Anonymous ID: 1632b1 July 20, 2024, 7:38 a.m. No.21252201   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In 12 years of working at a Red Lobster in Pueblo, Colorado, Jose Romero has unloaded too many shipments of lobster to count.

The longtime dishwasher is always the man in charge of unpacking the lobsters, but in performing his regular duty on July 12, he came across something he — and most other people — had never seen before: an incredibly rare and vibrantly colored orange lobster.

“The first thought that went through his head was that he’s seen a blue lobster before, which was different, but he’s never seen an orange one,” Romero told the Pueblo Chieftain, part of the USA TODAY Network, through a translator. “When he saw it he just immediately was like … ‘Let me go get my leadership.’”

Kendra Kastendieck, the restaurant’s general manager, has only overseen the Pueblo seafood eatery for about a year but has worked in restaurants for about two decades. In all of her years, she said she’d never come across an orange lobster and her director, who’s worked for Red Lobster for 10 years, had never seen one either.

“Everybody knows the blue lobsters because they make such headlines and they’re so brilliant in color, but those are only one in 2 million, the orange ones are one in 30 million. So we thought that was extra cool when it came into the restaurant,” Kastendieck said.

The lobster was never for sale, Kastendieck said, and they turned instead to finding him a permanent home at a local Colorado zoo or aquarium.

Luckily, a new home was found pretty quickly, as representatives with the Downtown Aquarium in Denver confirmed to the Pueblo Chieftain Wednesday that the lobster was accepted and being transported to his new digs that day.

Anonymous ID: 1632b1 July 20, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.21252249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2259 >>2265 >>2729

It's 7 a.m., and MAGA supporters are already lining up in Grand Rapids Michigan to watch the first Trump rally since the assassination attempt last weekend. 🇺🇸


7:39 AM · Jul 20, 2024




Anonymous ID: 1632b1 July 20, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.21252265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


July 20th – Trump Train starting in Medford


Come show your support for President Trump and meet other great patriots in your car with your best American patriot flag!


Meeting at Rogue Valley Mall Parking Lot, 1900 N. Riverside, Medford Oregon


For more information –

Anonymous ID: 1632b1 July 20, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21252289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2400

Nonetheless, the recent spotlight on Vice President Kamala Harris invites renewed attention to perhaps the darkest and most damning question surrounding the entire Fedsurrection lie: why, against all seeming political interest, would Kamala neglect to mention the fact that she was in the DNC building when the pipe bomb was discovered and removed? Indeed, given how desperate the Democrats have been to hype up January 6th into a “domestic terror” event, to the point of outright fabricating stories to fit this tortured thesis, why would Kamala Harris (or Biden) not publicize the fact that she nearly lost her life to the ostensible MAGA pipe bomb? Put another way, why is Kamala Harris’ narrow brush with the DNC pipe bomb not the Democrats’ top January 6 talking point rather than its most carefully guarded secret? To this day, Kamala Harris refuses to publicly acknowledge her presence in the DNC building!

The importance of getting to the bottom of this dark secret in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Trump. Indeed, Kamala’s dark January 6 secret in relation to the pipe bomb implicates the highly politicized and corrupt US Secret Service—the same agency that “conveniently” allowed a man with a rifle on a roof less than 200 yards away from President Trump.

Let’s step back a bit and remind ourselves of the relevant timeline. First, it is remarkable to recall that Kamala’s presence in the DNC building on January 6th—including when the pipe bomb was discovered—had been carefully hidden from the public for an entire year before it was finally leaked to the press and reported in Politico on January 6, 2022, and then covered by other outlets. It is instructive to revisit the language of these early reports.


Then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was inside Democratic National Committee headquarters on Jan. 6, 2021, when a pipe bomb was discovered outside the building, according to four people familiar with her movements that day.

Capitol Police began investigating the pipe bomb at 1:07 p.m., according to an official Capitol Police timeline of events obtained by POLITICO. The timeline says that Capitol Police and the Secret Service evacuated an unnamed “protectee” at approximately 1:14 p.m, seven minutes later. The four people, among them a White House official and a former law enforcement official, confirmed that Harris was the Secret Service protectee identified in the timeline, which has circulated on Capitol Hill.

Harris’ presence inside the building while a bomb was right outside raises sobering questions about her security that day. It also raises the chilling prospect that the riots could have been far more destructive than they already were, with the incoming vice president’s life directly endangered. Federal law enforcement officials have faced harsh criticism for failing to anticipate the chaotic scene around the Electoral College certification one year ago, despite receiving a host of warnings about possible chaos.

The Politico report acknowledges that “sobering questions” about Kamala Harris’ security arise from Kamala’s presence in the DNC building as the pipe bomb was discovered and notes that the Vice President’s life was “directly endangered.” The true sobering questions concerning Kamala Harris’ security, however, are ones that the Politico report and subsequent reports won’t dare to ask.

The Politico report quotes the FBI as saying that the DNC pipe bomb was “viable” and “could have been detonated, resulting in serious injury or death.” We suppose neither the FBI nor Politico were counting on surveillance footage depicting the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb to see the light of day. And indeed, it wouldn’t have received the light of day had Congressman Thomas Massie not taken an interest in Revolver News’ ground-breaking reporting on the January 6 pipe bomb and insisted that Kevin McCarthy specifically release the surveillance footage depicting the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb (note that this was not part of the highly publicized package of J6 surveillance footage released under Speaker Mike Johnson).

The surveillance footage was nothing short of scandalous, and accordingly, it made a huge splash when we wrote about it months ago. Indeed, the surveillance footage showed that the Capitol Police officers on scene and Kamala’s Secret Service protection detail alike were completely nonchalant when informed of the presence of the bomb. Upon being informed of the bomb just feet away from themselves and just outside the building that at the time housed their protectee, Kamala’s Secret Service agents react with total indifference, most shockingly to the point of allowing a group of schoolchildren to cross the street right in the direction of the bomb.