of Higgins’ rape allegation, grilled about what she knew and when and her conduct.


And over the next five weeks, Reynolds’ legal team will take to the WA Supreme Court to argue that it marked the beginning of a campaign to get what she claims Higgins set out to: the destruction of Reynolds’ reputation.


Reynolds made good on her threat to sue Higgins for defamation over several social media posts accusing her of harassment on July 31, 2023, claiming they damaged her reputation, brought her into public hatred and caused her distress and embarrassment.


The former defence minister was already locked in an almost identical defamation row with Sharaz, who bowed out after declaring he did not have the financial means to take it to trial and imploring Reynolds to “let Brittany heal”.


According to court documents filed by Reynolds’ legal team, the posts implied the former minister had engaged in misconduct, inadequately supported Higgins and wanted to silence victims of sexual assault.


Higgins has fiercely defended the action on the basis her posts were substantially true, insisting Reynolds mishandled her rape complaint and weaponised the media to pursue a campaign against her, including by leaking confidential government emails to journalists.


Reynolds has defended her right to deal with the media and rejected the harassment allegation.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.21338876   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The former defence minister is expected to spend several days in the witness box outlining the impact of the publications on her reputation and physical health before her high-profile colleagues take the stand, including former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, WA senator Michaelia Cash and Tasmanian senator Wendy Askew.


Her parents, her senior staffer Alexandra Kelton and her doctor are also expected to give sworn testimony, with Reynolds’ legal team arguing she suffered ongoing anxiety and heart issues as a result of the saga.


Higgins, who recently revealed she and Sharaz were expecting their first child, will spend up to one week providing evidence.


The trial will pore over the pair’s relationship after the rape allegation was made, including the accounts of people on polling booths in the lead-up to the 2019 federal election and photographs capturing Higgins’ attendance at Reynolds’ birthday dinner.


It’s a trial Justice Marcus Solomon had been desperate to avoid, repeatedly airing his concerns for the very real human cost of a prolonged and highly public defamation trial.


Solomon even oversaw the mediation attempts himself knowing it would preclude him from presiding over the trial, including a marathon nine-hour meeting.


But attempts at peace talks failed and Justice Paul Tottle took the reins for the trial, which the parties have embarked on at a very real financial cost, too.


Higgins confirmed she had been forced to sell her home in the south of France to defend the action, which is understood to have cost her $1 million in legal fees to date.


Reynolds hasn’t emerged unscathed either.


The former minister, who plans to call time on her political career when her term ends in June, also claims she has mortgaged her home to bankroll the litigation.


The trial comes just weeks after Reynolds won a two-month-long battle for access to details of Higgins’ eponymous protective trust, which contains the $2.4 million compensation pay out she received from the federal government.


Reynolds wants to have the court set aside the trust amid fears it may prevent her from getting damages if she wins the defamation case.


The trial will begin with opening submissions on Friday.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 8:31 a.m. No.21339036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9038 >>9073


‘Brittany Higgins fairytale needed a villain’: Linda Reynolds fights cover-up allegations


PAUL GARVEY - 2 August 2024




Linda Reynolds has used a trove of photographs and text messages to allege Brittany Higgins and her husband David Sharaz deliberately created a plan to falsely portray the Coalition minister as the “villain” who led a cover-up of Ms Higgins’ alleged Parliament House rape.


The first day of the senator’s defamation trial against Ms Higgins saw her lawyer Martin Bennett tender multiple photographs showing Ms Higgins smiling and laughing while out on the campaign trail across Perth just months after she was allegedly raped by then-colleague Bruce Lehrmann.


Mr Bennett said the evidence showed how Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz had used falsehoods and lies to create a narrative that Senator Reynolds had led a political cover-up of Ms Higgins’ alleged rape.


“Every fairytale needs a villain, and in 2020 or 2021, Ms Higgins and her then-partner and now husband, Mr Sharaz, cast Senator Reynolds in that role for their fictional story of a cover-up of the rape,” Mr Bennett said. “The fact she had been raped was traumatic and terrible but it needed something more to attract the attention, to attract media ­interest, to attract the promotion of Ms Higgins, so she made it a political sex scandal. That’s the fiction that needed a villain and she cast Linda Reynolds in that role.”


Mr Bennett said the images and text messages showed that the $2.445m settlement secured from the commonwealth by Ms Higgins was built on a falsity that Senator Reynolds had been given no opportunity to correct. He said the outcome of the confidential mediation between Ms Higgins and the federal government – which was leaked to the media “before the ink was dry” – would have caused the public to believe Ms Higgins’ claims that the senator had harassed her and isolated her in the wake of her ­alleged rape.


“Any person in Australia reading this would automatically think that the allegations made by Ms Higgins were so true, so damning, so correct in their allegations against Senator Reynolds that the commonwealth paid $2.445m on a single instance of mediation for proceedings not yet filed,” Mr Bennett said.


“And because the commonwealth took over the conduct of Senator Reynolds’ defence of this claim, but denied her the deed, she was bound by that aspersion.”


The settlement was based in part on a claim by Ms Higgins that she had been ostracised by Senator Reynolds in the wake of the alleged rape, with the settlement stating that she was sent to work in Perth on the senator’s re-election campaign and “was required to work mostly on her own in a hotel room seven days a week for six weeks”. During that time, the claim said, her mental health deteriorated.


But Mr Bennett read out multiple text messages sent by Ms Higgins to her boyfriend at the time, Ben Dillaway, in which she detailed her time working and socialising in and around Perth during the campaign.


The messages described how she spent her time doorknocking and attending campaign events, community forums and dinners during her weeks there.


“Been out and about doing ground level campaigning. It’s been pretty fun actually,” she wrote in one of several messages to Mr Dillaway read out in court.


“My day has been awesome, mostly spent poolside,” read ­another.


Mr Bennett also tendered a ­series of photos showing a smiling Ms Higgins with politicians including Senator Reynolds and then-prime minister Scott Morrison during the campaign.


Ms Higgins also attended a birthday dinner thrown by Senator Reynolds just before the election, as well as a post-election debrief with champagne at the senator’s home the day after the poll.


“There is event after event after event,” Mr Bennett said, saying it was “palpably false” to suggest that Senator Reynolds had cast her out and isolated her.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 8:32 a.m. No.21339038   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Mr Bennett also described how the senator was protective of Ms Higgins and was “furious” with Mr Lehrmann when she first learned that the pair had accessed her ministerial suite in the early hours of a Saturday morning, the time and place in which the ­alleged rape occurred.


He said Senator Reynolds was acting protectively towards Ms Higgins when she told her chief of staff Fiona Brown to speak to the Australian Federal Police about the incident.


“Ms Higgins couldn’t remember, she was obviously upset about something and there was likely to be something of a sexual nature had occurred,” Mr Bennett said, noting that at that stage Senator Reynolds did not know the exact nature of the incident.


“She was furious at Lehrmann to take advantage of an intoxicated young staffer. She told Ms Brown to go to the AFP, and Ms Brown to her credit said ‘it’s Brittany’s choice, her agency’,” he said.


Mr Bennet told the court that Senator Reynolds did not know that Ms Higgins had been raped on the couch in her office at the time she met her in the same room shortly after the incident.


The senator had been told that Ms Higgins had told another staffer that Mr Lehrmann “was on top of me” shortly after the pair had entered the office. But there was no information provided to the senator at that time about where in the suite the alleged rape had occurred. “She said ‘he was on top of me’. There’s no suggestion at that ­moment that sexual assault had occurred on the couch,” Mr Bennett said.


Ms Higgins, he said, would later say the senator was aware that the rape had occurred on her couch when she met Senator Reynolds in her office to discuss the security breach. That was used by Ms Higgins to “falsely ­attribute a callousness to Senator Reynolds that was wrong in fact”.


“Feelings are not facts,” Mr Bennett said. “Her perception is not proof of the fact. There was no basis for Senator Reynolds to know that her couch was where the sexual assault had occurred.”


Mr Bennett also addressed Senator Reynolds’ infamous ­description that she had described Ms Higgins as a “lying cow” after the staffer went public on TV program The Project with her allegations of a political cover-up.


Mr Bennett said Senator Reynolds’ use of the word “lying” to describe Ms Higgins was ­appropriate, given the “falsity” of her allegations about the senator’s cover-up, while the word “cow” was unfortunate but reflected the senator’s “intense anger” about the claims.


“When you’re watching someone lie about you, ‘lying cow’ is an entirely defensible thing to do,” Mr Bennett said.


The senator had swiftly settled a defamation action threatened against her by Ms Higgins over the comment, and apologised as she did not want to interfere with the police investigation and ­potential prosecution.


“The reason she did that is ­because people might have interpreted her comment as casting doubt on the veracity of the rape allegation,” Mr Bennett said.


“Senator Reynolds apologised and entered into a non-disparagement clause that Ms Higgins forgot about immediately.”


Friday’s proceedings were consumed by Mr Bennett’s opening address. Senator Reynolds will give evidence all next week when the trial resumes on Monday.


The defence filed by Ms Higgins alleges that Senator Reynolds “engaged in a campaign of harassment” against her, including providing confidential information to the media.


The defence also amplifies her allegations that she was the victim of an attempted cover-up, stating that she felt under pressure not to make a complaint “in the interests of the Liberal Party”.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 2, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.21339073   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Linda Reynolds v Brittany Higgins: Judge won’t be swayed by sideshows


STEPHEN RICE - 2 August 2024


It took only minutes after Linda Reynolds’ lawyer, Martin Bennett, produced the memorable line that “every fairytale needs a villain” before the cesspit of social media chewed it up and spat out a revised version.


No matter that Bennett had spent most of the morning detailing Reynolds’ actual case: that Brittany Higgins and her now-husband David Sharaz had concocted a “fictional story of a cover-up” by Reynolds of the young woman’s rape allegations.


No matter that Bennett reaffirmed Reynolds had never questioned the veracity of Higgins’ account of being raped – indeed, had urged that it be immediately reported to police. That would have spoiled the narrative.


Instead, “Reynolds’ lawyer ­believes that rape is a fairytale!” lit up the twittersphere.


Climate 200 founder and teals campaigner Simon Holmes a Court posted that “every day Linda Reynolds pursues Brittany Higgins is another day we’re reminded about her government’s hostility towards victims of sexual assault”.


The bid by some of Higgins’ supporters to reframe the case as forcing a rape victim to prove her rape will be a recurring theme through the next five weeks of the trial.


But inside the courtroom, Higgins’ lawyers are confined to a more difficult task: substantiating her claims that Reynolds not only failed to support her after she revealed the assault, but actively ­attempted to cover it up “in the interests of the Liberal Party”.


Difficult because in his judgment in the Lehrmann defamation case, Justice Michael Lee, while finding on the balance of probabilities that Lehrmann raped Higgins, expressly rejected her claims that Reynolds was involved in a cover-up.


On Friday, Bennett laid out the battleground on which he intends to fight: the “degree of sophistication” in the planning by Higgins and Sharaz to ensure the rape story maximised damage to Reynolds and the Coalition government; and the “bare-faced falsity” of Higgins’ claims that led to the commonwealth’s lightning-fast $2.4m settlement.


Far from being isolated in Perth after the incident, Bennett said, Higgins sent her former boyfriend text messages saying “it’s been pretty fun” and “my day’s been awesome, mostly poolside”.


Higgins had not been shut in a hotel room alone working seven days a week, as she’d claimed, but was out and about campaigning.


Next week, Higgins’ lawyers will spell out their defence in full.


They have already outlined their plan of attack in court documents, alleging that Reynolds “engaged in a campaign of harassment” against Higgins, including providing confidential information to the media.


But Higgins’s lawyers did not address dozens of pages of particulars that were provided by Reynolds detailing her claims that senior Labor figures – including Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong – were drip-fed false information by Higgins and Sharaz as part of a larger plan to destroy Senator Reynolds’ career, simply stating that she “denies the allegations”.


Instead, Higgins’ defence contains a series of allegations that Reynolds “engaged in a campaign of harassment” against her by leaking confidential material relating to the mediation of her compensation claim against the federal government and by questioning the claim.


Justice Paul Tottle must decide whether Reynolds was defamed, not whether Higgins was raped.


He won’t be distracted by spurious attempts – inside the court or out – to stray from that task.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 3, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.21344294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NT police commissioner delivers apology to First Nations people at Garma and pledges to 'eliminate racism'


Samantha Dick - 3 August 2024


The Northern Territory's police commissioner has delivered an apology to First Nations people for pain the NT Police Force has caused since it was founded in 1870.


Speaking at a Yolngu ceremony area at the Garma Festival on Saturday afternoon, Commissioner Michael Murphy said:


"I am deeply sorry to all Aboriginal Territorians for the past harms and the injustices caused by members of the Northern Territory Police."


Commissioner Murphy said although the NT Police Force had aimed to work effectively with Aboriginal people over its 154 years of policing, "we acknowledge …we have made mistakes".


He addressed the harms caused by police during Australia's colonial era, saying officers often "saw themselves as duty bound to protect settlers and their property when Aboriginal people resisted their incursions".


"I know that I can't change or undo the past, but as police commissioner alongside our police officers, we can commit to not repeating the mistakes and injustices of the past," he said.


Marking the force's "commitment to truth-telling", Commissioner Murphy said NT police were pursuing an active cold case investigation into the disappearance of Tuckiar Wirrpanda, an Aboriginal man from Woodah Island suspected of being killed by police officers in the 1930s.


He also highlighted the ongoing intergenerational trauma caused by the "cruel" practice of child removals during the Stolen Generations era, as well as police enforcement of the NT Intervention.


"This history and more recent events highlight two things," Commissioner Murphy said.


"One, police are routinely tasked with enforcing policies, laws and regulations — both federal and here in the Northern Territory — that are often influenced by media coverage of crime, victims and community safety, regardless of the data, evidence and expert advice.


"And at times, police officers have abused their powers or fall[en] short in their duty of care towards Aboriginal offenders, witnesses and … victims of crime."


Commissioner Murphy said he would use his position to "make every effort to eliminate racism in the Northern Territory Police".


His apology follows a long-running coronial inquest into the 2019 death of Kumanjayi Walker, who was fatally shot by former NT police constable Zachary Rolfe during an attempted arrest in the remote community of Yuendumu.


Mr Rolfe was acquitted of all charges in relation to Mr Walker's death.


The inquest uncovered a series of racist awards shared within NT police's elite policing unit, as well as evidence of racist language used in private text messages among officers.


The coroner heard Commissioner Murphy was made aware of the racist awards months before they were made public, but was too "busy" to order an investigation at the time.


The revelations prompted a joint review into racism within the force, and added further tension to the strained relationship between police and First Nations Territorians, who are the most incarcerated population in Australia.


NT police to launch 'anti-racism strategy'


NT police's new direction will involve the development of an "anti-racism strategy", led by Leanne Liddle, a Central Arrernte woman and former director of the NT's Aboriginal Justice Agreement.


Speaking to the ABC on Saturday morning, Ms Liddle said she aimed to improve the way police interacted with Indigenous communities by confronting prejudices towards Aboriginal people and by providing the skills to "defuse situations in an appropriate way".


"That, in turn, will stop the rate of Aboriginal people coming into contact with police, which then leads them into the justice system," she said.


Part of Ms Liddle's new role with NT Police includes working to boost the proportion of Aboriginal employees within the force to 30 per cent, as well as introducing First Nations language speakers in triple-0 call centres.


Ms Liddle, a lawyer and former police officer, said the culture within NT Police "isn't going to change overnight".


"It's going to take time, so people need to be patient."


Commissioner Murphy earlier said he expected some resistance from within the force, saying "accepting change is always difficult".


"I understand the culture of the police force and it's incredibly hard to challenge that culture and change it," he said.


"As the commissioner, it's important work to undertake."

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 3, 2024, 7:42 a.m. No.21344337   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Julian Assange’s father John Shipton headlines rally on Victoria parliament’s steps in solidarity with Gaza


Blake Antrobus - August 3, 2024


The father of Julian Assange has headlined a major rally on the steps of Victoria’s parliament in support of Gaza, as activists call for thousands of prisoners taken during the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict to be released.


John Shipton was one of the key speakers at the International Day of Solidarity with Gaza and Prisoners rally in Melbourne on Saturday – marking the first time he had spoken on the conflict since his son’s release.


Mr Shipton has been a long-time supporter of ending the conflict, telling a crowd in February the offences committed against children in the war “cannot be forgiven”.


On Saturday, he warned the next job “might be a bit harder” as he thanked a large crowd of supporters for fighting for his son’s release from custody.


Julian Assange returned to Australia earlier this year after pleading guilty to conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information.


He was sentenced to 62 months in jail which was declared as time already served.


The organisers of Saturday’s rally have repeatedly called for the release of Gazan prisoners taken by Israel during the conflict, which erupted following attacks by the Islamist terrorist group Hamas on October 7, 2023.


Hundreds of hostages were taken during the attacks and thousands of Israelis were killed.


Israel then launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip which has since killed nearly 39,500 Palestinians, according to the latest reports from the local health ministry.


The Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association estimates there are 9700 Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel as of July 5.


Of these, 3380 are administrative detainees being held without a trial and 250 are children.


A recent report from the United Nation’s human rights office has found some of these prisoners may have been tortured – including being subjected to waterboarding, being held in cages and stripped naked for prolonged periods of time.


The rallies also follow outrage over allegations a Jewish customer was denied service by an Officeworks employee who said he was “pro-Palestine”.


The incident, which occurred in March, was only recently revealed in a video.


In response, Officeworks managing director Sarah Hunter said: “Disciplinary measures were implemented, including a final warning, additional training and relocation to a different store.”

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 4, 2024, 4:39 a.m. No.21348278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8290 >>4276


Coach of triathlon medallist was child sex offender


Australian Brett Sutton, who abused a 13-year-old girl, watches his Swiss charge take silver days after child rapist Steven van de Velde played volleyball for Netherlands


Matt Lawton - August 03 2024




An Australian who coached the women’s triathlon silver medallist is the second known child sex offender to be accredited for the Paris Olympics.


The presence of the Dutch beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, who was jailed for raping a 12-year-old British girl, caused a storm of protests when he competed last weekend.


Now The Sunday Times can reveal that on Wednesday Brett Sutton, 65, who had been given accreditation by China, attended the triathlon to watch his athlete, Switzerland’s Julie Derron, take silver ahead of Team GB’s Beth Potter.


Sutton even gave an interview to Swiss television close to the finish line on Pont Alexandre III in which his official Olympic accreditation lanyard could be seen hanging from his neck.


Sutton pleaded guilty in 1999 to five counts of sexual abuse of a 13-year-old Australian girl, a talented swimmer he had been coaching. He was sentenced to two years in prison the year before the Sydney Olympics, but the sentence was suspended for three years.


The judge, Robert Hall, said that Sutton had interfered with the girl in a “gross and disgraceful way” and “abused his role to an inexcusable degree”, but he took into account that, as the national triathlon coach, Sutton was preparing a number of athletes for the Games. “A large number of leading athletes will suffer disadvantage from your absence from the scene,” Hall said.


Sutton has been at the Olympics despite being banned from coaching by several federations.


A spokesman for Sutton, while declining to provide a comment on his presence here in Paris, said that he had served a three-year sanction imposed by the International Triathlon Union and Triathlon Australia. But a spokesman for Australia’s National Olympic Committee said that Sutton was “banned for life from swimming in Australia following his sexual offences conviction”. Since 2021 he has also been banned for life by USA Triathlon.


Soon after his conviction, Les McDonald, then the president of the International Triathlon Union (now World Triathlon), said that anyone coached by Sutton should not be allowed to compete internationally. But triathlon has allowed Sutton to rebuild his coaching career.


His marriage collapsed after his conviction and he moved to Switzerland, where for more than 20 years he has had a family-run professional coaching business based in the ski resort of St Moritz.


According to the company website it costs $999 (about £780) a month to be coached by Sutton. But he delivers success, claiming to have masterminded the careers of “many of the sport’s icons over the past 35 years”. These include Nicola Spirig, the Swiss Olympic gold medallist in London, and the Swiss five-times Ironman world champion Daniela Ryf. He has also coached some top British triathletes. He was described on Chinese television as China’s national triathlon coach.



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 4, 2024, 4:42 a.m. No.21348290   🗄️.is 🔗kun





This comes despite the graphic details that emerged at Sutton’s case in 1999 in which the court heard a string of allegations, including that he had forced the girl to give him oral sex. The incidents happened in the late 1980s, but it was not until the victim was an adult, and married, that she found the courage to go to the police.


Sutton was convicted after the woman worked with the police to record secretly a phone conversation in which Sutton made a series of admissions.


While he pleaded guilty to five offences, he declined to give any evidence. This meant the victim never had to endure cross-examination but, according to a report in The Observer in 2002, it also allowed Sutton’s lawyer, in his plea for mitigation, to make assertions that could never be challenged in court.


In 2002 he told The Observer that he no longer coached children under 16. “It’s the age of consent,” he said. “My lawyer told me. That way, no one can say I am a paedophile.”


According to World Triathlon, he is in Paris as an accredited coach for China. This was confirmed by his spokesman, who said he attended the Games in Tokyo in 2020, Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and London in 2012 as an accredited member of the Swiss team.


“It’s like a dirty, open secret in the sport,” one prominent member of the triathlon community said. “Lots of people know about it but nobody says anything. It’s shameful.”


A spokesman for the Swiss national Olympic committee said: “Brett Sutton does not work for Swiss Olympic, and he does not have any function for our organisation in Paris. Swiss athletes decide for themselves who they work with as personal coaches.”


The IOC, as in the case of Van der Velde, said it was not a matter for them but the national Olympic committee that has accredited Sutton. China did not respond to two requests for comment.


A spokesperson for World Triathlon claimed not to be aware of Sutton’s past. “We do not comment on media reports,” they said when pointed to past reports of Sutton’s conviction.


The IOC added that Sutton had now left the Games, as his athletes had finished competing.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 4, 2024, 4:50 a.m. No.21348313   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Powerful Republicans back AUKUS under Trump


Matthew Cranston - Aug 4, 2024


Washington | Australia’s sovereignty of nuclear-powered submarines will be guaranteed under the AUKUS defence pact if Donald Trump wins back the White House at the November election, two top Republican senators said.


Ranking members of the powerful US Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence committees Jim Risch and Marco Rubio said Australia would still have control of the submarines by the early 2030s even if America’s own production targets were not met.


The US Navy submarine building program is substantially stretched, prompting concerns about shipbuilding delays and budget cutbacks. It has also raised concerns about whether the US would seek to keep control of vessels sold to Australia and determine where they are positioned to cover any shortfalls in its own fleet.


“The sovereignty issue has been resolved. Australia is going to have submarines to use as submarines, the US has got submarines to use as submarines, and the sovereignty over the submarine is not an issue,” Senator Risch told The Australian Financial Review.


“If you have them, they’re yours, if we have ours, they’re ours!”


The comments come as the US secretary of defence and the secretary of state are set this week to meet with their Australian counterparts for annual talks in Annapolis. The ministers are expected to question delays over the US relaxing defence export controls to foster defence trade under the AUKUS pact between the US, Australia and Britain.


Senator Risch, a top Republican whose endorsement of Trump before the Iowa caucus in January helped him regain control of the Republican Party, said he did not think Trump would renege on the AUKUS arrangements, most of which have now passed Congress as law. “I don’t think that’s going to be an issue whichever administration it will be,” Senator Risch said. “I’d be careful until when the election is over before you start writing stories about who’s going to do what.”


Under the AUKUS plan, Australia is meant to receive the first of at least three Virginia-class submarines from the United States in 2032 to avoid a capability gap while the first British-designed submarines are being built in Adelaide.


However, transfer of the American submarines hinges on production in the US increasing to an average of 2.33 boats a year. Shipbuilding is languishing at 1.2 to 1.3 boats annually because of industrial bottlenecks and other problems.


‘If we can’t trust Australia, who can we trust?’


Senator Risch described that as a “short term” issue and that, “If you’re talking medium to long term, it is not an issue.”


“We are doing what we need to do in conjunction with the Aussies, to ensure that we can produce the number of submarines we need to produce.”


Senator Rubio said some of the shipbuilding projects are behind schedule because of labour disruptions and other problems.


“But I don’t think that in any way undermines the commitment that we have, particularly given our shared concerns about the threats in the Indo-Pacific from an increasingly aggressive China,” Senator Rubio told the Financial Review in a separate interview.


A key focus on AUSMIN discussions on Tuesday (Wednesday AEST) will be implementing the new export controls to allow the US to share and trade closely guarded defence technology with Australia. In April, the Biden administration delayed relaxing the strictly controlled regulations by 120 days.


Senator Risch, who vented his frustration over the delays in a report released last week, said he had held many discussions with Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd, and US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell to try to resolve the issue.


“Kevin and I have worked together on this a lot. And I have told him that I am incredibly impatient with the [Biden] administration – that they act as if we are dealing with maybe not an adversary, but a neutral party.”


“But Australia is a long, long time, reliable partner on national security issues. We’re both part of the Five Eyes [intelligence alliance]. We have a history that goes way back. If we can’t trust Australia, who can we trust?”


“I wish we were getting to it quicker, but it’s a difference in opinion as to what the level of certainty needs to be. And I have a different view of that than the administration.”

Anonymous ID: 763f87 Aug. 4, 2024, 6:21 a.m. No.21348695   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones take on if they Assassinate Donald Trump

timestamp: 00:00:47 Alex Jones"If they kill him, that's the best case scenario, on a sick level…"


Urgent Jan 06 research updates inside - Situational Awareness

>>21109445 Jan 06 big dig bun - Shocker! [Fake Maga] Jones, Flynn, Bannon, Piatt, Wren, Milley and a whole cast of Fake Maga orchestrated Jan 06. Read on.


Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and the U.S. Supreme Court.

>>21109387, >>21109394, >>21109615 Steve Bannon loves Alex Jones loves Steve Bannon and Alex Jones' book The GREAT AWAKENING.

>>21109523 Steve Bannon and WE BUILD THE WALL fraud case 5 - 10 years for Bannon > state level no presidential pardon will save the traitor.

>>21109505, >>21109506, >>21109507, >>21109508, >>21109509 Bannon Prison Supreme Court

>>21109517 and the Supreme Court is still very much Deep State


The Vatican and many things [they] did not want you to know.

>>21109620 The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Vatican involvement in 9-11 per the drops.

>>21109613 Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."

>>21109622 Trump reads the "Snake" Poem Vatican Serpent drops

>>21109624 Q Drop #1950 Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church - The U.S. had no official relations with the Vatican from 1867 to 1984. Why? Lincoln…

>>21109396 Catholic Charities is Facilitating America’s Border Crisis - #1 Immigration NGO

>>21109605 Are we saving Israel for last?

>>21109607 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican Founded by Lynn De Rothschild.

>>21109610 What is a Court Factor? Part I

>>21109633 What is a Court Factor? Part II Soros, Rothschild and Murdoch are all Court Factors and/or Papal Knights of various Vatican controlled Orders.

>>21109617 The real 2020 Election interference ITALYGATE > Italian Military contractor Leonardo Spa. > CIA Clowns > Obama > Renzi > The Vatican

>>21109637 A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California

>>21109852 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!" Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church

>>21109858 It is very sad that, according to the Bible, per Roman Catholic Crusader Taylor Marshall, that Melania Trump is worthy of Death. Read on!

>>21109867 Archbishop Vigano condemning TRUMP for hosting a Republican LGBTQ Gala at Mar a Lago. So when Melania does it it is okay? Not one word…

>>21109697 The MG Show P = Paysuer and the Alex Jones/Fritz Springmeier connection. Guardians of the [P]edophiles.


You have been here the whole time?

>>21109590 QResearch 2018 to 2022 Timeline Neo Nazi admin,faker bakers, Shill team 6 and MNR.

>>21109596 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY."

>>21109599 So you think you know what 'Biblical' means?

>>21109373 shill cheerleaders and newfags are anons just ike you! and here is their Mantra.

>>21109385 QResearch Patriotic Litmus Test - Hint: most fail the first few times.

>>21109413 The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

>>21109441 New Eyes Be Ready Good information is not Spam. The Q drops are not Spam.

>>21109600 Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>>21109636 ILLUMINATI 101


Who is in Control?

>>21109759 Biden is not IN CONTROL… Trump is not IN CONTROL… Who is IN CONTROL?

>>21109762 Drop #1489 tells anons all they need to know about Infiltration into these boards.

>>21109803 Trump' account posts many duplicitous statements. Is Trump aware of what Dan Scavino is doing? Is Dan Scavino [Dan Scavino]?


Where are you?

>>21109630 4chan/8chan/8kun server location? SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA 2018 8KUN SERVER WAS IN CHINA MIL DOD SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA 2024 8KUN SERVER IS IN RUSSIA Reconcile

Anonymous ID: 706c07 Aug. 4, 2024, 9:10 p.m. No.21352851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2892 >>2938

This man exposed all of it in real time and the Australian Government Swiss Government Microsoft Google have all attacked him among others.


They tried to kill him and his Son.

This is part of what he exposed, there is more


Every Senator in Australia has this data!


Mindblowing detail.


If any links have been nuked or changed use wayback - some may need to be FOIA'd as the Aus Gov have edited the content after crimes were exposed.


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 28 June 2021 to 30 August 2021


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 3 September 2021 to 26 October 2021


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 3 November 2021 to 28 December 2021


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 4 January 2022 to 28 February 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 5 March 2022 to 26 April 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 26 April 2022 to 30 May 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 7 June 2022 to 20 July 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 22 July 2022 to 23 September 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 22 July 2022 to 23 September 2022_Compressed


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 30 September 2022 to 18 November 2022_compressed


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 25 November 2022 to 23 December 2022


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 20 January 2023 to 2 May 2023


  1. Continuation of the Evidence 5 May 2023 to 23 August 2023

Anonymous ID: 706c07 Aug. 4, 2024, 9:18 p.m. No.21352892   🗄️.is 🔗kun



From: Craig Cannock <>

Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2024 8:09 AM

To: Brewer.JoshuaP[NCREGN] <>; Attorney <>; <>; <>; Blessing Mangoyana <>; ' <'>;


Every Senator in the country is listed, trimmed to fit


Good Morning,


To those receiving this for the first time we are exposing those who KNOWINGLY participated in GENOCIDE-TREASON-SEDITION-PEDOPHILIA and much more….


The Commonwealth of Australia Corporation is destroying the Country. All corporate contracts are null and void as fraud vitiates them all.


Absolute proof is available showing the country was lied to, confined and poisoned en masse by the state, that the state did this knowingly in an attempt to condition then genocide the people. Covid was not a pandemic it was a statistical fraud used to gaslight the public and trick them into taking experimental gene therapy which has conclusively been proven to be deadly, claiming lives in the 10s of millions worldwide and injuring people in the billions.


CDC: Covid Shots Caused 14,000% Increase in Cancers

The data also reveals an alarming 6,113% increase in cancer cases reported among children and young adults.;jsessionid=0CB382AA109F3BD233F7BF46DA62


What makes my evidence so dangerous is that it proves the Government knew back in Mid 2021, attached, that the Covid shots were deadly and they covered it up and kept telling people it was safe and effective and pushing people to take it. PURE EVIL. They are still pushing it now. If you are receiving this email and took the Covid shot you are now immune system compromised.

Are you going to keep running cover for the people who are trying to kill/sterilise you?

Are you going to seek justice and end the madness?

What contracts did you sign that binds you to protect these criminals?


ASIO, who tried to recruit me in 2015, came out 2 weeks ago claiming there was a CCP compromised person high up in the Australian Government, media and ‘opposition’ initially demanded they be exposed before a quick about face with the claim it’ll breach National security. Cover up after cover up. This is not a Government, this is an international criminal syndicate using the executive service to run the system while the people get the charade they know as politics protected by their masonic Police and military.


The corrupt politicians under the fraudulent corporate construct have given themselves immunity, they best be aware that fraud vitiates everything under the law including their fraudulent immunity.


After my previous correspondence to the Government Microsoft attacked me AGAIN and is now blocking the download of evidence provided to the Government. This is direct interference in a criminal investigation and breach of a long list of my human rights. But this is what this has come to. We have Governments, intel agencies and corporate giants doing everything they can to hide my evidence, I note none of them are denying its authenticity.

This is criminal, nothing is unsafe or illegal, it is publicly available evidence which the Governments/banks/corporates Worldwide want hidden.

Anonymous ID: 706c07 Aug. 4, 2024, 9:23 p.m. No.21352918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925



From: Craig Cannock <>

Sent: Monday, 29 April 2024 1:34 PM

To: Brewer.JoshuaP[NCREGN] <>; Attorney <>; <>; <>; Blessing Mangoyana <>; David Hawgood <>; Soraya Drake <>; Kyla Schulz <>; Abby Graham-Emmerson <>; <>; Bowen, Chris (MP) <>; O'Brien, Ted (MP) <>; Deb Frecklington MP and Brent Mickelberg MP <>; Fiona Simpson MP <>; <>; <>; <>;


Good Morning,


Having the CCC do ANOTHER fake investigation will not cut it, they’ll take ages, claim it’s out of their scope. This is what these cover up agencies are for, like Royal Commissions the guilty are let off - recommendations are made; FARCE! . We want public statements admitting guilt and apologies. As a start. The amount of proof is staggering and you clowns now push censorship to try and cover it up!


Only a fool would think we don’t know where the bioweapons were developed.


Continuation of the Evidence (Includes the prior 12 folders and 11 supplementary files):



Anonymous ID: 706c07 Aug. 4, 2024, 9:25 p.m. No.21352925   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Destroying the west by design:


Business insolvencies hit record highs with worse to come, warns CreditorWatch


Australia's average income tax rate increased by 7.6 per cent in 2023, the largest out of any developed country in the world.


Biden DOJ Says Droning American Citizens Is Totally Fine Because Obama’s DOJ Said So

Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) argued Thursday before the Supreme Court that droning American citizens is permissible because Obama’s DOJ said so, whereas questioning election results isn’t OK because the government also says so.


At Least 20 Dead During Record Flood After Government ‘Cloud Seeding.’

The record rainfall and flooding in Dubai that has claimed the lives of at least 20 people this week directly followed government cloud seeding missions, according to reports.

Cloud-seeding is a form of geoengineering using planes or cannons to shoot particles into clouds to attract more moisture and increase rainfall.


USDA and China CCP lab are creating deadly BIRD FLU viruses as part of $1m collaboration - and YOU are paying for it

A letter states the research could threaten national security and public health

It involves infecting ducks with different viruses to make them more infectious


The Secret History of Hamas


It’s a sad state of affairs.


I will not consent to tyranny. I will not comply and I will rely on these emails as evidence in a Court with competent jurisdiction should I be held to any account by the 'alleged' authorities for my non-compliance. I do not consent!




: Craig :Cannock

Semper Supra

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:14 a.m. No.21354042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0243 >>0233

ASIO lifts terror threat level to 'probable' amid heightened tensions over war in Gaza


Andrew Greene and Jake Evans - 5 August 2024


Australia's official terror alert level has been raised to "probable" amid heightened community tensions over the war in Gaza.


Security authorities believe the chances of a violent extremist act are now more likely than when authorities lowered the alert level to "possible" in November 2022.


ASIO's director-general Mike Burgess said Australia's security environment had become more volatile and unpredictable.


"More Australians are being radicalised and being radicalised more quickly," Mr Burgess said.


"More Australians are willing to use violence to advance their cause. Politically motivated violence now joins espionage and foreign interference as our principal security concerns."


He also noted the conflict in Gaza was not the "cause" for raising the terror level, though it had been a "significant driver".


Mr Burgess said, however, raising the threat level did not mean ASIO had intelligence about plans of a current attack or expectations of an imminent attack.


But he said agencies had disrupted eight incidents in just the last four months that involved alleged terrorism or were investigated as potential acts of terrorism.


Those cases included risks of knife attacks or attacks with improvised weapons and involved young people who had been radicalised — the youngest 14, and the oldest 21.


PM says Australians must 'lower temperature' of debate


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the raised level had been driven by increases in youth radicalisation, online radicalisation and the rise of "new mixed ideologies".


"I want to reassure Australians probable does not mean inevitable, and it does not mean it is intelligence about an imminent threat or danger," Mr Albanese said.


"[But] when the temperature of the security environment is rising, we must lower the temperature of debate."


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton called on Australians to watch out for terror threats.


"We do live in a precarious time," he said.


Mr Albanese said Australians must be able to resolve their differences peacefully and debate political issues like the conflict in Gaza peacefully.


"No-one is suggesting people should have conformity to particular views, but the way people express things is important," he said.


"It is not normal to have people in occupations for months outside electorate offices, where the work of those electorate offices is to assist people."


Asked if he agreed if the temperature should be brought down, Mr Dutton said he did.


But the opposition leader reiterated his criticism of Mr Albanese's response to pro-Palestinian protests outside the Sydney Opera House last October and the ongoing encampments on university campuses.


"I think the proper response is required from the leader of our country to show strength, not weakness.


He said anti-Semitism was "occurring on a common basis in our country" at an "unprecedented" level.


Mr Dutton said leaders should be clear that we "adhere to a strong set of values … the rule of law" and "respectful debate".


The official terror alert level was last raised to "probable" in 2014 with the emergence of the Islamic State terrorist group.


Threats now on multiple fronts


Justin Bassi, executive director at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said ASIO's decision was unsurprising in the context of current "global instability", saying threats were now coming from multiple sources.


"When the terror threat level was raised in 2014 … we really were up against Islamist terrorism as the key national security threat. Fast forward 10 years to 2024, we are seeing a multitude of threats …


"[That] is why it is so difficult for ASIO, that it is not just a single issue. There [is] a multitude of issues, which makes the job of the security agency more complex."


Mr Bassi said technology was helping radicalisation to spread faster.


"There is no doubt that technology is playing an amplifying role," he said.


"These are not new issues, politically motivated violence is not new, but [there is now] a range of issues happening at once … [and they are pushed] by people who are overseas."

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:36 a.m. No.21354106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4122

PM discards commitment to set up Makarrata body despite millions in funding


Tom Crowley - 4 August 2024


The federal government does not intend to create a national commission to lead "truth-telling" about First Nations history, departing from its pre-election promise to do so.


A Makarrata commission, named after a Yolngu word for coming together after a struggle, is the "culmination" of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


Its intended purpose is to oversee both truth-telling and treaty-making between governments and First Nations.


But despite an election night promise to enact the statement in "full", and budget funding to establish a Makarrata commission, the government's enthusiasm for a commission had cooled by the time of the failed Voice referendum and its status has been unclear.


On Saturday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese appeared to drop the commitment to the commission by denying it had ever been made.


"That's not what we have proposed," he told the ABC's Insiders program during an interview at the Garma Festival.


"What we've proposed is Makarrata just being the idea of coming together."


Funding allocated to Makarrata establishment


But a standalone Makarrata commission was part of Labor's costed policy platform prior to the federal election, and in its first budget the Albanese government allocated $5.8 million to its establishment.


That funding was meant "to commence work on establishing an independent Makarrata commission to oversee processes for agreement making and truth-telling".


The PM confirmed that intention in a radio interview in the Torres Strait in August 2022, saying a Makarrata commission would "of course" feed into a truth-telling process.


And in an interview on Insiders at Garma in August 2023, he said the funding was "about establishing a structure [for the commission], which will happen".


But in downplaying the need for a commission on Sunday, Mr Albanese insisted he had not changed his position.


"Makarrata [is] a Yolngu word that simply means coming together after a struggle," he said.


"I'm somewhat perplexed at why people see that as being complex."


He added truth-telling meant "engaging with land councils … engaging with Native Title tribunals … [and] engaging with First Nations".


"Now that might take forms as it evolves … I don't pre-empt it. What it means is listening to and respecting First Nations people and then responding."


Makarrata more than 'fuzzy language'


Dean Parkin, who was heavily involved in the Uluru Statement and the referendum campaign, said the statement was "very clear" about the need for a commission.


"That was the election night commitment, it was to the full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and [it] is very, very clear on that point," he said.


"The first element of the commitment has been carried through, the prime minister has been true to his word on that, and we would say that the remainder of the Uluru Statement from the Heart is outstanding, and it does involve a commission."


Katie Kiss, the newly appointed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice commissioner, told the ABC a Makarrata commission was "necessary".


"Makarrata is about coming together, but also about the rules of engagement and how we work in partnership to achieve the practical outcomes that people keep saying they want to achieve," she said.


"I think while it's all nice and fuzzy language about coming together, it needs to be much more than that."


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has ruled out pursuing truth-telling in any form.


"Under a government I lead, there will be no Makarrata and there will be no revisiting of truth-telling," he said on Friday.


"We're not spending money on Makarrata, but we are spending money and making sure it's spent wisely on the practical outcomes in schools, in health services, and in housing."


On Sunday, he accused Mr Albanese of "talking out of both sides of his mouth."


"What's the money in the budget for? What is his position?


"The prime minister is treating people like he did with the Voice, starving them of detail."

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:40 a.m. No.21354122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4123


‘Lost in translation’: Minister Malarndirri McCarthy denies PM ditched Makarrata vow


PAIGE TAYLOR - 5 August 2024




Newly minted Minister for Indigenous Australians Malarndirri McCarthy does not believe Anthony Albanese ditched his election promise to implement a Makarrata Commision and says ideals behind the Uluru statement are still guiding the federal government.


In a 2017 election promise, the Prime Minister pledged that his government would implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, which included a promise for a formal process for agreement-making and truth-telling.


But at the Garma Festival this weekend, Mr Albanese appeared to back away from that commitment, saying that was not what his government was proposing, leading to one of his closest Indigenous allies accusing him of breaking a clear election promise.


Despite a number of Indigenous leaders backing his push to ­refocus ­Aboriginal policy on economic development, the Prime Minister now faces fresh divisions with pro-voice campaigners over his decision to dump the Makarrata process.


Uluru Dialogue co-chair Pat Anderson on Sunday night condemned the Prime Minister’s comments as confusing. She also criticised Mr Albanese’s repeated comments on Sunday that his past references to “Makarrata” were in relation to the Yolngu word for “coming together”, and not the truth-telling body outlined in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


“Is he rolling back on the Labor election commitment to the Makarrata commission?” Ms Anderson said. “We understand that a constitutional voice didn’t get up, but the Australian people didn’t vote on truth or treaty.


“Makarrata is not a vague vibe or a series of casual conversations.


“The Makarrata called for in the Uluru Statement is a bricks-and-mortar body and it was a clear election promise.”


However speaking on ABC Breakfast on Monday, minister McCarthy said the Prime Minister was referring to members of the opposition not showing up to the festival.


“The Uluru people had opened that invitation to the Opposition Leader and to my opposition shadow (minister) Senator Nampijinpa Price, so there was an opportunity for everyone to come together,” she said.


“I know that’s what the Prime Minister was referring to, but in the midst of all the cacophony yesterday, it seemed to have got lost.”


“I would caution everyone to just calm down, that this has been a significant weekend. We are not moving away from our commitment to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in terms of our love and our support for all of those who gathered there in 2017.”


Ms Anderson’s comments came after Mr Albanese, speaking at the Garma Festival in ­Arnhem Land, on Saturday set out a vision for Indigenous affairs rooted in his Future Made in Australia and climate change agendas. Ben Wyatt, a former West Australian treasurer and now board member of Rio Tinto and Woodside Energy, has worked with Yawaru leader Peter Yu on the proposal for a comprehensive economic development policy taken up by Labor.


Mr Wyatt, a Yamat man, told The Australian the development of a national Indigenous economic empowerment policy framework “has long been a missing opportunity in Australia”, and economic participation would now be a more significant part of “Aboriginal empowerment”.


“Corporate Australia, particularly the mining industry, has long been intricately engaged with Indigenous communities on a shared approach to development,” Mr Wyatt said. “What has been missing is comprehensive support that only governments can bring to the table; fiscal measures, capacity building, and institutional assistance to help make this happen. And, with innovation in social policy likely to be contentious in light of the referendum result, economic participation should be a non-contentious area of policy space and will, therefore, become a much more significant leg of the Aboriginal empowerment platform.”



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:42 a.m. No.21354123   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Mr Albanese on Sunday publicly backed away from a Makarrata commission, which he fully endorsed on election night 2022.


“With regard to Makarrata, a Yolngu word – that simply means a coming together after struggle. I’m somewhat perplexed at why people see that as being complex,” he said on ABC’s Insiders.


Asked by host David Speers what he meant, he named processes that were already under way. “What it means is that this is happening,” the Prime Minister said.


“This is a coming together of people through engagement. The forums that are held, different bodies, including the body led by Pat Turner, made up of the Coalition of Peaks. It means engaging with land councils. It means engaging with native title holders … engaging with First Nations people right around the country.”


Peter Dutton, criticised for not attending Garma as many Liberal leaders have in the past, had committed to scrapping a Makarrata commission in a future Liberal government. The Opposition Leader accused Mr Albanese of “talking out of both sides of his mouth”. “He goes up to Garma and tells people there’s going to be a whole panacea and a whole rollout of new policy. (Then) he comes to Canberra, or comes to WA and tells people there’s nothing to see,” he said in Perth. “Why has taxpayers’ money already been spent on establishing a Makarrata commission? What will it do? Who will be appointed to it?


“The Prime Minister, again, is treating people as he did through the course of the voice by starving them of the detail they need to get a better understanding of what he’s proposing.” Mr Dutton said he did not attend this year’s Garma Festival because “it is not going to deliver the practical outcomes”. “Look at the Prime Minister’s track record. He’s had two years to try and provide practical solutions and outcomes for Indigenous communities, and the indicators under the closing of the gap are indicators they’ve gone backwards,” he said.


On a discussion panel at Garma, Yes23 campaign director Dean Parkin made it clear the Uluru Statement asked for a Makarrata body, not Makarrata as a broad concept. “The existing commitment made … on election night was implementation of the full Uluru Statement,” he said. “There is a distinction that has emerged that I think we need to take a look at, which is commitment to Makarrata versus commitment to a Makarrata commission.”


Addressing the Garma Festival – set up by the late land rights icon Yunupingu – over the weekend, Mr Albanese talked up plans to create a point of contact between companies receiving Future Made in Australia subsidies and leaders of Indigenous communities. He said the Future Made in Australia agenda and renewables rollout would be used to lift living standards for Indigenous Australians.


The National Native Title Council is a supporter of the economic development approach, and NNTC chair Kado Muir said energy and renewables infrastructure would be “a cornerstone of economic empowerment”.

Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:54 a.m. No.21354159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162 >>0269


‘This is aggravation’: Reynolds’ lawyer threatens to add fresh post to Higgins’ defamation rap sheet


Jesinta Burton - August 5, 2024




Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds’ lawyer has accused Brittany Higgins of aggravating conduct after she published the cover of a book entitled ‘How many more women? how the law silences women’ alongside the words “Pertinent reading” as the former defence minister entered the witness box for their defamation trial.


Reynolds lawyer Martin Bennett had concluded quizzing the former defence minister on her life and career when he revealed Higgins had posted the image on her Instagram story while his client was on the stand.


Bennett told the court he intended to amend the statement of claim in Reynolds’ defamation action against Higgins to include the post, arguing its timing and the imputations amounted to aggravation.


Reynolds ended her first day of sworn testimony poring over her recollection of a meeting with Higgins in her parliamentary office on April 1, 2019, just over one week after she and colleague Bruce Lehrmann breached security by entering after hours while intoxicated and leaving the suite unlocked.


What transpired during that meeting and in the months that followed now underpins Higgins’ claim that her former boss mishandled what was actually a sexual assault — and now her truth defence.


Higgins later revealed she spent that meeting sitting just metres from the couch on which she was allegedly raped by Lehrmann, a claim Lehrmann has long denied.


Reynolds told the court she recalled being frustrated and angry because she had not been advised of the security breach until several days after it occurred.


Despite being told Higgins had been discovered by security guards in a state of undress, Reynolds claimed there was no allegation of sexual assault yet urged Higgins to go to the Australian Federal Police and seek counselling over what she described as “hazy” memories.


“We talked about the security incident, and she was embarrassed and mortified. I told her her job was safe, but to learn from the incident and that it couldn’t happen again,” Reynolds told the court.


“I told her that if she wanted to go to the AFP, make a complaint or get somebody to help her remember things further, that Fiona and I would be there for her… and she thanked me.


“I think she was grateful she was keeping her job, but she deserved a second chance.”


Reynolds also defended herself against criticism about the eight days that lapsed between the alleged rape and her first formal meeting with Higgins, with her diary showing she was interstate for six of them.


The testimony came after Higgins’ lawyer cast doubt over the impact of the three social media posts publications Reynolds had spent the past year pursuing damages for, telling the court her reputation was already ‘baked in’.


Higgins’ counsel Rachael Young SC told the court any damages Higgins should have to pay should consider Reynolds’ public standing when the posts were published, two years after the tell-all interview that saw the former minister in the firing line over her handling of the alleged rape.


The lawyer told the court any potential payout should be moderated by the fact such criticism was “part and parcel” of being a politician, and implied any damages would not be “worth the candle” of a five-week defamation trial.



Anonymous ID: 7151f9 Aug. 5, 2024, 4:55 a.m. No.21354162   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Young began opening submissions with an attack on Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett, who had characterised Higgins’ experience as “a fairytale that needed a villain.”


“The plaintiff, a senator, seeks to restore her reputation by laying the blame at the feet of one of her most junior staffers,” she told the court.


“Ms Higgins’ truth about the rape is uncontested by Senator Reynolds. This matter has never been a fairytale and describing it as one is misplaced, harassing and traumatising and seeks to trivialise the experience of Ms Higgins and other victims of sexual assault.”


Reynolds claims Higgins’ posts implied the senator had engaged in misconduct, provided inadequate support and wanted to silence victims of sexual assault, damaging her reputation and causing her embarrassment and even excaserbati an existing heart condition.


Higgins has fiercely defended the action, claiming her posts were substantially true because Reynolds did mishandle her rape complaint and used the media to pursue a campaign against her.


In supporting that defence, Young honed in on the former defence minister’s conduct in the days after Higgins’ alleged rape on the couch of Reynolds’ parliamentary suite on March 23, 2019.


Young said the notion the senator had no suspicion of criminal activity before her sole meeting with Higgins just metres from the couch on April 1, 2019 did not pass muster when reviewing the evidence, which showed she knew Higgins was intoxicated, found in a state of undress, and that Lehrmann had allegedly been on top of her.


She also downplayed the relevance of text messages and images showing Higgins socialising and attending campaign events for Reynolds ahead of the May 2019 federal election, unearthing evidence showing the former staffer was distressed and processing the sexual assault.


The court was shown text messages in which Higgins was confiding in an ex-boyfriend about her frustrations with the senator and the lack of support she received.


“I was literally assaulted in [her] office, collectively took four days off and got jack shit in terms of help” one text read.


In claiming the truth defence, Young said Reynolds’ labelling of Higgins as a “lying cow” following her tell-all interview with The Project, and leaks to the media with details of Higgins’ $2.4 million compensation payout, undermined the rape allegation and were evidence of harassment.


And she asked the court to consider the “palpable” power imbalance between the then-24-year-old alleged rape victim and the former defence minister, in assessing Reynolds’ claims that Higgins and her now-husband David Sharaz engaged in a sustained campaign to harass Reynolds via the media.


Several high-profile witnesses will be called to give evidence in the weeks to come, including former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, former foreign affairs minister Marise Payne, Senator Wendy Askew and journalist Samantha Maiden.


Higgins, who recently revealed she and Sharaz were expecting their first child, will spend up to one week on the stand.


Outside court Reynolds took a swipe at Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, saying she was looking forward to having the opportunity to tell the truth and was “very glad” he did not have any reach in the WA Supreme Court.


The pair have been at odds over the government’s handling of Higgins’ $2.4 million compensation claim, with Reynolds lodging a complaint with the anti-corruption watchdog about the settlement deal, and using observations from Federal Court Justice Michael Lee’s judgment that there was no cover-up, as justification to call for Dreyfus to admit he got it wrong.


Dreyfus insists the compensation claim was handled to the “letter of the law”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 5, 2024, 5:17 a.m. No.21354217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leading internet expert Robert Epstein believes Google meddles in Australian politics


ADAM CREIGHTON - 5 August 2024


Leading American behavioural psychologist Dr Robert Epstein says he has “no doubt” Google is manipulating Australia’s elections by subtly biasing search engine results to encourage support for the tech giant’s favoured – usually left-wing – political parties.


The Harvard educated Dr Epstein, speaking to Liberal Senator Alex Antic on his podcast ‘Based’, urged all nations to set up “monitoring systems” so governments could track how tech giants were seeking to surreptitiously influence public opinion.


“Australia has no monitoring system, the European Union has no monitoring system; if anyone at Google in Australia has any political interests in Australia … I have no doubt, absolutely no doubt, that they are manipulating your elections,” he told Senator Antic in comments to be uploaded Tuesday.


In 2018 the Wall Street Journal published leaked emails among Google staff, revealing them discussing how to discreetly turn voters against then president Donald Trump’s 2017 travel ban on nationals from certain Muslim countries from coming to the US.


“Unless you have a monitoring system in place, you don’t actually know what’s happening, you don’t know how they might be indoctrinating your children, you don’t know how they might be undermining your democracy,” Dr Epstein added.


The big US tech giants have been embroiled in years long controversies over their alleged political bias in favour of left-wing parties and ideas, which intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2020 US election, prompting governments around the world to consider extra regulation to make their internal algorithms clearer.


“Right at this minute, Google is sending register to vote reminders to members of one party, the Democrats, at two and a half times the rate they’re sending those register to vote reminders to Republicans,” Dr Epstein told Senator Antic.


“We know from very rigorous research that the ‘go vote’ reminder alone in the United States on election day can easily send 450,000 more votes that day to one candidate than to the other,” he added, suggesting “that’s going to happen in Australia too”.


Dr Epstein’s comments came amid a furore in the US over allegations Google and Facebook had deliberately made it harder for users to find out about the attempted assassination attempt of Donald Trump on 13th July, and were also promoting Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris.


Facebook last week apologised for labelling the iconic images of Mr Trump with his fist raised “altered” and the day itself as “fictional”, blaming the censorship on an internal programming error which had since been fixed.


Google, which earlier this year had to apologise for the extreme left-wing bias of its freshly released AI platform Gemini, similarly came under attack for failing to produce search results on the assassination attempt on Mr Trump, and directing users who searched or “Trump Rally” to pictures of and stories about Kamala Harris.


South Australian Senator Antic told The Australian: “Very few people truly understand the enormous effect that the tech sector has on our daily lives and that needs to change”.


Mr Trump branded their efforts “another attempt at rigging the election”, telling his followers to “go after” Google and Meta in subsequent social media posts.


Dr Epstein, a veteran critic of the political power of social media, in a famous 2015 study explained how easily a dominant search engine could shift political preferences of decided and undecided voters by subtly prioritising certain groups, individuals and institutions in search results.


“Without any intervention by anyone working at Google, it means that Google’s algorithm has been determining the outcome of close elections around the world,” he told Science magazine at the time.


Google Australia has been contacted for comment.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 5, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.21354236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>6485 >>0925

>>20954706 (pb)

>>20954768 (pb)

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Court approves puberty blockers for child, 12, despite father not being consulted


ELLIE DUDLEY - 5 August 2024


A Victorian court has granted permission for a 12-year-old child to be prescribed treatment to block the onset of puberty, despite a hospital raising concerns that the father had not been consulted, and pointing to “ongoing uncertainty” about approvals for the treatment of children with gender dysphoria.


Judge Melinda Richards last week ruled that the mother’s consent alone is enough to allow the hospital to prescribe puberty blockers to the biologically male child, who first presented as a girl aged seven when she told her mother she was “no longer her son, she was her daughter”.


The court heard that the father had not had contact with the child since she was a baby, and had not been given the opportunity to provide his views on the administration of treatment.


“The question at the heart of the hospital’s application is whether (the mother’s) consent to stage 1 treatment for her daughter is proper consent, in circumstances where (the child’s) father is absent and his views are not known,” the judgment reads.


“For the reasons that follow, I have concluded that it is.”


The child has chosen to go by a feminine name, presents as a girl, wears girls’ clothing and shows a preference for female colours. At the age of eight, the child attended the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital and was diagnosed with “gender incongruence of adolescence and gender dysphoria in adolescents”.


The child’s mother is supportive of the child taking puberty blockers, but the hospital raised concerns with the Victorian Supreme Court over whether they could do so without the father’s consent.


“Its hesitation is due to ongoing uncertainty about the appropriate approval or author­isation for treatment for gender dysphoria,” Judge Richards’s judgment reads.


The court heard the father had not been involved in the child’s life since she was one year old. Around that time, the mother took out a family violence intervention order against the father for a one-year period. T


here were no breaches of the order, and so it was not renewed beyond that period.


Shortly after that, the father commenced legal action to enable him to have contact with his child. The father’s legal action was not pursued to its conclusion.


The case comes as the Family Court continues to grapple with the complexities of gender identity, especially in the context of children, medication and surgery.


The Australian has been following a complex matter in the Federal Circuit and Family Court in which the parents differ on whether their eldest child should be prescribed with cross-sex hormones.


In a separate matter, a judge determined a father’s refusal to conform with traditional gender norms left his three children “confused” and encouraged them to “question their gender identity” after they all began identifying as non-binary, ruling the two youngest children would not be permitted to see their ­father for an extended period.


In another case, the mother of a 13-year-old with gender dysphoria abruptly withdrew an application seeking a Family Court order to allow the child to take ­puberty blockers after trying to have the independent children’s lawyer assigned to the matter thrown off the case.


All Family Court judges were last year presented with a legal paper from a top barrister arguing the court must reassess how scientific advancements should apply to the family law system.


The Victorian Supreme Court heard the child was “distressed” at the prospect of her voice breaking, of her Adam’s apple developing, and of facial hair and increased body hair.


“Recently, her level of distress has been so high that it has affected her functioning at home and at school, and last year she began to report suicidal thoughts,” Judge Richards’s judgment reads.


The child’s treating clinicians “strongly recommend” that she take puberty blockers in the form of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues.


“This treatment halts the progression of the physical changes that come with puberty, but is reversible and may be stopped at anytime,” the judge said. “The clinicians say undertaking stage 1 treatment will provide (the child) with both immediate psychological relief and additional time to explore her gender identity before making decisions about the use of other ‘stage 2’ hormonal treatments, such as oestrogen.”


Judge Richards said there was an “element of urgency” because the child was in “the early stages of puberty”.


The judge said the mother was exercising “love and care” for the child, and acting in her best interests.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 5, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21354276   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Australian sex offender has left the Games, IOC looking into the issue


Julien Pretot - August 4, 2024


PARIS, Aug 4 (Reuters) - A convicted sex offender who coached women’s triathlon silver medallist Julie Derron of Switzerland has left the Paris 2024 Games and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Sunday it was looking into the matter.


Australian Brett Sutton appeared on an interview with Swiss TV channel RTS commenting on Derron's performance after Wednesday's triathlon.


He was wearing an Olympic accreditation and was also seen wearing a red jacket with the Chinese flag and Olympic rings on it.


The Chinese Olympic Committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


In 1999, Sutton pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual abuse of a 13-year-old Australian swimmer he had been coaching and was sentenced to two years in prison.


The sentence was suspended for three years.


"I understand that this person is no longer here at the Games, they have left the Games," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams told a press conference on Sunday.


"It is an issue for the Chinese Olympic Committee and the national federation will need to get involved," he added, referring to reports that Sutton had been accredited by the Chinese Committee.


"Looking forward I can tell you we will obviously look into this issue."


"Coaches are not accredited by us but by the National Olympic Committees, and approved by the IOC," a World Triathlon spokesperson said on Sunday.


Netherlands beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, a convicted rapist, is taking part in the Paris 2024 Games.


The IOC had already defended the Dutch Olympic Committee's decision to bring Van de Velde to the Games and on Sunday Adams added: "This is an issue that was discussed with the National Olympic Committee and they assured us there were many safeguarding measures."

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 3:34 a.m. No.21360177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0182 >>0233 >>9197 >>0676


Iran ambassador’s ‘abhorrent’ comments ‘have no place’, Anthony Albanese says




Anthony Albanese has condemned “antisemitic comments” posted on social media by Iran’s ambassador to Australia.


Ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi posted on X, formerly Twitter, that Israel is a “genocidal regime” and that he looked forward to the “Zionist plague” getting wiped out of the “holy lands of Palestine”.


Speaking to media in Sydney on Tuesday, the Prime Minister said Mr Sadeghi’s comments were “abhorrent” and “have no place”.


“We have called in the Iranian Ambassador to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as is the protocol when something like this happens,” he said.


“I make it clear - there’s no place for the sort of comments that were made on social media by the Iranian Ambassador.


“They’re abhorrent, and they are hateful, they are antisemitic, and they have no place.”


Foreign Minister Penny Wong also earlier took aim at the ambassador, calling his words “repugnant”.


“Those comments are inflammatory, and they are repugnant,” Ms Wong said


“They are inconsistent with Australia’s values.”


She added that DFAT only maintained “a diplomatic relationship with Iran because we seek to further Australia’s interests.”


Mr Sadeghi’s post came after Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered a direct strike on Israel in retaliation for the death of Hamas political leader Ismal Haniyeh in Tehran last week.


Haniyeh, pulling Hamas’ strings from Iran, was key to the group’s brutal assault on Israel last year that killed approximately 1200 and sparked the Israeli incursion into Gaza, Israeli and Western officials have said.


Israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21360182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5788 >>9197



'Repugnant': Penny Wong slams Iran Ambassador to Australia after tweet calling to wipe out the 'Zionist plague'


Foreign Minister Penny Wong has responded after the Iranian Ambassador to Australia posted on social media, calling for Israel to be wiped out from any Palestinian territory by 2027.


Amy Roulston - August 6, 2024


Foreign Minister Penny Wong has blasted the Iranian Ambassador to Australia's calls on social media supporting Hamas' bid to wipe Israel out of Palestine.


In a post on X, Iran Ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi referred to Israel as a “Zionist plague” that should be wiped out of Palestine by Hamas, adding he was “looking forward to such a heavenly and divine promise”.


The inflammatory post came after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed "revenge" against Israel following the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. He declared that Israel had provided grounds for "harsh punishment".


Israel has not claimed responsibility for the assassination.


Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong faced questions about the ambassador's remarks on Monday while in Washington, DC.


Speaking to the media ahead of the Australia United States Ministerial Consultation, Ms Wong said the comments did not align with Australian values.


"Those comments are inflammatory, and they are repugnant,” Ms Wong said.


“They are inconsistent with Australia's values."


Ms Wong confirmed her department had addressed the issue with the ambassador.


“More broadly, we maintain a diplomatic relationship with Iran because we seek to further Australia's interests," she said.


On Monday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he was not aware of the post but confirmed he remained concerned about Iran “promoting conflict and division in the Middle East”.


The Prime Minister emphasised concerns about Iran's proxies in Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Yemeni Houthis.


The Coalition fiercely criticised the Prime Minister over his response, with shadow foreign affairs minister Simon Birmingham demanding the government outline a clear-cut response to the tweet and be upfront about whether the ambassador has breached hate speech laws.


"The Albanese government should be upfront about whether Iran's ambassador has potentially breached Australian laws against hate speech, and, if so, what action it is taking,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News Australia.


“Comments that enthusiastically embrace the 'wiping out' of Jews in Israel are clearly anti-Semitic, divisive, inflammatory and intolerable. They have no place in Australian debate, let alone from a supposed diplomat, and I unconditionally, condemn them.”


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned there would be “challenging days ahead” as Israel's military braces for retaliation from Iran, Lebanon and Palestine.


The United States and Middle Eastern nations have pleaded with Iran to refrain from provoking all-out war in the region.


An Iranian official reportedly informed diplomats from Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and other nations on Saturday that it remained unconcerned about sparking a regional war.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 3:54 a.m. No.21360221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Travel alert for Australians visiting United Kingdom amid ongoing riots after Southport stabbing attack


Brianna Morris-Grant - 6 August 2024


Australians have been urged to exercise a high degree of caution when travelling to the United Kingdom due to potential violence stemming from ongoing protests and rioting.


Violence broke out in cities across the nation over the past week following a stabbing attack at a Southport dance class which left three girls dead and more injured.


Three children aged six, seven and nine were killed at a Taylor Swift-themed dance workshop taking place during England's summer school holidays.


At least six other children and two adults were hospitalised following the incident. A 17-year-old boy has since been charged with three counts of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder.


Online misinformation in the wake of the attack claimed the suspect was Muslim and an asylum seeker, setting off a string of suspected far-right groups launching attacks on immigrant communities.


British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has since announced a "standing army" of specialist police would be set up to deal with the rioting and the hundreds of arrests so far.


The latest update to the Australian federal government's Smart Traveller website advised visitors to "avoid areas where protests are occurring due to the potential for disruption and violence".


"Public protests and events that draw large groups of people can turn violent, and can evolve into riots," the website said.


Australians travelling in the UK should "avoid all protests", "monitor the media for the latest information" and "follow instructions of local authorities" to stay safe.


The overall threat level for the UK has not been increased.


Former chief prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service NW England, Nazir Afzal, told the ABC's Radio National the violence was "very troubling".


"There's been a substantial amount of fear in large parts of the United Kingdom," he said.


"I don't want to exaggerate it, it's hundreds of people and not thousands of people that are engaged in these activities.


"It's not protest, it's criminality masquerading as protest.


"Yes, they've tried to burn down a couple of hotels that are housing asylum seekers, they've also tried to attack a mosque. But they've also been looting shoe shops, cake shops, vape shops, mobile phone shops, et cetera.


"The reality is that what we're dealing with is people using [an excuse] to cause as much havoc as they can."


Other countries, including Nigeria, Malaysia and Indonesia, have also issued their own travel alerts for the UK.


The Indonesian embassy in London issued an appeal to Indonesians in the UK at the weekend.


"Consider the urgency and increase vigilance [if] you have to travel or do activities outside the home," they said on social media.


"Avoid large crowds and places that have the potential to become gathering places for masses or groups of demonstrators."


A similar travel alert by Nigeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted there was "an increased risk of violence and disorder".


"The violence has assumed dangerous proportions as evidenced by reported attacks on law enforcement agents and damage to infrastructure," they said in a statement.


"Avoid political processions and protests, rallies or marches … Be vigilant and self-aware at all times."

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4 a.m. No.21360243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ASIO 'stretched' as it faces terror threat that is more complex than a decade ago


Andrew Greene - 6 August 2024


The head of ASIO has conceded his organisation is "stretched" as it grapples with a growing number of unpredictable and complex violent extremist threats that have forced the country's official terror alert level to be lifted for the first time in a decade.


On Monday the federal government announced Australia's national terrorism alert level was being lifted from "possible" to "probable".


It was last elevated to "probable" in 2014 following the global emergence of the Islamic State organisation.


ASIO director-general Mike Burgess said the most likely terrorist attack in 2024 would involve the threat of a "lone actor", usually a young male who has been radicalised quickly online over a "diversity of grievances and personal narratives".


By returning the terror alert level to "probable", ASIO has also acknowledged that politically motivated violence is considered as pressing a security concern as espionage and foreign interference, which until recently had been considered the top threats.


Speaking to the ABC's 7.30 program, Mr Burgess said several factors had changed over the past year, prompting a reassessment of the November 2022 ruling to lower the country's official alert level from "probable" to "possible" where it had sat for eight years.


"Today … it's completely different to when it was raised in 2014. More people are being radicalised more quickly, more people think violence is permissible from a range of grievances and ideologies, not just what we saw when we raised it in 2014," he said.


Security authorities say there have been eight attacks or disruptions since April that either involved alleged terrorism or have been investigated as potential acts of terrorism on Australian soil, including the stabbing of a bishop in Sydney.


"Five of them involved minors or youth, the oldest was 21, the youngest was 14 — the others across the eight – there's an equal mix of religiously motivated, nationalist and racist violent extremism, and in one case a mixed ideology that goes to the left and right," Mr Burgess said.


"The youth are particularly vulnerable, driven by social media, that isolation problem, it's easier to be radicalised and of course people are being radicalised quickly, the internet is a great thing but also allows individuals to catch onto something and get there in a matter of days."


ASIO's alarm is shared by eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant, who warns "the spread of terrorist and extremist material on social media and its role in online radicalisation remains a concern both here in Australia and overseas".


"We have very real concerns about how violent extremists weaponise technology like live streaming, algorithms and recommender systems and other features to promote or share this hugely harmful material," she said in a statement issued on Monday.


Academic experts in the field believe countering the online radicalisation of vulnerable young Australians is not an easy task, with the solution requiring patience as well as strong male role models.


"The first entry point is often seeking a sense of connection, seeking other people who feel like they are willing to understand their grievances," Simon Copland, an honorary research fellow at the ANU School of Sociology, told the ABC's AM program.


"They're seeking out connections and then the ideology comes next, countering ideas doesn't work, provide alternatives — their complaints are based on genuine concerns, even if they're not based on facts.


"If we were to go to a young man who says, 'I feel like I'm oppressed or alienated,' and you say, 'No, no you're not,' that's wrong – that's more likely to back them into a corner and feel more connected to those initial ideas.


"The core element is not to fight with them about it but to instead be gentle, be patient and work to find more positive approaches. So that might mean finding positive role models, connecting men with other ideas."


Asked on the 7.30 program whether ASIO needed more funding, Mr Burgess said: "We are stretched but you'd appreciate if I needed more, I'd ask that in private to government.


"My job as director of security is to make sure I have the laws and the resources to do our job. We're stretched is probably all I'd want to say publicly."

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:09 a.m. No.21360269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0278



New Brittany Higgins social media posts prompt defamation trial warning from Linda Reynolds's lawyer


Nicolas Perpitch - 6 Augist 2024




The high-profile defamation trial against Brittany Higgins has taken another twist, with Senator Linda Reynolds's lawyer declaring new social media posts published yesterday were part of a co-ordinated plan to mislead the public into thinking the Senator was trying silence survivors of sexual assault.


Lawyer Martin Bennett said the posts, which included an Instagram story from Ms Higgins, had been deliberately timed to coincide with the start of Senator Reynolds's evidence yesterday.


In one post, Ms Higgins recommends as "pertinent reading" a book relating to "how the law silences women" and another post is by an advocate for sexual assault survivors, Saxon Mullens, who is fundraising for Ms Higgins' legal costs.


Mr Bennett said it was part of a "coordinated plan" to "mischaracterise these proceedings" as an attempt by Senator Reynolds to silence sexual assault survivors, to "mislead the public" about the true nature of the proceedings.


Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins, her former staffer, for alleged defamation over social media posts made in 2023 which the Senator says falsely claimed she mishandled Ms Higgins' allegation she was raped in Parliament House in 2019.


Mr Bennett has applied for a subpoena to obtain copies of communications between Ms Higgins and Ms Mullens, who was instrumental in changing consent laws in New South Wales.


From respectable to 'despicable'


Senator Reynolds described being "nationally vilified" after the rape allegations first emerged.


"There are no words to adequately describe what it was like being accused of covering up the rape of a young woman in my office in a way that I knew it was not true," she told the court.


"In the space of a couple of days I had gone from a minister and a senator doing her job and doing it well, to being nationally vilified as someone who would do something so despicable.


She remembered her office being bombarded by media requests over the matter.


"Even people on my own side were keeping their distance," Senator Reynolds said.


'It was devastating."


Her health suffered, the court was told, from the relentless and "brutal" questioning by Labor senators in parliament, which ultimately caused her to leave the defence portfolio.


Senator Reynolds said she was in incredible pain from a heart condition, did not sleep much, and had to leave the Senate chamber at one point, breaking down and sobbing uncontrollably.


She was then hospitalised, taking three weeks off work.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:11 a.m. No.21360278   🗄️.is 🔗kun





'Weaponising' alleged rape


Mr Bennett quizzed Senator Reynolds about an incident in early February 2021, when the late Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching approached Senator Reynolds in parliament.


Senator Reynolds told the court Senator Kitching warned her the Labor Party knew about Ms Higgins' alleged rape and were about to "rain hell" down on her in the Senate chamber.


"I was somewhat completely incredulous …why would anybody weaponise such an incident," Senator Reynolds said.


She said it was clear Senator Kitching was "angered and upset" by what Senator Penny Wong was going to do.


In her statement of claim against Ms Higgins, Senator Reynolds claims the hurt against her was aggravated by the relentless and aggressive questioning by Labor in the Senate, after Ms Higgins and her now husband David Sharaz fed Labor MPs information about her story.


Story made Senator feel sick


Senator Reynolds told the court she "felt sick" after reading an article by journalist Samantha Maiden on February 15, 2021 headlined "Young staffer Brittany Higgins says she was raped at Parliament House".


In the story Ms Higgins said she felt forced to choose between reporting the incident to police or keeping her job.


"That was simply not true and it went downhill from there in terms of what she was alleging," Senator Reynolds said.


Ms Higgins was quoted in the story as saying she had been "internalising the trauma" and the Senator said she started feeling sorry for her former staffer.


"I started thinking, what have we missed?," she said.


"Her account was so different from my memory two years ago."


In Ms Maiden's story, Ms Higgins says when discussing the alleged rape, Senator Reynolds told her "As women, this is something we go through".


Senator Reynolds vehemently denied that.


"I would never, ever say those words. And I did not say those words. They are abhorrent," she said.


The night the story was published, Channel 10 aired its interview with Ms Higgins on The Project, in which she made similar allegations that Senator Reynolds said made her feel "incredibly angry …. Incredibly hurt."


"She couldn't have picked a worse issue to bring me down," she told the court.


"It is such an abhorrent thing to say to any women that you've mistreated their rape allegation and you've not only done that, you've covered it up."


Ms Reynolds is expected to continue giving evidence for the rest of the week, and will be cross-examined by Ms Higgins' lawyer.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:21 a.m. No.21360307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Inside Julian Assange's first days of freedom Down Under


Wife of Wikileaks founder reveals his next steps as she shares candid photos of his quiet new life in the Australian bush


CANDACE SUTTON - 6 August 2024


The family of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has detailed his first days of freedom living a mostly anonymous life in the Australian bush - raising their two sons, swimming in the ocean and listening to the laughter of kookaburras.


But wife Stella Assange and brother Gabriel Shipton warned in a letter to supporters that he won't be making public appearances and is taking a break from activism, after 12 years locked up in a London prison and the city's Ecuadorian embassy.


'It has been more than one month since Julian finally arrived back in Australia,' Ms Assange wrote in a blog post, published on Tuesday. 'He's still adjusting.


'Julian is recuperating and experiencing the wild and breathtaking Australian natural environment,' she said.


'The things that he longed for from his cell in Belmarsh prison that seemed unattainable are now a reality: swimming in the ocean, trekking through the wilderness and travelling around Australia.


Ms Assange described how he had been spending time with his two sons, Gabriel and Max and were 'finally' able to be together as a family.


'(It) brings us overwhelming joy. Time is what has been robbed from us, especially from Julian, and now we are enjoying it as much as we can.'


Assange said she and Julian were 'overwhelmed' by the community support which brought about his freedom.


However Mr Shipton warned that Mr Assange's incarceration had been traumatic and deeply affecting, and that they and their team would be stepping back from activism and Wikileaks work while he recovers.


'As a family we're also realistic that ahead lies a challenging period of adjustment after what has been a deeply traumatising experience, ' he wrote, adding, 'It might be a while before he feels ready to speak publicly.'


Assange was incarcerated in London's HM Belmarsh Prison from April 2019 to to June 2024 while the US tried to extradite him to America to face conspiracy charges over leaked secret military data.


Under a plea deal with US prosecutors, he pleaded guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defence documents, and returned to Australia on June 26.


Before his return, Assange had essentially been confined for 12 years, since he sought asylum in London's Ecuadorian embassy while separately charged with sexual assault in Sweden.


Stella Assange asked supporters to send a card or share a message welcoming Julian home via her site.


She addressed supporters in her note, saying that while he was still fighting for the freedom or justice of others, 'we are hitting pause … while we get our bearings.


'We, together, have achieved his freedom, which is the biggest prize.


’What has been done to Julian affects everyone’s future, and his freedom has come at a price of great injustice.'


Ms Assange has said publicly that Julian would push ahead with attempts to gain a pardon from the US for his conviction for espionage.


But she said: 'I am writing to you now because we are not ready to take on this fight yet.


'Julian’s release has involved major changes and logistical challenges which we are finding our way through.


'And we have yet to make decisions about the medium term and longer term.'


But she said: 'For now, and the Substack will be taking a rest while we plan out the next phase of seeking justice for Julian.


'Stay tuned. With affection and profound appreciation, Stella.'

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:35 a.m. No.21360344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2042

>>21189008 (pb)

Tom Pritchard, World War II veteran and Australia's last Rat of Tobruk, dies aged 102


Maddy Morwood - 6 August 2024


Tom Pritchard, Australia's last Rat of Tobruk, has died aged 102.


The World War II veteran was the the last direct link with the 14,000 Australian servicemen who held the Libyan port of Tobruk against the German Africa Corps in 1941 during the Siege of Tobruk, a vital battle for the Allied forces.


He died on Saturday, just shy of his 103rd birthday.


Born in Victoria in 1921, Pritchard enlisted in the army in 1940 despite lying about his age, and was assigned to the 2/5th Field Ambulance, which was eventually attached to the 18th Infantry Brigade.


He served as an ­ambulance attendant during the eight-month-long Siege of Tobruk, which is regarded as a stand-out battle for Australia's soldiers, and in Milne Bay, New Guinea and Balikpapan in Borneo.


Mr Pritchard had been the last standing Rat for 12 months.


"The biggest thing for us, was that he was the link," said secretary of the Rats of Tobruk Association Lachlan Gaylard.


"You were able to say to him, do you remember this, I've read this, do you know anything about that?"


Mr Gaylard said that often Mr Pritchard would say no, but then come back with an answer two days later.


"But now, we've lost that," he said.


"I think we took for granted, a little bit, that he was the last one left."


The association, which was formed by the returned veterans looking for continued comradeship, will have to "pick up the flame" that was carried by Mr Pritchard, says Mr Gaylard.


"We risk it [Tobruk] becoming a ghost of our past," he said.


"And it shouldn't."


The efforts of the Australian soldiers holding down the Tobruk harbour during the Siege of Tobruk was pivotal to the Allied victory in North Africa.


"The important part of the siege was that if you didn't hold that harbour at Tobruk, you couldn't control the Mediterranean or Middle East," said Mr Gaylard.


"So really, it was the linchpin for that whole conflict, down to 14,000 Australians," he said.


"It is extraordinary."


Mr Pritchard's duties during the siege involved collecting wounded soldiers and taking them to the dressing stations and to the hospital at the harbour, the association wrote.


"This was no mean feat, as it meant having to balance and hold onto 4 or 5 stretchers in the ambulance, in an effort to steady them, while travelling on terrible roads; a journey which would sometimes take an hour or two," the association wrote.


It said before his training, Mr Pritchard admitted he could "barely stick a bandaid on".


The association said they were extremely grateful "to have had Tommy for so long", in a post on Facebook confirming his death.


"Tommy was a stalwart member of our association and a most humble veteran," they wrote in a post on Facebook.


"We mourn his loss and the last direct linkage with some 14,000 Australian servicemen who served in Tobruk."


"We should always remember that those men in Tobruk gave us their today for our tomorrow," said Mr Gaylard.


A private family funeral will be held per Mr Pritchard's request, but a public memorial for all Rats of Tobruk will take place in Melbourne at a date to be advised, the association said.


It said a condolence book will be made available at Tobruk House for members to sign.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:53 a.m. No.21360391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397

>>21196236 (pb)

>>21197523 (pb)

‘This country is better than that’: Caroline Kennedy on Trump shooting


Matthew Cranston - Aug 6, 2024




Washington | Caroline Kennedy, the only remaining child of assassinated Democratic president John F. Kennedy, says she was “horrified” by the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life, as she made a personal plea for politicians and their supporters around the world to tone down the violent rhetoric.


In a wide-ranging interview with The Australian Financial Review in Washington on Monday (Tuesday AEST), Ms Kennedy, who is the US ambassador to Australia, said she was ashamed there were still Americans prepared to resort to extreme violence because of political differences.


“With all the tragedies that our family has been through, I think this country is better than that,” she said of the assassination attempt on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, “and we need to do more to never let that happen again, and to stop encouraging any kind of violence.”


“Like so many people, I was horrified. I’m so glad that he’s OK.”


Ms Kennedy said the world was becoming “increasingly dangerous”, but she couldn’t tell whether the growing political violence made people more fearful to express their views or encouraged them to express them more combatively.


To some degree, her comments echoed those on Monday of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation chief Mike Burgess, who warned that a toxic mix of political differences, conspiracy theories and economic hardship has raised the threat of political violence even in Australia.


“It’s a very amplified time right now [in the US] because we’re heading into an election, and so many countries this year are also having elections. So I think that our future really hangs in the balance,” Ms Kennedy said.


“We are now picking the leaders who are going to chart the course for the next generation. So it’s a really important time, especially in democracies.”


Ms Kennedy is in Washington for the annual AUSMIN talks between US and Australian defence and foreign ministers.


The blue blood Democrat, who was appointed to her current role by US President Joe Biden, is known for her fundraising skills, and was in demand for political events in America with 90 days left before the general election.


Ms Kennedy, who in 2008 chaired Barack Obama’s vice-presidential selection committee, said Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris had an opportunity to temper the political rhetoric and select a running mate she could trust to have with the same values.


Her advice to Ms Harris on who she should pick as her running mate on Tuesday (Wednesday AEST), was that for any candidate “the most important thing is that they have to have the trust and confidence of the president”.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 6, 2024, 4:56 a.m. No.21360397   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Running mate


According to most reports, Ms Harris has narrowed her search for running mate down to just two finalists: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, both of whom met with the vice president at her residence in Washington on Sunday.


“Vice President Harris has been in politics for a long time, so she knows these people,” said Ms Kennedy.


“She’ll make the choice that she feels is right to balance the ticket, to add to her strengths and to make sure it’s someone with whom she can really work as a partner.”


Ms Kennedy, who has also championed women’s careers, said that electing a female president would be important for America’s image around the world.


“To have women presidents all over the world is really important, and the US is a really important country. So we have to have a really good woman to be the first president. And luckily, I think that we, the Democratic Party, is about to nominate an outstanding candidate,” she said.


Ms Kennedy, who was also the former US ambassador to Japan, also voiced concerns over China’s influence in the Pacific, noting the Solomon Islands and how America and Australia were seeking to counterbalance the sphere of influence there.


“You can see very clearly what is going on there. You know the strategic contest is under way, and I think that the US and Australia are redoubling and strengthening our efforts to work together to give people options, to help them see what we have to offer, to offer them things that really matter in their lives,” she said.


Earlier this year, she also warned that Australia’s battery minerals sector was under assault from state-owned Chinese companies in Indonesia, and said on Monday she would continue to raise awareness of this issue in coming months.


She also said she was confident in the speed at which skills were being developed by Australians to operate nuclear-powered submarines under the AUKUS pact.


“Australians, as we know, when you put your mind to something, you can absolutely do it,” she said.


“I just hope kids are getting excited in younger grades. That is so important, and I think Australia has made great progress and great effort in thinking about how to build the curriculum and the scaffolding and the pathway for kids now who want to get interested in this because this is a multi-decade transformational project.”



Q Post #703


Feb 10 2018 03:33:29 (EST)


“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK - Secret Socities.

Where we go one, we go all.


Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:23 a.m. No.21366092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107 >>6116 >>2114 >>5715

U.S.-Australia talks focus on China's 'coercive behaviour'


Idrees Ali, Phil Stewart and Kirsty Needham - August 7, 2024


WASHINGTON/SYDNEY, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The United States and Australia kicked off high-level talks on Tuesday that will focus on China's "coercive behaviour", as well as the AUKUS nuclear submarine project and mounting tensions in the Middle East, officials said.


The annual Australia-U.S. AUSMIN talks, taking place in Annapolis, Maryland, include the top defense and diplomatic officials from both nations.


"We're working together today to tackle shared security challenges, from coercive behaviour by the PRC (People's Republic of China), to Russia's war of choice against Ukraine, to the turmoil in the Middle East," U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.


"And I know that (this) year's AUSMIN will deliver results for both of our peoples."


The U.S. and China are at odds on a range of issues including U.S. support for Taiwan, as well as Chinese military activity in the South China Sea, over most of which China claims control including the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, where U.S. ally the Philippines has maritime claims.


Austin spoke in the wake of a rocket strike on Monday in Iraq that wounded seven U.S. personnel, as the Middle East braced for a possible new wave of attacks by Iran and its allies following last week's killing of senior members of militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.


Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Defence Minister Richard Marles held meetings in Washington on Monday, a day before the AUSMIN talks.


Marles highlighted the expanding role of a U.S. Marine rotational force in northern Australia and defence industry cooperation.


"We're seeing America's force posture in Australia grow really significantly, AUKUS is part of that, but it's not the only part of that," Marles said in talks with Austin, according to a statement.




Under the AUKUS programme, Washington will sell three nuclear-powered submarines to Australia in the next decade, and with a U.S. election looming, Australia's Wong said in Washington there was bipartisan U.S. political support for the programme.


U.S. Ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, told ABC Television that China and climate change - priorities for the Pacific Islands, where the U.S. and Australia are competing with China for security ties - would be discussed.


"Obviously with China being such an important … trading partner and competitor for both of us, that is obviously one of the main topics," she said.


"We are also talking about what we can do together to fight climate change, (and) to help the Pacific Islands to build critical infrastructure to connect them," she added.


As part of co-operating on environmental and resource issues, Australia will spend A$200 million ($130 million) to upgrade ground station facilities in its remote central desert to process data from NASA's Landsat Next satellite.


Landsat Next is an earth observation programme the U.S. space agency says will provide early warnings on the onset of fires or ice melting. The programme is scheduled to be launched in 2030.


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the satellite data would also be used to target resource exploration in Australia, as the two nations develop a supply chain for critical minerals.


The U.S. and its allies are seeking to reduce China's market dominance in rare earths and critical minerals used in electric vehicles and defence technology.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:29 a.m. No.21366107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6116 >>5715 >>9189


US to increase force projection from Australia in face of 'coercive' China


Kirsty Needham - August 7, 2024


SYDNEY, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Australia will begin co-manufacturing guided weapons with the US next year to boost supply for allies in the Indo Pacific and increase a US military presence in the country, including bomber aircraft, the two nations said after annual defence talks.


Australia and the United States are already working to upgrade air bases in northern and western Australia, which are closer to potential flashpoints with China in the South China Sea than Australia's capital of Canberra.


After annual AUSMIN talks in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said there would be an increase in the presence of rotational U.S. forces in Australia.


"This will mean more maritime patrol aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft operating from bases across northern Australia. It will also mean more frequent rotational bomber deployments," he said.


In opening remarks Austin said the two allies faced shared security challenges including "coercive behaviour" by China.


A joint statement released after the AUSMIN talks expressed concern over Chinese military activity around Taiwan, and China's excessive maritime claims in the South China Sea.


They "noted grave concern about China's dangerous and escalatory behavior toward Philippine vessels lawfully operating within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone".


There are no U.S. military bases in Australia, but the northern city of Darwin hosts a U.S. Marine Rotational Force six months of each year and the U.S. is building facilities for its marines and visiting air squadrons within Australian bases.


Australia's Defence Minister Richard Marles said the presence of United States forces in Australia contributed to deterrence in the Indo Pacific region, and there would be closer collaboration on guided weapons manufacture in Australia.


Australia will begin co-manufacturing guided missiles next year, including the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) used in Ukraine.


Australia is also testing a Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (HACM) with the United States, which Australia said it will consider fielding as its first hypersonic weapon for fighter jets, the joint statement said.


"The presence of American force posture in our nation provides an enormous opportunity to work with our neighbors in the region," Marles said.


Japan would increase exercises with U.S. Marines in Darwin, while Australia and the U.S. would hold regular exercises in the Philippines exclusive economic zone, the statement said.


The statement mentioned Australia's strategic Indian Ocean territory, Cocos Islands, for the first time, saying the United States welcomed Australia's planned infrastructure upgrades there and supported Australia's completion of this work.


The Cocos Islands, with a population of 600, sits 3,000 km (1,864 miles) west of the Australian mainland and is described by the Australian Defence Force as key to its maritime surveillance operations in the Indian Ocean, where China is increasing submarine activity.


Australia has said it will start construction on an expanded airfield on the island this year, to carry heavier military aircraft, including the submarine-hunting P-8A Poseidon.


Australian Strategic Policy Institute executive director Justin Bassi said the "clarity on the threat from Beijing and support for the Philippines" in the joint statement was "vital" support for Manila.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:34 a.m. No.21366116   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Deepened US-Australia security cooperation ‘risks exacerbating confrontation’


GT staff reporters - Aug 06, 2024


The US and Australia are expected to hold the Australia-US Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN), with the participation of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong, and Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles, in Annapolis, Maryland on Tuesday.


Observers warned further military cooperation between the US and Australia would expand US hegemony in the region and exacerbate geopolitical confrontation.


Ahead of AUSMIN, Austin met Marles at the Pentagon to discuss the historic military-to-military progress between the two nations, the US defense department said on Monday local time. Austin hailed the achievement in their defense industrial cooperation and expanding efforts with their allies and partners.


Australia is involved in the US strategy to contain China in the Indo-Pacific region and the US has long been hoping that Australia will fully commit to the US strategy, Yu Lei, a professor at Shandong University, told the Global Times on Tuesday.


The US is likely to provide assistance to Australia within the scope of its own technology, equipment and technology, experts said.


In the field of security, the two countries may further discuss joint efforts to undermine the equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Pacific Island countries, Yu warned.


Also on security, a remote Australian archipelago, the Cocos Islands, is on a list of possible locations for US military construction aimed at deterring China, according to Reuters.


The Cocos Islands is reportedly listed along with the Philippines, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea for anticipated construction projects under the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, designed to enhance US force posture and infrastructure to counter China, Reuters reported.


Australia's diplomacy and security strategy have a certain degree of autonomy, but this does not entirely indicate that Australia will completely deviate from the orbit of the US, observers noted.


From what we have seen so far, the Australian government has shown prudence and political wisdom in dealing with its relations with China, demonstrating a relatively flexible posture, said Chen Hong, director of the Australian Studies Center at East China Normal University. He warned that Australia should realize that being used by the US and serving its Indo-Pacific strategy will only exacerbate geopolitical confrontation, rather than benefit its own security.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21366125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Townsville City Council rejects proposal to build Julian Assange statue


Townsville City Council have rejected a controversial proposal to erect a statue in honour of Julian Assange, with one councillor alleging the activist had “put lives at risk.”


Cameron Bates and Chris Burns - August 7, 2024


Townsville City Council have overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to build a statue to honour Julian Assange, with one elected representative alleging the activist had damaged Australia’s diplomatic relationships and “put lives at risk”.


Deputy Mayor Paul Jacob presented the council with an e-petition signed by 156 people calling for a statue of the controversial Townsville-born figure to be placed prominently in the city to “recognise the valuable contribution to providing truth to the world”.


Mr Jacob said the petition was established by Alison Mason of Balgal Beach to recognise Mr Assange’s “valuable contribution to provide truth to the world”.


“We the undersigned request that the council give consideration to providing a site on The Strand looking towards Magnetic Island and helping with site works to position a crowd-funded statue of Julian Assange on the Strand.”


Mayor Troy Thompson said the council had to vote on whether to reject the petition, receive the petition and take no further action or that the council explore the issue further and report back for further consideration.


Mr Jacob said he was personally in favour of option three.


Councillor Andrew Robinson said he was strongly opposed.


“Whilst being a truth seeker, the reckless way in which he has presented that information has put individuals’ lives at risk,” he said.


“He has certainly undone a number of years’ worth of diplomacy and diplomatic relationships that Australia has with other nations, and to be honest, has been tried as for espionage.”


Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney went further, arguing that the petition should be rejected outright.


“I can think of a thousand people in our community who are hardworking and deserve a statue on The Strand other than Julian Assange,” she said.


Only Mr Thompson and Mr Jacob voted in favour of exploring the issue further, with councillors Robinson and Greaney and Kristian Price rejecting acknowledging the petition entirely.


The motion to accept the petition but take no further action was passed.

Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:51 a.m. No.21366136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141


Linda Reynolds shares anger over Brittany Higgins's pre-production tapes for Channel 10's The Project interview


Nicolas Perpitch - 7 August 2024




Liberal MP Linda Reynolds has told the West Australian Supreme Court of the moment she realised the extent of what she claims was a "pre-planned" and "pre-meditated" attack to inflict maximum damage on her by Brittany Higgins and her now husband David Sharaz.


But the former defence minister said she never doubted Ms Higgins's allegation she was raped in Senator Reynolds' then-ministerial suite at Parliament House in Canberra in 2019.


Ms Higgins had settled with the Commonwealth for $2.445 million in December 2022 over the handling of those allegations.


The settlement came after print stories and a television interview on Channel 10's The Project with Ms Higgins, which Senator Reynolds claims contained false assertions by Ms Higgins that she had seriously mishandled the rape allegation and failed to support her.


Senator Reynolds is now suing her former staffer over social media posts Ms Higgins later made, which she claims have defamed her.


'It was personal'


Senator Reynolds' lawyer Martin Bennett questioned her in court today about the moment she first heard details about the five-hour pre-interview for The Project involving Ms Higgins, Mr Sharaz and others.


Senator Reynolds said she learned about it during the criminal trial of Bruce Lehrmann, who had been accused of raping Ms Higgins.


The trial was abandoned due to juror misconduct and no findings were made against Mr Lehrmann.


Mr Lehrmann was later found in a separate civil trial to have raped Ms Higgins on the balance of probabilities. He is appealing that decision.


Senator Reynolds said the pre-interview, during which the strategy to make public Ms Higgins rape allegations was discussed, made her realise how much thought had gone into the attack against her.


"It became clear how premeditated this plan was," Senator Reynolds said.


"I had no idea just how well prepared this plan was. They had a package for the media, they had a package for the Me Too movement, they had a package for disaffected Liberals.


"It was pre-planned, it was pre-meditated, it was personal against me.


"I was angry, I was hurt, and as I said I felt like a fool."


'I believe her'


When asked about her reaction to Ms Higgins' interview which aired on The Project, the MP acknowledged saying the words "lying cow" while watching the program.


The comment was leaked to the media, and Senator Reynolds settled with Ms Higgins out of court on the matter.


Senator Reynolds said she settled not only to try and keep her job as a minister but also for her health, which she said had deteriorated badly as a result of the relentless pressure on her over her handling of the rape allegations.



Anonymous ID: c4e9a6 Aug. 7, 2024, 3:53 a.m. No.21366141   🗄️.is 🔗kun





But Senator Reynolds strongly denied her words could have adverse implications for her former staffer's credibility as a sexual assault survivor, saying she never doubted Ms Higgins' claims.


"No, I don't because … I believe her," Senator Reynolds said.


"It was a comment in my office in relation to allegations she was making specifically about me and Ms (Fiona) Brown (Senator Reynolds' chief of staff at the time of the alleged rape).


"I have never questioned Ms Higgins' account of her sexual assault and have always sought to respect her agency in this matter."


Senator Reynolds also explained what had driven her to take defamation action against Ms Higgins.


As she was being taken through a series of social media posts by Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz over the years, she said she needed to stop the "lies".


"These lies have damaged so many people's lives … that's why I'm here today," the MP told the court.


Asked specifically about social media posts by Ms Higgins since the defamation trial started, Senator Reynolds said they were impossible to ignore.


"It just validated why I'm taking these proceedings because she will not stop. And even during this trial she will not stop," she said.


Senator claims she was silenced


Mr Bennett also questioned Senator Reynolds on the events leading up to Ms Higgins' settlement with the Commonwealth, in which the MP had also been named as a defendant.


Senator Reynolds' became visibly angered when she recalled the outrage she felt upon receiving a letter informing her the Commonwealth would take over her defence in the civil case with Ms Higgins, that led to the settlement.


She had been instructed she could not attend the planned mediation or comment.


"I was utterly outraged because this was to be finally my opportunity to defend against these allegations, which in my mind, were utterly defendable," she told the court today.


"My defence was going to be no defence."


Senator Reynolds told the court she knew exactly what Mr Dreyfus "was trying to do" when the Commonwealth took over her defence, and that is why she later referred the matter to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.


"He was seeking to silence me," she said.


"They were seeking to deny me the opportunity to finally defend these claims Mr Bennett, and I was outraged."


The Attorney General's office has been contacted for comment.

Anonymous ID: dc4d0b Aug. 8, 2024, 4:30 a.m. No.21372114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5621 >>6367



Australia makes undisclosed 'political commitments' in new AUKUS deal on transfer of naval nuclear technology


Andrew Greene - 8 August 2024


Undisclosed "political commitments" have been made between the Albanese government and its AUKUS partners in a new agreement for the transfer of naval nuclear technology to Australia, which critics warn is likely to also allow radioactive waste to be dumped here.


The White House confirmed Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States had reached another significant "AUKUS milestone" that set up further trilateral cooperation that would be essential for this country to build, operate and maintain nuclear-powered submarines.


Under the AUKUS "optimal pathway" unveiled in San Diego last year, Australia will spend up to $368 billion over the next three decades to first purchase second-hand Virginia-class submarines and then develop a new SSN-AUKUS fleet using British technology.


In a letter to the Australian House of Representatives speaker and the president of the Senate, US President Joe Biden urged Congress to give the revamped AUKUS agreement "favourable consideration".


Australia making "substantial" contribution to mutual defence: Biden


Mr Biden's letter explains that the new agreement would permit the continued communication and exchange of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI), including certain Restricted Data (RD), only previously shared between the US and UK.


"[It] would also expand on the cooperation between the governments by enabling the transfer of naval nuclear propulsion plants of conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines, including component parts and spare parts thereof, and other related equipment," the letter reads.


"I have determined that Australia and the United Kingdom, by participating with the United States pursuant to international arrangements, are making substantial and material contributions to our mutual defence and security.


"Australia is party to the Australia, New Zealand, and United States Security Treaty (ANZUS), and the United Kingdom is party to the North Atlantic Treaty and participates in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


"The trilateral partners also concluded a non-legally binding 'understanding' … which reflects the government's intended approach to certain articles of the Agreement and provides additional related political commitments."


Concerns over radioactive waste 'loophole'


AUKUS critics, including the Greens party, warn that the new agreement is likely to eventually allow high-level radioactive waste to be stored in Australia and for uranium enrichment to be undertaken locally, but the government insists that is not the case.


"A political assurance is there — a legal assurance, a legislative assurance, an institutional assurance is not. That gate needs to be closed, that loophole needs to be closed," warns Dave Sweeney, a nuclear free campaigner from the Australian Conservation Foundation.


"And that's one of many concerns and many options for interpretation of how AUKUS is operationalised that can add greater pressure, nuclear threat in our ports, in our harbours and waters and on land around the management of radioactive waste."

Anonymous ID: dc4d0b Aug. 8, 2024, 4:37 a.m. No.21372143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156


‘He was stitching me up’: Reynolds lashes attorney-general on the stand over Higgins settlement


Jesinta Burton - August 8, 2024




Liberal senator Linda Reynolds has accused Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus of “stitching her up” during the settlement of former staffer Brittany Higgins’ compensation claim, while defending her decision to leak confidential legal letters to the media.


During cross-examination in the WA Supreme Court on Thursday, Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young, SC, grilled the former defence minister about her decision to forward three legally sensitive letters to The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen in December 2022.


The emails came six months after Reynolds had been named a defendant in Higgins’ compensation claim over the mishandling of her alleged rape by colleague Bruce Lehrmann in the senator’s parliamentary suite in 2019.


Lehrmann has maintained his innocence since his criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct in 2022.


The senator took issue with the Commonwealth’s plan to conduct her defence, forwarding Albrechtsen an email laying bare her concerns about the settlement’s handling — including that she was being muzzled.


The contents of those email were later republished in an article by The Australian.


Young put to Reynolds that she had sent the emails from her personal address to avoid them becoming public – a claim the senator denied.


And Higgins’ solicitor submitted that Reynolds leaked the letters to Albrechtsen about effectively being muzzled and her dissatisfaction with the process to ensure favourable coverage, a claim she again rejected.


“Did I want Ms Albrechtsen to know I had not had the ability to defend claims? Yes, I was incredibly angry because I could see the attorney-general of this country was stitching me up on allegations I had not seen and believed had expired,” Reynolds told the court.


“I had no expectation of how she would write it, I just provided evidence of corruption, and she could report that as she saw fit.”


When asked whether she believed leaking the emails would be taken as a breach of the confidentiality requirement, Reynolds told the court she had never consented to the government taking over her defence.


“They may well have never wanted it to see the light of day,” Reynolds said under oath.


In publicly challenging the process for the settlement with Higgins, Young told the court Reynolds ought to have known it would cast doubt over whether she should have received it.


But Reynolds reiterated she did not take issue with Ms Higgins’ pursuit of compensation over the ordeal, but rather how she believed the law had been manipulated to “muzzle her” and “government corruption”.


“You wanted it publicly known as to your truth about the handling of the rape allegation. You wanted Higgins to be publicly questioned about her version of events,” Young put to Reynolds.


“It wasn’t my truth, it was the truth. I wanted to do that at the mediation behind closed doors, but I was not afforded that opportunity. I never wanted to be in the position of having to defend things here,” Reynolds responded.



Anonymous ID: dc4d0b Aug. 8, 2024, 4:39 a.m. No.21372156   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Higgins was paid $2.4 million by the federal government following the settlement for lost earnings, medical expenses, legal fees and the humiliation she had experienced.


The court heard Reynolds had kept in contact with Albrechtsen, forwarding information about Higgins’ now-husband David Sharaz having “abruptly resigned from his job” and other documents she asked her to delete.


Young suggested they could only have been aimed at further denigrating the pair in the media, but Reynolds rejected the claim.


And Young interrogated Reynolds’ decision to participate in Channel 7’s Spotlight interview with Lehrmann, including a clip in which she agreed the former staffer had been paid millions in compensation on the basis of “a crime which may not have been committed”.


The rape allegation was later found to be true to the civil standard by the Federal Court in Lehrmann’s defamation trial against Network Ten over The Project’s expose, which Lehrmann is now appealing.


Reynolds rejected any insinuation she told Spotlight reporter Liam Bartlett she disbelieved Higgins’ rape allegation, arguing it was simply how the excerpt of her interview had been cut in post-production.


But she conceded the remark would have been broadcast to a significant audience, and that her choice of words would likely have offended and undermined Higgins as a rape complainant.


While poring over the media coverage, Young accused Reynolds of seeking to litigate whether she did enough to support her former staffer.


Again, Reynolds rejected the claim.


Reynolds was also quizzed at length about her decision to volunteer the names and contact details of staff members that may assist Lehrmann’s barrister Steven Whybrow, SC, which she defended and insisted had been done in consultation with her lawyer.


And the senator conceded texts she sent Whybrow accusing Higgins of having a “predilection for expensive clothes” and trying to imitate Princess of Wales Kate Middleton were “catty”.


Reynolds told the court the comment stemmed from being shown CCTV footage showing Higgins leaving Parliament House on the morning of her alleged rape in the senator’s Carla Zampatti jacket.


“It shouldn’t have, but it annoyed me,” Reynolds told the court.


“It was me being annoyed by her taking my jacket and dressing like Kate Middleton.”


“Did you ever think Higgins may have been trying to cover up when she left? Are you suggesting she wasn’t entitled or ought to have been wearing something the Princess of Wales had been wearing?” Young asked Reynolds.


“[Higgins] had made a point of commenting on her wardrobe, wearing white … she had made it a thing. She was entitled to wear what she wanted. I’m not suggesting [my comment] makes rational sense,” Reynolds replied.


Young used the correspondence to further her argument that Reynolds did not act impartially during the criminal trial and was unfairly aiding the defence, a submission Reynolds rejected.


The WA Liberal senator has been pursuing Higgins for damages, as well as aggravated damages, for the past year over several social media posts she claims accuse her of using the media to harass Higgins.


She claims the posts were false and defamatory of her, brought her into public hatred and damaged her physical and mental health.


Higgins has allegedly sold her home in France to vigorously defend the claim on the basis that the imputations of harassment and the mishandling of her alleged rape are true.


Reynolds is expected to be cross-examined for another 24 hours before other witnesses appear next week, including former prime minister Scott Morrison and her own family members.


The trial is due to run until September 4.

Anonymous ID: dc4d0b Aug. 8, 2024, 5:04 a.m. No.21372270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5938

Pacific Marines, U.S. Ambassador Commemorate 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal


1st Lt. Shannon ONeill, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific - Aug. 7, 2024


HONIARA, Solomon Islands - Pacific Marines with Marine Rotational Force – Darwin, as well as the U.S. Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu, hosted the 82nd Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony of the Battle of Guadalcanal at the American War Memorial, Aug. 7, 2024.


“Today, as we gather to honor the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal, we pay tribute to the courage and sacrifice of those who fought bravely in this crucial campaign,” reflected U.S. Marine Corps Col. Brian Mulvihill, commanding officer, Marine Rotational Force – Darwin. “Their legacy continues to inspire our commitment to peace and collaboration in the Pacific. We are privileged to stand alongside our Allies and friends to remember and celebrate their enduring heroism.”


The U.S. and its Allies commemorate the Battle of Guadalcanal annually, honoring the bravery and sacrifices of those who served, and highlighting the enduring legacy of their victory. This year’s event began with a sunrise ceremony at the American Memorial in Honiara which included keynote speakers, a wreath laying, and a moment of silence for the fallen.


“This commemoration is a powerful reminder of the deep bonds between the people of the United States and the Solomon Islands,” said Ann Marie Yastishock, U.S. Ambassador to the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Republic of Vanuatu. “The Battle of Guadalcanal represents not only a turning point in World War II but also the strength of our enduring partnership.”


The commemoration highlights the strong and growing partnership between the United States and the Solomon Islands. Both nations are committed to enhancing their collaboration in regional security, sustainable development, and mutual support. This enduring relationship, grounded in shared history, paves the way for a future of continued cooperation and joint progress, reinforcing the deep bond of friendship and commitment between the two nations.


“As we reflect on the past,” Yastishock concluded, “we also reaffirm our dedication to working together for a peaceful and prosperous future.”


The Battle of Guadalcanal, which took place from August 7, 1942, to February 9, 1943, was a critical turning point in World War II’s Pacific Theatre. As the first major offensive by Allied forces in the Pacific, the battle aimed to stop Japanese expansion by gaining control of the strategically vital Guadalcanal Island in the Solomon Islands.

Anonymous ID: 9d089f Aug. 9, 2024, 8:21 a.m. No.21379709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9731 >>9780 >>4174


Former Australian prime minister Paul Keating attacks senior members of Albanese government over AUKUS agreement and foreign policy


Paul Johnson - 9 August 2024


Former Australian prime minister Paul Keating has taken aim at Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Defence Minister Richard Marles, accusing them of abandoning traditional party values.


Speaking to 7.30 in an interview about the AUKUS agreement, Mr Keating accused the government of being a "sellout" on its defence policy, while defending Chinese interests in Taiwan.


"In defence and foreign policy, this is not a Labor government," Mr Keating said.


"This is a party which has adopted the defence and foreign policies of the Morrison Liberal government.


"This is a sellout."


The former Labor leader had been asked about the AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, which he has been a constant critic of since its announcement.


Mr Keating then called it "the worst deal in all history".


Mr Marles is in the US and has agreed to allow the transfer of US and UK naval nuclear material to Australia.


The partnership also provides for more rotations of US troops to the region, which Mr Keating criticised.


"What he said made me cringe … it will make any Labor person cringe," Mr Keating said.


"There'll be American force posture now in Australia, involving every domain.


"This government has sold out to the United States.


"They've fallen for the dinner on the White House lawn.


"The prime minister gets the dinners on the White House lawn … [and] these turkeys all fall for it."


Is China or the US aggressive?


Defence Minister Marles has been vocal about the need for the partnership and being allied with the United States in the face of an increasingly aggressive China.


China has been involved in several incidents with regional neighbours in the South China Sea and the defence minister himself was, in June, confronted by Chinese PLA officers in Singapore.


Mr Keating says the AUKUS agreement and Australia's longstanding alliance with the United States, which he called an "aggressive ally", is what may make Australia a target for any incident with China.


"We are better left alone than we are being protected by an aggressive power like the United States," Mr Keating told 7.30.


Asked why he considered the US to be aggressive, Mr Keating said it was because "it's trying to superintend from the Atlantic, the largest Asian power, which is China".


'Chinese real estate'


One of the major global flashpoints with China is the future of Taiwan.


The island remains self-governed but China looms large, having recently held War Games in the Taiwan Strait, where it regularly flies military sorties.


Chinese President Xi Jinping has routinely said he would not hesitate to use "force" to claim Taiwan.


Mr Keating labelled the island "Chinese real estate" on 7.30, when talking about Australia's defence pact with the US.


"What this is all about is the Chinese laying claim to Taiwan, and the Americans are going to say 'no, no, we're going to keep these Taiwanese people protected', even though they're sitting on Chinese real estate," he said.


Asked about the wishes of the Taiwanese people, and China's threat to dismantle civil society in the country, Mr Keating told 7.30 Taiwan was not a vital Australian interest.


Should conflict arise between the US and China over Taiwan, Mr Keating said Australia would be the nation that would ultimately lose out.


"The Chinese will fight to the last teenage soldier to defend Taiwan and the Chinese state, and the Americans will not take on such a fight and more than that, will not win it.


"[Then] all of a sudden the Americans take off and leave and we're the ones who have done all the offence."

Anonymous ID: 9d089f Aug. 9, 2024, 8:24 a.m. No.21379731   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Aukus pact will turn Australia into ‘51st state’ of the US, Paul Keating says


Former prime minister argues Australia has made itself a target by aligning with American ‘aggression’ towards China


Martin Farrer and Daniel Hurst - 9 Aug 2024


Australia’s participation in the Aukus defence pact risks handing military control of the country to Washington and becoming the “51st state of the United States”, according to former prime minister Paul Keating.


Speaking on ABC’s 7.30 on Thursday night, Keating argued that Australia had made itself a target for aggression by joining the military alliance with the US and the UK in implicit opposition to China’s growing power in the Asia Pacific region.


Australia had no quarrel with China, Keating said, and concerns about China’s designs on Taiwan were not justified because the island was “Chinese real estate”.


“Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest,” he said, adding that the American attitude to Taiwan was like China deciding that Tasmania needed help to secede from Australia.


“What Aukus is about in the American mind is turning [Australia into suckers], locking us up for 40 years with American bases all around … not Australian bases,” he said.


“So Aukus is really about, in American terms, the military control of Australia. I mean, what’s happened … is likely to turn Australia into the 51st state of the United States.”


Keating told the show’s presenter, Sarah Ferguson: “We’re now defending the fact that we’re in Aukus.


“If we weren’t in Aukus, we wouldn’t need to defend it. If we didn’t have an aggressive ally like the United States – aggressive to others in the region – there’d be nobody attacking Australia. We are better left alone than we are being ‘protected’ by an aggressive power like the United States.


“Australia is capable of defending itself.


“There’s no way another state can invade a country like Australia with an armada of ships without it all failing. I mean, Australia is quite capable of defending itself. We don’t need to be basically a pair of shoes hanging out of the Americans’ backside.”


Keating, a longstanding opponent of Labor’s support for the pact, said Australia had not been threatened by China, whose expanding military presence, he said, was in line with its position as the world’s second superpower.


“What do they expect [the Chinese] to do?” he said. “To move around in row boats? Canoes, maybe? You know, so they develop their own submarines, their own frigates, their own aircraft carriers. They are the other major state in the world. What the Americans say – ‘No, no. Keep your place. Go back to your canoes.’”


His comments came as Richard Marles, the defence minister, and Penny Wong, the foreign affairs minister, have been in Washington for talks about the pact and a new agreement to cover the transfer of nuclear material to Australia under the deal.


Marles said the new agreement was “a very significant step down the Aukus path” and hailed it as another demonstration of the fact “that we are making this happen”.


The new agreement will allow for the transfer of nuclear material to Australia as part of the process of acquiring nuclear-powered submarines, and it replaces a pre-existing agreement that allowed “for the exchange of naval nuclear propulsion information”.


Australian government sources have since outlined some of the details of the new agreement, including that it will enable the transfer of Virginia-class submarines from the US from the 2030s. They also said the agreement would pave the way to making Australia’s future SSN-Aukus submarines in South Australia, by enabling the transfer of material and equipment such as “sealed, welded-shut reactors that will not require re-fuelling over the life cycle of the submarine”.


Australian sources insisted that the agreement would not see Australia take spent fuel or high-level radioactive waste from the UK or the US, nor did it require Australia to enrich uranium or process spent nuclear fuel.

Anonymous ID: 9d089f Aug. 9, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.21379780   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anthony Albanese brushes off criticism by former Labor PM Paul Keating


Former Labor prime minister Paul Keating has taken another swipe at the Albanese government’s support of the AUKUS nuclear subs deal.


Joanne Williamson - August 9, 2024


Paul Keating has taken another swipe at the Albanese Labor government’s national security policies, saying it should be “celebrating the rise” of China instead of turning Australia into “a US protectorate”.


The former prime minister started his brutal assessment of Labor’s defence policy in an interview on ABC’s 7.30 on Thursday, where he said the government’s embrace of the AUKUS nuclear submarines deal was “likely to turn Australia into the 51st state of the United States”.


“This is a party which has adopted the defence and foreign policies of the Morrison Liberal government. This is a sellout,” Mr Keating said.


But Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was unperturbed by the views of the 80-year-old Mr Keating, who was voted out of office 28 years ago.


“Paul was a great prime minister – that ended in 1996,” Mr Albanese told reporters in Perth on Friday.


“Paul has his views. They’re well known.


“The world has changed between 1996 and 2024. My government is doing what we need to do today, and everyone will get a go here.”


Mr Keating, who has been vocal in his criticism of the tripartite deal between Australia, the UK and US since it was announced in 2021 when Scott Morrison was prime minister, took another shot at Mr Albanese late on Friday.


Mr Keating said Mr Albanese had put Australia on a path to becoming a “US protectorate” in Asia when the nation should be “celebrating the rise of China”.


“The fact is, the Albanese government is returning to the Anglosphere to garner Australia’s security,” Mr Keating said in a statement.


“In effect, the Albanese government is doing the very thing that all my life, I had trenchantly opposed, and in the post-War years, Labor had opposed.


“And that is, finding our security from Asia rather than our security in Asia.”


Mr Keating said the Albanese government’s move to expand US military presence in Australia with more troop movements would leave the nation as a “continental extension of American power”.


“Such an outcome is likely to turn the Australian government, in defence and security terms, into simply the national administrator of what would be broadly viewed in Asia as a US protectorate,” he said.


Mr Keating said the government had opted to see Beijing as an “imminent threat”, rather than “recognising and celebrating the rise of China … and dealing with it diplomatically.”


In response to Mr Keating’s AUKUS comments, Defence Minister Richard Marles said he was entitled to his views, but said Australia was facing “the most complex strategic circumstances that we’ve had to deal with since the end of the Second World War.”


“Characterising our relationship with the United States in that way is not right, nor is it fair,” Mr Marles said from Canada.


Meanwhile, Mr Albanese and Mr Marles have defended the AUKUS deal after US President Joe Biden updated Congress.


Mr Biden sent a letter to the US Congress on Thursday, updating the deal that would allow for the transfer of nuclear material to Australia.


Mr Marles said this did not mean nuclear waste would end up in Australia.


“That is the agreement that we reached with the UK and the US back in March of last year and so all this is doing is providing for the legal underpinning of that,” he told ABC radio.


“So to be completely clear, there is no circumstance in which we will be taking waste from any other country.


“We made clear in March of last year that we will be responsible for our own nuclear waste and that will involve the disposal of the spent nuclear reactors.”


Mr Albanese said the updated AUKUS agreement would not involve the transfer of nuclear waste.


“There’ll be no nuclear transfer from either the US or the UK That’s the detail. That’s very clear, and that’s not part of the arrangement,” Mr Albanese said.


“We’ve agreed to have nuclear-powered submarines. That’s what we’ve agreed to and the transfer of technology that’s related to that.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 7:43 a.m. No.21385621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6367



Defence Minister Richard Marles insists AUKUS milestone won't force Australia to accept foreign nuclear waste


Jake Evans and Kathleen Calderwood - 9 Aug 2024


The defence minister insists Thursday's milestone agreement on AUKUS does not oblige Australia to take nuclear waste from the United States or the United Kingdom.


Australia and the US made significant progress on Thursday towards acquiring nuclear-powered submarines under the AUKUS agreement, in a deal that included undisclosed "political commitments" to Australia's partner nations, the US and the UK.


Critics of the nuclear submarine plan claimed that the deal would eventually oblige Australia to take high-level radioactive waste from the US and UK.


Defence Minister Richard Marles insisted on Friday morning that was not the case.


"Nuclear waste won't end up in Australia, other than the waste that is generated by Australia," Mr Marles said.


"That is the agreement that we reached with the UK and the US back in March of last year, and so all this is doing is providing for the legal underpinning of that."


Mr Marles said there would be "no circumstance" where Australia takes waste from any other country.


Instead, Thursday's agreement would allow for the transfer of nuclear naval technology to Australia, including restricted data never shared outside the US and UK.


The agreement also progresses plans to transfer second-hand US Virginia-class submarines to Australia, while its own submarines are being built.


Nothing unusual in undisclosed 'additional political commitments' on AUKUS, says PM


The government however has been pressured to further explain the details of the deal formalised on Thursday.


US President Joe Biden's letter to Congress on the agreement said it provided "additional related political commitments", but did not detail what those were.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton challenged the government to explain the political commitments made to the US.


"It's certainly an unusual statement, and I think the prime minister should provide an explanation as to what Australia has signed up to," Mr Dutton said.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said there was nothing out of the ordinary in the agreements the federal government had made.


"We have agreed to have nuclear-powered submarines, that is what we have agreed to, and the transfer of technology that is related to that," Mr Albanese said.


"There aren't extra political commitments, I'm not sure what you mean.


"There will be no nuclear [waste] transfer from either the US or UK."


The Greens say legislation already before parliament would allow the UK and US to dump high-level nuclear waste in Australia from their nuclear submarines, an issue the Labor-led inquiry into the proposed laws recommended amending to prevent.


Mr Marles also defended himself after Labor luminary and vocal critic of the AUKUS deal Paul Keating repeated his criticisms of the program and the minister.


Mr Keating claimed that the Albanese government had sold out Labor values by adopting AUKUS from the former Morrison government, and said Mr Marles's comments while in the US would make "any Labor person cringe".


Mr Marles said that criticism was "not fair", but said Mr Keating had a right to express his view.


In Taiwan, reaction from some corners was scathing.


Former US ambassador to Palau US John Hennessy-Niland, who was the first US ambassador to visit Taiwan since 1979, said Mr Keating was living in the past "and never changes".


"Keating reveals his true colours when he talks about 'party values' should be paramount but what about Australia's national interests?” Mr Hennessey-Niland told the ABC.


Wen-Ti Sung, from the Atlantic Council's Global China Hub, said partnerships like AUKUS were essential to preventing future conflict.


"Forward defence planning in concert with like-minded democratic partners is how countries have managed to deter and prevent major wars," he said.


"Long-term partnership building with at least one superpower has been the cornerstone of Australian foreign policy ever since World War II, namely ANZUS. There is no clear reason why Australia should be abandoning its almost century-long partner.


"Facing an increasingly strategically uncertain world, Australia needs to develop more partners, not less."


Director of international affairs for Taiwan's opposition Kuomingtang Party, Alexander Huang, said the island's first priority was preventing conflict through both deterrence and dialogue.


Mr Huang declined to comment on Mr Keating's "disagreement with Prime Minister Albanese and his cabinet".

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.21385660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>6910

Australia set to sign a new defence pact with Indonesia by end of the month


Stephen Dziedzic - 9 Aug 2024




Australia is poised to sign a new upgraded defence pact with Indonesia by the end of this month as the federal government prepares to welcome the incoming Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto to Canberra.


The government has framed it as the most strategically significant bilateral agreement with Indonesia since at least 2006, when the two countries reset security ties by signing the Lombok Treaty.


Australia and Indonesia confirmed in February they would upgrade their 2012 defence pact to a new binding agreement, with Defence Minister Richard Marles aiming to complete "lightning-fast" negotiations within three months.


The negotiations haven't gone quite that quickly, but the ABC has been told that discussions are now in their final phase and that Mr Marles is planning to travel to Indonesia near the end of this month to sign the agreement with Mr Prabowo.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also confirmed yesterday that Mr Prabowo — who is continuing to serve as defence minister ahead of being sworn in this October — will make a separate visit to Canberra in the coming two weeks.


"I will welcome the Indonesian defence minister in the next fortnight, who is coming to Canberra, and he'll have meetings with my cabinet," he said.


"In a matter of weeks, I will attend his inauguration. And the cooperation that we have with Indonesia is very strong indeed."


One Australian government source told the ABC that both countries were now "very close" to finalising the upgraded agreement, but the signing ceremony would likely be held in Indonesia rather in Australia.


The federal government is expected to hail the new pact as a milestone in the bilateral relationship.


In February, Mr Marles declared it would be the "most significant" defence agreement signed by the two countries and would be a "treaty level" document.


He also said it would allow much more expansive joint military exercises between Australia and Indonesia.


"It is profoundly important in terms of what it provides around being the platform for our two defence forces to exercise together, for Indonesians to exercise in Australia and vice versa," he said.


"It is a very significant statement about the strategic direction of both Indonesia and Australia."



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21385671   🗄️.is 🔗kun





A fraught history


The two countries have a fraught history on defence cooperation and security ties have been regularly disrupted by broader diplomatic and political disputes.


The Keating government struck a landmark security treaty with Jakarta in 1995 but that pact was torn up by Indonesia just four years later during the Timor Crisis.


Diplomatic tensions between the two countries also flared in 2013 when it was revealed Australia had wire-tapped the phone of then-Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, while Indonesia briefly suspended military cooperation with Australia in 2017 after a controversy over "offensive" training materials used by the Australian Army.


But since then the two countries have again stepped up defence cooperation, with Australia participating in Indonesia's Super Garuda Shield joint military exercises with the US and other nations.


The Royal Australian Air Force and the Indonesian Air Force also conducted joint maritime surveillance training exercises in May, while Indonesia last year received 15 Bushmaster armoured vehicles from Australia to help with its international peacekeeping missions under the UN.


Sam Roggeveen from the Lowy Institute told the ABC that it was "very encouraging" to see progress on the negotiations for the upgraded agreement.


"Once we get the text of the treaty what I'll be looking for is a maritime focus," he said.


"Australia and Indonesia occupy a single strategic place and we have a core strategic objective in common: we want to make sure maritime South-East Asia is never dominated by any other power."


Indonesia committed to non-alignment


While Australia has been intent on building stronger broader strategic ties with Indonesia, Jakarta remains wedded to a non-aligned foreign policy.


Last week, Mr Prabowo visited Russia and met with President Vladimir Putin, where he said he saw Moscow as a "great friend" and declared that he wanted to "enhance" the relationship.


Mr Roggeveen said Australia would have to remain realistic about how far it could nudge Indonesia.


While the new agreement is likely to streamline cooperation between the Indonesian and Australian militaries, it will not be a formal military alliance or a mutual defence treaty of any kind and neither country is expected to offer security guarantees to the other.


"For the time being Indonesia will maintain its commitment to non-alignment," Mr Roggeveen said.


He also said that Australia had "narrowed the space" for closer strategic alignment with Indonesia by entering the AUKUS agreement with the US and the UK — even if Mr Prabowo is less sceptical towards the pact than other Indonesian elites.


"As encouraging as the new agreement is, the prospect of even closer strategic ties with Indonesia is constrained by AUKUS," Mr Roggeveen said.


"By drawing in the US and China into the region, it does the very thing that South-East Asian leaders don't want; they don't want to be a theatre for competition or a battlefield for the great powers."


And he said the bilateral relationship still needed more "ballast" in the form of strong economic ties, greater migration and people-to-people links.


"At the moment we have a good high-level relationship, but that relationship can still be knocked off course by relatively minor accidents or incidents."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.21385715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451



Canada and Australia, eyeing China, signal more military cooperation


David Ljunggren - August 9, 2024


OTTAWA, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Canada and Australia, expressing alarm at China's claims over the disputed waters of the South China Sea, on Thursday said they would increase their military and defense industry cooperation.


Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair said security in the Indo-Pacific region was being challenged "in a number of significant and difficult ways" and accused Beijing of trying to reshape the international system to advance its own interests.


Blair, speaking after Vancouver talks with Australian counterpart Richard Marles, said the two nations needed to work more closely together to maintain order in the Indo-Pacific.


"We have agreed to pursue closer collaboration by enhancing the interoperability of our armed forces and by deepening our operational cooperation," he told reporters.


The two said they were concerned about what they called Beijing's excessive maritime claims in the South China Sea as well as Chinese military activity around Taiwan.


The Philippines' armed forces and their counterparts from Canada, United States, and Australia this week held joint maritime exercises in the South China Sea.


"Our cooperation is based on seeking to deter. We are absolutely about working with each other so that we can avoid conflict," said Marles, referring to his talks with Blair.


Marles flew to Vancouver from Washington after Wednesday talks in which Australia agreed to begin co-manufacturing guided weapons with the United States next year.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.21385788   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Penny Wong condemns Israeli Minister Bezalel Smotrich comment that starving Palestinians may be justified - 10 August 2024


Foreign Minister Penny Wong has condemned comments by a senior Israeli minister after he suggested it "might be just and moral" to starve Palestinians in Gaza until hostages held by Hamas are returned.


Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich made the statement at a conference in support of Jewish settlements on Monday, saying the country had no choice but to send humanitarian aid to Gaza.


"It's not possible in today's global reality to manage a war — no one will allow us to starve two million people, even though that might be just and moral until they return the hostages," he said in a speech.


In a post to social media platform X on Saturday, Ms Wong said Australia joins international partners, including the UK, Germany and France, in condemning Mr Smotrich's comments.


"The deliberate starvation of civilians is a war crime," she wrote.


"There is no justification for it, ever.


"An immediate ceasefire in Gaza has never been more urgent, to protect civilians, see hostages released, and enable aid to flow.


"We repeat our call on all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire."


Mr Smotrich, who is a key partner in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's governing coalition, supports the reoccupation of Gaza, the rebuilding of Jewish settlements that were removed in 2005, and what he describes as the voluntary migration of large numbers of Palestinians out of the territory.


The European Union on Wednesday condemned his remarks, also noting that deliberately starving civilians is a war crime.


European Union Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said the remarks demonstrated Mr Smotrich's "contempt for international law and for basic principles of humanity".


Britain's Foreign Secretary David Lammy said there can be "no justification" for Mr Smotrich's remarks.


"We expect the wider Israeli government to retract and condemn them," he wrote in a post on X.


The US also rebuked Mr Smotrich, with national security adviser John Kirby telling reporters on Friday the Israeli minister's criticism of the latest proposed cease-fire deal is "dead wrong".


"Smotrich essentially suggests that the war ought to go on indefinitely without pause and with the lives of the hostages of no real concern at all," Mr Kirby said.


Smotrich voiced opposition to the deal and said the terms would amount to an Israeli surrender.


"The views expressed by Mr Smotrich would in fact sacrifice the lives of Israeli hostages, his own countrymen, and American hostages as well," Mr Kirby said.


The ongoing war sparked by Hamas' attack has plunged Gaza into a humanitarian catastrophe.


The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, the leading international authority on the severity of hunger crises, said in June that Gaza was at "high risk" of famine.


Aid organisations say efforts to deliver food and other assistance have been hindered by Israeli restrictions, ongoing fighting and the breakdown of law and order.


Israel says it allows unlimited humanitarian aid to enter and blames UN agencies for failing to promptly deliver it.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 8:21 a.m. No.21385847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5850


‘I carry the guilt’: Reynolds breaks down over airing Kitching warning of political firestorm


Jesinta Burton - August 9, 2024




WA Liberal senator Linda Reynolds has broken down on the witness stand, describing her guilt over telling Labor senators that late Victorian senator Kimberley Kitching warned her the party intended to “rain hell” on her over Brittany Higgins’ alleged rape, and doubling down on claims the saga led to Kitching’s death.


On Tuesday, the former defence minister told the Western Australian Supreme Court Kitching’s decision to hand an anonymous letter about the alleged rape over to the Australian Federal Police, and not her party, had left Kitching ostracised by her colleagues.


And she made national headlines when she made the extraordinary claim the saga led to Kitching’s death of a heart attack on March 10, 2022, at the age of 52.


Reynolds left the court in tears on Friday after telling Higgins’ barrister Rachael Young, SC, that her remarks reflected her guilt at revealing to other politicians that Kitching had tipped her off to the impending political firestorm in 2021, rather than reflected a desire to have her claims aired in the press.


“You sought to make that comment knowing that remark would be publicly reported, didn’t you?” Young asked during cross-examination.


“I’m certainly not the first one to come to that conclusion,” Reynolds replied.


“It displays my guilt. If I hadn’t revealed it was her… that’s what led to her being ostracised.


“I had kept it in confidence, even after everything. It was my guilt. I shouldn’t have weakened and told anyone. Everyone can see how angry she was with me. She was losing weight. But I carry the guilt of telling the senators and … her being bullied to death.”


Young had previously taken Reynolds to a news report about a seven-page letter Kitching penned to colleagues in June 2021 in which she rejected Reynolds’ account of events.


On the final day of evidence in her defamation trial with Higgins, Reynolds told the court she was aware of allegations Kitching had been bullied and Kitching’s denial that the “rain hell” conversation had occurred.


And she pointed to footage that showed her interaction with Kitching in parliament on the day she claimed the first warning was fired.


Young put it to Reynolds that her extreme guilt had impacted her ability to give testimony on those senators objectively.


Reynolds conceded she was correct, before leaving the witness stand and embracing a friend in the public gallery.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.21385850   🗄️.is 🔗kun





For the past year, Reynolds has been pursuing Higgins for damages as well as aggravated damages over several social media posts in which she claims she was accused of using the media to harass her former staffer.


Higgins is defending the claim on the basis the imputations of harassment and the mishandling of her alleged rape are true.


Earlier, Reynolds vigorously denied she was trying to diminish what she knew in the days after Higgins was allegedly raped by Bruce Lehrmann while giving incorrect evidence at his criminal trial.


Lehrmann has maintained his innocence since his criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct.


Young grilled Reynolds about telling the ACT Supreme Court the first she learned that security guards had reported seeing Higgins in her parliamentary suite partially undressed and that there was an order that it be cleaned was via Higgins’ tell-all interviews.


Reynolds told the court she now knew that sworn testimony to be incorrect, with both matters documented in a report she received in the days after the security breach.


But she rejected any assertion she was trying to diminish what she knew because it would have proven she knew something untoward or criminal had occurred.


She also denied knowing the alleged sexual assault had occurred before holding a meeting with the then-24-year-old in her parliamentary suite on April 1, 2019, just metres from the couch on which the alleged rape occurred.


“You knew Ms Higgins had told [chief of staff] Fiona Brown she remembered Lehrmann being on top of her, you knew she was barely lucid. You knew she wanted to visit a doctor,” Young put to Reynolds.


“I cannot recall exact words, but I can recall she did say there was some form of physical contact, and that she couldn’t remember much and that she wanted to go to the doctor. We’re not counsellors,” Reynolds told the court.


“Ms Brown asked [Higgins] if anything she didn’t want to happen had happened, and she said no.”


As her employer, Reynolds rejected the assertion she shouldered sole responsibility for Higgins’ welfare.


Young has sought to obtain the confidential deeds of settlement in four of Reynolds’ defamation actions, including with the ACT government, publisher Harper Collins and two media companies.


Reynolds’ long-time partner Robert Reid is expected to take the stand in the five-week defamation trial on Monday before former prime minister Scott Morrison.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 8:43 a.m. No.21385938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Battle of Guadalcanal: 82nd Anniversary of Operation Watchtower


Cpl. Migel Reynosa - 08.08.2024


Multinational servicemembers, veterans, leaders of Solomon Islands’ government, members of the diplomatic community, and civilians, attend the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal Ceremony at the Guadalcanal American Memorial in Honiara, Solomon Islands, Aug. 7, 2024. The ceremony commemorated the 82nd anniversary of the battle, and served to honor the fallen and strengthen the U.S. relationship with the Solomon Islands and other Pacific allies and partners. The historic battle was codenamed Operation Watchtower and was the first major offensive and decisive victory for the allied forces in the Pacific theater. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Cpl. Migel A. Reynosa)

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:07 a.m. No.21386017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6022 >>6104 >>6175 >>6240

>>21159645 (pb)

How 'unassuming' crocodile expert Adam Britton shocked a community


Roxanne Fitzgerald - 9 Jul 2024




Warning: This story contains graphic and distressing details of animal cruelty and references to child abuse.


Every month, Merinda Sharp cuts flowers and visits her neighbours' neglected rural home.


"I put them on the gate, in memory of the torture and the horrific life that those animals went through," she says.


On the outskirts of Darwin, hidden within a tight-knit outback community of dusty and isolated sprawling properties, where dogs are trained to scare off visitors, this one remained quiet and overlooked for years.


Then one of the nation's worst cases of bestiality exposed the sinister events that had been taking place for almost a decade, sending shock waves through the neighbourhood and fracturing it with disbelief.


Adam Britton, celebrated as a world-renowned crocodile expert and zoologist, was arrested and remanded in custody in 2022, last year pleading guilty to 60 charges of bestiality, animal cruelty and possessing child abuse material.


In a shipping container he called his "torture room", Britton filmed himself abusing, raping and killing dozens of dogs and puppies.


In some instances, he would drive to a secluded location to brutally murder his victims "for his own sadistic sexual pleasure", court documents state.


Between 2020 and 2022, Britton sourced 42 dogs for free from online classifieds giant Gumtree, promising their previous owners he would give them a "good home".


Britton killed at least 39 of them before his arrest.


Severed dog limbs, a decomposing puppy and a dog head were found by investigators on his property – where he lived with his wife, who spent long spells away for her work.


The details of Britton's crimes are so graphic, the ABC has chosen not to publish them in full.


Last September, in a rare move within a courtroom, the judge excused officers and sheriffs, describing the facts of the offending as "grotesque cruelty" and warning they had the potential to "cause nervous shock".


As Britton awaits sentencing, the ABC has investigated the profound impacts the case has had on the small community he lived in, still reeling from the findings.


Ms Sharp, an animal advocate who lives four kilometres away from Britton's former home – which is now up for sale – says the shocking details have shattered trust.


"The public really had no awareness of this going on for so long in our small community," she says.


"It just horrified me this could be happening … and that he could be living amongst us."


At Britton's past court appearances, Ms Sharp has shown up with placards calling for the death penalty.


Questioned over whether she believes the extreme punishment is in fact appropriate, she doesn't hesitate.


"Death? Absolutely, I really do. Because what's going to happen when he gets out?," she says.


Neighbours who knew Britton described him as quiet and unassuming – as someone who regularly showed up to neighbourhood meetings with his pet dogs and was willing to teach kids about his latest research on crocodiles.


The day Hannah Bohlin found out is etched deep in her mind.


"Absolute shock, despair, [and] horror … turned to grief, fear, disbelief, that this, [person] dubbed the world's worst animal abuser, was on our doorstep," she says.


"I'm privy to a lot of animal welfare issues through my work … but this was just on a completely other level."


Ms Bohlin sought out counselling to deal with the trauma of knowing the details, and joined a Facebook support group, which currently has more than 500 members.


"I realised there [were] other people all over the world feeling exactly the same," she says.


"That brought a sense of community, a sense of you're not alone."


She says the forum is also a place to catalyse change and give a voice to the voiceless.


"It transforms the shock, the horror, the despair, the feeling alone, to 'let's do something. Let's turn this anger and this frustration into action'," she says.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:10 a.m. No.21386022   🗄️.is 🔗kun





While Britton was curating himself as a well-respected zoologist and researcher, even appearing in documentaries with David Attenborough, he was filming and disseminating videos of his murders via the free messaging service Telegram.


It was here, hidden behind the pseudonyms 'Monster' and 'Cerberus', that he discussed his kill count and sent detailed messages depicting how he carried out his abuse.


In one message, he told someone: "I remember being sadistic to small animals when I was maybe 7 or 8, and I repressed it but it really started to come back out again in my fantasies in my 20s and 30s".


Britton's Telegram messages


''Monster:'' I started fence jumping when I was 13 or 14 and molesting horses'


''Monster:'' Here's one I killed a few weeks ago, what's left of her'


''Monster:'' I have no emotional bond to them, they are toys pure and simple. And plenty more where they came from.'


Charles Giliam is the operations manager at Darwin's RSPCA.


He says workers have become "more wary" of potential owners since the chilling details emerged, but other than imposing a hefty adoption fee, there's little that can be done.


In the wake of the revelations, there's a growing chorus of calls for Gumtree to ban ads offering free pets.


Britton sourced many of his dogs this way, often building a rapport with the owners and taking photos of the pets before killing them.


He would then provide false narratives about them settling in when owners asked for updates.


In a statement, Gumtree told the ABC it "proactively monitor[s] all pet listings, conversations between buyers and sellers … and deletes 700 listings per week … that are in breach of our strict policies."


However, Gumtree would not commit to banning free ads, which advocates argue contributes to increased incidents of animal abuse due to the lack of financial accountability.


As calls for stronger laws to prevent animal cruelty echo louder than ever, the NT government has begun reviewing the legislation.


But Mr Giliam says there's a long way to go.


"The penalties in the NT [Animal Protection] Act are, in our opinion, woefully inadequate," he says.


As Britton awaits sentencing, on July 11, Ms Bohlin and Ms Sharp are gearing up to be let down.


For each of the 39 offences involving torture and death, he's facing a maximum of two years in prison.


"It'll never be enough, whatever the sentence will be," Ms Bohlin says.


"The legislation clearly wasn't written for somebody as psychopathic and as extreme and barbaric as Adam Britton."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m. No.21386104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TV croc expert who filmed dog abuse, killings jailed for ten years


An animal expert who appeared on international TV has been jailed over the sadistic rape and torture of dozens of dogs, much of which was filmed and put online.


Nathan Schmidt - August 8, 2024




A prominent crocodile expert who appeared on ABC will spend the next six years behind bars after admitting to the “sadistic” torture and sexual abuse of more than 42 dogs.


Adam Robert Corden Britton, 51, was sentenced before Darwin Supreme Court on Thursday to 10 years and five months behind bars with a non-parole period of six years.


Britton, who worked as a croc expert with David Attenborough on the BBC as well as National Geographic, was also sentenced for the possession of child abuse material.


It comes two years after Britton’s arrest and almost a year after he was found guilty, but was slammed as “pathetically weak” by Animal Justice Party MLC Emma Hurst.


“These were horrific acts of animal cruelty. There is a well-researched link between violence towards animals and violence towards people,” Ms Hurst said in a statement.


“This man is a danger to other animals and the community. I am relieved to hear his sentence includes time behind bars … but it is not long enough.”


Ms Hurst said Australia’s animal sexual abuse laws were “entirely out of touch” and that Britton’s “pathetic sentence” did not “reflect the seriousness of the crime”.


The British-born Charles Darwin University zoologist began his campaign of terror in 2014 when he abused two dogs he owned with his wife at their Darwin home.


Agreed facts tendered to court last year reveal Britton went on to use classifieds site Gumtree to source dogs from owners, many of whom were reluctant to sell.


After purchasing the animals, Britton would send pictures of them to the past owners before sexually abusing, torturing and killing 39 of the dogs.


The vile acts took place within a shipping container on Britton’s home as well as at “secluded” locations throughout Darwin’s outer suburbs.


Much of the abuse was filmed by Britton on mobile phones and on cameras placed on tripods, with the video later edited to “black out” identifying features.


From 2020 until his arrest in 2022, Britton used the encrypted social media service Telegram to connect with “like-minded” animal abusers.


A second account, known as Cerberus, was used to upload and disseminate videos made by Britton in which he discussed his “kill count”.


The videos were saved onto Britton’s devices under names relating to the location, breed or name of the animal, including “Mastiff1”, “Pit1” and “NewBlue1”.


According to the facts, Britton would refer to the cruelty as “ZooSadism” and posted to Telegram groups such as “New Wicked Kennel”, which had 15 users.


In an online chat, Britton referred to his “torture room” and what implements he would use, including a bread knife, before adding that: “I can’t stop myself hurting dogs.


“I am going to get another dog to kill tomorrow. I plan to hurt it, a lot. I am ridiculously excited about it,” he said.


Britton’s online activity first raised the attention of police following a report by the Northern Territory (NT) Animal Welfare Branch in 2022.


The agency had reported a video made by Britton and posted to a “gore website” that depicted him sexually abusing, torturing and killing one dog and eight puppies.


The female dog in the video was wearing a Darwin City Council “Great pets start with you” collar, prompting an investigation by NT Police.


In April 2022, NT Police and AFP officers raided Britton’s home and seized 44 items, including computers, cameras, hard drives, weapons and sex toys.


Police also located severed dog limbs in a freezer, a decomposing puppy in a filtration pond, and a severed dog head in a neighbouring property in the search.


Following his arrest and after seeking legal advice, Britton provided his Telegram password to police but declined to participate in an electronic interview.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:50 a.m. No.21386175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6183


NT crocodile expert Adam Britton sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for bestiality and animal cruelty crimes


Roxanne Fitzgerald - 8 Aug 2024




Warning: This story contains graphic and distressing details of animal cruelty and references to child abuse.


Adam Britton, a once-celebrated zoologist, remained expressionless as he was sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison, with a non-parole period of six years, for the rape, torture and murder of dozens of dogs.


His sentence was backdated to his arrest in April 2022.


He has also been banned for life from purchasing animals and having them on his property.


Britton has been on remand at the Darwin Correctional Centre since his arrest, and has faced multiple delays to sentencing since pleading guilty to 60 charges of bestiality, animal cruelty and possessing child abuse material last year.


On Thursday afternoon, in front of a packed gallery in the Northern Territory Supreme Court, as Chief Justice Michael Grant detailed what he described as Britton's "grotesque" and "unspeakable" crimes against animals, the distress in the courtroom was palpable.


Like at previous court appearances, Justice Grant warned that the details had the potential to cause "nervous shock or some other adverse psychological reactions" and excused court officers.


"Although I'm loathe to do so, given the gross depravity and perversity of your actions, it is necessary for the purpose of sentencing you to provide some generally representative detail and description of the offending conduct," Justice Grant said.


While Adam Britton marketed himself as an acclaimed crocodile expert and researcher, appearing in National Geographic and in documentaries alongside David Attenborough, he concealed a disturbing double life systematically torturing animals for years.


Britton sourced 42 dogs from online classifieds giant Gumtree between 2020 and 2022, promising dog owners — who were often reluctantly giving their pets away due to travel or work commitments — that he would give them a "good home".


He then filmed himself raping and killing them in a shipping container he called his "torture room" on his rural property on the outskirts of Darwin.


"You took photographs of the dogs prior to torturing and killing them, and subsequently sent those photographs to the former owners as part of communicating false narratives that the dogs were thriving in their new environment," Justice Grant said.


On the free messenger service Telegram, Britton discussed his kill count and uploaded videos of his murders under the pseudonyms 'Monster' and 'Cerberus'.


Justice Grant said Britton's communications with other users on Telegram incited violence, and said it was "manifestly clear" that he derived "perverse pleasure and excitement from the suffering of these animals".


"Your conduct on each of those occasions involved a degree of depravity and reprehensibility which falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception and comprehension," Justice Grant said.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 9:53 a.m. No.21386183   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In a letter written from prison and read aloud in court by his lawyer, Britton said he took "full responsibility for the demeaning crimes" he inflicted on dogs.


"I deeply regret the pain and trauma that I caused innocent families and consequently to my family, friends and members of the community affected," he wrote.


"I let you all down. I'm truly sorry. I now acknowledge that I've been fighting a rare paraphilic disorder for much of my life. And that shame and fear prevented me from seeking the proper help I needed."


Britton wrote that he would seek "long-term treatment" and asked that his family be given "the space they deserve to heal".


"They were not aware or involved in any way," he wrote.


Despite the letter, in handing down his sentence, Justice Grant said he was not satisfied that Britton showed any genuine remorse, and accepted the Crown's view that Britton's prominent diagnosis was zoosadism.


"You used weapons extensively in the course of your activity," Justice Grant said.


"As the Crown has submitted, the sheer and unalloyed pleasure that you derive from inflicting this torture is sickeningly evident."


"I also have no doubt that you would have continued with this conduct had you not been arrested by police."


In 2022, new legislation was introduced in the Northern Territory that increased penalties for animal cruelty, including increasing the maximum for aggravated cruelty against animals to five years' imprisonment.


However, Britton's offending pre-dated the commencement of that legislation, when the maximum penalty was two years for the charge.


Outside of court, animal activists were visibly upset as they held signs calling Britton a "psychopath" and "zoosadist".


Emma Hurst, from the Animal Justice Party, said the sentence was "pathetically weak", and called for the modernisation and strengthening of laws.


“Our country’s animal sexual abuse laws are entirely out of touch with community values and expectations," she said.


"When someone tortures, rapes and kills animals in a such a sadistic way, they should be punished accordingly."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:10 a.m. No.21386240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242


British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs


Tiffanie Turnbull - 9 August 2024




A renowned British crocodile expert has been jailed for 10 years and five months in Australia, after admitting to sexually abusing dozens of dogs, in a case which horrified the nation.


''Warning: This story contains details readers might find distressing''


Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.


He also admitted to four counts of accessing child abuse material.


The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.


His abuse went unnoticed for years, until a clue was found in one of his videos. Britton was arrested in April 2022 after a search of his rural Darwin property, which also uncovered child abuse material on his laptop.


Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock".


As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues.


Calling the offending "devious", Justice Grant said the "unalloyed pleasure" Britton took in torturing the animals was "sickeningly evident".


"[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception," he said.


Including time already served, Britton could be eligible for parole in September 2028. He is also banned from owning any mammals for the rest of his life.


Mr Britton's lawyer argued his offending was driven by a rare disorder causing intense, atypical sexual interests.


In court on Thursday, they read out a letter from Britton, who apologised for his "demeaning crimes".


“I deeply regret the pain and trauma that I caused to innocent animals and consequently to my family, friends and members of the community," it said.


Adding that his family was not aware or involved in any way, he wrote: "I will seek long term treatment and… I will find a path towards redemption."


Abuse spans decades


Born in West Yorkshire, Britton grew up in the UK before moving to Australia more than 20 years ago to work with crocodiles.


With a PhD in zoology, he had built a global reputation for his expertise, even hosting Sir David Attenborough while the veteran broadcaster filmed part of the Life in Cold Blood docuseries on his property.


Locals have told media he seemed like a quiet but passionate defender of animals.


But he was harbouring a "sadistic sexual interest" in them, court documents say. Exchanges with "like-minded" people in secret online chatrooms detail how Britton began molesting horses at the age of 13.


"I was sadistic as a child to animals, but I had repressed it. In the last few years I let it out again, and now I can't stop. I don't want to. :)," he wrote in one message tendered to the court.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 10, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.21386242   🗄️.is 🔗kun





For at least the past decade, Britton had exploited his own pets and manipulated other dog owners into giving him theirs.


"My own dogs are family and I have limits," he explained in a Telegram chat entered into evidence.


"I only badly mistreat other dogs… I have no emotional bond to them, they are toys pure and simple. And [there are] plenty more where they came from."


He tortured at least 42 dogs, killing 39 of them, according to court documents seen by the BBC. The files only detail his crimes over the 18 months before his arrest, but still fill more than 90 pages.


Using online marketplace Gumtree Australia, Britton would find people who were often reluctantly giving their pets away due to travel or work commitments. He would build a "rapport" with them to negotiate taking custody of the animals and if they reached out for updates on their old pets, the court heard he would tell them "false narratives" and send them old photos.


In reality, he was abusing the animals in a shipping container on his property that had been fitted out with recording equipment - which he called his "torture room" - before sharing footage of his crimes online using aliases.


Britton would also coach others on how to copy his behaviour and get rid of the evidence.


Asked how to dispose of the dogs' remains, Britton - who shared his sprawling property on the outskirts of Darwin with eight crocodiles - said "some I feed to other animals".


He was only caught after uploading a clip in which he tortured at least eight dogs - all except one were puppies - which was passed on to NT police in an anonymous tip-off.


Britton usually went to great lengths to avoid identifying himself or his location in his videos, but in this one a bright orange City of Darwin dog leash could be seen in the background.


Within weeks, in April 2022, police swooped on his property and arrested Britton, who has been remanded in custody ever since.


They seized recording devices, animal remains and a laptop on which they also located 15 files containing child abuse material.


Animal advocates say the case shows the need for stronger animal cruelty penalties.


Speaking outside court, many who had travelled from all over the country for the hearing expressed disappointment at the sentence, but said it offered some solace to the owners of the pets Britton abused.


Addressing the zoologist directly, one activist told Britton he was "right where you should be - locked up."


"Once respected and esteemed, you're now a disgrace to the scientific community," said Natalie Carey. "No one will ever look at you with admiration again."


>Pure EVIL.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 11, 2024, 4:43 a.m. No.21390233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4242 >>9565 >>0642

>>21148792 (pb)

>>21185679 (pb)



ASIO boss Mike Burgess warns friendly nations among countries interfering in Australian communities


Brett Worthington - 11 August 2024


Australia's domestic spy chief says people would be shocked to learn the identity of the countries his agency has caught actively interfering in diaspora communities.


ASIO director-general Mike Burgess said friendly nations were among the "three to four" nations detected actively working within Australian communities.


It prompted him to warn that he'll name them if the threat poses a significant risk to Australians.


"I can think of at least three or four that we have actually actively found involved in foreign interference in Australian diaspora communities," he told the ABC's Insiders program.


"Some of them would surprise you, some of them are also our friends."


Last month, the federal government unveiled plans to introduce several new measures to fight the growing threat of foreign interference.


The plans included making the Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce, which was established in 2020, permanent and expanded to include agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office.


In recent months it has emerged that national security agencies discovered a local public servant and a doctor had been recruited to help track down a critic of a foreign regime, which then offered thousands of dollars to its agents to do "whatever was necessary" to silence the dissident.


The ABC has also learnt that authorities recently uncovered a plot by an international intelligence service to lure an Australian resident, who was critical of a foreign regime, offshore where they could then be "eliminated".


Spy chief criticises Iran's ambassador


The comments by Mr Burgess come just days after the federal government lifted Australia's official terror alert level to "probable" amid heightened community tensions over the war in Gaza.


Security authorities believe the chances of a violent extremist act are now more likely than when authorities lowered the alert level to "possible" in November 2022.


Mr Burgess again rebuked Iran's ambassador to Australia, arguing the diplomat's comments could risk causing violence.


The federal government last week called in ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi over a social media post agitating for the violent removal of Israelis from "the holy lands of Palestine".


His post said he hoped "wiping out the Zionist plague out of the holy lands of Palestine happens no later than 2027".


Mr Burgess said the comment was "unacceptable".


"The Iranian ambassador to Australia, what a classic, terrible example of actually inappropriate, unacceptable language that it can actually drive violence in our society," he told Insiders.


"I don't normally comment on diplomats and what they say, but actually that one was an example that was worthy of being called out."


While reluctant to comment on individual politicians, Mr Burgess also conceded former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce's comments, in which he compared ballot papers to bullets, were unhelpful.


The Nationals' frontbencher was forced to apologise after telling protesters attending an anti-wind farm rally to "get ready to load that magazine" and vote out the prime minister, federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen and local MP Stephen Jones.


"It's unhelpful if you're using analogies (with) weapons designed to hurt people," Mr Burgess said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 12, 2024, 4:20 a.m. No.21396367   🗄️.is 🔗kun




US, UK could pull out of AUKUS with year’s notice


BEN PACKHAM - 12 August 2024


The US or the UK could pull out of the AUKUS submarine deal with just a year’s notice if either nation decides the pact weakens their own nuclear submarine programs, new documents reveal.


An updated AUKUS agreement and a political “understanding” between the countries, tabled in parliament on Monday, establish a 50-year legal framework for the transfer of nuclear materials and equipment to Australia.


The understanding says the US and UK “should not unreasonably withhold” nuclear information or equipment from Australia.


But it includes an escape clause for either country if they decide the AUKUS deal adversely affects their ability to “meet their respective military requirements and to not degrade their respective naval nuclear propulsion programs”.


“A government may discontinue its participation in this understanding earlier and, in such case, should provide one year’s written notice to the other governments of its intent to do so,” the understanding says.


Under the new agreement, the terms for the transfer of nuclear material and equipment will be “mutually decided in writing” at a later point in time.


The documents also reveal Australia will indemnify the US and UK “against any liability, loss, costs, damage, or injury” arising from nuclear risks connected to the $368bn program.


The agreement - which expires in 2075 - confirms Australia will be responsible for all management, storage and disposal of spent fuel and nuclear waste, including radioactive materials from maintenance of US and UK submarines in Australia.


ANU international law expert Don Rothwell said the documents offered “a lot of flexibility” for the US and the UK to decide not to proceed with the submarine program if they decided it was no longer in their interests.


“It just reconfirms that the sort of onus ultimately is on the US and the UK to play ball in terms of meeting their commitments,” Professor Rothwell said.


“So even if this (agreement) is rushed through, a future Trump administration could still decide … that they don’t want to proceed with it.”


He added the agreement’s duration until 2075 was “extraordinary”, and pointed to the absence in the agreement of any reference to the costs Australia would incur.


Defence Minister Richard Marles said the new agreement was significant AUKUS milestone, paving the way for Australia to receive its first nuclear-powered submarine from the US in the early 2030s.


“It builds on the significant progress that has already been achieved, including the passing of the US National Defense Authorization Act, the announcement of Australia’s sovereign submarine build and sustainment partners, and the ongoing work to integrate and uplift the industrial bases of all three AUKUS partners,” Mr Marles said.


But Greens defence spokesman David Shoebridge said the documents were “full of multiple escape hatches”, raising the risk that Australia could ultimately be left in the lurch by the US or UK.


“This is a $368 billion gamble with taxpayers’ money from the Albanese government,” Senator Shoebridge said.


“Because article one of the new AUKUS agreement says that if at any point the United States thinks supplying material under the AUKUS agreement to Australia prejudices their defence, they can effectively terminate the agreement and pull out.


“We know that the United States does not have enough nuclear submarines for its own purposes. We know it’s going to hit that trough in the early 2030s. And what this agreement makes clear in black and white, that if the United States at any point, thinks they don’t have enough submarines for themselves, they can pull out of AUKUS 2.0.”


The new agreement will have to be examined by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties and ratified by the federal parliament.


A national interest analysis of the agreement says no new legislation will be required for the agreement to enter into force.


The agreement and the “political commitments” in the new trilateral understanding were revealed by Joe Biden last Thursday in a letter to the US Congress, but their contents were only disclosed on Monday morning when they were tabled.


Anthony Albanese said on Friday “there aren’t extra political commitments”, declaring AUKUS was underpinned by the US Alliance.


Agreement among the Government of Australia, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation Related to Navel Nuclear Propulsion (Washington, 5 August 2024)

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 12, 2024, 4:28 a.m. No.21396390   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Brittany Higgins' defamation trial hears evidence of sharp decline in Senator Linda Reynolds' health


Nicolas Perpitch - 12 August 2024


Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds's partner has testified her cardiologist thought she could die after she collapsed in the senate following intense pressure over her handling of Brittany Higgins' rape allegation.


Robert Reid gave evidence in the Western Australian Supreme Court on Monday during the defamation trial brought by the Senator against her former staffer Ms Higgins over a series of social media posts.


Mr Reid told the court of the significant deterioration in his partner's health after the 2019 rape allegation was made public, in an article by journalist Samantha Maiden and in Ms Higgins' interview with Channel 10's The Project on February 15, 2021.


Senator Reynolds maintains both pieces contained "false allegations" and "lies" by Ms Higgins about her handling of the alleged sexual assault, in Senator Reynolds's ministerial suite at parliament house.


In the days after the news broke, Senator Reynolds faced continuous questioning by Labor senators in question time.


Senator portrayed as 'villain'


Her lawyer Martin Bennett has told the defamation trial she was portrayed nationally as the "villain" in the story.


Mr Reid recalled receiving a message to come to parliament on March 23, 2021 after Senator Reynolds had collapsed and gone back to her ministerial suite.


He said when he saw her, "she looked white, she looked almost dishevelled, it was very painful".


On medical advice, they drove to a nearby hospital to have her heart checked, given she had a pre-existing heart condition.


"Linda was still crying," Mr Reid said.


They saw a cardiologist.


"He said 'we might lose her'", Mr Reid said, breaking down in tears.


"He said 'this is very serious'."


The doctor though, did not admit Senator Reynolds and instead advised sending her home and monitoring her closely.


'Linda felt stupid'


Her speech to the National Press Club the next day was cancelled, and she went on leave for three weeks.


Mr Reid said watching the interview on The Project had been a major shock.


"Linda felt stupid at that point," he said.


"She had been trying to do the right thing by Brittany, not telling anyone … and here was a plan to bring her down, and potentially to bring Scott Morrison and the government down.


"It was a hit on Linda.


"She told me she could not understand why the hatred."


A central plank of Senator Reynolds' argument in the defamation trial is that Ms Higgins and her now husband David Sharaz had formulated a plan to publicly reveal her rape allegation "as a weapon to inflict immediate damage upon (Senator Reynolds) and the then government".


Her legal team claims Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz acted with malice and caused her not only severe reputational damage, but also caused her to suffer distress and embarrassment.


Ms Higgins claims Senator Reynolds mishandled the rape allegation and failed to properly support her in the aftermath.


Bruce Lehrmann was charged with Ms Higgins's rape, but his criminal trial was abandoned due to juror misconduct and no findings were made against him. He has always maintained his innocence.


He was found to have raped Ms Higgins on the balance of probabilities in a separate civil trial. He is appealing that finding.


The trial is due to continue until early September, with Ms Higgins expected to give evidence in the last week of August.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 12, 2024, 4:46 a.m. No.21396446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6465

‘He could’ve been stopped’: State pays $34m compensation to survivors of paedophile teacher


Caroline Schelle - August 12, 2024




Survivors of a paedophile teacher who was moved around Victorian schools for decades received up to $34 million compensation from the state government – the highest payout linked to a state school offender.


Vincent Henry Reynolds was jailed in 2019 after he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing 38 children over three decades at state primary schools across north and central Victoria.


The 83-year-old is serving a 12-year sentence and will be eligible for parole after spending nine years behind bars.


The $34 million in compensation paid to his victims is the most the department has paid out in relation to a single perpetrator.


But one man, abused by Reynolds as a schoolboy and who did not wish to be named, told The Age that the damage could not be measured in monetary terms. “It’s lives lost, education abandoned, health and happiness destroyed,” the survivor said.


“He could have been stopped, and we could have been spared. It’s heartbreaking.”


Rightside Legal partner Grace Wilson said mismanagement by education authorities over the years had allowed Reynolds to wreak havoc on many lives.


“The mismanagement beggars belief. The cost to the state of repeatedly putting a sex offender back into the classroom is big, but the cost to the victims is much, much bigger,” Wilson said.


The lawyer said the compensation helped many victims put their lives back together, but only to an extent. “Nothing can restore the childhood innocence they were robbed of.”


The state government faces a growing load of cases as victims of historic sex abuse in government schools seek compensation.


The Education Department increased the sum set aside for damages payments financial year to more than $84 million, from $63 million the previous year, to cover the increasing number of historical sexual abuse claims and the rising amounts paid to victims.


Reynolds began abusing children from the start of his teaching career in 1960 at the age of 19 and continued until police eventually took action in 1992.


Reynolds would molest his students while pretending to correct their homework, while marking their schoolwork, at opportunistic times such as when his class was watching a film or when a child needed to change clothes.


The Education Department was made aware of his predatory behaviour more than a decade before he was eventually caught when a parent complained.


The teacher voluntarily sought psychiatric treatment and took time off work, but resumed teaching in 1981 because police had not laid any charges against him.


“It is absolutely bloody stupid sending you back to the classroom because you’ll just keep on doing it,” the psychiatrist who treated Reynolds told him after learning of the decision.


But Reynolds would continue to abuse more students for another decade, as he moved around schools.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 12, 2024, 4:50 a.m. No.21396465   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The judge who sentenced the teacher in 2019 said “catastrophic failures” in the education and justice systems allowed Reynolds to keep offending.


“The Education Department, the police, and others who did not properly investigate, pursue or deal with complaints made about you over the years, have added to the anguish and trauma suffered by so many victims,” County Court judge Gabriele Cannon said.


The psychiatrist was “clearly contemptuous” of the department’s decision to let Reynolds return to teaching, she said.


“How on earth you interpreted this as giving you permission to perpetrate more evil, is beyond me.”


“It was within your power to have stopped, had you wanted to … your encounter with the psychiatrist in 1980 led you to believe … he was giving you permission to re-offend,” she said.


In 1988, another parent accused Reynolds of indecently assaulting a child, which was investigated, but no action was taken.


Four years later, another parent complained that Reynolds assaulted their child and police took action. The teacher admitted to 14 charges in relation to more than a dozen boys in 1992.


Instead of jail, he was ordered to pay a $16,000 fine. He never taught again. Some victims sued the disgraced teacher, who declared bankruptcy.


But Reynolds would again face court at Frankston in 2013, where he was convicted of molesting a boy at a camp in the early 1960s. He was ordered to serve a suspended sentence and fined $10,000.


An Education Department spokesman thanked the survivors who detailed their experiences of historical child sexual abuse. “We are doing everything we can to ensure that victim-survivors of historical abuse get the supports they need to heal.”


If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:22 a.m. No.21404174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4179 >>9544


Nancy Pelosi rebukes former Australian PM Paul Keating over ‘stupid statement’ on Taiwan


In return, Keating chastises former US House speaker for her ‘recklessly indulgent visit to Taiwan’ in 2022


Daniel Hurst - 13 Aug 2024




A war of words has broken out between the former Australian prime minister Paul Keating and the former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi over Taiwan, after the prominent Democrat accused Keating of making a “stupid statement” about the territory.


Keating was quick to hit back on Tuesday, suggesting Pelosi had “very nearly” sparked a military confrontation between the US and China over her “indulgent” 2022 visit to Taiwan.


The dispute began after the national broadcaster published an excerpt of an upcoming interview with Pelosi in which she rebuked Keating for describing Taiwan as “Chinese real estate”.


“That’s ridiculous. It is not Chinese real estate and he should know that,” Pelosi told the ABC’s 7.30 program.


“Taiwan is Taiwan and it is the people of Taiwan who have a democracy there. I think that that was a stupid statement.”


In the interview, to be broadcast in full on Tuesday evening, Pelosi added: “I’ve no idea about Keating, but I think that it was a stupid statement to make, and I don’t know what his connection is to China that he would say such a thing.


“But it is really not in the security interest of the Asia-Pacific region for people to talk that way.”


Keating, who has long argued that Australia should not be drawn into a conflict over the future status of Taiwan, hit back at Pelosi and the ABC.


In a statement, Keating focused on Pelosi’s remark that “it is not in the security interest of the Asia-Pacific region for people to talk that way”.


“This is from the former leader of the US House of Representatives who, in a recklessly indulgent visit to Taiwan in 2022, very nearly brought the United States and China to a military confrontation – for the first time since the second world war,” Keating said.


“In fact, Pelosi had to be warned by her president, Joe Biden, and with him, the Pentagon, of the military risks of her visit.”


Pelosi led a delegation to Taiwan in August 2022 to show support for the democratically governed island, which Beijing claims is a breakaway province and which it has not ruled out seizing by force.


It was the first visit to Taiwan by a speaker of the US House of Representatives in a quarter of a century. Biden said publicly the month before “that the military thinks it’s not a good idea right now”.


Pelosi defended her trip by saying the Chinese Communist party “cannot prevent world leaders or anyone from travelling to Taiwan to pay respect to its flourishing democracy, to highlight its many successes and to reaffirm our commitment to continued collaboration”.


Beijing responded with four days of military drills including test launches of ballistic missiles over Taiwan’s capital city, Taipei, for the first time.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:23 a.m. No.21404179   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In the statement on Tuesday, Keating also suggested that the ABC had not presented Pelosi with the full picture of his stance.


“Obviously, in being asked a truncated question by 7.30, Nancy Pelosi would have been unaware that I had also said that Taiwan ‘will get resolved socially and politically over time’, ie, between the two parties, without the need of confrontation or violence,” Keating said.


Keating said he was representing “the national interests of Australia, not the national interests of the United States nor indeed, the interests of Taiwan”.


“I have remarked a number of times that so-called democratic choices by Taiwan are not central or interests vital to Australia any more than say, the absence of democratic forms in countries like Cambodia or Laos are vital to Australia,” Keating said.


Keating also said that “the whole world recognises as one country, China and Taiwan”.


Australia has long adhered to a “one China policy”, but this is not the same as the “one China principle” promoted by Beijing.


Since 1972, the Australian government has recognised the government of the People’s Republic of China “as the sole legal government of China”, but has been more ambiguous about its own view about the status of Taiwan.


The formal stance is that Australia “acknowledges the position of the Chinese government that Taiwan is a province of the People’s Republic of China”.


This means that while the Australian government does not treat Taiwan as a sovereign state, the two sides maintain economic and cultural relations on an “unofficial basis”.


Over the past few years the Australian government has raised concerns about Beijing’s rapid military buildup and has said it opposes “any unilateral change to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait”.


Keating, who led Australia from 1991 to 1996, was also rebuked by the current prime minister, Anthony Albanese, last week.


“Paul has his views. They’re well known,” said Albanese, who is also from the Labor party.


“My job as prime minister is to do what Australia needs in 2024. The world is different. The world has changed between 1996 and 2024 and my government is doing what we need to do today.”


The ABC declined to comment on Keating’s remarks.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:31 a.m. No.21404209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4242 >>9565 >>0642




‘Not a problem’: Spy boss says Hamas sympathy not a visa dealbreaker


Matthew Knott - August 11, 2024


The nation’s top spy says Palestinians who have expressed rhetorical support for listed terror group Hamas will not necessarily be blocked from entering Australia, as the federal government prepares to announce a new visa pathway to help those fleeing the war in Gaza.


ASIO director-general Mike Burgess also urged politicians to moderate their language, warning that inflammatory rhetoric could encourage aggrieved individuals to turn to violence.


Burgess, who last week raised the national terror threat level from “possible” to “probable”, said that providing financial support or material aid to Hamas may be a problem for Palestinians undergoing security checks as part of their visa application process.


It is a different matter if people are expressing support for Hamas because they “want their homeland”, he said.


“If it’s just rhetorical support, and they don’t have an ideology or support for a violent extremism ideology, then that’s not a problem,” Burgess told ABC’s Insiders program on Sunday.


“If they have a support for that ideology, then that will be a problem.”


Hamas, which has governed Gaza since 2007 and organised the October 7 attacks on Israel that led to an estimated 1200 deaths, is a listed terror organisation in Australia.


ASIO conducts security assessments on behalf of the government when assessing potentially risky visa applications.


Burgess’ comments echoed those of former ASIO boss Dennis Richardson, who told this masthead that Palestinian refugees who support Hamas should not be automatically excluded from Australia.


“Because you have sympathy with the terrorist group [Hamas] doesn’t mean to say that you will commit violence against someone,” Richardson said.


The government is preparing to announce new avenues to permanent residency for 1300 Palestinians, some of whom are struggling to make ends meet as their temporary visas block them from work and social security.


The Coalition has accused the government of not applying tough enough tests to those fleeing the war in Gaza, suggesting that sympathy for Hamas should rule people out of receiving an Australian visa.


“How can they possibly assure themselves there is not one Hamas supporter among them?” Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said in February of Palestinians fleeing to Australia from Gaza.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton last week said that “you can’t be taking people out of a war zone” and insisted that Palestinian visa applicants be subject to biometric testing.


Burgess suggested on Sunday that biometric testing of visa applicants would be of no assistance to security agencies unless they were already registered in an Australian database.


“The critical point is: there are security checks,” he said.


“There are criteria by which people are referred to my service for review and when they are, we deal with that effectively.”


Burgess said that “politicians have to be care careful about their robust political debate” in an increasingly febrile and contentious climate.


Burgess said it was “unhelpful” for Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce to recently compare ballot papers to “bullets” at an anti-wind farm rally, adding that comments from Iran’s ambassador to Australia about wiping Israel off the map were a “classic terrible example of inappropriate, unacceptable language that can actually drive violence in our society”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:38 a.m. No.21404242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9565 >>0642




‘Inviting radicalism’: ASIO, Coalition split over visas for Hamas supporters


Matthew Knott and Paul Sakkal - August 13, 2024


A rare disagreement has erupted between the nation’s top spy and the Coalition over whether Hamas supporters should be allowed in Australia, as Palestinian advocates grow impatient with delays in establishing a permanent visa scheme for people fleeing the war in Gaza.


Coalition MPs wrote to new Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke on Tuesday urging him to ensure no known supporters of Hamas, a listed terrorist organisation, were permitted to enter Australia.


ASIO director-general Mike Burgess said on Sunday that anyone who had advocated violence would be ruled out and providing financial support or material aid to Hamas might be a problem for Palestinians undergoing security checks as part of their visa application process, but “just rhetorical support” for the group would not.


The flare-up over visas for Palestinians came as parliament’s powerful intelligence committee called for Foreign Minister Penny Wong to consider taking the dramatic step of designating the Hezbollah-controlled area of southern Lebanon a “declared” area, meaning it would be illegal for Australians to be there.


In a letter to Burke signed by most members of the Coalition party room, opposition MPs said: “We implore you to provide the policy direction to the Department of Home Affairs to ensure that no visa is issued to a person found to support any terrorist organisation, including Hamas, and that those who are presently in Australia and who are known to have links to, or support Hamas, are urgently considered for visa cancellation.”


Opposition home affairs minister James Paterson insisted he was not criticising the ASIO chief, saying: “It’s not a matter for Mike Burgess to set immigration policy in Australia. He wouldn’t seek that role for himself.”


A national security source, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters, pointed out that nowhere in his weekend interview did Burgess say or indicate he was expressing an official government policy position.


Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie told Sky News: “I think anyone who supports Hamas should not be allowed into Australia – it’s as simple as that … I’ve got a lot of respect for Mike Burgess and he’s a pretty straight shooter, but on this question, I disagree.


Hastie said Hamas was committed to the destruction of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.


“So, if we have people coming to Australia who support Hamas, all we’re doing is inviting more radicalism into Australia, which will damage our social cohesion and potentially lead to other consequences,” he said.


Palestine Australia Relief and Action founder Rasha Abbas, who has been helping Palestinians resettle in Australia, questioned what would constitute support for Hamas and accused the Coalition of playing politics.


She said simply liking a tweet, for example, did not constitute meaningful support for Hamas.


She estimated that 90 per cent of the Palestinians she helped resettle were “vocally” opposed to Hamas because of how they had governed Gaza and the group’s role in triggering the war by launching the October 7 attacks in Israel.


Abbas said she believed the government was poised to announce a pathway to permanent settlement for Palestinians – a move that would allow them to access health, welfare and education services – before Burke replaced Clare O’Neil in the Home Affairs portfolio in last month’s ministerial reshuffle.


Abbas said Burke told her last week that he did not want to rush the process.


“How can the government say there is no rush? We have been discussing this for nine months,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:45 a.m. No.21404272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4275


‘Utterly false’: Scott Morrison rubbishes Brittany Higgins cover-up claims in explosive testimony


Jesinta Burton - August 13, 2024




Former prime minister Scott Morrison has vigorously defended West Australian senator Linda Reynolds’ handling of Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation, rubbishing claims of a political cover-up and saying it was parliamentary process that had failed the former staffer.


Giving evidence in Reynolds’ defamation case against Higgins on Tuesday via videolink from Sydney, Morrison pored over what unfolded in the days after Higgins’ tell-all interview with The Project on February 15, 2021, including what he described as “aggressive” and “co-ordinated” questioning in federal parliament and by the media.


Morrison revealed the broadcast was the first he knew of the alleged rape in Reynolds’ ministerial suite and conceded he was disappointed the then-defence minister had kept him in the dark.


But he said he understood Reynolds’ predicament in attempting to balance her obligations to the government while maintaining the promise of confidence she had given Higgins.


Morrison told Higgins’ lawyer, Rachael Young, SC, that the need to ensure workplace safety at parliament was what had motivated him to order an inquiry, not the growing media attention.


And the former prime minister insisted that that scrutiny did not underpin his decision to replace Reynolds as defence minister after she called Higgins a “lying cow” while watching The Project interview in her office, a comment she said in court this week she did not mean as disbelief in the rape allegation itself.


“It’s not appropriate language to be using about a member of staff, it was extremely out of character for Senator Reynolds, and she apologised,” Morrison told the court.


“That played no part in her ongoing performance as defence minister. If every member of parliament had their private comments made public, we wouldn’t have anyone serving in the parliament.


“She suffered severe injury from the attacks she endured over a long period of time, and that’s the sole reason I chose to make a change in ministerial arrangements.”


When quizzed about whether he would have launched the same inquiry in 2019 if he had known about the alleged rape before it reached the press, Morrison told the court there was no indication Higgins took issue with its handling at that point.


“Ms Reynolds and [Reynolds’ chief of staff] Fiona Brown had supported Higgins to make a complaint to the police, but she didn’t wish to do that,” he said.


“To my mind, [Higgins] hadn’t previously suggested that the process was deficient.


“If [I had been told] there was an inhibitor to someone bringing the complaint to the police, which was always facilitated, or issues with support, I would seek to address it with the importance it deserved.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 13, 2024, 2:46 a.m. No.21404275   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Morrison also used his evidence to shut down claims of any plan to cover up the alleged rape.


And he recalled watching Reynolds, his friend of more than two decades, suffer a public breakdown in parliament after several days of questioning and his fear her cardiac issues might prove fatal.


“[The questioning] was intended to discredit her,” he told the court.


“It was the weaponising of this issue for political purposes to discredit her and the government and, by extension, myself, and it was causing her distress and anguish.


“Claims the government was involved in a cover-up of this issue [were] completely and utterly false, without any foundation.”


He said he himself didn’t emerge unscathed, saying for weeks he was subjected to a barrage of questions levelled by the Labor Party and the media that appeared “strangely co-ordinated”.


The claims back an important pillar of Reynolds’ claim against her former staffer: that she was the victim of a “premeditated” attack levelled by Higgins and Higgins’ now-husband, David Sharaz.


Morrison’s evidence comes as Reynolds’ five-week defamation trial against Higgins enters its second week, with former foreign minister Marise Payne and several staffers expected to take the witness box in the coming days.


It has been more than a year since the former defence minister commenced suing Higgins for damages and aggravated damages over a series of social media posts in which she claims Higgins defamed her, brought her into public hatred and caused her embarrassment and distress.


Higgins is defending the action on the basis the substance of her posts were true, that Reynolds mishandled allegations she was raped by colleague Bruce Lehrmann following a night out, and used the media to harass her.


Lehrmann has maintained his innocence since the 2022 criminal trial against him was aborted due to juror misconduct.


But Lehrmann’s failed defamation action against Network Ten over Higgins’ The Project interview resulted in Federal Court Justice Michael Lee finding the rape allegation to be true on the balance of probabilities.


Lee also found there to be no evidence to support allegations of a political cover-up.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 14, 2024, 1:48 a.m. No.21409544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9546


Nancy Pelosi takes aim at Paul Keating over his 'ridiculous' statement on Taiwan, speaks out on the dangers of Donald Trump


Sarah Ferguson and Marina Freri - 14 August 2024




Former US speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi has slammed former Australian prime minister Paul Keating's controversial remarks about Taiwan as "ridiculous".


Speaking to 7.30 last week Mr Keating described Taiwan as "Chinese real estate" and called for Australia to back away from what he deemed a dangerous alliance with the US, especially when it came to the AUKUS agreement.


"You don't want to get my description of him for saying that," Ms Pelosi told 7.30 in an exclusive interview.


"That's ridiculous. It is not Chinese real estate, and he should know that Taiwan is Taiwan, and it's the people of Taiwan who have a democracy there."


Ms Pelosi said that Mr Keating's comments went against the interests of the region.


"I think that was a stupid statement," Ms Pelosi told 7.30.


"I don't know what his connection is to China that he would say such a thing, but it is really not in the in the security interest of the Asia Pacific region for people to talk that way.


"It may be something he believes, but I think he's wrong."


Since entering congress in 1987 Ms Pelosi has been outspoken on human rights issues related to China, as well as on the issue of Taiwanese independence. She led a high-profile Congressional delegation to Taipei in 2022.


"We have a history of support for Taiwan for decades in the congress, it's bipartisan, Democrats and Republicans … and it has been very strong in support of the democracy in Taiwan."


According to Ms Pelosi, Mr Keating's comments failed to understand the importance of maintaining free shipping routes through the Taiwan Strait.


"This is an economic issue, even if you had no view of the China-Taiwan situation, you know that China cannot tie up the strait there," she told 7.30.


"Maybe he isn't aware of that, or doesn't care about that, but that's one of the big motivators for people to be interested in what happens there."


Mr Keating responded to the comments on Tuesday afternoon in a statement saying: "Both our countries believe it is in no one's interest for Taiwan to be subject of some sort of violent takeover.


"This is why I said on 7.30 last week that Chinese and Taiwanese interests will get resolved socially and politically over time."


Would have 'beat up' Trump


Ms Pelosi led the Democrats in the house for 20 years and in a new book, The Art of Power, she recounts her rise within the Democratic Party that was dominated by male leaders.


None of that history, however, prepared her for Donald Trump.


"Nothing could prepare anybody for a president who would cite an insurrection against the Congress of the United States, in the Capitol of the United States, against the Constitution of the United States," Ms Pelosi said.


Her memories of the mob which descended on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the day Joe Biden's election victory was being certified, are painful.


"They brought danger, they brought disgrace," Ms Pelosi told 7.30.


"They brought defecation on the floor of the Capitol, the capital of the United States, a symbol of liberty and democracy to the world.


"They brought Confederate flags under the dome that Lincoln built when he was president of the United States, unifying the country by winning the Civil War. And what they did was completely outrageous."


The 84-year-old said she would have hit Trump if he had tried to enter the Capitol that day,


"If he came — as a matter of self-defence — I would have to beat him up, and I would probably have to go to jail for beating him up, and that would be OK with me."



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 14, 2024, 1:49 a.m. No.21409546   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ms Pelosi holds the Republican leadership in Congress responsible for failing to turn their backs on Trump after the Capitol was attacked.


She has also been dealing with the aftermath of the brutal assault on her husband Paul, who was attacked with a hammer by a man who broke into their San Francisco home in October 2022.


The intruder was looking for her.


"When it happened, he [Trump], his children, Republican governors, other Republican leaders made fun of it," Ms Pelosi said.


"They thought it was really a laugh, they told jokes about it on their social media.


"That was disgusting, and that was directly from him … he's pathetic."


Ms Pelosi said that while she accepted she might be targeted with violence as a politician, it was not something the rest of her family signed up for.


"I signed up for this. My husband didn't, my children and my grandchildren didn't," Ms Pelosi told 7.30.


Republican party is a 'cult to a thug'


For Ms Pelosi, her purpose now is ensuring Trump does not win the election in November and return to the White House.


She played a pivotal role in the move to encourage Joe Biden to step down as the presidential nominee via a carefully worded statement on US cable news, when it seemed Mr Biden was not budging.


She told MSNBC's Morning Joe program: "It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short."


She told 7.30 she was of the belief that to win the election the Democrats had to change their campaign and the Biden campaign was floundering.


"We weren't on a good track in order to win," she said before adding that current Vice-President Kamala Harris had been doing a good job since being endorsed by Mr Biden.


"Kamala took advantage of it like that," Ms Pelosi said as she snapped her fingers.


"He endorsed her [and] she ran with the ball, with the grace, the dignity, the political astuteness, the strength of knowledge of the issues [and] the beauty of her faith-filled life."


For Ms Pelosi, it is imperative that Ms Harris wins the election to unify a fractured United States from the political style of Trump.


"You have to win to defeat that but to do so in a unifying way," she said.


"The Republican Party should take back their party. Their grand old party, did great things for our country, provided great leadership. Now they're a cult to a thug.


"We're not running against Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, George Bush senior, George W Bush. That was a different kind of race where you win, you lose, you negotiate, you go forward.


"This is something quite different, an assault on the democracy, on the Capitol, on the constitution, on the Congress of the United States.


"So, we must win that, but we can't become them in the fight."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 14, 2024, 2:10 a.m. No.21409565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5045 >>5057 >>9406 >>6901 >>3290




‘ASIO’s not conducting checks’: Dutton says nobody from Gaza should come to Australia


Natassia Chrysanthos and James Massola - August 14, 2024


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has called for a stop to migration from Gaza, saying the arrival of people from a war zone to Australia was putting national security at risk, in comments that escalate the Coalition’s attack on Labor as it prepares to unveil a visa scheme for Palestinians.


Muslim groups immediately condemned Dutton’s stance as discriminatory, saying they were once again being made political scapegoats while asking where people who had fled the war-torn enclave were supposed to go if they could not stay in Australia.


The Coalition has piled pressure on Labor over what it argues are weak security checks for arrivals from Gaza, and its MPs have been alarmed by ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess’s assurances that rhetorical support for Hamas – a listed terrorist group – would not necessarily preclude people from coming into the country.


Seventy Coalition MPs wrote to new Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke on Tuesday, urging him to ensure no known Hamas supporters would be allowed into Australia, as he prepares new avenues to permanent residency for about 1300 Palestinians currently on temporary visas.


But Dutton on Wednesday morning went much further, saying: “I don’t think people should be coming in from that war zone at all at the moment. It’s not prudent to do so and I think it puts our national security at risk.


“I just think that every Australian would be shocked to think that the government’s bringing in people from a war zone, and that ASIO’s not conducting checks and searches on these people,” he said on Sky News.


“It is something the prime minister needs to answer because we are living in a heightened security-threat environment, and the prime minister needs to be upfront with the Australian public.”


Government Services and NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said Dutton had “misfired” in his comments and there was already a process by which ASIO vetted people and conducted national security checks.


“We’re using the same process that he used, so if he thinks our current process is no good, then what’s he saying about all the time when he was in charge?”


Shorten also cautioned against assuming every person who lived in Gaza was a member of Hamas.


“In a war zone, whilst there are combatants and bad people, there’s a lot of innocent people. And when we start saying that everyone’s guilty because of some people, that’s a problem,” he said on ABC’s Radio National.


Data disclosed to Senate Estimates in May revealed 4614 visas related to Palestine were refused, while 2686 had been granted, since October 7, 2023.


Secretary of the Lebanese Muslim Association, Gamel Kheir, pointed to Dutton’s comments about Lebanese-Australian migrants in 2016 and said he feared Wednesday’s remarks would “kick off another round of political football”.


“We, being the Muslim community in its many colours, are cannon fodder for the Liberal Party whenever an election comes around,” he said.


“Where does he propose they go back to? The rubble that is Gaza?”


Australian National Imams Council spokesman Bilal Rauf said Dutton’s comments were hypocritical. “He said none of this about Australia taking people from Ukraine, which is also a war zone,” Rauf said.


“There is great concern about the leadership of Dutton, who has very clearly exhibited his partisanship [towards Israel] and underlying racism.”


Islamic Council of Victoria president Adel Salman said: “Disappointing is not the right word, it’s disgusting.


“In the midst of a humanitarian catastrophe … he is completely denying their humanity and their plight. It’s appalling,” he said.


Education Minister Jason Clare said nobody was currently leaving Gaza but defended those who had recently settled in his western Sydney electorate. “I’d invite Peter to come to my electorate and meet them,” he said.


“These are people who’ve lost everything, sometimes including their kids. And in some cases, these are people who are halfway through a university degree, when their university was blown up … They want to rebuild their lives here and can make a fantastic contribution to this country.”


The latest bloodshed in the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict began when Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killing 1200 and taking about 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.


Israel’s subsequent assault on the Hamas-governed enclave has killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians, according to the local health ministry. It has also displaced nearly the entire population of 2.3 million, caused a hunger crisis and led to genocide allegations at the World Court that Israel denies.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 14, 2024, 2:16 a.m. No.21409571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notorious pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale admits more child sex abuse


William Ton - Aug 14, 2024


Convicted pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale has admitted more historical child sexual abuse in Victoria.


Appearing in Bendigo Magistrates Court via video link from Port Phillip Prison, as he lay in his prison bed and propped up by three pillows, the frail 90-year-old pleaded guilty to eight additional sexual assault charges against children.


He was facing 62 child sexual assault charges but 56 were withdrawn.


The former Catholic priest, who had been too unwell to appear before his committal hearing previously, admitted six counts of indecently assaulting young males and two counts of buggery of two children who were aged under 14.


The crimes were committed in the regional Victorian towns of Inglewood, Ballarat, Apollo Bay, Horsham and Mortlake between 1973 and 1981.


"Are you guilty or not guilty, Mr Ridsdale," Magistrate Megan Aumair asked the accused on Wednesday.


"I'm guilty," Ridsdale replied.


The notorious pedophile priest will next appear at Bendigo County Court on February 17, 2025 for a plea hearing.


Ridsdale is serving a maximum of 40 years in prison after previously pleading guilty to sexually abusing at least 72 children during the 1970s and '80s while working as a Catholic priest at multiple schools and churches across Victoria.


He had a fall in November 2022 and was bed-ridden, suffering chronic pain, muscle wasting and weak limbs and was recommended to be placed into palliative care in 2023.


If he serves out his current maximum sentence, Ridsdale will be at least 100 years old.


His previous offending largely took place in western Victoria where he spent most of his time as a priest after being ordained in 1961.


He also served in NSW and in New Mexico in the United States, where he underwent church-connected sex offender treatment.


Support is available from the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732).

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:07 a.m. No.21415045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5057



Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young interrupts Nationals leader David Littleproud interview in Parliament corridor


JACK QUAIL - 15 August 2024


Tensions usually reserved for the floor of the House and Senate have spilled out into the corridors as the domestic political contest over the Israel-Hamas war intensifies.


While addressing the media at a doorstop on Thursday morning, Nationals leader David Littleproud was interrupted by Greens environment spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young who took issue with the Coalition’s stance on the conflict.


“Why don’t you say something about the children being slaughtered?” Senator Hanson-Young said as she walked past interrupting Mr Littleproud’s media conference as he took questions from reporters.


After Peter Dutton called for a blanket ban on arrivals from Gaza, arguing some may harbour sympathies for Hamas, Labor, the Greens and Muslim groups have hit back against the move which would prevent refugees from fleeing the war torn enclave.


Speaking to the media earlier, Senator Hanson-Young accused the Opposition Leader of heading the “nasty party”.


“It’s Trumpian, it’s despicable and it needs to be called out,” she said.


Earlier on Thursday, Mr Dutton upped his attacks on Labor’s handling of national security, demanding Anthony Albanese explain the visa screening process for Palestinians escaping Gaza.


Moving to suspend standing orders in the House, Mr Dutton took aim at claims made by the Prime Minister that the vetting process undertaken to check arrivals from Gaza was the same as it had been under the previous Coalition government.


But speaking in response to Mr Dutton’s motion in the House, Teal MP Zali Steggall accused Mr Dutton of being racist.


“I am offended by the rhetoric from the leader of the opposition, the nature of this suspension of standing orders and the continued attempts to divide the Australian society around these lines and issues,” she said.


“These are normal families, these are families you are seeking to paint that somehow they are all terrorists that they should all be mistrusted … that they are not worthy of humanitarian aid.”


As Ms Stegall was speaking, Mr Dutton interjected prompting her to yell “We heard you in silence. You can hear me in silence. Stop being racist!”


Immediately rising to his feet, Mr Dutton immediately called on Ms Steggall to withdraw the “offensive and unparliamentary remark”. The Teal MP complied.


The division to suspend standing orders was defeated with Labor and the crossbench voting against the Coalition’s push.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:14 a.m. No.21415057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5061 >>9406 >>6901




‘Stop being racist’: Row erupts in parliament over Dutton’s stance on Gaza visas


Natassia Chrysanthos - August 15, 2024




A fiery racism row erupted in federal parliament after independent MP Zali Steggall told Peter Dutton to “stop being racist” and dividing the country when the opposition leader continued to accuse Labor of making the country less safe by admitting migrants from Gaza.


Dutton dismissed Steggall as a “Green with extreme views”, but hours later he was hammered in question time by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who gave his strongest rebuke yet of Dutton by accusing him of “20 years of form” in making divisive remarks about Lebanese and African migrants to Australia.


The opposition leader has faced a backlash over his call on Wednesday to reject Palestinians fleeing war-torn Gaza as potential threats to national security. On Thursday morning, Coalition home affairs spokesman James Paterson clarified that the opposition was calling for a temporary pause on visa applications from Gaza, until it was satisfied there could be proper security checks.


As the issue dominated parliament for a second day, Labor insisted the government and ASIO were following the same processes that occurred under the former Coalition government, and accused the opposition of undermining national security agencies.


But opposition MPs say the situation is different and have taken particular issue with ASIO director-general Mike Burgess’ comments that “rhetorical support” for Hamas, a listed terrorist organisation, would not necessarily preclude people from coming to Australia.


The government has granted 2922 visas to Palestinians fleeing Gaza since October 7, and 1300 of those people have arrived in Australia. Government sources said there were no current arrivals as borders to Gaza were closed.


With the Coalition continuing its offensive on Thursday, Albanese repeated his confidence in “our security and law enforcement agencies to do their job”.


In comments directed a Dutton, he added: “We’ve seen the form in this before. The criticism of Malcolm Fraser for making what was called a ‘mistake’ of bringing Lebanese refugees to Australia in response to the 1976 civil war.


“The claim that Victorians were scared to go out due to African gang violence, and the incorrect blaming of the death of a teenager on such gangs in a bid to score a point.


“The cruel war against the Biloela family, comparing their children to anchor babies. The catching of a senior member of the then government on a hot mic. Making jokes about Pacific nations facing rising sea levels … This bloke has 20 years of form.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:15 a.m. No.21415061   🗄️.is 🔗kun





On Thursday morning, Dutton claimed the issuing of visas from a war zone was “an egregious breach of what is in our country’s best interests”.


“This is not against people of a particular religious belief. This is not against people of a particular political persuasion. This is about keeping our country safe, and Anthony Albanese has failed the Australian public,” he said in parliament, after bringing a motion to discuss the issue.


“Imagine if the Howard government or the Morrison government had suggested we would bring people in who are sympathisers to Saddam Hussein or to al-Qaeda or to ISIL, or to ISIS?


“The Labor Party has changed their policy to allow sympathisers of a listed terrorist organisation to come here under a visitor visa. It’s without precedent.”


Steggall rose afterwards to say Dutton’s commentary was “extremely concerning” and whipped up fear, in an emotional speech in which she shared the story of a Palestinian man from her electorate. Labor MPs, including Tanya Plibersek, arrived to sit next to her in the chamber during the speech.


“These are families that you are seeking to paint that somehow they are all terrorists, that they should all be mistrusted and they are not worthy of humanitarian aid,” Steggall said.


As Dutton interjected, she yelled out: “Stop being racist.”


Dutton called for Steggall to withdraw the “offensive and unparliamentary remark”, which she did.


“I am offended by the rhetoric of the leader of the opposition … and the continued attempt to divide Australian society on these lines and issues,” Steggall said. “We are better than this … You are doing everything you can to separate and divide our communities.”


Muslim and Palestinian advocacy groups have also decried Dutton’s remarks, saying the opposition leader was using them as “cannon fodder” approaching an election. Recent arrivals from Gaza defended themselves, arguing they were not affiliated with Hamas and had arrived in Australia to rebuild their lives after losing family members, homes and businesses during the war.


Earlier in the day, Dutton softened his commentary, telling some media interviews that he was “not discriminating on any basis … [I’m] happy to see people brought in from the Middle East if they’ve been properly checked, or from [the] Americas or from Asia or wherever it might be”.


But he maintained: “We should stop people coming in from a war zone … You bring 3000 people in, let’s say 99 per cent are good. If 1 per cent, 30 people, are questionable, or sympathisers with a listed terrorist organisation, how on earth is that in our country’s best interests?”


Israel’s campaign in Gaza has killed more than 39,600 Palestinians and wounded more than 91,700 others, according to the enclave’s Health Ministry. The war was triggered by Hamas’ October 7 attack, in which militants from Gaza stormed into southern Israel, killing about 1200 people and abducting 250 others.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:28 a.m. No.21415073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5079

DFAT confirm London stabbing victim was 11-year-old Australian girl


Reuters / - 14 August 2024


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has confirmed an 11-year-old child stabbed in Leicester Square in London on Monday is an Australian.


The ABC understands the family is from New South Wales.


London's Metropolitan Police said the girl was seriously injured though her injuries are not life-threatening, and she has since been discharged from hospital.


A DFAT spokesperson said assistance was being provided to two Australians injured in the attack, however, UK police said only the young girl had been physically hurt.


While it was initially believed the girl's mother, 34, was also hurt, police said that blood from her daughter's injuries had been mistaken for injuries of her own.


A 32-year-old man, Ioan Pintaru, appeared in court on Tuesday charged with the attempted murder.


Prosecutor David Burns said the girl and her mother, who were tourists, were in the Leicester Square area just before the incident, which he said was a "random attack on a child".


"The defendant has approached the 11-year-old girl, placed her into a headlock and he has then stabbed her eight times to the body," Burns said.


Pintaru was not asked to enter any pleas and was remanded in custody ahead of his next court hearing at the Old Bailey on September 10.


Police do not believe the stabbing was terror-related.


A spokesperson from DFAT said the family members were receiving consular assistance.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:40 a.m. No.21415079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


‘I just ran toward the guy’: Security guard who saved 11-year-old Australian speaks out


Amber Schultz - August 15, 2024


A security guard has recounted the moment he leapt into action when he saw an 11-year-old Australian girl allegedly being stabbed in London’s tourist district.


The child was visiting Leicester Square with her mother when she was allegedly grabbed by a man, placed in a headlock, and stabbed eight times in her face, neck and torso at about 11.30am (8.30pm AEST) on Monday.


The girl is understood to be from NSW, the ABC reported.


Abdullah, who was working as a security guard for the TWG Tea store, recounted his heroic action in an address to the Pakistani High Commission in London for a celebration of Pakistan’s Independence Day on Tuesday.


“I was on my duty. It was half past 11. I heard a scream and I looked and there was a guy that was stabbing a kid that was 11 years old. I didn’t think anything, I just ran toward the guy, I jumped on him, grabbed his hand in which he was carrying a knife,” he said as the audience broke out into applause.


“The second [the knife] fell on the floor … I kicked the knife away from him. In the meantime a couple more guys came … we held him on the floor for four to five minutes, I shouted around ‘please call the police, call the ambulance services’.”


Abdullah said he was inspired by the actions of the Pakistani military he’d seen as a child in his home country and called on his community to be courageous in the face of adversity.


“I will ask the Pakistani community, be brave. We are Muslims, we are Pakistanis, and Pakistanis are brave from the heart … Please if anything is going to happen, don’t think about the consequences, go and save … if there is anything wrong going on, go and protect them,” he said.


The girl was taken to hospital and required surgery for wounds to her face, shoulder, wrist and neck area, local police said.


The girl’s 34-year-old mother wasn’t wounded, though she initially appeared to be because she was covered in her daughter’s blood, police said.


A steak knife was recovered at the scene.


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the two Australians are being offered consular assistance.


Ioan Pintaru, 32, was arrested at the scene. On Tuesday, he appeared in court and was charged with attempted murder and a charge of knife possession.


Authorities haven’t offered a motive for the attack, but police said there was no suggestion the stabbing was terror-related and they don’t believe the suspect knew the mother or daughter.


Pintaru, who is a Romanian citizen, is next due to face court on September 10.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:48 a.m. No.21415080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081


Linda Reynolds’ friend describes senator’s ‘state of distress’ after Coalition’s 2022 election defeat


PAUL GARVEY - 15 August 2024




One of Linda Reynolds’ closest friends has described how the senator broke down after she learned she had failed to secure any shadow ministry roles in the wake of the Coalition’s 2022 election defeat.


Denita Wawn, chief executive of Canberra-based Master Builders Australia, told the West Australian Supreme Court on Thursday about Senator Reynolds’ “heightened state of distress” during a weekend away shortly after the 2022 election.


Ms Wawn said the senator’s state that weekend was the worst she’d seen since Senator Reynolds was hospitalised soon after Brittany Higgins went public with her allegation that she had been raped by Bruce Lehrmann inside Senator Reynolds’ Parliament House office.


“My recollection is she was very upset that she had not been made a shadow minister, or even a junior shadow minister, which in effect had stopped her ministerial career,” Ms Wawn said.


Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and her husband David Sharaz offer social media posts the senator says implied she had mishandled Ms Higgins’ rape allegation and had harassed her former staffer.


Federal Court judge Michael Lee found in April that, on the balance of probabilities, Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins. Mr Lehrmann has always denied the allegations and is appealing the decision.


Ms Wawn has been friends with Senator Reynolds for more than 20 years and is contact with her at least once a week.


She said the only time she had only seen Senator Reynolds in a worse state than during that 2022 getaway was in 2021, soon after Ms Higgins first appeared on The Project.


Ms Wawn said she and her friends were incredibly concerned with the senator’s wellbeing in the aftermath of that program, telling the court she was worried that the senator could die.


Senator Reynolds was hospitalised for weeks after the 2021 revelations after the stress of the situation exacerbated a pre-existing heart condition.


“She was a mess, I think is the best way to described her both physically and mentally,” Ms Wawn said.


“Physically she was shaking, she was pale, she looked weak. Mentally she was at a high state of distress, she was looping and being triggered by any little thing.”


Asked what she meant by ‘looping’, Ms Wawn said Senator Reynolds was “constantly repeating lines” as she tried to rationalise Ms Higgins’ allegations that the senator had mishandled her allegations.


Ms Wawn was also closely involved in Senator Reynolds’ 2021 settlement with Ms Higgins over the senator’s description of her former staffer as a “lying cow”. That remark, made by the senator in front of her staff as they watched Ms Higgins’ appearance on The Project, was revealed by The Australian and prompted Ms Higgins to threaten Senator Reynolds with a defamation action.


They ended up settling the dispute after Senator Reynolds formally apologised and donated $10,000 to a Canberra women’s crisis centre.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:49 a.m. No.21415081   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Under cross-examination from Ms Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young SC - who is trying to mount a truth defence against the defamation allegation - Ms Wawn acknowledged that the fallout from the “lying cow” saga, including a public rebuke from then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison, had caused her a significant amount of stress.


Ms Wawn said she had tried to encourage Senator Reynolds to settle the “lying cow” matter with Ms Higgins.


“I counselled her that what she had said was inappropriate, and that the right thing to do would be to go into that settlement and recognise her mistake and to deal with it in a way that reflected that she needed to own up to that mistake,” she said.


The court also heard from Dean Carlson, who worked in Senator Reynolds at the time of Ms Higgins’ alleged rape and who later replaced Fiona Brown as Senator Reynolds’ chief of staff.


Mr Carlson told how he had been part of a “heated” phone call with Senator Reynolds and Ms Brown shortly after Ms Higgins’ alleged rape.


At that stage, the incident was being treated as a security breach rather than a suspected sexual assault. Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann had entered Parliament House in the early hours of a Saturday morning, and Ms Higgins had later been found partially naked on a couch in Senator Reynolds’ personal office.


Mr Carlson said Senator Reynolds had consulted with the then-Special Minister of State Alex Hawke and had determined that the office should report the incident to the Australian Federal Police.


“This position was challenged by Ms Brown, who did not want to do that without the express permission of Ms Higgins. The conversation became quite heated,” Mr Carlson said.


After several further meetings that afternoon, the decision was made that Ms Brown would reach out to Ms Higgins and offer her support in making contact with the AFP.


“I supported Ms Brown’s position. I thought it was important that Ms Higgins had agency over any action around her circumstances and that her privacy was paramount,” Mr Carlson said.


He was quizzed about the travel arrangements put in place for Canberra-based staff, including himself and Ms Higgins, when they were seconded to Perth to work on Senator Reynolds’ 2019 re-election campaign. The team moved to Perth just weeks after Ms Higgins’ alleged rape.


While the staff from Canberra were given the option to make return visits to the capital during their time in Perth, Ms Higgins was instead given special dispensation to make return visits to the Gold Coast, where her parents were based.


Asked by Ms Young if that special treatment was put in place because her colleagues knew that she was not coping at the time, Mr Carlson said the decision was more about “fairness”.,


“We could have offered the same opportunity to miss hills to fly back to Canberra, but there would have been no one in Canberra for her,” he said.


“So in recognition of the fact that she was the only one in the campaign who hadn’t seen family for an extended period of time, we thought that it would be appropriate for her to travel to the South East Queensland during the course of the election campaign.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 2:56 a.m. No.21415088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5101

Geelong man from secretive church pleads guilty to raping multiple boys


Erin Pearson - August 15, 2024




A member of a secretive and ultra-conservative Pentecostal church has pleaded guilty to raping and persistently sexually abusing multiple children in the Geelong area.


Todd Hubers, 38, also known as Todd Hubers Van Assenraad, from East Geelong, was charged in January 2023 with a string of child abuse charges relating to nine boys, including the sexual penetration of two children who were aged under 12 years old.


On Thursday, Hubers, a software engineer, stood for the County Court via video link from remand at Ravenhall Correctional Centre and uttered the word “guilty” after each of the 16 charges.


The court heard that between 2016 and 2023 Hubers sexually penetrated and touched boys aged 16 and two boys aged under 12, multiple times, and performed indecent acts in front of other children.


The court heard the crimes took place at various locations around the Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula areas including at public swimming pools and on one occasion inside play equipment.


One boy, aged under 16, was persistently sexually abused over two years, at times while he and Hubers discussed science, pianos and television shows.


A second child, aged under 16, was persistently sexually abused over six months, with the court hearing Hubers inappropriately touched the boy while they watched Spider-Man and Star Wars shows.


The boy was later abused by Hubers at a public swimming pool.


A third child, aged under 16, was persistently sexually abused at various locations including while he played video games.


A fourth child, aged under 12, was repeatedly sexually penetrated at places including a disabled toilet at a regional swimming pool.


Other boys, the court heard, were shown child abuse material or had Hubers perform sexual acts in front of them.


Hubers was initially set to face trial before pleading guilty on Thursday.


Judicial registrar Matthew Phillips ordered Hubers return to court next month for a two-day plea hearing at which the prosecution flagged details of the case would be read out.


Crown prosecutor Kathryn Hamill said the hearing could be quite lengthy and may include statements from victims and their families.


Defence barrister Anthony Pyne said his client would be psychiatrically assessed ahead of the next court appearance.


In January 2023, this masthead revealed a man connected with a secretive and ultra-conservative Pentecostal church in Geelong had been charged by police with multiple child sex abuse offences.


Hubers is a member of the controversial Geelong Revival Centre (GRC), where sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity said he taught religion and music within the assembly.


This masthead does not suggest the church was aware of Hubers’ offending or that any of his crimes were committed against church members or their families.


The Age has previously spoken though to more than a dozen former GRC members who raised serious allegations about a range of incidents stemming from their years inside the church.


These include alleged incidents of sexual abuse not being reported to police, claims of brutal physical punishments on children, pressure on members not to seek medical treatment for serious illnesses in the belief that prayer would be sufficient, and the forced separation of families if a member decides to leave the church.


“A reminder to keep Sunday School Teacher & Brother Todd Hubers in your prayers,” the group posted online in the months after his arrest.


The church has its headquarters in the Geelong suburb of Norlane but has branches all over Australia and in every continent around the world.


Another man connected with a GRC-affiliated church in Newcastle, NSW, was last year convicted of aggravated offences involving the transmission of private sexual material via a carriage service.


Online profiles say Hubers, an honours graduate and software engineer, was the founder of software development company Alivate and a Geelong-based coworking space known as StartupCloud.


He is expected to return to court in September.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 3:12 a.m. No.21415105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5109

>>21188964 (pb)

Identities of abusers should be listed on church websites, WA child sexual abuse inquiry finds


Daryna Zadvirna and Nicolas Perpitch - 15 August 2024




The names of known child abusers should be published prominently on church websites and the WA government should create a centrally accessible list of all known perpetrators, an inquiry into institutional child sexual abuse has urged.


The Community Development and Justice Standing Committee handed down its final report on Thursday after examining the support available to survivors of institutional child abuse.


It found the Catholic Church and other religious entities had prioritised their own institutional and financial wellbeing over the needs of those that had been abused by their members.


"Institutions that maintain an unholy wall of silence can only be doing so as a strategy to limit their financial liability rather than providing just outcomes for victim/survivors," the committee said in its report.


"Transparency would be a game changer."


'Conspiracy of secrecy'


The committee singled out the Christian Brothers, accusing them of moral failure by trying to hide information on the abuse of children under their care to protect their financial viability.


It claimed they refused to attend the inquiry — despite every effort made to accommodate them — giving reasons "that did not bear scrutiny".


"It is the conspiracy of secrecy and institutional denial around abuse that not only adds to the trauma suffered by those who were abused but also obstructs their path to justice," committee member Christine Tonkin told state parliament on Thursday.


In a written submission, the Christian Brothers told the inquiry they were "committed to continuing to respond to those who have been harmed in WA with compassion, timeliness and fairness".


But committee member Dave Kelly said the experience of survivors has been the exact opposite.


"The evidence of survivors is that the Christian Brothers make it as difficult as possible for survivors to come forward," he said.


"Then they make the journey for compensation as difficult as possible."


'Wholly inadequate' resourcing


The report made 21 recommendations, including that all parties accept that more needs to be done to provide justice to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.


"It is very apparent that the resources that have been allocated to support and compensate victims of abuse are wholly inadequate," committee chair David Honey said.


"There is a high likelihood that we will see increasing numbers of reports, not reducing numbers, and both governments and institutions need to make a greater effort to assist the victims of abuse."


More workers needed


The inquiry found the use of the term "historical" in relation to child sexual abuse contributed to the notion that it is an issue of the past, and recommended it no longer be used.


The state government was also urged to address the shortage of skilled workers in the community services sector, including subsidising professional training for social workers and other support workers.


The report highlighted there was no specific program in WA designed help survivors seek justice, suggesting the state fund the Commissioner for Victims of Crime to develop one.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 15, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21415109   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Risk of 'claim farmers'


Aboriginal people in WA are over-represented in the National Redress Scheme, making up two-thirds of applications.


Despite this, the committee found there are not enough culturally appropriate or Aboriginal community-controlled support services.


The report noted there is also "realistic concern" that Aboriginal people might be targeted by "claim farmers" whose actions might result in them making costly choices about seeking just outcomes for abuse done to them.


It recommended the Attorney General change the law to address the issue.


Legal delays addressed


The committee's interim report made 12 recommendations in November.


It found WA had not followed the recommendation of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse to reverse the onus of proof for institutions in child sexual abuse claims.


The inquiry also examined what happened when the victim died before their claim was settled and has recommended the person's estate or family be allowed to continue the claim on their behalf.


To further shorten legal proceedings, the committee has also recommended legislation be introduced around applications to set aside previous deeds of settlement between survivors and institutions.


Survivors have described the legal tactics of some institutions as a "war of attrition" and an attempt to "break you down", faced with what they say are unnecessarily long delays in legal proceedings and unreasonable demands for information.


In a statement, the Catholic Dioceses of WA acknowledged the report and said it would take the appropriate time to consider its content.


It also extended a "heartfelt and unreserved" apology to all those who suffered sexual abuse by clergy and lay church workers.


"The four dioceses acknowledge the lifelong harm … of child sexual abuse on victims and survivors perpetrated by people they trusted within the church," the statement read.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:44 a.m. No.21422049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Australia, New Zealand vow joint response to cyber threats under ANZUS


BEN PACKHAM - 16 August 2024


Australia and New Zealand have moved to modernise the nations’ defence alliance, declaring a major cyber strike on either country would be treated as an armed attack under the ANZUS Treaty, requiring a joint response “to meet the common danger”.


In annual leaders’ talks on Friday, Anthony Albanese and New Zealand counterpart Christopher Luxon also pledged to purchase the same military hardware whenever possible, opening the prospect that Wellington could buy Australian-built general purpose frigates.


Prime Minister Luxon pressed Mr Albanese on his policy backflip to restart deportations of New Zealand-born criminals after a furore over the government’s “Direction 99” policy that allowed foreign offenders to keep their visas.


Mr Albanese said Australia would take a “common sense” approach on which criminals it sent back, accusing a New Zealand reporter of taking a “provocative tone” for suggesting the policy was “contributing to New Zealand’s crime and gang problem”.


“Australia’s job is, of course, to look after our national interest. We say that the safety of Australians is the number one consideration,” Prime Minister Albanese said.


Amid growing concerns over the threat of crippling cyber strikes, the leaders confirmed such attacks would trigger the nations’ treaty obligations under ANZUS.


“Warfare has changed and cyber warfare is a large part,” Mr Luxon said. “We are making sure (the alliance) is modern and reflective of the environment we operate in.”


The change will ensure New Zealand - which has no other formal allies - has access to the Australian Signals Directorate’s world-leading offensive and defensive cyber capabilities if its networks suffer a major attack.


Mr Albanese said: “An attack on the economy can bring down the operation of an entire society … so we need to prepare for all of these issues and modernise and make sure the agreement we have reflects modern issues.”


In a joint statement, the leaders lashed Beijing’s “dangerous, destabilising and provocative behaviour” in the South China Sea, and called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.


As New Zealand embarks on a major defence review, Mr Luxon said he wanted his country’s military to be “fully interoperable” with Australia’s.


“We want to be a force multiplier for Australia and by making sure that we can do things like joint procurement,” he said.


Despite his country’s antinuclear stance, Mr Luxon said the AUKUS pact “would enhance regional security and stability”.


He confirmed New Zealand was considering a future role in the pact’s so-called Pillar II technology-sharing partnership that will focus on artificial intelligence, quantum computing, hypersonic weapons and underwater drones.


Mr Albanese said New Zealand’s participation in the partnership “makes sense” and would be considered for involvement on a “case-by-case basis” like Japan and other key partners.


“We share very much common values and we share common objectives, and it is not surprising we will look at any opportunity for including New Zealand in Pillar II.”


The prospect that New Zealand acquiring military hardware in co-operation with Australia offered “enormous” efficiencies, Mr Albanese said, as the government examines bids by international shipbuilders for the right to build the navy’s $10bn general purpose frigates.


Australia will purchase 11 of the vessels, but the program could be expanded if New Zealand opts into the program, bringing down the costs for each vessel.


New Zealand’s navy has two ageing Anzac-class frigates built in the 1990s under a joint program with Australia.


It was Mr Luxon’s third official visit to Australia since the former airline chief was elected Prime Minister in November last year, but his first since the Albanese government axed its “Direction 99” undertaking to refrain from deporting foreign-born criminals “who have lived in the Australian community for most of their life”.


Mr Luxon said in June that it was “just not right” for Australia to deport those with little connection to New Zealand.


The change came after The Australian revealed dozens of criminals including rapists, drug traffickers, money launderers and repeat domestic violence perpetrators had been allowed to remain in Australia as a result of the ministerial direction.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:51 a.m. No.21422082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247

>>21171794 (pb)

Anti-Semitism festers in Victoria, says envoy Jillian Segal


TRICIA RIVERA - August 15, 2024


Australia’s inaugural anti-Semitism envoy, Jillian Segal, has revealed Victoria is our worst state for anti-Semitism and that since the October 7 attacks there have been more than 800 anti-Semitic incidents recorded.


In her first public address since Anthony Albanese appointed her to the role last month, Ms Segal told the audience at the Fight Against anti-Semitism event at the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation that anti-Semitism is the greatest fight the Jewish community has faced through the centuries.


She said that from October 2023 to July, there had been more than 800 anti-Semitic incidents in Victoria compared to 200 recorded incidents in the previous 12 months.


“The golden age has come to an end, and this is our reality. We will rise to the occasion,” Ms Segal said. “I do not want to promise that there is one silver bullet, but I think there are a series of things that will happen here in Australia and around the rest of the world … but that is going to be a struggle.”


Ms Segal said difficult times, such as during Covid and times of economic challenges, had triggered resentment and caused people to blame others for life’s unfairness.


“Anti-Semitism, as we know, erodes everything that’s good in society. It poses a threat not just to us as a Jewish community, but to the whole of society,” she said.


“I actually think what we need to do in terms of reinvigorating the vibrancy of Jewish life is, we have to commit to participating in the life of the general community.


“We have to speak to non-Jews. We need to invite them to our homes. We need to talk to them. They need to meet us. They need to re-invite us to be on all our boards, on committees, and art galleries, that’s going to be one of my objectives.”


Ms Segal’s priorities in her three-year term include putting out a survey to help the wider Australian community understand attitudes toward Jewish people and anti-Semitism, to have a legal practitioner look into the legal framework that exists for discrimination, including looking at hate laws and anti-doxxing legislation, and to talk more about anti-Semitism in schools.


Other key initiatives include ensuring Jewish students and academics feel safe, and discussing with the business community harassment and psychological safety.


“I know you’ve even had some very confronting (incidents) here in the last week … a few weeks earlier … we have the Officeworks incident where services were denied to a Jewish person, which has very unhappy reflections on what happened in Germany,” Ms Segal said.


“Much of what has happened is a result of lack of knowledge, lack of education.


“I think a lot of young people … have no idea what it is that they are thinking and saying, they’re just feeding back what their social media has fed to them.”


Ms Segal said many other nations were dealing with hate on university campuses.


“Other initiatives that all the envoys are struggling with, of course, are universities,” she said.


“Some university chancellors, let’s say, in Italy, have stepped up and led the way for other universities to all come together.


“And the universities here in Australia did do that. Many years ago, in relation to sexual harassment.”


The lawyer, businesswoman and former president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry has been tasked with engaging with Jewish Australians, the wider community, religious discrimination experts and government to find the best way to combat anti-Semitism.


The federal government is also expected to name a special envoy for Islamophobia.


ECAJ co-chief executive officer Alex Ryvchin also spoke at the event and said the new generation of Jews is experiencing for the first time what it means to be “truly hated”.


“For many years, parents, educators, community leaders we lamented that young Jews are growing up with no awareness of the vulnerability of Israel, of their incredible good fortune to live in a time of Israel and a strong diaspora,” Mr Ryvchin said. “They didn’t live through the Holocaust, or 48 or 67, they didn’t see the soaring moments of pride, Entebbe, the capture of Eichmann, peace with Egypt. They didn’t go to uni during the second intifada. “Now they have seen why we need Israel and why the people of Israel are our people. They now understand why we feel so connected to the Zionist project which has always been a struggle for Jewish rights and equality.”


Liberal MP James Newbury, Human Rights commissioner Lorraine Finlay and Victorian Multicultural Commission commissioner Jennifer Huppert were in attendance.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:57 a.m. No.21422113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2120


Secret medical reports fuel doubts for key witness appearance in Reynolds, Higgins row


Jesinta Burton - August 16, 2024




The exchange of top-secret medical reports has fuelled doubts about whether the woman who served as Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds’ chief of staff at the time Brittany Higgins alleged she was raped in Reynolds’ office will take the stand in the pair’s defamation row.


Former chief of staff Fiona Brown had been due to give sworn testimony in the West Australian Supreme Court on what unfolded in the days after Higgins’ alleged rape by Bruce Lehrmann in the former defence minister’s office after a night out on March 23, 2019.


But on Friday, Brown’s barrister Dominique Hogan-Doran, SC, handed over two top-secret medical certificates and a report to a handful of lawyers and Justice Paul Tottle.


The substance of the documents is protected by strict confidentiality orders, but the parties have already alluded to using testimony Brown gave in a separate court matter.


Higgins went public with her rape allegation and claimed it had been the subject of a political cover-up on February 15, 2021 in interviews with journalist Samantha Maiden and The Project.


Lehrmann denies the claim and his 2022 criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct. He is appealing a Federal Court judgment that found the rape allegation to be true on the balance of probabilities.


Both Reynolds and Brown found themselves in the firing line over their handling of the allegation, being grilled about what they knew and when as the political furore grew.


On Thursday, the court was told about how Reynolds and Brown were at odds over whether to take the security breach, in which Higgins was found in a state of undress, to police, with Brown adamant they shouldn’t without Higgins’ permission.


Reynolds has been pursuing Higgins for more than a year over a series of social media posts she claims accused her of mishandling the rape allegation and attempting to silence victims of sexual assault.


The 29-year-old is defending the claim on the basis the substance of the posts is true, and that Reynolds is using the media to harass her.


It comes as Tasmanian Senator Wendy Askew took the stand on Friday to tell of the toll the scandal over Higgins’ alleged rape took on Reynolds over the past three years, recalling periods of absence and “great distress”.


Askew told the court she sat behind Reynolds in parliamentary chambers in February 2021 when the former defence minister began fielding questions from the Labor Party about the handling of the alleged incident.


“I was very conscious of the questions being asked relentlessly of her, and especially the mannerisms across the chamber … which were just heartless,” Askew told the court.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21422120   🗄️.is 🔗kun





After several days of intense questioning from both members of parliament and the media, Reynolds reported feeling her vision blur, legs buckle and her heart pounding before almost collapsing in the senate.


Askew told the court she recalled observing Reynolds struggling to speak and fleeing the chamber before she was taken to hospital, the day before she cancelled a highly anticipated speech at the National Press Club.


As the opposition’s chief whip, Askew said she had since regularly received leave requests for Reynolds often coinciding with media coverage of the saga.


“She often comes to me and says ‘I just can’t do it … I just can’t get through the day,’” she said.


But when grilled by Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young, SC, Askew acknowledged less than half of the 49 leaves of absence were lodged in 2021, and just over half a dozen were for medical or personal leave in 2022 and 2023.


Askew pointed out parliament was not sitting on July 4 or July 20, 2023, when Higgins’ social media posts were published, and therefore she could not attest to the harm Reynolds claims they caused her.


The senator is the latest to testify to the impact of the political fallout on Reynolds, with others including former prime minister Scott Morrison, Reynolds’ elderly parents and her psychologist.


A short time later, Reynolds’ legal team failed in its bid to drag Walkley award-winning journalist Nina Funnell into the month-long defamation trial.


Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett had already subpoenaed sexual assault survivor Saxon Mullins, the woman who green-lit an online fundraiser to bankroll Higgins’ legal fees on the same day Reynolds took the witness stand.


In it, Bennett demanded all communications between Mullins, Higgins and Higgins’ husband David Sharaz and lawyer Carmel Galati before the fundraiser went live, claiming it was part of a campaign to mislead the public and characterise the proceedings as Reynolds silencing a victim.


Bennett applied to slap Funnell with the same demand for information after allegations she was behind the fundraiser, but Justice Tottle rejected the move.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.21422173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178


NT bases key for US: Deterrence starts at the Top (End)


BEN PACKHAM - 17 August 2024




Australia has become “the central base of operations” for America’s military to deter Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific, the chair of the US House of Representatives’ powerful foreign affairs committee has declared.


Republican congressman ­Michael McCaul told The Weekend Australian a recently announced boost to US bomber deployments to Australia’s Top End bases would enable America to project power across the region to prevent future wars.


Mr McCaul also hailed an AUKUS breakthrough on Friday allowing licence-free technology transfers. He declared the partnership vital to convince Chinese President Xi Jinping that an invasion of Taiwan was a “not a good idea”.


He said the security pact would survive a Trump presidency, arguing that the AUKUS concept predated the Biden administration and had “very, very strong bipartisan support”.


Speaking in Sydney after a 10-day visit, Mr McCaul said Australia’s geography offered key advantages to the US as it sought to deter Chinese aggression.


“It is the central base of operations in the Indo-Pacific to ­counter the threat,” he said.


“If you really look at the concentric ­circles emanating from Darwin – that is the base of operations, and the rotating (US) forces there are providing the projection of power and force that we’re seeing in the region.”


Defence Minister Richard Marles and Foreign Minister Penny Wong signed off last week on more frequent rotations of nuclear-capable US bombers and fighter jets through Northern Territory bases, amid growing American concerns over the vulnerability of its bases in Guam, Japan and The Philippines to Chinese missiles. The move prompted a fierce backlash from Labor elder Paul Keating, who warned Australia was being turned into “the 51st state of the US”, and would be dragged into conflicts by its “aggressive ally”.


Mr McCaul said closer military ties between the nations would “provide more deterrence in the region and project power and strength so we don’t have a war”. He said rotational deployments of US nuclear submarines from Perth from 2027, along with AUKUS’s Pillar II ­technology-sharing partnership, would strengthen the allies’ deterrence against Chinese threats.


“Time is really of the essence right now, as Chairman Xi has ­announced his 2027 project,” Mr McCaul said, referring to Mr Xi’s call for Chinese forces to be ready to invade Taiwan within three years.


He dismissed concerns raised by a US congressional think tank last week that the sale of three to five ­Virginia-class ­submarines to Australia under AUKUS “could weaken rather than strengthen” American deterrence because they might not be available for use in a war with China.


“I strongly disagree with that assessment,” Mr McCaul said of the Congressional Research Service’s warning to US politicians.


“I think the whole point of AUKUS is to strengthen our alliances in the Indo-Pacific. This is really going to be a game changer.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 16, 2024, 7:10 a.m. No.21422178   🗄️.is 🔗kun





He said integration of the nations’ defence industries would be key to accelerating new capabilities such as hypersonic missiles and Anduril’s Ghost Shark underwater drone, which is being developed in Australia.


“I envision there being co-production facilities in Australia … helping to build up our defence industrial base, which is really stressed right now with war in the Middle East and Ukraine and the eastern Europe threat,” Mr McCaul said.


Mr Marles said removal of ­defence-licensing restrictions for Australian companies was a very significant step, creating what was effectively a defence free trade zone between Australia, the US and Britain.


“This is really important in terms of our ability to build our future submarines, but also to pursue that AUKUS Pillar II agenda of those new innovative technologies,” the Defence Minister told the ABC.


Big business has warned that political leaders aren’t moving fast enough to implement the AUKUS plan, calling for the country to unite behind the partnership “to avoid letting our greatest industrial opportunity slip”. Business Council of Australia chief executive Bran Black says the technology-sharing partnership is about more than submarines and South Australia, and needs to be viewed as nation-building.


Writing in The Weekend Australian, Mr Black points to Australia’s lowly 55th ranking in a new global skills report, warning AUKUS “will require massive co-ordination across governments” to supply the 20,000 skilled workers required to deliver the program.


Echoing warnings by SA Premier Peter Malinauskas on federal cuts to student and skilled worker visas, he says the nation’s migration strategy “must be part of that picture”.


Mr Black says AUKUS’s success will also require modernisation of the nation’s industrial base and wider economy, enabling Australian companies to join global supply chains and expand their market reach.


“It has the potential to drive us towards a once-in-a-lifetime, whole-of-economy transformation,” he writes.


“The shift which we need to see is from viewing AUKUS as defence policy, to viewing it as nation-building policy – or even economic future-proofing policy. AUKUS isn’t just about South Australian subs. To dismiss it as such is a gross disservice to our national potential.”


After AUSMIN talks in the US last week, Mr Marles said America’s military was now operating in Australia across “land, sea, air, cyber and space”. He also hailed new US logistics facilities to be located in Queensland and Victoria, saying they would enhance the ability of US forces to operate from Australia into the region.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.21428274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Women’s rights rally sparks pro-trans counter protest in Melbourne


TRICIA RIVERA - 17 August 2024


One woman has been arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer and several members of a pro-trans counter rally have thrown eggs and water balloons at speakers at a women’s rights demonstration in Melbourne on Saturday.


Activist organisation Women’s Action Group planned a ‘Women Will Speak’ event to take place at Victoria’s state parliament on the weekend, which was met with a pro-trans protest.


A police barricade was formed to separate the Women’s Action Group event and the pro-trans demonstration organised by Trans Queer Solidarity.


A large police presence, included mounted officers, was stationed at Spring St and Bourke St.


“Around 20 participants initially attended the event about 11am. About 150 protesters from another group also attended the rally, throwing eggs and water balloons at the speakers involved,” a Victoria Police spokeswoman said.


“A 36-year-old Brunswick woman was arrested at the scene for allegedly assaulting police. She has been released pending further inquiries.


“Victoria Police is disappointed with the actions of the group and while it supports peaceful protests it has a zero-tolerance policy for violence or disruptive acts which impact the broader community.”


Details of the Women’s Action Group were shared online, and in response a ‘Trans Liberation’ rally was scheduled to take place at the same location.


The group was formed in 2019 and the organisation state their motivation is to fight against “the ongoing erosion of women’s rights in Victoria and in all of Australia”.


“Humans cannot change sex. Men can never be women,” a speaker said at the Women’s Action Group event told the crowd on Saturday.


“It is our inherent right to exercise freedom of expression … and policy and legislation must reflect reality not ideology.”


Most of the speeches were barely audible as members of the Trans Liberation gathering blared loud music, banged drums and shouted cries such as “f*ck off fascist”.


Some people part of the Trans Liberation protest group were wearing keffiyehs and one man was seen waving a Palestinian flag.


Signs on the pro-trans side read “life’s short, try hormones”, “Trans existence is resistance”, and “fascist graves are gender neutral toilets”.


Trans Queer Solidarity said the purpose of their rally was to “help our community drown out the hateful and regressive rhetoric”.


“Women’s Action Group founder Michelle Uriarau and her … ilk are planning a transphobic rally,” the group wrote in their description of their rally.


Expelled Liberal state MP Moira Deeming said women were being harassed for expressing a different opinion, and shared the safety precautions women take when participating in these rallies.


She was not present at Saturday’s event.


“It’s all very good and well, to have a police barricade during that little bit of time when we’re having our rallies. And I’m not asking for police escorts to and from, I just would like to point out the fact that many of us leave and we arrive in groups and we do so because of the fear of these people following us,” Ms Deeming told The Australian.


“If you want to know why I’m not going to these things, it’s because I have catastrophic PTSD from all the threats and the abuse that have been whipped up against me on the basis that I’m some kind of Nazi sympathiser.


“Quite often, what I have seen is they’re allowed to get quite close to the women and absolutely intimidate them, hover over them, threaten them.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:29 a.m. No.21428353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2042

'Deeply concerned': Gallipoli fire threatens ANZAC war graves


Allanah Sciberras - Aug 17, 2024


Wildfires that threatened the graves of Australian soldiers at ANZAC Cove in Gallipoli, Turkey, have been brought under control, though the threat remains.


Dry, hot, and windy weather conditions sparked a series of fires that quickly spread across the Gallipoli Peninsula, affecting several commemorative and operational sites.


It has not yet been confirmed whether Australian war graves and memorials have been damaged.


The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), which maintains graves and memorials to the dead from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and India among many others, said staff had evacuated from the peninsula and were safe.


The CWGC cares for more than 30 cemeteries on the Gallipoli Peninsula.


"The CWGC is deeply concerned to learn that large fires reportedly started by an electrical fault, have burnt historical areas of the Gallipoli peninsula in Türkiye," a spokesperson said in a statement.


"We understand this news may cause distress, especially to those with personal connections to those commemorated but any damage will be assessed and work to remediate it will be undertaken as soon as it is possible to do so.


"In the interim, our thoughts are with our colleagues, their families and the wider communities affected by the fires, and with those with personal connections to those we commemorate on the Gallipoli Peninsula."


The CWGC thanked those fighting to keep local people and villages safe, and to limit damage to commemorative sites of all nations.


Images of the site in northwest Turkey showed soot-blackened gravestones in a scorched garden looking out over the Aegean Sea.


Emergency services continue to battle the fires, which were reportedly started by an electrical fault.


Forestry Minister Ibrahim Yumakli told the Associated Press said teams were still fighting 17 of 47 forest fires that were active on Friday.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Gallipoli was "sacred ground to both of our countries" while speaking at a press conference yesterday.


"Our thoughts today are also with our friends in Türkiye. We understand there are efforts underway to control fires that are burning on the Gallipoli Peninsula," Albanese said.


"So our thoughts today are with those who continue to care for those cemeteries, and welcome thousands of Australians who visit ANZAC headstones each year, as they endure these difficult times.


"Gallipoli is, of course, sacred ground to both of our countries."


It comes two months since authorities announced that record-breaking temperatures across the country had led to a massive increase in forest fires compared to last year.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:24 p.m. No.21432042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2059



‘National disgrace’: Victoria Cross winner Samuel Pearse’s body languishing in Russian morgue


DAVID PENBERTHY - August 16, 2024




The lifeless body of one of Australia’s most highly decorated war ­heroes is wasting away in a plastic storage crate in a remote morgue in the Russian city of Archangel.


Private Samuel Pearse is one of Australia’s 101 Victoria Cross winners and was recognised post­humously after being killed in the little-known Anzac volunteer campaign against the Bolsheviks in 1919 where he fought under the British flag.


He was originally buried where he died in the town of Obozersky but his grave was later lost and his body moved. It was found only six years ago in a scrapyard after an exhaustive search effort in­volving a Russian military archaeologist and an Australian military historian.


Pearse had served previously at Gallipoli and on the Western Front where he sustained an injury to his toe, with the body found in Russia having the same toe injury and also wearing the same slouch hat in which the fallen soldier was buried.


In what’s been labelled a national disgrace, Private Pearse now finds himself in a literal and metaphorical no man’s land, with neither the British nor Australian governments prepared to claim and repatriate his body.


A major campaign is now being launched to pressure the Australian government into repatriating Pearse, who has relatives in Adelaide who can prove the remains are his.


The campaign is being supported by the RSL and led by Adelaide historian Damien Wright, whose new book Australia’s Lost Heroes: Anzacs in the Russia Civil War 1919 unearths the story of Pearse and other fallen Anzac soldiers from this largely forgotten military campaign.


Wright travelled to Russia with Pearse’s grandson and worked with the Russian military archaeologist Alexey Suhanovsky to find and identify Pearse, the evidence overwhelmingly indicating the body is indeed his.


Wright explained that a complicating issue in the Pearse case was that despite being Australian and having served as an Australian, Pearse and other Australian soldiers were required to discharge from the ADF and re-enlist in the British Army to serve against the Bolsheviks.


“It is a completely ridiculous situation where we claim him as our own and pay him the highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, yet when it comes to bringing him home the federal government won’t take any ownership of the case,” Wright said.


“We give him the honour of being a VC. His medals and photographs are in the Hall of Valour in the Australia War Memorial in Canberra. But Australia’s attitude is that because he had discharged from the Australian Army and enlisted with the British it’s got nothing to do with us.


“We can’t have it both ways. It really is a national disgrace. He’s just stuck there. It’s six years now he’s been in that crate. It is an indignity to have an Australian VC hero lying forgotten in a plastic crate in a remote corner of Russia.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 17, 2024, 7:27 p.m. No.21432059   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The campaign is being supported by Private Pearse’s grandson Richard Christen who travelled to Russia with Damien Wright and Alexey Suhanovsky to attend the unofficial ceremony in 2019 commemorating his grandfather’s death.


Mr Christen told The Weekend Australian that he suspected the stand-off between the British and Australian governments meant his grandfather would never be ­returned to Australia.


“Frankly I would be surprised if we got him home,” he said. “I don’t think we will see him buried here in Mildura, perhaps our best hope is that he has a proper burial at the military cemetery in Archangel. It really is a miracle that we found out anything about his whereabouts at all. It’s a credit to Damien and Alexey. When Damien contacted me telling me what he had learnt about my grandfather it was totally unexpected. It’s not just him but the other 17 or so soldiers who are still laying there.”


Pearse was born in Wales on July 16, 1897 and emigrated to Australia with his father in 1911 and settled in Mildura, were they ­became farmers.


So determined was Pearse to serve his adopted home that he asked his parents if he could enlist with the Australian Army at the outbreak of World War I aged 16. They refused permission but granted his wish the following year, with Pearse surviving the Gallipoli campaign when he was just 17. On the Western Front he was awarded the Military Medal in 1917 for his initiative and bravery at the Battle of Passchendaele. His commanding officer wrote that Pearse “showed an utter disregard of danger in carrying messages, guiding parties and in bringing in wounded men, on every return run. From forward positions he helped to bring back wounded and undoubtedly saved many lives.”


After the armistice and the ­conclusion of World War I, Pearse sought a discharge from the ­Australian Army so he could enlist with the British to fight in the ­Russian Civil War.


Just before leaving, he married Kitty Knox who became pregnant with their daughter Victoria ­Catherine, born six months after his death.


The letters he wrote to his young wife back home make heartbreaking reading.


“I am coming home to you dear and I hope it will not be long before we have a home of our own in ­Australia,” he wrote.


“I would give 10 years of my life to be with you for good now dearest wife. I am just dying to hear from you. This is about the worst country I have ever been in or ever hope to be in. Dearest girl in all the world, I will have to close this with all the love in my heart.”


Six weeks after writing that letter Pearse was killed in northern Russia, his VC dedication at the War Memorial reading as follows:


“In his heroic exploit there, he went through barbed-wire defences while under heavy machinegun fire to attack a blockhouse. He single-handedly killed the occupants with bombs, but while fighting on he was killed.”


The campaign to bring him home is being supported by the Liberal candidate and former member for the SA seat of Boothby, Nicolle Flint, who has been working with the RSL in South Australia and Victoria to have Private Pearse brought home.


“The Australian government seems content to leave this matter to the British, despite Pearse enlisting for Australia and intending to return home here with his wife and baby,” she said.


“It is well past time he was ­respectfully laid to rest.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 19, 2024, 3:10 a.m. No.21439406   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Steggall brands Dutton a ‘bully’ over Gaza racism row


Olivia Ireland - August 19, 2024


Independent MP Zali Steggall has accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of bullying her amid reports he is seeking legal advice after she told him in parliament to “stop being racist”.


But she has shifted her language to focus on his policy of banning Palestinian refugees from the country.


Speaking to the ABC’s Radio National on Monday, Steggall said she did not regret her remarks, which Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declined to echo in an interview as the debate threatened to swamp a second week of parliament.


Steggall, who made the racism comment during a tense session of question time last week, said it had been hard to keep her cool during the exchange.


“But no, I don’t [regret my comments] because I think this needs to be called out,” she said.


When asked about reports that Dutton was seeking legal advice, Steggall said it was “part of the playbook”.


Dutton lost a defamation case in 2022 against refugee advocate Shane Bazzi over a tweet about medical transfers for people detained in Nauru.


“I would view [reports he is seeking legal advice] as a true and tried part of the playbook of Mr Dutton, of bullying and intimidating people from calling out his policy and behaviour,” Steggall said.


Last week, federal parliament erupted after Dutton called for Australia to reject all migrants from the war-torn Gaza Strip. Sky News reported he was considering seeking legal advice after the teal MP’s racism barb, which she later withdrew, but Dutton has not confirmed that claim.


On Monday, Steggall focused her criticism on Dutton’s policies rather than his personal attitudes.


“For too long, we see policies that are inherently racist and they’re designed to foster fear and hatred of a minority group,” she said.


“And the fear of the consequences of calling [that] out means that the policy itself doesn’t get examined and called out, and that’s just bullying and intimidation.”


Steggall also slammed an opinion piece Dutton wrote for the Sunday News Corp papers, in which he accused Labor, the teals and the Greens of being “Hamas’ “useful idiots”.


“This is all designed to foster fear,” Steggall said.


Labor insisted last week that the government and ASIO were following the same processes that occurred under the Coalition, and accused the opposition of undermining national security agencies.


“I think Peter Dutton is deeply divisive and, well, that creates risk to the nation,” Albanese told ABC Radio on Monday.


He said if Dutton did not have faith in Australia’s national security agencies to vet Palestinian refugees, “he should say so”.


Coalition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham accused Albanese and Steggall of hypocrisy.


“What we’re seeing from the prime minister and some of the teals like Zali Steggall, who all promised some sort of kinder, gentler politics, is that they are really quite happy to play the man rather than the ball,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 19, 2024, 3:15 a.m. No.21439410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9414

Liberals seek to regain lost Chinese voters at next election


SARAH ISON - 19 August 2024




The Coalition will target Chinese voters in key inner city seats with messages of their frugal economic management, tough stance on crime and support for entrepreneurship in the hopes of winning back the diaspora that swung against the party at nearly double the rate of the national average in 2022.


The Australian can reveal the opposition intends to pour “significant effort and resources” into winning back hundreds of thousands of voters in Chinese communities, with Liberal MPs in key seats describing the “huge opportunity” the cohort presents for the party at the next election.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton — who has personally attended half a dozen engagements with Chinese communities this year — said traditional Liberal Party values were “resonating” with multicultural Australia because of the cost-of-living crisis and poorly-managed migration system, among other failings of the government.


“My message to communities across Australia, and to Chinese Australians and to other multicultural communities, is that there is a better way,” he told The Australian.


“Our multicultural character is one reason why we are the greatest country on earth, and critical to achieving that is a well-managed migration program — and we are not seeing that under this government.”


He said the Coalition would be presenting an alternate vision for government that would “turbocharge our small businesses”, while supporting families, community safety and those seeking to “having a go”.


“Australians are fast realising that they just can’t afford another three years of the Albanese government,” Mr Dutton said.


The Liberal Party suffered swings of nearly 7 per cent across the 15 seats with the highest proportion of people with Chinese ancestry at the last election, compared to its national average of just 3.7 per cent on a two-party-preferred basis.


But numerous Liberal sources said that, without Scott Morrison as leader and a reduction in the “clunky language” on China exercised under his government, they were optimistic the party would win back a significant portion of Chinese voters.


Liberal MP Keith Wolahan, whose Victorian seat of Menzies will have the biggest Chinese diaspora in the country after the redistribution in October, said he was focusing heavily on the cohort through in-person and online engagement, including on the emerging social media app described as China’s answer to Instagram, called the “Little Red Book”.


“If the Liberal Party is to earn the trust of metropolitan seats in Sydney and Melbourne, a key part of that is earning the trust of the Chinese diaspora, and we’ve been working very hard on that, certainly since the last election,” he said.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 19, 2024, 3:16 a.m. No.21439414   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Other key seats with high Chinese populations that the Liberals will target include Tangey and Bennelong, selecting candidates with Chinese heritage for both seats.


Labor Tangney MP Sam Lim said his party had a desire to “bring people together, rather than seek division and conflict” – unlike the Coalition – which was one of its strongest selling points to the Chinese diaspora and other multicultural communities.


“The Chinese diaspora contribute so much to WA and Australia. I’m really proud to represent an area which has a much-higher than average population of Chinese heritage,” Mr Lim, who was born in Malaysia, said.


However, some Liberal sources said that while they hoped most Chinese voters would come back to the Coalition, it was “more realistic that we’ll probably only recover about half”.


A poll in Sydney Today, Australia’s biggest Chinese-language digital media outlet, found in July that 65 per cent of 600 respondents “definitely do not trust Dutton” because the Coalition’s aggressive behaviour at the last election.


Another 9 per cent said that they “want to believe him but they are still not convinced, so they would most likely still vote for Labor”.


Anthony Albanese told The Australian his engagement with Chinese Australian communities, which had spanned over decades, had always been “meaningful and constructive”.


“Importantly, it has been consistent,” he said in a veiled swipe at the Liberals for using language such as describing their Labor opponents as “Manchurian candidates” in February 2022.


“I have and always will be a champion of multiculturalism. Australia is proudly home to some 1.4 million people of Chinese ancestry … (who are) such an important part of our national story and our national identity,” the Prime Minister said.


Government sources also pointed to Labor’s win at the Aston by-election – a traditionally blue-ribbon seat with a higher-than-average Chinese population – as evidence the 2022 result was not a “one off” when it came to multicultural Australia deserting the Liberals.


Deputy director of the Australia-China Relations Institute, Wanning San, said while it was true Mr Dutton had “toned down his hawkish rhetoric on China and has mostly refrained from making gratuitous, provocative comments”, many Australian Chinese voters may still find it hard to take his words at face value.


However, she said that some traditional Liberal voters in various Chinese-Australian communities who swung to Labor in protest against the Coalition’s anti-China policy could decide to return to the Liberals because of the cost of living and the realisation that Labor’s China policy “does not seem very different from that of the Coalition, despite its calmer rhetoric”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 19, 2024, 3:33 a.m. No.21439437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9438


Brittany Higgins won’t give evidence in Linda Reynolds’ defamation trial


PAUL GARVEY and ELLIE DUDLEY - 19 August 2024




Brittany Higgins has pulled out of giving evidence in the defamation action brought against her by Liberal senator Linda Reynolds in a bombshell that could mark an early end to the proceedings.


Ms Higgins’ barrister Rachael Young SC made the shock announcement in the WA Supreme Court on Monday afternoon, indicating Ms Higgins was suffering from poor health, and saying she does not believe she needs to call Ms Higgins to mount a winning defence.


“We don’t think we need to call Ms Higgins to satisfy Your Honour to be successful in these proceedings,” Ms Young said.


The former Liberal staffer had been scheduled to spend a week in the witness box from August 26, and was due to fly to Perth from her home in France.


Ms Young submitted three medical reports containing details of the conditions that she argued backed up why Ms Higgins would no longer give testimony.


The exact medical reasons for the withdrawal were not specified in open court, and Ms Young applied for an order to protect the details of the reports from being published.


Ms Higgins is pregnant, and has also battled issues with her physical and mental health since she went public with her allegation in 2021 that she was raped inside Senator Reynolds’ parliamentary office. She was also been hospitalised in Perth earlier this year amid a court-ordered mediation session aimed at resolving the defamation matter.


Senator Reynolds’ defamation matter is now due to conclude much earlier than anticipated, and could be finished by the beginning of next week.


Senator Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett told reporters outside court on Monday afternoon he would be closely examining Ms Higgins’ medical reports.


He referenced a speech Ms Higgins gave on the steps of the ACT Supreme Court after former ACT chief prosecutor Shane Drumgold chose not to re-try Bruce Lehrmann in the wake of his aborted rape trial.


“Ms Higgins came out immediately and said she could face a civil trial,” Mr Bennett said. “She gave evidence before Justice Lee for five days. I need to go and look at this.”


Mr Bennett said Senator Reynolds simply “wants the truth established/adjudicated by a judge”.


“She can’t raise it under parliamentary privilege in parliament, because there’s no way in which you can test what she says against what Ms Higgins says,” he said.


“She was denied the opportunity in the civil (compensation) claim to test what Ms Higgins claims was her treatment. This was to be it. Her word against Higgins’. Now Higgins isn’t coming.”


Mr Bennett told reporters Ms Higgins and her husband, David Sharaz, are still in France. They were last pictured earlier this month in Paris signing affidavits at the Australian embassy.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 19, 2024, 3:36 a.m. No.21439438   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ms Higgins’ decision not to give evidence in her defence follows the decision earlier this year by Mr Sharaz to not contest the defamation action brought against him by Senator Reynolds.


It means neither Ms Higgins nor Mr Sharaz will testify on the claims made against them by Senator Reynolds.


Mr Bennett said Senator Reynolds would be “unhappy” not to have her evidence directly tested against Ms Higgins’.


“I’m sure what Senator Reynolds will be unhappy about is the contest now will not be her word against Ms Higgins,” he said. “It’ll be always the question of whether Ms Higgins says, ‘if I was well enough, I could have come and answered these allegations’.”


Retired WA Supreme Court judge Kenneth Martin told The Australian there was “no chance” Mr Bennett could compel Ms Higgins to take the stand.


But, he said, Mr Martin said Mr Bennett could make a Jones v Dunkel submission in his closing arguments.


A Jones v Dunkel submission would see Senator Reynolds’ legal team argue Ms Higgins was in a position to give evidence and did not have a “reasonable excuse” not to. Therefore, Senator Reynolds’ evidence should be preferred.


“There will no doubt be big arguments about that,” Mr Martin said.


Mr Martin, while not commenting on the merits of the case, suggested Ms Young could be mounting a “small target” defence considering Ms Higgins “doesn’t have a great track record of performance” in the witness box.


“By not engaging effectively other than by documents and by uncontroversial witnesses or any witnesses at all you deny the opposition the ability to cross-examine them and make their case better,” he said.


“It’s often said tactically in civil litigation that the defendant’s case is normally at its strongest before it calls any evidence because you run the ability to have your witnesses destroyed and things go bad from there.”


Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz offer social media posts the senator says implied she had mishandled Ms Higgins’ rape allegation and had harassed her former staffer.


Federal Court judge Michael Lee found in April that, on the balance of probabilities, Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins inside Senator Reynolds’ ministerial office. Mr Lehrmann has always denied the allegations and is appealing the decision.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 2:49 a.m. No.21446901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6902 >>3290




Fast lane out of Gaza: Australia among most generous for visas in world






Australia is one of the most generous nations in the developed world in accepting Palestinians from Gaza, new figures suggest, fuelling criticism of the Albanese government’s use of tourist visas for those fleeing the war zone.


International data compiled by the opposition indicates Australia’s nearly 3000 approved visas for Gazans since Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel far exceed the numbers accepted by the nation’s Five Eyes allies and like-minded countries such as France.


Belgium is a rare outlier, approving 2506 Palestinian refugees since January and 3249 last year, while Greece and Turkey are also dealing with large numbers of Palestinian asylum seekers.


As the government considers offering permanent visas to up to 1500 Gazans already in the ­country, opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said Australia was unique in its willingness to offer fast-tracked visas to thousands from the conflict zone.


“The Albanese government must urgently explain why Australia appears to have accepted more people from Gaza than almost any other country in the developed world,” Senator Paterson said. “Our closest allies and friends – including Five Eyes members the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand – are all taking a much more cautious approach and have accepted only a fraction of the intake we have.”


He said Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke needed to suspend plans to issue fresh visas to Gazans until he could assure Australians that “proper checks have been done”.


The demand came as Anthony Albanese sought to turn the tables on the opposition, revealing the former Coalition government issued more than 1000 tourist visas to residents of the occupied Palestinian territories.


“During that entire time Hamas controlled the Gaza Strip. They took over in 2006,” the Prime Minister told parliament.


He insisted his government was heeding the advice of national security agencies.


Mr Albanese attacked Peter Dutton’s call last week for a halt to arrivals from Gaza, arguing Palestinians were unable to leave the territory anyway.


“That border crossing closed in May. Did they say anything about it in May? In June? In July? The beginning of August? Not a peep,” he said. “It’s up to those opposite to explain why it is that they were silent about all of this for all of that time.”


The government has approved 2922 visas for holders of Palestinian travel documents since the start of the war, including more than 2560 tourist visas, while rejecting more than 7100 applications. Mr Burke refused to say in question time whether any visas for Gazans had been cancelled but official figures show 43 have been revoked and 20 of those restored on appeal. Hundreds of those already in the country have now lodged asylum claims, enabling them to remain in Australia until their applications are approved or rejected.


As of July 31, the US had accepted 17 Palestinian refugees since the October 7 attack. It has no special entry arrangements for Palestinians but has introduced measures for eligible Palestinians already in the US to have their visas extended.


The UK has issued 168 protection visas to Palestinians since October 7 but it’s unclear how many have entered the country on other visa classes since October last year. New Zealand has accepted 153 Palestinians for temporary and residence visas and is prioritising applications for those with family in New Zealand.


Canada’s Immigration Minister Marc Miller said in June that just 254 Palestinians had received temporary visas and 41 had received family program visas, while almost 3000 applications were still being processed. While Canada has expanded its cap on extended family visas for Palestinians from 1000 to 5000, it requires applicants to submit to face-to-face interviews and biometric testing in Cairo.


France, which had accepted 260 Gazans by April this year, requires applicants to submit visa applications and undergo biometric tests in Israel, making it technically impossible for them to apply. Greece has faced a surge in Palestinian asylum applications, including 6713 last year and 1106 to April this year. It’s unclear how many the country has approved.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 2:49 a.m. No.21446902   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In April, Italy said it had accepted 156 Palestinians, while humanitarian agencies have criticised Spain for doing little to help those fleeing the conflict.


According to Turkish data, more than 18,000 Palestinians were registered as irregular migrants in the country in 2023 – nearly triple the previous year’s total. There are no official statistics available on how many have received protection visas.


ACT independent senator David Pocock said Gazans in Australia should be placed on humanitarian visas.


“Let’s remember many Palestinian Australians who are desperate to try and get their family out of Gaza,” he said.


The Department of Home Affairs has ultimate responsibility for the screening of visa applicants, with selective referral to ASIO for security checks.


The Australian understands concerns have been raised inside the government over its decision to use tourist visas for Gazan entrants that do not require the same level of security checks undertaken for past entrants from Afghanistan and Syria. It is understood reviews have been conducted to apply greater levels of scrutiny than were originally imposed by the government.


The speed of visa processing for Palestinians residing in Gaza and the West Bank contrasts with lengthy delays in processing humanitarian visas for Afghans, including those who worked alongside Australian Defence Force personnel.


Under current settings, the government has allocated 26,500 dedicated visa places for Afghans to migrate to Australia under the offshore humanitarian program through to 2026.


The ADF has extended its Afghan Locally Engaged Employee Program for those who worked with the Australian government in Afghanistan and are at risk of harm as a result of their work.


Defence says the program will now conclude “only after all cases have been assessed and finalised … all certified LEE applicants will continue to be afforded priority processing for Humanitarian visas by the Department of Home Affairs”.


Between August 2021, when the Taliban returned to power, and December 31 last year, the government had finalised only 19,155 of 48,801 offshore humanitarian Afghan applications.


After Pakistan launched a crackdown targeting people without valid visas, including Afghans wanting to travel to Australia, government officials have been forced to scramble to provide letters of assurance to those holding Australian visas or certified as Afghan locally engaged employees.


The ALP national platform enshrined last year committed to progressively increase the refugee resettlement intake to 10,000 places a year with an “aspiration” to lift the humanitarian intake to 27,000 places a year.


Mr Albanese has resisted pressure from Left faction powerbrokers and crossbenchers to authorise a major lift in the humanitarian intake, amid criticism over Labor’s national security and border protection record.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 2:54 a.m. No.21446910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6914


Australia and Indonesia finalise upgraded defence agreement during incoming president's visit


Stephen Dziedzic - 20 August 2024




Australia and Indonesia have finalised negotiations on an upgraded defence agreement which the federal government is hailing as the "most significant" pact the two countries have ever signed.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made the announcement after sitting down with Indonesia's Defence Minister and incoming president Prabowo Subianto in Canberra.


The new agreement is expected to facilitate more ambitious joint military exercises between the two countries, and will be signed by Mr Prabowo and Defence Minister Richard Marles in Jakarta later this month.


Mr Albanese said the "treaty-level" agreement would "bolster our strong defence cooperation by deepening dialogue, strengthening interoperability and enhancing practical arrangements".


"It will be a vital plank for our two countries to support each other's security, which is vital to both countries, but also to the stability of the region that we share," he said.


Mr Marles called the agreement "profoundly historic" and the "most significant agreement that our two countries have ever made".


"What this agreement will do is provide for much greater interoperability between our defence forces," he said.


"It will provide for much more exercises between our defence forces, it will see us working together in the global commons to support the rules-based order and, importantly, it will allow us to operate from each other's countries."


Agreement a 'great outcome'


But Mr Prabowo only made a fleeting reference to the agreement in his public remarks, saying the two countries had made "great progress" in "iron[ing] out legalistic details" in the agreement, which he called a "great outcome".


The president-elect also opened his meeting with Mr Albanese by stressing that he was "determined" to continue the non-aligned foreign policy priorities of the incumbent President Joko Widodo.


"As you know we are, by tradition, non-aligned. By tradition our people do not want us to be involved in any geopolitical or military alliances or groupings," he said.


"I myself am determined to continue this policy.


"I have announced many times that we want the best of relationships with all great powers, but especially with our neighbours."


Mr Prabowo said the bilateral relationship with Australia was a "very high" priority for him.


"I'm very cognisant and very aware of the importance of the Australia-Indonesia relationship, being neighbours," he said.


"I'd like to continue this collaboration and this cooperation."


Mr Prabowo suggested Australian investment in South-East Asia and Indonesia was still lagging, and declared he wanted to see stronger ties between the two nations.


"We would like to see more Australian participation in our economy," he said.


"We would also like to see closer collaboration and consultation on various fields [so] … that we can achieve outcomes that respect both our economic interests, both our national interests."



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 2:56 a.m. No.21446914   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Analysts say agreement not a fundamental change


Susannah Paton, from the Lowy Institute, said while the federal government was keen to talk up the significance of the agreement, it would not fundamentally change the relationship between Australia and Indonesia.


"Australia-Indonesia defence ties have been on a really positive trajectory for the past five years, with much more frequent and ambitious combined military exercises," she told the ABC.


"The new defence cooperation agreement recognises this reality and will help facilitate combined activities, but it does not signify a transformation of the two countries' strategic relationship which will still remain limited by differing world views including on China and the United States."


David Andrews, from the National Security College, told the ABC that while the new agreement could "meaningfully improve bilateral cooperation and interoperability" it would be "extremely generous to suggest that it is more fundamentally important than the 1995 Security Agreement and the 2006 Lombok Treaty [between Australia and Indonesia]".


He said the 1995 agreement struck by then-prime minister Paul Keating — which was later torn up by Indonesia — was more expansive than this pact because it included "alliance-like obligations for both parties; that they would consult together to determine what actions they might take in response to external threats".


"Streamlining bilateral defence cooperation is crucial, and can rightly celebrated as a significant achievement delivered in such a short space of time," he said.


"But it does not change the fundamental structure of the relationship and the mutual obligations on both parties in such a way that it could truly be considered 'the most significant agreement our countries have ever made'."


Human rights concerns


Indonesia shredded the 1995 agreement during the Timor Crisis, when Australia led a multinational force to restore order in East Timor after Indonesian government-backed militias unleashed a campaign of murder and terror that left hundreds dead and displaced countless more.


Human rights groups are also demanding that Australia ramp up pressure on Indonesia over extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances in West Papua, and say Australia must ensure its military equipment and support does not further human rights abuses in the Indonesian province.


Australia director at Human Rights Watch Daniela Gavshon said the federal government should also press Indonesia to allow a long delayed visit to West Papua by the United Nations human rights office.


"Australian leaders should not let Prabowo's egregious rights record deter them from forcefully raising current human rights concerns," she said.


"They should emphasise that the new president has an important opportunity to restore Indonesia's standing on West Papua and other human rights issues."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 3:02 a.m. No.21446927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6941

‘Happy to comfort babies born alive after abortion’, midwife tells inquiry


JOE KELLY - 19 August 2024


An Australian midwife has spoken publicly for the first time about her experiences of babies being born alive following abortions and, in some cases, surviving for up to five hours before dying after gasping for air and fighting to stay alive.


Louise Adsett, a clinical midwife who has worked in maternity and birthing units for about 14 years, told a parliamentary hearing in Queensland that some babies born alive after an abortion were never held by their parents but instead placed in witches hats, taken out of the room and left to die.


Ms Adsett, who works at a public hospital south of Brisbane, was providing evidence to a Queensland parliamentary inquiry into the Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024 introduced by Robbie Katter aimed at enshrining legislated protections for babies born as a result of a termination of pregnancy procedure.


In an emotional statement to the hearing, Ms Adsett said some midwives were distressed because they were “unable to provide any medical care for the baby” but were “limited to providing comfort care only, which is merely wrapping and holding the baby”.


“To give you a first example, a mother made a decision to abort a baby at 21-plus weeks’ gestation. The process began in the morning with misoprostol given throughout the day. The process took all day, and the baby was only delivered during the early hours of a night shift where skeleton staff was on duty,” Ms Adsett told the inquiry.


“This baby moved vigorously, gasped for breath and had a palpable heart rate to make it clear this baby was alive. It was over 400 grams, but the baby was a good weight.


“The parents of this baby did not desire to see or hold this baby. Midwives and doctors were left holding this little life while they continued to provide cares for other women who were birthing and welcoming their babies into the world.


“This baby boy fought for his life for five hours before taking his final breath. This is not an uncommon occurrence.”


Ms Adsett told the inquiry that she was a “conscientious objector when it comes to providing care for women aborting their babies”, but said she was “happy to make myself available to hold a baby who was born alive after an abortion”.


“These babies deserve better. They deserve to have the same rights that all of us human beings have,” she said.


Ms Adsett was asked by the Queensland director of the Australian Christian Lobby, Rob Norman, to appear at the inquiry after she made contact with the group more than six months ago to raise awareness of the issue of babies born alive after abortions. She holds no formal staff position with the ACL, but has recently undertaken some volunteer work for it.


While Mr Katter’s bill addresses a rare aspect of abortion, it is not intended to create a barrier to it. It is instead focused on the medical care provided to a baby following an abortion.


Under the bill, the duty of a registered health practitioner to provide medical care and treatment to a person born as a result of a termination would be “no different” from their duty to anybody else.


This means babies would be given care allowing them to survive where possible, while babies unable to survive would instead be given palliative care.


In her submission to the inquiry, University of Adelaide law professor Joanna Howe noted there had been 328 babies born alive and left to die in Queensland between 2010 and 2020.


Professor Howe said the bill would bring Queensland into line with “recent best-practice reform in South Australia and New South Wales, which provides for equal treatment to all children born alive in those jurisdictions irrespective of the circumstances of their birth”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 20, 2024, 3:09 a.m. No.21446941   🗄️.is 🔗kun


QLD midwife lifts the lid on newborns left to die


Dr Joanna Howe


Aug 19, 2024


Today at the public inquiry in the Queensland parliament into the Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024 introduced by MP Robbie Katter, a courageous midwife, Lou Adsett gave harrowing oral evidence of her experience of babies born alive and left to die at her hospital.


There is evidence of increasing numbers of live births following abortion at both pre- and post-viable gestations in Queensland. In 2018, the year before abortion up to birth was legalised in Queensland, there were 28 babies born alive and left to die and in 2022 this had grown to 49 babies in this plight. In fact, between 2019 and 2022 there were 179 babies born alive in Queensland hospitals and left to die without a legal right to care.


The Bill does not seek to prevent an abortion from happening. It merely provides a right to equal protection for all babies born alive in Queensland, irrespective of the circumstances of their birth. This means that if a live birth occurs after an abortion, the baby would be provided with either life-saving treatment or palliative care, whichever is the most appropriate given the clinical circumstances.


We are fighting for birth equality: the simple notion that every child born in Australia deserves an equal right to medical care and the protection of the law.


Please share this video so that all Australians may know the truth and sign the birth equality petition to join Lou in calling out this horror.





@drjoannahowe on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok

@ProfJoannaHowe on X/Twitter

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:58 a.m. No.21453311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315 >>9208


‘She’s drafting a plan for you’: Maiden gives evidence on breaking Higgins’ story


Jesinta Burton - August 21, 2024




The recording of an interview between Brittany Higgins and the journalist who would break the story about her alleged rape in former defence minister Linda Reynolds’ office has laid bare how the young political staffer felt it had rendered her “toxic”.


Journalist Samantha Maiden was played portions of the hour-long interview with Higgins after being called to give evidence in Reynolds’ defamation case against the former staffer.


Flanked by three lawyers, Maiden told the court she recalled hosting Higgins at her home for an interview over dinner on January 21, 2021, where Higgins would detail an incident she said had made her a “problem” for her then-boss.


In the recording, the former staffer told Maiden she felt like Reynolds “hated her” and branded a meeting they had alongside chief of staff Fiona Brown in April 2019 a “box ticking” exercise.


That would be the sole meeting the trio had regarding a security breach, during which Higgins claims she was raped by colleague Bruce Lehrmann in Reynolds’ ministerial suite after a night out on March 23, 2019.


Lehrmann, whose 2022 criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct, maintains his innocence.


He is appealing against a separate Federal Court judgment that found the rape allegation to be true on the balance of probabilities.


Higgins, who had only been employed for two weeks when the alleged rape occurred, told Maiden she believed the former defence minister kept her at arm’s length out of fear the incident may cost her the portfolio she had “worked her entire life for”.


“She was actually quite nice, her [Reynolds] and Fiona I mean, but I didn’t feel it was a fair conversation on the basis I had been terrified since, and I was very new,” Higgins told Maiden in the recording.


“She didn’t know me or like me really … I was just a problem for her.


“She avoided being in photos with me. I was toxic to her. She hated me, and she still does to this day.”


But Higgins told Maiden the substance of what was said at that meeting was “a blur” she could “barely recall” because she was distracted by being within metres of the couch she was allegedly assaulted on.


Higgins went on to explain how the support she received was limited to receiving a brochure for an employee counselling service with a month-long waiting list and that she was given the option of returning home, staying in Canberra or travelling to Perth to campaign alongside Reynolds ahead of the 2019 election.


Despite having sighted a security report stating Higgins had been found partially undressed in her office, Reynolds testified that there was no allegation a sexual assault had occurred at the time of the meeting and that she would not have hosted it there if she had known.


Higgins’ partner and former press gallery journalist David Sharaz first approached Maiden about the story in January 2021, penning a text message about a “Me Too incident” the Liberal Party had “covered up”.


“I am letting this be [Higgins’] decision, but she’s drafting a plan for you. She wants to do it in an election year,” Sharaz wrote.


Maiden confirmed Higgins later sent a document referred to as “The Dossier”, but rejected that it went by that name at the time and said that was something that “entered the media lexicon” afterwards.


The article would be published on on February 15, 2021, with Maiden telling the court the timing was dictated by Higgins’ desire to have the story drop during a parliamentary sitting week.


Higgins’ tell-all interview with journalist Lisa Wilkinson for The Project was aired later that evening.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 21, 2024, 3 a.m. No.21453315   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Maiden told the court Higgins gave her the impression her intention was “altruistic” and wanted the story to “have an impact”.


“She was concerned it would be a ‘one day wonder’. She wanted there to be an impact given what she saw as systematic failures [in the government’s handling of the alleged rape],” Maiden said.


But she labelled a text message she had received from Sharaz on the morning of publication hailing the article a “f-cking scoop” inappropriate.


The court was then taken to a series of text messages between Maiden and senior Labor Party figures, including Penny Wong and Tanya Plibersek, regarding questions to be levelled at Reynolds during question time.


But Maiden insisted there was nothing remarkable about the correspondence and dismissed any assertion she had acted as a “conduit” for the staffer or that Higgins had a plan to bring down the Morrison government.


Bennett grilled Maiden about a text exchange between herself and Higgins in which the former staffer told her she did not believe Reynolds should resign because she was just “following instructions” from the prime minister’s office.


“Just having played my little part in your operation has been one of the greatest moments of journalism I’ve ever had,” Maiden texted Higgins.


When asked what she had meant by “operation”, Maiden told the court she believed Higgins had shown “great bravery at great cost” to raise issues that resulted in legal reform and improved parliament as a workplace.


During cross-examination by Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young, SC, Maiden recalled a conversation in which Reynolds had told her she “did not know” whether the rape allegation was true because she was “not in the room”.


Maiden also recalled being approached by Reynolds’ long-time partner Robert Reid during Lehrmann’s criminal trial, who she said was peppering her with questions about Higgins’ whereabouts.


The Walkley award-winning journalist is the latest to give evidence in Reynolds’ year-long defamation case against Higgins over a series of social media posts she claims accused her of mishandling the allegation and silencing victims of sexual assault.


Reynolds has also argued Higgins and Sharaz engaged in a calculated and premeditated campaign to attack her via her political opponents and the media.


Higgins is defending the allegations on the basis the substance of her posts were true.


Several of Reynolds’ high-profile colleagues have been called to attest to the impact the saga had on her at the time, including former prime minister Scott Morrison and former foreign affairs minister Marise Payne.


On Tuesday, Payne told the court she watched her colleague of more than 30 years struggle under the weight of mounting pressure from what she described as unprecedented questioning.


Payne described seeing Reynolds shaking, breathing heavily, and gripping her desk in the parliamentary chamber after days of being “aggressively targeted” over the alleged rape before her public breakdown in late February 2021.


The month-long trial will now be cut short after Higgins made an eleventh-hour decision not to take the stand on medical grounds and because her legal team did not believe it was necessary to successfully argue the case.


Higgins, who is now expecting her first child, had been due to travel to Perth from her new home in France to take the witness stand from August 26.


Brown has also been excused from giving oral evidence on medical grounds.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 21, 2024, 3:24 a.m. No.21453375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6382

>>20945327 (pb)

>>21185546 (pb)

Australian Bushmaster reportedly destroyed during Ukrainian incursion into Russia


Andrew Greene and Greg Jennett - 21 August 2024


Ukrainian forces are believed to have used Australian-supplied Bushmasters as part of their recent surprise incursion into Russia, with evidence emerging of at least one of the armoured vehicles apparently destroyed inside the western border region of Kursk.


Just days after British-supplied tanks were reported to have crossed over the Russian border, video has been broadcast on Ukrainian television showing the wreckage of a Victorian-made Bushmaster on the side of a road.


Moscow declared a state of emergency after Ukraine's daring military incursion launched on August 6, which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says was aimed at creating a buffer zone to prevent further Russian attacks across the border.


This month's surprise attack by Ukraine is Kyiv's largest cross-border assault since the start of the full-scale conflict, which has seen Russian territory under occupation for the first time since World War II.


Retired Australian Army General Mick Ryan says he's confirmed that Australian-supplied Bushmasters took part in the Ukrainian operation, which has forced more than 100,000 locals to flee.


"The Australian Bushmasters serve with one of the brigades that has apparently taken part in at least the initial phases, probably follow up phases of the Ukrainian operation in Kursk," he told the ABC's Afternoon Briefing program.


"These are excellent vehicles. There's a reason why the Ukrainians like them and use them because they protect their soldiers. They've lost at least one, potentially two or three so far in this operation, it would be nice to see some replacements on their way."


An overnight report broadcast by news outlet Ukrainian Pravda shows the Bushmaster burnt down to its hull, but Major-General Ryan said it was unclear whether the occupants managed to escape the heavily protected vehicle alive.


"It's hard to know whether that was a catastrophic loss and it happened straight away or whether it's just burnt for some time afterwards once the soldiers have evacuated from the vehicle."


The Australian government and Department of Defence are so far declining to comment on the report, but last week the UK's defence ministry declared Ukraine had a "clear right" to use UK-supplied weapons for self-defence, and "that does not preclude operations inside Russia".


ABC News Verify analysis of the footage indicates the vehicle was destroyed somewhere north of Sudzha, in the Kursk region.


To date, Australia's military support to Ukraine has included at least 120 Bushmaster protected mobility vehicles, which are produced by French-owned defence manufacturer Thales at its facility in Bendigo, Victoria.


Since Ukraine's recent advance into Russian territory, sightings of western-supplied armour have included US Bradley and Stryker armoured vehicles, German Marders as well as UK-donated Challenger 2 tanks.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 2:43 a.m. No.21459189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Australia to build cruise missiles with Norway's Kongsberg


Kirsty Needham - August 22, 2024


SYDNEY, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Australia said it would jointly manufacture long-range Naval Strike Missiles and Joint Strike Missiles with Norway's Kongsberg Defence in the city of Newcastle on Australia's eastern coast, the only site outside of Norway.


Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy said the Australian government will contribute A$850 million ($574 million) to establish a manufacturing facility with Kongsberg at the Newcastle Airport precinct later this year, with production to start in 2027.


The anti-ship cruise missiles would be used by the Australian Defence Force and also exported by the U.S. security ally, he said. It will be one of only two facilities in the world capable of producing the missiles, and the only site outside Kongsberg, Norway.


Australia has said it will establish guided weapons manufacturing under a defence overhaul to boost the Australian Defence Force's long-range precision strike ability, amid rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific.


"There is huge global demand and constraints on the supply chain around the world. So not only is it cost-competitive to build them here, it will actually deliver the missiles faster than if we were relying on a production line overseas," Conroy said at a press conference in Newcastle. "There is huge export opportunities for these missiles as well."


The Naval Strike Missile is being used by the U.S. Marines to equip land-based trucks for anti-ship capability, Conroy said.


"We will have the capacity not just to sustain and refurbish our missiles; we can potentially do that for United States forces who might be positioned in the Indo-Pacific," he said.


Around 2,000 U.S. Marines have a rotational presence in northern Australia for six months of the year.


The Joint Strike Missile is the only strike missile able to be carried in the weapons bay of the F-35 fighter jet.


Australia has two F-35 stealth fighter squadrons, based at Williamtown near Newcastle and at RAAF Base Tindal in northern Australia, which is being upgraded by the United States to also host U.S. bomber aircraft.


In the Indo Pacific region, Japan and South Korea have F-35 squadrons while Singapore has ordered the fighter jet.


Australia is also developing a hypersonic missile with the United States, and will start co-manufacturing guided missiles with the United States next year.​


($1=1.4815 Australian dollars)

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 2:52 a.m. No.21459197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9199 >>0676




Iranian embassy defiant in wake of DFAT ‘polite chat’


MOHAMMAD ALFARES - August 20, 2024




The Iranian embassy has defended its ambassador who posted about a “Zionist plague”, denying it was anti-Semitic and describing the Albanese government’s response as “conversations we had on how to manage the current conditions” in the Middle East rather than a dressing-down.


When Iranian ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi posted his controversial tweet, hoping for the “Zionist plague” to be “wiped out” by 2027, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the government had summoned him to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) “as a protocol”. In the post, which remains on his X platform, Mr Sadeghi called Israel a “genocidal regime” and said he looked forward to the only Jewish state being “wiped out of the holy lands of Palestine”.


He also called the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel an act of resistance “in fighting the criminal Zionist enemy”.


In the wake of the controversy following the August 3 post, Mr Sadeghi’s office claimed the call for Israel’s destruction had nothing to do with anti-Semitism or violence, saying it had copped “unjust” backlash.


Mr Sadeghi declined multiple requests for an interview, but his embassy released a statement to The Australian this week, in which it vehemently rejected claims the content of his social media post was anti-Semitic, saying it was “not aimed at Jews around the world”.


The foreign diplomat’s remarks on Israel triggered widespread outrage from both the Labor government and the Coalition, but the defiant embassy insists they were “unpleasant and unfair reactions”.


The Australian asked the embassy whether Mr Sadeghi’s conversation with the DFAT was of disciplinary nature. A spokesperson for the ambassador said they were “in the vein of a range of bilateral, regional, and international subject matters”.


“We firmly believe that the content of the post had nothing to do with Jews anywhere in the world,” the spokesperson said.


“Regarding the unpleasant and unfair reactions, we may say that irrespective of those interest circles and pressure groups, as well as the Zionist lobbies that had their pre-planned project in their campaign against Iran, we expected that the post had been viewed and examined by the involved parties using proper care and patience.”


While the embassy defends its position by claiming there is a peaceful Jewish minority in Iran, opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham said its response demonstrated the complete ineffectiveness by the government.


“Did the Albanese government even ask for the offensive social media content to be deleted?” Senator Birmingham said.


“The fact that the offensive remarks of Iran’s ambassador remain on his social media platform demonstrates his contempt for the legitimate concerns expressed by many Australians and representatives of the Albanese government.


“Iran’s embassy claiming it was more like a polite chat rather than a proper condemnation only makes it more critical that the government explains just what they are doing to hold the ambassador to account.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 2:53 a.m. No.21459199   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Australia’s peak Jewish body also slammed the embassy for claiming to be fond of Jews while “mocking the Holocaust” in an annual cartoon competition hosted by the Hamshahri newspaper and funded by the Iranian regime for more than two decades.


The Executive Council of Australian Jewry said the embassy response was typical and the rogue regime orchestrates terrorist attacks around the world “then claim they are peace-loving victims”.


“They train and fund the Hamas terrorists that started the war and now claim they support a ceasefire,” ECAJ co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said.


“They host an annual cartoon for mocking the Holocaust and call the world’s only Jewish state a cancer and a plague, and tell us they’re deeply fond of Jews.”


“The ambassador should have been summoned and made to account for his country’s role in the October 7 atrocities and he should be summoned now and told that his lies and distortions have no place here,” Mr Ryvchin said.


The embassy noted that Iran, as an “Islamic representative democracy”, has a peaceful Jewish minority that is represented in the Iranian parliament. This, it argued, underscores that the ambassador’s remarks were not aimed at Jews but were a critique of Zionism and Israel’s policies.


“With regards to the honourable Foreign Minister’s position on the current subject, we can add that we have been doing our best to act harmoniously with the Australian positions while we keep our own policies and inputs on international developments dealing with Iranian national interest, eg Palestine issues and (the) Gaza situation,” the embassy spokesperson said.


“Our dialogues with DFAT colleagues have been in the vein of a range of bilateral, regional, and international subject matters; including conversations we had on how to manage the current conditions and how both sides (are) doing their best to de-escalate the situation in order to have a sustained ceasefire in Gaza.”


An Australian government spokesperson said DFAT conveyed concerns about the social media post directly to Mr Sadeghi and the Iranian regime in Tehran, but would not specify exactly what was said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:02 a.m. No.21459208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9211



David Sharaz told journalist Samantha Maiden a Morrison government payout would make Brittany Higgins look ‘bought off’


PAUL GARVEY - August 21, 2024




David Sharaz told a senior journalist that his now wife Brittany Higgins would not feel comfortable accepting a payout from the Morrison government as it would make her look “bought off”, as the scale of Mr Sharaz’s involvement in taking Ms Higgins’ rape allegations public was laid bare.


Hundreds of messages between Mr Sharaz and political editor Samantha Maiden were released by the Western Australian Supreme Court on Wednesday afternoon, after they were tendered as evidence in Linda Reynolds’ defamation action against Ms Higgins. The almost 10,000 words exchanged between the pair shed new light on the role of Mr Sharaz in bringing Ms Higgins’ plight to public attention.


Among the cache was a message from Mr Sharaz in January 2021 – before Ms Maiden broke the story – in which he described the Morrison government as being in “panic bribery mode”, and a February 2021 message soon after Ms Maiden’s story was published in which he said “there is ZERO chance she can accept a government payout without looking bought off”.


Ms Higgins would later accept a $2.445m settlement payment from the Albanese Labor government in December 2022, and Senator Reynolds – who has accused Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus of freezing her out of that compensation process – has referred the matter to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.


Also in February 2021, a week after Maiden was the first to reveal Ms Higgins’ story, Mr Sharaz told the reporter that both he and Ms Higgins were “regretting all of this” because “the government seems to have gotten away with it all, and we’re both unemployed”.


Mr Sharaz texted Maiden on February 19: “I can see why PMO hate us. It all looks planned haha”.


The evidence emerged as Maiden, who won the Gold Walkley in 2022 for breaking the story of Ms Higgins’ rape allegations, told the WA Supreme Court of an “inappropriate” message she received from Mr Sharaz soon after she first interviewed Ms Higgins.


That message read: “It’s a weird story. Journalism hat on, what a f..king scoop ha ha”.


Maiden confirmed she had read that message at the time.


“I do recall receiving that message and I thought it was inappropriate,” she said.


The messages also spell out Mr Sharaz’s frustrations over the Morrison government’s response to Ms Higgins’ allegations, and in particular the report from John Kunkel, Scott Morrison’s chief of staff, into whether the Prime Minister’s office briefed against Ms Higgins.


Mr Sharaz said in those messages that Ms Higgins felt belittled by the Kunkel report and that the Morrison government “got away with it”. Maiden appeared to push back, describing the final lines of the report as “very pointed” and describing the idea that they got away with it as “a bizarre interpretation of what happened”.


Mr Sharaz, who married Ms Higgins earlier this year, is also being sued for defamation by Senator Reynolds but is not ­defending the action.


The court was played parts of the recording of the first meeting between Ms Higgins and Maiden in January 2021, just over a month before she published the first story airing Ms Higgins’ allegation that she was raped by a colleague inside Senator Reynolds’ parliamentary office.


In excerpts from the recording, Ms Higgins told Maiden how Senator Reynolds “hated” her and treated her like she was “toxic” after she met with the senator soon after she was allegedly raped by Bruce Lehrmann.


Other correspondence between Ms Higgins and Maiden tendered as evidence documents an enquiry from Maiden asking Ms Higgins if Senator Reynolds should step down.


“If Ms Higgins had said that Linda Reynolds should resign, that would have been a significant story at the time, I wanted to ask her of her opinion,” Maiden told the court. “And her opinion was that she didn’t think so. She said ‘I think she was just following instructions to be honest’.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:03 a.m. No.21459211   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Also tendered were messages sent between Maiden and Labor politicians Penny Wong, Katy Gallagher and Tanya Plibersek.


Senator Wong sent Maiden a message inside the Senate chamber to flag that Labor was going to quiz Senator Reynolds over the rape allegations.


“I walked into the Senate and I received a message from Penny Wong. She must have seen me coming into the chamber, or I may have already been sitting in the chamber, and Senator Wong said something to the effect of ‘we’re going to come back to Senator Reynolds’,” Maiden said.


“So, presumably they have asked a question, and maybe I wasn’t there … but basically she was messaging me to say ‘we’re going to ask more questions of Senator Reynolds’.”


The messages also show Mr Sharaz told The Project host Lisa Wilkinson Ms Higgins had contemplated suicide in the wake of Network 10 requesting another interview with her in a follow-up program to its initial broadcast.


Mr Sharaz sent Maiden a copy of an email he said he had sent to Wilkinson, describing the “impossibly intense” pressure on Ms Higgins and the severe consequences for Brittany’s family and himself. “While I understand that you do have the contractual rights to her original interview, she was never told at that time that you would air more than one program detailing her assault,” Mr Sharaz wrote in the letter that was addressed to Wilkinson and shared with Maiden.


“Last night, she threatened to kill herself to me, and I had to engage support. She’s not coping, and I think … another interview would be incredibly damaging to her mental health. We were really clear we wanted to do one interview in print, and one television interview. We chose you because you champion women, and you’ve done exactly that with this story.”


He wrote that while he was sorry for the pressure on Ten for a follow-up interview, “I can’t, and won’t, lose Brittany because of this”. “If she were to kill herself due to the pressure, or public sentiment changing against her, I don’t think either of us could live with ourselves,” he said.


Under cross-examination by Rachael Young SC for Ms Higgins, Maiden said Ms Higgins had not told her of her ­desire to “bring down” Senator Reynolds and the Morrison government.


Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz over social media posts the senator says implied she had mishandled Ms Higgins’ rape allegation and had harassed her former staffer.


Federal Court judge Michael Lee found in April that, on the balance of probabilities, Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins. Mr Lehrmann has denied the allegations and is appealing the finding.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:07 a.m. No.21459213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Psychiatrist’s ‘vastly different reports’ on Brittany Higgins


PAUL GARVEY - 22 August 2024


A psychiatrist prepared “vastly” different reports about the impact of the government’s handling of Brittany Higgins’ rape claim, just months before she secured a $2.445m commonwealth payout linked to that handling, a court has heard.


As it emerged that Linda Reynolds had launched another court action against Ms Higgins – this time over the trust fund the former political staffer established to administer that commonwealth settlement – the Western Australian Supreme Court on Thursday was told that psychiatrist Dr Julio Clavijo prepared two reports on Ms Higgins in early 2022.


Martin Bennett, the lawyer representing Linda Reynolds in both her defamation action against Ms Higgins and her action against Ms Higgins’ trust, has made an application to have Dr Clavijo give evidence on Wednesday of next week after receiving documents overnight.


Those documents, Mr Bennett said, showed that Dr Clavijo produced two significantly different reports about the causes of the mental harm suffered by Ms Higgins.


The first of those reports, Mr Bennett said, “would disclose no cause of action against Senator Reynolds” over her handling of Ms Higgins’ rape claim.


However, only the subsequent report was used in Ms Higgins’ settlement claim against the commonwealth.


Mr Bennett said the first of the reports was handed to Ms Higgins’ lawyers on January 31, 2022, and the second was given to them on February 9. Both reports were marked with the same date of January 5, 2022.


“The purpose of asking Dr Clavijo to come is to simply ask him to explain why there are two reports signed by him in his capacity as an expert witness, acknowledging the code of conduct for expert witnesses, both dated the same day … It’s just hard to find a sensible explanation,” Mr Bennett said.


Ms Higgins’ settlement claim related to the handling of her alleged rape inside Parliament House, rather than the alleged rape itself.


Mr Bennett said questions needed to be answered as to why the psychiatric reports exist in such “significantly and materially different terms”.


Ms Higgins’ lawyer Rachael Young SC told Justice Paul Tottle that she strongly resisted Mr Bennett’s application and said it should be dismissed.


She said the matter was irrelevant to the defamation action, noting that Senator Reynolds could not use documents she only just learned of to justify what Ms Higgins said was the senator’s harassment of her in late 2022.


“The plaintiff cannot call in aid documents produced yesterday, to contend that those documents now establish that the plaintiff was entitled to question the circumstances of Ms Higgins’ personal injury claim against the commonwealth when the conduct that the plaintiff is answering here is her conduct in leaking confidential communications to a journalist back in December 2022,” Ms Young said.


“From a temporal perspective, this is entirely irrelevant.”


The revelations came as Senator Reynolds lodged a fresh lawsuit against Ms Higgins over the trust she established to administer the commonwealth payout.


In a writ, Senator Reynolds alleged that Ms Higgins transferred the trustee role to a company – Power Blazers Pty Ltd – co-owned by Ms Higgins and her father in an attempt to defeat or delay any potential creditors.


The claim seeks an order voiding the transfer of the settlement funds into Ms Higgins’ trust and a return of the trust monies back to Ms Higgins personally. That would put the funds within reach of creditors including Senator Reynolds.


The senator is suing Ms Higgins and her husband David Sharaz offer social media posts the senator says implied she had mishandled Ms Higgins’ rape allegation and had harassed her former staffer.


Federal Court judge Michael Lee found in April that, on the balance of probabilities, Bruce Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins. Mr Lehrmann has always denied the allegations and is appealing the decision.


The commonwealth payment has long been a bone of contention for Senator Reynolds, who says she was frozen out of the process and was denied by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus an opportunity to defend the mishandling allegations.


Senator Reynolds has made a complaint to the National Anti-Corruption Commission over the settlement. The NACC is not believed to have taken any action on the senator’s complaint to date.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:33 a.m. No.21459246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9250

Liberals talked of banning Chinese super app – now MPs flock to it


Paul Sakkal and Matthew Knott - August 22, 2024


Liberal MPs are flocking back to Chinese social media service WeChat, reversing a Morrison-era boycott over national security concerns to win back diaspora voters who turned against the party and cost it seats at the last election.


The party’s full court press to woo the constituency includes recruiting candidates and staffers of Chinese heritage, along with a plan to push more MPs to open accounts on the ubiquitous platform despite accusations it is a Communist Party tool.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has been working with local Chinese media on the app that spans everything from messaging to payments. Melbourne MPs Michael Sukkar and Keith Wolahan are gaining hundreds of thousands of views on videos posted to their own accounts.


The Liberals are considering setting up an official party account alongside individual MPs who are establishing accounts. Senior party sources familiar with the matter said they viewed winning back Chinese-Australians as equally important to retaking the six seats it lost to teal independents.


“We pissed off a lot of the Chinese community in 2022 [under Scott Morrison] and Dutton instinctively knows we can and must improve on last time,” a top Liberal source said.


Dutton has notably softened his rhetoric on China since the past election, describing himself as “pro-China” in the lead-up to a June visit by Chinese Premier Li Qiang, stressing his desire for peace in the Indo-Pacific and effusively praising the Chinese diaspora. However, the Liberals responded with harsh criticism when Chinese officials clumsily inserted themselves between reporter Cheng Lei and cameras during Li’s visit, highlighting the difficulty in maintaining a more dovish stance.


A Lowy Institute survey released in 2023 found that 47 per cent of Chinese-Australians use WeChat, only slightly below Facebook usage. Tencent, the company that owns WeChat, told a parliamentary committee last year that it had under 500,000 users, down from 790,000 three years earlier.


The Morrison government, in which Dutton was home affairs minister, muscled up to China during COVID over the origins of the virus and foreign interference. But the party’s tough rhetoric contributed to the voter group swinging sharply away from the Coalition, contributing to losses in four seats, and forcing Wolahan and Sukkar into ultra-marginal fights.


The Liberals now believe they can win back about half the Chinese-Australians they lost, aided by running candidates including Scott Yung in the Sydney seat of Bennelong and Howard Ong in Perth’s Tangney.


Wolahan has racked up more than 130,000 views on videos discussing topics such as vaping and school standards. He told this masthead his party needed to show “sincerity and humility” to regain the trust of Chinese-Australians, whom he said would be attracted to the Coalition’s policies on the economy and crime.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:34 a.m. No.21459250   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Then-prime minister Scott Morrison’s WeChat account, which had about 76,000 followers, was taken over and rebranded “Australian Chinese new life” in January 2022, following a dispute between the government and WeChat. This led to a boycott of the app among some Coalition MPs.


Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson, who led a Senate inquiry examining foreign interference through social media, said last year WeChat was “an essential tool for communication”.


But he said the committee heard “compelling evidence” that WeChat functions as a “narrative machine” for the Chinese Communist Party and that the app had been used to intimidate and harass Chinese Australians. The government banned WeChat on official devices shortly after Paterson’s probe, acting on intelligence agencies’ advice.


A Liberal source speaking on background to discuss the matter freely said boycotting the app in principle was pointless and added that MP did not have the app on government phones.


Haiqing Yu, a professor of media and communications at RMIT, said it made sense for politicians to use WeChat as a way to reach Chinese-Australian voters, adding it would be seen as a “symbolic gesture” of engagement.


However, she added: “There is a sense of cynicism in the community about politicians who portray WeChat as a propaganda tool of the Chinese Communist Party then rush onto the platform to engage with Chinese-Australian voters.”


Yu said that WeChat was increasingly used by older Chinese-Australian voters, with younger voters turning to apps like Xiaohongshu (also known as RED or The Little Red Book), which is regarded as China’s version of Instagram.


Fan Yang, an expert on digital technologies at the University of Melbourne, said that independent MP Monique Ryan and NSW Premier Chris Minns stood out for their use of WeChat to engage with Chinese-Australian voters.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 22, 2024, 3:48 a.m. No.21459264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247 >>3267


Jewish groups demand extremist influencer Candace Owens’ visa be cancelled


Paul Sakkal - August 22, 2024


Jewish groups are demanding the government bar extremist US provocateur Candace Owens from holding a speaking tour across Australia because of her conspiracy-tinged attacks on Jews and trans people.


Owens rose to prominence as a Donald Trump-aligned influencer and has claimed that Israel was founded by a “cult”, “secret Jewish gangs” operate in Hollywood and minimised Nazi atrocities. She told her 18 million online followers she is selling tickets to “electrifying evenings” in Australia in November.


After questions from this masthead, the government said it could block her entry to Australia.


Owens, who recently said Trump was too moderate, has also made claims about a range of minority groups including trans people who she falsely said suffered “clinical insanity” and suggested could be responsible for a rise in mass shootings.


“There is no place in Australia for Candace Owens and her vile, divisive, and dangerous conspiracy theories,” wrote Zionist Federation of Australia leaders Jeremy Leibler and Alon Cassuto in a letter to Home Affairs and Immigration Minister Tony Burke seen by this masthead.


“Your government has rightfully expressed concern about the increasing embrace of extreme ideologies by Australians. Extremism, racism, bigotry, and antisemitism are unacceptable in any form, regardless of whether they originate from the far left or right.”


Coalition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan joined the federation’s calls, saying Labor should block her visa to avoid the spread of “hateful messages”. Burke, whose office was contacted for comment, can reject visas for people deemed “not of good character”.


Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke said in a statement that he was taking the complaint seriously.


“I’ve always taken a hard line on hate speech. As soon as I heard about this visit, I asked the Department to organise a brief and spoke to Jillian Segal, the antisemitism envoy.


“When the brief is sent up to me, I will act on it immediately.”


The planned tour was announced days before ASIO director-general Mike Burgess raised Australia’s terror threat level as “twisted” ideologies spurred by the war in Gaza normalised the idea of political violence.


A spokeswoman for Owens’ tour promoters, Doyen PR, said the Coalition’s calls were hypocritical because the party had allowed in “far more controversial” people such as alt-right influencer Lauren Southern and British politician Nigel Farage.


“This was done under the guise of free speech, but it seems when the speech isn’t consistent with the Coalition’s narrative, people need to be cancelled,” the spokeswoman said. “What we have here is a black woman of faith who has the temerity to question the conflict in Israel; a conflict which has been widely questioned and in some circumstances criticised even by our own government.”


“It is important to note that Ms Owens has never incited violence or been cancelled by social media for breaching community standard, and everything she has said has been in her capacity as a commentator and as an author.”


Australia previously denied visas for prominent Holocaust denier David Icke and far-right figures Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes.


Owens came to prominence as the communications director of the pro-Trump group Turning Point America and is part of a network of online figures who often boost each other’s content, which includes avowed misogynist Andrew Tate and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.


In July, she said on her podcast show that the stories of Nazi physician Josef Mengele’s experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz were “bizarre propaganda” while describing the Holocaust as “an ethnic cleansing [that] almost took place”.


Owens left the Daily Wire, the website founded by conservative Jewish commentator Ben Shapiro, in March.


“I think she’s been absolutely disgraceful,” Shapiro said of her comments months before her departure. “I think that her faux-sophistication on these particular issues has been ridiculous.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 23, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.21466382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ukraine urges against repeat of Taipan helicopter farce


BEN PACKHAM - August 22, 2024


A decorated Ukrainian commander has pleaded with the ­Albanese government to donate the army’s soon-to-be retired M1A1 Abrams tanks to his country’s fight against Russia, saying they could play a “crucial role” in turning the tide against Vladimir Putin’s forces.


Major Andrii Berezovskyi urged the government to avoid a repeat of its decision to junk 45 military helicopters rather than provide them to Kyiv, as new footage emerged online revealing Australian Bushmaster vehicles were used by Ukraine in its retaliatory invasion of Russia.


The 28-year-old veteran of some of the bloodiest battles of the war said the US-made tanks were far superior to those operated by Russia.


“They are more manoeuvrable and have new technologies for protection against antitank missile systems, which provides better protection for both personnel and the equipment itself,” Major Berezovskyi told The Australian.


He lamented the Albanese government’s 2023 refusal to donate the army’s MRH-90 Taipan helicopters as “not wise and not acceptable”.


“If Australia had made a positive decision for us regarding those helicopters, they would have been extremely valuable and would have greatly assisted us in conducting medevacs for wounded soldiers,” Major Berezovskyi said.


“I would like to emphasise for the Australian government that today Ukraine is fighting for democracy and freedom, not only for Ukraine but for the rest of the civilised world.”


Major Berezovskyi, who is in Australia to raise money for Ukraine’s war effort, lauded the Bushmaster protected vehicles provided by Australia under successive aid packages as “great and powerful support”.


“When I first saw the Bushmaster with my own eyes, I felt like, “Yes, we can move forward with them’,” he said.


Ukrainian-captured footage broadcast in recent days shows a destroyed Bushmaster in Russia’s Kursk region which had been operated by Ukraine’s 80th Air Assault Brigade.


Retired major general Mick Ryan said it was unsurprising to see the vehicles being used in Ukraine’s audacious incursion into Russia.


“They’re a fantastic vehicle that moves quickly, is easy to move and maintain, and protects soldiers well. So why wouldn’t they want to use them?” he said.


Mr Ryan lashed the Albanese government’s decision to scrap the army’s MRH-90 helicopters despite Ukrainian pleas for the aircraft, calling for Ukraine to be given first option on any military equipment slated for disposal.


“We just arrogantly assumed that they wouldn’t want them or they couldn’t use them,” he said.


“If we were to provide those tanks to the Ukrainians – that’s a whole tank battalion. That would be a big deal for the Ukrainians.”


The Australian Defence Force has 59 M1A1 tanks, which are due to be replaced in 2025 with next-generation M1A2s.


Ukrainian ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko has lodged multiple requests for the vehicles, but the government has refused to say what it will do with them.


Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie challenged the government to respond to Ukraine’s latest request.


“The Defence Minister should explain why the gifting of M1A1s is not on the agenda,” he said.


While the US would have to approve the donation of the tanks to Ukraine, the Biden administration has already given 31 of the ­vehicles to Kyiv.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 23, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.21466485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6488


Transgender woman Roxanne Tickle wins novel gender discrimination case






A transgender woman has won a landmark ruling against a women’s-only social media app after a judge found her exclusion from the app amounted to indirect discrimination, in what lawyers say could have widespread implications for the workplace.


Transgender woman Roxanne Tickle sued Giggle for Girls and its owner Sall Grover for excluding her from the app, claiming unlawful discrimination under the Sex Discrimination Act.


In his ruling on Friday, Federal Court Justice Robert Bromwich found that “sex is changeable” and non-binary, saying the “concept of sex has broadened over the 30 years since the SDA”.


He found that Ms Grover had indirectly, but not directly, discriminated against Ms Tickle when she removed her from the app because she did not look sufficiently female, and ordered her to pay the applicant $10,000, as well as her legal costs.


Monash University Faculty of Law professor Paula Gerber welcomed the judgment, saying it was now “clear cut that you cannot have spaces designated as women-only, where what you mean is cisgender women-only”.


Ms Tickle underwent gender-affirming surgery in 2019 and is now designated as female on her Queensland birth certificate.


She was accepted into the app in February 2021 after an analysis of a “selfie” by Giggle’s third-party artificial intelligence tool but later blocked when Ms Grover surveyed the image herself.


Lawyers disappointed by the polarising judgment said discrimination law no longer offered women the protection it was once legislated to guarantee.


“It’s clear now that discrimination laws intended to protect women are now preventing them from having safe spaces to meet,” Feminist Legal Clinic principal solicitor Anna Kerr said.


“We had hoped common sense would prevail and the judge could have relied upon section 7B of the SDA to find Tickle’s exclusion to be reasonable in the circumstances. It will be impossible to effectively exclude any males from female spaces if they claim to be women.”


Other legal experts said the judgment was the first clear public statement of what was already in the legislation.


“Sex is what people say their sex is, based on a combination of their appearance, biology and lifestyle,” University of Sydney emeritus professor Simon Rice said. “It made it clear that this is the law of the land. If that causes people discomfort then the answer lies with parliament and amendments.”


Harmers Workplace Lawyers executive counsel Amy Zhang said employers and service providers should be “careful” not to unintentionally discriminate, including through unconscious bias, against transgender people in the workplace, and said litigation as a result of the judgment could put businesses at further risk.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 23, 2024, 7:37 a.m. No.21466488   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Justice Bromwich described indirect discrimination is the imposition of a condition, requirement or practice that is likely to disadvantage a person relative to another person who has a different gender identity. “Definitely indirect discrimination is an area that hasn’t been given much attention and employers are not particular aware of the risks. So, be as careful as possible as part of the recruitment process … whether it’s unconscious bias, or imposing particular requirements or conditions that might be protected under the law,” she said.


Commonly-raised questions around whether transgender women should be excluded from a women’s 100m race or allowed in a transgender change room will still need to be tested in a court.


Expelled independent Liberal MP Moira Deeming said the onus “should not be on women and girls to prove in courts that the reasonableness of why they don’t want any particular man in a change room or toilet or sports competition … In that case, the law has been corrupted, we have no rights. It’s not just about an online app, this applies to all spaces including female changing rooms at schools.”


Ms Grover took to X following the judgment to say that “unfortunately, we got the judgement we anticipated”. “The fight for women’s rights continues.”


She would not confirm to The Australian if she would appeal.


Justice Bromwich did not order she give a public apology as Ms Tickle had asked, acknowledging she “adheres to sincerely held beliefs” and it would be given “through clenched teeth”.


Ms Tickle said in a statement she was “pleased by the outcome of my case, and I hope it is healing for trans and gender diverse people”. “The ruling shows that all women are protected from discrimination.


“I brought my case to show trans people that you can be brave, and you can stand up for yourself. I know that I can now get on with the rest of my life and have a coffee down the road with my friends, play hockey with my team and put this horribleness behind me.”


The case was the first time a case alleging gender identity discrimination has been heard by the Federal Court following changes to the Sex Discrimination Act in 2013, which made it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status.


National LGBTIQ+ group Equality Australia said the SDA was amended in 2013 for the purpose of protecting trans and gender diverse people from the community. “Justice Bromwich has correctly and sensibly interpreted the law to ensure it does not exclude marginalised people who are in need of protection,” chief executive Anna Brown said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 23, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.21466649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6662


USS Hawaii (SSN 776) joins USS Emory S. Land (AS 39) in First-ever Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine Maintenance Availability in Australia


Lt.Cmdr. Rick Moore - Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet - 08.22.2024




HMAS STIRLING, Western Australia, Australia (Aug. 22, 2024) – In a historic first, Australian personnel will work alongside with their U.S. counterparts to conduct maintenance on USS Hawaii (SSN 776) in Australia as part of a Submarine Tendered Maintenance Period (STMP) at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia. The STMP marks a significant step forward in the Australia, United Kingdom, United States (AUKUS) Pillar 1 program, which is paving the way for Australia to acquire a sovereign, conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine capability.


Over the coming weeks, submarine tender USS Emory S. Land (AS 39) will execute several maintenance activities aboard Hawaii. This is the first time Australians have participated in a U.S. submarine maintenance period in Australia. More than 30 Australian personnel who participated in a knowledge exchange period that began in January 2024 aboard Emory S. Land will execute the majority of planned maintenance work with U.S. support and oversight.


The Emory S. Land crew will execute planned and emergent maintenance activities including the removal and reinstallation of an antenna located in Hawaii’s sail, divers visually inspecting the underwater towed array and torpedo tube muzzles, and simulating the removal and installation of a trim pump, to include full rigging and preparations.


“This is an important moment for the Royal Australian Navy,” said Rear Adm. Matthew Buckley, the Australian Submarine Agency’s Head of Submarine Capability. “For the first time, we have Australians who were trained and certified aboard Emory S. Land using their skills on a U.S. SSN in Australian waters.”


AUKUS Pillar 1 is an enhanced trilateral security agreement designed to assist Australia in acquiring sovereign, conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines. The current port visit is part of a years-long effort to grow the Royal Australian Navy’s ability to maintain SSNs before establishing Submarine Rotational Force – West (SRF-W) as early as 2027. Known as Phase 1, SRF-W will see up to four U.S. SSNs and one U.K. SSN have a rotational presence in Western Australia to grow Australia’s ability to sustain, operate and maintain a sovereign fleet of SSNs.


The second phase of the AUKUS Optimal Pathway begins in the early 2030s, with the United States selling Australia three Virginia-class submarines, with the potential to sell up to two more if needed. Phase Three sees the combination of the next-generation UK submarine design and advanced United States and Australian technology to deliver SSN-AUKUS, the future attack submarine for both Australia and the United Kingdom. Australia plans to deliver the first Australian-built SSN-AUKUS in the early 2040s.


“The groundwork being laid with the STMP will help the Royal Navy when we conduct our future port visits,” said Rear Adm. Chris Shepherd, the UK’s Defence Nuclear Organisation AUKUS Director. “We, like our Australian counterparts, are observing how the U.S. operates so we can help bridge the gap between their system and our Astute-class SSN and, in the near future, SSN-AUKUS.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 23, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.21466662   🗄️.is 🔗kun





“Having Royal Australian Navy Sailors working on our submarine at HMAS Stirling has been something they, and we, have been working toward for months,” said Rear Adm. Lincoln Reifsteck, the U.S. AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Program Manager. “They represent the future of Australia’s sovereign SSN fleet – Australians should be proud of what these professionals have accomplished, and will accomplish, to protect their homeland and help deter aggression in the region.”


“Partnering so closely with the Royal Australian Navy has been a fantastic experience,” said Capt. Brent Spillner, Emory S. Land’s commanding officer. “Their Fleet Support Unit sailors integrated rapidly into our crew and have excelled at every task. It’s truly been a two-way knowledge exchange; we’ve learned as much from them as they have from us, and it’s exciting to see how that’s opened new opportunities to support each other’s forward-deployed ships in the future.”


“It is both personally and professionally rewarding to know that the work we do over the coming weeks will set our Australian partners on the path toward a sovereign SSN capability,” shared Cmdr. Dan Jones, USS Hawaii commanding officer.


The STMP is similar to a planned maintenance period generally conducted in U.S. submarine ports with support from shore-based or tender-based maintenance personnel. Generally lasting up to three weeks, this type of maintenance availability does not require dry-docking the submarine and serves to ensure submarines receive planned and emergent maintenance to remain ready for tasking.


The STMP will support Australia’s nuclear stewardship growth through the planning and execution of simulated radiological training evolutions that will not involve the use of radiological material. These training evolutions will allow Australian radiological controls policy makers to observe how the U.S. Navy safely handles simulated low-level radiological material as a means to increase their knowledge and develop Australian policy and radiation safety practices that are protective of the workforce, the public, and the environment.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 6:29 a.m. No.21473238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3252

The Facebook problem that only hurts Australians


David Swan - August 24, 2024




Rampant celebrity cryptocurrency scam ads are as Australian as Tim Tams, koalas or the Great Barrier Reef, according to American Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who says the tech giant’s lack of focus on Australia has let scams run wild on its platform compared with other markets.


Local public figures, including Andrew Forrest, Dick Smith and Waleed Aly, have had their likenesses falsely used to promote cryptocurrency scams, an issue the consumer watchdog estimates has cost Australians more than $13 million in 2024 so far and has made an undetermined amount of profit for Facebook.


Social media scams are a global issue but one that is acute in Australia, according to Haugen.


Haugen formerly served as a senior product manager at Facebook before quitting in May 2021 to become a whistleblower, leaking tens of thousands of internal documents that exposed how much Facebook knew about the harm it was causing, including knowingly promoting misinformation and hate speech, and pro-eating-disorder content to teenage girls.


Haugen is now focused on improving transparency and accountability for social media platforms, including in Australia, where she’s spent an extended visit meeting local parliamentarians, policy groups including Reset Australia, and regulators such as the eSafety Commissioner. She has also taken up a role as a fellow at the Australian National University’s Tech Policy Design Centre.


Speaking in a wide-ranging interview in Melbourne, Haugen said that during her time working at Facebook, the company’s safety teams had largely turned a blind eye to the Australian market.


“In the United States, we don’t have a problem with celebrity scam ads the way you do,” she said. “I was shocked when I came here and saw the extent of it.


“It’s like when you go to a restaurant, and you see a mess on the floor, and it’s like, ‘Oh, the kitchen is not clean’.


“If they’re not doing celebrity scam ads, they’re not doing any of the other more important stuff. And every celebrity scam of a pensioner meaningfully changes the course of their life. The fact that it’s happening and not getting fixed is outrageous.”


This masthead reported in April that Facebook Australia made $1.34 billion from advertisers during the 2023 calendar year, though more than a billion dollars of that local revenue was funnelled to an international subsidiary.


Haugen said that while she was at Facebook, the company’s safety teams were primarily focused on American English or British English, and Australian English was an afterthought for its moderation efforts, allowing scams to thrive.


“You guys have such colourful phrases, like the one I learned last time was ‘open slather’,” Haugen said.


“I think people really don’t understand how brittle Facebook’s systems are. And I think Australia is probably paying the highest cost for that. Because you are the most different from British English or American English, you are a high per-capita income country, you’re a great target.”


A spokesman for Facebook’s parent company, Meta, denied Haugen’s claims in a statement to this masthead.


“These are baseless and completely inaccurate claims. Meta doesn’t want scams on our platforms, and we are continuing to invest in tools and technology to prevent them,” the spokesman said.


“The safety of our users is of utmost importance, and we continue to work with industry, the government and law enforcement to protect Australians from scams.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 6:31 a.m. No.21473252   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Whether the company likes it or not, Australia is highly relevant for Facebook, given its high-stakes legal stoush with Australian billionaire Andrew Forrest, the founder of mining giant Fortescue, who has spent years battling the company for allowing scam ads on its platform featuring his likeness.


Forrest is alleging that Meta’s automated technology plays an active role in creating and displaying scam ads through its platform and that its software uses sophisticated technology, including generative AI, to determine what completed ads look like and who sees them.


Forrest alleges that between April and December last year, there were 1700 new fraudulent ads posted featuring his image, aided and abetted by 10 to 15 fake Andrew Forrest Facebook profiles popping up each week supporting them.


The billionaire failed in his bid to bring criminal charges against Facebook in Australia in April this year when the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions decided not to pursue them. Forrest’s ongoing civil action in the US – which he commenced in 2021 – challenges Facebook owner Meta on its use of legal immunity for online publishers to shield its entire business from any liability.


Meta lost a court battle against Forrest in the US on Friday morning, meaning he can proceed with discovery. Judge Casey Pitts, in the California District Court, denied Meta’s appeal to take its defence to a higher court. Both sides will appear before Judge Pitts again in October.


It’s a matter that Haugen is watching closely and said would likely have global implications.


“I’m very excited about it, it’s going to be super interesting if Forrest is allowed to pursue his lawsuit,” she said. “It might be the first chance for us to actually force data out of the company, to see what they’re doing about it.


“If a celebrity writes in and says, ‘There are scam ads about me’, Facebook could put their name on a list and just double check all the ads that have their name, or use facial recognition. And the fact that they are not doing that in Australia means you guys are not being allocated even basic resources.”


While Australia is often perceived as a relative minnow economically, Haugen’s opinion is that it should team up with similarly sized, like-minded markets such as Canada to push for stronger social media regulation.


She praised Australia’s early leadership on online safety laws – including the establishment of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner, a world first at the time – but said the country now had an opportunity to develop more ambitious and holistic reforms.


More specifically, Haugen is calling for the creation of an independent, comprehensive ads database, not controlled by Facebook, that would allow independent researchers and start-ups to analyse platform advertising practices. This, she said, could help counter issues such as celebrity scams.


With bipartisan support emerging for measures including banning under-16s from social media, Haugen also urged Australian policymakers to think beyond “bumper sticker” solutions.


She and digital rights groups such as Reset Tech are also calling for long-awaited reforms of Australia’s privacy act to grant Australians more privacy protections. Those planned reforms have been delayed several times, but the government is now expected to introduce legislation to parliament next month.


“I think in terms of finding a middle power who could lead a coalition of middle powers, Australia and Canada are the two most interesting on that list,” she said.


“And that’s one of the things I’ve pointed out to government officials here, in terms of the opportunity for geopolitical influence, is if there were to be a coalition of middle powers, there is an opportunity for Australia to demonstrate leadership. If Australia joins with Canada, if it joins with Malaysia, Indonesia … It starts getting to be the size of the United States.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 6:36 a.m. No.21473290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298




Home Affairs rejects three-quarters of Palestinian visa applications amid political furore


Natassia Chrysanthos - August 24, 2024




The Home Affairs Department rejected three out of four visa applications by Palestinians in the week the Coalition ramped up its political attack on Labor for letting people from war-torn Gaza come to Australia.


The latest figures show 13 visas were granted and 39 rejected between August 12 and 19, demonstrating that federal agencies continue to knock back the majority of applicants with Palestinian documents.


The data also shows no visas were cancelled over the seven days, suggesting the federal government has not changed its security approach despite Coalition demands. Children have made up 30 per cent of the 2935 visas now issued to people with Palestinian documents since the Israel-Hamas war began in October.


Former deputy immigration secretary Abul Rizvi said neither political party had owned up to their mistakes as the issue dominated parliamentary question time all week. The Coalition has accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of compromising national security while Labor has painted Opposition Leader Peter Dutton as divisive and distracted from Australians’ cost-of-living concerns.


Rizvi said the federal government had erred in issuing visitor visas to the majority of Palestinians rather than launching a humanitarian visa program as was typically done to assist people fleeing conflicts.


“It was a bad way of doing it and I hope both parties learn that’s not how you do humanitarian assistance,” he said.


But Rizvi said the Coalition’s attack, which has targeted the inappropriateness of visitor visas, was a “beat-up” in its assertions that there had been insufficient security checks.


“The Labor Party, they have gone down this path due to fear. And the Liberal Party is going down their path to promote fearmongering. I would suggest both of them develop a bit of integrity and honesty,” he said.


Continuing his attack on Labor last week, Dutton claimed in parliament that: “It’s without precedent … that a government in our country would allow people from a war zone governed by Hamas, a listed terrorist organisation … [into] our country – frankly, even on a refugee and humanitarian program, in the current circumstance – let alone a tourist visa without the proper checks.”


The comments cast into doubt whether Dutton supported any humanitarian program for people fleeing Gaza, but when asked on Friday if the Coalition was calling for a ban on all refugees, opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said it was not.


Rizvi, however, said the comments “showed Mr Dutton has very little understanding of history”.


“The criticism, that by issuing visitor visas we put national security at risk, is a complete beat-up. And here’s why: there has been no cohort that I can remember, in our history, that has ever been subject to more checks than this cohort,” he said, noting people had been through Israeli and Egyptian checkpoints before facing Australian Border Force checks upon arrival.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 6:37 a.m. No.21473298   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The Palestinian Authority’s delegation to Australia also issued a statement at the end of the week seeking to “clarify the truth and counter misinformation … including the claim that individuals arriving from Gaza pose a national security risk, which are not based on any credible evidence”.


It pointed out only 1300 of people with visas had managed to arrive in Australia and said it was “important to note that visa rejections have been overwhelmingly due to the Australian government’s restrictive visa policies, not due to security concerns”.


Its survey of the 230 adults who had sought consular services showed 80 per cent of adults held an educational qualification beyond high school, while 75 per cent were Muslim and 25 per cent were Christians.


Home Affairs confirmed there had been 2935 visas granted and 7150 visas refused to Palestinians between October 7 last year and August 19 – an increase of 13 approved and 39 rejected since the previous round of data issued from August 12. Of the visas granted, 892 were to children.


A spokesperson said 43 Palestinians had their visas cancelled outside Australia “after new information came to the department’s attention after the grant of their visas” – a figure that remained unchanged during the week ending August 19.


The spokesperson confirmed that all Palestinians who were granted visas had a connection to Australia and said the country had a “layered approach” to border security.


“All persons are routinely checked multiple times along their journey to, and once they are in, Australia … The government’s security checking procedures draw on information from a number of sources, including, but not limited to, information provided in the application form, departmental alerts, alerts from other agencies, and intelligence provided by other countries,” they said.


“It would be inappropriate to set out full details of the security checking procedures as this may jeopardise the effectiveness of the process and our ability to obtain information in the future.”


Coalition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan said the federal government was once again “failing to provide clarity about what’s happening”.


Rizvi said the Home Affairs data “sounds like a very high refusal rate, but other than that it sounds like business as usual”.


Israel’s war in Gaza has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians, according to the enclave’s Health Ministry. It was triggered by Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, in which militants killed about 1200 people and abducted 250 others.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21473450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3553 >>3648

US Air Force stealth bombers deploy to Amberley in Queensland


Andrew McLaughlin - 23 August 2024


The skies of southeast Queensland have seen some distinctly alien shapes flying around over the past few days, with the deployment of three US Air Force Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit stealth bombers to RAAF Base Amberley.


The distinctive ‘flying wing’-shaped B-2 is designed to penetrate enemy air defence networks to attack targets of high value and is one of the stealthiest aircraft ever to fly. The US Air Force operates just 20 B-2s from Whiteman AFB in Missouri, and these aircraft are frequently deployed in small groups across the world as Bomber Task Force (BTF) deployments.


The last time the B-2s deployed to Australia was in 2022, when they participated in a number of exercises. BTF deployments typically last two to three weeks, while other deployment destinations include Fairford in the UK, the remote Diego Garcia atoll in the Indian Ocean, and Guam in the western Pacific.


The AUKUS agreement between Australia, the UK and US, and the development and expansion of RAAF bases in the north to accommodate US Air Force bombers means these deployments will likely become more frequent. RAAF Tindal near Katherine in the Northern Territory is building a new ramp which is capable of accommodating up to six B-2 or B-52 bombers, as well as support aircraft including aerial tankers.


Two of the three B-2s arrived at Amberley on Friday night (16 August) using the callsigns ‘Clone 11’ and ‘Clone 13’, with the third joining them on Saturday night as ‘Clone 12’. The aircraft were supported by US Air Force KC-135 aerial tankers.


On Monday, the aircraft departed to train off the NSW coast with RAAF F-35s and EA-18G Growlers, Raytheon-operated Learjets equipped with electronic warfare pods, and US Air Force F-22 Raptors which are visiting RAAF Williamtown.


Earlier this month, US Defense Secretary Lloyd J Austin said, “We’re increasing the presence of rotational US forces in Australia. This will include, “more maritime patrol aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft operating from bases across northern Australia. It will also mean more frequent rotational bomber deployments.”


The US Air Force Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) said, “This deployment is in support of Pacific Air Forces’ training efforts with allies, partners, and joint forces and strategic deterrence missions to reinforce the rules-based international order.”


Despite its futuristic appearance, the B-2 has been in service for nearly 30 years, and is scheduled to be replaced by the new Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider bomber in the next decade.


The B-21 first flew in late 2023 and is due to enter service from 2027. Despite closely resembling the B-2, The B-21 is smaller and stealthier, and features advanced communications that will allow it to operate with uncrewed aircraft.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.21473553   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Three B-2 Bombers Land in Australia for First Rotation There in Two Years


John A. Tirpak - Aug. 19, 2024


Three B-2 stealth bombers landed at Royal Australian Air Force Base Amberley this weekend to begin a Bomber Task Force deployment—showcasing U.S. presence in the region and conducting exercises with allied nations. The bombers were accompanied by two KC-135R tankers from the Illinois National Guard.


The last time B-2s were in Australia was in the summer of 2022. More recently, the stealth bomber deployed to the Indo-Pacific earlier this summer, landing in Guam for the first time in five years.


Neither Air Force Global Strike Command nor Pacific Air Forces announced how long the trio of B-2s will stay in Australia, but Bomber Task Forces typically last two to three weeks, with training events with allies in the area to practice interoperability and secondary deployments to other locations to gain experience operating from airfields unaccustomed to supporting a bomber presence.


The B-2 deployment is just the latest display of U.S. airpower in the region. Last week, Air Force F-22 stealth fighters deployed to Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines, making a similar show-of-force in the region. All three countries have long-simmering disputes with China over boundaries in the South China Sea.


The deployment was not announced in advance, but Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin did hint at it earlier this month after the U.S.-Australian defense ministerial conference.


“We’re increasing the presence of rotational U.S. forces in Australia” Austin said at the time, to include “more maritime patrol aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft operating from bases across northern Australia. It will also mean more frequent rotational bomber deployments.”


RAAF Amberley is on Australia’s east coast, near Brisbane.


Pacific Air Forces released a statement saying the bombers are from the Active-Duty 509th Bomb Wing and Guard 131st Bomb Wing, both of Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. A video posted by the DOD identified two of the aircraft as being the Spirit of Arizona and Spirit of Indiana, both from the 393rd Bomb Squadron.


A third B-2 arrived later, according to an Air Force official, and was not immediately photographed or identified by the DOD. PACAF did not say how many Airmen traveled to Australia to support the task force.


“This deployment is in support of Pacific Air Forces’ training efforts with allies, partners, and joint forces and strategic deterrence missions to reinforce the rules-based international order,” PACAF said.


The last time B-2s deployed to Australia was in July 2022, when they also operated from RAAF Amberley. The bombers took part in the bilateral “Koolendong 22” exercise and conducted drills with Australian F-35As.


The RAAF’s F-35As also exercised with B-2s at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., in January, when both types participated in a Red Flag exercise. That event marked the first time RAAF F-35As participated in a Red Flag at Nellis.


Reuters has reported the U.S. and Australia may be seeking to build facilities at RAAF Tindal, in the Northern Territories, to support deployments of up to six B-52 bombers and associated refueling aircraft.


At the U.S.-Australian defense ministerial, the two countries also announced plans to expand defense cooperation, exercises and production of weapons. At a May meeting which included Japanese defense officials, the three countries announced plans for new trilateral joint exercises, to include Bushido Guardian—an F-35 wargame which will be held in Japan—and Pitch Black, a regular large-force exercise in Australia. They also agreed to conduct live-fire exercises in Australia in 2027.


In the Indo-Pacific, F-35s are operated by the U.S., Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 24, 2024, 7:27 a.m. No.21473648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Stealth Bombers at RAAF Base Amberley


Aviation Photography Digest


Aug 24, 2024


131st Bomb Wing along with 509th Bomb Wing detachment from Whiteman Air Force Base are at Royal Australian Air Force base Amberley for Bomber Task Force Pacific deployment.


The BTF is apart of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces Enhanced Air Cooperation between RAAF and USAF, we'll bring you more from the deployment to Amberley but here is some on base action from the week.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:12 a.m. No.21478220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8229 >>8255 >>8287 >>3139 >>3169

CLP wins decisive victory in 2024 NT election, as Greens close in on first NT seat


Matt Garrick - 25 August 2024




After eight years in the political wilderness, the Country Liberal Party (CLP) has been delivered to government with a resounding landslide victory in the Northern Territory election.


By the end of Saturday night's count, the ABC had predicted the CLP winning 15 seats across the jurisdiction, including electorates that had been Territory Labor strongholds for decades in Darwin's northern suburbs.


It marks a huge turnaround in the CLP's fortunes, after they were decimated to just two seats in an electoral wipe-out in 2016.


Since then, the party has been steadily rebuilt under the leadership of Lia Finocchiaro, a born-and-bred territory woman and former lawyer who will become the NT's 14th chief minister.


The CLP ran hard on a campaign promising to stamp out crime and "restore the territory lifestyle" after a long period of high crime rates and a flatlining economy under Labor, with the party amassing more than $11 billion in debt.


Voters have delivered substantial victories to the CLP in seats across the Darwin city, suburbs and rural area, as well as Palmerston, Alice Springs, Katherine and the Barkly in the territory outback.


On Saturday night, Ms Finocchiaro described the win as "an honour and a privilege".


"We've heard loud and clear that territorians want change, and the work starts [today] to deliver that," she said.


"I will meet with the police commissioner [today] to make sure we get on top of our law and order and crime issues.


"I want to thank every single Territorian who believes the territory can be better, and we will deliver a better territory for them."


Labor loses former chief minister, multiple ministers


The election has also seen a fierce rejection of Labor and its former cabinet, including the loss of its outgoing chief minister Eva Lawler, in her Palmerston seat of Drysdale.


"It has been an absolute privilege to be your chief minister," Ms Lawler said in her concession speech last night.


"I am proud of the hard fight that we have fought this campaign."


At the end of last night's count, Labor had held onto just four seats, all in the NT bush – Selena Uibo in Arnhem, Dheran Young in Daly, Manuel Brown in Arafura and Chansey Paech in Gwoja.


The seat of Nightcliff, previously the safest in the territory and held by former chief minister Natasha Fyles, was by the end of Saturday night too close to call.


Other key predicted Labor losses include the party's former police minister Brent Potter, environment minister Kate Worden and education and mining minister Mark Monaghan.


By the time of the election, Labor was onto its third chief minister in three years, and had for a long period struggled to prove to the electorate that it was in control of the territory's finances and social issues.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:14 a.m. No.21478229   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Greens on track to win Fannie Bay


Labor didn't only lose votes to the CLP – it was also punished for its treatment of environmental issues, such as its pursuit of fracking and controversial gas projects, and as of late last night it looked likely of losing at least one seat to the Greens, in Fannie Bay.


A Greens victory by former Darwin City council candidate Suki Dorras-Walker looms as historic for the territory, as it would mark the first ever win for the Greens in NT Parliament.


At the end of last night's count, Ms Dorras-Walker had received 57 per cent of the vote, based on a preference estimate, beating both the CLP challenger Laurie Zio and the Labor incumbent, former police minister Brent Potter.


The 2024 election has been the best ever turnout for the Greens in the NT, with the minor party also seeing large turnouts in the seats of Nightcliff, and Braitling in Alice Springs.


The ABC has also predicted two independent MLAs holding their seats — Robyn Lambley in Araluen and Yingiya Guyula in Mulka — while a third, Justine Davis in Johnston, is currently in the lead against Labor .


On Sunday afternoon, ABC chief election analyst Antony Green projected Ms Davis would win the northern Darwin seat from infrastructure minister Joel Bowden.


Election result a warning for federal Labor, says Sussan Ley


The federal Coalition's deputy leader, Sussan Ley, was in Darwin for the CLP's Saturday night election victory, and said the result spelled a warning for the Australian Labor Party nationally.


"This was not just an indictment on Eva Lawler, Natasha Fyles, and the Territory Labor team, but also on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for leaving the people of the territory behind," Ms Ley said.


"We've had so much holding us back across the Northern Territory over many years with Territory Labor, so some lessons for the prime minister, absolutely."


Mr Albanese has visited the territory numerous times over recent years, including earlier this year to announce billions of dollars for remote housing.


Top End Labor MP Luke Gosling was on Sunday asked if the election could have implications federally, but he blamed the result on Territory Labor's own internal troubles.


"It underlines the fact that disunity is death in politics," Mr Gosling said.


"When you have the instability of three chief ministers within a couple of years, well, I think the people of the territory, particularly up here in Darwin, marked us down for that."


Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles congratulated Ms Finocchiaro on her win, and said federal Labor would continue to "work very closely" with the new CLP NT government.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:19 a.m. No.21478255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Northern Territory election: Country Liberals promise crime crackdown after historic win


LIAM MENDES and PAIGE TAYLOR - 24 August 2024


Country Liberal Party leader Lia Finocchiaro has emphatically declared law and order is her “number one priority”, as the CLP becomes the first Coalition equivalent to oust a Labor government since 2018.


“It’s amazing to now have the opportunity to do something different for the Territory,” Ms Finocchiaro, 39, told The Australian following an overwhelming election win.


“We know Labor have been in power for a very long time, and this is a new chapter for the Territory. We really are focused on making sure we deliver on all of our commitments, because they are what Territorians have been talking to us about.


Ms Finocchiaro said her first priority to address youth crime in places such as Alice Springs would be “backing in our police” and holding parents responsible.


“It starts with backing in our police, passing laws that meet our community’s expectations, it also then is about getting kids to school,” Ms Finocchiaro told The Australian.


“This is something we are very focused on, giving every single Territory child a better future and so we will hold parents accountable.


“We will put in place measures to get kids to school, we want healthy kids, healthy families, living healthy lives,” she said.


“That’s that’s the work we’ve got to do now, and it starts with law reform in the first week of parliament.”


She said she would bring back truancy officers to keep students in school.


“If parents and families can’t, then we will,” she said. “We don’t think it’s an option to let kids not have access to education, and we’ll do everything we can to protect their right to have an education.


“Territorians have spoken loud and clear that Labor has ignored them for too long and we take this responsibility very seriously, and we will not let Territorians down,” she said.


Lawler loses seat


Labor chief minister for the past eight months – Eva Lawler – also lost her seat. The election campaign was fought largely on the issue of crime, particularly in Alice Springs where violence coincided with renewed access to alcohol in the wake of Howard-era restrictions that lapsed. The result was sustained chaos and a spotlight on family dysfunction and vulnerable youth. The CLP held power from 2012 to 2016 but before that it was not in government since 1997.


“Territorians have stood up against nearly two decades of crime, an economy going backwards and a once iconic lifestyle,” Ms Finocchiaro said.


In the NT, 13 seats are needed to form majority government. Labor went into Saturday’s election holding 14 seats, the CLP seven and independents held four seats. It appeared likely late on Saturday that the CLP would claim 15 seats.


Federal opposition spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the former deputy mayor of Alice Springs and a Warlpiri-Celtic woman, said Anthony Albanese had failed the Northern Territory during the Alice Springs crisis.


“This has probably played into that. There has been $250 million invested into Central Australia to deal with the crime issue and we don’t know what’s happened with that,” she said.


“We don’t know where it is supposed to have gone.”


The Lawler Labor government in the NT promised during the election campaign that the top end’s dire financial status would begin to turn around within 18 months off the back of a range of emerging industries including the Beetaloo Basin gas project. However, the NT’s net debt has blown out from $1.8bn to almost $11bn and Ms Finocchiaro said Territorians felt there was little to show for it.


Senator Nampijinpa Price said on Sky News Australia’s election night panel on Saturday that the Prime Minister’s appearance at the Garma festival in northeast Arnhem Land this month – where he announced Indigenous economic development in part through renewables – demonstrated he was anti-mining.


“You know he’s come to Garma and he’s talked a big talk. He’s got this green obsession. He’s been anti-mining, anti-development and Territorians want their economy to flourish. They want mining.”


Soon after the CLP’s victory in the NT was acknowledged by the territory’s Labor leader Eva Lawler, Senator Nampijinpa Price said: “I think the Coalition, we can be quite confident going toward the next federal election”.


“We’ve certainly been listening to Australians and we’ll know what to deliver for Australians going forward into the next election.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:26 a.m. No.21478287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8292


Northern Territory elections: Lia Finocchiaro and the Country Liberals inherit a wicked problem after defeating Labor


PAIGE TAYLOR - 24 August 2024




The Northern Territory government’s most high-profile challenge is crime but behind the scenes the deeper crisis is debt. Lia Finocchiaro is poised to inherit a wicked problem decades in the making. Her ability to address the crime and social dysfunction in Alice Springs and beyond is severely impaired by the fact the territory of 233,000 people is a financial basket case.


It is beyond a commonwealth bail out. The NT has a net debt $10.82bn. By contrast there is sheer panic in Tasmania over a $3.5bn debt on an island of 541,000 people. Keep in mind, Tasmania does not have the social problems that the NT has. Its residents are in relative good health. Tasmania has also got 12 senators advocating for its interests in the federal parliament, thanks to a requirement in the constitution that gives every state 12 senators regardless of population and size. The top end has just two senators. And the hard work facing Ms Finocchiaro is unique Australia-wide because 30.8 per cent of NT residents are Indigenous. The Australian’s health editor Natasha Robinson has shown us in eye-opening reports why this matters. Central Australia is a global diabetes capital. NT hospitals are overwhelmed with diabetes admissions and required amputations on younger and younger Indigenous people. In the northwest corner of the NT in Arnhem Land, men die – on average – aged 54. All manner of chronic and preventable illnesses hit the top end’s Indigenous residents at shocking rates.


In responding to violence, alcohol-fuelled chaos and family dysfunction in Alice Springs earlier this year, Anthony Albanese called these “complex problems”. These are also expensive problems.


Eva Lawler, the Chief Minister since only December last year, has said: “It is hard slogging work to address a young person that is committing a crime”. She is not wrong. The evidence is in that keeping disadvantaged children on the right path is possible but it is a lot of work. A custodial sentence when they are 16 does nothing but protect the community they have harmed. Preventing the tragedy of a life of crime and blunted potential starts with pre-natal programs that support pregnant women to make good choices. Early childhood programs are crucial to get children ready for school. Intensive early interventions when families are struggling needs to be done properly, and by people who know what they’re doing and who they are dealing with. It all costs a lot. It does not, however, cost as much as dealing with the consequences of inaction.


As opposition Indigenous affairs minister Jacinta Nampijinpa Price told the Sky News panel on Saturday night: “We can decrease incarceration by dealing with the problem when they’re children.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:27 a.m. No.21478292   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The financial crisis in the NT is beyond anything a commonwealth bailout can fix.


It is based on historical deficits. For example, when the Commonwealth left the NT to self government in 1978, the basics were not in place. Arterial road networks, power and water systems and other infrastructure were re-established in Darwin after Cyclone Tracy but they were sparse and non-existent elsewhere.


However, the NT has not managed its Commonwealth grants well for many years. This is partly because the seats that both sides of politics need to get re-elected are in Darwin. So are most of the public servants who administer those grants. It is partly because the NT’s population is dispersed and it is not cheap to deliver services to very remote areas – a one way flight from Darwin to Borroloola is $947. However, successive NT government’s have refused to slash what the Yothu Yindi Foundation calls “an administrative class” of bureaucrats.


Five years ago, economist John Langoulant told the NT government it must demote 300 NT government executives who were earning $217,533 to $233,565 a year. Langoulant, the former WA under-treasurer, found the NT executives had “the same work value” as senior bureaucrats earning $155,915 to $169,788 and therefore should be paid the same as them. The NT government did not accept this recommendation.


The Yothu Yindi Foundation’s then accountant, Barry Hansen, had analysed spending patterns and formulas through Commonwealth Grants Commission data, NT and federal budget reports and audits. In a 13-year period, he found the NT’s population had increased 21 per cent but the number of public servants had grown by 41 per cent. Hansen told the Productivity Commission an extra $500m in GST revenue allocated to the NT to take into account its disadvantaged remote Indigenous population was not spent directly on services for Aboriginal people.


At the same time, the NT government spent $300m on a bar and dining precinct on the Darwin waterfront.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:35 a.m. No.21478327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8328

Payments for COVID vaccine injuries are ending. Patients want that changed


Mary Ward - August 25, 2024




Patients, academics and an independent MP are calling for the federal government to extend and expand compensation for people who experienced severe reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine, amid concerns the scheme was poorly managed and unfairly narrow in scope.


Since opening in December 2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4426 claims and paid $29.8 million to 378 claimants. There were 663 claims still being assessed this week, ahead of the scheme’s closure next month.


Last year, the Sun-Herald reported thousands of people were experiencing long delays to receive the outcomes of claims for compensation after being diagnosed with conditions recognised by the scheme.


Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine compensation scheme covers losses or expenses of $1000 or more from injury resulting in hospitalisation or death from a list of 11 specific severe reactions to a COVID-19 vaccine.


While many people experienced flu-like symptoms after COVID-19 vaccination, the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s safety reports show severe reactions were extremely rare.


Of the more than 68 million doses administered in Australia by November 2023, only 9300 were “associated” with hospital admission, which does not guarantee the vaccine caused the admission. The incidents were overwhelmingly following patients’ initial doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.


A new report by UNSW’s Centre for Social Impact reviewed more than 700 rare adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines recorded in peer-reviewed medical journals, claiming there was a “gross misalignment between the very limited approved range of serious adverse events included in the Australian compensation scheme, and the medical evidence”.


The report was produced in partnership with Coverse, a patient-led charity for Australians who experienced a significant reaction to their COVID-19 vaccine.


Lead author UNSW Professor Gemma Carey, who herself had a severe reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine, said the scheme had been inflexible to the point of being unworkable.


“These are people who are severely sick, unable to work, and face financial ruin. The safety net just isn’t there,” she said.


University of Sydney School of Public Health vaccine confidence researcher Professor Julie Leask said she also believed the scheme should be reviewed. However, she disagreed that the report had shown the scope of the scheme was too narrow.


“Case studies are the lowest form of evidence,” she said of the incidents reviewed by the report.


“They are important because they might suggest there is a problem, but they don’t show a causal link.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:36 a.m. No.21478328   🗄️.is 🔗kun





University of Sydney senior lecturer and public health vaccination expert Professor Nick Wood agreed the standard of evidence in the Coverse paper was low, pointing instead to work by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released in April, which identified 20 reactions caused by COVID-19 vaccines, but 65 where the link was inconclusive or rejected.


The UNSW report’s authors said they selected their sample to show the breadth of reactions being investigated by the medical community.


Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine injury scheme will stop accepting claims on September 30.


“Claims submitted by that date will continue to be assessed in line with the scheme policy,” a spokesperson for the federal Department of Health and Aged Care said.


Both Leask and Wood would like to see Australia develop a more general vaccination compensation scheme, as exists in other OECD countries.


Leask said having a well-run, trusted scheme for people who experienced a rare adverse effect was important to uphold the “social contract” of vaccination for the good of the community, and foster public confidence in vaccination. She said the months-long wait times for people with legitimate claims under this scheme were unacceptable.


“But one of the challenges of having a strong compensation scheme is you do need to be careful in determining which reactions are being compensated,” she said.


University of Western Australia medico-legal academic Associate Professor Marco Rizzi said the closed list of reactions in Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine claim scheme was too inflexible. Internationally, he said, some schemes were based on a causal inquiry, where physicians established a link between vaccination and the injury.


“You have a claims scheme of this kind because it is supposed to be easier than litigation,” he said.


“One of the key drivers of a vaccine claim scheme is to make it quick, and from that perspective the [Australian] scheme has failed.”


In a foreword to the UNSW paper, independent member for Kooyong and Melbourne doctor Monique Ryan called on the federal government to revise and reopen the scheme, instead of shutting it down.


“Our government owes a debt to those few who suffered injury from those medications,” she wrote.


“Surveillance and compensation schemes are important for ensuring trust in the system and accountability of institutions.”


Health Minister Mark Butler referred questions about the criticisms raised by the report, and suggestions that the scheme should be revised, to the department, which did not directly answer them.

Anonymous ID: 4c0da9 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:53 a.m. No.21478384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393



Where are you?


Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724


Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?



Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.




Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.



Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.


We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?



Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.

SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Anonymous ID: 4c0da9 Aug. 25, 2024, 4:14 a.m. No.21478393   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q drop derangement syndrome is Curable….

'''When you think you are an anon but when you are held up to the light you look just like an [anon]! Q drop derangement syndrome'''





Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".



In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.


Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606




"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….



Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783






We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:21 a.m. No.21483139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3145


New NT chief minister Lia Finocchiaro lays down the law






Lia Finocchiaro, the first political leader to topple a Labor government in six years, immediately marshalled crime-fighting resources to deal with the Top End’s law and order crisis as she predicted her party’s victory could be a template for conservative oppositions across the nation.


The gravity of the crisis in Alice Springs that helped end eight years of Labor rule in the Northern Territory was evident after polls closed on Saturday, when police were called to deal with what one described as “one of the worst nights of carnage”. Roaming vandals damaged more than 60 cars, smashed hundreds of windows and attacked at least eight businesses in the small Central Australian town.


On Sunday, more violence spilled on to the streets after a football match where people fought with weapons, including a hatchet, a baseball bat and sticks.


Ms Finocchiaro on Sunday met with police commissioner Michael Murphy and the head of the ­Department of Chief Minister Ken ­Davies during which she and Mr Murphy had “a lengthy discussion about my expectations on law and order”.


“Community safety is the No 1 focus for my government and we talked in great detail as to how we can take a whole of government approach to deliver on that,” Ms Finocchiaro told The Australian.


The Country Liberal Party will form majority government after a resounding victory, leaving Labor with just four or five seats. Eight years ago, the CLP was reduced to two seats but on Saturday it won 48 per cent of the primary vote. Labor won 30 per cent.


As she delivered her concession speech, Chief Minister Eva Lawler already knew she had lost her seat of Drysdale on the outskirts of Darwin. The swing against her was more than 20 per cent. While voting is compulsory in NT elections, voter turnout was 57.6 per cent, the lowest on record.


“I think Labor needs to do some soul searching about what they stand for, and that they have not been able to deliver for Australians no matter where they live,” Ms Fin­occhiaro said.


“As a result of that, people are looking to the Coalition for that leadership, which they undoubtedly will provide over the next lot of state and federal elections.”


The CLP’s decisive win has left the Coalition hopeful it can take Lingiari, one of two federal lower house in the NT.


Both are held by Labor.


Lingiari MP Marion Scrymgour said the Albanese government needed to take lessons from the NT election, with cost-of-­living the key issue that translates to the next federal poll.


With Coalition strategists arguing the result bodes well for Peter Dutton in Lingiari, Ms Scrymgour said federal Labor “can’t ignore” the result.


“The biggest issue – and people raised it right through when I was on the ground – is cost of living,” she said. “We have just got to stop ignoring that people are doing it tough.


“Yes, the government has done a number of things but we need to have a look at trying to help ­people to get through this because otherwise we will be punished in the same way.”


The CLP is yet to name a candidate to take on Ms Scrymgour in Lingiari, but Coalition sources say the seat is a must-win if the Opposition Leader is to win the election.


The CLP secured a 4.51 per cent two-party-preferred swing to it from the last election, despite large swings away from the ­Coalition more broadly. It is one of the most marginal electorates in the nation, held by 0.9 per cent.


“It gives us brand presence back in that market,” a Coalition source said.


“To win government, Lingiari is one of the first that has to come our way.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:24 a.m. No.21483145   🗄️.is 🔗kun





NT Labor presided over a debt blowout that is now almost $11bn and a flatlining economy. Treasury recently predicted the NT would begin making surpluses within 18 months as royalties from emerging industries began to flow.


However, it was crime – particularly in Alice Springs – that was a frequent topic of discussion in the campaign. So was family dysfunction and the plight of children living in violent homes or with irresponsible adults.


Curfews brought temporary relief. Federal opposition spokeswoman on Indigenous affairs Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, a Warlpiri-Celtic woman who lives in Alice Springs, said there was not enough early intervention in the lives of Aboriginal children at risk, arguing this was fuelling the youth crime crisis.


The chaos in Alice Springs on Sunday followed a football game where spectators from the communities of Papunya and Hermannsberg turned on each other, yelling and brandishing weapons.


One witness said they were “terrified” when they saw the two groups wielding hatchets, a bright blue baseball bat, massive sticks and a garden mattock. The witness said the there were only unarmed Aboriginal Community Police Officers present.


NT Labor was hit hard from the right and the left on election day. Labor had 14 seats before the election and is now likely to hold just four, with the CLP on track to win 16 seats. The Greens were poised on Sunday to claim their first NT seat, the Darwin suburb of Fannie Bay, the first time Labor will not hold the seat in 30 years.


While NT Labor performed particularly poorly in Darwin on Saturday, the overlapping federal seat of Solomon is held on a margin of 9.4 per cent and is considered difficult for the Coalition to win. Labor strategists played down the crossover of federal ­issues in the result, arguing that youth crime did not translate to federal elections.


Nationals leader David Littleproud said Anthony Albanese was at the “front and centre” of cost-of-living issues facing the Northern Territory.


“There are federal issues at play up in the Northern Territory, and there will be in Queensland, in my home state here,” Mr Littleproud said.


“Obviously, we’re not taking anything for granted, but we just simply say to Australians, do they feel safe and do they feel better off after 2½ years of Anthony ­Albanese?


Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said federal Labor would examine lessons from the NT result.


“The issues that were at hand in this election were Territory-based issues, law and order being front and centre,” Mr Marles told Sky News.


“That’s clearly what people are seeing as being the driving issues in respect of this result.”


Inside NT Labor on Sunday, party faithful reflected on the tumult of three leaders in four years.


“The Natasha (Fyles) era was shocking, the (Michael) Gunner era was pretty bad, we really underestimated how pissed off ­people are,” one Labor source said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:34 a.m. No.21483169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alice Springs’ ‘weekend of carnage’ in Northern Territory election aftermath


LIAM MENDES - 26 August 2024


The change in Territory government did nothing to stop rogue youths in Alice Springs leaving locals fearing for their lives, with dozens of vehicles smashed, businesses ransacked and Aboriginal Police Liaison Officers outnumbered when weapons were brandished during a dispute at a community footy game over the weekend.


Chief minister elect Lia Finocchiaro has vowed to tackle the issues of youth crime and ‘reset the agenda’ for law and order after meeting with the NT police commissioner on Sunday.


The Australian has obtained dozens of photographs and video footage of the weekend carnage in the red centre, where roaming youth vandals damaged more than 60 cars, with many of the vehicles dedicated to helping improve the lives of young Indigenous Australians.


One young woman, named Clarin, on Sunday evening had her car approached by a group of children – some whom look as young as eight – fearing she would be hijacked.


Extraordinary footage of the encounter shows the children approaching the vehicle from the Todd River at 8pm before the 28-year-old chef and student from Indonesia slowly reversed her car to get away, when the children started pelting rocks at her vehicle.


“The kids tried to approach the car and then (I) try to reverse the car and then the kids started to throw the stones on my car and I drove away,” said Clarin, who was still shaken by the incident on Monday.


Clarin, who requested her surname be withheld, said that before her vehicle was attacked the children had tried following and throwing stones at the friend she had just dropped off.


“I was so panicked, she was panicked, my other friend panicked as well,” she said.


“I was worried if they threatened me and asked me to leave the car and then they can hijack my car,” she said.


At least eight businesses were attacked on Saturday night, with photos obtained by The Australian showing hundreds of vehicle and business windows smashed.


On Sunday afternoon Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers were outnumbered when violence spilled on to the streets after a football match where people wielded weapons, including a hatchet, a baseball bat and sticks.


One witness who called police said they were “terrified” and that police were “unprepared” and nowhere to be seen.


“I think what it was two groups fighting amongst themselves, it was community stuff, every time there is community football there are always issues,” the eye witness said.


“There were people with hatchets, a bright blue baseball bat, massive sticks, a female pulled a garden mattock out of her car and hid it under her long dress and walked towards the entry and it was on.


“It is just madness, absolute f..king chaos” they said.


A bakery owned by Darren Clark, a fierce advocate for his town, was broken into by children at 6am on Sunday morning, and estimates a damage bill to his business of $5000-$8000.


“They whacked the security screens off with a hammer, smashed the windows and then entered the building, they have taken a hell of a lot of drinks and chocolate slices,” he said.


Mr Clark, who monitors crime in Alice Springs through his Facebook page Action for Alice, said he had not seen this level of “carnage” for a long time.


“I drove around to these businesses and saw these vehicles, the number of windows smashed is just extraordinary,” he said.


On Monday morning Ms Finocchiaro said she would be tackling the issues of youth on the street and “making sure that Territory families is focused on the care and protection of children”.


“We know a lot of the reason why kids are out on the street committing crimes is because they’re not being supported at home and so this is really important work that needs to be done,” she said.


“(This) is why youth justice will sit with corrections, so that kids who are offending can be dealt with in the appropriate environment, but kids who aren’t can be supported to live happy, healthy lives, that’s what we want for all Territory kids,” she said.


“There is certainly much work to do, but that work has started, and it’s very, very important to bring people on this journey with us over the days and weeks, as our policy platform unfolds and results in the delivery.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:43 a.m. No.21483198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia to take command of international taskforce protecting Red Sea shipping lanes


Andrew Greene - 23 Aug 2024


A Royal Australian Navy captain will soon assume command of an international effort to protect shipping lanes in the Red Sea, but the Albanese government will not deploy any additional military resources for the mission.


On Friday, Australia will confirm it is assuming command of Combined Task Force 153 (CTF 153) for the first time, just weeks after Defence initially denied an ABC report foreshadowing the move.


From October, several Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel already stationed in the Middle East under the US-led Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) will be reassigned to the CTF 153, which is also based in Bahrain.


CTF 153 is one of five taskforces that make up CMF and is currently dedicated to protecting commercial vessels from Houthi rebel attacks in the Red Sea and around the Gulf of Aden.


Last year the Albanese government faced intense criticism for not responding to an international request from the US for warships to be deployed to protect maritime trading lanes in the Middle East.


At present, Australia maintains a contribution of up to 16 personnel to the CMF, which was bolstered in December last year in response to the escalating Houthi attacks on shipping and maritime traffic in the Red Sea.


During their six-month mission, ADF personnel will direct CTF 153 operations utilising warships and other military assets provided by various nations, which are currently commanded by Italy's armed forces.


"Australia is proud to be taking command of a taskforce within the Combined Maritime Forces, particularly at a time of ongoing threats to international shipping in this region," Defence Minister Richard Marles said in a statement provided to the ABC.


"This reinforces our 20-year membership of the multinational maritime partnership and underlines our commitment to upholding international rules and norms.


"Assuming leadership of CTF 153 demonstrates Australia's ongoing support to deterring threats against international shipping in a key global waterway."


The opposition, however, has accused the government of letting down Australia's most important ally by not deploying a warship for the mission.


Non-deployment of warship in question


Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie described Labor's latest commitment as "shuffling people and desks around the theatre of operations".


"This is consistent with what we've seen from the Albanese government thus far, when our democratic allies have asked for hard power support in the Red Sea this government has been entirely absent," he said.


Defence sources have questioned whether the Royal Australian Navy would currently be capable of deploying an adequately protected warship to the dangerous conflict zone, blaming successive governments for under-investment in naval power.


One Defence figure familiar with planning for the new mission claims actions that warships have taken so far in response to Houthi aggression have all taken place under "National Authority", none of which CTF 153 can direct or command.


"In short, all CTF 153 does is collect names of ships doing other tasks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, and reports those ships as being 'assigned to CTF 153'," the military insider told the ABC, speaking on the condition of anonymity.


"So, what is CTF 153's value add? No ships, no ability to take meaningful action? And why would Australia now want to commit to command it?"


Last month when the ABC first revealed Australia's plans to take command of CTF 153, the Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Mark Hammond questioned the need for a warship to be deployed to the Middle East.


"With a very, very small navy, and in some cases one that has to reinforce border protection responsibilities on occasion, we are best placed to provide high-quality personnel in headquarters' functions which we have been doing for many, many years in the Red Sea."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:47 a.m. No.21483208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4416 >>4421 >>0024 >>9573 >>0024 >>0053

Australia looks to sideline China in ‘far-reaching’ Pacific policing deal


Matthew Knott - August 25, 2024


Australian officials are confident of locking in regional support this week for an ambitious Pacific-wide policing pact they hope will help stymie Beijing’s energetic efforts to gain a security foothold in the region.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will travel on Tuesday to the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga, with the Pacific Policing Initiative set to be one of the key agenda items alongside tackling climate change and the recent unrest in New Caledonia.


The initiative, to cost hundreds of millions of dollars, would see a regional training centre established in Brisbane, centres of law enforcement excellence set up across the Pacific and the formation of new multinational police units that could rapidly deploy across the region when trouble arises.


Pacific police chiefs have compared the initiative to bodies such as EUROPOL (the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation) and AMERIPOL (the Police Community of the Americas) that combat crime beyond national borders.


Tongan Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni will seek official endorsement from fellow leaders for the initiative at the forum and request that Pacific police chiefs develop an implementation plan to drive it forward, according to a statement agreed to by Pacific foreign ministers earlier this month.


Pacific police leaders met in Brisbane in July to discuss the initiative, which has the enthusiastic backing of Tonga’s police commissioner Shane McLennan, the chairman of the Pacific Chiefs of Police.


The initiative has sensitivities and would require laws to be changed in many Pacific nations to allow foreign police officers to operate within their borders.


A former COVID-19 quarantine centre at Pinkenba, near Brisbane airport, is seen as an ideal location for a regional training facility when it is handed over to the Australian Federal Police.


Australian officials, who were not authorised to speak publicly, said they were confident the policing initiative would receive widespread support, despite the possibility of posturing from some Pacific leaders with close ties to Beijing.


Mihai Sora, a Lowy Institute expert on the Pacific and former diplomat in the region, said the “far-reaching” initiative was “about Australia playing a much bigger role in providing policing support in the Pacific”.


“This is about closing the space for an external actor like China to become involved in regional security,” he said.


“Australia will be at pains to demonstrate that this is a Pacific-led initiative, so it is important for Pacific leaders to endorse it and buy into it.”


Pacific leaders are struggling with a lack of trained police officers despite rising crime rates and transnational drug syndicates setting up across the region, Sora said.


Chinese police have deployed in the Solomon Islands and Kiribati, despite Australian officials insisting that security and policing matters should be handled only by Pacific nations including Australia.


Albanese and Tuvalu’s Prime Minister Feleti Teo will announce during the forum that a landmark climate resettlement treaty announced last year has officially entered into force.


The Falepili Union will create a special visa pathway for the Pacific nation’s residents to escape the threat of climate change and give Australia effective veto power over any possible security pact between China.


This masthead revealed in May that Australian officials were forced to scramble to prevent China and Papua New Guinea from striking a policing pact on the eve of a visit by Albanese to PNG.


“The Chinese are unrelenting on this,” an Australian official familiar with the negotiations but not authorised to speak publicly said at the time.


Albanese announced in June that Australia would help the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force increase its size from 1500 to 3000 officers, and the government is spending $200 million to boost PNG’s policing and national security services.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 2:54 a.m. No.21483228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Australian Signals Directorate boss appointed


Chris Johnson - 26 August 2024


Abigail Bradshaw is the new Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), promoted from the deputy’s role to replace Rachel Noble, who has left the top job after almost five years.


Ms Bradshaw has served as Deputy Director-General of ASD and Head of ASD’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) since March 2020.


The ACSC is the Australian Government’s technical authority on cyber security. It provides an avenue for organisations large and small to partner with the government and adopt a security framework to protect their information technology and operational technology systems, applications and data from cyber threats.


Anthony Albanese announced the appointment on Monday (26 August), saying the changeover will take effect on 6 September this year.


“I congratulate Abigail Bradshaw on her appointment as Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate,” the Prime Minister said.


“At a time of increasingly complex geostrategic challenges, Ms Bradshaw’s expertise in both cyber and national security matters will be critically important in leading ASD to continue protecting our nation.


“Rachel Noble has led ASD with distinction over almost five years and I would like to thank her for her service to our country.”


Mr Albanese said Ms Bradshaw has played a pivotal role in developing partnerships between government and industries domestically and internationally.


She has led ASD’s response to nationally significant cyber security incidents and has spearheaded the government’s cyber security partnership with industry, forging critical partnerships that underpin Australia’s national resilience.


“Ms Bradshaw brings with her a wealth of experience in cyber security, intelligence and Australia’s national security, including roles in the Royal Australian Navy, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Home Affairs and Department of Immigration and Border Protection,” Mr Albanese said.


Ms Noble was the first female to head an Australian statutory intelligence agency, and she oversaw the development and delivery of ASD’s transformation under the REDSPICE program – the largest-ever investment in Australia’s signals intelligence and cyber capability.


During her time as Director-General, Ms Noble oversaw the growth of the Australian Cyber Security Centre, enabling it to better protect Australian businesses and the community, and continued improvements to Australia’s offensive cyber and signals intelligence capabilities.


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles lauded Ms Bradshaw as the perfect candidate to replace Ms Noble as Director-General.


“Abigail Bradshaw’s experience in cyber, national security, crisis management and incident response uniquely equips her to lead the Australian Signals Directorate as it continues to defend Australia against global threats and advance our nation’s interests,” he said.


“As Head of ASD’s Australian Cyber Security Centre, Ms Bradshaw has strengthened relationships with cyber security leaders and private network owners in Australia and internationally, including our Five Eyes partners.


“Her appointment demonstrates the Albanese Government’s ongoing commitment to ensuring our national intelligence community remains at the forefront of global efforts to bolster national defence and security against increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber activity.


“I would like to thank Rachel Noble for her leadership and foresight, which has seen ASD significantly expand its cyber and intelligence capabilities over recent years, including under the REDSPICE program, and I wish her well into the future.”


Ms Bradshaw has expressed her delight at the appointment and her commitment to continuing the excellent work of the ASD.


“It is an absolute privilege to be appointed as the next Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate,” she said.


“I look forward to leading the incredible mission-focused team at ASD as we continue to advance Australia’s national interests.


“ASD’s focus will remain steadfast on continuing our proud history of support to the Australian Defence Force, collecting foreign signals intelligence, conducting cyber offensive operations and protecting Australians from cyber threats.”


A new head of ASD’s ACSC will be appointed in due course.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 3 a.m. No.21483247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3267



Candace Owens defies calls to cancel Australian tour


Paul Sakkal - August 26, 2024


Far-right US commentator Candace Owens is on a collision course with Immigration Minister Tony Burke, vowing to push on with her Australian tour in defiance of calls to reject her visa application.


Burke last week indicated he would block Owens’ expected visa application, telling this masthead: “Tickets to these events are selling for $100. I hope she has a good refunds policy.” Owens has not yet applied for a visa.


Burke’s comments came after this masthead reported that Jewish groups and the federal Coalition oppose her travel to Australia because of her conspiracy-tinged attacks on Jews, Muslims and trans people.


Speaking on Sydney radio station 2GB on Monday, the far-right influencer – who thinks Trump has become too moderate – said she was excited to travel to Australia for her November tour, VIP tickets for which are selling at $1500.


“It’s kind of incredible to think people could be so fearful of just speech and conversation,” she said.


“I was quite surprised to see that: they were like ‘don’t give her a visa, she’s a bad person’. But I promise you it is not going to harm you to hear different ideas.”


Owens, who has 18 million followers on her social platforms, has previously made mendacious claims that Israel was founded by a “cult”, spread misinformation about “secret Jewish gangs” operating in Hollywood, and minimised Nazi atrocities.


She has also made claims about a range of minority groups including trans people who she falsely said suffered “clinical insanity” and claimed without basis could be responsible for a rise in mass shootings.


Coalition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan said last week Labor should block her visa to avoid the spread of “hateful messages”, while Burke said he had always taken a hard line on hate speech and had spoken to Jillian Segal, the Australian antisemitism envoy, to prepare a brief on the Owens matter.


In her interview with 2GB host Ben Fordham – an employee of Nine Entertainment, owner of this masthead – Owens aired discredited claims about voting irregularities in the US, saying Americans “don’t have faith in our election process”.


She added that she didn’t care about any of the criticisms of her claims.


“I’ve just been used to the media intentionally taking something I say and re-presenting it. Like ‘she hates black people’ or for COVID, ‘she wants your grandma to die’,” she said.


Fordham, a high-rating a Sydney presenter, repeatedly plugged the website selling tickets to Owens’ events and suggested claims of antisemitism against Owens related to one set of remarks.


“Because it mentioned the word Hitler, someone at a later date then grabbed that piece of audio, they turned it into a story, and ever since you’ve had this allegation chasing you around, right?” Fordham asked.


However, Owens left the Daily Wire, the website founded by conservative Jewish commentator Ben Shapiro, in March, with Shapiro saying she had been “disgraceful” in her commentary on Israel.


Well-known US neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes said this week Owens was weakening the far right’s anti-Israel movement because she was “getting a lot of the facts wrong”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 26, 2024, 3:08 a.m. No.21483267   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke to personally review visa of far-right commentator Candace Owens


Jessica Wang - August 23, 2024


Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke has committed to personally reviewing the visa application of far-right, anti-Semitic speaker Candice Owens, who is scheduled to come to Australia in November for a speaking tour.


Tickets for her Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane shows, Candace Owens Live, are currently selling at $95 for reserved seating and extend to $1500 for a pre-show VIP dinner with Owens herself.


A fifth show is slated for Adelaide on November 22, with VIP Meet and Greet tickets costing $295.


Mr Burke, who has discretionary ministerial powers to block or refuse a visa, said it appeared Owens had yet to make an application three months out from the shows.


“Tickets to these events are selling for $100. I hope she has a good refunds policy,” Mr Burke said.


“There hasn’t been an application for a visa but if there is the brief will come to me personally.


“My opposition to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia has always been on the record. I have clear legal powers to knock back a visa to anyone who would incite discord.”


His strong stance has been welcomed by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Peter Wertheim.


“At a time of unprecedented strains on the cohesiveness of Australian society, which is very largely the outcome of ignorant and malicious comment on social media, the last thing we need to be importing into our country is yet another so-called celebrity who has made racist and bigoted comments about Jews and other vulnerable groups,” he said.


Mr Wertheim said Owens’ publicly-held views means she should fail the character test under the Migration Act, and preclude her from a visitor’s visa.


“Our new Minister for Immigration now has an opportunity to show the leadership needed to affirm that principle,” he said.


On Friday, Independent Wentworth MP Allegra Spender called for the controversial pro-Trump speaker to be barred from entering Australia.


“Ms Owens is a media provocateur, who makes her living generating controversy, division and hatred. Her denial of the truth of The Holocaust is obscene,” she said.


“We don’t need her input to public discussion in Australia a time when we must preserve social cohesion. I welcome the minister’s call to review her visa application.”


Coalition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan also backed calls for Owens to be refused entry.


“There is no place in Australia for people who spread hateful messages and undermine social cohesion,” he said.


Owens has been criticised for downplaying the documented atrocities committed during the Holocaust as “completely absurd” and “bizarre propaganda”, and branding Adolf Hitler’s actions as “nationalist”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 27, 2024, 7:34 a.m. No.21489976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed sentenced to 17 years in jail for sexual abuse of hundreds of victims


Rebecca Trigger - 27 August 2024


Warning: This story contains graphic content that may be distressing to some readers.


A sex predator who pretended to be a teenage YouTube star to blackmail hundreds of children into performing sexual acts has been sentenced to 17 years in jail.


In handing down her sentence in the District Court of WA on Tuesday, Judge Amanda Burrows said the volume of offences was of such magnitude there was "no comparable case … I can find in Australia".


Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed, 29, targeted children in Australia and overseas by pretending to be a 15-year-old social media influencer with a large following.


He would approach children online in that guise, sending them pictures of the online star and initially asking innocuous questions to gain their trust.


The court heard that then escalated to sexually explicit "fantasies" he asked them to approve of, while also asking them for pictures of themselves he could "rate".


'Humiliating' demands


He threatened to send screenshots of their responses to friends and family unless they performed increasingly extreme sexual acts – including those involving family pets and other young siblings or children in the home.


In sentencing, Judge Burrows said those offences were "of a degrading, humiliating nature [and] the conduct involving a family pet was particularly abhorrent".


The court heard Rasheed would set a "countdown" timer, threatening to distribute the responses and further images he had made of them if they didn't comply with his demands.


Judge Burrows said Rasheed's offending was aggravated by the fact he abused a number of the victims with groups of other adults, inviting other paedophiles to watch live streams while he directed children to perform the distressing acts.


In other cases, he continued to bully and coerce the children despite their "obvious distress" and "extreme fear", with some telling him they were suicidal.


He was sentenced for 665 offences which occurred over an 11-month period and involved 286 victims.


Rasheed was first charged by the Australian Federal Police in 2021 after they were contacted by Interpol and police in the United States raising concerns about a person, believed to be in Australia, who was targeting young girls through social media.


He is already serving a five-year jail term for a separate crime in which he sexually abused a 14-year-old child in his car on two separate occasions at a Perth park, which the judge noted was during the same period he was committing the online offences.


Reoffending risk high


The court heard Rasheed spent hundreds of hours engaged in a sex offenders treatment program while in prison, however a psychiatrist found he still represented a "well above average risk" of reoffending.


This was due to a persistent sexual interest in pubescent children in early adolescence, known as "hebephilia" and "coercive sexual sadism disorder".


A report prepared by a psychiatrist for the court detailed how Rasheed moved to Australia from Pakistan at a young age and his parents were "traditional, conservative and strict".


He was sent to an all-boys private school where he and his brothers were the only Muslim students, which led to him feeling socially isolated.


He began accessing child exploitation material in 2018, which escalated to the direct offending with children in 2019 after that material "lost its effect".


Engagement with 'incel' forums


The court heard his views on women were a barrier to rehabilitation, and before being jailed he had been engaging with misogynistic "incel" online communities – which promote the view that women are inferior and owe men sex.


"You began to see women and girls as objects of gratification rather than people. These ideas were amplified in the forums … you visited," the report said.


The report found his "sexual gratification did not come from the images … but from the dynamic in which you had power and could assert your will".


Judge Burrows took into account his youth, engagement in a sexual treatment program in prison and early plea in sentencing but said this must be balanced by the need to send a clear message of deterrence and the vulnerability of the victims.


"The victims will forever live with the fear that the recordings you made of them will be [further] disseminated," Judge Burrows said.


Rasheed will be eligible to apply for parole in August of 2033, when he'll be 38 years old.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 27, 2024, 6:07 p.m. No.21492766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792

AFP to take on cyberscam kingpins fleecing Australians of billions


AMANDA HODGE - 27 August 2024




The Australian Federal Police is taking on cyber scam syndicates netting billions of dollars a year from unsuspecting Australians in a new global operation using the same sophisticated tactics that have helped bring down some of the nation’s most-wanted offshore criminals.


Operation Firestorm will focus on disrupting online criminal networks operating out of Southeast Asia and Eastern ­Europe that fleeced Australians out of $2.74bn last year, and restraining the assets of syndicate crime bosses, The Australian has been told.


It will also seek to disrupt human trafficking networks that The Australian revealed in an investigation in May had already tricked tens of thousands of workers into forced criminality in cyber slave factories operating across Southeast Asia.


The global initiative is being welcomed by enforcement agencies across Southeast Asia, where increasingly sophisticated, Chinese-run criminal networks are generating more revenue than the regional drug trade.


The operation will be run out of the AFP-led Joint Policing Cybercrime Co-ordination Centre (JPC3) in Sydney, which brings together law enforcement and key industry partners including Austrac and the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission in the fight against cybercrime. It will involve extensive co-­operation and intelligence sharing with partners worldwide to reach criminals fleecing Australians.


Dedicated cybercrime liaison officers will be stationed in South Africa’s Pretoria, London, The Hague, Belgrade and Washington, while 30 AFP officers now across Southeast Asia will work with local law enforcement to target cybercrime operations and the kingpins behind them.


AFP Assistant Commissioner David McLean said Operation Firestorm would be a “longstanding and complex” operation using the same tradecraft employed in Operation Gain, which successfully disrupted alleged prominent offshore organised crime offenders impacting Australians.


Operation Gain is understood to have played a part in the extradition or deportation of some of the world’s biggest alleged criminals targeting Australians, including alleged drug kingpin Tse Chi Lop, dubbed Asia’s El Chapo, and Australian Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle.


Australia’s most wanted man, Hakan Ayik, another Comanchero kingpin wanted on suspicion of having orchestrated one of the largest heroin importations in recent Australian history, was also arrested in Turkey last December after a decade on the run.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 27, 2024, 6:11 p.m. No.21492792   🗄️.is 🔗kun





“The AFP will not stand by and watch Australians, mums and dads and businesses owners, lose eye-watering amounts of money to scammers, in particular those that have set up boiler rooms in Southeast Asia,’’ Mr McLean said. “We are working closely with our international partners to share intelligence and identify the significant heads of the cyber scam syndicates.


“We will work closely with our partners to help protect scam victims, who are not just in Australia. We need to be clear – these syndicates are well-resourced and all over the world.”


Across Southeast Asia, industrial-scale scam compounds are generating some $US60bn annually on the backs of thousands of workers caught up in what Interpol has called a “global human trafficking crisis”.


Workers are often imprisoned in scam compounds located in remote parts of the region, forced to defraud unwitting online targets through romance (pig-butchering) scams and fake trading and cryptocurrency schemes via social networking platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp.


Australians reported losing at least $180m in cryptocurrency in investment scams alone in just 12 months. Some 60 per cent of those victims were believed to be under the age of 50, reflecting a cost-of-living crisis that is luring even the more online-literate into financially risky behaviour.


“We know in many cases that the scammers are also victims themselves, who have been deceived or human trafficked into working in these boiler rooms and then forced to deceive and manipulate Australians into handing over money,” Mr McLean said. “Just like in the illicit drug trafficking trade, organised crime will always find ways to make money where there is vulnerability and profitability. Unfortunately, Australians are targeted for their wealth and their take-up of technology.”


The announcement of Operation Firestorm coincides with a new crackdown in Laos on criminal syndicates operating online scam factories inside the Chinese gangster-run Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone, believed to have come at the behest of Beijing, which is increasingly concerned at the targeting of Chinese citizens.


UN Office of Drugs and Crime head of strategy Jeremy Douglas said Operation Firestorm was an important initiative on a global issue that was spiralling out of control.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 27, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.21492994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21015094 (pb)


Marine Rotational Force - Darwin Facebook Post


27 August 2024


Never forgotten


Last year's incident involving the deaths of Cpl. Spencer Collart, Capt. Eleanor LeBeau, and Maj. Tobin Lewis is still fresh in our hearts and minds.


We offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the Marines who died in the MV-22B Osprey crash on Melville Island, north of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, on August 27, 2023.


The MRF-D MAGTF is planning a private memorial service for the families of the fallen Marines in coordination with the Tiwi Land Council and Traditional Owners to be held on Melville Island next month. This event will be closed to media and the public.


This truly puts into perspective what it means to be part of not only a great community, but also how strong the bond is between the U.S. and our Australian Allies.


The Marines and Sailors are very appreciative of all of the support we have received along the way.


We continue to extend our gratitude and condolences to the families, friends, and service members that were affected by this event.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:14 a.m. No.21494416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4417 >>4421 >>0024 >>9573 >>0024 >>0053


‘Godsend’: Australia wins support for policing pact to counter China


Matthew Knott - August 28, 2024




Nuku’alofa, Tonga: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has scored a significant diplomatic victory, locking in support from Pacific leaders for a far-ranging $400 million policing pact designed to counter China’s growing security presence in the region.


The quicker-than-expected show of support for the Pacific Policing Initiative came despite pushback from some Pacific leaders, who said the pact was “cryptic” and risked entangling the Pacific in the superpower rivalry between China and Western nations led by the United States.


Albanese and three fellow leaders announced on the sidelines of the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga on Tuesday that the policing agreement had been endorsed by forum leaders.


While stressing the initiative will be “Pacific-led”, Australia will be the main funder for the initiative, spending $400 million over five years on the pact and setting up a new co-ordination hub at Australian Federal Police facilities in Brisbane.


The initiative will also see four regional training centres established across the Pacific, beginning with Papua New Guinea, and the creation of a new multinational standing police unit ready to respond to natural disasters or other crises.


This masthead reported on the weekend that Australian officials were confident of gaining support for the policing initiative, despite concerns from some leaders it could be perceived as “anti-China”.


Underlining Beijing’s energetic attempts to expand its influence in the Pacific, the leaders’ meeting on Wednesday took place in a high school sports stadium that was funded by China and opened last week by China’s ambassador to Tonga and Tonga’s crown prince.


Progress on the policing pact has rankled Beijing, with the state-owned Global Times newspaper quoting an expert saying the agreement “not only violates general principles in international relations, but also infringes on [Pacific nations’] sovereignty to independently choose co-operation partners”.


China has courted Pacific leaders in an attempt to supplant Australia as the region’s primary security partner, with its police previously entering Pacific countries such as Fiji and Kiribati, and seeking to strike policing pacts with nations such as Papua New Guinea.


Albanese said: “This policing initiative continues a long history of Pacific police forces working together to strengthen regional peace and security, and to support each other in times of need.


“This is a Pacific-led, Australia-backed initiative, harnessing our collective strengths. We are stronger together.”


Hailing the importance of the agreement, PNG Prime Minister James Marape described the Pacific as “the biggest un-policed space in planet Earth”, saying nations like his faced major challenges including drug trafficking and illegal fishing.


Asked whether the initiative meant a policing deal with China would not be necessary, Marape said: “We have our security partners; at the moment, Australia remains our security partner of choice, especially for policing matters.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:15 a.m. No.21494417   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said it had been a “godsend” for Pacific police officers to receive training overseas, adding he was sure the new initiative would “succeed for our benefit”.


A day earlier, Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai told fellow Pacific leaders that “we need to make sure that this [policing initiative] is framed to fit our purposes and not developed to suit the geostrategic interests and geostrategic denial security postures of our big partners”.


Leonard Louma, director-general of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, described the pact as a worthy initiative but said many aspects of it remain “cryptic” and should benefit locals rather than “the geostrategic denial security doctrine of our big partners”.


The Melanesian Spearhead Group includes Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.


Mihai Sora, a Pacific expert at the Lowy Institute and former diplomat in the region, said: “Australia would be celebrating this as a win for the region, and an endorsement of Australia’s role as the main security partner for Pacific Island countries”.


“It’s not an easy thing for so many diverse countries to come together to agree on something so complex and sensitive as regional security co-operation,” he said.


While noting that Pacific countries could still pursue individual policing agreements with China, Sora said that “this initiative aims to fill those gaps in policing that China purports to be responding to”.


One of the United States’ most important foreign policing officials, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, is in Tonga for the forum, reflecting the US’s renewed attention on the region.


During his trip, Campbell will also open a new US embassy in Vanuatu.


Albanese and Tuvalu Prime Minister Feleti Teo on Wednesday celebrated the entry into force of the Falepili Union, a landmark climate resettlement treaty announced last year, with Albanese describing it as “groundbreaking”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:21 a.m. No.21494421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4423



Anthony Albanese tries his hand at soft-touch diplomacy at Pacific Islands Forum


BEN PACKHAM - 28 August 2024




Anthony Albanese has sealed a major agreement with Pacific Island nations to create region-wide police response force, in a blow to China’s ambitions to expand its security support for the region.


Australian taxpayers will foot the bill for the “Pacific-led” initiative, paying $400m over the next five years to stand up a multi-country Pacific Police Support Group and establish new police training centres across the region.


The Prime Minister secured the diplomatic win at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga on Wednesday, as one of the region’s smallest states, Tuvalu, challenged Australia to abide by “the spirit” of the nations’ landmark climate and migration treaty signed last year.


Amid grumbling on the forum’s sidelines over the Albanese government’s plans to expand natural gas production, Tuvalu’s Prime Minister Feleti Teo urged Australia to “do what it has promised to the region in terms of its commitment to combat climate change”.


At least four police training centres will be opened in Pacific countries under the new law and order partnership, starting with Papua New Guinea, while a new co-ordination hub will be established in Brisbane to prepare Pacific police force members for regional deployments.


Forum members will contribute members to the standing police response force, which will be deployed to respond to civil unrest, natural disasters and major regional events.


“This policing initiative continues a long history of Pacific police forces working together to strengthen regional peace and security, and to support each other in times of need,” Mr Albanese said.


“The security of the Pacific is the shared responsibility of the Pacific region and this initiative benefits each of our nations.”


Mr Albanese won the support of regional counterparts for the initiative despite a warning by Vanuatu – one of China’s closest partner’s in the region.


“We need to make sure this (initiative) is framed to fit our purposes and not developed to suit the geo-strategic interests and geo-strategic denial security postures of our big partners,” Vanuatu’s Prime Minister Charlot Salwai said on Tuesday night.


Mr Salwai, who has held up finalisation of a bilateral security agreement with Australia, was backed by Melanesian Spearhead Group secretary-general Leonard Louma, who warned aspects of the plan remained “cryptic”.


PNG’s Prime Minister James Marape, who stood alongside Mr Albanese to announce the initiative, said it was vital to bring law and order to “the biggest unpoliced space on planet Earth”.


“It is a concept that is born from within. Security challenges are always present … whether it’s cyber security, high sea security or domestic security,” Mr Marape said.


Asked whether the agreement would preclude policing co-operation with China, Mr Marape said Australia “remains our security partner of choice, especially for policing matters”.


Fiji’s Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said past police training had been a “godsend for us”, and it was time for the region to step-up and deal with its own security challenges.


“Most of the problems we face are regional problems, and the rest of the world, we believe (is) targeting our region. So it’s our responsibility to develop our own policing initiative,” Mr Rabuka said.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:23 a.m. No.21494423   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The “Pacific family” plan is a response to China’s attempt in 2022 to seal a region-wide security agreement with Pacific Island states, following its controversial security pact with Solomon Islands.


Australia also worked hard to prevent a China-PNG policing agreement earlier this year, before clinching a bilateral security agreement with Port Moresby.


Lowy Institute analyst and former diplomat in the region, Mihai Sora, said the agreement was a “massive achievement” at a time when regional unity was being tested and Pacific countries were facing a raft of threats from climate change and natural disasters to transnational crime.


“It’s a huge step forward for Pacific regional security co-operation, and it couldn’t have come soon enough, in terms of meeting regional needs,” Mr Sora said.


“Pacific countries are still free to pursue individual policing activities with other partners, of course. Sovereignty is paramount. But this initiative aims to fill those gaps in policing to which China purports to be responding.”


China’s state-owned Global Times warned earlier this week that the policing pact was designed to serve US strategic interests.


“Such an exclusive policing pact not only violates general principles in international relations, but also infringes on (Pacific island countries’) sovereignty to independently choose co-operation partners,” the outlet’s Australia analyst Chen Hong said.


There were suggestions at the forum that the regional policing group’s first deployment could be to Samoa in October when it hosts the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.


It follows the deployment of police from Australia, PNG, Fiji, and New Zealand to Solomon Islands for its national election this year, and in 2023 when it hosted the Pacific Games.


On the sidelines of the forum, Mr Albanese and Mr Teo marked the official commencement of the Falepili Union treaty between Australia and Tuvalu.


The agreement requires Australia to come to Tuvalu’s aid in a crisis and offer 280 permanent visas to Tuvaluans each year, while giving Canberra a veto over any future security deals the micro-state wants to strike.


Mr Albanese said he had received “nothing but support” from regional counterparts for his climate policies, while defending his government’s gas plan as vital to securing the nation’s energy future.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:29 a.m. No.21494425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Leader of the Pack’: Inmate allegedly led child sex abuse ring from prison


Jessica McSweeney, Clare Sibthorpe and Perry Duffin - August 28, 2024


A woman who called herself “leader of The Pack” was allegedly directing a child abuse ring from inside a NSW prison, police say.


Jessica Isabelle Rose, 31, a transgender woman formerly known as Dean Angus Bell, allegedly directed a group of inmates who called themselves “The Pack” to share letters detailing the sexual abuse of children and plans to abuse more children in the future.


The group allegedly wrote accounts based on real-life experiences of abusing children, as well as assaults they planned to commit after release – with murder allegedly mentioned in one of the stories.


The group allegedly passed the stories between them at Junee Correctional Centre.


Police became aware of the alleged child abuse ring in April as part of Strike Force Edits, which was established to uncover the distribution of child abuse material in NSW prisons.


Sex crimes detectives identified the group of inmates as part of their investigation and arrested Rose at Junee Correctional Centre on Tuesday.


The size of “The Pack” will form part of investigations, but police believe a significant number of inmates could be involved, due to the amount of child abuse material allegedly being created.


The priority for police was to arrest the alleged leader and disperse the group, with more arrests expected in the near future.


Rose was taken to Wagga Wagga police station and charged with eight counts of producing child abuse material, eight counts of disseminating the material, and knowingly directing a criminal group. Bail was not applied for and was formally refused. She will next face court on October 23.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:36 a.m. No.21494429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7193

Former Sydney swimming coach Dick Caine revealed as serial paedophile


Sarah McPhee - August 28, 2024


Warning: Graphic content


Former elite swimming coach Dick Caine has been revealed as a serial paedophile after a judge found he had sexually abused six underage students, and lifted an order concealing his identity to the applause of his victims.


Caine, who was head coach at the Carss Park swimming pool in Sydney’s south for decades, pleaded not guilty to 39 charges against girls aged 10 to 16 across the 1970s and 1980s.


The 78-year-old did not appear for a single day of his lengthy judge-alone special hearing in Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court after he was previously deemed unfit to face a criminal trial due to health reasons.


The court heard on Wednesday that Caine was in palliative care in hospital.


Delivering his long-awaited judgment, Judge Paul McGuire found “on the limited evidence available, the accused committed the offence charged” on all 39 counts against all six victims, some of whom attended court and welcomed the outcome as “closure”.


Caine’s offending includes multiple counts of indecent assault of a child and unlawful carnal knowledge of a pupil, a form of sexual assault.


A non-publication order over Caine’s identity expired as the verdicts were returned. The judge refused another application by Caine’s lawyers to have a further order imposed for one week, attracting cheers and applause from the victims in the public gallery.


Lawyer Amelia Causley-Todd, representing Nine, the owner of this masthead, fought against the last-ditch secrecy bid, arguing the offences were among “the most serious” that can be committed, particularly due to Caine’s position of authority, and that there was “incredible public interest”.


The judge said he was persuaded that the interests of open justice were fundamental, including fair, accurate and timely reporting of criminal proceedings.


McGuire found Caine had a tendency to have a particular state of mind, being a sexual interest in prepubescent and pubescent females, and to act on that in a particular way, including touching their breasts, forcing oral sex, digital penetration and sexual intercourse with girls for whom he was a swimming coach.


He was further satisfied the elements for each offence had been established beyond reasonable doubt.


“I find that none of the complainants consented to any of the sexual contact, and that the accused knew that none of them consented,” the judge said.


Caine’s offending occurred in the pool sauna, gym, female toilets, his office, home and car.


The court heard his victims had “genuine” hopes of competing in the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games.


But after the coach’s abuse, one victim had disposed of her collection of sporting memorabilia and trophies.


“Those items, which were things she would’ve otherwise found wonderful and [be] proud of, had become a nightmare,” the judge said.


Another victim had received annual Christmas cards from Caine, and found them “to be a reminder of the accused’s previous threat for her to keep quiet”.


Regarding one count of sexual intercourse without consent, the judge said there was evidence Caine had “fought against” his victim’s resistance.


McGuire, acknowledging the delay of the complaints brought against Caine, said common features of child sexual abuse include trauma and shame, and that in this case there was a power imbalance and age disparity.


He said Caine created fear by his authority, and many of the victims had been “reliant on the accused to assist them in achieving their Olympic aspirations”. Caine was arrested in June 2022.


Prosecutors and Caine’s lawyers will make submissions in relation to a penalty at a hearing later this year.


If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

Anonymous ID: 7129d8 Aug. 28, 2024, 4:26 a.m. No.21494570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Important to watch.

I made fun of these "crazies" for years.

Turns out the oldfags were not kidding. Digging this to death years ago, we have so many new issues to contend with now, but but give this old issue your attention.


RFK Jr was on X saying they were going to "end this crime"

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 29, 2024, 2:40 a.m. No.21499994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9997 >>6429 >>1915

>>21009097 (pb)

>>21217734 (pb)


Muslim Votes Matter targets hung parliament in federal election push


MOHAMMAD ALFARES - 29 August 2024




Australian advocacy group Muslim Votes Matter (MVM) is prepared to back the Greens and teals over Labor in the next federal election, aiming to hold both the government and the Liberals accountable for what it calls a “failed” response to the Israel-Palestine conflict.


MVM will launch a national campaign in Melbourne on Sunday, featuring high-profile speakers and drawing strategic insights from a UK expert who played a pivotal role in a similar movement during the recent British elections.


Rather than fielding its own candidates, the group plans to back those whose values align with its priorities.


The campaign’s agenda will include discussions on conditions of the war in Gaza, the recent successes of Muslim candidates in the UK, and the potential impact of a hung parliament on Australian policies.


The Israel-Gaza conflict has been spruiked as a catalyst to launch the national campaign, which will operate on the ground in every state except for Darwin and Hobart.


MVM national representative Ghaith Krayem told The Australian the campaign will not support any political party en masse, but instead, it will make recommendations to the community on how they should vote in each electorate across the country.


“Our aim is to hold all those politicians who had an opportunity to speak up and do something to prevent the unfolding genocide to account,” Mr Krayem said. “Obviously, the Greens and some of the teals have been much more supportive of the Gazan people in the last 10 months in parliament and that is going to be something that we very much take into account.


“If contributing to a hung parliament helps achieve these objectives by holding major parties accountable and requiring them to engage more deeply with our community, then indeed this would align with our goals … Ultimately, our focus is on long-term empowerment and ensuring that our community’s concerns are addressed in the political process.”


Asked if religion has a place in Australian politics, Mr Krayem said: “We only need to go back to our last prime minister, Scott Morrison, who was an avowed Christian and made no issue of the fact that his faith played a role in his political positions.”


Traditionally, the focus on preferential voting has been on how minor parties and independents distribute preferences. However, as the primary votes of the major parties decline, and those of minor parties and independents increase, teals and the Greens in particular will have a greater presence.


The MVM Western Australia leader Dr Naser Alziyadat claimed that across Australia, there were more than 20 seats where Muslims could have the deciding vote.


“In the last 25 years, no federal government has been elected by more than a 15-seat margin. This positions us strategically to support candidates who prioritise our issues and challenge those who neglect our community,” Dr Alziyadat said.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 29, 2024, 2:41 a.m. No.21499997   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Co-founder of the Muslim Voices of Calwell Nail Aykan, a respected community leader in Victoria, called it a “golden opportunity” for Muslim Australians.


Mr Aykan will speak at the launch of the MVM campaign about the prospect of having a hung parliament in the federal elections.


“The opportunity before us is incredible, if the Muslim community is present in 20 seats and they’re able to influence some of them, then that leads to no one party getting an outright majority, that will result in some sort of power sharing arrangements with a new government being formed,” he said.


“If the trajectory is that both the two major parties have been losing on the primary votes, the teal independents and the minor parties, in particular the Greens, will have a greater presence.”


UK-based medical doctor and former assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, Wajid Akhter, is set to bring a wealth of “strategic insights” to the MVM campaign. Mr Akhter played a pivotal role in the recent British elections, where five independent pro-Palestine candidates claimed victories in constituencies long dominated by the UK Labour Party.


Meanwhile, independent candidate Dr Ziad Basyouny has taken on the task of challenging Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke for the Labor stronghold of Watson in Western Sydney.


MVM is one of two grassroots groups in Australia hoping to emulate that success by backing candidates who align with its values and policy priorities.


It began earlier this year with a goal of driving “greater electorate participation and voting literacy” among Australian Muslim and minority communities, after what the group said were gaps in the current political landscape that had become “difficult to ignore”.


A separate organisation with similar aims called The Muslim Vote also formed this year out of Western Sydney.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 29, 2024, 2:50 a.m. No.21500024   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anthony Albanese caught on camera joking about Pacific Policing Initiative with top US official Kurt Campbell


Stephen Dziedzic - 29 August 2024


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has bridled at questions from journalists about a private conversation where he joked with US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell about splitting the cost of the Pacific Policing Initiative announced yesterday in Tonga.


Last night Radio New Zealand journalist Lydia Lewis filmed Mr Albanese and the top US official discussing the ambitious plan, which could reshape the way policing is conducted across the region.


In the video, Mr Albanese calls the announcement a "cracker" and said the initiative would make "such a difference" in the Pacific.


Mr Campbell called the plan "fantastic." He also suggested that the US had been contemplating a similar initiative until Australia's ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd asked them not to.


"I talked with Kevin about it and so you know, we were going to do something like that and he asked us not to so we did not," he said.


"We've given you the lane, so take the lane!"


After that Mr Albanese joked that the US could wear some of the cost of the initiative.


"We can go halfsies on the cost if you like," he laughed.


"Only cost you a bit."


After that exchange the Pacific Minister Pat Conroy appears to intervene after noticing the journalist recording, asking her to stop.


Mr Albanese brushed off the exchange when he was asked about it this morning in Nuku'alofa ahead of the Pacific Islands Forum leaders retreat on the northern island of Vava'u, saying there were no plans for the US to help cover the initiative's $400 million dollar price tag.


"No, he won't, because this has come from the Pacific. And I'm aware of the video of a private conversation," he said.


"Kurt Campbell's a mate of mine, it's us having a chat," he said.


The prime minister became visibly irritated when journalists continued to press him on the exchange, and suggested it was unethical for Ms Lewis to record him.


"Someone, you know, it's up to them, to whoever did that, to think about their own ethics when it comes to journalism," he said.


"It was a private conversation. It was a jovial conversation, and a friendly one — you know, it is what it is. People try and read something into it, you must be pretty bored, frankly."


He also brushed off questions about the initiative Mr Campbell appeared to allude to, saying the deputy secretary of state had been misinterpreted.


The comment comes after some Melanesian leaders raised concerns that the new Pacific initiative shouldn't be used to bolster Australia's strategic interests through a strategy of "denial" — a clear reference to boxing out China from the region's security arrangements.


When he asked if his joke with Mr Campbell might exacerbate those anxieties, Mr Albanese insisted that no Pacific leaders had raised any concerns during the leaders meeting yesterday.


"No one's raised that yesterday. Not a single person at the plenary, raised that yesterday. This is Pacific led, and it's a cracker of an announcement," he said.


In a statement, RNZ defended Ms Lewis, who wrote in her own story on the comments that she caught the conversation while filming cutaway shots during an event open to media.


"RNZ stands by its reporter and its reporting," said RNZ chief news officer Mark Stevens.


"Having spoken to our reporter, there is nothing to suggest they acted unethically or outside of our rigorous editorial policies."


Agreement raises hopes for New Caledonia mission


Mr Albanese arrived in Tonga on Tuesday to join regional leaders at the forum, where violent unrest in New Caledonia is among other items on the agenda.


France has struck an agreement with local officials in New Caledonia and Pacific leaders which should allow a high-level regional delegation to visit the troubled Pacific territory shortly.


A planned mission with three Pacific leaders had to be postponed last week because France and officials in New Caledonia could not agree on who had ultimate control over the visit.


But France's ambassador to the Pacific, Veronique Roger-Lacan, confirmed that the terms for the Pacific mission had been settled, and simply had to be ticked off by Pacific leaders today during their retreat at Vava’u.


"The mission will be an information mission," she said.


"The time and duration of the mission will have to be decided, in discussion with the [Pacific Islands Forum], the French state, and the government of New Caledonia."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:29 a.m. No.21507196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7201

PM backflips on census sexuality question, under fire for trans exclusion


Natassia Chrysanthos and Olivia Ireland - August 30, 2024




Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is under attack for excluding trans and gender-diverse people from the next census count, despite a government backflip to allow gay, lesbian and bisexual people to be included.


An internal Labor revolt forced Albanese to on Friday reverse his government’s decision to block new questions in the survey so it could avoid a divisive debate.


But he opened another fraught dispute for minority groups when he maintained the call to exclude planned questions about trans and intersex Australians.


The Greens will seek to wedge Labor’s progressive MPs on the issue and accused Albanese of trying to “split the queer community down the middle”, while Opposition Leader Peter Dutton seized on the disunity in the Labor ranks and said, “the wheels are falling off the government”.


Albanese set off a new round of political attack on Friday when he backtracked from the government’s unpopular stance and said there would be one new question on sexual orientation in the 2026 census if testing by the Australian Bureau of Statistics was successful.


“They’re going to test for a new question, one question about sexuality, sexual preference,” Albanese said. He did not commit to resume testing for other planned questions on gender and sex characteristics.


The government scrapped plans for new LGBT questions just a week ago, and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Treasurer Jim Chalmers then said it would have triggered a divisive culture war. That prompted six Labor MPs, including Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney, to break ranks and tell Albanese to reverse the decision.


The Greens will try to wedge those MPs when parliament resumes by bringing a vote in both the lower and upper houses that forces them to either side with the government’s revised position to only count sexual orientation or to back the inclusion of trans people in the survey.


Progressive Labor MPs, equality advocates, and Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner had argued that collecting more data was vital to improving services and policies for LGBT Australians. Several opposition MPs said they were unfazed by the issue, while Coalition MP Warren Entsch joined the push for Albanese to include all the groups in the census.


Albanese defended his decision to change his mind. “This is the first time I’ve been asked about it,” he said on ABC radio in Melbourne on Friday morning. The station has an audience in Labor seats that are under threat from the Greens in the city.


“There are two years until this survey goes out. There were proposals for wide-ranging changes in the census and that has been rejected because we think that that’s not appropriate.


“But in 2024, or 2026, the world has changed as well … And therefore the census, in terms of modernising, reflecting some of the changed values which are there, by asking a question, I think that people would think that was a pretty common-sense outcome.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.21507201   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said the government was “all over the shop” and indicated the Coalition could have supported the changes – a retreat from his comments earlier this week that criticised a “woke agenda” said, “We’re pretty happy with the settings that we’ve got in place”.


Asked for his position on adding questions to the census on Friday, Dutton said he was “fine” with members of the LGBT community being counted, although he wanted to see full details.


“We can have a sensible way forward, but the prime minister, at the moment, I think, is demonstrating to Australians that he’s lost control of the agenda,” Dutton said.


The Greens also indicated they would weaponise the fissures within Labor. “They need to count us in, all of us, gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex and everything in between,” said party spokesman Stephen Bates.


“The prime minister, panicked by criticism this week, is trying to split the queer community down the middle … It’s all well and good for some Labor MPs to break rank on social media, but will they cross the floor in Parliament when it counts?”


Victorian Equality Minister Harriet Shing said she had written to the federal government “seeking urgent confirmation that the 2026 Census will include specific references to gender identity and variations in sex characteristics”.


Advocacy group Equality Australia welcomed the government’s reversal on a sexuality question but said the government was still “picking and choosing” who to count. “Trans and gender diverse people and those with innate variations of sex characteristics deserve to be recognised as much as anyone else,” said chief executive Anna Brown.


Advocates for trans and intersex Australians said the decision excluded them. “If our identities are not accurately captured in the census, then the data will be extremely poor, and it will lead to years of ongoing health and policy failures for our communities,” said Jeremy Wiggins, the head of advocacy group Transcend.


Sex Discrimination Commissioner Anna Cody said it was not acceptable to exclude some sections of the community.


“We know the LGBTQI+ community are a vibrant part of our community, so excluding any part of our community from the national census would not be the correct thing to do. That would be the divisive thing to do,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21507224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7228

NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon charged with child sex offences; quits party, parliament






NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon has quit his party and his seat after he was charged by police with historic child sex offences, allegations he says he will deny in court.


Mr Amon, the representative for the state electorate of Pittwater appeared before Magistrate Lisa Stapleton at Manly Local Court on Friday afternoon.


The charges relate to an alleged sexual assault in Mona Vale in July 2017, in which Mr Amon allegedly assaulted a teenage boy who was known to him.


Mr Amon was charged with five counts of sexual intercourse with a person over 10 and under 14 years, two charges of indecent assault of a person under 16 years, one charge of commit act of indecency with a person under 16 years and two charges of attempting sexual intercourse child with a child over 10 under 14.


“Following extensive inquiries, a 35-year-old man was arrested at Manly Police Station about 6am today,” a NSW Police spokesperson said.


“In March 2023, Strike Force NOORAL was established to investigate the incident.”


The taskforce investigation began the same month Mr Amon was elected to parliament, he is the opposition assistant youth spokesperson.


All ten alleged incidents took place between June 1 and late July in Mona Vale.


The teenage boy, according to court documents, was 13 years old at the time of Mr Amon’s alleged sexual offences.


Mr Amon had sought to ban the media from reporting on his court matter and details of the allegations, with his solicitor, MacDougall & Hydes, indicating they’d look to apply for a suppression order at Manly Local Court on Friday afternoon.


However, after discussions between the MP’s solicitor, a representative from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, and Thomson Geer’s Amelia CausleyTodd, the suppression bid was withdrawn by consent.


Ms Causley Todd was representing media outlets, including News Limited, the owner of The Australian.


The court head Mr Amon’s next appearance won’t be until late October at Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court.


He remains on strict bail conditions, including daily police reporting, surrendering his passport, and to not contact the alleged victim.


Born Roderick Gilmore Amon, he joined the Northern Beaches Council in September 2017, meaning the alleged assault predates his political career by two months. Prior to local politics he worked as a family law solicitor with a specialty in domestic and family violence.


“Today I have been charged in relation to events alleged to have taken place in 2017,” Mr Amon said in a statement. “I deny all charges, and will make my case in the courts, not in the media. Accordingly, I will make no further comment on the case.”


“The nature of the charges against me are such that I will be unable to continue to fully represent my community in parliament. As a result, I have tendered my resignation as the Member for Pittwater, effective immediately.


“The people of Pittwater should have a representative who can dedicate one hundred per cent of their time advocating for this wonderful community. As I defend myself against these charges, I will not be able to devote my full energy to representing them.


“Thank you to all those who have supported me.


“It’s been the greatest honour of my life to represent my community on Northern Beaches Council from September 2017, and as the Member for Pittwater since March 2023.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.21507228   🗄️.is 🔗kun





NSW opposition leader Mark Speakman said he requested Mr Amon quit the party on Friday. His resignation has since been processed.


“The charges laid against Mr Rory Amon are extremely serious. The alleged conduct strikes at the heart of the standards expected of Members of Parliament,” Mr Speakman said in a statement.


“Upon learning of these charges, I asked for and received Mr Amon’s immediate resignation from the Liberal Party.


“While Mr Amon is entitled to the presumption of innocence, a criminal trial will be some time away and in the meantime the citizens of Pittwater are entitled to have a Member of Parliament who can discharge their duties in the community fully.


“I therefore also asked Mr Amon to resign from the New South Wales Parliament, effective immediately. He has tendered his resignation to the Speaker.”


Mr Amon, 35, and other Northern Beaches Liberal figures were set to appear at a party meeting on August 28 to launch the campaign of Northern Beaches LGA candidate Sunny Singh.


His resignation leaves the state Liberal party facing its third seat sent to a by-election in just over two months following the resignations of former Premier Dominic Perrottet and former Treasurer Matt Kean. At the 2023 state election, Mr Amon held the electorate on a 0.2 per cent margin.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:45 a.m. No.21507255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0904 >>0908 >>5998


Submarine chiefs sketch out scale of AUKUS challenge, but say we are on target


JOE KELLY - 30 August 2024


The head of the US Navy’s nuclear propulsion program says it will be “challenging” for America to meet its production targets to provide Australia with between three and five nuclear-powered Virginia class submarines, but that “we are on the path to achieve this.”


Admiral William Houston, the former US submarine forces commander, provided an assurance on Friday that the US was hiring 40,000 workers and investing more than $10bn in its submarine industrial base to ensure it was in a position to provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines from 2032.


“We are fully committed to the sale and transfer of the submarines we have discussed to Australia,” he said. “Of course, it’s conditions based - that you are ready to maintain them, which you are well on track to do, and to meet the safety and stewardship requirements.”


Admiral Houston was speaking alongside Australian Submarine Agency director-general, Vice Admiral Jonathan Mead, and Royal Navy second sea lord, Vice Admiral Martin Connell, at HMAS Stirling near Perth.


The submarine chiefs appeared together to mark the first time that a Virginia class submarine, the USS Hawaii, had received maintenance work outside of a US territory - a key milestone in Australia achieving an enduring nuclear-powered submarine capability.


More than 30 Australian Navy personnel, embedded since January on the USS Emory S. Land, a submarine tender, have been working alongside US counterparts to provide the maintenance work.


Vice Admiral Mead said this was an “unprecedented” development that would help ensure, from 2027, that the nation was ready to accommodate a rotational presence at HMAS Stirling of one UK and up to four US nuclear-powered submarines and - beyond that - Australia’s own future fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.


The US has judged that it will need to produce 2.33 Virginia-class boats a year in order to replace the three to five vessels which are to be sold to Australia under the AUKUS agreement.


However, since 2022, production has fallen to a little more than one submarine a year. The enabling AUKUS legislation which passed Congress on December 15 made clear the President would need to certify that the transfer of the Virginia class submarines would “not degrade the United States undersea capabilities.”


Admiral Houston said on Friday that achieving the 2.33 production rate would be achievable but challenging, and require a whole of government effort from the US.


“I track the 2.33 exceptionally closely,” Admiral Houston said. “This is not just Department of Navy, not just our Department of Defence, but our executive branch and our legislative branch at the highest levels of our government. We are investing over $10bn in our submarine industrial base. We are hiring up to 40,000 workers.”


“It is a national endeavour for us,” he said. “I will say that there is broad bipartisan support for our effort to build these submarines because of their importance, not only for our defence, but also the importance of the AUKUS program.”


“It will be challenging,” he said. “I believe we are on the path to achieve this, and it will not occur easily and it will not occur quickly.”


He said that America did not look at the provision of Virginia class submarines to Australia as a “subtraction - we look at it as an addition.”


“AUKUS is a strategic imperative for all three of our nations and it uplifts us all.”


Vice-Admiral Mead said that, in 2025, there would be about 100 Australian submariners training in the US, including 50 in the nuclear program with the other 50 working on other parts of the US submarine combat system.


“We will be building to numbers in the hundreds in order to get ourselves sovereign ready in the early 2030s,” he said. “We currently already have about 25 people working through the US nuclear powered submarine program.”


However, Vice Admiral Mead said there was also a need to “recruit more Navy personnel (and) more submariners” in what was an already challenging workforce environment.


Vice Admiral Martin Connell said the design work for Australia’s SSN-AUKUS submarines, expected to be delivered in the early 2040s, had “Australians now integrated into that design team.”


He also noted that the first three Australian Navy officers to have graduated from the Royal Navy’s nuclear reactor course in the UK had been “immediately assigned to British astute class attack submarines.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.21509573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0024 >>0053 >>2355 >>0879



China responds furiously as Pacific Islands leaders reject bid to cut Taiwan from bloc meetings


Stephen Dziedzic - 30 August 2024


China's ambassador to the Pacific has responded furiously after the region's leaders rejected a push from Solomon Islands to stop Taiwan participating in its top diplomatic gathering.


Pacific leaders have also formally endorsed a major new policing pact championed by Australia, as well as signing off on the terms for a high-level mission to the troubled Pacific territory of New Caledonia.


Solomon Islands had been pressing other Pacific nations to strip Taiwan of its status as a "development partner" for the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), with its foreign minister Peter Shanel saying this week that Taiwan was "not a sovereign country" and PIF should "follow international law".


But reopening a debate over Taiwan — which still maintains three diplomatic allies in the Pacific — risks opening a new fissure in the forum, and the final communique issued by leaders makes it clear the organisation will stick with a 1992 agreement which maintains the status quo.


But China's ambassador to the Pacific nations, Qian Bo, said the final communique "must be a mistake".


"The situation is obvious, among the 18 members of the PIF, 15 countries have diplomatic relations with China and 15 countries have categorically stated they stand by the One China principle," he told reporters after the meeting.


"So this is a surprising mistake made by someone, I'm not sure [who] but I think it must be corrected!"


The ambassador suggested that he was also blindsided by the reference to Taiwan and China in the final communique.


"Surprisingly we also learned there is language concerning [Taiwan and China] … this should not be the final communique, there must be a correction on the text," he said.


"We have already talked to the secretariat and to the [secretary-general] and other delegations where we have received wide understanding and support."


The ABC has contacted the forum secretariat for comment.


Anna Powles from Massey University told the ABC that China had been pressuring the PIF to adopt the One China Policy.


"This has been resisted on the basis that not all PIF members recognise China," she said.


"China's challenge to the PIF-led regional architecture is disruptive and at clear odds with Pacific calls for cooperation."


Dr Powles said China's stance contradicted its statements supporting Fiji's proposed concept of an "Ocean of Peace" in the Pacific, and that its push for PIF to cut off Taiwan was a "clear wedge strategy with the intention to disrupt and divide".


Leaders back policing plan


The controversy comes as the Pacific Islands Forum has wrapped up in Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa, with leaders returning from their retreat on the idyllic island of Vava'u.


Australian officials were pleased when leaders unanimously endorsed the Pacific Policing Initiative (PPI), despite a note of caution raised by Vanuatu's Prime Minister Charlot Salwai, who warned it shouldn't be used to further the strategic aims of "larger" partners — a clear reference to Australia and New Zealand.


The Australia-funded $400 million plan will establish a new Pacific police training centre in Brisbane, as well as four skills centres across the Pacific, and a rotational police force which could be deployed to regional countries to help them manage either crises or major events.


The final leaders communique, released on Friday, firmly backed the initiative but "also noted the need for further national consultation on how members engage with the PPI".


The document said Pacific police chiefs would now develop an implementation plan for the initiative which would "take into account the outcomes of the national consultations".


Tonga's prime minister, Siaosi Sovaleni, told reporters that the police chiefs were not undertaking a root and branch review of the proposal but simply working out the best way to turn it into a reality.


Leaders also backed a high level Pacific mission to New Caledonia after officials from France, New Caledonia and the Pacific reached an agreement on "terms of reference" for the visit.


Mr Sovaleni said he and the prime ministers of Fiji, Cook Islands and Solomon Islands would travel soon to the territory, which was roiled by chaos and rioting earlier this year.


He said the delegation would attempt to "better understand" the situation on the ground, as well as promoting dialogue and "support the ongoing efforts to call for peace and stability".


He also said the delegation would then provide "clear directions" to the forum about whatever next steps it could take.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 6:12 p.m. No.21510024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0053 >>2355 >>0879




Pacific Islands Forum communique taken down after Chinese envoy calls Taiwan reference ‘unacceptable’


‘Visibly angry’ Qian Bo demands correction of Taiwan’s ‘development partner’ label despite its use for more than three decades


Daniel Hurst - 31 Aug 2024


A summit of Pacific leaders has ended in drama after China’s regional envoy demanded the scrapping of language about Taiwan, with the communique later republished without the offending paragraph.


The Pacific Islands Forum (Pif) summit in Tonga this week brought together Australia, New Zealand and 16 Pacific island countries or territories, only three of which still have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.


China is not a member of the regional grouping, but – like the US and numerous other major countries – attends some of the Pif events as a “dialogue partner”.


For more than 30 years, Taiwan has been afforded the lesser status of “development partner”, a situation that irks Beijing, which claims the self-governed democracy as its territory.


Solomon Islands, which has fostered increasingly warm ties with Beijing since switching diplomatic recognition from Taiwan in 2019, had raised concerns in the lead-up to this week’s summit about Taiwan’s status.


But the final communique published on the Pif website on Friday rebuffed any push for change and stood by existing arrangements.


“Leaders reaffirmed the 1992 Leaders decision on relations with Taiwan/Republic of China,” it said.


China’s special envoy for the Pacific, Qian Bo, called for changes to the communique.


Nikkei Asia reported that it saw a “visibly angry” Qian confront the Pif secretary general, Baron Waqa, immediately after the closing news conference and that he called the statement “unacceptable”.


Qian later told reporters in Tonga’s capital, Nuku’alofa, that it was “a surprising mistake made by someone” and it “must be corrected”.


He reiterated Beijing’s position that China should be seen as the representative “on behalf of the whole China, including Taiwan and the mainland”, Nikkei Asia reported.


The Guardian has seen and verified a copy of the final communique that appeared on the Pif website earlier on Friday. It included a line reaffirming the decades-long arrangements regarding Taiwan.


But as of Friday evening local time, this communique was no longer easily accessible on the website.


The communique was republished on the Pif website on Saturday morning local time, but with paragraph 66 about Taiwan no longer included.


A paragraph about Solomon Islands being the host of next year’s Pif was moved up to become the new paragraph 66.


The Guardian has sought comment from the Pif secretariat.


Taiwan’s deputy foreign minister, Tien Chung-kwang, also travelled to Nuku’alofa this week. Tien held talks with Taiwan’s three remaining Pacific allies, Palau, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands.


China’s foreign ministry said on Friday: “Any attempt by the Taiwan authorities to brush up their sense of presence by rubbing shoulders with the forum can only be self-deceptive.”


The Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, had previously played down the prospect of any attempt to change Taiwan’s status within Pif structures.


When asked about the matter on Thursday morning, prior to the leaders’ retreat, Albanese said: “Well, that hasn’t been discussed at all. We support all the existing arrangements.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 30, 2024, 6:18 p.m. No.21510053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>6458 >>0879





China condemns support for Taiwan at Pacific leaders' forum


Envoy calls language in joint communique 'unacceptable' and a 'mistake'




NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga - China's special envoy for the Pacific, Qian Bo, on Friday slammed a joint communique by Pacific Islands Forum leaders that affirmed support for Taiwan's participation in PIF events, calling the reference to the self-governing island a "mistake" that should be "corrected."


The joint communique states that PIF leaders "reaffirmed the 1992 Leaders decision on relations with Taiwan/Republic of China," a reference to when Taiwan became a PIF "development partner."


Qian's remarks came on the final day of the 53rd PIF leaders' meeting in Tonga, following a closing news conference by PIF Secretary-General Baron Waqa and the leaders of Tonga, the Cook Islands and the Solomon Islands, who are the current, preceding and next chairs of the PIF.


The Chinese envoy communicated his displeasure to Waqa immediately after the news conference in a contentious exchange that highlights how tensions over Taiwan, and China's role in the region, have simmered beneath the surface of the meeting and in the increasingly contested region.


China has been pushing to strip Taiwan of its position as a PIF development partner and thwart its attendance at next year's meeting in the Solomon Islands, which has been accused of acting as a proxy for Beijing's efforts.


After the news conference, Nikkei Asia witnessed a visibly angry Qian confront Waqa, the former president of Nauru, and call the statement "unacceptable." Qian then spoke with Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Peter Shanel Agovaka.


The Chinese envoy then spoke to journalists outside.


"Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not a dialogue partner of PIF, so China has the representation on behalf of the whole China, including Taiwan and the mainland," Qian said.


Asked about the clause related to Taiwan, he said "it must be a mistake," as 15 of the 18 PIF members "have categorically stated they abide by the 'One-China' principle."


"This is a surprising mistake made by someone, I'm not sure, but it must be corrected," he said. "What we learned is there are clear opposition by membership that the Taiwan issue should not be discussed at this point.


"This should not be a final communique, there must be a correction on the text. We have already talked to the secretariat, to the [secretary-general] and some other delegations. … We have received wide understanding and support."


With pledges of aid, Beijing has been making appeals to Taiwan's diplomatic partners in the region, with Kiribati and the Solomon Islands recognizing China in 2019 and Nauru switching its ties earlier this year.


The Solomon Islands' Agovaka called into question Taiwan's participation with PIF but denied his country was acting as a proxy for China.


"We are not working on behalf of China. As I said, this is about sovereignty. China is a sovereign state, Solomon Islands is a sovereign state, our friends from Taiwan are not a sovereign state," he told Nikkei on Friday.


Three PIF members - Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands and Palau - have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.


Speaking to Nikkei Asia on the sidelines, Tuvalu Prime Minister Feleti Teo said that while he wasn't aware of a specific push to exclude Taiwan, he was emphatically against any such move.


"Firstly I'm not aware of it, but if they do, we will seriously oppose such a proposal, and it's very surprising the Solomons would even think of raising it, because that will also disrespect the three countries that have relationships with Taiwan," he said.


The furor over Taiwan threatened to overshadow the leaders' meeting, where climate change topped the agenda. During a meeting on Wednesday between PIF members and the body's 21 dialogue partners, the U.S. and China struck a collaborative tone, with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell suggesting cooperating on climate change action in the Pacific.


"This is an initiative made by the United States, and this, in our view, is constructive because we have all along called for cooperation in the region," Qian said.


Other outcomes of the meeting included more pledges for the Pacific-led climate change adaptation fund, the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF), as well as a promise by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to organize a fundraising event. The PRF has $137 million, but leaders want to reach $250 million by January.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 31, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21512355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2357




China wins a ‘correction’ against Taiwan after Pacific summit


BEN PACKHAM - 31 August 2024




A reference to Taiwan’s ongoing role as a Pacific Islands Forum partner has been stripped from the final communique issued for the body’s meeting in Tonga this week after a backlash by China.


The communique from the PIF leaders’ meeting was reissued by the forum’s secretariat without explanation after China’s envoy demanded a correction.


The earlier version issued on Friday after the departure of regional including Anthony Albanese affirmed Taiwan’s status as a PIF development partner since 1992.


But the reference was erased from a subsequent version published on Saturday after China’s ambassador to the Pacific nations, Qian Bo, told journalists there “must be a mistake”.


The Chinese envoy said there was language in the statement that should “not be the final communique”, declaring: “There must be a correction on the text.”


Taiwan later accused China of “an arbitrary intervention” and “unreasonable actions” but said the communique did not undermine Taiwan’s status with the PIF.


The Lowy Institute’s Pacific Islands Program director, Mihai Sora, said after the change was revealed that it looked like China had got its way, and “more surprises” could be expected when pro-China Solomon Islands hosted the next ’ meeting.


“This example of how China wields its increasing influence makes it crystal clear that it has interests in the Pacific beyond providing ‘development assistance’,” said Mr Sora, a former Australian diplomat whose postings included Solomon Islands.


“Namely, China wants to eradicate all diplomatic support from Taiwan in the region, even through direct interference in the Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ meeting,” he said.


“Given Qian Bo’s apparent outrage at the original text, perhaps he expected different language. It looks like he got his way on the day, but at what cost to the integrity of the Forum, and to regional unity?


“I’m sure we can expect more surprises the next time Forum leaders meet in 2025, when Honiara will be host,” he said.


Earlier Mr Qian told the ABC and Nikkei: “The situation is obvious. Among the 18 members of the PIF, 15 countries have diplomatic relations with China and 15 countries have categorically stated they stand by the One China principle.”


Taiwan’s Micronesian partners led the pushback against the Solomon Islands’ plan, sparking concerns that forum consensus was under threat. Australia was opposed to any change in the status quo on the forum’s relationship with Taiwan.


Mr Albanese returned from the PIF meeting on Thursday after winning agreement for a $400m regional policing partnership to set up a regional police response group and boost training in Brisbane and three other centres.


The Australian revealed earlier this week that Honiara – the host of next year’s leaders’ meeting and China’s closest partner in the region – was leading the charge to have Taiwan stripped of its status as a PIF “development partner”.


Taiwan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang attended the PIF leaders’ meeting in the Tongan capital, Nuku’alofa, this week, but unlike “tier 1” partners like China and the US, he was unable to address the forum.


Taiwan has official ties with three Pacific Islands states – Marshall Islands, Palau and Tuvalu – despite a concerted push by China to dislodge it from the region’s diplomatic landscape.


Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr had publicly rejected the Solomon Islands’ proposal. “That would obviously be disrespectful of sovereignty,” he said. “We came together as a forum. We have differences of opinion. We respect that.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Aug. 31, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21512357   🗄️.is 🔗kun





A senior Pacific diplomat told The Australian that China had been “heavily lobbying” Pacific countries to support a change in Taiwan’s access to the forum.


Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Peter Shanel Agovaka said this week a review would examine Taiwan’s status as a PIF partner.


Solomon Islands’ Manele government has maintained the country’s close ties with China, underpinned by a controversial security pact signed by former prime minister Manasseh Sogavare.


Taiwan slams China ‘intervention’ after Pacific bloc alters statement


The Taiwanese foreign ministry on Saturday accused China of an “arbitrary intervention” after the joint declaration by Pacific leaders was altered to remove mentions of Taiwan, Agence France-Presse reported.


“Taiwan issued the strongest condemnation on China’s arbitrary intervention and unreasonable actions that undermine regional peace and stability,” the foreign ministry told AFP in a statement on Saturday night.


Self-ruled Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own territory, also called on “all like-minded countries to closely monitor China’s actions” to safeguard “the harmony and stable development of Pacific island countries”.


Neither PIF nor Chinese officials replied to requests for comment on Saturday.


Palau, Marshall Islands and Tuvalu maintain diplomatic relations with Taipei but face constant pressure to change. Taiwan’s foreign ministry said it had contacted its three Pacific allies “to actively communicate with the PIF Secretariat” in a bid to retain the clause.


“This communique did not undermine our country’s status in the Pacific Islands Forum or exclude our rights to participate in the PIF in the future. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked our allies and like-minded countries for their support for our continued participation in PIF.”


New Zealand’s foreign ministry confirmed to AFP that there had not been a consensus on the paragraph about Taiwan.


“There are a range of views among the 18 Pacific Islands Forum members and part of the ‘Pacific Way’ is respect for different views and the importance of consensus,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 1, 2024, 3:20 a.m. No.21516429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6432


‘A bit of a scare’: New Muslim group to pressure Labor in a dozen Victorian seats


Rachel Eddie - September 1, 2024




Nail Aykan is sick of politicians getting photo opportunities at a Turkish restaurant or speaking to one kebab shop owner and thinking they can rely on Muslim people for their votes.


“It’s just your campaign propaganda. It’s window dressing. We want substance.”


It’s why Aykan organised the Muslim Voices of Calwell group to engage with candidates in the electorate in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.


And it’s why he will argue the merits of a hung parliament at the campaign launch of another group – Muslim Votes Matter – at Broadmeadows Town Hall on Sunday.


The group is looking closely at 12 federal seats in Victoria at the next election, which is due by May: Calwell, Wills, Bruce, Scullin, Holt, Lalor, Gorton, Gellibrand, Fraser, Isaacs, Cooper and Hawke.


All of them are held by Labor. “With enough momentum we need to give every candidate a bit of a scare to say, ‘Do not take us for granted’,” Aykan said.


Labor has been trying to contain anger over the war in Gaza in key electorates that have thousands of Muslim voters. At the 2021 census, such voters constituted about 24 per cent of people in Calwell and 10 per cent in the at-risk seat of Wills.


“The unfortunate consequence … for the Labor Party is that most of our community resides in seats held by the Labor Party, so most of our advocacy work is going to be against Labor,” Muslim Votes Matter national representative Ghaith Krayem said.


Krayem said the new group would not field candidates and was independent.


But he said it would devise how-to-vote cards for a smaller list of target seats, with rankings more focused on the policies of parties than the individual views of candidates.


“The government has made it clear in the last 10 months that individual members of parliament have almost no ability to influence government policy,” Krayem said.


West Australian senator Fatima Payman quit the parliamentary Labor Party in July after she was suspended for voting against the government on a Greens motion calling for immediate recognition of the Palestinian state. In NSW, a parliamentary secretary was demoted for calling the state’s police commissioner a liar over the behaviour of officers at pro-Palestinian protests.


“So having candidates who hold individual views means nothing if they are not allowed to express those views on behalf of their constituents in parliament,” Krayem said.


A separate group, the Muslim Vote, is also organising and could field independent candidates.


Labor MP Peter Khalil, whose Wills electorate office in Coburg has been repeatedly targeted by pro-Palestine protesters, has publicly come out against that organisation.


Khalil, recently appointed the special envoy for social cohesion, has said they ignored Labor’s breaking with the United States to back a ceasefire at the United Nations, calls for unimpeded aid, demands for Israel to respect humanitarian law, and affirming Australia’s role in a peace process.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 1, 2024, 3:22 a.m. No.21516432   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The Greens are seeking to flip Wills and will benefit from a boundary redistribution set to slash Labor’s 8.6 per cent margin.


Krayem, who was previously president of the Islamic Council of Victoria and chief executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said Muslim Votes Matter hoped for a hung parliament.


“That gives more influence to minor parties and independent candidates. In that environment, the interests of communities like ours is better served,” Krayem said.


“The two major political parties have taken our community for granted for quite some time.”


Aykan, whose Muslim Voices of Calwell group is separate from Muslim Votes Matter and is hosting a community forum for the electorate in September, was eager to see more Greens and teal independents elected.


“I’m not saying Labor should be voted out … every now and then you’ve got to give the incumbent party a bit of a scare so they don’t get complacent,” he said.


Outgoing Labor MP Maria Vamvakinou has held Calwell since 2001, during which time she has loudly supported Palestine. Her successor is likely to be Palestinian man Basem Abdo, defending a comfortable 12.4 per cent margin, two-party preferred.


British Labour lost five seats to pro-Palestinian independents at the UK election this year.


Krayem said Muslim Votes Matter was self-funded and had started taking donations that would be publicly disclosed. He said the lobby group had hundreds of members around the country.


“We want our own community to understand that it has political power … and we’ve succeeded at that. The community will not go back to a state where they won’t want to harness or exercise that political power any longer,” Krayem says.


“If any of those seats turn, well, that’s a bonus.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 1, 2024, 3:36 a.m. No.21516451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6458 >>0889


China, Philippines accuse each other of ramming ships in South China Sea


Neil Jerome Morales and Joe Cash - August 31, 2024


BEIJING, Aug 31 (Reuters) - The Philippines and China exchanged accusations of intentionally ramming coast guard vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea on Saturday, the latest in an escalating series of clashes in the vital waterway.


The collision near the Sabina Shoal was their fifth maritime confrontation in a month in a longstanding rivalry.


Beijing claims almost the entire South China Sea, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam. Portions of the waterway, where $3 trillion worth of trade passes annually, are believed to be rich in oil and natural gas deposits, as well as fish stocks.


The Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2016 found China's sweeping claims had no legal basis, a ruling Beijing rejects.


Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Jay Tarriela showed videos of Saturday's confrontation at a press conference, saying China Coast Guard vessel 5205 "directly and intentionally rammed the Philippine vessel" without provocation.


The ramming damaged the 97-metre (320-foot) Teresa Magbanua, one of the Philippines' largest coast guard cutters, but no personnel were injured, Tarriela said.


Liu Dejun, a spokesperson for China's coast guard, said in a statement a Philippine ship, "illegally stranded" at the shoal, had lifted anchor and "deliberately rammed" a Chinese vessel. He called on the Philippines to withdraw immediately or bear the consequences.


"The Chinese coast guard will take the measures required to resolutely thwart all acts of provocation, nuisance and infringement and resolutely safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests," Liu said.


Tarriela said Manila would not withdraw its ship "despite the harassment, the bullying activities and escalatory action of the Chinese coast guard".




The U.S. ambassador to the Philippines expressed Washington's support for the Philippines, a treaty ally.


"U.S. condemns the multiple dangerous violations of international law by the PRC (People's Republic of China), including today's intentional ramming," Ambassador MaryKay Carlson said on social media platform X.


The Philippines deployed a ship in April to the Sabina Shoal, 75 nautical miles from the coast of the Philippine province of Palawan. Manila accused Beijing of building an artificial island, saying it had documented piles of dead and crushed coral on the sandbars, which Beijing denies.


This week the Philippine maritime council said Chinese aircraft made unsafe manoeuvres against a civilian aircraft conducting patrols over two other disputed areas, the Scarborough Shoal and Subi reef.


The Philippines accused China of blocking a routine resupply mission on Sunday, saying Chinese vessels rammed and used water cannons on a fisheries bureau ship transporting food, fuel and medical supplies for Filipino fishermen.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 1, 2024, 3:40 a.m. No.21516458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0889



Australia joins US to condemn China’s aggressive Coast Guard tactics


Paul Sakkal - September 1, 2024


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has criticised dangerous actions in the contested South China Sea after the Chinese Coast Guard rammed a Philippines vessel, sparking counterclaims from China that the smaller nation was at fault.


It follows a backflip by the Pacific Islands Forum, a bloc of 18 countries including Australia, to remove a reference to Taiwan from an official communique after Chinese complaints, showing the superpower’s growing influence in the region.


Saturday’s ramming incident was the fifth confrontation between China and the Philippines in a month as China asserts its claim over most of the crucial trade route, including sections claimed by nations including Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam.


Philippines Coast Guard spokesman Jay Tarriela displayed footage of a Chinese ship that “directly and intentionally rammed the Philippine vessel” without provocation, and revealed damage to the 97-metre Philippines ship. Nobody was injured in the incident.


Australia, the UK and US criticised China’s behaviour.


“We need nations in the South China Sea to recognise the international law of the sea requires safe navigation there,” Albanese said at a press conference on Sunday. “I’ll get a full briefing about it but there shouldn’t be dangerous activity because it comes at great risk.”


Albanese’s call for restraint comes days after he secured a $400 million deal at the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) to fund policing in Pacific nations where China and the US are competing for influence.


A communiqué released at the end of last week’s forum included a segment on “Relations with Taiwan/Republic of China”, sparking the ire of Chinese officials who claim the democratic island as Chinese territory.


After China expressed its discontent, the document was removed from a website on Friday and a new document was posted on Saturday with the references to Taiwan removed. Asked about the change, Albanese was more muted, saying the communique expressed what leaders had agreed at the Tongan conference.


The PIF is an important regional forum where Australia and New Zealand build relations with Pacific nations without China’s involvement, though the rising superpower this week displayed its ability to exert influence despite its lack of formal forum membership.


The US ambassador to the Philippines, MaryKay Carlson, said the US “condemns the multiple dangerous violations of international law by the [People’s Republic of China], including today’s intentional ramming”.


“We stand with the Philippines in upholding international law.”


China has repeatedly laid blame on the Philippines and the US for the driving up regional tension.


Last week, a Chinese defence ministry spokesperson said Washington was emboldening Manila to make “reckless provocations”.

Anonymous ID: 023c12 Sept. 1, 2024, 7:22 p.m. No.21519950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maersk vessel takes out tall ship and hits museum while entering Fremantle

Sam Chambers August 30, 2024


Australia’s largest sail-training tall ship was badly damaged this morning as it was struck by the 8,814 teu Maersk Shekou. The boxship also hit the Western Australian Maritime Museum while entering the inner harbour of Fremantle port this morning.


The 1986-built STS Leeuwin II tall ship was dismasted in the accident, with two of its crew injured. The hull of the 55 m long sailing vessel remains intact. An investigation into the accident is set to get underway.


The 2010-built containership suffered a severe fire off Singapore in January 2020 when under previous ownership and called Northern Jupiter. It was bought by Maersk two years ago and is managed by V. Ships.


The Leeuwin has been a fixture of Fremantle for decades, but today devastation struck as the beloved vessel was left a crumpled mess by a container ship. #9News



— 9News Perth (@9NewsPerth) August 30, 2024

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:17 a.m. No.21520879   🗄️.is 🔗kun




'We'll remove it': Pacific caves to China's demand to exclude Taiwan from leaders communique


Lydia Lewis - 1 September 2024


The Pacific Islands Forum has submitted to China's demand to remove the mention of Taiwan from the final communique of the leaders' summit that concluded in Tonga this week.


Kiribati wants to see consequences for whoever is behind the Taiwan communique bungle, after Beijing's special envoy to the region cried foul at the inclusion of Taipei in the outcomes document.


On Friday, China's Ambassador to the Pacific, Qian Bo, was furious after the PIF Secretariat released the final communique which included a section in which Pacific leaders "reaffirmed" their relations with Taiwan.


Qian told journalists that affirming reference to Taiwan "must be a mistake" and "must be corrected", and soon after the document was taken down from the PIF website.


The moment Qian asks the PIF past chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown to remove the Taiwan reference has been caught on camera by RNZ Pacific.


"We'll remove it, I'll talk to you about it later," Brown can be heard saying to Beijing's top diplomat.


Qian's outburst has since been reported widely with some Pacific political commentators suggesting it demonstrates how Beijing throws its weight to exert its influence the region.


The Forum Secretariat has "re-issued" a new version of the communique, which according to a PIF spokesperson is "correct version of the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Communique".


This new version has removed the following section: "Relations with Taiwan/Republic of China: 66. Leaders reaffirmed the 1992 Leaders decision on relations with Taiwan/Republic of China."


"The version as finalised does not change nor impact the decisions of the meeting, nor any standing decisions of the Forum Leaders," the spokesperson said in an email response.


"The Communique is a consensus based document, reflecting the agreed decisions and views of all the Pacific Islands Forum," they added.


Reacting to Qian's comments, Kiribati's head of delegation said the Taiwan-China "issue is very sensitive".


"We believe that the inclusion of the Taiwan can cause problems," Kiribati's Education Minister Alexander Teabo told RNZ Pacific on Saturday as he was departing Tonga.


"China is more than the normal ally that we can depend on… and respect so much.


"The reality [is that] the Taiwan and China case it is politics within the China Sea, and if you look at the UN they recognise China," he said.


Teabo said the Pacific nations who were "affiliated to Taiwan want Taiwan to be included" in the forum.


"We, the majority [Pacific Islands Forum members], are following China. We believe that China will be frustrated," he said.


"[Taiwan] was discussed and in a manner that only some [PIF members] are talking about, but for us, we respected the one China policy."


Teabo said there should be consequences for the bungle.


"I think, yeah, should be," he responded.


"Taiwan and China have their own internal politics…and now pushing it into the forum, we think that it is going to be sort of trying to push their way into our forum family," Teabo added.


There were mixed reactions from other government officials who RNZ Pacific spoke to on the issue - with one saying they were disappointed that the PIF Secretariat let the Taiwan section slide, with another saying it was not a big deal.


Earlier in the week, Nauru's President told RNZ Pacific that he was pleased with Pacific unity despite differences of opinion on "some issues", although he did not elaborate on the what the issues were.


'Pacific is big enough'


Qian Bo has said only three out of 18 forum member countries recognised Taiwan, saying "they are trying to, you know, disrupt".


"Taiwan is part of China.


"Pacific is big enough for all of us to work together," he said, adding "we consider New Zealand is our strategic partner in many respects."


This week, the United States deputy secretary of State, Kurt Campbell, said that Washington welcomed any country that was committed to improving the living standards of Pacific peoples, including China.


"China's engagement in some of these areas is unobjectionable," he said.


However, he said concerns about Beijing's intentions and engagement in the region remained.


"We do have concerns in certain areas where China has supported undemocratic elements and where we have seen abuses in fishing practices, and also we are concerned by the potential for power projection capabilities into a region of peace," Campbell said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:24 a.m. No.21520889   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chinese experts criticize Philippines for endangering ships and violating humanitarian principles after Philippine vessel deliberately collides with CCG ship at Xianbin Jiao


Zhang Yuying - Aug 31, 2024


At 08:02 on Saturday, the Philippine ship 9701 weighed anchor and continued its provocations at China's Xianbin Jiao (also known as Xianbin Reef) in the South China Sea. In response, the Chinese coast guard ship 5205 lawfully issued verbal warnings and conducted monitoring and control measures, according to the China Coast Guard (CCG) on Saturday.


At 12:06, the Philippine ship deliberately rammed into the Chinese ship 5205 in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, causing a collision for which the Philippines bears full responsibility, CCG spokesperson Liu Dejun said.


China once again urges the Philippines to face reality, abandon illusions, and immediately withdraw their illegal ship, as this is the only correct path forward. The Philippines should not misinterpret the situation, provoke conflicts, or escalate tensions, otherwise, the consequences will be solely borne by the Philippine side, the spokesperson warned.


The CCG reiterated China's indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Qundao, or Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Jiao, and their adjacent waters. China will take necessary measures to resolutely thwart any provocative acts of infringement and firmly defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, the spokesperson said.


Since mid-April, the Philippine Coast Guard ship 9701, also known as BRP Teresa Magbanua, has been illegally and harmfully anchored in the lagoon of the Xianbin Jiao.


The Philippines' long-term anchoring at Xianbin Jiao constitutes illegal occupation, which does not change the legal status of the occupied territory, according to Zhang Qiyue, a research fellow at Shanghai Institute for International Studies.


The Philippines has seriously infringed on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, violating the basic principles of the United Nations Charter for the peaceful resolution of international disputes, and gone against the spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which promotes peaceful use of the seas, Zhang stressed, noting that this action has caused serious damage to international legal norms and the rule of law.


In response to the illegal intrusion of Philippine vessel 9701 into Xianbin Jiao, China has shown a high degree of restraint by refraining from taking forceful measures against it, and only implementing necessary control measures to prevent the vessel from staying long-term, said Chen Xidi, a research fellow at China Institute for Marine Affairs, noting that China has been actively communicating with the Philippine side throughout this situation.


This fully demonstrates China's sincerity in adhering to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, not expanding and peacefully resolving disputes, Chen said. "In sharp contrast, the Philippines continues provocations by deliberately ramming into the Chinese ship. The Philippines is the one undermining peace and stability in the South China Sea, and violating humanitarian principles," Chen noted.


In fact, the Philippines is not concerned about the safety of its ships, aircraft, and personnel at Xianbin Jiao, nor does it care about the "freedom" and "stability" of the South China Sea, Chen noted. "The only thing the Philippines cares about is whether its actions in the South China Sea are aggressive and attention-grabbing enough, and whether it can win the 'favor' and 'support' of certain countries outside the region," Chen said.


Experts urged the Philippine side not to harbor any illusions about the illegal occupation of Xianbin Jiao, nor to repeatedly test China's bottom line. Otherwise, it will only waste time and be of no benefit to the resolution of the dispute.


"The only way to solve the dispute is for the Philippine side to withdraw its coast guard ship and other vessels as soon as possible, and restore peace and stability in the South China Sea," Zhang said.


On Friday, China released an on-site investigative report regarding the ecological system of the coral reefs in the South China Sea's Xianbin Jiao, revealing the coral reef ecosystem in Xianbin Jiao is generally in good health, in response to allegations made by the Philippines this year, which groundlessly accused China of reclaiming an artificial reef around Xianbin Jiao that led to widespread coral bleaching.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:35 a.m. No.21520904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0908



PM dodges China question, spruiks ‘jobs for subs’




Anthony Albanese has dodged a question about the purpose of AUKUS while spruiking a new “jobs for subs” initiative in Western Australia.


Speaking to reporters from HMAS Stirling, an island naval base just off Perth, the Prime Minister was asked on Monday if the trilateral defence pact was designed to fight a third world war, possibly against China, or prevent one.


“AUKUS is designed to serve Australia’s national interest, working with the United States and the United Kingdom, which is, of course, our traditional allies,” he said.


“This is about our own national interest.”


Mr Albanese turned his attention to USS Hawaii, an American Virginia-class submarine docked at HMAS Stirling, where it is being worked on by both Australian and US defence personnel as part of AUKUS maintenance training.


Australia stands to get three to five of the Virginia-class submarines.


He said USS Hawaii was “more capable in terms of length, of staying under speed, stealth, all of those arrangements mean that it’s a more effective piece of hardware that is important for an island continent like Australia”.


“There’s nothing more important than having a navy which is strong,” he said.


Earlier, the federal government unveiled its Nuclear-Powered Submarine Graduate, Apprenticeship and Traineeship Initiative.


The program aims to help shipbuilder ASC Pty Ltd recruit 200 entry-level workers over the next two years to build up the workforce needed to maintain the AUKUS fleet.


The jobs will be mostly based in Western Australia, where up to five nuclear-powered submarines are to be docked at HMAS Stirling.


The roles will be wide ranging, offering opportunities in fabrication, machining, engineering, project management, supply chain and operations qualifications.


It comes after a US AUKUS architect commented on Canberra’s commitment to laying the necessary foundation to receive the submarines.


Scepticism looms large over the viability of AUKUS, with the pact facing a torrent of pointed questions on its cost, protracted timeline and indemnity clauses that some have said could leave Australia in the lurch.


But Abe Denmark, who recently left his post as a senior US defence adviser on AUKUS, has brushed off concerns about US and UK commitment and instead turned the spotlight on Canberra.


“All eyes are on Australia about how they’re going to invest to build out the Australian submarine industrial base especially and when that money’s going to start coming,” he told the Herald Sun in an interview.


Mr Denmark said he expected Washington to remain committed to the deal regardless of who won the upcoming US presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:37 a.m. No.21520908   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Entry-level workers set to support AUKUS submarines


Kat Wong - September 2 2024


Graduates, apprentices and trainees will be recruited to maintain Australia's future nuclear-powered submarine fleet in an attempt to shore up the necessary workforce.


The federal government's initiative will allow submarine builder ASC Pty Ltd to hire about 200 entry-level workers over the next two years.


As part of Australia's trilateral agreement with the US and UK - known as AUKUS - up to five nuclear-powered submarines will have a presence at the HMAS Stirling naval base just south of Perth from as early as 2027.


The new roles will help sustain and maintain the fleet.


"We want to keep Australians safe," Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said.


"That's why WA will play a key role in building AUKUS. This will help promote peace and deterrence in the region and support local jobs."


The new jobs will span fabrication, machining, engineering, project management, supply chain and operations, and most will be based in WA.


Many young West Australians with these skills often enter the mining industry where jobs can be lucrative.


But Resources Minister Madeleine King said the submarine workforce would be an attractive option.


"These submarines and these ships … they're highly technical, they're exciting crafts, and I think it is an alternative to the mining industry, which will always be such an important part of our economy," she told ABC radio on Monday.


About $8 billion will be spent on wharf upgrades, training facilities and supporting infrastructure at the WA naval base.


The government has also committed to funding more than 4000 Commonwealth-supported places in science, technology, engineering and mathematics bachelor degrees across 16 universities to nurture the future submarine workforce.


Across the nation, the submarine program is expected to create about 20,000 jobs over the next three decades.


The AUKUS plan aims to ensure eight nuclear-powered submarines will be in Australian service by the 2050s and could cost up to $368 billion.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:45 a.m. No.21520912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0918


Brittany Higgins's lawyer delivers rebuke of senator Linda Reynolds testimony in defamation trial


Andrea Mayes - 2 September 2024




Senator Linda Reynolds was an unreliable witness who failed to answer questions and whose "gratuitous" and "self-serving" testimony was more like advocacy, court defamation proceedings against her former staffer Brittany Higgins have been told.


The defamation case, which has been heard over the past month in the WA Supreme Court, revolves around a handful of social media posts made by Ms Higgins last year that Senator Reynolds took offence to.


The posts were made four years after the young woman was raped in Senator Reynolds's parliamentary office by her colleague Bruce Lehrmann.


While he has always denied raping Ms Higgins, he was found to have done so in civil proceedings in the federal court earlier this year.


In a blistering final submission, Ms Higgins's lawyer Rachael Young SC told the court Senator Reynolds did not always believe her former staffer had been raped, contrary to what she had repeatedly claimed.


Senator Reynolds expressed ambivalence about the alleged rape to News Corp journalist Samantha Maiden, directly disavowed it in an interview with Channel 7's Spotlight last year, and her lawyer Martin Bennett also cast doubt in his opening address, Ms Young said.


This included Mr Bennett's assertion that "the imagination of young people" meant the rape could have happened anywhere in the Senator's office, so she was not to know it happened on her couch, and his description of Ms Higgins "seeking a villain in her fairytale story of political cover-up".


Reynolds accused of 'attempt to smear'


Ms Young said Senator Reynolds had tried to cast doubt on Ms Higgins's credibility by raising the issue of Mr Lehrmann buying her a coffee the day after the sexual assault.


"To say, in effect, Ms Higgins received a coffee and was doing something friendly with Mr Lehrmann after the rape … [was an] … attempt to smear Ms Higgins by suggesting the rape did not happen," she said.


She said although the court had heard evidence about how Senator Reynolds had suffered in the wake of the rape allegations, "without question, though, the heaviest burden has and will continue to be carried by Ms Higgins".


She said Ms Higgins was "the survivor of a serious crime which has affected every aspect of her life, including serious impacts on her mental health".


Two years later, she said, Ms Higgins bravely spoke out about her ordeal "for an altruistic purpose" and not in order to harass or defame Senator Reynolds.


By doing so, she had achieved lasting reform, Ms Young said.


"The rape of Ms Higgins in Parliament House in March of 2019 has caused her much suffering, but it has also given rise to a profound and lasting impact on the way in which gendered violence and safety issues are addressed in Australian workplaces," she said.


'We say it's harassment'


Senator Reynolds had harassed Ms Higgins, not the other way around, Ms Young said, and this was evident in her conduct.


She disputed the merit of Ms Higgins's $2.4 million Commonwealth compensation payment, despite claiming to be only concerned about the process of how the settlement was reached, Ms Young said.


She leaked details of that settlement to a journalist at The Australian, despite being told it was confidential information, which amounted to harassment, the lawyer told the court.


She then gave an interview to the journalist and continued to leak information, both sensitive and petty to selected journalists, Ms Young said.


This included an email containing personal information about the support Ms Higgins had been provided with and another email revealing her partner Mr Sharaz had left his job at a radio station.


She also questioned the veracity of Ms Higgins's rape allegation in a Channel Seven interview in which she agreed with the assertion that the compensation payout was made "on the basis of a crime that may not have been committed."


"The senator engaged in a course of conduct to disrupt and undermine the credibility and reliability of her former employee," Ms Young said.


"That's why we say it's harassment."



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:47 a.m. No.21520918   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ill health pre-dated social media posts


Ms Young also said Senator Reynolds was trying to sue Ms Higgins for events that happened years before the contentious social media posts were published — events that caused feelings of "distress and upset" because of the "political accountability" she had been forced to face in the wake of the rape allegations being made public.


In seeking damages, Ms Young said, the senator had "besmirched those she blamed for her political demise".


She said Senator Reynolds had failed to produce evidence that her heart condition had escalated since the publication of the social media posts in 2023, and there was evidence of her heart problems existing as early as 2018.


"It is also a significant factor that the senator had pre-existing mental and physical issues, and it is also significant that she was unable to retain the defence portfolio due to her ill health," Ms Young told the court.


"What the evidence also identified is that while 2021 may have been a difficult year for the senator, she had gradually improved through 2022 and further still in 2023."


Reputational damage 'baked in'


Ms Young also claimed Senator Reynolds explicitly tried to help Mr Lehrmann's defence in his criminal rape trial by contacting his lawyer 21 times and suggesting he investigate text messages between Ms Higgins and another of her staff members "that may be revealing".


"Those 21 messages show the senator's partisan attitude in favour of the accused," Ms Young said.


She said Senator Reynolds was not entitled to claim damages for injury she suffered two years before Ms Higgins's contentious 2023 social media posts, and which was not caused by her.


She said the senator was hurt and distressed by "the cut and thrust of the Senate environment, the hard questions that were asked of her in the fallout from her having called Ms Higgins a 'lying cow' … the loss of her defence portfolio, [and] not being picked for any shadow ministry under Mr Dutton's government."


None of this was caused by Ms Higgins's posts, she said, and in any case, her reputational damage was "baked in" by July 2023.


And by that time, as her friends and family testified, her physical and mental health had improved and she'd already decided not to run for preselection, Ms Young said.


Ms Young is expected to finish her closing submissions sometime tomorrow, after which Mr Bennett will then begin his.


The hearings are scheduled to finish on Wednesday, when Justice Paul Tottle will retire to consider his verdict.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:52 a.m. No.21520925   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Children to be asked pronouns at libraries under new taxpayer-funded guidelines


Carly Douglas - August 31, 2024


Children as young as five will be asked if they identify as a she, he or they as part of new taxpayer funded guidelines rolled out to public libraries across the state.


Library staff are being told to ask children what their preferred pronouns are, avoid “gendered-language” and to offer pronoun badges, pins or lanyards for patrons in a new government funded ‘Rainbow Toolkit’.


Staff at public libraries across Victoria have been given new guidelines on how to be LGBTQIA+ friendly, including adding books on gender diversity to their collections, promoting drag story time events and not assuming the gender or sexuality of children, teenagers and adults.


The ‘Rainbow Toolkit’ was launched by the state government on Friday to celebrate LGBTQIA+ awareness day.


One section, labelled ‘Non-Gendered Interactions’, proposes that staff ask primary school aged children what their pronouns are.


“It is also important to recognise that, especially for young people, gender identity and sexuality can shift or evolve over time,” it reads.


“Even if you are familiar with a child, teenager, parent or other individual, leave room for them to express a change in their identity.


“Checking in casually about their pronouns (‘Do you still prefer he/him pronouns?’; ‘Do you still go by Sam, or is there something else you’d like me to use?’) can let a young person in particular know that you are safe, accepting and flexible and that, by extension, so is the library.”


Staff are also told to avoid terms like sir or ma’am and to use gender neutral terms instead, such as ‘this patron/person/visitor’.


“Children in particular may want to experiment with different gender expressions through dressing up, and we can support them by avoiding mapping our expectations of gender onto them,” it reads.


The Allan government allocated $14,020 to develop the toolkit which was created following a survey of 156 respondents from LGBTQIA+ families, and 80 public library staff.


The majority of respondents, 85 per cent, said it was “extremely important” that their local library uses inclusive language for customer service interactions, including gender neutral pronouns.


In promoting the new guidelines, Equality Minister Harriet Shing said the state government will always back our LGBTQIA+ communities as “we work to build a state where all people, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, can live wholly and freely”.


But Senior Fellow at the Australian Catholic University Dr Kevin Donnelly called the toolkit “dangerous”.


“It’s an appalling indictment on those who seek to corrupt childhood and destroy the innocence of childhood,” he said.


“Also it’s dangerous that these gender activists, a lot of them who are inspired by cultural Marxism, seek to take the place of parents.”


Dr Bella d’Abrera from the Institute of Public Affairs said parents should be “very concerned” that the government both supports and funds the “indoctrination of children with fringe theories about sex and gender”.


“It is incredible that families can no longer even visit a public library without staff members attempting to recruit children into the radical gender cult,” she said.


“Children should be left alone to be children.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:58 a.m. No.21520935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1002 >>5868 >>0701

Daycare paedophile Ashley Paul Griffith pleads guilty to sexually abusing dozens of children in Brisbane and Italy


Laura Lavelle - 2 September 2024


Warning: This story contains details of child sexual abuse.


A former Queensland childcare worker has pleaded guilty to raping, sexually abusing and exploiting dozens of girls under his care.


Ashley Paul Griffith was arraigned on more than 300 charges in the District Court in Brisbane today.


The offences against around 60 children happened between 2003 and 2022 at early learning centres in Brisbane and Italy.


Several victims and their families were in court, with some parents crying as the names of their children were read out.


The parents of one of the young victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, described the "horrific" moment they were told their daughter had been sexually abused.


They said they thought police were contacting them about another incident at the daycare centre. Instead, they were asked to identify their child from a photo.


"We see people going in [to the daycare centre now], and I [think], this happened to my child in that room," the child's mother said.


"It’s a room of horrors."


The child's father said it was "hard to believe" how someone could "get away with something like that for so long".


The couple said they decided to tell their daughter about what happened to her, but she's still very young and doesn't entirely understand.


"As she grows up, we'll deal with that as it comes but it’s going to be something we deal with through our lives now," the child’s father said.


"It was good that [he pleaded guilty] and we can move onto the next step now."


Griffith emotionless as he pleaded guilty


Griffith remains in custody and will be sentenced on another date.


The court heard the sentencing could take more than two days, with several victim impact statements to be read.


The then 45-year-old from the Gold Coast was arrested in August 2022 by federal police and charged with multiple Commonwealth child exploitation material offences.


He was later charged with more than 1,400 offences, including dozens of rapes, after further child abuse material was discovered on his electronic devices.


Earlier this year, an indictment was presented to the District Court with a heavily reduced number of charges.


Today before Judge Anthony Rafter further charges against Griffith were dropped, bringing the total number of offences to 307.


They include 190 counts of indecent treatment, 28 counts of rape, 67 counts of making child exploitation material, four counts of producing child abuse material outside of Australia, 15 counts of repeated sexual conduct with a child and more.


It took Judge Rafter's associate more two hours to read out and have Griffith arraigned on all charges.


Griffith appeared emotionless as he pleaded guilty to every charge.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 2, 2024, 4:23 a.m. No.21521002   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Brisbane childcare rapist unseen for years in 'broken' system


Rex Martinich - Sep 2, 2024


The parents of one of dozens of young girls raped by a childcare worker say the system is broken and they can't fathom how he got away with prolific offending over years in a "room full of horrors".


Ashley Paul Griffith, 46, today pleaded guilty in Brisbane District Court to more than 300 child sex offences including 28 charges of rape, as well as ongoing sexual abuse and making child exploitation material.


Griffith committed the crimes at childcare centres in multiple Brisbane suburbs over a span of more than 19 years.


The parents of one of the victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, spoke outside court after Griffith spent more than two hours entering his pleas to each individual charge.


"We certainly feel there's something broken in the system," the victim's father said.


"How someone like that could get away with that for so long, it's hard to believe it's being run as effectively as it could be".


The victim's mother said she wanted to stand outside the childcare centre where her daughter was attacked in order to warn other parents


"It happened to my child in that room. It's a room full of horrors," she said.


The mother said her complaint about Griffith's behaviour in 2018 was not acted upon and she accused the centre of being run "as a business, not as a place that was looking after children".


Griffith faced court today for arraignment and replied "guilty" when each charge was read to Judge Anthony Rafter and a courtroom overflowing with victims' families and police detectives.


He admitted to offences against multiple children while working in childcare centres across Brisbane between January 2003 and August 2022.


Dressed in a striped polo shirt and jeans, the Gold Coast resident stood for two hours while hundreds of charges were read out.


Griffith was arrested in August 2022 by Australian Federal Police and originally charged with more than 1000 offences against 91 young girls, but hundreds of charges were later dropped.


He pleaded guilty to 190 counts of indecent treatment of children aged under 12 while a carer, 67 counts of taking indecent photos and videos of children, and 15 counts of repeated sexual abuse of a child.


Griffith also admitted to seven counts of possessing child exploitation material and distributing the material outside of Australia to locations in Italy.


Crown prosecutor Stephanie Gallagher told Judge Rafter a pre-sentence report and psychiatric evaluation would be ready by November.


"It would be appropriate to list (the sentencing to last) for two days … There is a large number of victims in this case and family members who I suspect will be interested in providing impact statements," Gallagher said.


Judge Rafter said he would take that into account as "sometimes there is a request for victim impact material to be read out".


Defence barrister Sarah Cartledge submitted that sentencing should be delayed at least a month after the reports were provided.


"Defence have taken active steps to make sure this matter is expedited … pushing that sentence out another month isn't a significant delay," she said.Judge Rafter adjourned the matter to September 9 to discuss a sentencing date.


Griffith did not seek bail and was returned to custody.


Outside court, the parents of one victim welcomed the guilty plea, saying it would allow them to move on to the next step.


The father was relieved the guilty pleas avoided a trial as "it would have been awful if he didn't plead (guilty)".


The mother said the evidence against Griffith was overwhelming and she was thankful not to have the added trauma of a trial.


"The idea of him being able to see the pictures of all these children again (at trial) would be heartbreaking."


If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 3:17 a.m. No.21525868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


‘Never free this predator’: parents’ plea on pedophile childcare worker Ashley Paul Griffith after pleading guilty to 306 child abuse charges


MACKENZIE SCOTT - September 02, 2024


The parents of a little girl preyed upon by Australia’s worst alleged pedophile have been joined by a leading abuse advocate in calling for the former childcare worker to never be released after he pleaded guilty to more than 300 child abuse charges.


Ashley Paul Griffith appeared in Brisbane’s District Court on Monday before a courtroom packed with families of young girls he abused over 15 years as he moved between Queensland, NSW and Italy.


Griffith accepted 28 counts of rape against at least 12 children, 190 counts of unlawfully and indecently dealing with a child and 67 counts of making child exploitation material.


He also pleaded guilty to 15 counts of maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child, four counts of producing child abuse material outside of Australia, one count of distributing child abuse material outside of Australia, one count of using a carriage service for child pornography material and one count of possessing child exploitation material.


A man and woman whose daughter was allegedly abused by Griffith said life in prison was not long enough for the man who had been so prolific in his abuse. “It’s a little bit disappointing that life is probably not as long as we’d like, especially if there’s any kind of parole element to that,” said the father, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his child.


“It was good that it was a guilty plea and that we can move on to the next step now.


“It would have been awful if he had pled innocent, and then we have to go through that.”


Australian Federal Police arrested Griffith eight years after child exploitation material found on the dark web led them back to the man who worked in almost a dozen childcare centres in Brisbane, Sydney and Pisa, Italy, from 2007 to 2022.


Investigators traced bedsheets in some of the abuse footage to Brisbane childcare centres, eventually leading to the identification of Griffith as the offender. Some of his alleged victims are now adults.


Child abuse campaigner Hetty Johnston said no one should have to ever worry again where Griffith was living or what he was doing. “This is the type of predator that should never, ever see the outside of a jail,” Ms Johnston said.


“Our system is so much more concerned about the civil rights of adults than they are about the human rights of children. For me, it’s throw away the key.”


Each rape charge carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Making child exploitation material comes with a maximum term of 25 years in Queensland, while the charges of indecent treatment of a child under 12 carry up to 20 years behind bars.


The parents of the young girl sat beside two other couples in the public gallery, separated by a panel of perspex from Griffith in the dock. Each pair held each other and cried at times throughout the childcare worker’s mammoth 2½-hour indictment.


Griffith responded “guilty” to each allegation and declined an opportunity by judge Anthony Rafter to make a statement at the end of proceedings.


The couple who spoke outside the court said they reported allegations he threatened to smack a child at the childcare centre where he was working, but their claim wasn’t investigated by the operator. “They said, ‘Leave it with me, I will deal with that’,” the mother said.


“It was never put forward. They (the child care centre) did not tell the (other) child’s parents or anything.”


The father added: “That’s been the hard thing to process, that every child after that incident, effectively, we could have stopped it.”


The couple said their now primary school-aged daughter was doing well, but they were prepared to offer her more support as she grew older and understood the gravity of what happened to her.


Ms Johnston said it was important the parents did not blame themselves and commended them for working with the police to get justice.


Griffith did not apply for bail and will remain in custody. He will undergo a psychiatric assessment in October prior to sentencing later in the year.


The matter will next be heard for a mention on September 9.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 3:22 a.m. No.21525883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5887


Higgins, Reynolds’ lawyers in tug-of-war over ‘conspiracy’ claim amid shock Credlin connection


Jesinta Burton - September 3, 2024




Liberal senator Linda Reynolds’ lawyer has accused Brittany Higgins of concocting a plan to weaponise her alleged rape in an “unprovoked attack underpinned by visceral hatred”, while revealing Sky News anchor Peta Credlin finessed one of her powerful public addresses.


Higgins’ barrister, Rachael Young, SC, used the final hour of her closing address on Tuesday to savage the conspiracy arm of Reynolds’ Supreme Court defamation claim over several social media posts from July 2023.


Young told the court the Reynolds’ evidence had failed to support her claim Higgins and the ex-staffer’s now-husband David Sharaz had devised a malicious plan to attack her by handpicking journalists, curating the timing of the bombshell story and aiding her political opponents.


She downplayed the relevance of a five-hour recording before Higgins’ tell-all interview with The Project in 2021 in which Sharaz told journalist Lisa Wilkinson the former staffer’s motivation was for Reynolds to lose her job.


Heard in its entirety, Young, said the audio showed Higgins’ real desire was for cultural change and that had been evidenced by her continued advocacy for reform and to support victims of sexual assault.


“Ms Higgins wanted to call out the perpetrator and the way she was treated afterwards because she felt she had a moral obligation to do so … she wanted to generate reform, and that is evidenced by her continued advocacy on such issues,” Young said.


“Ms Higgins has talked about her motivation at length, which is corroborated by the evidence … at no point did Ms Higgins ever state to [journalist Samantha] Maiden that her motive was to injure Senator Reynolds.”


Young concluded her final address by telling the court it wasn’t until the former staffer’s tell-all interview, two years after her alleged rape, that she found the agency she had fought for.


In the spirit of honouring that, the barrister recited portions of an address the former staffer delivered to the press shortly after breaking her silence in February 2021 which she said best articulated her true motive.


“The prime minister has repeatedly said that I should be given agency going forward, but I don’t believe that agency was provided to me over the past two years — I seize it now,” Young read.


“From the outset, I have been driven by my desire to ensure that no other person would have to go through the trauma that I have experienced during my time in Parliament House.


“That’s why she [Higgins] spoke out up, that’s what she is being sued about, and that’s why we say this action should be wholly dismissed.”


But Reynolds’ lawyer, Martin Bennett, dubbed the recording the strongest proof of a co-ordinated attack by Higgins alongside her now-husband Sharaz – her “co-conspirator” – based on a “litany of lies”.


And he cautioned the court against relying on the excerpts of Higgins’ media statement, revealing it was actually penned by Higgins and edited by Sharaz and Sky News host Peta Credlin.


The court was shown correspondence in which Sharaz sent Credlin the statement and invited the anchor to edit it as she saw fit.


Credlin returned the statement with a series of recommended changes for Higgins.


“It needs to be treated with caution. What appears to be Higgins’ voice is the voice of people jumping on a bandwagon,” Bennett told the court.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 3:23 a.m. No.21525887   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Reynolds made a shock appearance just before 11am, sitting in the front row of the public gallery before Bennett lambasted Higgins for “arrogantly” trivialising his client’s suffering from her new home in France.


He told the court the written evidence Higgins provided was “flaky” and fell “woefully short” of defending what he dubbed an “unprovoked attack underpinned by visceral hatred” laid bare in her pre-interview briefing.


“What was said was the genuine, unguarded, unrehearsed, real, true expression of the moment, of what then took place as part of the planning for premeditated attack that is of central relevance now,” Bennett told the court.


“The contents of [Maiden’s] article and The Project interview are not referred to in the defence’s closing submissions because they are simply indefensible.”


Bennett also hit back at claims Reynolds knowingly hosted a meeting with Higgins over the alleged rape in her ministerial office on April 1, 2021, just metres from the couch on which it is said to have occurred.


He told the court it implied a “callousness” antithetical to the character the senator demonstrated on the witness stand.


The former defence minister claims Higgins’ social media posts accusing her of mishandling the former staffer’s alleged rape in Parliament House by colleague Bruce Lehrmann on March 23, 2019, after a night out are defamatory.


Higgins is defending the action on the basis her posts were true.


Lehrmann has maintained his innocence since the 2022 criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct, but a Federal Court judgment found, on the balance of probabilities, that he did rape Higgins.


Lehrmann is now appealing this ruling.


Higgins’ lawyer said Reynolds targeted the wrong person, attempting to saddle her former staffer with the blame for her ailing health and demotion from the defence portfolio after the political uproar over the alleged rape.


The trial continues.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 3:43 a.m. No.21525977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5987

Concerns raised over Australians doing research on ethnic minorities in China


Liam Mannix - September 2, 2024




In Xinjiang, Uyghurs and other minority groups live in a police state. More than a million men, women and children have been taken from their families and held by the Chinese government in re-education camps; there are allegations of forced sterilisation, forced labour and genocide.


Despite this context, Australian researchers have, over the past decade, collaborated with Chinese colleagues on several studies of tissue and DNA taken from Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang.


There are now questions about whether the test subjects truly gave informed consent for their DNA and blood to be taken.


“We don’t have any rights to say yes or no to anything,” said Adam Turan, a Uyghur who left the region in 2011. His family remains there.


Consent is an important pillar of human research. Research subjects must freely give it, and Australian collaborators must assure themselves Australian ethical standards have been met – including in cases where the study was done overseas.


In July, an Australian-Chinese study testing the DNA of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to help build a forensic database was pulled from the scientific record after it emerged police may have been involved in collecting the samples.


This masthead can also reveal another Australian team worked on ways of measuring ethnic identity at a boarding school program for Uyghurs.


Turan said children were often forcibly removed to such schools, which exist to stamp out Uyghur culture.


Other Australian researchers have collaborated on studies funded by a Xinjiang-based organisation now under international sanction for human rights abuses.


Australian scientists and universities defend their right to work freely with international colleagues as integral to the advancement of science, and say they have followed all rules on informed consent.


“The right to share in and benefit from scientific advancement is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as is the right to engage in scientific enquiry, to communicate knowledge, and to associate freely in such activities,” reads a position statement from the Australian Academy of Science.


But other researchers call some work ethically questionable.


“I would think [collecting DNA] would be a red line for anyone who has read any news in the last seven or eight years – but clearly it’s not,” said Monash University’s Dr Kevin Carrico, who studies the ethics of research in China. “I am baffled by how researchers could find themselves working in this context. It’s genuinely beyond comprehension.”


Forensic DNA profiling of minorities in Xinjiang


In 2017, scientists in China collected blood from 1842 members of ethnic minority groups, not including Uyghur people, living in Xinjiang. The study was funded and ethically approved by Chinese institutions, and was designed to help build a forensic database to help identify DNA found at crime scenes.


Professor Dennis McNevin, a highly respected forensic geneticist now at the University of Canberra, was called in by one of the researchers to help analyse the results.


“I considered it my professional duty to help my overseas colleagues,” he told this masthead. He obtained the participants’ consent forms. “All looked to be in order.”


Not all participants could read or write, so some “signed” by voice and others by thumbprint. McNevin later learned that a police officer may have been present in some cases.


Police are often involved in collecting such data, McNevin said.


But Adam Turan, who is president of the East Turkistan Australian Association (the phrase Turan uses to refer to his homeland), said it was not possible for Uyghurs in Xinjiang to refuse a request from the government or police. “If you say no, your name will be ticked that you have views against the government,” he said.


After concerns were raised about consent, the journal that published the study investigated and retracted it in June.


China has been building a vast DNA database as part of a biometric surveillance strategy. The research itself could not directly contribute to that, experts said.


“But where are the DNA samples? Where did they end up?,” asked Kate Pippia, founder of DNA testing service Identilab.


McNevin said he “cannot discount the possibility” the DNA collected is being used for other purposes.


“I am going to be reluctant now to collaborate with foreign colleagues where I do not have first-hand experience of everything that happens on the ground,” he said. “Perhaps I was naive in this respect.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 4:09 a.m. No.21525987   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The paper’s retraction raises concerns about other Australian-Chinese research collaborations in Xinjiang.


In the past decade, Australian researchers have studied the human papillomavirus (HPV) in Uyghur people and screened them for genetic susceptibility to diabetes. The latter study had $572,000 of Australian government funding.


“In the context of ongoing crimes against humanity targeted at the Uyghur people, a high degree of scepticism regarding informed consent should be applied,” said Dr Henryk Szadziewski, director of research at the Uyghur Human Rights Project.


The universities and authors involved all said the consent process was checked by the journal before the studies were published.


A spokesman for the University of the Sunshine Coast said that because the blood samples for the HPV study were collected in China, and the Australian researcher was involved only in an “editorial capacity”, Australian human ethics approval was not required. Edith Cowan University said it was investigating the “specific details of the ethics approval process” for the diabetes study.


School children surveyed


In 2014 and 2016 a researcher from the University of Melbourne surveyed students at a Xinjiangban school in China. These boarding schools take ethnic minority children to try to suppress their ethnic identity; the UN has described the schools as a program of forced assimilation.


“My brothers’ children were taken to a school like that when they were three or four, without consent,” said Turan. “The bottom line is they are going to destroy our ethnic identity.”


The researcher surveyed the students on how strong their sense of belonging to their ethnic group was, whether they “loved China”, and whether they felt “angry if someone speaks ill of China”.


Daria Impiombato, an analyst who researches human rights issues in China at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, called the study “absolutely outrageous”.


“You’re trying to inculcate a Chinese national identity into ethnic students and make them forget about their original ethnic identity,” she said. “The author is trying to verify whether this program has been effective.”


The University of Melbourne said it was “looking into the details surrounding this matter”.


Funding for Australian institutions


In a number of cases, academics at Australian institutions have collaborated on research funded by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.


These include studies on cloud computing, self-driving vehicles and solar panels.


XPCC is under global sanction from the US government over alleged human rights abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.


Henryk Szadziewski described the XPCC as a “paramilitary government entity known for its role in land expropriation and its deployment by the highest levels of the party-state to suppress Uyghur dissent”.


The Australian Renewable Energy Agency, which funded some of the research, said it did so three years before the sanctions were applied; other universities involved in the research said their academics either did not receive any direct XPCC funding or were unaware that XPCC was involved in funding the research.


Solving the problem may prove harder than identifying it.


Science is by its nature collaborative. But publishers, journal editors and Australian universities needed to apply a wary eye to any research coming out of Xinjiang, said James Leiboldt, a professor at La Trobe University and a former director of the Xinjiang Data Project, rather than leaving it all up to individual academics.


“I find it really problematic when an Australian-based researcher will say, ‘Oh, my collaborator in Beijing was responsible for getting ethics approval.’”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 3, 2024, 4:14 a.m. No.21525998   🗄️.is 🔗kun



US navy boss Tom Mancinelli says Australia will retain sovereignty over nuclear subs


JOE KELLY - 3 September 2024


The US Acting Under-Secretary of the Navy, Tom Mancinelli, has said the Indo-Pacific is America’s “priority theatre” and that the US is “here to stay” on a trip to Western Australia in support of the AUKUS security partnership.


Mr Mancinelli told The Australian that US national defence strategy had assessed the People’s Republic of China as being its long-term “pacing challenge” and the US Navy was “laser focused” on the Pacific region.


The comments come after Foreign Minister Penny Wong used a speech to say Australia was “deeply concerned” by the pace at which China’s military was modernising “without the transparency or reassurance that the region expects”.


“We see growing military co-operation between China and Russia, and China’s efforts to normalise dangerous actions towards The Philippines and Taiwan. Behaviour speaks louder than words,” Senator Wong said.


She said Australia had, at every step in its military acquisitions, engaged with regional partners openly and transparently.


Mr Mancinelli told The Australian that the US would “benefit tremendously” from the AUKUS security partnership, including “what it means for American force posture, for what it means for our own defence industrial base”.


He said maintenance work being conducted at HMAS Stirling near Perth on the USS Hawaii – a Virginia-class submarine – was the “hallmark event of AUKUS for 2024”. America was looking towards achieving a “steady drumbeat of US sailors and attack submarines coming here to HMAS Stirling,” he said.


“I believe the goal we set for ourselves is two per year, beginning in 2025, to make sure that the sailors of the Australian navy team here at HMAS Stirling are improving their skills and know-how to the point where the Submarine Rotational Force-West is a reality by the end of 2027.”


SRF-West is aimed at accommodating a rotational presence at HMAS Stirling from 2027 of one British and up to four US nuclear-powered submarines and – beyond that – Australia’s own future fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.


Mr Mancinelli, who met with Anthony Albanese, Defence Minister Richard Marles and Australian Submarine Agency director-general Vice-Admiral Jonathan Mead on his visit to WA, was confident the US could boost the production rate of Virginia-class submarines to 2.33 boats a year.


This is the production benchmark needed for the US to maintain its own submarine capability while also compensating for the three to five vessels that are to be sold to Australia under the AUKUS agreement.


“Production isn’t where it needs to be right now,” he said. “But we are working aggressively with our partners in industry and with the support of the US congress to improve that production,” Mr Mancinelli said.


“We have a tremendous amount of investment that’s going into our submarine industrial base … we know that we need to do more to get our industry on track, but I’m confident that we have a plan in place.”


He also provided an assurance that Australia would retain sovereignty over the submarines it received from the US and the goal was to reach a point where the submarines would be “totally, manned by Australia”.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:22 a.m. No.21530642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0645




ASIO boss Mike Burgess says his comments over Gaza visas were 'distorted', sparking political storm


Marina Freri and Sarah Ferguson - 3 September 2024




Head of ASIO Mike Burgess says his comments on the vetting process for people fleeing Gaza were misrepresented, as a political storm raged over the issue of visas being offered to people trying to leave the war zone.


"I've watched with interest over the last couple of weeks how people have chosen to distort what I said," the ASIO director-general told 7.30.


"I said that if you support a Palestinian homeland that may not discount you [from entering Australia] because that by itself is not a problem.


"But I also said if you have a violent extremist ideology, or you provide material or financial support to a terrorist organisation, that will be a problem."


In an interview on Insiders last month, Mr Burgess said that if Palestinians fleeing the conflict expressed "just rhetorical support [for Hamas], and they don't have an ideology or support for a violent extremism ideology, then that's not a problem".


He said support for Hamas ideology "will be a problem".


Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie told Sky News he disagreed with Mr Burgess.


"I think anyone who supports Hamas should not be allowed into Australia. It's as simple as that … I've got a lot of respect for Mike Burgess and he's a pretty straight shooter, but on this question I disagree," Mr Hastie said.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton called for a temporary ban on all Palestinians seeking Australian visas, challenging the robustness of the system put in place by the federal government.


"I appointed Mike Burgess, but Mike can only act according to the policy of the government of the day," Mr Dutton told Nine media.


"It was not our policy in government to bring people in who were sympathisers of a listed terrorist organisation."


'We look at everything available to us'


Mr Burgess told 7.30 that explicit support for Hamas will always trigger an adverse security assessment by ASIO.


"If you think terrorism is OK, if you think the destruction of the State of Israel is OK, if you think Hamas and what they did on the 7th of October is OK, I can tell you that is not OK, and from an ASIO security assessment point of view, you will not pass muster," he said.


"We focus on: Are you a threat to security, a direct or indirect threat to security? And if we find you such, we will do an adverse security assessment, which would result in you not getting a visa, most likely."


While ASIO does not set the parameters for approving visas, the name of each applicant is checked against a global watch list called the Movement Alert List.


ASIO considers cases referred by Home Affairs for a security assessment.


Mr Burgess said that assessment would include a person's online support for Hamas.


"We look at everything available to us to understand the nature [of the support]," he said.


"Is it a one-off comment? If it's a tweet that actually — or reinforcement or liking of a tweet — that says the 7th of October was acceptable, that's going to be a problem for that person."



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:24 a.m. No.21530645   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Asked if the agency was still investigating people who had come from Gaza on visitor visas since the outbreak of the war, the security agency chief said: "We are constantly investigating threats to security."


The ASIO director-general, whose term was renewed for another five years in June, has spoken more often in public than his predecessors about the agency's activities.


He said that while there were some risks in being more open, the transparency could serve the public.


"There's no such thing as a casual conversation or interview; there's always a purpose," he said.


"It also helps demystify the threats we face and put that into perspective, because that's the other reason why I talk more. You have to explain the threats to the people you protect, not just tell the government."


Dutton demands PM apologise to Burgess


Mr Burgess's comments caused a further political storm on Tuesday.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton thanked the ASIO boss for his clarification but repeated his accusation from a fortnight ago that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese had misled parliament by suggesting ASIO had vetted each individual when they had not.


He also called for Mr Albanese to apologise to Mr Burgess for placing him in a difficult position on the issue of visas.


"I think the PM by misleading the parliament about ASIO’s role in all of this, suggesting that ASIO had checked each of these individuals – which they haven’t – I think he put Mr Burgess in a difficult position," Mr Dutton said.


"I think frankly the prime minister should be apologising to the ASIO boss for what they’ve put in place which has made ASIO’s job much harder."


Mr Albanese said the "only person who had been critical" of the ASIO boss was Mr Dutton, suggesting the Coalition's "attempts to dissect" his words were a challenge of Mr Burgess.


"The only person who's been critical of the ASIO director-general is Peter Dutton," Mr Albanese said as he denied he had undermined the ASIO boss.


"I haven't undermined his authority. I've supported him, and will continue to do so.


"Mike Burgess is a big boy. He can speak for himself, and he has.


"The Coalition should stop undermining that and should support the work that he does."

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:39 a.m. No.21530676   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Tehran summons Australian ambassador over 'norm-breaking' Instagram post, Iranian media reports


Andrew Thorpe - 3 September 2024


Iran summoned Australia's ambassador in Tehran over the publication of an Instagram post the government deemed "norm-breaking", Iran's semi-official ILNA news agency reported on Tuesday, a day after state media said the post had "promoted homosexuality".


The post on the embassy's official Instagram account celebrated "Wear It Purple Day" and expressed dedication to creating "a supporting environment where everyone, especially LGBTQIA+ youth, can feel proud to be themselves".


"Let's keep championing diversity and inclusion for a brighter, more inclusive future," it said.


ILNA quoted Australia's ambassador to Iran, Ian McConville, as saying the post was not intended to insult the Iranian people and their values, and that the Islamic Republic was not mentioned in it.


The post remains live on the Australian embassy's Instagram account.


Iran's Mehr news agency, another semi-official government news agency headquartered in Tehran, quoted the director of the Regional Department at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as having "strongly condemned the action of the Australian embassy in posting such content that was against the accepted norms".


"The content published by the Australian embassy is insulting and contrary to Iranian and Islamic tradition, customs and culture," the Iranian diplomat was quoted as saying, also suggesting that posting such content was violating international law.


Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Murray Watt said he was concerned by the Iranian government's reaction, and that the embassy in Iran was upholding Australian values.


"The Albanese government's views and our values are that we support all Australians, regardless of their sexual orientation, their gender, their race, and I am concerned to see this reaction from the Iranian government to the activities of the Australian embassy," he told ABC News Breakfast.


"We're very proud about the fact that our embassies promote Australian values internationally and I'm very concerned to see an overseas government seemingly take action against an Australian embassy that is upholding Australian values."


He said it was too early to say whether there would be counteraction from Australia.


Foreign Minister Penny Wong also responded to the Iranian government's action in a statement.


"Australia is a proud advocate for human rights," she said.


"At home and in the world, we work to advance these principles."


Homosexual activity is illegal in Iran, which is governed by Islamic clerical authorities, and gay sex can be punished by the death penalty.


In 2022, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described homosexuality as part of the "moral depravity" widespread in Western civilisation.


Australia has maintained a diplomatic presence in Iran since first opening its Tehran embassy in 1968.


Mr McConville, a senior career diplomat whose previous postings include South Korea, Nigeria and the United Nations, was appointed as ambassador in April of this year.


Last month, Iran's ambassador to Australia was similarly "called in" by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade over a post on X advocating for the violent removal of Israelis from "the holy lands of Palestine" by "no later than 2027".


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the remarks were abhorrent, hateful and anti-Semitic, and "it's entirely inappropriate for [ambassador Ahmad Sadeghi] to engage in that way".


The ABC has approached the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for comment.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:45 a.m. No.21530690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0694


Reynolds’ lawyer throws spotlight on Higgins, Sharaz texts amid political furore


Jesinta Burton - September 4, 2024




Liberal senator Linda Reynolds’ lawyer has accused Brittany Higgins of mocking the fact the attack she launched by weaponising her alleged rape had culminated in the former defence minister’s hospitalisation.


Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett used the final day of his closing address on Wednesday to take the WA Supreme Court through a series of text messages between Higgins and her now-husband David Sharaz in February 2021.


After several days of intense questioning over Higgins’ allegation she had been raped by a colleague in Reynolds’ ministerial office following a night out on March 23, 2019, Reynolds had a public breakdown in the senate.


The message thread tendered as evidence in Reynolds’ defamation claim against Higgins over several social media posts showed Sharaz laughing at reports the then-defence minister had delayed her return to work after being hospitalised with a cardiac condition.


“Wow,” Higgins said.


“She’s done. You don’t take three weeks and come back,” Sharaz replied.


The court was later shown a second thread from March 28, 2021, which appeared to show Sharaz and Higgins responding to the impact the political fallout was having on Reynolds and then Prime Minister Scott Morrison.


“Suck shit Linda, you awful human,” Sharaz wrote.


“He’s [Morrison] about to be f-cked over. Just wait, we’ve got him,” Higgins replied.


“I still hate the c-nt,” Sharaz responded.


The senator sat at the bar table behind Bennett as he lambasted Higgins for claiming she never intended to hurt Reynolds or bring down the Morrison government, claiming the ex-staffer’s public and private positions differed.


He pointed to another text message exchange between Higgins and journalist Samantha Maiden on February 19, 2021, as the political furore over Higgins’ alleged rape and Reynolds’ handling of it took hold.


Bennett said it was telling Higgins wanted her genuine, honest view kept out of the public discourse.


Reynolds claims Higgins and Sharaz, as a co-conspirator, devised a plan to attack her via the media and her political opponents.


Bennett took the court through a list of text messages he claimed Higgins had deleted from her phone as proof the record of events she reproduced had been “heavily curated”.


Later, he detailed at length the thousands of people who had viewed and engaged with the social media posts Reynolds is now suing upon, which Bennett accused Higgins of deliberately using as press releases.


Higgins is standing by them on the basis they were true and that the senator mishandled her rape claim, as well as claiming Reynolds has been using the media to harass her.


Bennett narrowed in on an Instagram story the former staffer published on July 4, 2023, in which she accused Reynolds of engaging in “questionable conduct” during the 2022 criminal rape trial of her alleged rapist, harassing her in parliament and suing her then-fiance.


“Reach is one thing, but republication via the media is another. The reach, we would say, is enormous,” he said.


“The impressionistic reader draws from that, and what have we got? Senator Reynolds is attacking Ms Higgins in parliament and in the media.


“It’s highly defamatory and highly critical of senator Reynolds.”


And he accused Higgins of trying to milk Reynolds’ private slur in which she called her a “lying cow” during a broadcast of her tell-all interview with The Project, stating it was a “wink in the dark” not intended to harass.


Justice Paul Tottle put to Bennett that it appeared he was saying it was Sharaz who had more animus towards the senator, but Bennett insisted the pair were acting together, and his involvement could not be isolated.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:46 a.m. No.21530694   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Bennett told the court Reynolds’ reputation was damaged by Higgins as a result of interviews she gave that created “a cloud of suspicion” over her and the continued “pile-on”, which warranted a financial remedy.


He cited four recent defamation cases in which the complainants were paid between $100,000 and $675,000.


“The idea the defendant is not liable to pay anything because senator Reynolds’ reputation was ‘baked-in’ is wrong, and a false premise not based on the authority in this state and nation, neither is this idea that because you’re a politician you should take a dagger to the back with some kind of stoicism,” Bennett told the court.


“We claim aggravated damages and significant aggravated damages because this isn’t isolated, this is a pattern of conduct repeated over time.”


Young, SC, doubled down during her reply, stating that a whole series of events occurred that demonstrated damage to the senator which could not be disregarded, from her demotion from the defence portfolio to her hospitalisation.


Bennett defended Reynolds’ conduct during the criminal trial and doubled down on Reynolds’ decision to leak confidential documents concerning Higgins’ $2.4 million personal injury settlement with the federal government to The Australian, claiming she was entitled to do so.


And he decried Higgins for claiming Reynolds mishandled her alleged rape and failed to adequately support her, claiming there were more than 20 occasions on which she was offered support in the weeks after the incident.


Bennett also attacked Higgins’ claims she was kept at arm’s length from Reynolds and relegated to her hotel room while working in Perth between April and May before the 2019 federal election.


He pointed to a gallery of images showing Higgins smiling while on the campaign trail, rubbing shoulders with senior Liberal Party figures and text messages in which she addressed it as a “work-cation”, poring over Higgins’ pleading while claiming swathes of it were “palpably wrong” and contained a “mishmash of errors”.


Higgins’ barrister Rachael Young, SC, has played down the relevance of the images, highlighting text messages to her former boyfriend showed the former staffer was processing her trauma.


The hearing comes just hours after shock revelations Sky News anchor Peta Credlin helped finesse a draft statement Higgins later gave to the media.


The host has since said she did with the permission of her boss and the knowledge of the Morrison government.


The month-long trial is expected to conclude in a matter of hours after more than 700 pieces of evidence and 22 witnesses taking the stand – including Morrison and former Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 4, 2024, 3:50 a.m. No.21530701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Queensland Police asked to reinvestigate failed complaints about pedophile Ashley Paul Griffith


MACKENZIE SCOTT - 3 September 2024


The Queensland Police Minister has demanded a new internal investigation into officers’ handling of complaints about a childcare worker’s behaviour with young girls before he was unmasked as Australia’s worst pedophile.


After Ashley Paul Griffith, 46, pleaded guilty to more than 300 charges of child exploitation on Monday, Labor government minister Mark Ryan ordered Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski to conduct another review of how two complaints made to officers in 2021 and ’22 were handled.


An internal review was previously completed by police, which found the matters were appropriately investigated and the claims could not be substantiated.


Mr Ryan said it was important nothing else could be learned.


“The level of trauma he has inflicted upon so many is almost beyond comprehension,” Mr Ryan said. “Speaking generally, I know police will always do their very best to act upon complaints and conduct thorough investigations to ensure that perpetrators are held to account.


“Notwithstanding this matter having been previously reviewed, I have asked the commissioner if this matter could be examined again. If any improvements or learnings can be identified, then it is my expectation they should be implemented as soon as possible.”


A former co-worker of Griffith, Yolanda Borucki, 60, alerted police in August 2021 to an incident involving the man and a child. However, investigators said there was insufficient evidence to lay charges. Within weeks, he returned to the centre before moving on to two other facilities in neighbouring northside suburbs in early 2022.


A separate investigation was undertaken by Queensland Police in April 2022, but no details are known. In that time, he assaulted several other young girls before his arrest that August.


A Queensland Police Service spokeswoman said the review was conducted by an independent senior detective with significant child protection experience.


“This review found both investigations had been conducted ­according to QPS policy and concurred with the original findings that there was insufficient evidence to substantiate a criminal offence based on what was known at the time,” she said.


“Some evidence that was presented during the recent prosecution was not known at the time of the original QPS investigations.


“The QPS will continue to consider this investigation as legal proceedings progress.”


Had Griffith been charged with an offence in either instance, his Blue Card – which allowed him to work with children – would have been revoked.


A Blue Card is cancelled only if a holder is charged with a relevant offence, with police information monitored daily. Griffith’s card was suspended and his employer notified after his arrest in 2022.


Ms Borucki eventually went to the media and was charged by detectives from Task Force Argos – ­responsible for investigating ­online child exploitation and abuse – with computer hacking. The matter is still before the courts.


Australian Federal Police officers arrested Griffith after an eight-year investigation into child exploitation material found on the dark web led them back to the man who worked in almost a dozen childcare centres in Brisbane, Sydney and Pisa, Italy, from 2007 to 2022. Investigators tracked bed sheets in the images back to those used in childcare centres in Brisbane.


On Monday, Griffith pleaded guilty to 28 counts of rape of at least a dozen different children, 15 counts of maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child, 190 counts of unlawfully and indecently dealing with a child and 67 counts of making child exploitation material, among several other charges.


The matter will next be heard for a mention on September 9, with sentencing likely later this year.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 5, 2024, 3:52 a.m. No.21536076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NDIS Minister and former Labor leader Bill Shorten announces his retirement


Rhiannon Lewin - 5 September 2024


Former Labor leader Bill Shorten is retiring from politics.


The announcement was made at a press conference in Canberra on Thursday morning by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.


“My friend Bill Shorten has decided that he will not be contesting the next election,” he said.


“It’s a big decision for him … Bill and I have had a number of conversations over this, about this, over a period of time.


“It’s a credit to Bill that this news will come as a surprise, because at no point over the past two years would an observer of Australian politics think that Bill Shorten was taking it easy or slowing down.”


Albanese has asked Shorten to stay in cabinet until he leaves in February to continue his work overhauling the NDIS.


Shorten said he considered himself to be “one of the luckiest people in politics”.


“I have been the member for Maribyrnong, it is a community that I love so much. I’ve had the privilege to serve in portfolios that I care about,” he said.


“When I first became the junior minister for disabilities, and now the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme for nearly six years, I had the very amazing privilege of serving as of our party and the movement which has been such an irreplaceable part of my life.”


Shorten added as of February, 2025, he would become the vice-chancellor of the University of Canberra.


“Education is the modern means of taking someone from disadvantage to advantage in a way that no other method can,” he said.


“Universities have a critical role to play.


“The hopes and dreams of Australians are lifted when they are able to fulfil their own potential and the hopes and dreams of our nation are lifted as well.”


Shorten was first elected as the member for the Victorian seat of Maribyrnong in 2007 and led the Labor Party between 2013 and 2019.


However he stepped down after the party was defeated by the Coalition in 2019 and was replaced by Albanese.


When Labor won government in 2022, Shorten became NDIS minister has focused on reforming the scheme that he championed and helped create when he was a parliamentary secretary and then a junior minister in the Gillard and Rudd Labor governments.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 6, 2024, 6:47 a.m. No.21541915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MPs say ‘no place in parliament’ for candidate who celebrated October 7 attacks


Matthew Knott - September 6, 2024


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has called for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to refuse to direct preferences to any election candidate who celebrated the October 7 attacks after a doctor running against Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke was exposed for sharing social media posts glorifying the Hamas-led massacre.


As teal MPs declared there was no place in parliament for someone such as western Sydney GP Ziad Basyouny, who is running for the western Sydney seat of Watson, Burke said that he condemned the October 7 attacks and anyone who celebrated the killing of an estimated 1200 people in Israel.


This masthead revealed on Thursday that Basyouny shared a Facebook post five days after October 7 that portrayed the attacks as a dream come true and appeared to glorify Hamas’ use of paragliders to breach the Israel-Gaza border and launch its massacre.


Basyouny broke his silence on the matter on Thursday afternoon to say that his sharing of the post should not be seen as an endorsement of violence against innocent people.


“As a doctor, as a Muslim, as a human, killing civilians is never right,” he said.


Basyouny, whose candidacy was officially endorsed just days ago by the newly formed The Muslim Vote organisation, declined to comment further.


In a subsequent post on social media, Basyouny said: “I support the inherent right of Palestinians to defend their land, but I do not support the attacks on civilians … Palestinian resistance pre-dates Hamas, their struggle has been ongoing for decades and I support the freedom of the Palestinians.”


Dutton told reporters that Albanese “needs to stand up and say he will not accept or give preferences to this independent candidate who has sought to support the glorification of the slaughter of 1200 people and the October 7 attacks”.


Describing Basyouny’s posts as “a very serious matter”, Dutton told 2GB radio that “people of that character don’t deserve to be in the Australian parliament”.


After initially declining to comment on Basyouny’s posts, Burke said: “I’ve repeatedly condemned the atrocities of October 7 and anyone celebrating them.


“I find it bewildering that anyone is checking to find out if I still hold that position – of course I do.”


The Muslim Vote, created to support independent MPs running on a pro-Palestine platform, officially endorsed Basyouny’s candidacy in an Instagram post over the weekend.


The group did not respond to queries about Basyouny’s post and whether he retained the organisation’s support.


A separate group, Muslim Votes Matter, declined to comment when asked whether it was willing to endorse any candidates who had backed Hamas or celebrated the October 7 attacks.


A spokesperson said the group would not endorse any candidates until after the federal election is called.


Labor sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, argued that Dutton’s argument was moot because an independent MP would rely on preferences from the Coalition, not Labor, to unseat an incumbent such as Burke.


Independent MP Allegra Spender, whose eastern suburbs electorate of Wentworth includes a large Jewish community, responded to the revelations by saying: “There should be no place in our parliament for someone who celebrates the murder of civilians.”


Fellow independent MP Monique Ryan, the member for Kooyong, said: “Hamas is a terrorist organisation. We can’t have people in the Australian parliament who support terrorist organisations.”


Peak bodies the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, the Australian Muslim Advocacy Network and the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network did not respond to requests for comment about Basyouny’s posts.


Colin Rubenstein, executive director of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, described Basyouny’s Facebook post as “appalling” and called on him to apologise.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 6, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21541961   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Brisbane City Council critic faces pro-Palestine anger


MOHAMMAD ALFARES - 6 September 2024


Brisbane City Council’s deputy mayor Krista Adams has been forced to close her office amid fears of a snap protest from a pro-Palestinian group in the wake of a dispute over a “racist and offensive” newsletter distributed by a Greens member.


The newsletter, which was released on Tuesday by Greens councillor Trina Massey and costing ratepayers $20,000, includes a story on “the ongoing Nakba ­(catastrophe)” that outlines “methods used to carry out ethnic cleansing, widespread massacres, systematic rape, and other terror-inducing tactics”.


Ms Adams revealed on Wednesday that she had written to the council’s acting CEO asking for an investigation over possible breaches of community guidelines. She said the six-page newsletter risked fuelling division and directly conflicted with recent ­advice from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, which last month implored politicians to temper their language in relation to the Middle East.


It is understood the council passed a motion on Friday demanding Ms Massey pay back the $20,000 used to print and distribute the newsletter.


The decision to close Ms Adams’ Holland Park Ward ­office follows advice from Queensland police that the Justice for Palestine group was planning a protest on Friday.


“I stand by my decision to call out the Greens councillor for spreading hate and division in her ratepayer-funded newsletter,” Ms Adams said.


She said Ms Massey had thumbed her nose at Australia’s security chief, who just weeks ago raised concerns about a rise in politically motivated violence. “Councillor Massey has once again demonstrated the Greens don’t care about local residents and are only interested in pushing their extreme ideological agenda,” Ms Adams said.


“She should do the right thing and refund ratepayers and apologise for distributing this offensive and racist newsletter.”


Queensland’s Jewish Board of Deputies president Jason Steinberg also slammed the newsletter as “disgraceful and filled with propaganda that only serves to fuel hatred against the Jewish community in Brisbane”.


“It is deeply concerning that a Brisbane city councillor would publish such a biased and harmful document, which only amplifies the existing hate that Jewish residents in our city already endure,” Mr Steinberg said.


The Executive Council of Australian Jewry warned the Greens had deceived the public into thinking they represent environmental issues and human rights, but in fact opt to “siphoning public funds to pursue their ideological enemies”.


ECAJ co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was not the plaything of councillors elected to address local issues. “All that has been achieved here is the enrichment of an anti-Israel activist at the public expense and the dissemination of yet more trite anti-Israel propaganda,” Mr Ryvchin said.


Ms Massey insisted the newsletter was approved by council ­officers and met community guidelines. “The LNP bypassed their own council processes to launch a political attack aimed at censoring Brisbane residents and their political opponents, so I’m not surprised that some Brisbane residents are staging a peaceful protest in response,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 7, 2024, 7:34 a.m. No.21547121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7126

US national security adviser reveals new plan for Australia to help curb Chinese dominance


Peter Hartcher - September 7, 2024




Washington DC: The United States intends to confront China’s dominance of the world’s key ingredients for cutting-edge technology by creating a major new network of democratic powers, including Australia, according to a top American official.


The US National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, revealed in an interview inside the White House that the scheme was a top priority and that he hoped to set it up before the next administration took power in January.


“It’s a big piece of business, it’s vital, and it’s unfinished,” he said.


Even amid intensifying military and political rivalry between Washington and Beijing, technology was the most intense realm of contestation: “The technology competition between the US and China remains probably the place of greatest sustained and strategic friction,” the top adviser said.


The interview with the Herald and The Age is the only one he has given to Australian media in his three-and-a-half years as President Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


The 47-year-old has previously served as director of policy for then president Barack Obama and also was a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton during her term as US secretary of state.


The potential members of such a new democratic supply network are the world’s seven leading industrial democracies – the G7 nations of the US, Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy and Canada – plus South Korea and Australia, according to US sources. This group collectively accounts for about 48 per cent of the global economy by value.


Of these nations, only Australia and Canada are major sources of raw critical minerals, indispensable for high-performance computer chips and feeding into civilian products like mobile phones, fibre optic cables, lithium batteries and solar panels but also military essentials such as radar, missile targeting, night vision goggles, turbines and solid-state lasers.


The intention was to “ensure that China cannot simply dump and drive alternatives out of business” in its drive to control the global supply of critical minerals, Sullivan said.


The price of two of the critical minerals needed for electric vehicles’ batteries have collapsed in recent months.


“Lithium prices have fallen more than 80 per cent since January 2023, and nickel prices have dropped almost 50 per cent in the same timeframe,” says a research note by Australian law firm Gilbert + Tobin. “Australian producers are feeling the pinch, with several operations being suspended or curtailed, leading to calls for enhanced federal and state government support in the form of subsidies, royalty relief and tax reform.”



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 7, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21547126   🗄️.is 🔗kun





While Australia has deep reserves of a great many critical minerals, it overwhelmingly sells them in a raw form for processing in other countries, predominantly China.


Canberra and Washington already have agreements to allow the US government to invest in Australian minerals projects to sustain supply to America, but Sullivan’s proposal is much grander and more ambitious. It would redraw the global trading system for these essential inputs and set a precedent for other sectors where the partner countries wanted to establish China-free supply chains.


Sullivan said that it was the most important matter for Australia and the US to work on: “Number one, the US and Australia need to work with like-minded partners on this friend-shoring issue relative to critical minerals and clean energy supply chains, because this is an area of significant strategic consequence,” he said.


He said the mining plan was a matter of urgency: “Before the Biden administration leaves office, we want to put forward a set of proposals for a group of like-minded countries that are targeted at this exact problem. How do you actually make sure that you’ve got sufficient incentives and frameworks in place to legitimately grow an alternative supply chain fast?


“I think the single biggest thing the US and Australia can do, from a strategic perspective, is really create effective, diverse, resilient supply chains when it comes to critical minerals that have huge implications for clean energy, but also for our defence industrial base.”


A former senior official in the Trump administration, Nadia Schadlow, strongly supported this ambition and called on Canberra to do more in co-operation with Washington.


“On the critical mineral side, we both need to get serious about reducing dependencies on China,” the Trump administration’s deputy national security adviser told the Herald and The Age.


“In that domain, the US has been identifying that as a vulnerability for around 40 years. I think the Australians could come forward with models for what they could produce, how they can produce, and how they could do better in this domain. You certainly have a range of key minerals. That’s a clear area where we can work together.”

Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 7, 2024, 7:47 a.m. No.21547193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7210


‘He got me when I was young’: The brave evidence of Dick Caine’s victims


Sarah McPhee - September 4, 2024




Warning: Graphic content


One of Sydney swimming coach Dick Caine’s victims was just 10 when she was first sexually abused by the man her parents had considered the “ants pants”.


More than four decades later, when news of Caine’s arrest broke in 2022, the woman cried as she told her husband: “He got me when I was young.”


Caine’s identity was covered by a non-publication order as six complainants gave evidence during his judge-alone special hearing from June to August in Downing Centre District Court. That veil of secrecy was lifted last week after Judge Paul McGuire found, on the limited evidence available, Caine had committed 39 offences of child sexual abuse in the 1970s and 1980s.


Caine, 78, was deemed unfit to face a traditional trial due to health reasons. His lawyers in 2022 said he had terminal cancer, that he would probably not make Christmas 2023, and now claim he is in palliative care.


His victims are outraged Caine did not front up to a single day of proceedings and is not in custody. This is what they told Caine’s hearing, according to the judge’s 132-page summary of evidence published after the verdicts.


Victim 1


Caine’s youngest victim, who was aged 10 to 14 when she was molested, had been a record-breaking junior athlete with Olympic aspirations.


After being sexually assaulted during a massage, she was left “crying inside her goggles”. Following a rape inside the pool toilets, she said Caine told her, “Don’t tell anybody, we have something special”.


Her evidence was that “at that time, children were seen but not heard and were expected to respect adults”.


When she told her mother Caine had been “touching her”, her mother “accused her of lying and making up ‘terrible lies’ for attention”, the judge said. “Her mother then washed her mouth out with soap [and] told her that she was not to tell her father because he would also think that she was lying.”


Her description of the soap incident was graphic and believable, the judge found.


“That day killed me,” the woman told the court.


She said Caine had been considered “God”. At a hall of fame induction, she confronted him and said: “Do you know why you haven’t died yet, Dick? Because the devil is not ready for you yet.”


“I could have been something, and he took that away from me,” she said.


Victim 2


The second victim was sexually assaulted by Caine in his Kogarah unit and at a hotel near Parramatta Road.


She said during the first incident, he cuddled her on the bed before forcing himself on her. She said she had been a virgin at the time and had “not even kissed a boy”.


The court heard Caine gave the teenage swimmer a heart pendant on a gold chain, and a handwritten note, reading “Merry Xmas, love Dick Caine”.


The victim recalled Caine told her “there was nothing she could do because she was 16”, and those words “have been replaying in her mind over the years”.


One man testified he was kicked off the squad after questioning Caine’s relationship with the girl.



Anonymous ID: 922933 Sept. 7, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21547210   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Victim 3


Caine’s third victim approached police after reading an article about him being charged, which she said “sort of justified how I felt from when I was a child”.


The woman said one morning at training when she was 13, Caine told her, “You seem very cold. I’ll warm you up”, and then rubbed his hands on her arms, over her breasts and down her body.


She gave evidence that she felt uncomfortable and froze, and “was not sure what to think but knew that it did not feel right”.


Victim 4


The fourth complainant said her parents treated Caine “like a hero” and had also considered children “should be seen and not heard”.


She said she had just turned 14 when Caine offered to give her a “rub down” at swimming, and locked the gym doors before he indecently touched her, including digital penetration. The woman said Caine took off his pants and told her to go into the sauna before he masturbated.


The woman said Caine had later called her home phone and said if she shared “what happened in the gym, you’ll be in more trouble”. She said she received Christmas cards from Caine after she stopped swimming at Carss Park, which felt like intimidation.


After news of Caine’s arrest, she texted a friend: “Who’s dropped the bomb about Dick Caine?” and got in contact with investigators.


Victim 5


Caine’s fifth victim gave evidence about multiple incidents of sexual and indecent assault when they were 15 and 16, including on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.


The complainant said Caine had said “We have to be careful because I assume you’re not on the pill”, and that it was “just a bit of fun” between them. The victim told their mother Caine was a “bastard” but did not report the sexual conduct due to fear and because Caine was the swimming coach.


After one rape, the victim said Caine said: “Don’t tell anyone. Don’t tell your mum. She wouldn’t understand.”


The court heard Caine visited the victim in the 1990s and again tried to stress what had happened was “legal”. That complainant first provided a statement to the police in 2021.


Victim 6


The sixth victim began swimming at Carss Park when she was 12 because her parents thought it would be “helpful” for her career to be trained by Caine.


“I was scared to death of not training hard enough, not doing what he wanted,” she told the court.


The victim attended sleepovers with other students at Caine’s home, during which she said the coach massaged her and touched her breasts and genitals. She was also repeatedly digitally raped by Caine.


In a journal entry in 2009, she wrote: “Dick – I hate him.”


The judge found the victims were honest and reliable witnesses.


Caine’s penalty hearing has been listed for December.


If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).