Anonymous ID: fba612 July 20, 2024, 8:28 a.m. No.21252525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tony Seruga


British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years! In fact, Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It, Working Directly With Hillary Clinton!


Paul Ryan was not only mixed in with Hunter Biden’s Chinese and Ukrainian business dealings, he was business partners in more than a couple of ventures: Paul Ryan, Ronna ‘Romney’ McDaniel, Tagg Romney and Mittens Romney! You can add @SpeakerMcCarthy AND @GavinNewsom

into that cesspool of corruption too! Money, greed, power makes strange bedfellows!


Paul Ryan even joined the private equity firm Solamere Capital as a PARTNER, Solamere Capital was founded by Mitten’s son, Tagg Romney, Eric Scheuermann and Spencer Zwick, the firm uses SPACs to hide controversial companies they’ve invested in, including Russian and Ukrainian oil/gas fields at the start of the Russia/Ukraine war, negotiated by Halliburton with neocon/warmongers like Dick and Liz Cheney, George and Jeb Bush. All are profiting from the corruption in Ukraine. And that’s not even taking into consideration the billions earned in NET PROFITS from their investments in the military–industrial–congressional complex (MICC), with hundreds of our leaders in both houses receiving monthly coupons from these companies


Ryan also helped orchestrate the "Grab Pussy" thing and the drumbeat to force Trump to drop out over it. Didn't he announce it at a big WI event and demand Trump be disinvited?

Total. Swamp. Davos. Creature.


Ah, Access Hollywood. Here's an article from the time period,


Ryan ‘sickened’ by Trump, joint appearance scrapped

Anonymous ID: fba612 July 20, 2024, 8:37 a.m. No.21252565   🗄️.is 🔗kun



MSFT allowed (rents to?) CrowdStrike to use their platform to leverage their network. Simple question: Is WinDoze "Defender" really just CrowdStrikeLite?